The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 10, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    Accident Insuranca .
- Yost cannot afford to be
, without the Travel and Traf
fic Accident Insurance which
Is issued to Statesman sub
scribers for only f 1 a year.
" Fair,' continued cool, to
day and Thursday; Max.
Tenia. Tuesday 02, Mln. 41,
river 6.4 feet, rain .12 Inch, J
variable winds.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, May 10, 1933
Declaring. of 3.2 Beer not
Intoxicating no Issue,
Lewelling Rules
Appeal Possible, Otherwise
Charter Change Will be
Aim of Wets Here
Workmen Return to
Job, Many of Them
At Advanced Wages
20 per Cent Biggest Boost; Increase of Half
That More General; Hundreds Employed
As Shifts, Departments Renewed
Defense to ask Recess of
Day or Less to Shape
Its Plans, Belief
Right of retailers to tell beer la
Salem legally was denied yester
day by Judge L. O. Lewelling who
dismissed temporary in unction
granted against law enforcement
officers In the case of Carl Kahle
against the City of Salem. By his
decision. Judge Lewelling upheld
the constitutionality of a city or
dinance passed March 9, 1114, in
which sale of beer or malt bever
ages was banned. '
Mayor Douglas McKay Immedi
ately announced that city police
would be instructed to begin en
forcement of the ordinance today
as soon as the court's decree was
received here. Jadge Lewelling
submitted his opinion Tuesday
morning: the official decree dis
missing the injunction was expect
ed in court this morning.
Meanwhile city dealers in 3.2
beer were busy cleaning up scant
stocks on hand and since the sup
ply of beer has been short since
congress authorized beer's sale
April T, 1938; there was little like
lihood that dealers would have
any stocks on hand by tonight
Decision on Appeal
Is Expected Soon
John Carson, counsel for Kahle,
exnected to confer with his client
and Kahle's associates, to deter
mine whether the court's decision
would be annealed. Dealers In
beer on the outskirts of town and
In Polk county expected an in
crease In business as there is now
. no legal provision against selling
beer to the county territory out
side of Salem.
If the Kahle case is not appeal
ed to the state supreme court In
an effort to throw out the present
city ordinance, proponents of 3.2
beer sale here xjefef4tr east for
revision of the city charter at the
special election July 21. Such re
vision could he had, they think,
and the likelihood of early legal
sale of beer In the city here is ful
ly as great under a popular man
date as under etate supreme court
authority, beer advocctes said
Judge Lewelling reasoned in his
pinion that federal power over
sale of liquor was concurrent, not
exclusive, and that amendment of
the Volstead act to permit beer to
be sold, did not preclude Its sale
when local statutes were contrary
to federal enactment.
Inderal Enactment
Does Not Supersede.
"It goes without saying then that
the ordinance now assailed has
been a valid ordinance since its
adoption until the present time
(unless it has been affected by
the act of March 22, 1933) for the
purpose of prohibiting the gift.
barter; and sale of beer containing
alcohol in excess of one-half of
one per cent." says the opinion.
"The question then 1b, has the
ordinance been . repealed or nuiu
fled bv the act of March 22. 1933,
wherein the congress of the Unit
ed States saw fit to permit, so far
as federal regulations was con
cerned, the traffic In beer contain
ing more than one-half of one per
cent of alcohol and not in excess
of 3.2 of alcohol by weight."
