PAGE FTVC The OREGON STATESMAN, Salerno Ortgoru Tuesday Morning. May 9, V . Society News and Club Aff airs OUVX M. DOAK, Society 2itor ' Mrs. Join t Catkin ' Heads D.A.R. As Regent Mrs. John H. Carkin was eleet- Od to the ; regency of ChemeVeta 1 chapter of the Daughters ot the American ReTolutlon in its annual meeting held in the auditorium of the city library Monday afternoon. Airs. Cark In succeeds Mrs. H. T. Love who has Just; completed a . successf ul year. Other officers elected Include Urs. John W. Harbison, Tice re- sent: Mrs. W. G. Johnson, chap lain; Mrs. Louis Griffith, record- ing secretary; Mrs.; C. C. Best, corresponding, secretary; Mrs. H. i 7. Ostlind, treasnrer; Mrs. J. E. Sibley, historian; Mrs. V. E. New- f comb, registrar; Mrs. 3. L. Min ora, uorarian; airs, u. V. uer, musician; Mrs. C C. Clark, par limantarlan: and Mrs. r. W. Set- s. tlemelr. to the board ot directors. At this meeting a, social after noon was planned for members of cthe chapter' at the home of Mrs. John H. Carkin for May 23. In compliment to the library Mrs. O. G. Clark presented in be , half of the chapter an American flag. Mrs. W. F. Fargo gave an in teresting history ot the memorial elm tree planted in "Willson park by Chemeketa chapter. Plans had i been made to have this memorial service In the park bat because ot weather conditions it was held in the library. As D. A. R. participation in Mu- ' ale Week Mrs. C. C. Geer, musi . ciaa. had arranged a program of " chorus numbers. One hundred children from Leslie Junior high school made up the chorus under the direction ot Miss Gretchen Kraemer. Enthusiastic praise was given the chorus from the cbap- . ter members. Installation of officers will! be a held in June at the home of Mrs - Seymour Jones. This Is an annual . affair at the country borne or. Mrs Jones, one anticipated by the Daughters. ' Aurora Music week was ob served In Aurora at the Presbyter lan church Sunday night. Beside the especially good music the choir had prepared Rev. Graflous spoke on the place music takes In character development ana unris tlsn living. The Woman's club has made Its contribution to good mu sic and the Pythian Sisters will , observe the national week at their next regular meeting. Guests for dinner Sunday with r Mr. and Mrs. Vernor M. Sackett 1510 South Winter street, were ' Rev. 1 R. Snauldlng of Hood ' River, and Mrs. Charles Swan of Newberg. Both were here to at tend the AlbertrSpaulding nup tials Saturday night. ! I Pattern SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, May 9 Past President's club of Women's Relief Corps, with Mrs.. Sarah Peterson. West Wilson street; all-day quilt ing; covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Alton D. Hurley, hostess to Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church at her home, 1321 North lth street, covered dish luncheon, on 'dock. Salem Arts League, chamber ot commerce rooms. 8:15 o'clock; special program, annual meeting and elec tion ot officers. Alpha Phi Alpha Mothers club with Mrs. Carl Gregg Doner. Sons of Union Veterans and Auxiliary, regular meeting in Women's elub house. Association for Childhood Education. 1:4 o'clock in music room of Garfield school. Credit Women's Breakfast club. 7 o'clock, Marion hotel; H. R. Crawford, speaker. Social afternoon club of Eastern Star, meeting in Masonie temple; short program and social hour. Board of Directors of T. W. C. A 19 o'clock; all . directors urged to be present. Girl Reserves program for Music Week, .4 o'clock in Parrlsh Junior high school, parents and friends In vited. State school for blind. Music Week program, 8:00 o'clock in school auditorium on South High street. Progressive Health club; St. Paul's parish house, 8 o'clock. P. L. E. and F. club, card afternoon at K. P. hall; cards in play at 2 o'clock. Mrs. C. A. Parks bible class, at her home, 158 ' Chemeketa street, 2 o'clock. Mrs. Carle Abrams, hostess to Tomarco class of First M. E. church,, at her home, 1547 Chemeketa street. 2:30 o'clock. Wednesday, May 10 Women's Foreign Missionary society of First Meth odist church. 2:15 o'clock in church; celebration of 48th organisation .anniversary. Women's Home Missionary society of Jason Lee church with Mrs. P. L. Frazier, 745 North Capitol street. Women's Missionary society of First Presbyterian church, 2 : S 0 o'clock, in church parlors. Parent-Teachers association at high school, 8:00 o'clock; election of officers; excellent program. Women's Home Missionary society with Miss Faith Pridy, 435 North Summer street; mite box opening. Thursday, May 11 Willing Workers class, with Mrs. Curtis Cole, river road; those desiring transportation be at church 1:30 o'clock. Nile club entertains Nydla temple. Portland, with luncheon and afternoon of cards at 'Masonic temple; luncheon, 12:30 o'clock. Women and girls of Knight Memorial