The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1933, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Sated Oregon, Friday Moraine, Blay 12, 1933
Local News Briefs
Tetersoa Divorce The divorce
suit brought by Charles J. Peter
soa afalast Lrucjr Mao Peterson
aa heard in Judge Lewelling'sl.
court yesterday, and the matter
takes . nnder adTlsement . He
charted cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, as did she la her cross com
plaint. Sb alleged that he kept
a hired man to spy on her and
that he told defendant his former
wife sUU loved him. She asked
lump sum alimony of $2100 and
feer maiden name,-Lacy Mnnson.
He alleged she demanded half his
property and that his insurance
be made orer to her, and that ahe
made him discharge some of his
help in the cord wood business.
They were married In June, 1932.
An unusually "large crowd for a
dirorce - action listened to the
dance tonite, TJ . Park 10,
Asks Appointment Mark S.
SkUf has filed petition with the
probata court asking that- he be
appointed guardian tor his moth
er,, Mary S. Skill, age 90, now liv
ing la California. The property
Involved Includes the Skirt hold
ings between Court and State,
rained at about $20,000. In ac
cord with the will of L. S. Skiff,
her husband, the property was'
left to the son with proviso that
S10 a month, cash and other
amounts be supplied Mary S
Skiff. The petitioner states he
has compiled with all these con
Tar Beer, call 7849. -
lAthera Leader Here Rev.
William Sodt, of Columbus, O.,
stewardship secretary of the
American Lutheran church, will
occupy the pulpit at both Sunday
services of the Christ Evangelical
Lutheran church, 18th and State
streets. Rev. Sodt will speak on
the work of the synod to which
Christ church belongs. .Rev. Sodt
la on his way from the meeting gat
the r California district to the
northern district meeting in Port
land May 17-21.
Opening dance, Kentl Hall Satur
day nite, admission 25c.
Accident Versions Differ Driv
era' versions of the one automo
bile accident reported to city po
lice yesterday differed widely.
Frances Laws, route five, stated
In her report that W. F. Hardy,
19 IS Berry street, the other mo
torist, admitted falling to stop at
12th street upon entering from
Cross street. Hardy, on the other
- Mlcal Profrram finaday ve-H
ning at the First Methodist church
"Schubert Night" will be observed j
as a, part of musie week. Thai
chorus choir under Cameron Mar
ahalPa dfraetlAn win mfrtw . nnm.
Swift Coins East The Rev. I bar ef Schubert's anthems. T. 8.
Geo. H. 8 wif t, rector ef St. Paul's Roberta, organist, will give solo
Episcopal church, will leave featuring . Schubert's
.,, iin: v compositions and aa instrumental
7 trio, Tlolin, Miss Jeanette Scott:
terence ox ine uouego of preach piano, Miss Carolyn Parker: or-
Patterned After Salem Idea;
Portland Relief1 Keeds
Facing Crisis, Said
Success with which the Port
land and Multnomah -. county
scrip plan, patterned after the Sa
lem plan,' la meeting told In a
letter to R. A. Harris, secretary
rr.Urr her maiden name. Clara Mae EM ZTIV
u. uecaeoaen. tho trip east "r -
win be made by auto. Mrs. Sii .u
ers of the National Cathedral in
Washington, D. a Ha 3 will be
away five Sundays. During ' his
absence the services will be taken
care of -on Sundays as follows:
May 21 and May 28. the Rev.
Win. Maepherson of. Anchorage,
Alaska; June 4, the Rev. H. D.
Chambers of Portland; June 11
gan. Mf. v Roberts will'- piayi
Schubert's "Serenade." Dr. B. B.
Parker will speak oa "Faith's
Debt to Music" ? j
:- for Release Clara Mae
Jordan yesterday filed divorce
proceedings against Llewellyn W.