The court ruled that the fact
that 1.2 beer might not be lntoxi
eating! did not preclude the city
from legislating against its sale,
citing I several cases where the
United States supreme court had
upheld the right of cities, under
their police power, to prohibit or
limit the sale of non-intoxicating
Arrsment by Kahle's counsel
that the vote at the recent elec
tion In the United States had In
dlcated a change in public sent!
tnent was dismissed by the Judge
as not binding on the case at Issue,
"It becomes a matter for the
local legislative body of the city
to change its policy and counsel's
appeal in that direction should be
addressed solely to the legislative
body of the city upon whose shoul
ders rests the responsibility of
promulgating and pursuing the
policy of said municipality. It is
not for the court by Judicial flat
to legislate in a matter wholly
outside of the province of the Ju
diciary, nor is it for this court to
say what policy should be pursued
or by Judicial Interpretation to
guide the legislative body of a mu
nicipality In pursuit of a policy
contrary to its Ideas and opinions
as expressed by Its legislative en
actments. . v
A MERICAN workmen marched back to their jobs by the
Xi. hundreds Tuesday-rand many of them read notices at Letter to Police Chief and
XI J A1 A -ft . I
uie aoor inai wages were up iu per cent. Woflnnn in npfpnriflnt'
their products, many employers decided to share the profits
with their employes.
Home are Admitted
Enlarging Athletic Field
At Leslie Proposed;
Other Work Eyed
Citizens of Salem school district
probably will receive direct bene
fit from R. F. C. funds being used
for relief work in Marlon county,
it developed at the school board
meeting last night. The directors,'
Informed that the county court
might assign relief crews to im
provement work about the school
grounds here, authorized the
building and grounds committee
to employ a foreman and desig
nate what Improvements should
he made.
The initial project, if the plan
works out, will be the enlarge
ment of the athletic field at Les
lie Junior high school, which calls
for a large amount of excavation.
The only expense to the school
district will be the wages of a
foreman for the crew at 85 cents
an hour. City Engineer Hugh Rog
ers is understood to have agreed
to furish the necessary tools.
Uncertainty of Salem high
school enrollment next fall led the
directors to defer consideration of
instructor contracts and possible
eliminations of teaching positions.
Principal Fred Wolf and R. W.
Tavenner, assistant, were given
additional time to complete regis
tration for the next term. Doubt
as to the number of Btudents who
wi? come to Salem high school un
der the tuition and transportation
act also has a part in the delay.
Despite a feeling expressed by
several members that buying
equipment while cutting teachers'
salaries was a Questionable policy.
the directors accepted the offer of
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
O One eompany. Planters Nut &
cnocoiate of Suffolk, va., an
nounced pay envelopes would be
padded by 20 per cent effective
There were several dozen other
firms that added S to 10 per cent
to wages, or else planned doing so
as they called back hundreds of
employes dropped as long as two
years ago, reinstated night shifts,
or reopened long closed depart
ments. Steel mills, barrel factories, au
tomobile plants, rubber compan-
i ira, ciuiuiug inauuiBciurers ail
urn 10 page z. coi. Z)
Squirrel is
Hoarder of
Golf Balls
TAFT, Calif.. May 9 (AP)
It all happened on the 12th hole
of the Petroleum club course in
Benny Dienstein lined one of
those whistling low drives down
the fairway and surveyed his card
as he walked toward the ball. An
acourate pitch, two putts and he
would have another par figure.
Dienstein reached the ball, took
out an Iron, and then
A squirrel darted up from
hole, picked up the ball and scut
tled with it back home. There was
nothing in the ground rules about
any such thievery, so Dienstein
got a shovel and dug up the squir
rers home.
In the back bedroom he found
little Mr. Squirrel, halt frightened
to death, and crouching over five
hoarded golf balls. '
Asks Gillnetters to Meet
With him; no Packers
Nor Committee
EUGENE, Ore.. May 9 (AP)
A recess to allow the defense
time to reshape its ease and mar
shal anew its forces was expected
to be granted attorneys for Mr,
and Mrs. Llewellyn A. Banks to
morrow. The state attorneys to
night neared the completion of
their case against the man and
the woman who are charged with
first degree murder for the kill
lng of George Prescott, Medford
Defense attorneys said they
would request either a half-day or
a full-day s recess,
The state was successful today
in admitting as evidence a letter
purporting to have been written
by Banks, former Medford news
paper publisher and orchardist, to
Clautus McCredie, Medford police
chief, a few hours before Consta
ble Prescott was shot to death as
he tried to serve- a warrant on
Threat of Bloodshed
Contained In Letter
Subscribes to
Gandhi's Faith
Ten on State and Private
Lands Approved; Large
Program Outlined
Cronemiller to Pick Sites;
Repayment as Benefit
Accrues Entailed
Nil Cram Cook, daughter of the
noted American author, George
Cram Cook, who has embraced
th cause and faith of Mahatma
Gandhi and Joined his model
colony "Ashram.
