The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Homing. May. 161833 PAGE FIVC 4 '4 1 . ' i ' ... i -1 ! T i ' 4". 4 i r- r r i Society News and Club Affairs Ours M. Douc, Society tttor Auxiliary Benefit Proves Excellent jvi 0;!;; Siiccess tgfflf ' The annual benefit of the American Legion Auxiliary Mon day afternoon In Fraternal tem ple proved to be as Interesting and smart as these occasions hare habit ot being. Tho. guest roams were brilliant ly arranged with tulips, iris, and 6eoteh bloom At the tea hour additional ruests ealled for - tea, and tor the program which was musical ana was presented by a high school Quartet, soloists, Del- bert Anderson, and Mrs.' F. N, Waters.:.;:,': M - i--: --': Winning scores were held by Mrs. George Hug, for contract and tor Mrs. Clay Egleston, for auc tion. Quests included for tea Miss Winifred Byrd. Mrs. Nota Hen derson, Mrs. Cordie wiper, Mrs. T. I. Kuans, Mrs. A. Gragg, Mrs. C. 8. Corder!f San' Francisco, Mts. C. H. Glenn and Mrs. Clif ford Dane. " For bridge were Mrs. Henry Fournier. Mrs. Earl Butte, Mrs. Walter Goughnour. Mrs. Christo pher Butte, Mrs. Dan McLellan, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Wallace Carson. Mrs.! John Carson, Mrs W. D. Thomas. Mrs. F. E. Mer cer. Mrs. R. .5-: Mensies, Mrs.LG. N. Kelso.' Mrs; Trou D. Wood, Mrs, ' Dorsey Reeves, Mrs. Charles De- - VaL Mrs. Cyril Nadon, Mrs. S. G Hlnkle, Mrs. I Elmer Lewis. Mrs A. M. Johnson, Mrs. A. H. wnson Mrs. James Kuhns, Mrs." N. J Grlgg. Mrs. M. K. Smith. Mrs. W P. Wathins. Mrs. H. A. Wiley, Mrs. Bert Stanes, Mrs. L. O. Lam beth, Mrs. K. N. Helnleln, Mrs. Ells, Lantx. Mrs. Clay Egelston, Mrs. Molly Farmer, Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff, Mrs. E. A. Donnelly. , Mrs. Knight Pearcy, Mrs. H. R. White. Mrs. JT." A. Brown, Mrs. A. J. Cleveland, Mrs. Carl E. Babs, Mrs. C. S. Watson, Mrs. Fred W. Stlnette of Dallas; Mrs. Getfrge Hug. Mrs. B. F. Pound, SOCIAL CALENDAB ' Tuesday, May 1$, , , Bible Study class ot Mrs. C. A. Pari, leader, at he ' home, 1 o'clock; all interested women Invited to attend. Tomarco class of First Methodist church, and fami lies, potluek dinner. 8:30 o'clock at church. 1 Writer's section ot the Salem Arts League at the J. M. Clifford home, 1585 Ferry street, S o'clock. Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Joint hostess. ' ; ? Get-Together" rally for Grand Army of, Republic and allied organizations at. chamber of commerce, t o'clock. . . ' ': Girl Reserves Mothers meeting with Mrs. Percy Kelly. 2:15 o'clock; Musical program being sponsored by T. W. 0. A. at Waller hall, 8:15 o'clock. Wednesday, May 17 South Central Circle. First M. E. church with Mrs. E.T.B. Hill, 1860 Fir street. Lucy Ann Lee circle of First M. E. church, with Mrs. B. L. Steeves and Mrs. Walter Spauldlng at Spauld Ing home, 1726 Court street. 2:30 o'clock. Women's Foreign Missionary society ot Leslie church with Mrs. J. Vinton Scott. 53 S Statesman street. P. L. E. and F. club, with Mrs. John F. C. Teken bnrg, at Macleay, 2 o'clock; potluck supper at T o'clock with additional guests, husbands and Knights. Official risit ot Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Anna M. Ellis, Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, in Masonic temple. Business and social meeting. Thursday, May 18 HayesTille Women's club, with Mrs. Rovilla McAfee, 12 o'clock luncheon. Saturday, May 20 American Association of University Women, Masonic temple. 