PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN. Salon. Ort-on. Friday Mornlmr. liar 12. 1931 n ni wn ninnn 1U1L i I1LI.UU UIIIUJLU OFFICERS ELECTED WOODBTJEN, May 1L. Tha Woodburn Rural club met at th horn ot Mrs. Charles Deam Wed nesday afternoon. Election of oltl cers resulted: President, Mrs. El mer Mattson; vice-president, Mrs. H. B. Kodgers; secretary, Mrs. O. E. Belcher; - assistant - secretary. Mrs. A. Rerrick, and' treasurer, Mrs. Charles Dean. It was decided to hold th annual club picnic at th Oak Park camp grounds June Mrs. C' Austin ot the Wood ! burn Woman's club car a short : talk and asked tor cooperation in planning a park la Woodburn. A special meeting was planned tor May 24 at the homo ot Mrs. R. E. Luts to arrange the programs and committee for the coming year. Mrs. F. B. Morrison aad Mrs. O. E.' Belcher gava readings. Tha Garden club mat at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hall Tuesday. night, when officers were elected: Mrs. Walter School er, president; Mrs. W. J. Wilson, vice-president, and Mrs. vera Bogard, secretary-treasurer. Pla&a were made for a spring flower show to b held early la June. Mrs. J. J. Hall was appointed chairman of tha committee la' charge with Mrs. Ronald Burnett j and Mrs. Walter schooler. The Girl Scout council of Portland ex tended an lnrltatlon to the club to Tisit the Aaron Frank gardens in Portland . Juno 10, Junior Gar den dab day. The club voted as being In fa- , vor of the plans for a city park on : the corner ot First and Gar field streets. West Salem News SCIO SINGERS, ALBANY SCIO. May 11 ScIo will be re presented la the Community Mu sic contest, sponsored by the Mu sic Week committed, at Albany, rn tha First Christian church. Satur day, May U. . Several numbers will b given. WEST SALEM, May 11Th school board budget meeting fori the West Salem district will be held this week, at which time tha problems of nest year's expanses' for tha operation ot tha aehool will ba thrashed out. William Bible, barber, who has been in charge of collections of city water rentals for soma time, resigned the post because of 111 health, and Thomas J. Randies, will b in charge ot that work at the drug store from now on. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Williamson with their daughter, son-in-law and the three children all from El Monte, Calif., war guests at the W. IX Phillips horn the first of this week. It had been 40 years since Mr. Phillips had aeon Mr. Williamson, a nephew. Th Calif ornlana war en rout t Se attle. - - " Th guest speakers at th final meeting ot th Parent-Teachers' association held Tuesday after noon after school war th BraUh aupt aistera, who gar demonstra tions ot flower arrangements, that was Tory artistic, interesting and Instructive Seventh grade stu dents gar readings and th moat ing closed to meet again ta Octo ber, committees to be appointed at a later data. Th response ta th designated clean np weak request of th etty council has bean very generous and spontaneous, with almost everyone responding by raking, trimming burning aad removing. 