PAGE TEN The ORI&ON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon;' Friday Mornfngy MV 12, 1833 x I- V; i ' "-- - A - t- v- .... - . Mose . - .". Y .Willamette Hurler Strikes Out 12; Better Support Also is Noticeable By RALPH CURTIS The horseshoes were all held by Oregon 8Ute bat the edge in pitching and especially tn field ing was held by Willamette as they battled through 12 Innings on Olinger field Thursday after noon, the Bearcats squeezing out i-l to 1 victory to take the lead la unofficial standings among the college baseball teams In Oregon. Ed Tweed allowed the Staters three clean hits and three scrat chy ones, two of the latter being fly balls that fell safe when Walt Commons slipped and fell In the left field mire. Tweed struck out 12 batsmen, most of them when he was In tight places. The first Oregon State hit credited to the mud, was JenBen's three bagger , in the first inning which scored Callen. The two other scratch 'hits did no dam age. It. wasn't until the ninth that the Staters hit a clean one, and then there were two, by Call en and Keema, resulting in the lobe earned run of the game. cored by Tommy Ward. That run, on Callen's hit which came when two were out and there were two strikes on him, send the game Into extra Innings. Commons made up for those two downfalls in the mud, by banging out the hit that brought tn Willamette's two runs in the third. With two out, Oravec got a life oa an error, Erickson walk ed, another error filled the bases and then Commons brought Ora- ee and Erickson home. Mannfag Mala Figure la Winning Rally Woodard had held Willamette to fire hits for eight innings. but was lifted for a pinch hit ter In the ninth. Rittenhouse car- . Tied on acceptably until the 12th. In i that fateful Inning Man ning started the fireworks with a single and OraTee once more reached the paths on an error. aa overthrow that sent him to second and Manning to third "Slats' Gill ordered Rittenhouse to walk Walt Erickson, which Tras good strategy, for the force play at the plate "Slats" was looking for came to pass. "Cribble rolled an easy one to Callan and the second baseman made a per fect throw, but -Bud Keema Just - simply muffed it. Manning dented the plate and the game was over, - with, none out in Willamette'; half. ' ' Johnny Blancone. football lum Inary, got Into the limelight as usual, by holding objectionable conversation with the umpire In the 11th after he had been called out on strikes. His Umps wared him out of the game. Oregon State AB R Clarke, tb ........ .5 0 Callen, 2b .........5 1 Gross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE HORIZONTAL : 1 twverag : I -work meaa- wed la terms of keat'" S4 -commit to ' memory 12 alack 13 larr mem - ber of th dsr family 14 foss 15 contaJalac ' rinefar 17 modtrat and ajy ' 1 fait 19 ?oldlo bed 20 nneover tl border em 53 toped , 54 maa'a fax meat ' ' 3 ondl . 29 microbe SO Eogiish . coins " . tl cut off tht t : final syUa- fc- , U . l- - . 83 on wb ' carries " lorrat 4 opponent ' 85 oneealed . t6 being tov- - th most - abstract,' 1 sense . 87 prophet 7J- i6 la " ' 21 22 sl. Jv7 23 2J 2 21 31 V 32 - " 33 ; 2p2pHo Ml 3 N2- , H3 hh Hi JZ? He "7"" """" "T HI H8 .nM-htm I hirl i liberate' 40 paradise 42 mak lac 43 rector of a " ehnrch 48 Latin poet 49 Anglo Saxon money of -account - 50 part of a coat ' 12 electrified - ' particle 13 Iabcl 14 ruminant allied to tie fit mfl 15 tncliaa th aead.! . .' Erewita ia the aolutloa to yes terday's puxzla. jn. 1111 J I Ml I I H J. I )H J I . IM.MI Kip d I E 5 : Rl AN G O ON ! B pP.u n tfm r Pig; V 4 Bit play on : word . Cimlftt. title " " 1 W , .1 1 fc IV t Wl I 1 w n ws