1 o'clock luncheon; speaker. Dr. V. L. O. Chit tock, of Reed college. Card Benefit ior Child Welfare Proves Popular Clubs and Church Activities Numerous in Valley Districts Var Mothers HodlY. W. a A. Musical Benefit of Interest Meeting ; Dallas. Twelve tables ot cards in In nlav at tha benefit party Mrs. B. V. Wooton, Mrs. W. D.f0- eblid welfare held Friday af- Erans. Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. ternoon by Mrs. R. T. Morrison, W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Percy president ot the Dallas Women's Kelly, Mrs. George Rose, Mrs. Ar- ciUb, and Mrs. A. R. Hartman, taur nann Mrs. ueorge waters, secretary of the clsb, Mrs. Marry Mrs. Prince I Byrd, Mrs. Louis Mueller received the prize for Laehmund, Mrs. Roy Byrd, Mrs. high score among those playing c. w. sawyer. Mrs. nat js. uoss, icon tract bridge: Mrs. wuuam Mrs. H. R. Woodburn, Mrs George E. Manning, Mrs. C. TJ. Bartlett, Mrs. Kenneth . Dahon, Mrs. Jesse Campbell, Mrs. Homer MeWain, Mrs. Charles Wiper, Mrs. E. .R. Austin, Mrs. George Merrill, Mrs. ; James McFarland, Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. E. O. ' Clark, Mrs. Harry Wechter, Mrs. Gerlinger, aucUon bridge, and Mrs.- Gus Eiie, tee. . Haxel Green Mrs. Louis Wampler and Mrs. Maurice Dun- nican Planned a Mothers Day nicnle 8unday to honor their mothers, Mrs. Edward Dunnlgan Rmtm RrkhAnitonit. sin. north. 1 Sr.. and . Mrs. Fred Chapman 8r Bentley. Mrs.; Jessie Sims, Mrs. Hhlrty-flve persons enjoyed the Maud Holeombe, Mrs. Vena Lee I day at tne uannigan para. TAm. alt A tTVnin. r Mm I -WW . - . . , l . . . I uwrenc imnn, Jc. ono-i . -rrrn. MArt.(n1 . Mm Tvwall WliH, Mm w -. PT. Vw.J- VVV- v. cIu.p the J. Q. club at her home ror an Claud Edwards, Mrs. Van SeUar . - .,.. M- 500.M Mrs. J. A. Gosser and Mrs. Harry Wieder, Mrs. E. B. Wood, Mrs. O C Locke, Mrs. A. 8. Hussey, Mrs. Roy Hurst, Mrs. Ed Gabriel, Mrs, Al Adolphson, Mrs. John Beakey, Mrs. Frank i Rock, Mrs. Paul Ficke, Dr. Marian Follls, Mrs. - Earl T. Andresen, Mrs. Charles M. Greene, Mrs. George S. McFee, Mrs. Dennis 2. Bowe, Mrs. Welter H. Zoeel, Mrs.: John W. Kltzmiller, Mrs. Harry Belt, Mrs. H. F. Thom as. Mrs. Erie Fulghom, Mrs. Ralph Wlrth, Mrs. ! Gordon Thompson, Mrs. Glenn ; Drager, Mrs. Max Flanery, Mrs. Walter Looney, Winchell held winning scores. Mrs. Vernon Rings assisted at the tea hour. Present were Mrs. any Newgent, Mrs. J. A. Gosser, Mrs. Jesse Mathis, Mrs. Clarence Bun delL Mrs. Harry Winchel, Mrs. Harlle Smalley, Mrs. Vernon Rings and Mrs. Frank Wells. It Is announced in Salem that Miss Florence May became tne bride of Chesley Campbell la a aulet ceremony at VancouTer, Rlckreall The Rickreall Ladies Aid wss entertained at the home of Mrs. J. O. Price la Dallas, on Wednesday afternoon, nearly 36 members and sereral inrited guests being present. A picnio was planned for May 28 at Neiscott for members and families. . Woodburn Miss Joyce Wood- fla presented her intermediate pi ano pupils in ensemble . recital Saturday erenlng at the Metho dist Episcopal church as the clos ing feature of good music week. Miss Elisabeth Schults and nephew, Bobby GUI. ot San Fran cisco, are guests at the home ot Miss Schults parents, Mr. ana Mrs. H. C. Schults. They expect to be in Salem for about 16 days. Miss A Breithaupt Announces Her Engagement' Ina charmingly informal party for whieh Miss Loretta Varley and Miss Helen Breithaupt were hostesses at . -the Varley ' home Monday night. Miss Irene Ereit hanpt announced her betrothal to George VanNatta of fit, Helens. . ; 1 Gay corsages were presented each of the. 12 Intimate friends inrited for the erenlng and in the flowers