T it iV . c 2 PAGE TWO Tilt OREGON STATESMAN. Saltai, Oregon, Friday Morning, May 12. 1933 BEER DROUGHT (PROBLEM EYED The Call Board By OLIVE M. DOAK Injunction Against Arrest is To ba Dissolved Today; t - Appeal Considered' (CoaUnoed from pu l . mat present favored - legalising the Ml of beer in Salem. Over , 7$ businessmen had been invited to participate: in the conference and probably j win toe urged to meet again aoon to consider the matter further. ' t Banabag Near Beer Not Serious Proposal. Reports that businessmen, flnd- Inr i themselves unable legally to sellls.l bear, might demand en forcement of tho city liquor ordi nance to tho latter; thereby ban ning "near beer," wero not given much credence .at the meeting last night . That ths ordinance does,, actually, forbid the aale of i "near beer waa not denied, how- . ELSINORE Todar James Camer "Picture Snatcher." PRICES SHBl'li 1 la nOLLWOOD TnHflT William Haines in "Fast Lire." Short, "Roose velt, the Man of the Hour." ' GHASD " Today Bela Lagosl ."Night of Terror.' in CHP-G01 SOCIETY IT W. ti. ADMITS 5 Ticker Can't Keep up With Deals in Staples and "'V Principal Stocks: (Cwulneed from pea t) San Francisco showed dollar t al oe o: sales of tho Pacific coast retail trade rose sharply -daring Washington The department of commerce reported a.T.S par eeat Increase In the output? ihJt factories from February to March. Akrsn Harvey S. Firestone, atiwilrman of the board of Firestone Tire and Rubber ' com pany,' announced Its factories vera on full time programs, with sales running 50 per cent ahead of the corresponding period last year. - Charter members of Cap and Gowa. newly-ornaaized women sa trice fraternity at Willamette - - . l taw ww m ever, although It was oeiievea I Diversity, yesterday morning w- wia k 1 eondaciea oieaaiar ceremonies J -I 1- - r Time has? not been set for the . trial of Kahlo In municipal court 4n a charge of selling beer. He is now at liberty on $10 bail. 2k Petitions wero being drafted yesterday arglng tho city council to enact a bill licensing the sale of beer in the city," it was report ed. Arguments wera iV ?r Is : being sold jnst .across tho city limits, tho business was being ta ken from local merchants and posslblo rerenne from tho city. r Restaurants and shops with locks of 0.2 beer on hand contin ued selling the beverage yesterday under cover Of the court order PlffiMJt iJllffUr IS TALKED 1 I: i An Informal meeting of repre -sentatives of the boards of direc tors of the Y.M.C:A, and Y.W.C.A. was held yesterday noon at the Y.M.C.A. to. consider problems of Jhlnt work, and to study whether the work of the two organizations could bo consolidated in the JM.C.A. building. Both organ ations hare had difficulty in .balancing their budgets, and It was felt a study should be made to see if through cooperation their problems coald be simpll fled. A subcommittee was named to make further studies into the matter. . Changes might hare to be made in tho Y building, and whether such would be practical is one question to be examined. The T.W.C.A durinx the student chapel hour for tho fire Junior girls who will carry on Ihe order on the eampaa next year. New members are Kath eryn Skinner, Helen Childs. .Mar garet Purrine, Amelia Schrack and Janet Well. Louisa 8idwell, a charter mem ber, presided. . President . Carl Gregg Doney and Deaa Olive M. Dahl delivered brief addresses. The other charter members who assisted in the ceremonies are Mildred Miller, Brenda Savage, Harriett Adams and Elisabeth Bishop. Cap and Gown was organised here with a view to obtaining a local chapter of Mortar Board, na tional honorary fraternity. Wom en students are pledged on the basis of scholarship, personality, character, activities, leadership and collegiate ideas. IIUMETTEEM lllGOililSUlT Nomuiees ot PTA At High School Decline "Honor" P CORVALLIS. May 11 (AP With entry lists in front three Willamette valley colleges and at least one more expected, the first invitational Oregon track meet at Oregon -State college Satur day 4s expected to bring together the largest group of eollegiate track men' bare In yeara. For the first time la recent years the Oregon state vanity and freshmen teams will match paces with trackmen irom Wil lamette and Pacific nniversltles and Monmouth Normal school. and possibly with Linfield col lege. . All visiting teams have groups ot stars