Jordan, and asks for return of
and daughters Alice and Eleanor,
Parrish junior high girls, will ac
company the rector. They will
visit New York city where the
rector was curate in Trinity; par-
lll??I.JXS- '? Plego in February. 1928.
eral Theological seminary. The
return trip will be made via Chi
cago for the world's fair.
their joint Barings account to his
name, and that he Is stingy and
miserly. She says the only amuse
ment he provided was the free
T. M. C. A. Friday night pro
grams. They . were married la San
Grange Meets Saturday Sa
lem grange No. 17 will meet In
regular session Saturday In the
hall over Miller's store. The bus
iness session at 10 o'clock will be
followed by a potluck luncheon.
and the program at 1 o'clock open
to the public Mrs. S. H. Van
Trump, lecturer, has arranged the
following program for the after
noon: Solos by Roswell Wright of
Ankeny grange; talk on "the
Substance by which the Grange I ply of buttons to be distributed
has Succeeded," H. C. Leaven- to heralds of health over Marion
To Attend Convention Bound
for the annual regional conven
tion of the Northwest Retail Cre
dit association, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Wassam and daughter Mildred,
Mrs. Juanita Hald and Miss Alice
Mathey will leave by motor early
Saturday morning. The conven
tion will be held at Vancouver, B.
C, Monday and Tuesday of next
week. The local party will make
the trip north by the Taeoma and
Victoria route and will return via
Seattle. ,
Gets More Buttons A new sup-
worth; review of the poems of
Mrs. Holmstrom of Coos county
by Mrs. Arthur Brown; illustrat
ed talk on safe driving by E. D.
Lindburg, district manager of the
Farmers automobile insurance ex
Mrs. .G. E. Schnneman offers her
Gift Shop for sale, display cab
inets, glass shelving, drapes,
wrought iron lanterns, 450 Court.
Fee ia Raised Teachers who I
apply this year for renewal of
county has been received by Mrs.
Mary I Fulkerson, county school
superintendent, and as soon as
teachers send in names of pupils
eligible the buttons will be sent
out. The 1800 buttons ordered
earlier were quickly exhausted,
and an additional 500 was secur
ed. Twins Honored' ' A- family
birthday party "was held at the
Herman - Schmidt country home
north of Dallas Wednesday night
celebrating the 20 th birthday aa-
their one year teaching certifi- niversaries of Herman and Tob"
cates should send a 82 fee in
stead of the dollar fee in vogue
heretofore, the county school su
perintendent announces. The reg
istration goes to the office of the
state superintendent, but is han
dled through the county super
intendent's office. An act of the
last legislature raised the tee
rrom ii to sz and carries an
emergency clause.
' Gilkey Quits Post Leonard
Gilkey. secretary of the chamber
of commerce, at Albany tor a
Schmidt, Henry Schmidt, their
father who will be 78 years old
May 15, attended, as did all six of
his sons and their families. The
other sons are John A., H. W.,
Gus and Leonard.
Snes Tor Divorce Ray A. Gil-
county auditor,
; On May 8, the Hat of Portland
and " Multnomah users included
1100 business and professional
firms, and now it has reached
nearly 2,000.
" Multnomah' county la 'conduct
ing the biggest scrip experiment
in the- country with city
county paying a large percentage
of bills tn the new scrip. Port
land adopted the plan only re
cently; following a. thorough stu
dy of the Salem system.
The Multnomah and Portland
Idea uses a stamping, method, in
stead ef the dating method used
In Salem. It is argued the stamp
method keeps the scrip in circul
ation more. Each piece of Mult
nomah scrip contains place for 52
stamps, which total the face val
ue of the scrip. Each person who
secures the scrip affixes a stamp
before passing it on. the stamps
being purchased, from the county,
thus bringing liquidation.
The set-up for the Portland ex
periment includes a city and
cefnty scrip-commute of 10 re
presentatives, -with Frank Shull,
county commissioner, aa chair
man; a sales manager with 15 so
licitors who contact and sign np
the merchants; a man in charge
of scrip and stamp sales, and ac
countant, stenographer and a
publicity man who will work on
full time. Publicity win include
a radio, bin board, motion picture
and. newspaper campaign.
So far only 25 cents. 5) cents
! and dollar denominations are id
! circulation, bnt a IS. scrip has
been made.
All promotion work, supplies
and materials are paid for in
In addition, Gibson writes, they
have opened an employment ot
V Coining Events
" May -13 Sdeta of
Mary Scbalts tn program s
; Y U.C.A. ... v:
May 18 America War
"Mothers caraatkm sale.
May IS 'mmm District T
high, school track . meet,
8weetla4 field, . .-; ' .
May IS Final contest ta
dram sties and seaeie, MarkMS
county federated cosaaraa
fty ctaba, In Salem high
school Mditeriam. .