Banks had been indicted for NailSea SvmntomS DeVelOD
complicity in the theft of several . - . . .
uunng aecuna uay ui
ASTORIA. May 9. (AP)
further attempt to end the
strike that has kept 4000 fisher
men off the Columbia river and
hundreds of cannery workers idle
and has resulted in the closing of
virtually all the canneries in this
district since the season opened
May 1, was announced tonight by
Mayor J. C. Ten Brook.
Efforts of the chamber of com
merce and even of the state to
bring the gillnetters and the pack
ers to a compromise on the price
to be paid for Chinook salmon
having failed, Mayor Ten Brook
declared he would take his appeal
directly to the "actual fishermen"
and announced he would ask
them to vote on whether or not
they want to return to work un
der three conditions that he will
He issued a call for a mass
meeting of the gillnetters to be
held here tomorrow night, and
made it clear that both packers
and members of the strike com
mittee will be barred from at
The packers had offered f
cents a pound as the opening
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
boxes of ballots from the Jackson
county courthouse. The letter sub
mitted in evidence today said
"any effort to arrest me will re
sult in bloodshed and probably
my own death." When Prescott,
bearing a warrant for Banks ar
rest, stepped to the porch of
Banks' residence, he was shot
through the heart. The letter fur
ther declared "I have committed
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
PORTLAND, Ore., May 9.
AP) Mrs. Rosemary Skipworth,
Hit arlfa of fhtx D X7a1tATi SVIn.
worth, retired Methodist Eplsco- K,ctd b th rand Jary Satur-
Three self-admitted law viola
tors were sentenced to the state
penitentiary late Tuesday by
Judge L. H. McMahan and all
were Immediately paroled
Edward E. Fogard, Indicted
for forgery, waived trial and
pleaded guilty. He was sentenced
to one year In state prison and
paroled to Sheriff A. C. Bnrk.
Robert Patzer, indicted for ut
tering a forged note, pleaded
guilty, was sentenced to two
years In the state prison and
paroled to Avery Thompson, lo
cal attorney.
Florence Borland, who waived
Indictment and pleaded guilty to
issuing fradulent checks, was
sentenced to one. year In state
prison, men paroled to Mrs. Nona
White, county officer. Miss Bor
land agreed to make up the
amount due the persons who ac
cepted the checks.
rogard and Patzer were In
Voluntary Fast
POONA. India. Mav 9. fAP)
A prominent Bombay physician
was called here tonight to attend
the Mahatma Gandhi, who devel
oped symptoms of nausea during
the second day of his three weeks'
fast in protest against untoucb-
The frail, 63-year-old political
and spiritual leader reclined
among pillows at the sumptuous
home of a devoted follower. Lady
Vlttal Das Thackersey, after
breakfasting on water.
A professional male nurse,
Lady Thackersey and another dis
ciple, Madame-Naldu, were near
him, always apprehensive of his
health especially as the time for
the severest hunger pangs approached.
The mahatma relished the glow
ing sunshine and his release from
Yeroda Jail yesterday by govern
mental authorities and revealed a
distinct will to live that reassur
ed friends who fear the fast may
be fatal. .
His fast, he said, was not con
nected with the political situation,
but Is designed to remove bitter
ness, purify hearts, and demon
strate that his movement in be
half of India's lowest classes Is
wholly moral.
