7 - j;-xv-. .-. ft r . .... -i . - . .r -1 " - " ... ' - : - .... - - - V - " " . " . . .. - - - , , ( . , . . . , - Th OREGON STATESS1AN, galea, Oreron. Wednesday Morning. lUr 10. 1933 PAGE8EVEN " 'l ' ; -1 ' I - r ' -.-------r' - -- -. -- - - - . ' . ' r : .,-. ' " V ' ' I ----- I 4 t 4 4 - ft f BWHMMWHMMHMMMHM. Business Directory 5. Cards to Uua directory rue oa a monthly test estly. Bala: $L00 pr Una pr -Moth. AUTO BRAKES yiy panek, ths brake and shimmy aoctot.- t7S So-rth 0merca 1 Screet. CATERING Bart Crary. tbe fteror. PjS7S3: CHIMNEY SWEEP I Telephone 4480. It K. Kerthnes a CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. FSC. ChkopraeUr. HO M. High. TA Boa .$78. DRI-SS MAKING Dranmaktaff la tout horr . Exp. $i.5Q day. Copy plcturea Tel. T884.- FLORISTS CUT newer wedding boaqueta fun eral wrath decorations. C. P. Brelt 4 upt. florist, Ht Court. Tea. l8- ALL kinds of floral work. Lata Flor ist, 16th A Market. Tel MX. GLASS Aato and window glass mirrors. TaL 6108. Walter J. Down. sao preys. INSURANCE EEC KB A HENDRICKS IIS K. High TeL 494T COFFETT-SMITH, gen, tea Tel. 8 Hi. LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THIS WE7ID ft LAUNDRY 383 B. Hlsb Tel. I1M CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Qallty and Service Telethons 816$ 124 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRT W. SCOTT. Tha Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home, twin- mattrea 18.00. Renovators and fumtgatora. Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed- dina Co Tel, 4U. ru isdiuh. Ma mi ttrau made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning. eUlag; fluff nig wearing. Baiem eivui nas tress Factory. S. 13th Wilbur. TaL H4t. Otto r. Zwtcker. Eat. 1911. B1USIC STORES nizn T WIL I Pianos, radios, sew- 1 log machines, sheet music and plana ' atadias. tupainng rauo Bauumi and sewing machlnea 43 State Street. Hatem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade ralUr and lessons for aythtntr I can uee. Storhow. 4S Court. MEDICINE Or. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday ana naay, i ; t 4:34 p. m. 143 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Patnt Roofing. 474 Ferry, PAINTING Painting, paper-hanging. Interior iMnHnr. Katlmatas free. W. n. hlioppard. Tel. 4280. ! PRINTING K-ri flTATUiXERT. cardSL. MUnnb- lata, orograms, books or any kind of rtatins, call The Statesman renting Department, lit a Commercial. Tale- phone tnu PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT N. U Clement. Incpme Tax Reports. Auditing. 11014 N. ComL Tel $03 mr 8207. - REAL ESTATE BECKH HENDRICKS. TaL 484L Y-?k3?Fn eL 4488. M ?rtrrt rwKT A SON 104-6 First Nat'L Bk. Bldg. TeL 780T. STOVES STOVES and stays repauu w mam . . rt . ior saw, "" .. IZZ . - --.i aais. . re Dun. . kinds at woven wnw - !- haaketS. hooka, lOgan hOOka plain, nop - v w ork- 43 Kaiam I1DB - 4. at a TRANSFER Z . ,t- t. - fMTTT Transfer Co. 224 Stats EC TeL 1S. .wiiMaw anif MLnrajtm vw w aimw w . Get our rates, ;nD i .1 t distant transfer storage, aail IlilT Larmir Tranafar Co. Trocas CUll 7' . Portland cauy. - WEIXf DRILLING " a w.t. 30 years experience. Mrs: Andrew Schab Dies in Washington SHAW. Iw Z'aZI Burgnart re" . . . ., i..f.r r. am Mrs Mar? irewim ---- tZ' i Portland. Mr "Ay- v .. ,u..t.ii 1r. J OS- no Shall Ol . nes " . 4a nnrahart Snider ox au. - . . of Salem ad Edward Barghart of Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Aw Pchab formerly, med st Shaw. , - f..m In Willi. They BOTCH! io a In gt on aoous si - r orcrrn nri: lift INDEPENDENCE. May The high school student body will ra eeefl the aehool ground Uwng as Statesman Classified Ads i Can 9101 CUsalfled AdrerUvtag Slug! Initrtioa per Uae.lOe, Tb? laMftloas pr Una SO Six lnaarUoat per Una. .10 One month per line.. $ 1.0 Ki&lmum charge ....Sit ? Copy tor tL peg ae eepted atll t:SP the erea lng before pmblleattoa for daasineatloB, C p p f rev eel red after tale time will be) ran ander tbe heading Too Lata to Clasalty. The GtateemaB aetaraea a financial responsibility tor errors vhleh may ap pear la adTerUsesaeaU pab Usatd tn 1U eolamns, and la cases where this paper is at taalt will reprint that part ot aa advertisement la which the , typographical mistake eeemra. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee ttenal advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper eliasiflea tlon. HELP WANTED MALE A MAN WITH CAR WANTED to advertise our goods and distribute In troductory packages to consumers. Must be satisfied with 90c an hour at start. Write for full particular AL BERT MILLS. ROUTE Mlin.. Z41f MONMOUTH. CINCINNATI. Ol HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted: full time unencumbered ma ture housekeeper. Room and board, small wagea State experience, refer ences, address ana phone numoer. Writs Bos -337, cars Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED Exp. dressmaking In your home, 13.50 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 7934. Wanted by capable woman, house- cleaning. Best references. Telephone 37. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Fldler's stand. Intersection Silverton-Fortland road. Seed Potatoea Netted Gems, Bur bank. H. A. Hyde Co., 2693 Portland Road. TeL 9596. Good coa-. fresh soon. Tel. 6000. For sale, fertilizer. Ph. 8333. FOR SALE Fresh milk goat, $. Wanted small potatoes for seed.. C L Booth. Rt 2, McMlnnvllle. TRADE! Miscellaneous Wanted to trade lot for good used car. TeL $230. WANTED Miscellaneous Pay cash elec. washer. Tel. 787L MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut. Adults 30c. chUd., 15a Two blocks a of library. S. Winter. : farmanent wave. 50c. Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steusloff MkL TeL 4486. Wa nlelr im. free of charge dead and worthless Lorses, cows and sheep. TeL 4860. Bird doga taken to train. Pointer at Stud. Reference and a square oeau Hollywood Kennels. Rt 0. Box 193. i Two blocks N. of Valley Packing. Steel. Span. Guitar, Mandolin. Be- a-lnnera adv. classes. Harmony, notes. Recistratlon ends June 15. Studio TeL Tins or t . w. v. a. bi. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porch. 1577 Court St. TeL 4SaI. For rent clean sleeping room, doss m. TeL 8724 ROOM AND BOARD kSBasaVMaeVMBa'je4ies Board and room for ladles. Close in. TeL 867$. B9J Court St. Board, room, $20.00, near P. O. 548L Comfy rma Board opted. Tel. sts, FOR RENT APARTMENTS I annrinrii'irii"!-!"!- Pattoa apartments downtown. Call Patton'a book etsra. ' n n llrrlfvBlll " Fur. S R. apU $261 warei. ieu 7664. uui.rmAnnin . ..Miaft.a4 a Mwm nun Krl I r UI ITU I. 1U1 hioui-m l0 W1S chemekeU 8L , mwwwww.n . I --------- .r i ix)vezy xur. -r. apt. I wm'''" awwwwtowa I ...t. SCS Union. i auiu. vh.i, furn j-rrwim a tit., heat and garage. 1933 Chemeketa. Phone 8883 IXXTkrurirtrsi i Newly furn. apta., 457 a Com'L U-ffjisvV Ant. 812.00. 897 N. Com'L Kiniton ants., nicely furn. s rro. J ,Dt,el. range and refrig. by week month. 570 N. Winter. I ........... i -.j. nnarlmnts. furnished, moi- srn, freshly decorated, fins klt st- tractive piace, o. 1064 Oak. ssaasaaaasaaaaajgajssaessskfcaei apartrnent. Ortr- Nice fnrnlslwd stuffed. 600 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES mm rmimnnr ------- - . hMHM H. A. Ferkner. 1610 N. Cottage. TeL SOIL )BSSMSj"vJSs4sSaAB w rooms t.v. ''r . - m k ah an near stats jr or rent, - houses Phone $762. - - . . a Tallrwood dUt. TeL 6766. SeveraJ W"0Z .dv f.r Wit targe - "7 vT nlantln. $f to $50 per Wjpntto. , si-SatrBtreetT-r-' Pboaa 670$ V modem beautifully furnished -m.- till rr, MID.r'l StOTS Bldg. . I nWM. - .JL . - mm xi . ill i ii i i 4 room Twne. im .V-jy-lZS FOR RENT S6SSssW-aS-B6saSlsSSrM To desirable party, part otfice det. a Am W.T n 1 I mSw. S-l chairs, tei. us oinu j-""a- . FOR 'RENT Sheep pasture. TeL FOR SALE Real Estate A m m avata. nsVMaTlsu'unjXrinjXA JJOa I Duua until Tan aea tlta twal fine lota all tn cherries, pears and ap-1 bivm. iuu oaariiig. oaa mock soutn oil . . ' -. n.T. ""1001. nice view, i lerl lota 49x111 each. Sell ana or I both cheap, easy payment Owner, Til J Rural ATenoa. phono 1854. j If you want to buy. sen or axchaaae tnythmg see General Exchange. S3 1 . commercial St. Wa haya a large list of