f The OREGON STATESMAN, galen, Dregotf, Friday Moralng, May 12, 1933 Pacts tlevI.d - II T . aSL, PA I -i ,)ir r rrr f5- r r? n np? u mi rt; m-s -. . ' a- ' . - - -, -- RnvWHTTi i 1; V I ; V. J9 '- I- Business Directory Ouu La uu directory roe e moethty basla ouly. Rat : L89 per' lias pr month. ! AUTO BRAKES Mik Panek. th brak and shimmy Vortor. - 27 Booth CommonI Street. Catering Burt Orary . th en tew. Ph. 9792. .CHIMNEY SWEEP Toler-how 4489. R. & NfWinew. CHIROPRACTORS PR a L SCOTS, PSC, Chiropractor. 054 K. Hhrh. TeL Ho 8S72. DRESSMAKING Tjrssnulng to roar 92.59 ly. Corypcturg hoaa. Exp. Tel. 784. FLORISTS COT flowem, wedObui baunuUi fua rrrreath, 6caraUaa& C r. BreiW baupt. florist. 171 Court, Tel. ()0i. XJUktodvot floral work. LoU Ftor Int. Kth A Mrkt. TtrL 8. GLASS Auto and vlndow (Uaa mirror. TL . Watter J. powna. nrwya. - insurance; BECKE Jk UKNDBICKS J S4t COFFET-gMITH. gea. tna, Tel. t. LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LACNDRT . . TUB W EIDER LAUNDRY II & HIah TL U CAPITAL CITT Flrrt'ln Quality Telephona 11CS . LACNDRT and Benrlca 1S Broadway LAWN MOWERS Rhroand. repaired and traded. HAHRT W. SCOTT. The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to borne. siDrinc mattress 18.00. Renovators and fuialcatora Rus cleaned. Capital Bd dlnsT Co. TeL .4063. S030 N. CapltoL Mm "'mattress made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, slxincflutf mimivlni. Salam fluff RaK A Mat tress Factory, a ISth Wilbur. Tel. 1441. Otto F. Zwlclter. Est It 11. B1USIC STORES rnnri C WILL Piano, radios; sew- nm machtnaa. sheet musts and ; ptaao studies. Repairing radios, 'phonographs and sewing machines. 4ZZ stats street. Salem. " MUSIC INSTRUCTION , WIU trad guitar and lessons for anything 1 can nao. Storhow, 450 Court. MEDICINE Or. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours' Tuesday snd jrriday, ju i a. to 4;30 p. m. I4 w. UBmmCToiu. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint a RooTing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING Painting' iaper-haiiging. Interior dMorailDK Estimate tree. W. . H. Phfrppard. Tel. 4280. PRINTING TOR STATIONERY, cards, pamplK lets, programs, books or amy kind oz ertntlna. call The StateaiTW Printing XJapartment, Sit A. Commercial. Tele- i 1 " PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT M. D. Clement, Income Tax Reports. AeAltlnsk-. U0?A K. ComX T.l 04 or 247.' ' ' ' ' ' K REAL, ESTATE . BECKH a HENDRICKS, Tat, 447. lis a. Liberty St - - st, 4ee. . snmLflnnrT a son t4- First Waf L Bk. Bldg. TeL Wt, STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. .Stoves for aala, rebuilt and repaired. All lrisAa af rosea wire fence, famsy and .uu hrn aaaksta. hooka.' locaa books. K.tm ranee and Stove Works, 241 m,.mhta. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Ce.-32 State St Tot 17 1 2. DtstrHwiUac , tof warding and storage our apecialty. Get enraatae.' : -i - vrtn tnrai er distant transfer storage. call SISL Lanner Transfer Cot Track j . D.HI.n i I1 I WELL- DRILLING B. A rfd e. West SO years - exparlene. Box 102 B. TeL tlOFS. Lutheran To Meet Silverton. Beginxiungr May 23 i 8ILVERTON, May llTha Or egon Circuit of Latherau ehurch es will open a three-day' conven tion at SHtertoa, beginning May ll. Trinity church will act as hitar in the rraan. -T The Oregoa Women's Mlssfon ary Federation will meet hero on May 24 lor an au jaayeession HORLKT ENTERTAIX3 fittTB . UNION HILL May It Clair Morley entertAiaed the N(sht Owl dramatie, club at his homo Thurs day aight. The club is rehearsing tor an entertainment to be given at the Union Hill