. May 23 Final concert of
season of Symphony rches
tra here; Willamette- Phil.
tmrmoaJe - choJ v aaststtngrt
May 20-87 Oregoa State
Association ef Master
Plumbers, annual meeting.
Jane 1-4 Evangelical
conference, First Evangeli
cal church. .
Jane 3-4 Fourth Ann sal
Willamette Valley Flower
Show. .
.Jane 7 Marion county
Jersey Cattle dab, fair
Jwne 19 Willamette nmi
Tersity commencement.
Jane 20-23 G. A. R. and
affiliating bodies annual en
campnteul. July S4-S0 Aannal En
campment, Spanish War
Sept. 4-9 Oregon state
Mrs- Fulkerson Attends at
North Howell, Oakdale,
Eldriedge Schools
Effectiveness of Station to
Depend on Reporting of
Suspicious Actions
1 Much of the effectiveness at
the police radio station her win
be determined by the coopera
tion of residents of the city,- de
clared Chief of Police Minto last
night in pointing oat how. full
nsa of the station eoaldbe made
la combating crime. The station,
KGZR. Is in operation daily from
1 p.m. to t aja. and to 4 a-ra.
lf yon see any suspicious
characters anywhere, whether
around your home or other
buildings,, please telephone head
quarters. 3155," the chief urged.
We have the radio to speed up
our service. The good It does will
depend largely on cltisens'
promptly reporting all crime or
suspicions of crime to us. They
need not be afraid their suspi
cions are unwarranted. It's our
business to check up on suspi
cions characters and activities.'
The chief gave a specific ex
ample of how the radio might
have aided in catching burglars.
At f a.m. Monday, sear the
time the Army A Navy Goods
store. 270 North Commercial
street, was looted, a woman ob
served two strange men in the
alley nearby, bnt failed to report
the men to police promptly. Pos
sibly they may have been the
bnrrlars. the chief said.
Pair of Cub ;
Bears Added
Two lively bear cubs, one brawn
and one black, were shows here
yesterday by Earl Louey, proprie
tor of the Zoo auto park Jsst
north of Hubbard. Loney secur
ed tho cubs, about two and a half
mouths old. at. Mill City, and was
taking them to Habbsrd to add
to tho soo collection, when he
stopped hero.
Ho reports a number of im
provements have been made to tho
auto park tho past few months, at
tho same time highway construe-
tioa wss la progress along" the
Aurora-Brooka - route. Tho new , .
highway width caused removal to '
seme distance of the soo en-,:
trance, and other buildings. ,
With the travel season Just;
opening up, Loney expects a ma- ;
terial pickup "in business at tho
park. . During tho winter bus!-,
aess has beea quiet. - " .v ;
; Tho park now has 20 cages of
animals, .including two albino
skunks., entirely white except for
pink eyes, and which are consid
erable of an oddity. Other ani
mals and birds include a coyote,
three raccoons, guinea pigs. Jap- .
anese silkies, sliver and golden
pheasants. China pheasants, deer,
a moakey, tore bird, a flack and
Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, coun
ty school superintendent, was at I
North Howell yesterday afternoon
to. attend the final exercises for
the 11 members of tho eighth
grade class. She reports a large
a umber ot parents and friends
attended. The North Howell
sehool has -nsed the national
school program devised by Mrs.
The superintendent was at El-
in. en HEAD OF
EDilCfflll GROUP
Tho Association for Childhood
Education held lis final meeting
for the year at Garfield school
early this' week. At this meeting
the following officers were elect
ed: President. Maybelle Burch of
Richmond school; rice president.
Merl Dimick ot Highland; secretary-treasurer.
Rosanne Schrae-
hand, asserts that Miss Laws was number ot years, resigned his post ant- He asks that the court give
bert has filed suit for divorce fiee for workmen who are wUllng J drtodg8 gcBool last night to pre- der ot McKinley; press corres-
uuiu Mimvo uauenvaom ns mar
ried In January 1922. He says de
fendant has an irritating disposi
tion and too frequently seeks the
companionship of other men. Two
sons are in custody ot the defend
speeding, and attempted to pass
him on tho wrong side ' ot the
street. . .