4 MARKET DRUG STORE Drugs & 1 SjUAN Trescriptions In "The Market" 470 N. Commercial Friday, Saturday and Monday For Mother 1 lb. Vogan Chocolates $1 1 lb. Winstel Choc. 49c 1 lb. Hoffman Chocs.49c 1 lb. Dearborn Cherries In Cream 85e Pills and Tablets .15c .39e 25c Anacin 50c N. R. 25c Feenamint . 15c SI Ironized Yeast 69c $2 Reducoids $1.19 Mother's Day Cards 5c to 20c 50e Chocolate Exlax ..39c 100 Bayer Aspirin 69c 50c Yeastf oara 39c 100 Rinex 69c 50c Phenolax 39c Amity Purses New 1933 merchandise at new 1933 prices, from small zippers jjj ftj to large hand- t7 rf bags at ...i , OleOU .These parses are never oat of style and make a lasting gift. Stationery Good assortment, real ffu" 29c WANTED We will paj lie In trade for your old sog gy tooth brush on pur chase of the new Dr. West's water - proof germ - proof tooth brush at 49c $1 Antiseptics at each 69c Choice of Listerine, Pep sodent, Lavoris, Zonite orS.T. 87 z i . 1ST S. Commercial TL 4010 (g THE BEST FOR LESS WHITE lliSNCy GranuIIatcd Ooop w i mi -iTBfcA (Wash EmrmM PACKAGE Erf"" m Condensed Soap ECONOMY 150 N. Commercial St Phone 5563 I7i?qo IlI)Gflilvei?j7 LETTUCE Large Solid Heads 2 heads 9c Strawberries Oregon Plum 4 boxes 25c Beets - Turnips Large, r bunch OC ORANGES Sweet naval. Season Is most over. Large sise. 2 Thin skin. OCn doa. KJC SALT Morton's Shaker 2 for 15c Free Toy Goose MAYONNAISE Fancy Pantry jar, 2Qq FLOUR Crown Best Pat-1 OA ent, sack '. 1 OV FIG BARS Fresh Baked 3 ibs 25c POTATOES Fancy Oregon Burbanks 100 lb. bag 1.39 The Best We Hav Seem This Season d Economy Sodas 3 ib. box 33c SUGAR Fine Granulated 10 n,. 45c Th city employed two trucks to haul away the accumulations of, tin. cans, and other non-burnable litter, so tndtvlduale wer not r auired to see to It personally. About a hundred gathered . at th community hall Tuesday night for th social supper sponsored by member of th Ladies' aid society of th church. Mr. and Mrs. Kick Herald of Eola and Mr. and Mrs. William Schwarts of Orchard Heights met with Mr. and Mrs. JClmer D. Cook of Klngwood to make arrange menta for th formation of a auxiliary to th Xl-gwood Post of th . American Legion. Tuesday evening. Th nest meeting of th post will be bald at th city hall May It. ! FINAL MEET &BT SCIO, May 11 Th last P.TJL meetlag of th year will b held In the high school auditorium Thursday night, May II. Elec tion of Wear wlU b th chief business of th meeting. Nomin ations Include president. Mrs Mary Holechek: vie president. Miss Dons Klindt. secretary-tret urer, H. P. CaldweU. Alt three nominees are at present holding omc. Th program will be pre sented by th fifth and sixth grades, under th direction f their teacher, Mrs. Jan Bllyem. 1 i l SNOWFLAKE SODAS , I 2-pound 91 Kellogg a Corn I packages- aCIC Flakes j HONEY-MALD GRAHAMS - I s r 21c 5c SNOWDRIFT For Shortening and Frying Sr 39c lg.....;...73c : Amaizo Golden SperryV Pancake Syrup Flour 10 pounds .. 