rood buvs la repossessed eMetn homes that can Del via reaaonaua wna liberal terms, SEE US for good buys. . CHILD 3 A MILLER. Realtors S44 Bute Street Phone S70S CHOICE VIEW PROPERTY In ana ot Salem's select residaaca dUtrlcts, strictly modern 8 room home like new. hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, double set of plumbing, plen ty ot built ins. full bUMMKL laniMlr trays, good heating plant, double gar-1 M. nice lawn, shrubs and flowers. A uwi' bui ror es. . CHTLDS 4k MILLER. Realtors 344 Stats Street Phone 87031 Income property, good condition and location. Will pay for Itself and fur nish nice home. Prloa 35.540.00. Terms c" hop land located north otKcm KlrZflJji, rloor Salera. All fenced and cultivate real bargain at 13.500.00 terms riven. roam strictly modern bungalow. Vf??, ln- very choice home at 13. t00.ee. Yen must sea this home to ap- Vieviaiw aa. saueMs iarnia , REMEMBER OUR TRAJ3INO BTA TION JSnJss? z ?!fAfB """ w I . wu cmnpr nomo close to 8a- I 5S,CT.S3 located on paved road. This la one of inm niceec nomea arouna saiem. and U priced right. S room modern house and unfinish ed attic for $3000.00. Just newly decorated and painted. Have client who wants fm. modern house tn north Salem. Must be (Mitral ngni. Houses for rent CHAS. HUDKINS, Phone l$t Room 3, Miller's Store Bldg. TXIDTT Tinir Mr. Romese<er Vr. Tn.ti ."!"aPz-oholc lot on Falrmount HilL $600. Paid $1800. Grand view. Most Ideal residential AlstrW n Need tha money reason for selling ail THOMASON today at 841 State, EXCHANGE Real Estate XI V t XT 431 Uf T a m irrv www Tst"" rn' I'.i . I for grain. About 80-a rt !, .k I l TI - 1 .. . "f- w moor n. una l iorwl rniii Wood bo. TOL.." dandy piace. uniy ISOQO. Will take a place flm 20 a 80-A. as part. This place aas ucai . ejEEj JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor 133 South High TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY 88-A. Fair lmprovementa Running water, and some timber. Price $3500. 35-A. Howell Prairie soil. Good im provement!!. iTlce $4250. Trade for JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South Hiah 40 acres, stocked nn . . . wuavu, vis the payement. 3 modern hen houses. wo or soe hens; will exchange for ? creaB near saiem or vacant land. This is riyer bottom. Let's see ui yuu nave. H. CL SFrr-PT.r.a . uregon uiag. Tel. $002. EXCHANGE tnr Tm, n, a.cit oaieiit six room nmiu i-mnrM.ai . OWVRB oriTwn visT Will trade his rhni is rich bottom Tan nAW R ....' . t wu UUIIglft. 1 low. barn, nonltrv hmiu Dtci) o-- I rifioe price $2500 clear. Trade for a I wu iramo in saiem same value. What I "Vr,-Ti;"L xnignt consider timber. SEE BECHTEL or THOMAsnv ji o.-. PnAm J ACREAGE as ,-l-t, vwaa a e.j PRICED TCt SRT.I. 338 seres. 170 acres clear KaT. mice pasture and t mVr satlm.tl r.;rLconl" TP04 a hous' electric 'Sui. Kl aVILv waiPf snrsrforn ftm 1 round prVair R . k. . : -v' TV I fair barn and poultry houses. prt '" per acre. a.uo per acre down Parment, oaiance easy terms st 6. acta HAWKINS ROBERTS For Farm Barsraina CITT CONVENIENCES AND COUN- l acre of em and zi Its, Paved road, l.lonhnn. mM. d ate .H.on f . k S labI- imm I session Mrs. M. M. Magee, chalr !.ie.??8,0n .r brand-new 4 room m. n. tt m ... vuaum nouas, Dunt ins, good plumb - .rA Jr.?d2!? g"ag and drove weiL r.v,V J?i?-'v i r zzau witn terma -niuu.i m Mu,i.aK. Realtors 144 State Street Phone 670$. LOOK now no.iv If TOU have 3S00 oaah an4 vrtll - sums $3000 mta- nw Mn aa a river bottom land, so A. in cult. House, fino' .,,nr h001- van M. - .r.'- snap Jtxtra cnoice nearlv nine am tm.i 7y vmwu wna, no Diaga, t w5tMn8a,in-Rock bottom price $50. For a few days only. Hurry and W U 1.' - - BECHTKL. nr TWrviCi orv aii state Rmdi 4 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY BUKfLUB BABY CHKjKS at rince prlcea Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargains. Custom hatch ing. Hatcning egga Phone 133F3. Lees uaicnery, saiem, Oregon. .. 1-,-.- - ir -ii-ir.fXfxrui Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry com pany, zs is. aimer. Custom hatching. 