grange hail Sat urday night. May .20. Dancing will follow the. program, . Admis Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 : Oasained AdterHstaf ' Snsla Injertloa st UstJOe Tb.re laietioas for Una .............. S8 Six tasartioat per Ua. .30c On moatk pt UM..ILM UlnlBBm cbirit tit ' 1 Copy r tor , tkU - pas ' m. ccpted tattt : thm ra las bator pablieittoa tot elasslfieaUoB. Gopj:T esired After tola Una wBl h9i raa ander taa asmdlag Too uu to ClawUr. Tb SUtetsqaa asaaoMa so fiaaaclal raapaniibJlttj ' tor rrori-Valeh naj ap pear ia adTartlsamaaU pas llaapd la tti colaoroa. and ia tatea vatra thla paper la at taalt wCl reprint taet part of aa adTerrtaement la -watea taa , trpecrapaicai h mlstata eeean. . Tae Statetmaa " reeerrea the rix&t re act oblee tlonal adrertlainf. It far taer reeerrea toe right to elenlry air adrertlelat 1 aa der toe proper elaaatflea Uoa.'- " ' " ' v HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Lady to cars for children and help wlto.work. 71 N. 15th. SITUATIONS WANTED; Exp., dreawnaklng - In your herae. I2.e day. Copy pictures. Tel. T&4. FOR SALE -MisceDan eons Fresh crabs now at Fldlers stand. lntersectioa SUTerton-Fortlaal road. Seed Potatoes. . Netted Gems, Bor bank. H. A. Hyde Co., ZWS Portland Koad. TeL &9S. FOIt SALB-Draa; sew and halfer. Mra, Pkk Hampton, jeuerson. ore. TRADE Miscellaneous Wanted to trade lot ar. TeL 4230. for good used WANTED Miscellaneous Pay cash else, washer. TeL 7671. . WANTED-r-16" Howard. 8385 N. old fir Front SL la woo da Sewlns; machine. Mast be reasonably priced. Phono S923. Wasted Used .gasoline pump, must bo cheap. R. B. Pattison, 291 King wood Ave, W; Salem. , MISCELLANEOUS ajteafejkaisakj Best aatrcatr Adnlta 10c. child.. ISc, Two blocks & of library. S. Winter. Permanent wave. 50c Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steusloff Mkt TeL 448C. We pick up. free of charge dead and worthless horses, cows and sheep. TeL S6. Bird does taken to tram. Iointer at stna. Kererence ana a square deal. Hollywood Kennels, Rt- t. Box 133. Tws blocks N. of Valley Packing. SteeL paav GoJtar, Mandolin. Be- sinners. adv. classes. Harmony, note a Registration ends June 15. Studio TeL 7184 or T. W. C A. 887S. FOR RENT ROOMS Modera room, carafe, sip. porch, 1577 Court St TeL 4857. STot vent clean aleedna' room, rinse ro xac silt. ROOM AND BOARD Beard and room for ladles. Close m. TeL 8(73. 5)5 Court St . I iri-iioriprmiir unim tnr -in --fin Board, room, fte.ee, maar P. O. 1482. 'Comfy rms. Board-optnL TeJL 1719. Cosy downstairs room with board adjacent to bath for lady, (le.oe. Note The lady who brought the above ad in fa Bed to leave her address or phone number and the ad taker did not notice It until after she had left Any party Interested may receive fur ther Information by calling The States man otnee-. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1iMNAMMiWMWWJVMMM Pattoa apartments Jo wis town. Can Pat ton 'a book store. w Putt 3 R. apt, 22(1 HaxeL TeL T84. Lovely fur. S-r. apt 1580 Center.. Furn. duplex apt C60 Union. Duplex apt, est N. Winter. Apt $1100, 887 N. Com L Prescott apartments, furnished, mod ern, freshly decorated, fine kitchen, at tractive place, 8. P. bus line, adults, 10C4 Oak. Nice furnished apartment... Over Stuffed. 60 Union. S R. apt, f rlgldaire, 120 Oourt- Ni woJpw opnrtrnerita, St Center. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. -end trafora. house B, A. Torknen teie M. Cottage.-Tek test. SesieaeatarfantaeT a room ts.ee. tl 7204. rooms Hollywood dlst TeL 4744. 