(AP) Completion of plans for
the work to be done In this state
under President Roosevelt's re
lief program designed to put
290.000 men to work on forest
project was announced here to
day with the approval of 10 for
est conservation corps camps on
state and private lands, bringing
the total number of these camps
in Oregon to SO.
Approval of the 10 camps was
-announced in Washington. D. C.
by Robert Fechner, director of
the emergency conservation work
program. After Governor Julius
X Meier aad directed a message
to the president Monday accept
ing the terms outlined by the fed
eral government.
Oregon will have a total of IS
camps in Its national forests,
three on the Warm Springs Indian
reservation, two in Crater Lake
National park, 10 on Oregon and
California grant lands and 10 on
state and private lands.
To these will come 18.000 re
cruits of the civilian conservation
corps, or 200 men to each camp.
Millions of Dollars
To be Spent In State
In the next six months, the per
lod these men will be in the
woods, it was pointed out here
today, several million dollars will
be spent In the state for food.
clothing, hospitalization, and oth
er Items.
Work to be done on state and
private lands, it was said, will be
virtually the same as that to be
done In the national forests; in
(Turn to page 2. col. 1)
World Acceptance of
Tariff Truce
Washington Forecasl
City Water Case
Is Advanced by
Court to May 29
British Approval won
After Difficult
The state supreme court yes- X7nr rjArif 3fti
terday advanced the ease of the UtDZ Oettiement
During: Economic
city against the Oregon-Washing
ton Water Service eompany to
May 29. The suit involves the le
gality of I2.S00.000 In bonds
authorized at a city vote Decem
ber 15. 1931. for the purchase
and extension of the water serv
ice company here. Counsel for
both sides asked that the case
be advanced Tor argument before
the court. Briefs have 'already
been filed by appellant and re
spondent, the ctty having taken
the ease to the state supreme
court after Judge L. O. Lewelling
sustained a demurrer filed by the
water eompany.'
Parley Seen
To be Coach
Of Coyotes
Seeking establishment of a new
base for rates of the Oregon -Washington
Water Service com
pany here was suggested at the
Salem Trade and Lobar council
meeting last night bat the dele
gates took no action on the mat
ter it was reported. The special
committee on promoting a city
water system at the same time in
formed the council It was working
on the problem.
The local labor council also de
cided to follow the lead of the
state federation in circulating pe
titions to referend the changes
the last legislature made in the
initiative and referendum laws.
The state grange also is interest
ed In this move.
This year's convention of the
Oregon Federation of Labor will
be held at Portland, August 2, it
was announced.
Empire Case was Properly
Conducted, is Decision
Of Supreme Court
Conviction and sentence of
Frank Keller, Jr.. In a Polk coun
ty court last year was upheld by
the state supreme court here
Tuesday. Keller, sales manager of
the now defunct Empire Holding
company, was sentenced to live
years In the state penitentiary by
Judge Arlle G. Walker after Kel
ler had been convicted of devising
scheme to defraud.
The court held there were no
pre-Judicial errors in Keller's trial
and declared that the indictment
charging him with devising
fraudulent scheme was sufficient
ly specific. The court also held
that testimony regarding "the
acts or the statement of any mem
ber of the combination would be
binding' on all. This Is true wheth
er you call the combination a con
spiracy, an unlawful partnership
or a Joint enterprise for criminal
Trial of Keller was followed In
Polk county by trial of Oliver P.
Coshow, president of the com
pany. The Jury failed to reach an
agreement and the case was not
The facts about the Empire
Holding corporation which was
promoted as a firm to sell Insur
(Turn to page 2. col. 1)
pal minister, died here Monday.
Mrs. Skipworth, a native of
Oregon, was married to the Rev.
Skipworth at Salem September S,
1885. They made their first home
together In the parsonage of the
Methodist Episcopal church in the
capital city. Mrs. Skipworth work
ed for 43 years with her husband
In his active ministry.
She is survived by her widower,
two daughters and a son. Funeral
services will be held here tomor
row, with Interment in Jason Lee
Memorial cemetery, Salem.