: Crablo Sentenced Thomas
F. Crahle, whom city police , ar
rested "Wednesday night on a
charge of being drunk, pleaded
guilty la municipal court yester
day and began serving the five
day sentence Imposed - by Judge
Mark Poulsen. Yesterday 'city
police arrested O. Coffman at the
Southern Pacific depot . on a
charge of being drunk, according
to records at headquarters.
Started Baby Chleks, day old
nrlces.. Reds. White Leghorns,
Anconas. Quantities limited. Sa
lem's Petland.
Scout Board Meets Tho execu
tive board of Cascade area coun
cil. Boy Scouts, has been called
Into sneclal session at tno cnam-
i her of commerce here at 8 o'clock
tonight, Tho directors will dls
cubs tho financial condition ot tho
council and probably plans for
the annual field day and rally to
be held at Sweetland field June z.
there this week. Economic con
ditions were the sole cause for the
resignation, the Albany paper re
ports. Gilkey has not announced!
what he will do, though It Is pre I
sumed he will give his attention
to a small fruit farm he has near I
Grange-CovncH A meeting of
custody qf the children as it
Clarion Receives Mention
The Clarion, Salem high school
newspaper, along with two other
high school papers in the Btate
xecelYsdhonorable mention in a
lohtett -recently sponsored by
Wfiltmaa college. The school
to accept scrip tor pay, and have
to date more than 14,000 men
registered. He concludes:
"Conditions are very, very bad
In Portland, and approximately
one-third of our entire population
Is depending in some measure up
on relief furnished by tho city and
county, and tho sad part of It Is
that money available for this pur
pose will be exhausted in 30 days.
Unless federal funds are forth
coming soon, we are facing a ser
ious situation." '
tho Marion county Pomona grange IPar of Benson Polytechnic in
council will be held at the Ank
eny grange hall Wednesday night,
May It, at 8 o'clock, when mas
ters, lecturers and secretaries ot
all granges in the county will at
tend to discuss business matters.
Theodore H chart ot Silverton is
president ot the council, Vera
Scott of Union Hill, secretary.
Portland received first award and
Garfield high school in Seattle,,
second. . -: .
Sublimity Clinic Held Exam
ining about 25 sehool and pre
school children at Sublimity yes
terday, Dr. Vernon A. Douglas.
county health officer, found most
of them in good physical eoadi-
Somm Vriiw rin w.i- tion, he reported on his return to
found were ot the teeth. Dr.
Douglas was assisted by Nora
Lyndes; health nurse.
Bills Ply Ills III
sent diplomas to five eighth
grade graduates, and Wednesday
night she attended the closing
ceremony for a class of six at
This forenoon she will go to
the Oakdalo school where a pro
gram will be held in honor ot
two eighth grade graduates, and
where a picnic will bo enjoyed
this afternoon for the entire
schooL Tonight, she will attend
the graduation event for a class
ef four at tho Noble school.
Wayne Harding, rural school
supervisor, attended tho Achieve
ment day program at Madeay
school yesterday, when demon
strations and exhibits were held
by girls of the Sewing dub.
dor Ldllenaes, who has written
more than 2000 songs and Is re
cognised as one of the leading
song writers of the day will be
at the Nazarene church Monday,
May is, at 7:30 p.m., accompan
ied by his son who Is an accom
plished violinist. Besides songs
and musical numbers, stereopti
con views will be shown. The
public is invited.
Appeal Taken Defendants
have annealed ta tha e.lrenlt
court 'from default Judgment en
tered in Justice court in suit of
Recovering Satisfactory prog
ress toward recovery for Emerson
Baldwin ot Woodburn, Willamette
university student, was reported
by Dr. F. K. Powers, his physi
cian. Baldwin recently underwent
an operation at Salem General
hospital tor removal of a kidney.
He hopes to continue his studies
next year.
order was Issued by tho
banking board Thursday
permitting the release ot 10 per
ceat ot all deposit liabilities ot
tho Maupln state bank, which has
been operating on a fully restrict
ed basis since President Roose
velt proclaimed tho bank holiday.
The action of the state banking
board was made possible through
voluntary contributions on tho
part ot stockholders of the bank
and some of the larger depositors.
Tho order affecting the Maupln
state bank becarao effective yesterday.