600 eggs at lHo every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL I3F8 tree's Hatchery. MONEY TO LOAN PhiRSONAI, LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monuuy woe a u nnanctai nea ua before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION rirat National Bank Bldg. Phosa $513. MAaAsSMshAAssSs1MMeaaaassyi MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments Tew keep the ear P. A, EIKER Cor. Liberty SL and Ferrr Phone 4733 Salstn. Ore. POLLY AND HER IVE STORMED AMD IVE . lHrATNT-V wy BUT ITS HOPELESS ) ( J: MONEY TO LOAN Harrow an aarannal nranarrvi hmi la monthly tn stall menta WILijLM- rCTTH UOXS CO, State 11a B-ll, SOS uuaraian Bids. Tel. s 87 7. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATU LOAN COMPANT . Offioa bra 10.-e A. M7to SiSS 1. M. Teiephona 1783. State . Ucenae wo. i S-185. 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN dally riag out a loan aarvtca that Is really really different. TOTJ OET THB TOLL AMOUNT OP LOAM IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE on U3ANS lie ta siee Beneficial Loan Society Or SALEM LICENSED BY 8TATB Sit State Street Tel. 8-7-4-0. FOR SALE WOOD mtI: Old fir dry sad green (4.00 and up. Aah and fir, Jndd. Phone SlFlt. GUARANTEED DRY 0 Salem real Co. Trade vCui Ash. fir and oak. TaL M4S. Dry oak. ft. $4.00. TaL 1708. No. I dry eld fir, $5.00. TaL tits. Dry wood $4 cord. TaL Sltt. MWWWWWWft)WWWWWftWI Old fir If, 18". Tel. 07. LOST AND FOUND Reward to person who helna to re cover black suitcase containing lady's coats ann DAtnrooe. Tel. silt FOR SALE USED CARS ar Vi -Vsr i i i r iruTj-uxriJTfU'UUtJ'U McKAYS USED CARS WITH AN aE. THAT COUNTS t$ Ford Coupe $ 35.00 37 Essex Coach 75.00 05.00 ,17 Star Sedan "!8 Durant Sedan 135.00 145.00 145.00 105.00 285.00 25.00 305.00 405.00 545.00 375.00 .? Chrysler Sedan ! 'SO Ford Roadster MS ,ii r'- 31 Ford Pickun '30 CheT. DeLnxe Sadan '33 Cher. DeLuxe Coach . '33 Plymouth Sedan 30 Ford Panel Truck '30 Chev. Panel Truck 325.00 TRADES TERMS Open Evenings and Sundavs McKAT CHEVBor!BT on 338 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Com'L SEE Bill and Bob TTaad Oar IhrhuM for your used car. 643 ChemekeU Terms Trade Open Evenings and Sundays - i-ii-ttii-i ni-aani iixsxrrurTjri-n-rx- raa USED CARS Bought for Cash Always Sell for Less t40 N. Liberty Phone 3688 MACLEAT, May 9. The an nual home economics urogram was put on at the regular grange meeting Friday alght by the wom en of the grange. A four-act play. How the Story Grew," was given by Volarla Amort, Mrs. J. Amort, a- w-r v-k isi a a- IB- -muips, airs. sa. M. flia- Ree, Margaret Magee, Mrs. H. E. l martin. Mrs. a. uaaer. Mrs. use Patton. Other numbers were: Song by Mrs. J. F. C Tekanbura. and a I aTOBD of vocal numbers bv Mrs, I Wa!Ti rinrfna. tha hitstnaaa 1 ' I the monthly report, and short talks on legislative matters were givea by Frank Bowers, W. A. Jones and C. Ratcllff. - The June meeting will be ob served as "Brothers' night." The men will give the program This I will also be the SSd anniversary of the OTganliatlon of Macleay I grange I a V V S s f aiiTi Labors rield Up by Long Rains; Lichty Sets Hops CENTRAL HOWELL, May The rain which so gladdeaed the farmers at the start Is new be ginning to be Irksome with its long duration. Corn planting Is ot necessity delayed and many other tasks held up. H. L. Lichty has 20 aeree of hops set out this spring and T. W Darbln has Just completed setting out additional acreage. Durbin had a crew la his yard Saturday picking off all vines Infected with downy mildew. ASK GEBXHAB RETENTION 33D mm OF 6MK LOOMS GRAND ISLAND. May I .The ; Improvement club Saturday night ' passed a motion and appointed a ' committee to draw up resolutions to ba seat to the governor, en couraging the retention of Max Gehlhar as state agricultural di rector. During the summer months the club will meet only onca a month oa the Xirst Saturday alght. PALS DEAR rvSvTrtRS MUST ES SOM3 OP SaM!NJG INTO BUriN9 A NHTMG GOIIIG 01! RAPIDLY With hop contracting ta the Yakima section progressing at a rapid rate, not more than 4000 bales will be oa the open mar ket as far aa the first