(AP) Loren H. Basler, Boise
high school coach, tonight was se
lected by the board of directors of
the College of Idaho to be coach
and dean of men at the institu
tion succeeding Anse Cornell.
Cornell resigned several months
ago after serving more than a dec
ade as coach at the college.
Coos MM Will Reopen
Milk Plant is Swamped
Dried Fruit Men Meet
Governor Sees Frigate
Local hops are on the wing
again, but just what the highest
pnee paia yesterday is was a
question. From two different
i sources, both considered reliable.
cam word that 58 cents had
been paid on a carload lot and
that 65 cenls had also been paid
on a car of hops, about 125
ones. I vt. fnAv.l anit ha.BK.11 tmmm
i nese oeais are authentic, but I were undefeated. He married
were not at liberty to divulge Salem girl, Evelyn DeLong.
the parties . concerned. both I Selection of Basler as C
Loren Herman Basler was an
outstanding center on Willamette
university football teams from
191? to 1920, and played on a
navy eleven during the war. He
has been phenomenally successful
as coach of all sports at Boise
high. For several successive years
Beer Not Legal
Till August but
, Sale Wide Open
OMAHA, Msy 9 (AP) While
beer was being sold openly In
most restaurants here today, local
enforcement officers were wary
about saying they would take ac
tion to stop It.
County Attorney Henry Beal ex
pressed the belief that as "a prac
tical proposition, it would be im
possible to get a conviction
against anyone for selling 3.2
Nebraska's new beer law does
not become effective until August,
Eugene Black, governor of the
Atlanta Federal Reserve bank, is
definitely slated to succeed En
gene Meyer as governor of the
federal reserre board.
President Roosevelt has had
Black in mind for one of the va
cancies on the board, and when
World-wide acceptance of tie
American plan for a universal -tariff
truce was predicted In official
quarters tonight after strenuous
and finally successful diplomat!
errorts to obtain Great Brltalaa
The Roosevelt setretarv of atata.
Cordell Hull, definitely indicated
that settlement of the exnlestva
war debts question would be a
dertakea during the world econ
omic conference In London begin
ning June 12. although banneden
a subject for discussion in tse
actual sessions.
These developments cast new
light on the prospects for the Lon
don eonelave where strong efforts
will be made to end trannnic
warfare among the nations and
start them pulline: torrther to
ward a revival of trade and prosperity.
British Acceptance
RemoTes Obstacle
The tariff truce nrooosed
President Roosevelt represented
the first real test of the newly as
sumed Roosevelt leadership In
world economic affairs. Its ac
ceptance by Great Britain waa
seen here as removing the laat Li
obstacle to general approval.
ranee has accepted with t
proviso that it may Increase im
duties to meet further rnrrtnf
depreciations and that the trues
shall not apply to tariff measures
already before its parliament. The
Other tWO nations of V!irrnn'
big four." Italv and
have assured President Rooter
through their special itoWim
sent here that they are favorably
Japan has indicated conditional
approval and China, through T. T.
aoong. nnance minister, who Is
now In Washington, likewise en
dorsed the ides. Belrinm Tr.
day and Holland today expressed
meir approval through their dip
lomatic representative here.
K rents of IPSO
Cause Difficulty
Great Britain was the real
stumbling block. The persistence
of the president who instmcttd
Norman H. Davis, ambassador at
large, to stay in London until he
won the government over, finally
prevailed. One factor which led
the British to hold back was thehr
lack of success several years ago
when they undertook to inaugu
rate a similar tariff truce.
The United States at that time
instead of Joining raised its rates
by the Smoot-Hawley tariff set of
1930. Shortly thereafter. Great
Britain abandoned its traditional
policy of free trade.