An order also has been issuea
pondeut. Esther Long ot McKIn
The meetings of the associa
tion this year have been inter
esting and profitable. Visits were
made to the state school lor tne
deaf, the school for the blind end
to the sehool for feeble mlndea
Demonstrations ot work wen
riven and methods explained at
these institutions. At other meet
ings. Miss Harriet Long, state li
brarian, and Miss Helen Batru.
school librarian, gave talks.
Officers tor the past year were:
President, Mrs. Mildred Wyatt
ot Lincoln; vice president. Miss
Grace Hendrickson ot Park;
eretary-treasurer. Miss Grace Al
len ot Highland; press corres
pondent, Mrs. Grace Fallin -of
Lincoln school; advisor, Miss
Carlotta Crowley, elementary su
Heavy demand for the seed po
tatoes released to needy- of thel
county through tho Red Cross of
fice is reported by Roy Melson.
county commissioner and member
of the county relief committee.
Fifteen tons or more are avail
able, In quantities actually need
Worden -'
At tho residence, route 2. Tur
ner. Mar sv Mrs. Jane Worden at
tha are ot 81 years. Survived by
a daughter. Mrs. Winnie VaaValk-
enberr of Turner; orotner, james
W.: Worden of Petersburg, Neb.:
sister-in-lair. Mrs. Charles Word- sWb ot Ralph u BeUer8,nd Lt1o
on lot Turner; niece, Mrs, J. il-ar. Betxer. annraiaal r lilts ea
Palmer of Monmouth; cousin, J.
by the banking board, effective
Outfit PoetBoned ",7,.,"'.. "L.."'"'. 1Z1YZ. 7Z
t n7, ,r; 1 Ym riV. V; : ,V ' ?"T- posits in tho Estaoada state bank.
LAiiar and A. E. LAflar. Theleral davs. the weekend onttnir i L . ,
.uw uj Kuuk iruop Know , five per cent restricted basis.
iur mo ucai. uu oeeu postponed.
Snow fell at the scout camp on the
LitUe North fork of the Santiam
river last Sunday and the grounds
are now very muddy, according to
lower court allowed : plaintiff
judgment of S 1(0.83 with eight
per cent interest, 875 attorney's
fees and court costs. -
Betxer Estate In guardian-
R. Worden ot Haxel Green, and 13
rrandchildren and three great
grandchildren, . Funeral services
will bo held from the chapel ot
ClouEh-Barrlck company, Satur
day. Mar IS. at 1:39 P. m. In
terment Claggett cemetery. .
W. Betxer. appraisal of 3816.50
haa been placed by Kenneth
Thompson, Lloyd Mason and
Floyd Reece. The same appraisers
have put a valuation of 32893 on
estate of Eva M. Betser.
Oookiaje Teacher Talks Miss
Hester Heath will be tho speaker
at the Ad clab program today!
noon at tho Gray Belle. Miss
Heath Is tha demonstrator at the
ronrlnr innAl )iaM Ik thm Brain
Tiro Blows OutFarley Mogan, this week and will talk on such
On April 7 tho original order
was modified to allow an addi
tional fire per cent, making a
total of 19 per coat released to
depositors. Tho bank Is now per
mitted to operate on a 18 per cent
restricted basis.
The meeting of the faculty of
Willamette university scneduied
for yesterday to consider the mat
ter of holding a summer school
was nostDoaed until today. Tne
About two tons a day have faculty will mako its reeommend-
been taken oat tho past two days, atlon to tho executive committee
Later, when, weather conditions I of tha trustees who will convene
warrant, tomato pun is win no re- next Monday.
leased, and about 30,4 Of of these Members of the teaching staff
will bo distributed. of tho Salem schools snd other
Seed Potatoes being distributed schools in this territory sro eon-
are all eut and treated, ready to sidered good prospects for the
be planted. An who met the re- school. Inasmuch as tho majority
quirements to ' receive garden I of the teachers do net wish this
seed, given out earlier ia tho sea
son, aro entitled to tho seed pota
toes, on application to the Red
Cross headquarters.
" ; ""Fletcher '
At the residence. 1951 Virginia
street, Monday, May 8, Mrs. Alice
M. Fletcher, aged 58 years. .Sur
vived r by widower, ; Stanley W.