Huskies' Tennis Stars to Oppose Willamette Today; Bearcats Defeat Columbia Devotees of the racquet and net I game in Salem will hare an oppor tunity to witness some exception ally high class tennis this after noon, starting about 2 o'clock, on the Willamette university courts when the strong University of Washington team meets the so far undefeated Willamette racquet eers. , ' " The Washington team, on a barnstorming trip, arrived here Thursday night. Its members In the order of ranking In singles are Bob Briggs, Ted Clarke, Bob Witt, Harold Keeney and Mott Rieke, the latter a brother of For rest Rieke, Willamette basketball star and track man. The Willamette team retained its -undefeated status Thursday, defeating Columbia university at Portland lour matches to one. Re sults were, the Willamette players being mentioned first: Hagemann defeated Ram Is 4-4, 4-6, 6-1; Bennett defeated Vellum 6- 4, 6-3; Goyne lost to Wall 5-7, 7- 5, 8-6; Harmon beat Hoff 6-3. 6-1; Hagemann and Bennett de feated Ramis and Vellum 3-6, 6-0, 9-7. The Willamette women's team defeated Reed college in Portland three matches to two Thursday and will play Oregon Normal here Blancone, cf 6 1 Marsten, cf .0 0 Jensen, rf . ... ... 6 0 1 Creider, lb ........5 0 0 Weber, If . ..4 0 0 Hibbard, ss ........5 0 0 Keema, e ..........3 0 2 Woodard, p ..2 0 0 Mitola 1 0 0 Ward 0 1 0 Rittenhouse, p 1 0 . 0 Totals 43 2 6 Wfllametts AB R H Pemberton, cf 4 0 0 Paulf 1 0 0 Egelston, e 1 0 0 Manning, lb 7 1 2 Oravec, Tf-lf 5 1 1 Erickson, 2b .......2 1 1 Gribble, 3b 5 0 1 Commons, lf-rf ......4 0 1 More, ss ...........5 0 1 McCann, c ..........3 0 1 Moore, cf 1 0 0 Tweed, p ....5 0 , 0 Totals 43 8 8 Score by Innings: Oregon State 100 000 001 000 2 Willamette ..002 000 000 0013 Batted for Woodard In 9th. Ran tor Mitola In 9th. t Batted tor Pemberton in 9 th. Sacrifice hits, Orarec, Erick son, Moore; stolen bases, Clarke, Callen, Blancone, Ward. Bases on balls, off Tweed 7, off Wood ard 4, off Rittenhouse 1. Struck out, by Tweed 12, by Woodard 7. Two base hit, Keema; three base hit, Jensen. Hit batsmen, Weber by Tweed. Passed ball, McCann: wild, pitch, Woodard. Earned runs, Oregon State 1. Willamette 2, Oregon Umpire, Dwlght Adams. Errors, State 6. SHEFFER VERTICAL 1 winged part 1-100,000 rupee t business leader 4 ject fabulous .. bird depart . 9 man' nam i approach domestio : it ehort poem 1 correlative f neither It small child It atnotim 20 pouch 21 Imitators 22 caisrepre sent - 13 undevel oped steni 25 amuse 25 division ef a drama 27 euccinct 2 Babylonia 22 haseoux -as for 28 fasten 25 one of a! barbarous' Asiatic popl 28 prtainlnf . to puniilw aaent - SO AiKtmnt K 41 ciri's toy 43 weirhtef i India ; it eookfBg utensil 44 northera . ,. ' constella- . Itioa 45 wast ptec of doth 49 edge of a -jfmneiit ; 47 -character- - Istic cry of; the pigeon 48 eonclud 51 father' ' Kbi WmXtm Ijiwflaitt. tot. Saturday. Results In Portland were: 1 Janet Well lost to Muriel Nlcfc- las 6-0. 6-2; Anna Calaba defeat ed Lois SIssoa 6-1, 6-2, Isobel Morehouse defeated Myrie Morius 3-6, 8-6, 6-1; Wilma Patheal de feated Elinor Thurston 1-6, 6-4, 6-4; Calaba and Well lost to Mor ius and Nlchlas 6-8, 6-3. E LITE HIT RALLY NATIOXAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Pittsburgh New York . -15 5 .750 .12 8 .600 12 10 .545 ..10 11 .476 St. Louis . Cincinnati Chicago 10 11 .476 9 10 .474 Brooklyn. , Boston .10 14 .417 Philadelphia "6 15 .286 NEW YORK, May 11 (AP) Pittsburgh stared off a late Giant rally that netted a run after two were out In the ninth and won to 6 today. Pittsburgh 7 12 New York 6 14 Melne, Harris and Grace, Hub- bell, Luque and Maneuso. BROOKLYN, May 