The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    i i
Uri Claiming to Have Seen
: '. Ftd Shooting ; Avers
- Pistol was Drawn
' (CSfiUabed from x
j: paper tli previous : day through
court action. Wheeler said Pres
cott ' replied. Id, they harea't
silenced Mm yet, He la starting a
ptper la another plant, The only
waj tt aflenca him la to shoot aim
and I en ess It will be up to ne.
Wheeler said be warned Banks
. "that he waa la dancer.
-Wattar J. Jones, mayor of
Rogue Rlrer. eloe friend.; of
Bank and a member of the so-
called 'Good Government Con
greas which Banks organised,
testified he once overheard Pres
cott remark that "It a warrant
was ' served and Banks resisted.
they'd ret Wapu'
-, Nnrse Declare She. ,
Heard Death Threat : - -
Mar Powell former Red Cross
nnrse, declared that In a Medford
. cafe the day before the killing,
Constable Preecott and another
c man Toad a booth- next to hers
" "The man said, fWere rot Banks
now where we can make him keep
' his month shut", Mrs. Powell tes
tified. She said Prescott replied
"No, there's only one way to
close his mouth and I'm the one
to 4 It Codding (District Attor
ney -George Coddlna) has a war
rant for him and I'm to senre 1L
I'll take him If X hare to take him
to the- morgue, and that's where
, .he belongs."
The ' defenso has Insisted that
Banks had been Informed of these
reported threats on his life, and
that when he saw prescott and
another of flcer;rylng to force an
entrance Into the house, he fired
at them, in defense of his home
and in the belief he was protect-
' .... it . f ... .
ing nia .own ju ana ue uie
Mrs. Banks, :t
The state has contended that
Banks, storm center of a violent
and protracted political Quarrel in
Jackson county, shot and killed
' the constable deliberately after
repeated expressions of his will
ingness to take a stand against
the law. A note Banks wrote to
: the Medford chief of police waa
t Introduced by the state. It declar
ed that If an officer tried to aerre
, a warrant on Banks "there will
be bloodshed."
Don't Deaden
! Periodic Pain
Prevent It!
Take Lytlia Pinkham'g Tab
leu a few days bcforeliand and
, , notice the difference. If yours Is
a stnbborn case you may need
to take them regularly for a
few month u Persistent use
brines permanent relief;
Not a pain killer to dull
the sgocy, but a modern sci
entific medicine which acts
' apoa the CAUSE of the troo
bli New size package 50
: ' at all druggists;
Union Podflc deluxe cholreors
re the last word la comfort,
taroA roomy, weB ventilated.
eplyrplwlstored, re
tiring o your eeso. Smoking
ncm. Rett rooms, Wldevfew
wlndowa. 0 Popular priced
or you can
"ley loose eff-fcuroy del.
Mas served rtoHt In -ro
' TfliflrHtm ,1 I'"- - .
-J . .
General Passenger DepL
v C3T Pittock lilock, -
i-cruana, ore,
: : : I . . : -
The Call
Today Joan Crawford and
Gary Cooper la "Today We
Lire." -v-.v- - ---.I
Wednesday Lionel Barry-,
more In "Sweepings." vx
Today Dickie .Moore la,
"OUrer Twist.'
Wednesday - Robert Mont
- gomery, Tallulah Bank
i aead In !Talthless. -Friday
Tom Mix In "Plain
ing Guns."
Today Roland Young, Gen
. erleye Tobla la "Pleasure
Cruiae. -v
Tharaday "The Big Drlre.
i (Continued (rem pate 1 '
Cameron Marshall and Miss' Eli
zabeth Clement. "
The following la the text ot the
resolution which the faculty
adopted: -
"To Robert A. Booth oa bis
seventy-fifth birthdsy, May 15,
1133. .
This noUble day the faculty of
Willamette . nnlrersity express
their gratitude to God for the
splendor of your life and the
greatness of your fruitful deeds.
Foremost .citizen ot the staje, yoa
hare builded upon this eampus
an especial monument that mutt
endure while -truth remains and
eager youth, come seeking for It.
