The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakst, Oregon, Friday Morning, Hay 12, 1933 PAGE FIVC n T ' ; , TIS1T0313 EXTDOTED ORCHARD HXIOHTStl May It .-11 Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clarke, tnelr daughter Jeanette and son Wilton, drove Saturday to Cath Jsmet, Wash returning Sunday. 3 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY . ' ; Together! Glorious Joan ! Ardent Gary! The screen's most exciting stars in a drama of young love .V. giving all . . risk ing all! f WMIe tiara tlay -wart gnesti at tne koine or Mra, Clarke's alatar, Mrs. Joa Tates. Tke Yates' fam ily expect to Tteit here next week when they will meet another ala ter, Mrs. Grace Eby of Montana, who is a ho ate gnest of relatlTee here. w WE LJVE Coming Big Hit H3ABIUEX. OVER THB . WHITE HOUSE" RAMON NOVARRO fat "BARBARIAN" "HELL BELOW" GEORGE ARLISS in "WORKING iMAN Salem Singers Give Program For Gervais GERVAIS. May 11 The pro gram given at the auditorium Monday night In observance of Good Musie Week drew a well fill- ed house. The Salem Civic Men's chorus, Joe White, steel guitar, and Ruthyn Thomai, violinist, all ot Salem, appeared on the pro gram with pleasing numbers and responded generously to encores A double ?euartet and Quartet from the chorus, a student from the Chemawa school and Iris Cutsforth and lone Turner, piano duets and vocal duet by Mrs. Ber ta ' Barker and John Buchanan completed the program. Huge baskets of lilacs, dogwood and Scotch Broom were used as dec orations on the stage. Win i j SAME PIUCE AS 42 YE AHS AGO 25 ounces for 254 Full Pack No Slack Fillinq 7 SCHOOLS I I SICE HI Hill S SM WALDO HILLS. Mar 11 An appreciative audience of 200 listened to tha program given by seven schools and communities at tha elub house Tuesday night. The affair in observance of Na tional Musie Week, was sponsored bv the Willard Women's elub of which vera ottoway is president. The committee on arrangements was Beryl Ottoway, chairman, as sisted by Mrs. D. F. Hillman ana Edith Knight. The Idea of Inviting surround ing communities to -Join tn a pro gram originated last year under the chairmanship of Mrs. C. C. Geer who invited seven schools This year ten schools were asked to participate. The committee reports that they met with enthu siastn from nearly all. The program Tuesday night showed talent, thoughtful prepar ation and a great deal of origin ality. Dancing followed the pro gram. MRS LIEU MISSED 111 WACO M GROUPS WACONDA, May 11 A large number from this and neighboring communities attended funeral ser vices for Mrs. I. A. Loron held Tuesday afternoon from the Ter wllllger funeral home in Salem. Nina D. Loron, 68, was a native of Missouri. Tor 25 years she has made her home here with her husband. Friends deeply mourn her loss. She was a charter member of thA w&conda Community club and also a member of the Worn an'a "Relief Corps, and Security Benefit association. Rev. P. W. Erikson officiated during the service and interment was in Pioneer emetery. Surviving are her husband I. A, Loron. a daughter, Mrs. Henry Rasmussen, and one granddaugh ter. Harvlvn Rasmussen. both of Labisn Center. ID) OCffiY I PATCHWORK QUILT PATTERN Ksffiy1 rfeffi- Water Wheel Ko. 422, by Laura Wheeler. The water wheel had its place in poetry and song. Wo associate it with an Idyllic, peaceful picture ot the country. Important in the life of the coun tryside, it aust hava fascinated tha uulltmaker of early days. A great variety of water wheels was evolved, of which thia design Is one. It is simple to do, and Is especially attractive