were concealed the cards bearing the announcement. No definite date was set for the wedding but It is understood thst it will be soon. Miss Breithaupt is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Breithaupt. Sho Is a graduate ot Willamette unlrersity and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority. Both In col lege and church circles. Miss Breithaupt has been popular and Try aetire. Mr. VanNatta Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. VanNatta of Port land. Ho also is a graduate ot Willamette, school ot law. He Is a practicing attorney in St Helens, where they will make their home following the wedding. The erenlng Monday was spent informally and concluded with an attractlre coffee hour. Program Announced For Patriotic Rally Members of all patriotic organ izations represented in Salem are cordially inrited to be present at tne Patriotic Rally tonight at I o clock at the chamber of com merce rooms. The program sponsored by the allied organisations et the Grand Army of the Republic, will be as follows: America, audience: i Invocation. Colonel Mercer; Encampment news. Q. R. Storer; trumpet solo, Edgar Brock: Memorial Dar. L. C. MeShane; dance, Jean Audrey Adams; rocal solo, Mildred Ma sher; reading. Colonel Mereer; community singing led by Mrs. F. Ls. waters. Worthy Matron To Visit Tonight Members of Chadwick chap ter. Order ot Eastern Star, will hare as a speelal guest tonight. Mrs.- Anna M. Ellis, of Oaribal dl, worthy grand matron. She Is on her official rislt and all chapter members are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hauser and committee are in charge ot arranging the social hoar whieh will follow the business ot the erenlng. : The Amerlaaa Way, Mothers ot the atatajield an execntiro meet ing at the homo of tee state pres ident. Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, Mon day afternoon with officers from Portland, Albany and Salem pres at. .r..;r, V, . v u Plans were made' tor the Visit of the national president of War Mothers.- Mrs.' Lenore H. Stone ot Washington. D. C. which win be an erent ot the near tature. The executive board also made plana for the annual June 18. ''father's day program to be ob served each .year at Champoeg. It was announced from this meeting that the national conven tion ot War Mothers would be an' erent ot September and that it would be attended by Mrs. Mabel Lockwood ' as official delegate. The convention -will bo held In In dianapolis. Past presidents pins were pre sented to Mrs. Emilie Hendricks, and Mrs. Ada V. Skiff at this meeting. ' The meeting concluded with an informal social and tea hour. i Mother-Daughter Silver Tea Given The Berean chapter ot the World Wide guild. First Baptist church, tare a Mother and Daugh ter sliver tea, Saturday afternoon at the heme ot Miss Elma Heyt. The room was beautifully decor ated with lilacs iris, tulips, nar- elssns and splrea, using lavender and white as the color scheme. The program for the afternoon consisted ot piano numbers by Berndette Clark, Doris Bernett and Alice Lacas; readings by WU- Ua Ellis and Margaret Ayers; Quartet numbers by Doris Harn ett. Alice Lucas, Ildria Beach and Berndette Clark; a rocal duet by Lucille Bennett and Mildred Me- Adaos, and a rocal solo by Dor othy Dierks. Those pouring daring tho first hour were Gail McClean and Iran Bennett, during the second hour Peggy Peterson and Margaret Ayers. Lillian Roethlin. Elma Hoyt, Anna Hoyt and Joy Greig assisted In serving. Calling daring the afternoon