church, plan ning Mother's and Daughter's banquet in social room of church, 6 o'clock; reservations with Miss Mary Eyre, Mrs. Edwards or Mrs. Balnard. Friday, May 12 Three Links club Mother's day program, no host luncheon at one o'clock; all Rebekahs invited to attend and bring a mother with them. Daughters of Veterans, 8 o'clock, Women's club house. Women of the Neighbors ot Woodcraft, hostess for social evening of dancing at Fraternal temple. Northwest Division of Ladles Aid of Presbyterian church, spring birthday party at home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Linfoot, 360 Falk avenue; 7:30 o'clock; public invited. Women's Missionary society of First Baptist church, .with Mrs. E. A. McAdams, 245 North Church street. 2:30 o'clock. Mother's and Daughter's banquet, sponsored by Women's council of First Christian church, 6:30 o'clock in church dining room. For reservations call Mrs. Guy Drill. Saturday, May IS ' Chemeketan dance; Dr. O. A. Downs and Miss Dor othy M. Taylor, committee in charge. Executive board of B. & P. W. club, 7:30 o'clock with Miss Ruth Moore. Dancing Party is Pretty Weekend CT'U: Affair Miss Eloieo Wright eatertaiaed at her home Saturday night with an attractive dancing party for which members of Kappa Delta alumnae were hostesses. ' v The guest rooms where dane ing was enjoyed until a late hoar were attractively arranged with many bowls ot spring flowers. Cards were in play at several tables. A. midnight sapper con cluded the informal evening. Guests included Miss Florian Hrmbets. Hasel Ptaillippt, Wilms Ceursey, Harriett StlmmeU, Edna Preseott. Elolse Wright. Lola Riggs. Dr. and Mrs. Elmer John son, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Uets, Dr. Louis ScholL William Ashby, Ralph SrupprelL Eniil Hamel. Boh Ford. William Smith and Kenneth Brown. Arrangements Made To Honor Mothers Plans have now been complet ed for the combined Junior weekend-Mother's day celebration to be held on the campus of the included Miss Margaret Steven- I University of Oregon May It, 13, son. Miss Helen Hank Miss 14 . The campus luncheon, to be held on Friday from noon to 2:30. will be enlivened with sev eral features. Friars, senior hon- Betrothal is Told At Large Guest Dinner Party The betrothal of Miss Dorothy ! Rose, president of the Alshl Pal Alpha sorority, and Irwin Smith of Portland, was made known at an attractive guest dinner Satur day night at thesorority home on North Summer street. The announcement was made at the dessert course when small Jean Bar ham passed tiny May basket favors to the guests and in each basket among the flowers were the names of the betrothed couple. While th baskets were being presented. Miss Bernic Richman sang MAt Dawning. The table was arranged with flowers and tapers In n color scheme ot orehld and yellow, house colors. Special guests for this dinner Estel Chancy. Miss Viola Barker, miss Helen Rose. Miss Betty Mo- uonaia. Miss Margarita Huggins. Miss Mildred Huggins. Miss Dor- otBy Arms. Miss Beatrice Abel. I or society lor men, ana Mortar Miss Marjorie Wilkerson, Miss Ann Knight, Miss Ardella Schreiber, Miss Mary Brooks. Miss Carol Jordan. Miss Alls Fairelough. Miss Mary Roberta, I Miss Marjorie Parbarry and Miss Vivian Widmer. Miss Rose Is s senior in Wll- Board, senior women's society, will file about in caps and gowns "tapping" those seniors selected for membership In these groups. The university band will play and other entertainment will be offer ed. Queen Margaret I, Miss Mar garet Wagner of Salem, will also j PATCHWORK QUILT PATTERN T lamette university and is major-1 be crowned queen of Junior week ing In mathematics. Her home Is I end at this time. 1 in Portland. No date was set for I A baseball game, a tennis court the marriage. . . I dance and a tea for the mothers will all be events on the program fnr tK. afttrnnnn Th annn&l High School P. T. A. M0LebrI !.!,! JrlanS ODeCial Meet Court for the evening. I Saturday morning at 8 o'clock An exceptional program has I the Oregon Mother's executive been prepared for the Parent-1 committee will meet, and the Teachers association meeting at freshmen will arise at this hour the High eehoel Wednesday ev- nd Put the huge "O" on Skin- enlng. May 10th, at eight o'clock. aer'B Butte. At 9 o'clock the One of the main features will freshmen and sophomores will be the presentation of the for- have their annual tug-of-war estry program that has beea n. across the mfll race, and from 10 ried on throughout the tat an, to 12 a water carnival, with ing the past seven years by the 1 awimmlng, fancy diving, canoe state, federal mil nri-wmt- r... I tilting and water polo will be try Interests. George E. Griffith Mothers will also hold ft of the publie relations depart- ma, ae"ng at 10 o'cock to ment of the TJ. S. forest ser- transact business, vice, Portland, win