It an institution is to last ana
grow. Its ruling Ideals must pass
through a personality great
enough to understand and change
and redirect their moTements, and
carry, on with that marvelous one
thing more, the thing which they
receired from him. To Willamette
unireraity for almost forty years
you hare glren that marvelous
one thing more: yourself gifts
to the utmost; wisdom, loTe, cour
age, faith.
"We felicitate and thank yoa
tor what yoa are and for what
yoa hare done."
(Continued from page I)
C. F. Koakes of the Ray company
tell In a nutshell the meteoric rise
la the hop market. They show that
last month 14,443 bales of hops
were sold. Ia April, 1933, only
2899 bales were sold, or an In
crease of 11,534 bales for this past
April. The sales ot April, 1933,
establish a record for spring busi
ness la the western hop world.
Last year April sales ranged
from 12 Va to 13 and 14 cents In
price. This year they tripled and
la a tew Instances quadrupled the
1132 Apru market.
Whether bops will go shore the
75 cents figure Is a question mark.
Pact that orer 3000 bales are still
la hands of growers, indicates
some growers think erea a higher
price will offered. There were
no reports yesterday ot options
out at a higher figure.
iei inn
Kiss Frances Virginia Melton,
tor atae rears instructor la piano
at Willamette university has ten
dered Bar resignation, effective at
the close of the school year. Miss
Meltom plans te continue la piano
lnstraetloa with, studios la Salem
sad Portlaad.
Xa e feriag her resignation Miss
Melton aald Moaday:
May I say. la severing my con
nection with Willamette univer
sity, that tor several years the
thought ec ceasing Institutional
teaching; has been ia my mind,
aad my plan aow Is to opea my
ewm studies of plaao culture la
Salem aad Portland.
"The nine years daring which
X aare taught in the university J
have had much happiness because
Of my lore for ray work aad the
inspiration of my students. . It
will continue to be my pleasure to
extend any possible courtesy to
the nalTerslty. Y
The. . resignation was accepted
by 'the executive committee and
the administration Instructed to
nominate a successor.
Special Matinee 2 P. IL
"Cte Twist"
naU& Bankhcad and
stofcert Hontgomery
- ssssssssssssssssssssar
Schools 'Join in Music Week
Event at Armory With
f I Cherrians Ushering v
' Salem schools' music festival.
arranged as one . ot the major
event of : music week but post
poned to this week because- the
armory ' was not available , last
week, will be held Friday night at
the armory at t:4I o'clock. -
Music departments In the senior
high school, , Leslie and Patrick
Junior highs, and students froX
all the grade schools will parUcV
pate. The Cherrians, directed by
King Bing Frank. Deckebach Jr
will usher. , - Vv
The complete program follows:
(a) -Marltana Oveture .Wallace
(b) Washington Post March,
... ... t............. Sousa
Salem High School Band
. - Wesley Roeder, director
; - n.
(S) Han to the Sun .Towner
Boys Chorus of Highland School
Era Beatty and.Carelyn Carroll,
i i ' 'directors'
' . " . iil "
(a) Blue Danube Walts8truss
(b) Le Secret . , ,. GanUer
- Rhythm Orchestra
' First and Second Grades . .
Washingtoa School - -
Direction of Martha Jeaa Adams
aad Llta Waters
(a) Tulips .... Gsyaor
(b) Lullaby Gelbel
(e) Fairy Folk Gsyaor
Primary Chorus, Third Grade
Lincoln aad MeKlnley Schools
Direction of Merle Davenport aad
Mildred Wyatt
- V. r
(a) Sonf Cycle A Day In Yea- .
Ice Nerla
, - Dawn "is . 7
, Gondoliers . . . y . '","
. " Venetian Love Song
; Good NIgbt j -' , ,.rJ,
Chorus composed of pupils from
Leslie and Parrlsa Junior high
, schools .
Accompanist, Helen Prang
Director, Gretchea Kreamer
. .. VL
(a) To the WIndSpencer-LeavI tt
(b) Spanish Walts . . Baldwin
(c) Song of Arthur's Kalghta .