expected to press the local men for honors. A redno- tlon In budgets which limited Coast conference dual meets led to the scheduling of . this all state meet, which met, officials here said, with instant popular ity. Owing to the fact that all the nominees for president of the high school parent-teacher-student as sociation declined the honor, no election was held at the meeting Wednesday night. The election of officers was postponed until the first meeting in the fall when new officers will be" chosen. For the program at the meet ing George E. Griffith, public .re lations oineiai of the forest ser vice showed several reels of for est pictures and talked on forest conservation. He explained in an interesting way the work of the new civilian corps which will be not merely the planting of young has maintained ot-1 trees but the proper conservation ' BEER LAW U E EMED NVAL ID T In oral weeks ago. T. W. Horstkotta 1 of Portland to the eonanltlns; at glneer. J i'V"'".- Another, boiler was recently In stalled at aha penitentiary plant, bat the one now being replaced failed after the legislature ad- joarned so the. emergency board had . to" be . called, together to approve the expenditure. , . . . OLSO mi nnn ILL I1DIU Hill UOliS II MY 1 Unanimous votes were accorded all of tho pectal committee's nom inees nt the Lions dab lancheoa Thursday The new officers, who win assume their positions .July 1, are! : 3 1 6. D. "Frosty Olson,' presl deat:. Monroe & Cheek, first vloe presMent ; - Barkley-' A. Newman second vice-president; John G. Msjrr, third Tice-prealdent; SUn f ord C. Sparks and A. 8. Johnson, directors for two-year terms. W. R. Newmyer, retiring president, automatically will become a di rector and Arthur W. Gardner and Dr. W. B. Mott are holdover di rectors. The lancheon speaker. Dr. 8. B. Langnlin ot Willamette' univer sity, discussed Oregontans whose names appear la "Who's Who In America. Of soma 4.Q0t names in the book. TO are ot Oregon-bora persons, SI of whom etill reside in this state, Edwin Uarkhaaa. 12- year-old poet and oldest man list ed in the book, waa born near Oregon City. Ralph Barnes, SI, la second youngest man accorded "Who's Who" recognition. COOT 6IR TO II IIEITZEL .. - i. v - h ? v i J -;.,"'' :' If ambers of the Marlon eoanty bar j association will pay .formal respects to a departed fellow at torney, the late Jamee Q. Halt- ieU at a memorial service to be held in circuit court at 10 o'clock this mornlnr. With Judge L. H. McMahanand Judge I O. Lew- elllag presiding, the proceedings will, be , entered .la . the eoart Joarnala. . Speakers will - include ladga George Roasman of the state u preme eoart, the two circuit lodges. Walter XL Kerea. mem- erfal . service chairman; Wallace Carson, chairman of the resolu tions committee: CM. Iaman, Robin D. Day. and Ronald Glo ver. ' ' ' ' Mr. Haltael. a gradaaU ot Wil lamette law school and for many yedra a prominent attorney bore. disappeared September S while enronte to Sam .Ftanelaeo by boat. HIED BREAKS (' 11 EJU DALLAS, May 11 Ted Ma com ber, on probation from a three yeara sentence In the state peni tentiary, waa arrested here today Health Program At Park School : This Afternoon 0 eawsMs. In connection with Child Health weak, pupils and teachers ot Park grade school have arranged am outdoor program for this after noon at l:tt provided tho weath er is suitable. The program wra eoaslst ot an elaborate pageant with pupils at an six grades tak ing part, ia coacinaiom pins wiu bo presented to honor roll eta- den ts. At Grant school a similar pro gram has been arranged to be held Indoors la two dirts loos; pri mary group at 1:10 p. m., aad tn termed late at 1:10. Each separate grade will present some form ot entertainment. bythe Benton county shertfTs of- Jt night MeUlOTial Presenting Bible Drama on Sunday fice. Maeomber pleaded guilty la cir cuit court here April 10 to assault with lateat to rob, aad waa given three yeara and placed oa proba tion, on condition bo leave the state within seven days. He, his wife and three other parties were .caught Wednesday night stealing gas at Albany, but Maeomber got away and was ar rested here this morning. He was In Jail here tonight, and will go before Jadge Walker Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. a new etty record for that distance la the preliminaries of the twa- aar annual Portland