contracts for 1ISS go, I. O. Hughes, of the firm of Lloyd L. Hnghes, stated here yesterday. This estimate lacladea thai new acreage, estimated at between 1100 and 1S00 acres. Not more than 00 bales ot 10SS and alder hops are oa head there new. ' The? spot market there eon tlanee at IS cents a SXa. The beat contract reported v ther is one- tor six years, the first year of which ts at SO cents, the aaxt throe years at 25 ceata and the last two at SI . Cents. Another contract has been written for the first year at 35 cents, two years at SO cents and two years at 25 cents. The Hnghes company paid the highest price tor 10 Sis here Sleaday. la buying from Romeo Oouley and Livesley. SWEGLE, May . Swegle school will close Friday with a community picnie at noon and graduating exercises at 7: SO p. m. HAZEL. GREEN, May The eighth grade graduating exercises will be given Friday, May 19. at S p. m. Dr. Schnltre of Willam ette university will give the ad dress. A group from the school will sing. Frank Johnson, Jr., will represent the class. Edward Dna niran, Jr., chairman of the board, will present diplomas. Members ot the class are Klml Tads, Tom and Kay Mlo, Frank Johnson and Ber nard Ziellnsk.1. The 4-H cooking club will give tea for the mothers Thursday af ternoon, May 11, in the basement. Achievement day for 4-H clubs will be May 22, the closing day ot school. The basket dinner Is usu ally In charge of a committee from the commnnlty clnb. UNION, May 8 The regular monthly meeting ot the Woodburn grange was held Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Caroth ers were elected alternates to go to the state grange convention at Pendleton In June. Mrs. Ray Glatt told of her six months' trip la Europe. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned by an order ot the County Court of Marlon County, State of Oregoa, duly made and entered on the Sth day ot April, 1933. was appointed administrator ot the estate of Mary C. Walts. deceased, and that he has duly Qualified as such. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, at my office In th United States National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, or at the office of my attorney. Otto K. Paulus, 401 First National Bank Building, in the City ot Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice, to-wit April II, 1133. Dr. Ray M. Walts Executor ot the Last Will and Testament of Mary C. Walts, de ceased. Otto K. Paulus. Attorney for Executor. A. IP- 2S-M. 2-10-17. Radio Program WEDBTBaDAT. KAY IS KOI Parti and 916 Xs. 6:30 KOIN Kleek. 8:00 Belle and Martha. DLB3. 10:00 Msrie. Little Fresco Priaeets, una. 1:80 Beek ef Lite. 6:15 Reaaatie Bachelor, CBS. 7:S0 Black Bins. 10:00 Fierite'e orchestra, DLBS. IS: SO De Beaey's erehrstre. 11:80 Cafe da. Paris, DLBS. X0AO CerraUls 6S0 Xe. 7:00 Xeraiag aaeditatieas, led by Bev. real r. retueera. 12 :0 Varai hear. 3:80 Dr. Henrietta Morris; "The True RelatiwU1v ef Die te Dlseaie." T:0e Dr. W. D. Pawers. "Croa ne ts ties aad Predaettvs Laai V el se t." 7:30 CervaUii hick eeheel Sres-raas. 6:1S Oregea 8ute eeUege amiicele seaa s:waras, ptsaiat. EOW PanisaS 680 Xs. 7:00 Orgaa ceaeert, SBC. 7:10 Orsea concert, KBO. 7:10 RayUm Bmaihlers. XBC. 0:15 Coekiag sckeeL 9:45 Orgaa eeaeer, XBO. 10:04 Sarah Kretadles, VBO. 10:30 Weasaa's Macashie ef the KBO. 1:00 Al Beraar-. KBO. 1:15 Trie Kesaeatle. KSO. 1:45 Jeha sad Be fed. XBC. 'Gertruda Most RURAL SCHOOLS EUD STUDIES FOB YEAR TwrWS C NOTHING THAT vVDULI t CyvouloI f CHANGQ SAJVRCL IN TQ ) I r winii w ot irrr c-r cstciesfi I I i i a i i SUGeST7; r 'aT'T C THOT3 reCT TH2 POfistX WHEAFALLS 3 CENT BUTTER IS DOWN V2 TO Crop Estimate to be Larger Than First Reported, Said CHICAGO. May t. CAP) Al- moat S ceata a bushel fall la wheat prices went hand la hand with fi nal consideration of the Roosevelt farm bill at Washington today. Corn dropped about S cents. Unsettlemeat that accompanied the decisive voting on the farm bul was emphasised by prospects that the government May crop re port tomorrow would show a larg er probable 1933 yield of domestic wheat than indicated a month ago. In some o.aarters after the close, actaal enactment of the tarn bill waa asserted ta be likely to bring about a recovery from today's de cline. Other trade authorities stressed gossip that a majority ot professional traders here had dis posed ot their wheat holdings." Wheat closed weak at virtually the day's bottom figures Stt-24 cents under yesterday's finish, corn ltt-1 eft. oats 1-1 down. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May. -: July, 70-Tl; September. 714-4; De cember. T24. Corn May. 41-41; July. 41-; September. 44-45; De cember. 4$-. Oats May. 24: July, 24 ; September, 2S-2S; Decern her. 21 f. General Markets raoDtrca sxoxLuras PORTLAND. Ore, May 8. (AP) Prodeee escheat, aet prices: Batter astras SSe, Maaaards 81 He, arisM tints 21 He. ureta xoe. zrc ra extras isa, sieaisats lee. Portland Grain PORTLAKD. Ore. May S. (API osast upea niga Law vu Msy 60 61 60H 61 sir 61 V 61 614a S1V Septeseber iU 64 63 63 Cask wksat Ae. 1 Bis Bead blaestaai 69 dark sard wiaUr, 13 per ceat 69 11 per eeat 65; soft white, sard wiaier oi ; aortaera spring, westera red. westera y aue as. Ueta He. S wkite $24. Cera Ke. 2K yellsw $33. MiUnia Standard $30. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- Mar 0. (API Butter Prists, sxtraa -4e, suadsr-a 23 S pound. BUrfat Pertlaad dsli'sry: "A" fride 33e veoad; fsrmera' deer dallTery -is; .sweet erssas ee aiaaer. K recifie Pealtry Prediuera sail- lag prieas: U'srsis s X7e, extras 16s, aux ed colors 15e, siediams lie dosea. Bey ids price ot wholesalers: Fresh cmrrcat receipts 50 pounds ap, 13-lte doiea. Counuy -tests Uia( pnes te retail- erii Cenmtry lulled hogs, beet batchers under 150 pounds ftfe-ee, Testers SO to 100 pounds 6-7s, spring lambs 13-14e, yesrlinrs 10-10 fee. hea-y ewes S-4c caa- asr cows SVfc-Sa. kalis 4-4 Ve pound. jsossir .to mi sal baying price: 1933 clip 7e poaad. Nat Oregoa walnuts 15-16. ceasuta 10c. flrmi 1314s, slasoads 15-16e. 1U- Derts -v-.-e, pecaaa zue peeas. cascers berk -tayinc price: 1031 DeeL 8 3 Ho poead. -opt MesniaaL 1933. 50-55 fee yeuad. late poultry -hoyiag prise: eevy heaa, eeiored 4fe pons da li-lle. de ase dioais lit. lifhts 10-lle; springs, lfe pounds ap, 13-lSe; colored springe 15- -oe poune; aacka, jrekis broilers, 16-19e; eld daeka. Pakiaa, 13s: colored 10. Onion tie 1 lias price to retailors i Ore goa 90e-$1.10 ceaul; Yskiats, Spealsa, 76-SSe crate. bow eaioaa Texas Bermudas 83.50 per 80-poaad crate, $1.35-1.35 orange box. Califorala $1-14 per lag. Potatoes Local. e-T5e erssxe bex. Oeeckates Oeass LVO-l.eO, de Bakers 1.75. xluaas Oeaaa IUH.W, Kew petateee Texas 4-5e poaad, Cahferaia white $1J0 lag. Strawberries Baersnseate S4s 11.75- 1.85. Presae 30e 61.8V3.15. Wool 103S Oreraa cUp. aoaslaal: Willsmstte vslloy 10-11. eastera Oresea 1417c. soutbera Idaho 16-10 fee peaad. May Buying price front producer: Al falfa $14-15, clever $11. eestera Oregoa tueotsy f is, eaM aad vetea SIS. Portlanc. Livestock POKTLAKD. Ore. May S. (AP) Cattle Beaeipts 76, calToe 10; stfeag. Steers, 650 te 60s pound, goad $5.6u- S, atedia-t S4.5O-S.50. com a a 8S.O-J0; SOS le 1100 peaad. good S5.50-S, ssaoi est $4.05-6JiO, seauaoa 83.50-A50; 1100 to 1300 peeada. good $5-6. eoasatea aad avsdiaa S 0-6.50. Hoirere, 660 te 760 peaad, gwod 4.T5-6J0, e-ssaad ased iaat 8X75-4J5v750 te 004 aeaada. seed choice $45-6, so stea-au di sat $1.50- 4.35. Oows, seed 84-4.50. cosuaea-sseS ra $1.75-4. law eattcr aad eattee 81 1.50. Ban, yearlings exereded, seed (beef). $1-3.60. cutur SMdlnsi $3-8. Yeelsee, seed. $6-6. ce sssa - saedii 13-50 6. Oeivea, 850 te 600 peaada, good- t i .cesuaes aseeia-i s-4. Hogs tW celpts ISO; steady. r. j .a . . .4 . . a v. www wv ww , rvm a fw-n. 300 te $50 peaads $3.76-4.54; ever t60 pounds $1.35-4.15. Sows geed. $8J5- S.86. mediaai SS-S.80. Piss, seed SS-4. Sheep sad la aib Beeetpts 1100; steady. Lasshs, sprieg. good aad choice $6 6.50. aaodiest $4-6; eld Uatbe. good aad choice 84-4.75. eomatoa-aiedinat fS-4.15. Wethers S3-S.M. Kwee f 1-1.50. 8:00 Mrs. Grace Ely Sheet : Better EagUsh talk. 8:30 Friaadl Out. 4:00 Pair of Piaaea, KBO. 4:45 Rialte Xeheee. KBO. 4:45 Char la Bart. BBC. t.eo Aated 'a' Aady. KBO. 8:15 Advearares ed SherWek Hsla e. KBC 6:45 lUgewstev Beach hotel erehestrs. 