53C 10 sack 1 35c SPECIAL SPECIAL EDs go Slbc Ifit 5c 2 packages Argo IA. 2 pound pka. rf Corn EUrch . IUC IodZSl tt DC 1000 sheets L- IUC Cleanser ' DC 2 cans Imported ia Grated orSHcd i- I farto oUreo IUC Pfaep can OC lbot Prefered Stock A Armour ? Snln ? Catsup, the best IUC eara hr 3pkgs. : . lAl CaaVlsrms - fefl Powder, IUC ganaaga- . hr glOcliP' 5r v v " ; We Reserve the Right t limit Qaaatltles CAPLAH'S-CASH GROCERY 137 South Commercial L II ndr sttoeie The Origimel TeDow Front Drag? and Cwady Store of 185 N. Commercial St. Phone Slit When Yon Think Draff, Think Schaef$ FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY We reserv th right ta limit ;antitle. Men deals. SCHAEFER'S HOME REMEDIES WI3S AMD 8GHAEFERIZX Stops Pain Instantly Guaranteed to Dissolve Corns Sold the Schaefer Way, No Cure, No Pay 25C a bottle Schaefer's Com Remedy Easiest Way to Stop Colds Take Home a Bottle of Schaefer's Throat and Lung Balsam Sold the Schaefew Way, No Cure, No Pay 50C and $1.00 Shampoos 50o Packers 27c 60e Palmolive 29c 50c Woodbury's 27c 50o Contl 25e 75c Fitch 49c I I c Remedies 85o Jad Salts 47e 85o Eruschen Salts AU 60s Cat. Syr. Figs IU 91.20 Sal HepatTca SM $120 Bromo Seltzer CU Shaving Creams 25c listerine 19t 35 life Buoy 19c 35c Kranks 19e 50e Frostilla le 85e Mennen's 19e Antiseptics 50a listerine S9e 60s Fepsodent 89e $1 Laroris IU 60s ZordU tde S5e Vkks 29e 1 c ELIDIW JURY; IS Calef. treasurer; John Scott, fi nancial treasurer; Miss Kdith Clark, Sunday school superintend ent; Mrs. Percy Lamb, assistant superintendent: Raymond Flel schman, chorister: Pauline Mor is n, pianist; Kdith Clark, assist ant pianist. INDEPENDENCE, May 11 The Independence chamber of commerce enjoyed a chicken din ner served by th Presbyterian Needlacraft. at Its regular meet ing Tuesday, May t, at the Pres byterian church. Dr. Uaurlc Butler, vice-president, was In charge of the meet ing due to Ulaese ot the president, S. M. Walker. A new constitu tion and by-law were adopted. Attorney Marster spoke on the proposed elimination of the grand Jury, letting th district attorney do th daUee of thl jury. J. H. Hart, spok on th recent bonus legislation. Z. C. Kimball and A. Ib Thomas were' elected directors at the chamber for th coming year. ii acres br HOPS OCT' NORTH 8ANTTAM. Uav 11 A. Wolf Is DUttlna out 11 acres of hops oa his place her. BAPTISTS PICK IJCADER MONMOUTH. May 11 The an nual election of officer at the Baptist church resulted aa fol lows: Qua Iteiachman, deaeon: Sd rialsshmaa, trustee? Mrs. P. R. Bowersox, clerk; Mm, O. P. I Pills and Tablets Soothing Ointments 25o Weeks Gold He 30o Hill's Cascara 17s U McCtrs TableU 6le 25a Feenamint 14 50c Chocolate Exlax IU 75e Balm Beagay 49e 83s VapoRab XSe 60s Reslnol 39e 75dTurpo 4ft 60s Menthotatum S9s ' Remedies r $m BIsodol C9e SL25 Absorblne Jr. SSe B5e ILoone's 03 59 85s Allenrha S9s L60 Citrocarbonate 9S Tooth Paste 25e Uterine 19s :I 25e Colgate's 16c' 60s Iodent 33e SOeKblynoa 19s ' 50o Pebeco 29c I FRIDAY -SATURDAY -MONDAY HAG1? 