4 room boose, 1441 X atceat I R. house, l A rrreund. West 8a lem. Inquire eerv. station, 31st aad Market. t - mwwwWWWMWMMM New modera f It roe neuse. etos in. Inquire 951 ri. I.irxrty gt. ' FOR RENT wwwewwwwej FOR RENT Sheep pasture. TeL 4889, FOR S ALE-leal Eslait WWWWWMiW Don't build until you see the rr- Inle art tw r4 m focks pie a. fuH beartno. on block aouth ef ie lumer nia-a roo -c-w. level lota. 49x110 oecti. SeU on ov tw-h ehean. ease- ce-rne-nts. Owner, It Rural Aveaue, piD s. nivnr Ftrfi3iTF:i IIOMH" AI.T. reedv ta move Into, at 1949 Brosway. See this S room strictly ,iw- hnsae n-v. Its toat what ya want, price reduced to t29 for quick sai. e - - . FOR SALE Real EstaU OPEN FOR INSPECTION TOD AT - 3071 BERBT ST." " 1 p. sv to I :tt p. m. 4 rooms complete. Just Uka bjow. Uvlna room, fireplace. lam kftcheei anq nook. 1 corner bed rooms, and bath; earaeo. cement cxtreway. Urn leyai lot, food paved street on bus una Win se9 this hotaa oa Very Easy Terms See Mr. DILLOX, Marion HoUl er Phone 133, with C J. Ryan EXCHANGE Real Estate V'm n mi an - EXCHANGE for Lod Beach, Calif, houses New Satssa -aix room-bousa. Larso lot. rood location. See Mra. FOR SALE FARMS ll-A. 1J000 . X-A eultlTaUoa. , Soma timber. ricw Trout st ream, ah fenced cross fenced. Fair Udgs., bouse, bam and poultry house.. A. bargain. Better HKNK ac uut JAa D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South. Hih Street " " i".-ii-.-iri., i -,-, n. 'I'l'B'uVinn rM TOT7 WOTTT.n LTKT8 TTTTJ . SO-A. ranch, oa payed hlKhway. S-B. nouse, bath, electric light and water system. Good poultry houses Nice trout stream. Mostly bottom soil. Most all Jn crorr. Good barn. Prirtit v.r i at $4S. Witt taka small acreage cloaa to a part. nJAS. J. SEARS. REALTOR 1 South High Street - nrrsi"wifijau - r n j-ij-ljxj-l 4 acre Seal Rock. t-S mi. to hi way, sere rat springs. $800. a down. uw. ja i. vraoanoe, w asn. - ACREAGE fcJVafVWVVTsjVVs1sjijra svap Extra choice nearly nine acre tract, mostly an -cultivated land, nn M,tm. not far from Salem. Rock bottom price For a few days only. Hurry and BECHTEL or THOMASON State Room S41 THREE WONDERFUL, BTJTS veu located close in S aero tract, best of soli, electric lights, outbldga.. weu. uan te had for s few days at vuiy vdb-iuui res vaioe, sul. 14 seres 4 m(1,, m, wwi ns eloss to school and Ideal place to build norae. rice oniy yisoo. Zl acres 8 miles nut nn trrmA mix hldgs. need some renalr. mnm i cultivation, 2 wella Immediate pos session. Price only S1400. nart t.rmi 144 State St Phone 708 i-in-ir,rMj-, is acres, no lmnrovemetits : sen m ey icrma. trnua nouse to suit. - Oregon Bldg. TeL S2 LIVESTOCK. and POULTRY irwnrw",i',r,ow.ii custom hatching, 509 ergs at lUo every Saturday snd Tuesday. TeL int j. Lee's Hatchery. -i- - - ri.nr -n. FOR SALE Freeh cow, 125.00 Phone 45F14. Business Opportnnities For sale or rent, garage and service station. 283 tjftemeketa. Jfc1 - - -iyirvM-irnri Cafe for sale, 897 N. Commercial. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADE en furniture, cars, salaries or other - good security. Reparable monthly. . When In ftnaosjal need see as before dosing a loan. - UJSIVEKAL. lr V KSTToETvP CORPORATION First National Bank BUg. Phone 85 1 L MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce rout payment Too. keep the car P. A, BUCKS Cor. Liberty St and Perr lhoa 47SS SaiatB, Ore. Barrow a persona Dronerty : repay In moathly Install moot. - WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO. State Ho. 8-149. 