1 Baldwin
Grade School Chorus, composed ot
Fifth and Sixth Grade Pupils
from all city schools
Bearnice Skeen, accompanist
Gretchea Kreamer, director -VII.
(S) Cradle Song Brahms
(b) Floriaa's Song
: Godard-Stickles
Girls' Glee Club, 8alem Hig;a
Maxlne Ross, accompanist
(a) A Comle Chinese Tragedy. .
(b) Pop Goes the Weasel
Boys' Glee Club Salem High
(a) The Spacloua Firmament
("Creation") Haydn
(b) Serenade Schubert
c) Forest Dance Tarsett
Combined Mixed Choruses, Salem
High School
Eva Cochran, accompanist
TURNER. Mar IS fSneelall
Rer. E. J. Gllatran. nastAv f
the Christian church here, pre
sented his resignation, at the
morning service Sunday. After
some oueussioa, oa Rer. Gn
stran'a Insistence, his reslnallem
was accepted.. He has beea pas
tor tor tour rears, darln whleb
time 109 additions to the church
were reported, 43 by baptism.
. Rer. Gilstrap la bis resigna
tion exnressed rrmlitmd- t thm
people for their support aad fi
delity; aad stated that als rea
son tor resigning was that the
ehurch had Indicated Its deetre
ta accepting the trust under the
wui oi me late Mrs. c A. Davis.
te keep the trust aad the
church's rellaionn work MMtf
aad his reslcnatlon was tendered
w cvuuinn mm ixuic program.
It "was announced tht
Rer. Ralph Putnam who organ
ised the church, aad who aew
preaches at Gladstone, win
preach next Sunder.
Sunday's services ware well at-
tenaea, with a special program
iot motners aay.
'in m
i si
no ui
Oontmae4 (rem pace 1) f
ment of their property. Under this
ordinance the dty would be able
to pass oa ranous claims to?
damages frequently b r o a a ht
against tt. :
. The council granted the Sa
lem Gardea slab, at tha request
of Chester Cox, the tight te use
Marion street, between Froat aad
North Commercial as the site tor
ea amusement compear which
tin operate la Salem early next
month for a week's period. The
company win rua a merry-go-round
aad eao ether device. The
amusement company is furnish
ing a large tent for the Gardea
club to use at its annual shew
here. . .
Federated Church
Gathering Today;
V Debate Arranged
Federated. Women ot the Metho
dist church are to hold 'their
monthly social and devotional
meeting at the home of Mrs. c. W.
Oath out of Elliot lrtr1a TnuAi,
afternoon at 3: to o'clock. Mrs.
uathoue win be assisted by Mrs.
A. s. Austin, Mrs. E. A. Lytie aad
mam a
Q?j:GO:jATn::iA!r. C;a
Mrs. O. B. Trier. Mrs. Laura
Ltreaay win hare charge of the
program waieh wRI be la keeping
ot Mother's day aad will Include a
sketch oa "Womea ot the Bible"
by Mrs. Juanita "ilartbng. Erery
one aeamna- to atteaa is requested
te meet at the church at 1:41
o'clock as transporUtloa wfll be
The Woodburn chamber of
commerce will hold Its' next rem
lar business msetlas at the Wood-
oura -hotel Wednesday eight be
ginning at C:3t o'clock. The
sales tax bill Is to be debated. Soy
uewitt, saiem lawyer; wui speak
)vsuis. a SUA . , .
Corrallls high echoel woa the
track championship ot district f
here Saturday with a total et CI 14
points. The autrlct comprises
Polk, Lincoln. Llaa aad Ben tea
Albany placed second with IS
points. Other schools aad their
total points Included: Dallas It
iadepeadeace IX, Taft If, Scle
l - aad Monmouth Dallas
made a bid tor state hoaors by
taking- three firsts eat et the
fear events fa which ltd saea
placed. " : v - ' .
The first two mea la each
event Qualified for the state
meet aext week at Eugene. Fol
lowing ia the list by schools:
Corrallis. Kale or. Edwards.
Sort, Patterson, Darla. Skappard.