when al ternated with a quilted block. Pi T.:A. Meeting - Well Attended Tha largest attendance of tha year was reported at tha Lincoln school P. T. A. meeting last night at tha school with 1(0 parents present. As an observance ot National Masie week a special program ot musical and dance numbers waa . given. Jeaa Adams, who is a pupil of tha Barbara Barnes dancing school executed a dance number. Dorris Harrington play ad a piano solo and a violin en semble was presented by pupils of Mary Sennits. The young vio linists ware Mary Glendenlnc. Jean Harrington, Emma Lou East .Wallace Steed and Stephen stone. Mrs. Dorothy Daugherty. prin cipal of Lincoln school gave a short talk. Officers for the new year were installed by Mrs. R. L. Wright, an officer of the 1 o Additional Society on Page 8 state organization af tha F. T. A.' A committee' waa also 'elected to represent tha Lincoln organi sation in a eity council at the association - - ; e e Miss Driscoll Honored With Party Mlse- Fae DriscoD. popular bride-elect was complimented with, a charming card evening and shower by a group of her friends in the Crystal room of tha Gray Belle Friday night. Cards were in play at six ta bles and this was followed by tha presentation f a lovely weddjng gift and a refreshment hour. Mlsa Beatrice Olin will eater tain tonight with a charmingly la tlmate evening in compliment to Miss Driscoll. Sunday afternoon Mlsa Xay Goulet snd Miss Hattie Ramp will entertain with a beautifully ap pointed and original tea between the hours ot S and o'clock at the country home of Miss Goulet. A much anticipated program will be presented tonight at 1:30 o'clock in the T. M. C. A. lobby by Miss Vary f caulti and an en- , semble group of heir violin stud- , eats. Tha public la invited to this . program which is .planned aa a . tribute to Masie. Week. FAIRFIELD, May 11 An ofli cera' school meeting waa held Monday night at Fairfield grange' halL with Are granges represent ed. Members attended trou. Buttevtlle, Woodlart, North Howell and Salem. A very 1b struetlve talk and interesting sag-: gestlona were given by State De puty Browa of Salem. -' Sam Brown's Old Time Pork Products Free Delivery Fins MARKET 216 N. Commercial St. TeL 4424 Tha pattern comes to you'enue, New Tork City. with complete simple instruction! for cutting, sewing and finishing. together with yardage ehart, din gram of uilt to help arrange tha blocks for single and doable bed else, .quilt. Quilting motif, and a diagram of block which serves as a guide for placing the patches and suggests contrasting materials. Send 10c for a pattern for this design to Tha Oregon Statesman Needlecraft Dept.. 82 Eighth Av- O70 SPECIAL PRICES ON SPICES AND EXTRACTS FOR Phone YOUR GROCERIES DELIVERED FREE JOIO St Kitchen Queen Armour's or Libby'a ' Hard Wheat TVUllr Flour S 49 lb. sack. . . 1 79C 4 cans l5c White or Yellow Leslie Shaker Corn Meal Salt No. 10 sack 15C 2 -lb. pkg 5c Sun Brite , beet's Granulated Cleanser Soap 3 1 f Regular 15c Size. O large cans lUC Special, 2 for . IOC Coffee An Excellent Blend, per lb. 18c Peaches Delicious Fine Flavored No. 2M can .. 10c Seedless Raisins Fresh New Stock x -lb. pkg. . 15c Fancy Fresh Large Size Artichokes, 4 for 25c Fresh Home Grown Radishes, large bunches, 5 for 5c Fresh Clean Spinach Greens, 3 pounds -J0c Rhubarb, fresh, fine flavored, 6 pounds 10c Potatoes. 50 nound sacks, ner sack - 59c Fancy Red Chili Beans, 3 pounds - J 2c Extra Fancy Head Rice, 3 pounds J3C Vrv CncMc Orecron Walnuts. 