Another factor which for a time
deterred the Britiuh was their de
sire to conclude trade agreements
already begun. The terms of their
acceptance are understood to hate
reserved this privilege.
csncies on the board, snd when rp f
he encountered difflculty in find- I 3X C0177172ISS10J2
lng the man he wanted for gover-
lt Is understood he decided l
upon Black to take over, at least
temporarily, as head of the board.
Black is expected to be named
Immediately in order to help ad
minister the new monetary legis
lation about to be enacted by con
At present two vacancies exist
on the federal reserve board and
a third will occur when the resig
nation of Governor Meyer is for
mally accepted by the president.
Makes Turnover
The state tax commission has
turned over to the state treasurer
a total of $739,913.57, represent
ing corporate excise, intangible
and personal income tax collec
tions thus far this year. The tax
commission originally had esti
mated total receipts of 11,5 80.000
for the year, but this amoant
probably will be cut down between
8200,000 and 8250,000.
Three Nominated
For Albert Prize
Kenneth Oliver, Louise Ander
son and Mylle Lawyer, Willamette
tin I versify students, were nomin
ated yesterday for the Joseph H.
- Albert prize by the university fac-
. any. Later this month by student
trill be elected for the prise, a
$15 casb. award, made annually by
Mr. Albert of this city. The nom
inees chosen by the faculty are
Supposed to be students who have
made the greatest progress during
1932-1983 towards the Ideal In
tharacter; service and wholesome
With sufficient orders already
on hand to assure operation for
at least three months, the Coos
Bay Lumber company sawmill
here will be reopened Monday, It
was announced today. About 250
men will be employed.
Logs will begin rolling in from
the company's camp at Eden
ridge tomorrow so that a suffic
ient supply will be on hand when
the mill opens. The plant will op
erate on a basis ef eight hours
a day and five days a week.
C T. Richardson, manager of the
Carnation Milk, eon densery hers,
said today , that a sustained rash
of business for the past three
weeks had pat the plant three
weeks behind In orders. Compar
ed with having 70,000 cases on
hand last month. . he .said, . the
condensery is now actually run
ning far behind ' the demand.
Eighteen carloads for Oregon con
sumption alone are ' included in
the unfilled orders. Hawalia took
12,000. cases In one shipment.
PORTLAND. May t.-(AP)-
' The fruit crop of the northwest
will be better this year than the
one harvested last year. If weath
er conditions are favorable, mem
bers of the Northwest Dried Fruit
association predicted at their an
nual meeting here today. They
expressed themselves as being en
couraged by the firmer trend of
prices on the market.
John F. White of Portland,
was elected president of the as
sociation; W. O. Fisher of Dallas,
Ore vice-president, and A. W.
Turvllle of Portland, re-elected
secretary - treasurer. Directors
chosen Included: F. H. Hogue et
Payette. Idaho: C. C Ross, Se
lah. Wash.; W- T. Jenks, Salem;
L. M. Jones, Vaneonver, Wash-
and 8. N. Peterson, Portland.
Governor Julius L. Meier of Ore
gon, will preside at a civic lunch
eon here tomorrow noon in honor
of officers of the U. S. frigate
Constitution. Governor Clarenee
Martin of Washington, will be the
principal speaker.
More than 15,000 persons have
visited the historic "Old Iron
sides' since it arrived here three
days ago. Thursday morning a
group of 85 students from the
school for the blind at Vancouver,
wasn., wiij visit me snip.
sources said In 'substance. The
58-cent deal Is presumably a!
dealers' transaction.
At any rate, hops have climbed
past the 55-cent mark, which
was reached late last week, and
if the market continues at the
present Indication, growers and
dealers who ware laughed at for
aiming at 71 eents may yet be I
able to pull the old X told you
so glee.
of Idaho coach is expected to en
hance the Interest of Salem fans
in future visits of the Coyotes to
the gridiron here.