Biackieage, Lewis. Bird. Floyd
aad Kerr. Albany: Fowler and
Darfa. Dallas: McMmiaa, Cadle
and Webb. Iadepeadeace: Yeaag,
Dunckel and Hansen. Taft;. East
oa, Sdo: Freltag.
Edward Dunckel placed first la
the high Jump at the district
track; meet at Corrallis today.
Leror Hanaen eama 1 . MtnaA
la the X39 dash, and Doa Young
second la the low hardies. George
oentemaaa failed to qualify for
the state meet, but nlaead ta hnth
the mile and half-mile. Lyle
&rane was the fifth maa oa the
local team.
Till Ti
Chinese troops were rapidly
withdrawing today from the area
east of Tientsin.
Tangshan, about 71 miles
northeast of here oa the railroad
line from Manchuria, waa com
pletely evacuated after a brief
clash with advancing Jspsnese
The retreat followed two raids
by Japanese bombing planes on
Tangshan, headquarters of the
British Kalian mining Interests.
Two explosive projectiles fen near
the home of the British-chief en
gineer. The Japanese continued their
drive westward. The railroad
from Tangshan was congested
with Chinese troops aad civilians
try lag- to reach Lutal, la the di
rection of Tientsin.
The Japaaeae and Maachukuaa
Invaders early today took Lwaa
show situated northeast ot Tang
shan where the railroad erosses
the Lawn river.
Payment Due on
City Bonds and
Money is Ready
Salem will pay $300 principal
aad fttXI Interest dae yester
day oa a tltt,sso toad issue
as aooa as the eoadheldars call
for the money, Qlty Treasurer
c u. kico aaneuaees reexoraay.
When this payment ts made.
f44.eoe of the Issue will re
main outstanding.
The next bond payments fac
ing the dty will come Jaae 1.
At that time SI0II principal aad
$371 MO Interest Is U be aald
oa an ether flvt.GOe Issue, leer
$800 Interest oa a ficeea tiro
department equipment flotation.
Knights of Road
Giving Program
After the religious service at
the Opea Door mission tonight, a
group ot the boys "oft the road
will put on a program of enter
tain ment to which the publlo la
invited. There will bo rapid fire
cartooning, spectacular aerobe tls
and contortionist stunts, aad mys
tifying acta et magic, one ot which
will be the producing of a living
baby from a hat. It Is the plan to
offer this baby for adoption. Ap
plications should he made to the
superintendent Tuesday night.
Are .Year
IW 3 Edge?
'; Nervousness is of tea eaased by
a ehorUf e ot.aome of the min
erals aeedsd by your body. If yea
tire easily, if yoa hare poor dr
culatiea. if yoar aerras are ea
edge normalise yoar mineral
balaaoe by supplying roar body
with the cen-salU and essential
minerals It aeeda. .
h Cal-0Dine le not a medicine,
not a laxative. It Is a mineral wa
ter that supplies all of the min
erals yea need la a aatural way.
One half-gallon, a month's supply,
will convince yea of its results.
- Come la and let ua tell yoa
about dozens of local people who
have beea relieved of aerrousnese
this pleasant natural way. Tele
phone 47J4, or call at 31$ North
High street Salem, Oregon lor,
free lafermatlea oa Cal-o-jblne
Ke obligation at any kind, a-$.
Ore-sn, Tctsfay "llcinin
Villamette Librarian Takes
Issue With Writer In
. l Ubr Journal
. " - l . 1. " ' ' - - .
" . t t -. '-.-;
The current Issue , of the Li
brary Journal carries the repro
duction of a letter by Dr. F. G.
FraakHa, "reference llhrarlaa of
Willamette nnlversitr. 1 -wfclrh
the author heartily disagrees with
another article appearing la ea
earuer eumon or the journal rlt
tea by Robert K. Shaw of the
Worcester. Mass.. tmfelfa litknw
Mr. ghaWs arUcle Is written aa a
condemnation of simplified spell
lag as used in the Decimal Classi
fication by Dewey..' "
Mr. Shaw tata la nart rt
battered old English langaage
needs heteerlag to he sure, bat
lulte aa mack in craniiTvriatin
In speUing, according to some. . . .