later-Schol-astie leagae track aad field meet. The sjaartet waa clocked In 1:XS as they qualified for tho finals. Open House is : Held at Salem , Hospitals Today talent Aospltala today will ob serve national hospital dav , bv hold lag . open house. - with the paMIe invited to view the equip ment and arrangement ot a mod- era hospital. vuuors wm be welcomed at Deaconeaa hospital, ill -South wrnlsr street, from la to 11 a to a ana T to I bjl Open house hours at Salem general hospital on East Center street will bo from 1 to 4 o.m. Aatxrr men elects AM ITT. May 11 Amity hlxh Taaaday elected 1ISS-34 officers: President, George Penrose: rlee- prealdamt, Yeraoa Stephens: se cretary. Emia NkkeU; treaaarer. uorouy 13 roves; song leader. BOhhio MltcheU; yell , leader. seua Kockafji. Rains Causa Gloom' To Planters of Corn WALDO HILLS. May 11 rarmora are dabioua over tho porta the' leas f his sweet oora dae to Che ceaZlaued rains. 1004' Broa, whe hare fa 10 acres, of field corn report that oa high ground' as aproated but feel If saaahlne dees net come aooa that corn sttnatlon. Otto Dlckmaa re-planted m tow groand wm not. 5OY0uftrsausL &MUS.VOO< 3 YESlTHEYMEj, MILD, AND TASTE p errTER.Too j A CAMEL'S costlier tobaccos taste better flees, restroom and dormitory tor women In the Roth building for several years and has rendered valuable service' to working wom en, transient women, aad high school girls. of present forests. The high school sang. boys' quartet fl n AHcwOtiwlTBeater r IW W sorts' W m m w w wmm u O&isYVVQQU TODAY AND SATDRDAT, DOUBLE PROGRAM "FAST LIFE" with William 'Hatoea, Madge Evans, Conrad Nagel aad Cliff Edwards 'J : ALSO - ' " 'The Devil Morse" .1 jrlth Ilarry Carey, Noah Beery T aad Fraakie Darrew Also 4.rtoon Comedy A Mews Mickey Blouse Matinee j Saturday, 1:30 P. M. Attend Our Setae-day Night 9 o'clock Show and Remain for Onr Midnight Matinee FREE! WHISTLING ? . The acnv -comedy hit with r .ERNEST TRUEX C UNAMERKEL: ' Jofan Mfljaa, Johnny Hlnes. '; ' ' Edward Arnold Chickens Singed And Curtain Too What started as a simple chick en singeing in a Salem home yes terday morning developed Into de struction of the kitchen window curtains aad shades. City fire men were called to 1152 North Smnmer street to extinguish the! biasing curtains which ea tight fire from paper Mrs. W. M. Hamilton was burning to singe a chicken. (CootUMMd from par 1) violation of the constitution may be the vehicle which prohi bitionists have sought for bring ing to the supreme court the question of the laws' legality. Dry leaders have Insisted from the time modiflcatloa of the Vol stead act was first suggested to permit sale of 3.2 beer and wine that It would be unconstitutional and in violation ot the 18th amendment. Antl- Saloon leagae officials have forecast that, a test case would reach the supreme court within a few months. "He Came Seeing" by Mary P. Hamlin, a bible drama, will be presented at the Knight Memorial eharch Sunday by the Knight Memorial Players. This drama has been presented recently in the First Congregational churehes ot Portland and Oregon City. Pre ceding the play there will be a quartet aad a solo by L. Ben Dav iea with violla obligate by Helen Purrine, Donald J. Allison accom panying. The cast laelndes B. V. Adams. Ray Drakeley. H. C. Stover, Lo Hrubetz Named In Group Aiding FrUlt Ind UStry JU' Caroyl Bradea. Elks Entertain Mothers, Wives Edith Carpenter Chosen President Of Church Women rT2A'ZiTZ Forehand, Sumner; I M. Hatch. CENTRALIA, WasX May 11. (AP) The organisation of a Pa cific northwest fruit development league, aimed to improve the na tivities of berry growers, waa planned by represeatatlvea ot the Berry Growers Cooperative associ ation in Washington and Oregon here today. A committee waa appointed to prepare plaaa for the permanent organization and will report at a meeting hero May 24. Tho com mittee members, la addition to the Salem Elks club members last night were hosts to their wives and mothers in honor of Moth ara day, whleh la Sunday. The program Included an address on Our Mothers" by Dr. W. C. Kantner, vocal solos by R. D. Barton, selections by the Elks orchestra and a male quartet. SO acEn-Ui? Cxi FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Dots and florals, puffs and frills give this group of cottons a winsome fresh ness! Some tailored, some organdy trimmed ... in a variety of styles I