2 nounds - 9C w w J ' ' S3 ------ a Extra Fine Large Ripe Olives, ci Bethel Dorcas Club Meets in Oregon City The ladies of the uetfiel Dorcas club met with Mrs. Harry Toung at her homo in Oregon City for an all-day meeting and pot luck din ner on Wednesday of this week. The time was spent with sew ing and fancy work and a business meeting in the afternoon. Mrs. E. B. Matten gave a re port of the meeting of the Marion County County Federated Clubs meeting at Union Hill. It waa voted to combine the an nual dinner for the members' hus bands with the annual picnic. Those participating in thia pleasant affair were Mrs. W. T. Biinkley, Mrs. H. H. Boles. Mrs. J. D. Clark. Mra. A. I. Eoff. Mrs. A. H. Puestman, Mrs. Julian Grant, Mrs. J. M. Niehols, Mrs. Cass A. Nichols, Mrs. Jehn Spranger, Mrs. Arno Spranger, Mrs. M. H. Utter. Mrs. John Haln, Mrs. E. E. Matten, Mrs. Max Qup ter, Mra. Harry Toung Visitors for the day were Mrs. Lura D. Emory of Portland and Miss Sherman. Members ot the Cadena elub entertained at tha T.W.CJL. social rooms Wednesday night in com pliment to Miss Ila Beldje, whose wedding will ha an event of the near future. A shower of gifts complimented the honor guest. The club made plants at this meeting to entertain with a tea In compliment to employers, mem bers of tha Y.W.C.A. executive board and for friends for tha aear future. WALL PAPER and PAINT Rasmussen Made In Oregon 100 Pure Paint No Finer Paint Mad Free Water Set (pitcher and glasses) with porchaso of 4 gals. Out store is headquarters for reliable workmen who will estimate your work on application. Hutcheon Paint Store 154 8. Commercial St. " Phone 6687 BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE COMMERCIAL GROCERY 171 S. Next to MacDoweU's Market Phone r -'l Local Currency and County 7536 Com 1 Warrants Accepted Here ' D Prices of food commodities axe rapidly advancing. The present level can bo maintained only as long as the pres ent stock lasts, uuy now ana savei Fri., Sat. and Mon. May 12, 13 and 15 1 294 N. Com'l St. 1 4 Free Deliveries lhone r Our NO LIMIT on merchandise has been a marvel to our customers, for they can buy ..... . . ul :4.:n n v ail tney warn wun no iwuitMuuo THE STORE WITH LOW PKtCfcS t.VfcJi uai White King Granulated Soap 90 1 Large package aWC Lard or Shortening Crown Patent Floor, 41s 1.29 Shredded Wheat Biscuits ....... 10c Bacon, sugar cured, real 11 ht: anv amount, lb.. . KERR'S Graham Flour 10 lbs. ........... Whole Wheat Flour 10s ...... Con Meal 10s Farina 10s ....... ..... Hot Cake 10s .......... Rolled Oats 10s ...v:. ..... Tomatoes, j 3 large cans . 29c Coffee, a real buy, JQ ........ as 25c 17e lh., 8 for Brooms, a high Quality 4-etIteh Goldem Syrup (K 10s 03 Golden Syrap " Of? Ba.7... 3 Amalao light Symp . . Q lOS Amalzo light - QQ Fresh Vegetahles lc Badishee per bunch Lettuce, nice crisp large heads, S for 10c For Fresh Vegetables Yon Can't Beat Our Prices Oranges, large mammoth size 100s, each 2c Fisher's Blend Hoar 49 1.29 Slolden Bantam Cora S cans ............ 25c Pineapple, fullllees, OQr 2a, S cans Kitchen Quern Floesr 49s 87c Kerr's White Eagle Hard Wheat, 49s . . 87c White Beans, fancy small, 10 lbs. 37c Catsup, 14-os. bottles OC S for Macaroni, enrra cat. 4 lbs. . 19c Mother's Cocoa, largo t-lb. tfn .. 