am eoea anybody agree with the
andersigned that said 'miivmi
fttor" teads aaJesUy,,' but na-
larmuy, to impair in the oplalea
of some, the general sanity of the
worst" ,. ;
MC ShSrW AbtAlna ni..i..
front Dr. Franklin te hare re
printed la the Jearaal the letter's
answer to' his anuiim
oosaee anderthe heading. A Let
ter tO Mr. SIKs.-'. mmA
part aa follows:
I find mvaeJt mm A.
we from agreement with the Ideas
J we aoeat the aew D. 0.
book ta the Ubrary Joaroal of
frttary if, i$j$. Qtttntt
ortaogratr aad subrersir spellag
w . ku. w wnica ignorance
Sad fOB8ilicA nr,lnyll. v.
down. Aa up-to-date mtad will
ot none or them. ... To think
that genera; sanity la with the
oorred-uo minds that
and satisfied in the presence of
u5sn speumg that see beauty
In its most horrible examples-Ms
not. I must thtnk- tn nn...
self tor the duty aad the prtrU
ege of leadership or of living to
morrow. "Let US honor mnit a.M.iij ir.
Dewey for his clear-rlsloned lead-
eranip, ana not seek to tear down
his good work ia tko name of
SUCh dubious -virtual mu
lse those who call us to worshia
W Jtm. - m . w
"w oi imags as taey are,
even when adnnuin t v.
should not be so. f. O. Fraak-
un. rererence librarian, Willam
ette nlver8Ity.',
Reckless, exquisite girl am
bulance (hirer . . . her cry to
the thundering: guns of war
is "Today we lire . . . today
we lover
Tomorrow Thursday
ZzzZro cf Viocto
Mf mmrnxmim,
-v mmmimm,
ySfffr J.WJUttsiOeTgte
ft sr i
irviiiDfi xrr
ft 1 '
QfltGll J
U .'.4
l?ay 16. lgsj
f 'mmammmmm
Funeral -Sst
For Pioneer
Funeral for Dr. Richard Cart
wright, deaa of Salem medical
saea, -who passed te ale final rest
oa Sunday, win be . held this
afternoon at 1:3 o'clock at Rig
don's mortuary with Rer. Fred
Alban Wett of the UaiUrtaa
charch ia charge of services aad
Dr. Fred XL Thompson delivering
the address to the doctors.
Honorary pallbearers will he
Dr. Fred XL Thompson. Dr. r! I
Wood. Dr. C. if. Brewer of'Stay
tea. Dr. Edward A. Lebold, Dr.
J. U. Garnjobst, Dr. O. E. Hob
aoa. Dr. J. O. Matthls.
Bora la Hamilton. Ont Cana
da. Jaly t. l$$l, to Dr. George
Edward Cart Wright and Jaae
Clarke Cart wright. ho was the
treat graadsoa ot Sir Edmund
Cart wright. Inventor of the pow
er loom, and a enfcw f r?ni
Charles Clarke, tor 20 years
poaer or me Ontario house of
Moving with his family at the
age ef serea te Iowa. Richard
Cartwrfght beran th mtna nt
medicine, with his father, later
graauauag . from Detroit Medi
cal collage and ' the Chicago
HeaeoDathlo eoiir: ma.
ttced his profession in Iowa tor
yeara. .
Be came te Oregon in 1333
ea the first Union Pacific
through train, aad foilowlag a
period la California, has resided
here alneo 13$t. For a long time
he held the chair ot clinical
gynecology . in the Willamette
university medical college. He
was tastrumeatal ta the begin
nings of the Salem General hos
pital, aad la lift erected the
Willamette sanatorium.
He Is survived by bis widow.
Florence B, Cartwright; children,
Mrs. Chester A. Smith ot Place r
nile. CaL. Mrs. Brazier C Small
of Salem. Miss Florence Cart
wright -of Portlaad: grandchild,
Susanna Small; sister, Mrs. J.
C. Beard. Decorah. Ia.; brother,
George E. Cartwright ot Me-MlBBTUla.