508 uuaraiaa aacsx, tsl isiTr - MUSIC "HEARD" BY THE DEAF Herels pictured a rtTnarkable axrieeat reeently con-luctM at a New VnrV tnr thm ria wWrah f ehildren were enabled to hear. Instead of trying te make the ac4 a4srraU this derlce carries mechanical ibrattofi through the bonaa aa the aead. Countess QIga Albanl is shenrn alngtng rata s a-esop-veaa aa ta deaf children listen. This waa the firs tae raaay of the cMldren had ever , beard axusie. POLLY AND-HERPALS SO YOOVB BOUGHT surrt-xAcoy MINE, EH? tf I r fKt, tr4l ( AUtiT J,tn 7 ATTIC J rTHATi w-a IL JV U-x LrxiK .wrtrHBIS gfl: avgpQ Itos -rrr: ---- MONEY TO LOAN ic PERSONAL INSTALLMENT' LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY tlS Oregon Build!. Sad Floor Office bra. lOrOt AU. to lit P. 1 TeUphooe -.7783... Stat ncenae Si. 8145. aasarlmskaasjssnsTesa-efTerfSaecsl Bells ot Harmony; Beard ring out i la really ever Kom Cany that really; different ' T&3 GET TBUI PULL AMOUNT OP LOAN . - IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACT QUICBT AND COURTEOUS SKSTXCXl , ON LOANS tie to 1200 . Beneficial Loan Society op Salem Room 119 New Bltgh Bldg. Sad Floor LICENSED BX STTATB - lit Stats Street TeL 3-T-t-e. FOR SALE WOOD Old fhf dry and ree 84.ee end un. n.. ' r - ' Asa and fir, Juddv Phone S1P14. OU&rlAJrTEKDN DRT TeL teee Salem Pnal &. Trade Cottage. Ash, fir end oak. TeL 84t. Tr''Ti rii ri i-Tfi j-gi inATLianjTjLAAJ Dry oak. 4 ft $4.09. TeL 8748. 9ie,sassTtesakseesasses . No. 1 dry old fir, 35.00. TeL 8175. Dry wood $4 cord. TsL 441. '- - -i -iirm ry-i rirunjuLAJi OM 1r irl, ie. Tel. 974s. PERSONAL Node I era na lonrer eoeaeeted with the Coney Island Sandwich shop, sad from Mair 3. 19SL I am rasoon. sioie ror niii contracted only by my- seuv VAttis vuauiuAAa. FOR SALE USED CARS V - McKay's used1 cars WITH AN Ol sr. that COUNTS 2 Ford Coupe , f 25.09 T Kaeex coacb , 75.00 -zt Htar Sedan 95.00 '28 Durant Sedan , ., 125.00 5 17 Chrysler Sedan , '29 Ford Roadster 2t Nash Sedan 15.00 245.00 295.00 '99 Ford Coupe i r ora icKup '89 Chev. Del jit a &An 285.00 '82 Chev. DeLuxe Coach . 22 Plymouth Sedan 4)5.00 545.00 275.00 s ord Panel Truck .'29 Chev. Panel Track 225.00 TRADES TERMS ipen Jfivenings and Sundavs McKAY CHEVROLET CO. sss Center Phone S189 429 N. ComX asf4eiepv-e USED CARS Bought for Cash Always Sell for Less See BORREGO -X. Liberty Phone 2(88 Potato Storage Lower, Onion is Greater, Canada Canadian potato storage May 1 was piacea at 66,431 tons, or nearly 80,000 tons lees thaa for the earn period a year ago.. The storage holdings a year ago to taled- 13 2, SSS tons. Onion stor age la Canada waa mora than dou ble a year ago, with the May 1, 1933 figure at 2,729 tons, com pared to 1,189 tons a year ago. ' -i. Small Wool Sales Made at Advances BOSTON, May 11 (AP) Small ealee hare beea closed on bright fleeeea at further advance ia prices. Strictly combing SSs and 48, SOs Ohio and similar wool hay la a few Instances bronght up t 31 in the grease with prac tically nothing being offered un der 26 for graded lines Boston de livery. Strictly combing 04a and finer Ohla fleeeea hertf sold at 24-21 la the grease.. LfiNfrt A, '""--ajr- 1 ' K UK5 r 1 1 f ABOUT Hlii r.M ( rCH17V3) I sri rfTAsxxu&V 1 se--r - ii .1 Vmis pik i 1 I r La t er 47 1 1 ' TZ. . ' V, -! I A"TI T " - "N 1 1 cvy il r--..t- i s ,1 1 WW wwsy .-vgl I T ' J 1 1 t IN rJBLJC LJrSg r. E-TllrT L .1 1 niHS KR3 STV l-TCT MJM I .t - ... -rs. ... -.r-.- ... -it s.