BAKER. Ore.. May 9 (AP)
Vernon Ellers, freshmen coach at
Oregon State college, was elected
by the school board last night to
be athletic coach at the Baker
Long Term Sewei Bonds
Are Cosily to laxpayei
I Late Sports
Opening a bad cut over his op
ponent s left eye. Able Israel,
Seattle featherweight, was award
ed a technical knockout decision
ever Harry Fierro. Chicago, when
the letter's seconds tossed a towel
la the ring In the third roand of a
scheduled six-round boxing boat
here tonight. - -. .
How longterm bond issues are
proving millstones around the
necks of taxpayers is forcefully
Annonstrated In the 8480.000
high school, succeeding -George bond !,, oh which the city of
Scott, who has been appointed as- ,aia the final installment
slstaat football mentor at Oregon . Th eoat the eltr
State college. I mi ina In Interest durlnr the
10 years In which the serial pay
off was being made, according to
calculations announced yesterday
by City Treasurer C O. Rice and
Deputy Recorder Alfred Mnndt,
T-V A .A AM MM 1 1111
As Tax Comes in l bl wtr 'natar
aA VWIiiCa fun -Kleh was to bear 5
per cent interest payable seml-
The nnai installments
! 0,000 of City
Warrants Called
(AP) Bob Kruse, 200. of Port
land, defeated George Hagen, 212.
Brooklyn, In a wrestling match
here tonight. Hagen took the first
tall in 27 minutes with a body
slam. Kruse pinned Hagen with a
cradle hold la 7 minutes for the
second fall and Hagen was unable
to continue.
Tea thousand dollar la dty
warrants were called la yesterday
by City Treasurer C O. Riee upon
receipt of a 810,45 tax turnover
from the county treasurer. These
warrants, which have been draw
ing interest for about one year,
are held largely by Salem banks.
Total remaining first-half lfll
taxes due the city this month
I amoant to approximately $128,-
000. -
. The city's warrant Indebtedness
yesterday totaled approximately
said Asrll If aad May 1. 1933.
totaled S24.000 aad Interest
S800. : w .
- Mack ef the JtM.8 10 never
went Into new Construction and
much was spent for poorly design
ed sewage systems that required
added expenditures in later years.
dtv officials ef that time recall.
A siseable portion of the bond
Issue went for rebates te property
owners who had paid property as
sessments for -sewage lines, some
ef which, aad been lAli 18 Xxs
previous to the voting of the
$480,000 issue. The question -of
these rebates precipitated a sharp
dispute with city officials in 1918
that led to a court battle. The
property owners, winning their
case, obtained a decision ordering
payment of the rebates.
Main sewer projects carried out
through the bond issue Included
the north and south Salem sew
age systems, a major trunk line
to the state hospital, and a storm
sewer coursing Union street to
Church to Chemeksta to 14th
street, The north aad south Sa
lem systems constituted the first
major sewage lines laid north of
North Kill -creek and south of
the present mUlrace.
too south naiem system, es
pecially, proved Inadequate, re
sulting in overflows oa the low
er levels as soon as It was put to
fall use. These defects have since
been remedied by cutting over
sections of the system to more-
recently constructed sewer trunk
lines. . -
J. B. Perrott was dty engineer
at the time the north and south
Salem systems were laid.
The Day in
By the Associated Press
Hones) passed aad sent te
white house $500,000,000 Mil
for relief greats to state.
House approved all but pro
duction guarantee provision of
farm-relief Inflation bill with sea
ate expected to abandon that sec
tion. Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh
testified oa kidsaprng aad mar-
. der of his first son at trial of
Gastoa B. Means and Konaan
- T. . Whltaker on . ransom con-'
spiracy chargee.
"President Roosevelt's aides put
finishing touches en measure for -.
public works program aad tn due
trial control plan. , i. , ' ,
- -;-; - , .r
Hoaae sent Muscle Shoal. :
Tennessee valley derelopaxwt
and federal eecnrlxtea regula
tion blUs to cesife
- Secretary. Hull announced war ,
debts would be dealt with Individ- .
ually with each debtor here er sk'
London durisgthe world ecoaoro
lo conference.