19c Mission Brand Peas, 3 cans 25c lbs. for 21c Toilet Tissue, Urge roll, 4 for 19c Royal Clmb Coffee lb. can 26c Tomatoes Large No. 1H CM 3 for . Z5c LesUe Salt 2 lb. pkg. 5c Sugar Fine Granulated 10 ,b, 43c Corn White or Golden Bantam aj 803 size cans 23c Feed Department Hodgen-Brewster Egg Produc er, Milk Oil Greens, led By ail leading poultrymen, f QQ 100 lbs. XmJf LayweU Egg Mash, a high grade mash but low in cost, -l jq 100 lbs. M.m'tV Recleaned White Wheat IOC 100 lbs AeOO Med. or Fine Cracked Corn, 100 lbs Ie35 MRS. STEWART'S BLUING RAISINS 15-os. pkg. RICE Fancy Dine rose, 5 lbs REX LYE 2 cans OATS 1 9-lb. bag 10c 5c 19c 15c 27c COCOA 2-lb.tin. SOAP CHIPS 8 lbs OYSTERS 2 cans SHRIMP 2 cans CHRYSTAL WHITE O C 10 bars aWC 19c ZDC 15c 17c Ground Barley 100s 1.20 Beet Pulp Molaaees . Mill Run 80s . . . . 90c Fontana's Egg Noodles, Spaghetti & mr -m . fl ? Macaroni, xour noice i 20c pkgs. H. B. Turkey Starter with yeast 2.65 Twrkey Starter with milk 2.35 Spices 2-ounce size Come in and see our redac tion on Baby Chick Feeders and supplies. Cle&nnp prices tins 15c We, Are Your Friends and Neighbors i Buy All To Want Wo Haja Ko limif i on Onr Gooda Wesson Oil 2 gallon size 49 c Wheat-a-lon Delicious Salem-Made Breakfast Cereal Try It Today Larce nicer 15 C I Pint Mayonnaise Flavor Foods 15c Argo lf Corn or Gloss Starch 2 Tjlttrs. . HC Don't Miss This Great 6-Day Jubilee Sale, May 12th to 18th Three cheers eyerybody! There's reason for a jubilee celebration. Prices are go ing up! The surest Indication of all that hard times are definitely oyer. It won't De long before wages will climb to a new level to keep pace with higher prices ana then our old friend Prosperity will make u s all smile again. If you believe in saving money, here s your chance. gIFFEES Airway Drand oor Pure Brazilian Pound V Pure BraziHian Pound4 Nob Hill CoSce High Grade Pound' Dependable CoSEco SAFEWAY HARD WHEAT 49 Note These Daily Sensations Friday, May 12th Only Pure Cane Granulated HO libs. 39c Limit 10 pounds TOTT fvT7 ITTTn 1? lUPJU Saturday, May 13th Only 4 Sew, Painted Handle 3IQC lb. sack.. Per Barrel Limit 1 Broom PRIMROSE FLOUR 49 lb. sack. Per Barrel $3.73 Formay users never go back to any other shortening, because in Formay they have found the perfect shorten ing. SMOKELESS, ODORLESS, CREAMY it meets your every requirement 3 lb. can .... 4g(3 Brown Sugar Ibs.EC UUD8 bugar. tr (S)n Monday, May 15th Only Snowflakes Soda Crackers 2 lb. bos 22C Limit 1 Box ( Tuesday. May 16th Only Grapefruit, No. 2 cans String Beans, No. 2 cans Hillsdale Kraut, No. 2 cans Corn, Country Kist, No. 303 cans Salmon, Happyvale, tall cans yonr choice - -3 cans 25c Wednesday, May 17th only Full Cream Limit 2 lbs. BE?. HOC Extra Hard Oabelets S4a. Cellophane pkg. Illusion Bread No. 1 Tall Out 2 cans 29c CORN Conntrr Kist No. 303 cans, can 6 cans 49c Tomatoes Standard No. 2H 6 cans 55c Carnation Oats BoBed from tbo West's linen gm Thursday, Blay 18th, Only Medium Size Bars Limit 5 5 Ibaffs HQs Fall-flaTored and noar- lflhina;. Largo Xo-Premtans Package. COCOA Hershey's Unqaestioned 4allty, H-Tb tin COCOA Oar Mother's 2-T& cartoa TTie economical package. Packed by the roasters of MJB Coffee BLACK Or I GREEN H lb 03C I tj lb. .. 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Lowest Prices f4artreitu Loin Porlt Roast Oat from Choice Cora-Fed Toang Pige V2C lb. Pickled Pic Foot Nice and Tender Those Good Kinds Ec lb. nr. v lln. of Ltineheon Untc Smoked Nats urt bpmig tot, u Armour SMOKED CottaccBntts Eat Like Bam, 4 to Arerage flSVfeclb. Mayonnaise la Balk the Tory Beet Ugc pint PIG PORK GTEAK Jjtmm and Tender g)V2C lb. Boaeleea Beef Cubes Cat from Choice Bef or Bralae (o Boll 2 lbs. 2gc Spring Bargain Festival at Safeway Buy and Save Now No. 37162 N. CoBumtr- " cial Phone 6169 ' No. 661978 N. Capitol Plume 8620 Save at the followiag We rev Safeway Stores t Cm Bienlts Ko. 519 270 N. Cop taerdaWPhoiui 9432 ; lio. 7S 1927 8tate Phase 94S3