--f7 - --ir SIB FCCtt SI 6,177,250 Shares Turn Over As Scores of hew High Marks for Year set NEW TORK, Mat 11 (AP) SeetMnr flaaaeial marketa aeld to their chosen, coursee today, en terlag the .fourth 'week of reviv ing optimism aula ' aa- inciosiy tpart . that attaiaed oatetaadlng buoyancy on the grarn exchaagea. Sale ot stocks totaled t,l 7 Tr ISO: shares, the eecond largest taraoTer ot the year. Scores at shares registered new bJghe. The tadastrU.1 and ran dirrislpag, p seeaeured by standard statlst4cs Associatad Pre eompoattea, erent to aew JIXI tops and the 30-etock average, up 2 points'' net tor 11, eocmpared - with mia-'high. at 73.. Several- Individual gharee dis tinguished tkeraselree, 7J t. steel by penetrating SO and Allied Chemical by coming vUhin a frac tion e 100, though both ten back. TJaioa Paclfle's resnonse to a reg alar $1.50 dividend wus a S polat advsace. Consolidated Oea ot New Tork, Western Union. Nor folk as Western, Da Pont, Detroit Efllson, and others were up 3 or more. U n rt e d Air-craft, Industrial Rayon, Owens-Illinois OUes. Na tional Distillers, Wilson St Co., Armour of IlllnoU "A," Liggett 4b Myers "B," National Biscuit, American Telephone, New Tork Central, Santa Fe, Anaconda and International Telephone roea 1 to 4. General Motors, ex-dividend. rallied a point. Waldo Hills Club Meets Friday Eve WALDO HILLS. May 11 Friday night. May 12, the regular meeting of the Waldo Hills dab will be held at the club house. The program committee will be the H. E. King, Byron McElhinney and Albert Uecaty tamllles. while Lil lie Madsen aad Mrs. Edson Corn- stock will be in charge of supper arrangements. Center .View school will cVose with an all day plcnie Wedaeeday, May 17 at the Silrertoa park it weather permits. Edna Geod knecht, teacher, will return .next year. NOTICE OF APltMNTMENT OP EXECUTRIX . Notice t hereby given that the undersigned has been drily ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marlon, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate ef Susan McMunn, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as sueh executrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly yertfled, to sue, Salem, R. T. D. t. Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the data ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 14th day of April. 1132. ELLA. MeUTJNN. Executrix ot the last will aad tes tament and estate of Susan Mc Munn. deceased. R. J. HENDRICKS. Attorney for Executrix. Salem, Oregon. A-l 4-2 1-2 8-M-5-1 2 Priday, Kay 12 Kaw Portland 480 1 T:00 Moraiag Parade, NBC. T :20 Uoraiag Parade, KBO. St 15 Jack aad Petty, KBO. 9: 15 Cooking School 4:45 Ortae Coaeert. KBO. 19:00 Arioa Trio, KBO. 19:30 Weataa's lfsgatiae of Us Air. lt:15 Wester Farm aad Ron. Hear, KBO. - IS: 45 (X U. Plummer. ' 1:18 Four Sharps, KBO. -- 1:45 John aad Kod. VBO. S:00 Al Pearee ssd Bi Gang, gBO. S:00 Mental Hrti-ne Talk. S:20 Friendly Chat. 4:00 Moiie Room. KBC. S:ee ilrst Kighter. KBO. T:0O Antes 'a Andy, NBC .-SO awyafi Joaea, KBO. :45 Paal Canoe. KBO. 10:20 Anion Weeks" Orchestra, VBO. 11:00 fhil Harris' Orchestra, KBC. 11:20-12:00 G Arnheims OreaatBrs, NBC. KOIK Portland 940 X. :90 KOIN Kloek. a: 80 Betty Crocker. 10:00 Marie, Little French Priaees. 1:30 Book ef Life. 4:15 Smiling Id McCoaaeQ. 6:30 Edwia O. Hill. CBS. . S.OO bedding Wkite. tenor. S :0O Band Bex Bevaa. 19:05 Fio Rite's Orchestra, DLB8. 11,:30 Cafe de Psds. ILBS. K0S0 OorvaTlH 660 TCs . T:00 MoraiBg Maaitatieas led by Bev. Harold Howerd. 