wero Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Ayers, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Medean, Mrs. Srixon, Mrs. Stark er, Mrs. Watte, Mrs. Hoyt, Mrs. Clark Mrs. Greig, Miss Verty Grant, Miss Lucille White. Miss.; Helen Austin and. Miss Dorothy Dell Starker. Mrs. J. N. Derers left Monday night tor Washington. D. C. where she will loin Mr. Derers, who is now there on state busi ness. After probably two days spent in Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Devers will leave for home via Indianapolis, where Mrs. Devers will Tisit with relatives. 8he pects to bo back In Salem within three weeks. One "of the most "unusual mu sical . programs to be presented tor soma time U Salsa wCl be that ot toalght at t:ll at Waller hall ' when about SI . string . In struments wtn appear la eoneert under tho direction, ot Priscilla Melaingt?. ' -r : ; -. Tne proceeds wtu go to- aid la making up tho budget of tho T. W. C A. for this year The pro gram-includes: -1 . Hawaiian' Lullaby .......... . . . . Arr. Priscilla Melslnger , Spanish Fandango ....Arr. Priscilla Melslnger - Beginners Orchestra r ' : -2 Medley ..Spanish Guitar Group - 1 Maggie ........Arr. Wm. Foder Hawaiian Flowers ..........Arr. Wm. Foder Rebekah Orchestra . - 4 Vie Le Rol. Spanish Guitar Group Let Me Call Ton Sweet heart ..Spanish Guitar Group : Hazel McElroy 6 Memories Cooper Hawaiian Guitar Ensemble 6 Hawaiian Beauty Clark Hilo March Clark Kill ma Guitar Clsb 7 Barcarolle ."Tales of Hoffman" Mandolin Ensemble Readings 1. Confessions ..Carazsl 2. Selected Kathleen Skinner 8 Under the Shadows ..Orchestra Hawaiian Love Song .Guitar Quartet Rock of Ages .Mandolin Quartet God Be With Ton Orchestra Silver Strin Orchestra 9 Dance Characteristic. Banjo Solo Whispering Banjo Solo Hilda Crawford 10 High School Gang Advanced Orchestra Hello Aloha. Advanced Orchestra Vocal Trio, Llppold, Gallaher Moqre " - II The Rosary Steel Guitar Verda Olmsted 12 Medley .Novelty Garrett, Priem, Melslnger Badeau Honolulu Moon Misty Moon ..Priscilla Melslnger Ensemble of Fire Clubs The American War Mothers are to be guests et the Elslaore theatre this afternoon and tor that reason there will be no regu lar meeting for the chapter on this date. They are meeting at 1:48 o'clock. Miss Agnes Bayne was aaother Salem resident to spend the week end in Portland. Mr.' and Mrs. LaRonda Pierce spent the week end la Portland. Miss Dowling Wed In Quiet Service : Sunday y " Miss Catherine. DowUn of 8a em. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dowling of MaeDowaU, Sask - Canada, became the bride of Veryle W. Jones, son ot Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Jones of MeMinsville, Sunday morning. In a quiet senr- Irs U the chapel of the First rTMbytsnan church of Salem. ... Rev. G rover Birtchet read the service before only Immediate rel atives and eloso friends. Follow ing tho service Mr. and Mrs. Jones left for a motor trip to California and after their return will be at homo in McMinnrlJlo where Mr. Jones is In business. Mrs. Josh Is a graduate nurse of St. Paul's hospital of Saska toon. Sask. She has made her homo in Salem for the past five years. Endeavor Officers Installed At the Christian Endeavor ot First Christian church meeting Sunday evening, the officers for the coming year were installed at an Impressive service. Those in stalled were Bill Jndson. presi dent! Erma Cole, rice president; Zella Webb, secretary; Warner Jackson, treasurer, and Ruth Pen dergraft, song leader. . The retir ing officers are Josephine Hull, president; Marian