6:81 1 10:11 Bits ef Broad way. - rXi 16 Aaaaa Week's erebeetrs. TOO. ' 11 rod Phil Harria enhsetra. BBC. 11:30 Owe Arabsim's scabestrs, HBC Have Her Fxm" xxi Appr-tvtis op rws Salem Markets Grade fj raw 4 satlk. CO-of yool price), f 1J3I per hwndrcd. Sarplas Mc flflfk itkly eatteafat averagaj Batterfat To XI Ht priaU S4e, cabea sae. rrlees paid te greaers Of slsss beyers Mst e (The prises bale. sappUsd ey a Iseal greeee. ere Ledicstive of Ike daily smart. I lug than tor some time past. Qq.ai imii?&l?S2XrWilt' PPred beUer la spots aad Striae has as. ta- wa. Al arti theses, dee. . JM . .16 Ojoo aadiwhas. leeeL des. Aayeragas, hteaL des. CaSwege. 0. , ,-, . .04 . 4S . A . .16 Swtiaera Oalif. la. rasa, CaUt, Ik. Oaieaa. dea. beaches Pecatees, YaUass Ke. S ieel .1.00 t L.S6 A7S Yleeida, new , SweeS petsteee, erSU -Lse liettaee, Calif. .L75tet.4S .ai .ei 3.00 Oaieaa. Leeisa, ewt. akeaerb. leeal Celery. Calif, hi crate Meileaa Teetatees Apples Wleesaps, faacy . 39 L40 axtra Lin eey JTewtewaa, faacy Ixtra taaey Cealiflewer, Calif, crsU Orsages, .fv . 1.45 1.40 L7S te 3.35 S.00 te a OO .60 rsscy Beeta, CaUL. des. Temps. leeeL dea . Spiaaea, local, erate Baaaasa lb. ea stock .54 .60 te .66 .05 Haass . .05. atrawaerriss, Presae. 80s Oregoa Pis is, 84-eap . Celery aeerta. des. Mesterd greeas Cneebere .1.6S .1.76 . .00 . .60 .00 te 1.40 JO te JO .55 Piaeappla reuil HOPa Tep. 1031. Ib. Tea. 193L. Ib. JO BOGS Baying Prlcea Extrss SUndsNe .13 - 41 Jl jS4 .11 .00 -OS .10 6.00 4.00 4.35 4.00 Xeaioau . POCLTET Old reosters . Colored heaa Medlont heas Llfht haaa, 8prinfs BfBAT lbs 103S sprisg Is Lsmbt, top Hoes, top Tint eats .'Uteri Cewi , Heifers .04 .01 .01 .03 ta .04 ta .01 to .01 H ta .01 Bells Dressed vesL top .06 CO urssed aors OltAIH aim WIT Wheel, writern red 67 White. No. 1 . .67 Bsrley. too. toa 16.00 ta 20.00 Oats, toa 30.00 te 83.00 Hey. bsrine pries Oste sad vetch, tea 15.00 15.00 16.50 aifslfa. valley. 1st cut. Kast-ra Orecea Glover hay . 11 00 to 14.00 WOOL Mediaas .13 .10 .00 Coarse Mohair CASCABA BABX Greea. lb. 0IH .03 fe Dry. Ib. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1031. Btaadard Statistics Ce.) Msy s STOCK AvXXAOXB 50 10 .0 SO lad'U B S Ut's Tatal Todsy 70.8 84.S 81.5 66.7 rriTieu oay oe.o S.x BLS es.l Woeksso 70 S 16.S SI J IM Year age 45.5 lt.S 78.1 47 J syesresge ItS.S 110.6 358.7 1S8.1 High 1933 T3.S 16.6 05.S 69.4 LowlOSI 41.g lis til in High 1913 T3.8 ill 1I1A 71 a Lw 1133 13.1 18 51 oe.o BOBS AVXAAOKJ 30 10 Iird'U RB'a SO 60 Uf Totsl 77.S 70J 77.S 70J Today 6S.1 66.S Previoas day 4S.S 6TJ1 weexece 44.0 64.0 67.6 59.4 04.1 104.7 76.8 6S.4 76.8 t4.6 ! 00.6 100.1 85.3 73.0 Yeer age s years g . igh 193S . 66.8 67.6 68.8 5TJ 71.8 71.6 68.3 47.4 Lew 1018 74.1 61.0 His. 103S . 86.S 78.1 Lew ltll 70.0 87.S PROPOSAL FOR SUPPLIES Sealed bide will be received op te 11 a.m. oa May It aad May 21, 15J at the office of the andersigned for groceries aad grocery saadriee, aad dry- goods, etc., for the semlaaaaal reqalreineats ot the State Insti tutions for the period July 1st to Dee. SI, 1I3S. Schedules and specifications faralshed npon requeet. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check represent- lax toa per cent ot the whole amount bid, made payable to Wm. Elnzlg, Secretary Oregon Stat Board of Control, or where the ten per cent amounts to IS 09.00 or more, a sarety bond from some company aathotized do business in Oregoa will accepted in place of the check. The same snail be held as guaranty of the faithfal perform ance of the contract. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or any portion ot a bid. William Iniig, Secretary Ore gon State Board of Control, Csp- itol Bldg, Salem Oregon. M7- lft-ll-ll. rHlSAi3SUJ5D r euceijai k. APPEArcst? 