11 (AP) The Dodgers rallied for two runs In the ninth today and defeated Cincinnati 7 to 6. Lefty O'Donl hit a homer and four tingles. Cincinnati f 10 Brooklyn 7 12 0 Derringer and Lombard!, Man ion; Benge, 8haute and Plcinlch Sukeforth. BOSTON, May 11 (AP) The Boston Braves dropped the first game of the current series to the St. Louis Cardinals today, 2 to 1 St. Louis 2 t Boston 1 7 Hallahan and Wilson: Betts and Spohrer. Chicago at Philadelphia, post poned, rain. MICKEY MOUSE hub run IOw Rrtvl m'A SS?. 1 Xi o. I f VVEj-U. POR-..7lVj-T- J I CAM JUST SEE Tl If CIRCLING ' fKH . L jT $ IV?vS A V MOUSE! rJ DON'T WASTE CONGpPCTUl-ATlNG EACH A 6T- I AROUND WAITING Jm If J JfL o fCtWJC ( Jl$-rJs ( OTHER CAUSE, THEY C.JrXj TO SEE WHERB rTV CSS?. Ps rsYSJs il VrCoPtfU IVKE MF A I TH'NK THEY FINISHED Y; SK V Z LAND ! Ytk Jt Ckk ,r2& iYy a VflEPfl I aV... V V me! what a surprise ) " ZZIlL S PG-nTX J.Q I 1 THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popcye POPCfE, WW fRE YOU UKTrwT fT A . TIME UKE THIS? 1 Ck I XIV UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY LOOKS TO ME. UKE.TH6 19 UOR BIU.-TAKETT FROM ME, O ATHUUSANU AWAY FROM 6TILL GOtfcT A FLYCOULDNFTGETK A5 5WK3N WITHOUT BEWS S 4- TOOTS AND CASPER DAN. I CANT IMA&IN2 you esnj4 so downcast WHEN YOU JUST LANDED THE 009 AS KtlhUZX CP THS MEXICAN BRANCH OF THS A8ADABA MANURACT URVCOMrVNV ATA SALARY Ft YEARl BEAVERS LOSE' IN WILD NINTH Stars Rally for Five and Change of Pitchers is Rotten Strategy COAST LEAGUE ' W. It. .Pet. Sacramento Hollywood . Los Angeles .22 14 .611 .22 14 .611 .20 15 .671 Oakland .19 16 .543 .18 16 .629 Portland Mission . .17 19 .472 .10 21 .323 .12 25 .324 Seattle . San Francisco LOS ANGELES, May 11 (AP) Of all the wild ninth Innings, Hollywood's against Portland to day stands In a class by Itself. The Stars beat the Beavers 'with a fire-run splurge, 8 to 7. Here Is what happened: Durst walked, Brannan got a two-bagger and Taltt, Carlyle and Jacobs sin gled In succession. Manager Spencer Abbott wared 8am Gib? son from the mound and replaced htm with Jack Wilson, another right hander. It was a managerial flop, for Wilson wild-pitched the winning run across the plate af ter walking Bassler and Strange. It mattered not that Portland scored fire runs in the fifth on home runs by Berger and Sheely Portland : 7 12 Hollywood 8 IS Gibson, Wilson and Sheely; Page, Gardner, Coster and Bass ler. OAKLAND. May 11 (AP). Afternoon game (10 Innings): Los Angeles 8 8 Oakland 4 8 Ballou and McMullen; Ludolph Sallnsen, Gaoler and Veltman. SAN FRANCISCO, May 11 (AP) Afternoon game: Seattle 8 12 Missions 9 16 Page and Cox; Cole and Fit patrlek. SACRAMENTO, May 11 (AP) Night game: San Francisco ,4 10 Sacramento 0 9 Zlnn and Melsaac; Gllllck and Woodall, Wirts. LOOK WT K&Hb CAB005O THE.TRE GETTING INTO THCJR eoor fi PBS, UfeAVtGOOft ttufcHD! BUT 60WTO BE A STEATJ THAT ORPHAN WO FORTHE COSTIMG FIUD THE TOO SOONT : Z.1' i 1' rV CSENTCLLINi ALL. THE NEI6H90RS THAT YOUKU 60VJNA MOVE AWAY SOON, - COLONEL, AND EVERYBODY tS - J ru. mavh. TOUVetM v ftEXtCO CITY OP linn - THAT MEANS I MAt NEVER SEB MY LTTTL& RAJU CASPER ,0 9o Sport fans may hare to do come choosing this afternoon, what with Salem high aad Chemawa baseball teams play ing at Chemawa, Farrlsh and Leslie clashing oa Oliager field at 8:43 p, nu, aad University of Washington's famed tennis team playing Willamette's un defeated squad oa the Willam ette court la the afternoon. If you J mat can't chooee between, these, yoej might drire down to Oswego aad watch the Salem high golf team play in the state tournament. But if you do that, better figure on getting back in time to see Sa