Mint horn, rice president: Genera Barnes, secre tary; Warner Jackson, treasurer, and Opal Yates, song leader. How ard Cole Is the organist. A large group 'f young neople ot nlgn school age were present for tho event. Accredited music teachers of the city should register their cer tificates with Prof. Fred Wolf or the high school, la order to be ready tor the new certified list of teachers whieh is now being Arranged. day morning for Pendleton, where Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Raines will act as delegates from the Re bekah lodge sad Mr. Taylor and Mr. WUscin as delegates from the L 6. O. lodge ot Mill Ciiy. to the state meeting ot (he grand lodge. They are making the trip by auto. Sunnytide School '? Closed; to Reopen 4 . With New System! SUNNTSIDE. May 18 -i -The Snnyside school closed today, -with an all day picnic for the community. Sports were .enjoy ed, snd dlplomss granted to Maurice Johnson. Ruth Barry, , Larlnla Brown nnd Dick Chand- i ler. - ' ' School will reopen In Septem ber under a new system, with the rationalized school program to bo used in one room, where Mrs. Jessie L Rains will bo teaeher. She will spend the summer at her home In Salem preparing for ' tho new work. Miss Jones, pri msry tescher. will be in Salem most of tho summer. RECRUITS FOREST MET! GATES. - May 18. Henry White of Detroit, spent Thursday here signing recruits for service work In the forest this summer. There are usually quite a num ber of men from this community who engage in this work, each year. TO LODGE MEET MILL CITY. May 16 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mrs. A. L. Raines and Charles Wilson ex pect to leave Mill City early Tues- Ncw! Electric APEX Moth S100L Fumlgator slla Goanatsed for two yean. FoccaUia EUetrie FVnt- gator. Ftvfooteord. With ana et six Apex Fmnl eakN. Leaves a TTinnl Sore. Safe. Um -SO 1 THE CAPITAL DRUG STORE J. H. WILLETT . 405 State, Corner Liberty TeL SI I 1 j MOM VtXMOt" Ihmigato Mrs. Wilson Darby, Mrs. Harry Wash., Saturday. Mrs. Campbell Is Worth, Mrs.' Frank Bowersoi, Mrs. M. N. Briggs, Mrs. E. E. Byrne, Mrs. L. P. Bach, Mrs. Ray Blnegar, Mrs. Murray Wade, Mrs. A. W. Lane, Jr., Mrs. W. O. Con ner, Mrs. V. E. Newcomb, .Mrs. Elbert Bradford, Mrs. Marian Cunningham, Mrs. Harold Ingh- ram, Mrs. Carl Susbauer, Mrs. Louis Laehmund, Mrs. Alexander McGee, Mrs. Willis E. Vincent, Mrs. Joseph V. Schur, Mrs. Armln E. Berger, Mrs. V. P. McNamara, Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. Ht H. Hulsey, Mrs. J. B. Akin, Mrs. E. W. Cruson. Mrs. Robert Kreason - and Mrs. C. K Logan. Miss Ida Rues, wno has been a visitor in Salem during the win ter left this week end for her homo in Dee Moines, la. She will visit in MInnisota en route home. ... i There will be a silver tea and quilt display given by the May circle ot Jason Lee Ladles Aid on Wednesday beginning at 2:30, in the church parlors. i - Mr. and Mrs. Earle C. Miller re home again after a week's visit with Mr, iMIUer's parents in Roseburg. tha dauzhter ot Mr. and Mrs. George May of Salem. Mr. ana Mrs. Campbell will make their home in Salem where Mr. Camp bell Is in business. The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society ot Leslie church will meet Wednesday aiternoon at me home ot Mrs. J. Vinton Scott, 635 Statesman street. Leader ot devo tions will be Mrs. Mason Bishop; lesson study, Miss Jennie Dalley. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Charles Vlck and Mrs. E. D. Roseman. The P. L. E. and F. club ot the Pythian Sisters will meet Wednes day afternoon at the borne oz mrs. John F. C. Tekenburg at 2 o'clock In Macleay. A notluck supper will be served at 7 o'clock. Additional guests for this will be husbands and Knights. I! It Never Fays To Neglect YOUR EYES I its the poorest possible eoon- omy to pus on niins jvu oculist particularly when jour eyes can be tested and glasses supplied for so little. AT Mildred's 428 Court TeL 5859 "Permanent Wave Individual" EDNA McCLOUD New York City A 8peclal Service Wednesday and Thursday Only Make Tour Appointment Today , We hare the fastest hair drying system known, assuring you quick and comfort able service. !; V ' I f ; E3ai?CGE?y Stt3Es OoDo! Starting Tuesday Horning Clearing out oar stock preparatory to closing salesjard for tho lexsoa Eandreds ef shrubs and treat ; a iredueed prfeet - . ' Ersryeea fihrubs a 20c, 30c, 50c DUT NOW Jtai SAVE. Toui csa phst witli gafet ta cjllt of the Utaaess of tho gexxca, dsn to cod moist ' "weather'- - FSARCY. BROS. NURSERY , . tn Ka, Chmrth ft Between Ceert and TWO CAMS AND THE STORY OF TWO MEN WHO BOUGHT THEM V r eir---' sTaimatD eDOOi ggoiir, asw r. a n. 7 Mr 1. t '. r. - 3 L OS text ioooa stbaw. trs a b. ML CURTIS ELLIOTT, 21 LOCUST AVE NEWROCUELLEtlf. T. W.W, MAJOR, 2382 W. GRAND AVE DETROIT, WCBIGAlf CURTIS ELLIOTT had been looking at cars for months. He has to drive about 75 mfles a day, so economy Is Important. "Then along came Plymouth's radio announcement. A 4-door Six-Cylinder Sedan for (510 sounded good to tne. Today I'm driving a Standard Plymouth.' Thanks, llr. Effiott. We think there ere slot of people who are 1000302 for this kind of a car. Tha Standard has all the fea tures that mada ITymoutfc fa tnoua. It's a 70 borse-powersd sizomo lCS-mcb meelbase. With Pntent Floating Power aogino xnountangs hydraulic brakes ...8afety-stbodies...RigJd-X, double-drop frame. And what a thria these new Standard Plymouth Six prices are. People used to think that Plymouth was higher than the very lowest-priced cars. Today... Plymouth prices are slow as the lowest. And the 4-door sedan Is today's lowest priced tcylhider4-c'aor8odsmt Oo see the new Plymouth today. rl DETROIT people get the latest facts about cart . . . ' even before they happen. So whmMr.lfajor heard that Plymouth was going to bring out a new long whedbase car. sounded like just whathe wanted. Td been driving one of tha other low-priced cars," said Mr. Major. "But I decided ta look at tbarjewDeLuxe. STANDARD PLYMOUTH SIX 445 ff.aa,DSTsonr Floatma engine meant lags. Safety' Glass at extra payment .eoa . weaieat terms. "When Mrs. Major saw that car.Mit was all erer. Irs bigrsr and sniartcr-lrtoVing thsm others .and tbata why wt bought ft." That's a real rrrnpllntrnt.. COO sag firecaja Detroit antornobflo buyer. Tbe X Ltxn is kngsTM.1' lU-inch whedbase. If tbe world's biggest low-priced shc. in inches and in value. With Free Wheeling ... all-silent trsnsniission... automatic dutch at alight extra cost. . YouUCks the new smart ra diator. Youll like the beautifully stykd interior.,. its deep wide seats and handsome paneling. Wont you see the De Luxe Flrmoutbbefuc cyoubuy anyesx? 01 IUXI PLYMOUTH SIX I-V The Importance Of Cotton WiU be Demonstrated At Miller's All Of This Week! KING COTTON RULES! 495 easjae tags, Daplate Safety Glass windshield. ;y. AHOlsV:- .aAbrrtOCT daUversd WO.NEW PHMOlfffl SDOSS SOLO 6Y CCDC2, DZSCTO AJ3 CSYXlCt CIALdS 8n ntmoum At oraa neTots suanoe cmcaoo exsrurr or pxoossi Ill SBBSBBSSSSSBBSS'" s . I - ' . . . - -hi 1 IJi- ' " ' I ! I i " ----"--!-- i - i - - r " - - : ! iters -.i