'swaisaia -a S, CORK 2 ONE CENT Offerings Increase, Seattle Drops; Eggs Steady PORTLAND. May t. (AP) Drop la the price oa butter daring the lata session ot the produce ex change appeared the result ot two chief conditions, the slight In crease ta offerings and the tact that Seattle dropped some days ago. The drop la butter waa H to le pound with batterfat buying values down le pound. Trading la the egg market was about steady with leas price aaad- the better gradee were still golag into atore. LOSES SIGHT ENTIRELY LIBERTY. May . Mrs. Anna V. Robblns, who recently returned te her home here after spending the winter with her daughter ta Long Beach, has suffered loss of the sight of her remaining eye. She Is with friends la Salem bow. gTWOPSU Or AWUAL STATS C ITT or THX Ft7f man's Fund Indtmalty Company ef IM rraacisco. ta the State ef CaHf-rste, a . ma 5a i thuti-rtnt 4ar e Dwcwnibwr. 1M1 1 5a ta tke lasarmace Ceeswletoaer the SMS mt OregoSw a r ua ts law teCc-aMal paid sa.ii.Boo.oos.ee Ket sramluma nalsd durlag tea rear 83,336. 4.01 laestw-e, dt-tdeads aad reats reeetvea almas ute year laeisii tram ether esurcee re eatved daru g the year 1S3.01I.U 68.40 Total .flJ01.14 Dtahe Net loss-e aaid dnrte the year, taclndlas a iwmrt as- 6 6t.0S4.3S Com artnleai sad serlet paid durtas tho year 646, 393.83 Tsxes. Ucansee sad feee ps-6 Soriaf the year Ajoouat of an other expea - 64.8-S3 37e.407.lS Total ezpeDdltaRs , .$LtS0.2S7.U Takia at e Bed (sret raJuet f4.rraioe M Cask la baaks aad oa ksad . 33.S4.7I Piemls is ta coarse of collect toa vnuts since September 30, 13 644.33S44 laterast sad nets dsa aad ae- a-.-sa.ia Total admittad assets . .85. 9.004.16 Orate dalnts for lossfs un- ' ' paid 8 703.077 JS Amount of Baearsed prrmlunui oa aU outstSBdlrg risk 1.114. XT. Due for co mil uaoa aad broker- 4S Ill 0O. U Al ether UaMUtte 7a6tCU CoatHBivacy inn is te adyost MsUuuwt value Ill.t24.54 Total Ua bill ties, sscept cs.pl- tsl .. tl.14t.lMeS Capftsl paid op 1. eoo.eOw.ee Surplus seer sit UabUUie Le8.550.tr Surplus as rtgsrd pottry- boaters .62.W60.i5e.07 Total 65.Ut.S0a 16 asshins la Orss i far the Year. Nit premiums received durlag the year 831 t'.J.Sl ta saes paid Sunns the year S..444S Losses la curred darts s U e year. . S0.134.M wimkhax- mro isDCSivmr tOMrniO. . B. T-EVTSO!. Pr-atdent. tDWARD V. HILLS . becretary. Statutory re.idct aiwraey lot seriice. Barry SL (srtia. iTiOPSLB OF ANKTAL STATEMgNT New York Life Iruuranca Cempany of New Terk. la the state ef Kew Terk oa tmm tM-t--fliat aar af DeeeaibeT. ltll. i te the wereaea Ceasa-iastoaaT C tee Iuu of Oregoa. eersuant te lawt Total piwairam kieeeae tor tee year 8 376.611.743.66 Iatiiest. dlvidsade and rwau received dux g the e.oaw. -.- 46.744.0S6.TS iBesea traea . red dai s the rear. ToUllaceme 8 407J35J04J1 Ptetaeiiaisti. Paid foe MS. S lt4.3UJ78.41 un na wa se saury- , . .., Boater dai g the year.. 61. 154.1 13 4S Cnra tBlssieai, saiaiise aad at vca e(Oc espet mtlsHH the year. 38. 647-33.68 a 004,061.71 I Taxes, aessese aae pa Sartag the year A en a mt ail mtmrnr am ttaraa 64 Total miBB-ltiirso , .8 334.63SJS7.3S Valae ef real estate ewotd MTket vsiasi S Value of stack ad boeda eased iBsarkat or e-Bort-Isad vaia Loan aa asortgagse and eoUs te rsl. etc. i .ilni a a, i a- aallrT 4S.146J46.73 654. a. 4.66 55LI3wJTin iosaa '777. 411.rt4.tU -H Cask la beaks, ea head aad ., .. braa t etilee The- see. . 37Jw7S7.54 Met esolletd aad do- f erred presalams S4.18S.1SI 16 Interest and reals dae aad aeareed 3C16C0VeJa Other aaaete aet rea-ear- aaes, dae trosi aaihsr . 44.SU. ex .$1.074.67 4. 641.48 Totsl sdsatttad r , $L47$L 668.777.60 Geo cialae ior U elatms aspaid. ... ArTotkar UasiUUes. SS.63S.78e.8S 357J6d.67S.6S rag rpecl-l cnattngeacy fund 6-4.610.706.74 Total Bab ties. except raseuu Mtal said .81.644. 10C 13X54 faattal paid ep to be Swrpius ewer i ii3.MfH7.st aa nanun Sorplua ae retards poUcy- hoi dsss ..$ l.eet.l s.e7.ss Total 11.174.47444X41 a BaBSsees la Orasaa far the Tee. Groee pre runt melted during the fear ................ ..Tn.fT6.IT3.5S "Tesslaauf aad dleideads re- turaed dar-c the yesr 411.313 60 mil aad li a paid durisg Ueyear ." 4S.37i.te BTW YOBX Iirr IMraAXCX 44M4P ANY. THOMAS ABOCltWY-:. Pi Ml asst. Hi-iorir, jo-nsom. LAWIbtCSrrABr-aTT. SerreUrlee. Statatory restdeet auaraey for en rte. K A. iurt-)rubitSsmc bUlg,Pfa4, By CLIFF STERRETI ) l az-M- i W II I V 11 3 l7 B eTlVNea -inTV