Fletcher: four sisters. Miss Clara
McKee of Amity. Mrs. J, B. Mas
ters of Baker. Mrs. 7. P. Sears of
McCoy Mrs. C, O. Graves of Mc
Coy; brothers, Robert, and Will-"
lam McKee of Portland. John and
Lea of Amity. Elmer McKee of
Salem. Funeral services will be
held from Macy's chapel at Me
Minnville, Friday, May IS t 10:-
so a. ta. Interment in Bethel
eemeterr under direction ot
Clough-Barrlck company. ;
In this city May 11, H. G. Boos
ter, aged 70 years. Late resident
ef 148 North Front street. Fun
eral I announcements later by
state policeman, has reported to
the sheriff an auto accident In
volving also car driven by H. E.
Kerr, ana wbicn occurred north
of Salem. A tire blowout caused
tho police car to swerve into the
Kerr machine.
Named Delegates Delegates
ot the Salem grange to tho state
council In eastern Oregon this
spring are Mr. - and Mrs. A.
Slaughter. He is master of the
local . ' grange. Alternates are
Mr. and Mrs, Roy R. Hewitt.
Clean-no .Day The eonrreita-
tlon of Jason Lee Methodist
church will have a get-together of
unusual mods Saturday. May 30.
That day has been designated as
clean-up and paint-up day for the
Church. . '
Juror Omitted Name ot oho of
tho Jurors who sat in tho Allouisa
schools as means of business pro
Reading T. B. Tests Dr. Ver
non A. Douglas, county health of- i
fleer today will Tead" tho tuber
culin testa administered to moat
ot the pupils at Highland school
last Tuesday. Children found to
carry, tuberculosis germs will bo
given Ouoroscope examinations. .
Calif ornlan Fined Arrested
by city police while s. eedlng
through Salem yesterday," Ed
Hardwkk of Covena. CallL, land
ed In municipal court to face a
Sales Tax BUI
Ballot Title is
Completed Here
Ballot title for the sales tax
measure referred to tho voters by
tho 1938 legislature has been
completed by Attorney General
Van Winkle. A copy f tho ballot
title was filed la the state depart
ment Thursday.
Another ballot title r being
prepared by tho attorney general
for tho proposed constitutional
amendment providing for. modul
ation ot tho grand Jury system
sow In operation la this state.
Cherrians Crown
Queen at Lebanon lZf
year to go to the expense of trav
eling a considerable distance to
attend summer scnooi.
Tho last summer school here
was held la 1931 with an attend
ance of 70 students. Dean Frank
M. Erickson headed tho faculty
which consisted ot eight teachers
Salem Cherrians have received
a special invitation from tho Le
banon Strawberry Festival board
to take entire charge ot the
crowning of the festival queen.
Juno 8, in the morning. Tho
Cherrians took part la tho cor
onation event last year, and this
yesr . will escort tho queen and
conduct the crowning.
distributed to teachers oa tho
basis of the attendance in the
various courses ottered.
limit. Judge Mark Poulsom fined
him 87.50.
Action Dismissed Action
brought against tha Mutual Bene
fit Health and Accident associa
tion by Leslie D. Keuscher has
been settled out ot court and or
Godon trial held Wednesday be-1 der of dismissal entered.
Clough-Barrlck company, Church j tore Judge McMahaa was omitted
at Ferry. from tho newa story yesterday. It
- . U ' ' .? ' , ( i was that of B. N. Speer.
.. "Drrely - - ' v r
At tho - residence, ISO South . .. Appraisal Made - Joseph
12th street. May 11 John William Brown, Braxler C. 8mall and A.
Dively at tho age of 88 years. Sur- Martinson- have .appraised estate
-A red by daughters, Mrs. C T. of - Rosa Groha at 13,988. of
Butts and Miss Hattio.mveiy ox wmen. ixios la real estate. Two
Salem; sons, Calvin Dively ot Sa- cows aro rained at 388.
lem, Uoyd and Al Dively of Los . . - ; n .
Angeles and Dowoy , Dively. ot SfT01110 of
West Stay ton; three brothers and w ith switched license plates
tour sisters In Pennsylvania and cost Jamea Copeland 83.50 and
three grandchildren. He was court costs when he pleaded gun-
member of tho Modern Woodman 1 1 justice court yesterday.