9:00 Morning Concert. "One Sheet IB Radio 1 Program BREAD GRAINS ALL JUMP 5y2 CENTS EGG 1 QUALITY Latgest Destruction Of Winter Wheat Known, Rerx)rt CHICAGO. May 11 (AP) Excited by official announcement of the largest deitmetioa of TJalt ed. Stales, winter, wheat erer known, bread gains scored a maxi mum advance of S K cents today. Even the enactmeat, ot the Steosevelt combined lntUttoa aad agriculture bill took second place as a market Influence, eclipsed by complete, aura rise over the abnor- saal arofi outlook for 1133. Parlous speculative buying ia which there- wea aeareely any let up with the pablle la the market to aa extent not eften eaugled. sent prices - akyroeketing to heights unreached heretofore- this aeasoa. tor wheat,, rye, corn and eate, -with lard also outdoing the record. Rye mede the steepeet extreme gala, S ft eeata, wheat Stt and corn i. , La teat quotations on all staples were not tar from the day's top, Wheat closed buoyant, 24-3 above yesterday's finish., rye 3 4- 4J4 advance, eora l-2 up. oats at ft-l Cain Today's, closing qaotatlons: Wheat: May, 74; July 75-75; Sept.. 75-; Dee., 77T4-78 Corn: May, 44H; July 46- ; Sept, 48-: Dec.. 49 . Oats: May -; July. 21 ; SepL. 21; Dee., 28. General Markets raoDTJCB EXCHAvas POBTLAKD. Orc Pay 11 (AP) Predaee exekaase, net prices: Batter Extras 2ka, staaaards ZlSaC prim tints 31 He, firtta 30e. (( fretk extras lee, medians 15a. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Wheat Ope May 8 Jaly 64 Sept. 64H May 11 (AP) Elgk Low Clote 2 es 65 H 64 45 H 60H 64 66 Cstfc Wkeat No. 1 Bis Bead BliweteB 72; dark kard wiatar IS pet. TZ, 11 pet. 6S; toft vaite,'ksrd whiter 48 H. sertk ra sprinf, wettera white, weetera rod 0L OaU: No. 3 whiu $24.00. Cera: Me, S yollow 932. 50. ktiuron sUadaxi 20.00 Portland Produce POUTLAKD. Ore Kav 11 (AP Bettor Frintt, extras 24e, standards 23 poua. ' Batttrfat Portland doHverv: "A" grae 22e voead; farmer i' door delirery aie; swoet eroam se feigkev. Em rHfi PoeHrv Predarora aeU- iag prieesr Orerslae 17, eztrss lee. sua- od colors 15e, medieme loe docoe. Eey iag prico of wholotalert: t'reth curraat rocoiptt 54 poonda op, 13-14c dozen. Couotry ataoti bouiax prKe to rotail- ern: Cooatry kiBtd hog, best batokers sader 150 poaads 5 H -c. vealers ee to 104 pound, e-7e, spriag lambs 9-lSc, yearlingi 7-10e. hravy ewet S-4e, caa aor cowa S-4c, ball 5-5 fee pound. mohair Nominal baying price: 19J3 clip 7c poaad. Kutv Oregon ealanta 1516c. peanuts lOe. Braiih) 1214c. aUnonda 15-16c. fil berts 80-22, pecans iiOe poead. caissis oar Buying prtsa: ipsa peel, 3 He poaad. lopo nominal, xtsz. Si-T3e poead. Lire eeUrr Bvyiag price: Heavy koaa, colored. 4 hi pee ll lSe, do me diums lie, lights, lOe; rpnoxa, 1 pouads ap, 1213c; colored spring 15- 16e poaad: docks. Pekia broilers. ls-lBst old ducks. Pekiaa, 12: celurod 10c Onions Selling price to retailers : Ore- goe OOc'91.10 ccaul; Yakima, epeniak. 75-85 craU. New onions Calif. Bermudas, 83-50 per 50-pound crate, 91.25-1.85 oranre box. Califoraia 81.10 per lug. Potatoes Local. 65-JSc eraage box, Deschstes Oema 91-40, do Bakers SLAO, Yakima Oema 91.30-1.40. New peteteea Texas 4-4e poaad. Barawbariioa Dacraaaeato S4s 9L45 91.80; Press 20s, 82.00. Wool lil Oreree clip, nesaiaal: WiHsmott vsUsy IS IS, eastern Oregoa lease, sosthor Idaho 14-20 He peas. Hay Baviag pries from producer: Al falfa 914-15. ctorer 91L eastern Orogo timothy 9 15, 'set aad veto 9U. Portland Livestock POST LAND, Ore. -fer IX (AP Cattle ereipts 90, ami-so 14; steady. Steers. 550 to 90 poaads, good 5.iO-1 . medium f4.50-6.50, common J .50-4, 50; 900 te 1100 posada. good 85.50-4. medi urn 84.50-4.50, C( to 2300 sisals, mediaa 94.00-4.C um 84.50-6.50, common 83.50-4.50; 1100 good 95 a. enmmes aad 00. Heifers, S60 t 750 pemada, good f 4.T5-S.50, eemmond ed iuss 3.6-4.75: 759 te 900 poeada, good cheiee 64.25-, cemmes-mediam 82-5 O 4.S5. Cows, geed 84-4.50. comm oa-med-iom 92.75-4, law setter d cnttar 91 2.50. Balls, yearliag excludod, oed (beef). 