Th boy with tht Ijf V ; ; ;
car cooled totwls I j-tr- - tr 'Jyw: l i
. . iiVtl show you j iipii(t '
host baseball SpF '&,rjf ' '
shoddn't be played N) Jj .: V . ; ; K
... How love Jy JJ - ? X
shoddn't be made. ; ; V ! &"
Tfi ) go
; LDu0!Ii
."'.'"in- -. : 1 r
Cominjr Sunday and Monday, May.28 and 29 . .
(AH Sabecztptloas Mast ho la Before 6 e'Oock htoadaj, May EO) :
Ona 3-McatH SuBtriptioxa to The Statesman Will Entitle
You to Two Ticketi
I suvsaamox blank and ticket
I 5. Mtar eertptlom
I ay
I noma, m uti nos soon a nDserxoer rer the fast thirty days.
IXaH or bring this order to
I twoadm!
two admission tickets to thoElsinoro theatre. ADMISSION TICKETS Q OOD TRQU MAT 21 1
. mast be paid ia adraaee.) ; -....
paid ia adraaee.) ;
I MITT.' TJiTt? a unvrrra et
I-" " -
Chaage of aamo at the same
RICKET. May II. The first
eighth grade graduatloa affair te
be held here since Mrs. Earl Race
taught here about tT years ago.
will bo held Tuesday eight. May
The class Is composed ot eight
girls: Note Taylor, LaJuno Gee
ner, Edna Hansel. Dorothy Me
Chroy, Frances Flood. Hasel Dell
Sheridan.. Gladys Crabb, Hazel
The three youngest members ot
the ' class, ' Hazel MSgee, Hazel
Dell Sheridan aad Gladys Crabb.
hare beea members since the pri
mary days.
Lad Lose? Five
Teeth; Hit in
Face by Stone
8TATTOK. May IS. Ray
mond. lT-year old sea ot Mr.
aad Mrs. Braao Rsef, was sev
erely Injured Friday night, when
he waa hit oa the mouth by a
rock while leaving the commun
ity sing at : the Howell school
east of town. Four apper teeth
were knocked - oat aad his lip
was cat so as to necessitate fire
Virginia, email daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Shelton. has a rery
ore hand as the result of raa
alag a nan in the palm. She
waa batting a ban with a stick
that had a nail in it. Dr. Beaaeh
amp was caned apoa to remove
the nan from her hand.
Relief Work is
Lower but Other
Jobs Increasing
AU relief work ta the state
hereafter win go oa a budgetary
basis with actual aeeda from
month to month determining the
amount of R. C F. fnnds rerv-
able, Paul Maris, secretary of the
te The Oregoa Statesman, for three
ate. x agree xo pay yoar earner tao
. Sstarei hf ........ i ....
The Statesman. As eooa as tho order
ts v rinms rrvn m4
m -ww tmitM mm (JkJk.JlUkltBa AJ L m M SWWS
address or renew ale are aot aew
Oreroa relief couaeil. yesterday
aoUned .the Marioa county relief
committee. . v- . - .
The May budget; for Marion
county Is $U,I. Hereafter
field - representatives " from ' the
Oregon relief council, Saturday
with the local relief committees,
determining the amount ot relief
funds needed eaeh montkr- Wl th
ru a few days the local relief com
mittee wUl be asked for eertala
Information which .win ho used by
the state committee la' compiling
data to be submitted the aew fed
eral emergency relief director.
KEIZER. May II Mrs. Ar
thur. Cummlags received word
Thursday ot the Illness of her
daughter, Lucille, who was taken
to St. Vincents hospital threaten
ed with appendicitis, She waa
resting easy at last reports. ''
AMTTT. May II. The Wild
Roao troop of Girl Scouts gave a
program honoring mothers Fri
day night In the Church of
ChrisL Lela Shields had charge of
the program. .
Doubls Action
saeathf iU thereafter an-
regaiar rate et osats per
i . . J. . ; .
is verCIed you wd be riven I
, (NoU Mail sabacrlpUons
, Holmt Mill sabacriptloas I
sibscristlens. , - . . I
v y
1 I , . ' - , .mmmmmmmmmmmmMmMmmmmmmmmmmmMmMmmmmmmm