lem Senators play their first game of the season, against the Salem Elks on Olinger field at 5:16. or just as soon aa the Farrlsh-Leslie game is finished. And Saturday-) sare the date for track, whether you tarn oat on Sweetlaad field to see 134 athlete from high schools all over Marlon and Clackamas coon tie and Molt nomah outside of Portland, romp la the district No. 7 meet which will select entries for the state meet, or go over to Cor rallls aad watch trs boys from most of the colleges In Oregon perform. We might at this point also put in a word Tuesday night's grappling show, for none other than the great Wong Buck Cheung, heavyweight champion of China and said to be the biggest Chines in the United States right now. will be her to meet Ted Thye, former world light heavy weight champion. Won- Is 28 years old, tfeet 2 Inches tall and weighs 212. He is a graduate of Northwestern university. ' H has beaten Abe Kaplan and Wednes day night In Portland defeated Everett Klbbons of Chicago. He la said to be not only big and strong, an exceptional physical specimen, but a smart wrestler. Baseball fans, a lot of yon missed one. of the best game ever played in Salem, when yon failed to turn out and see Wll- 'Happy Now Showing BECNOSE THEY SfSVJ THKT linVDrAEH 00 CW MC , it "Close i w m an rwtiiTvDt5urn5ME-Hvyrx)uV3HAwN U6HT VJORK-THAT AAJcS. MEAMY VJW3 PArWG 3D MUST BE COO 'COO TfSj HER PLEMTV SOGAPf AS AS TM COMCERMEXX IF I NEVER KID-THATU. BE I "Moved I'VE MAO MANY HAPPY MOMENTS Tiam UOIMS KIT ,- ' mirw. . HAPPIEST MOMENT WHOUS LIFE WILL NEXT WEEK WHEN 600O-BYE TO YOU - mm mmm mmr KSTT ii SIS. TO PLAY INDUS TODAY Red and Black Loses 6 to 4 At Canby; Chemawa Tops Lebanon High 15-5 Defeated to 4 at Canby Thurs day afternoon by Canby high, the Salem high school baseball team will play Chemawa Indian school this afternoon at 1 o'clock on the Chemawa diamond. Both teams bar played two games already this week and may be a llttl shy of available pitchers, but this sit uation should neutralise Itself. Both Salem high and Chemawa bar broken even with 8irrerton, so the teams are more or less on a par. A Canby pitcher who special ized in strikeouts, whiffing 10 men, proved Salem's downfall. The red and black achieved seren hit to fir chalked np by Canby, against the capable mound Job turned In by Leonard Faist, but Canby bunched two hit with equal number ot errors and walks in the third to score tour runs. and got two more on two walks, a hit and an error in the fourth. The game at Chemawa today was adraneed on the schedule by arrangement between the coaches last night. CHEMAWA. May 11. Chem awa Indian school sluggers bang' ed Out 23 hit to defeat Lebanon high 15 to 5 at Lebanon today, Three Indian pitchers held Leb anon to six hits, and their support was much better than had been accorded the previous day at Woodburn. Leonard Vlrette lost a ball ortr the fence for a homer in the first inning, with one man ahead of him. Chemawa scored three more in the second, one in the third, fire in the fourth, one In the fifth, two in the sixth and one in the serenth. Chemawa .-, 16 23 2 Lebanon '....5 6 2 Spencer, Seltlce, Vlrette and Katchla, Zundle; Parrlsh, Miner and Simpson. lunette beat Oregon State 8 to a in 19 innings yesterday. We'd say that even If the Stater had won. Landing;!' "Ambushed V BUT UX."RE STU.L H K PCXU THOSE BOTe fU IN I POS.F MlOti OP THE PALAtt an? -row -rn M&wr J L Quarters T SOU AKTMC BOTV -X WEIGH CfSJOy HUNTftNT ORPHAMS-QF OF THATL00O kEWAROTME "DAMEOTrTRS FOR FINDING .THE KID to Tears" DAM! rt WAS RUDE IN MY OF YOU TO PRETEND TUK w wmm OF MY THAT YOU HEARD THS PHONE RXHhMb . W COME AND LEAVE CASPER . 