93-80, eattor-Biedium 93-9. Vealers, good. 95.4, ssodiam 44.25-5.00, rail comasoa 82.60-5.00. Cal-es, 250 t SCO peeeda. good, 9 0-.0O, cemme--sodiaaa 93.00-4.00. Hogs Receipts 850; steady. Oeod 240 te' 20 peeads 8 3. 50-4.54 ; 20 te Sae eeeeds SS.T4-4.5 i ever SSO pouads 83.25-4JS. Sows gee. 83.8 S3S, Bsodesm 69-8.50. Pigs, good 93-4. Skeep sad lambs KeeeipU 100, steaey. Lambs, spring, good aad choice 96 6.50, mediern f4-S; eid tsmhs, (ed aad ehole 44-4.75, eommos-mediam 93-4.25. Wether 92-3.50. Ewes 91-2.50. 9:00 TJnele Sam at Tour Serrlce. 9:15 Mesie Appreciation, Byre Arn old. 18:20 Dr. M. K. Nelsoo "Fan Be- , list Logialatio." ' T:lt Oollece Poik OeeAv Ckor-a. I k7t40 Baainess las Urate ef tee Air i , Address by Prof. H. T. Vses ;- - Whe4 Lis Bealad BetsiHagT 8 :00-9 :30 Orsgsn State College Borer ity Somg Ceataet. to the WinfT IMPROVING, SAID Salem Markets Grade -B raw seCk. poo ptricew slot hundred. . , Sarplna 8)1.15. (Milk kessd stt s 1 ssfib; sattarUt eivragaj XmUertM Tow UH. aetata 3V4c, cubes Prises paid 9 groeers y Sslsse sayeta May 11 - fThe rlees aelee. eerpQed sy steal neees. ace 4eduMlv et the daily start-et ea are a reereatea er Tee nuiweiil raofx sjcd vMarAaxaa Strfag eeass. Is, srk. Jl AraU&ekes, dse. " Baiiskes. leesl, Cos. J Ateetegas. v v Ossssge, Ik. . .04 . JS . 04 . .14 r'wsTss, CaliL. Is. Peas. C-kf, Ik. Oelee. dee. -keaekse PeUtees. TsUsta Ke. 0 . ae to 1.85 ., , AT5 rieride, new awee eetets etate -ettace, Ualif. .Lee to s.ee .es .ei iji OskMte, Lebiae, set aeeserh. kxei Cetary. Calif, . crate MaKicas Tesjstees - r7iesspe, nvscy -s.ee . J4 JL40 astaa laaay sTeetevas. taacy .99 axtrs laaey 1.45 aaafifletrer. Calif, ciete Oseages. P P. a.40 .1.75 to 2.25 -S.OO U 4-l0 rsaey Beets. Calif., soi. Taraipt, local 4ea BplaecB. local, crate Baaaaaa. lb. ea stock .60 .50 .50 to .85 .05 . .OS, 1.65 . 1.75 .90 .60 Hssds St sew boo Ties. Fresno. 20t Oregoa Plums, 84-csp Celery hearts, dot. lfaatstd sroeas Ceei .90 to 1.40 .20 to .80 ..... . .63 .50 Pints pole, retail Hora Top. 1932. lb. .. Top, 1931. lb. BOOS B tying Prices Extras Staadards Mediums .13 .12 .11 .04 f OULIEI Oil roosters - Colored host Medisras Mas Ught heat. Spriega .17 .00 .08 .10 6.00 4.00 4.19 S.5 .04 to .94 Ml .02 S to .03 .08 to .03 H 2 to .02 ... .03 4 StZAT 1989 spring lambs Lambs, top Hots, top . First est . Steers Cows Heifer Bulls Dressed real Dressed kor top CO Q aXa aD nil Wheat. weMora red .67 Wkite, No. 1 .67 Barley, top. tea 1 6.00 to 20.00 Oats, ton 20.00 to 25.00 Hat. baying orieoa Oats sad vetch, ton , IS OO AKslfa. Taller. 1st cut. 15.00 -eater Ores 16-AO Clover nay .12 00 to 14.00 WOOL Mediess Ceerae - .12 ao .06 .01 V .03 H CASCAXA BAX Green. Ib. Dry. ib. . Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1933. Standard Statistics Co.) Mar 11 STOCK AVXBAGES 50 20 .0 90 Ind'l RB'e Ufa Total Today 7i.2 3IJ 90.0 72.0 Pre, day 79.7 94.7 S5 70.0 Week Sgo 72.4 36 2 88A 66.7 Tear g 4.69 1 9.7 7 8.4 47.4 9 yra. ago 196.6 190.7 265.4 191.6 High 143S T3.S 87.9 5.9 72.0 Low 1033 . 41A 23.5 41.6 43.S Hi 10S 72.6 St. 11L0 78.9 Low 18 S 35.1 1S.S SLS S5.0 5ew 1SS high. BOND A V KAOKg 20 20 20 60 Ind'n Kit's Dt's Total 60.6 79.9 73.2 71.0 ' e.4 u 10O.1 TU 9.9 79.1 57.5 67.6 66.S 56.7 106.7 69.5 57.0 7SJ 47.4 79.4 T6AI T4.4 99a IU T4J SAB 70.0 Hts 19SS 6T.9 lew 1028 5S.S Higk tees vi s Lew 1033 53.2 Sow 1888 kigh. touts in tew T PORTLAND, May 11 fAP) Thera waa unusually heavy de-' saand 'for dressed turkeys la the local trade. Demand was wide spread with a rather good call from both the Sopth Pacific mar ket aa well aa from the east, Hea tnrks were In far the beet call with oaly a email per cent of toms moving to oatside or even local polate. This waa die to the lack ot quality ot the toms. Parehaeee at aeas were ,gn or ally being made at lf-ISc lb. for the best available dressed birds The call however continued some what In excess ot the supply now current. Sales of turkeys to date this aeasoa hare broken all records ac cording to leaders t the Vocal trade. Tk very law price - has stimulated aaasaiaptloa to a very considerable extent. Today 67. Prev. day . 