.ri rj'ijs..
tor district attorneys to proceed
with criminal trials oa Informa
tions instead of waiting for grand
jury indictment. -
: Attorneys said this procedure
would save ' .tho stato a largo
amount of money annually.
jns PlAmVJlsl VBAJiia.
kmm. Tw.wntii av r '
c nc . f k Ti s tu.mtrrm
ftMu rii-i . xttrw mm
of tho World. - Funeral announce-
menta later from Rigdon's mortu-
ry. i..
o i 1 o
-I i Births I
- Hanter-To Mr. " and Mrs. Al-
lyn Hunter, 134 Rosa street,
girl, Susaaa Kay, born ISsy 8 at
Salem general hospital.
Final Settlement The "pro-
Sustains Demurrer Order has
been entered in circuit court sus-j
talnlng tho demurrer in suit of J.I
H. McDonald ts. Globe and Rut
gers Fire Insurance company. -
Mary Skinner 81,
Pioneer ot West
- Dies at Portland
Mrs. Mary L. Skinner, 81, ot
Portland, who made her homo tn
Salem tor years, died In Port
It H
bate judge haa catered final do-1 l4.Ttt8d7 g"
ok .voo vHh oorvjTinsr mTm ono
daughter, -Mrs. ' Roso Gamble ot
Portland, Winifred Q amble
Krabbo of Belllngham. Wash-,
Application Application to I aad Mrs. Walter Taylor ot Port
Funeral services tin bo today
eree in estate of Frank, 8. Shan
bio aad discharged Bertha Rod-
gers as administratrix. Hr-.
, place on docket motion to strike
parts of tha complaint has beea
filed tn suit et Bert R. Hewer Tn, j at 3:39 pjn. from tho Peninsula
Gumoro Oil company. v - I Funeral parlors.
Yaciiixxa ' Cleaner
and Flocr tV ersrs
To Kent
Call eoiO. Csed rwralturo
U'--'-- Department ' ,
;'v- tSt-Kostk V2$k '.vi
Hogg Bros!
ISt Slate .
We SeU, Itent smut
Service All Makes
TJsod ?
Xloetris ami
Washers lU w
tfABios ' cotnrxT
- '..raUlaaa-.v
White 8wln 1 :
Msehlnes XXM
' Bargalsts in TJsed -..
rowis j Kacbinen t
Appllaavco Btoro
Do Yon Want
What la the best and sor
est - war of eliminating
worms pullets?
How. to prevent tne
heavy losses doe to pick
oats? Whr DuUets wither op.
So light, and stand around
or die7
What can be done to cut
down the present high pul
let mortality?
v How to eliminate picking
and feather pulling?
What ' about bronchitis
and coctldlasla in pullets?.
Tea can prodoce strong.
iorous, disease-resistant
pullets by feeding -
The Prtco la Beasomahlo, Too
Lfasn. 100 lbs. 91.85
123 Ferry SU - Phone
. - 1
' - ' I '
A Requisite of
Modern Methods Provide the
Best in Dentistry at Prices
Everyone Can Afford
Putting off dental work means taking chances with
health and happiness. Today, delay is A needless risk,
for through the modern methods of my system, dental
costs have been brought within reach of all, and the
penalties of pain and undue loss of time have been
effectively removed. Furthermore, there is no place to
obtain better dental work, and nowhere are the rights
if the patient more carefully considered.
Examinations are made without cost or obligation.
Ask about my special prices for the month of May.
Credit gladly extended.
Dr. C. A. Eldriedge, Dentist
101 Oregon Bldg, Salem
Telephone 3358
MaffEsett and Gi?sei?57
Since 1852 ytr"
265 N. liberty Phone
We At?o Nott AGffaScl
To Accomodate Our Customers
at this home owned store. We can make any adjust
ments necessary without conferring with New York
or Chicago.
Grocery Department
For Mother's Day
We Suggest
Riley's Toffees
Packed in Sealed
Attractive Metal Boxes
30c to $1.50
Snowdrift I Wesson Oil
34b. Pafl k GaL
Do Your Child a
Get him a package of
Malto Meat Well put in
a wind jammer no
with it
Mgr. Grocory Departsscot
Meat Department
Whcyi women talk
about food, they
talk about Meat.
And when they
talk about Fine
Meat, they talk
about Us because
we have it, and at a
Fair Price
Mt. Meat Depart sues
Sales Daily
2&0 and 7:30
An Opportune Tiaw to Buy Graiua
. thm and Wedding Gifts
Eilill PiTdDS