Tub-fast . . . and a marvelous value! We could only secure a limited number of these frocks at this price. CCAMEal) BELA LUGOSI S AIJLY BLAN& . . WA1VLACE FORD TOLLY MARSHALL fTTo vro n n fA T"" - THRILLS - THRILLS J ; THRILLS Bargain Matinee ACID CONDITION Is a Danger Sign Add condition means trouble ahead unless It Is given immediate attention. It fa often caused by. mineral shortage a laek of some of the essential cell-salts needed by your body. Dozens of local people have ended add condition by drinking CAL-O-DINE, a natural mineral water which contains all ot tne cell-sails and minerals essential to lite In natural form, assim ilated by the blood stream. Let as tell you about their results. Get a bottle, today. It ia pleasant to drink and a half-gallon win last you n whole month. Phone 720, or call at 220 North High street. Salem. Oregon, for free information ahsointeiy no obligation, s-2. . ,. Adv. TONIGHT ..IP A L MDGD-fU BRING THIS COUPOtf Pal Ticket ' Admit ONE when presented with one 2Se paid admission Good Tonight Only May 14 i GRAND THEATRE AURORA .May 11 Mrs. Edith Carpenter was elected presi dent ot tho Ladles Aid ot the Au rora Presbyterian church at the May meeting. Tho other officers for tho coming year are: Vice president, Mrs. Virginia McAllis ter: secretary. Mrs. Clara Atken- aonj treasurer. Mrs. Bertha Nagto. Tho meeting waa held at the aom of Mrs. John Kraua.. Tho Una Temple Pythian Sis tars observed National Music weak at their meeting Wednesday alght, Tho program was under the direction of Mra. Frank Millar and Mrs. B. W. Stoaer. After the pro- rram n anroriao lanch waa given in honor of Mra. Lester Reed and Mra. W. P. Warster, whose birth day It waa. Pen Boiler Bids To be Let Today Today at 10 ajn. bids will be received aad opened at the office of tho secretary of tho atats board of control for Installation ot a DOUer ax ino peaueniury. The installation waa ordered and an appropriation ot $15,000 tor tho purpose waa approved by the emergency board which mat sev Puyallup; J. 7. Fisher, Greaham, Ore., and Frank H. Hrabeta, Sa lem, Ore. RELAY RECORD SET PORTLAND, May 11. (AP) The Washington high school SS0 yard relay team today established 3, (Si D B P A Q 3 E N T O TT O Q U 160 NORTH LIBERTY Still Operator Here is Given 20 Days, $100 Fine Edwin VanWaterhouse, whose place at 171 Locust street was raided Wednesday night and a stOI eeixed by the sheriff and his deputies, pleaded guilty before Judge Miller Harden yesterday. The judge Imposed a fine of 1100 and sentenced him to 10 days tn tho county Jan. Tho flue was not paid. The charge waa pos session ot a stm. Only a small amount ot corn mash and no liquor was found wfth the stUL Jadge Hayden hold court at his home yesterday, where ha was confined on- -aeeoaut of a severe dose of poison , oak. NEW Blue Streak 6 Sedan Gauss Full Equipped Delirered Salem with Dlrisribla Alrwheela Now on Display . Year Inspection Invited Xcdc? B?C3 515 S. Clemniwrlal St. Salem Ore. . - Phem eisa NOTHING DOES SO MUCH FOR SO UTTte At YOTJft TELEfHONS Iter BOjgoKngaSI 8 . - TODAY AND SATURDAY. ? fl 1 , Prermere Showing - First in Vorthttest 1 J ;' mM N MM -) ft ' 'j2Tvcjn)rr r: 1 1 Extra V Mickey aToaso ' I : 1 HI 4 fZ& W "XUrthv KUla . .;aMOnee.SaWl P.14V:'::, H It f la 1 "Vaalshing Frontier il J ll HI "Aloua; Came .-. . SJ- U llsssssssaBB-saB: Dfcejr M"1IJ Carto ''' " lj Ik te? -3 She is Reiiiembered KorrBEt DAT i Scmdar, May It Go)therifToiieaB. - . - - , But if yon cannot, wiiat Is, mora truly personal than ,; TOUT WHCeT t rj. ....'i - .. '.V - - , CooBtiea, states, oceans are panned readily and clearly. Ilowmiichvattrnke vrmineanto W...oa MoUaexa ; Dsy and uanj soiotlier day. ? ; IYte PACJxicTaJJnask and TuzcKkrn CoMPAifT Jsiaess,ffke 740 Slate Street, Pnont 3101 ; 7 "'r'-M-' : DAY & K1I1LE .. . -'i " "i ) 'iim ' ii i ni .1 ! rnf i i' ii " i i . ill- II.. I Tho OFJLY fro tings tliat you need' to know about TIRES Wie m y kaow what to bvy and wfivfv fa Vvy yuv'rt.swrt ef ratting yow money wortk'-clwarAl leant, that's' trvo wtrh Itrea, bocmao U.&rawt, built whh nMrERTD rURttfe. vw3 ab ye from 7 to 26 tor anSsogw ot. "io exlra cot Tetia aroronf Tire Prices Are Advancing;! U. & Tires art ftt finest rrer built at the lowest prices ever known ' IT'S TIME TO BUY u.s. A I J IT j Day? and NtaKt Scrvfcp . v r. Telcphcn G192 - A V f 1 4 4 i -i V I i - ' i i -1 t k V 1 n