5KIAN5E .. $5.73 $198 A Graduation Dresses Organdie, tf at. La, Chiffons Graduation Shoes Whit Pumps, Straps, Sandals. . REMEMBER MOTHER'S DAY 1 Y i 7 i 59c e 98c 69c 98c $1.29 98c White Purses White Sport Hats Pure French Crepe SHps Pajamas, Ray. on Applique Gowns, French Crepe . Kerchiefs 25c-98c Mkkey Mease CQn Sweatshirts .... De.C White Suede An Gloves White Panamas $1.48 ,o $1.98 WHITE COATS Swagger or polo styla Pla et of Poialro woolens, silk lined, guaranteed I year. A real I19.TI eoat. Now $9.73 DE VALEE Silk Hose FuQ-Fashioned Chiffoa or Service Weight Colors: DEAU3AN DAWN FOGMIST CHUCEER OFFBLACK SHADOTONB KASHA TAUPE 1 Q a pr. The market on mer chandise Is going up. Purchase now and save. BLOCH'S i 4 K4 roi Tom Hutcheons Dies ' From Spinal Trouble - WACONDA, May 11 News has reached her of th death ot Tom Hutcheons of Newberg. Funeral services wer held la Newberg Wednesday. Spinal menengltls eaused his death. H ia survived by his wife Stella, formerly Stella Banyard, and his seven months old daughter. ' All Home Products Nothing But the Very Best Quality Used in Both Beef and Pork Inexpensive Satisfying HamBurger Gaucacc Our Hamburger and Sausage Contains No Water Ne Cereal No Suet IPaago ILoga ll&Ss 25c Beef Roast 8 and 10c Beef Boil 7c Sirloin Steak 10c Rolled Prime Rib 13c Pork Roast 8 and 10c Spare Ribs 8c Fresh Pig Hocks 5c Back Bones 3c Pig Feet 2c Bacon Backs 9c Breakfast Bacon 12c Boston Butts 9c All our Hams and Bacon are sugar cured, smoked with oak wood. Nothing but the very best top quality pigs used. ID WE in. Where a Dollar Does its Defy 173 So. Commercial St. Phone 8757 We Close at 8 o 'Clock Saturday Fine Granslated Buy Now and Save y y it t y00mmmm (3(357 IF1L5)I&JI& Piggly Wiggly, the finest of Hardwheat flours. Ev ery sack guaranteed, and, at a saving too. 49-lb. Sack $o Phone 4018 We Deliver Orders of $1.00 or Over Free 245 N. Commercial B, M. Beaaa, ew Browa lg. S for S7 SoCtesCk Oaav Flow, cooler free Sac Coffee, Maxwell House, pooad tta STc Woaaom OO. H gaPoa alao 40c Oxydol, large slae It rubers Biscnts Mix, package 29 Matches, Headlight, cartoa SSe Sals, Diamwd Crystal. S shaker 15c Suabrite Cleanser, S can lSe Margarine, Dinner Boll, a poaad 15c Floor, Golden Bella, 4B-U. each 80c H. aad D. JeQ, 8 assorted flavoas, S for . . lac Poet Toastto. S packages IB Matt, Standby, can S Spinach, Del Moaaa, la tall, cam Ambassador Toilet Tissue White King With Salt aad Pepper Shaker large package 35c Macaroni or Spaghetti in Bulk 3 lbs 10c Soap Whit Wonder 10 bars 23c Pineapple Del Moat TJdBitt or Crashed buffet size can gc Syrup Lag Cabin, need, els On cccfi 35c Candy, Gnns Drone, fresh, pooad 10c Balk Tea, M lb. grcoa 15ct H lb. black 18c Raviolis, Del Rey, tall caaa ITc Pork and Boaaa, Bittern, lJb. cans, S for 14c Corn, Ltady, Goldea Bantsaa, 8 cans ..BSe Palmolive Soap, a bars 10c Rolled Oata, 1Mb. sacks, each ........87c Dates, fresh balk, pound i lac Salad Droealag. Gold Medal IS oa. Jar . .10c Pickles, Faaalng'a Bread aad Batter, Jar ..18c Coffee, M. J. B. la 3-lb. cans .aoc Taaa Flah, White Star, No. M caaa 15c Water Olsssea, tail clear, 4 for 15c Shredded Wheat, is biscuits, pkg. 10c bring container, gaL .ISc Bananas Golden Ripe 3 ibs. 14c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Oranges Sweet Narala, a Real Bargain, Special 2 19c Rhubarb Fresh Local Buy New for Canning 6 ibs. 9c Radishes bunch 'Green Onions 2c bu. Carrots ......3c bunch WM PSsEiflcG Choice, Milk Fattened - Plump and Meaty :; . Fresh, Sweet bo ago Mild, Sugar Cured u nrt . For QV w pairing '