1 SC C WA.S TALKINd ' TO YOUl rest : Hi O Kim ftcn Rookie Has Good Comeback But is Bounced Anyway LOS ANGELES, May 11 (AP) Spencer Abbott; fiery manager of the Portland Bearers. today released Jack Wilson, right hand pitcher, after Wilson had walked and wild-pitched Holly wood to aa 8-7 decision In a wild ninth-inning that saw the Stars scor fir runs. . "You're got to hare control to be en this club, stormed Ab bott to the crestfallen Wilson after the winning run crossed the plat. "What are you doing on if then?" retorted Wilson. "You're fired!" Abbott roared at his pitcher. And that was that. BUS TO PLAY IKI III PORT Final sanction was voted Thurs day night for a football game be tween Willamette university and Columbia university to be played la Portland next fall. A date will be settled later. Gene Murphy, who ' coached Columbia university's greatest football team through an unde feated season last fall, plans to make the Portland game with Willamette an annual affair. He said he considered the Bearcats Columbia's best drawing card among Independent colleges of the state. Both teams will be fortified with veterans, particularly in the backfleld. Columbia will hare Merle Nehl for ball carrying half. Corcoran fullback and ' John Thomas for a passer. Willamette's passing and block ing star Gordon Williams will re turn and romp with Johnny Ora rec, sensational halfback, and "01" Olson, th big "Mack truck" who smashes the line. Paul Schissler Will Coach Pro Team is Report CHICAGO. May 11 (AP) The Chicago Tribune tonight says DEfR. UMD MEN . LCK rXLL VOU 5U)cBS. By TOO MUCHTO K6EE, I COURSE, 2ER0, 1 X OLD COULD USE m I fx' ON US: WE GOTTA DO 50MrTWVJGCAU5CWt rfl SOME. LOOSE I ?r CHANGE. CAHTBE I HAD .TO DO IT, TM S0PWE! I RUSHED IN HERS BEFORE HS HAD A CHANCE, TO SEE .HAD TO VhONE that i sxwrreo to on AND IT? I LBCS THAT LITTLE SHRIMP! I4 jONNA mw m - .ssr m m. sm y-- vis - x vx X . SSI I , lie, Cnm B'' Paul Schlssler, who recently re. signed as football coaeh at Ore gon State college after nine years ot service, will sign to. coach the Chicago Cardinals of the national professional league. Schlssler is expected to accept a three year contract. Jack Chev igny. former Notre Dame sUr and Junior coach, held th position last year, but resigned to go to St. Edward' college, Austin. Tex. MIEM SEIZES I AMERICAN LEAGUE W. IV. 15 8 Prt. .652 .636 .591 .583 Cleveland New York Chicago Washington Philadelphia Detroit St. Louis Boston , .14 .18 8 9 .14 10 .9 11 .450 .10 13 .435 9 6 15 .375 15 .26 CLEVELAND, May 11 (AP) Cleveland took sole possession ot first place in the American league race, a halt a game ahead of the Idle Yankees, by defeat ing Boston today. 4 to 1. Mel Harder held the Red Sox to six hits and contributed a home run and a double. Boston 1 I Cleveland 4 19 0 Andrews, Welch and R. Fer rell; Harder and MyatL ST. LOUIS. May 11 (AP) Ted Gnlliek hit a homer la the ninth and scored behind West to giro, St. Louis two runs and a 4 to 3 victory over Washington today. Washington 2 9 0 SL Louis 4 9 0 Stewart and Sewell; Hadley and Ruel. New York at Chicago, post poned, wet grounds. Philadelphia - Detroit postpon ed; wet grounds. For CEECa By the Bottle or Case Call 7849 By WALT DISNEY l n m SEGAR oy HOT A : ; HEWJEHSf Otf AtV SO ' 1 VOO EVER. Set vmrtKrt DARRELL McCLURE Wa5 5CAREOH0MEST THOUGHT OVE CF THOSE. DETECTIVES WAS GONNA eTEP LUCKY ALL, THETIMK1 J w iaw m . .11 jf m ' By JIMMY MURPHY rLAD COLONEL. HOOFER DASH IN AND ANSWER THAT -GTHERWtSE,HED HAVE NOTICED TEARS COMBtcr INTO MY EYES I DONT WANT KIM TO KNOW CRY OVER HW! ITS &ONNA ES LONSSOMS HERE WTTHOUTHJM! rw cruNNA MISS KM 1 r 7 4 i i 4 1 i t f