67.0 Week age 65.3 Tear ago 57.8 3 re, as., , SAO Mm. POD ..... ;---vt Cfrr-5rr.-rTr:- Portland Butter Mt art. Is Above Seattle; .J Country Beef up . :. PORTIJLND. May 11 (AP) Relatively better receipts ef bat ter at Portland Utaa Seattle sug gested the higher raluee geswral ly obtainable here thaa la the north and the greater demand at homo aad for shipping. Butter fat holds firm her despite weak ness at Seattle. . .- . ..-.' Much better egg ejuallty was . suggeeted by reeeat actirtty at Inspector Tulty of the state de partment at agrtcultare. Poor stuff waa not met with so asaeh aa during prorloua week. Price were steady. iMcea were strong ia the lira chicken trade aad were well mal talaed at- recent rulings. Yery small broflers eontiaaed the oaly axeeptloa to the dairy eleanuo of eunpllea. ' - - . Higher prices' were being named' fer, coaatry killed aeat. Balls were up to S-Ste with caa ner cows 3-4c lb. Veal and hogs continued at least steady. Bringing to Portland of a ear load of so of Spokaae killed spring lambs has hurt the sale aad price of local offering. Tk packsr killed stuff was reported top St 13c while country killed stuff waa quoted 12-lSe for top aad 9-12c for mediums. Asparagus . prices were a gala weaker and. lower wtih a general top 3 1-2.10 pyramid. MOTHEFl-O.MJGHTir! B1QUET SUCCESS SILVERTON, Msy 11 The -Mother and Danghter ba-naaet given Taesday night at the Chrls Uaa church by the Women's Mis sionary society proved a big suc cess, covers being placed for ICS. Mrs. W. O." Livingstone, presi dent of the society, was mistress of ceremonies and Mrs. Vid Ben net was chairman ot the program Mrs. J. A. Bennett led In short de votionals and Bernice. Gay wel comed the mothers. Numbers on the ' program in cluded Vocal solos by DeVere Pen hollow; hymn singing by the au dience led by Mrs. Livingstone; a talk by Mrs. Livingstone: special prayers for the Chinese were led by Mrs. John HobUtt and Mrs. S. A. Gay; girls vocal quartet com posed of Eva Sawyer, Lois Gay, Evelyn Stewart; and Anna Lar son; a paper by Mrs. F. MUlikan; a vocal solo. Mrs. G. B. Bentson; a reading, Rita Rahn; piano solo, Mrs. James Neat; a piano daet, Eva Sawyer and Lois Gay; a play let, with Mrs. Theodore Hobart, Mrs. Eva Neal, Mrs. Alice Egsn. Miss Evelya Stewart, Mrs. Mary Kleeman. Robert Neal and J. J. Johnson as characters. The yea served the dinner. VUXIST9 CT RECITAL SCIO. May 11 The piano stu dents of Mrs. E . R. Olds, auteiated by Us Glee club ef 8cio high, school, aader the direetioa of Miss Doris Clarke, will present a recital at the Christian church la. Sclo next Tuesday evening. May 18. NO DIVORCE .' p-- t v,.:-s:- X . V. : t i Cath St . Denis, InternAtlonalty known dancer, who hasn't been dncing with her aquaUy-fanious has bend and partner, Ted Shawn- tor quite a while, recently an-. uouTseed that altneugh she and hubby hare separated, they hare no -Intention of retting a eiroTee. Eince their separatson, they f oxad they lore each other snore thaa ever. instance, apparently, leudinr . thant nt to the snaritai rirw. By CLIFF STERRETT --.-; 5 J i ... 4.-J 214 Or. Bldg. TL 7113. A sion is nominal.