be assisted Saturday evening from 6:30 to by W. V. Fuller of the state for- S:S0 tke annnal Mother s Day ester's offlee. in carrying out the baut wia held and prepar- evenlng's entertainment. Mr t,M to. take care of more than Griffith Is not only a forester KC B80tnr nd msny sons but s speaker of note, having ap nd auatera have been made. pesrea oeiore many gatherings in vuv iuo ' the northwest including a sea- coirful and unusual events ot son on the Chautauqua circuit He th yer' wlM uke nlce on the will give the address of the even- bUtorlc m1 ra at 8:30 p. m. Ing. In addition, there, win Sunday morning the newly presented a number of reels 1 elected executive committee of motion pictures, all r tfem rr I the Oregon Mothers will meet and gon scenes. Thr tnrtn. .. I &t 11 o'clock all churches will coast highway, forest and forest 8014 apeclal Mother's day services fire scenes, as well as rttAn I Each 11 ring organisation will hon Musie, high school quartet. Bill I or mothers at dinner on this day juason. pasi Ffikti Tr.nmm a... age and Delbert Aadram Program will be follow Miiqi ' WMlr I IKcArvAH election of officers. . At institutions One ot the attractive devel opments of mull week this year Is the interest whieh is being tak Tulip Wreath No. 413. by Laura Wheeler. A wreath design has been a favorite with quilt makers for generations. The de sign ranged from a simple wreath ot a few flowers to ela borate arrangements of the flow ers, buds and leaves of one kind of flower or ot a collection of flowers. This simple tulip wreath is decorative and easy to do at the same time. The material used for the flowers is repeated in the corners of the block while strips of plain material give a lattice effect to the quilt. The wreaths could be need on other things be sides a quilt, the separate sprays easily lending themselves to adaptation. This design is easy to make because the pattern includes com plete simple instructions tor cut ting, sewing and finishing, yard' age chart, diagram ot full alse quilt to help arrange the blocks for single and double bed site, diagram of block which serves as a guide for placing the patches and suggests contracting materials, and clearly outlined drawing of the patch pieces. Send 10c for a pattern for this design to The Oregon Statesman Needlecraft Dept.. 82 Etghth Ave.. New York City. Hadley Puxcha&ci r Dayton ReiUurant From J. WdwfieltJ FVAJU?rt)ALE, May I. Gerald Hadley has mad ft deal whereby he became owner of the Daytoq restaurant business which for the last also months has been conducted by Mr, and Mrs. James Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. SUaa Johnson ot Dayton, are moving into the George Foster farm home that was recently vacated by William Skooner aad children. A Mother's and Daughter's has. quet is being sponsored by the Women's council of the First Christian church Friday sreaiag at 6:30 o'clock ta the church din. ing room. To make reservations call Mrs. Guy Drill at the church study. An excellent program ta helag prepared. Y.W.C.A. Musical Benefit Program The T. W. C A. will sponsor the first annual benefit program in which the musie pupils ot Prls cttla Melslnger will be presented to the public The entertainment is scheduled for May 16 at Waller hall and should be of particular Interest to those who are fond of the Ha waiian and Spanish guitar, man dolin and banjo. The entire evening promises to be different, delightful and of an entertaining nature. The entertainment will consist of solos on the guitars, mandolins and banjo besides various com binations ot these Instruments In duets, trios, quartets and orches tras. These numbers will be se lected from the five clubs known ss the Silver Stringed orchestra. Killma club, Rebekah orchestra. Begtnnera and Advanced Guitar clubs which will combine la an ensemble finale of 52 instruments The enthusiasm and growth ot this nartleular phase of the T. W C A. has become quite marked from ' ft small beginning in Sep tember until that ot the present two active clubs. The enrollment has reached a total ot 76 mem bers in the various musical clubs Eightieth Birthday Celebrated Mra. Ellis Batson entertained in compliment to the 80th birth day of her mother, Mrs. Frances Hautead, Sunday afternoon. A Seth Parker idea was carried out in the entertainment. Special masle was presented by Mrs. C C. Geer and Miss Ruth Geer and Mrs. A. A Harmes. Old autograph albums were passed about for the interest et the guests and to the other auto graphs there the guests ot Sundsy added congratulations and per- sonel thoughts in compliment to Mrs. Halstead. Guests in honor of Mrs. Hal- stead Included Mrs. Stolhelse. Mrs. Templeton. Mrs. Sanders. Mrs. Bobb. Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Lowman, Mrs. Mar shall, Mrs. Harms. Mrs. Kook. Mrs. Sanders. Mrs. Geer. Miss Ruth Geer. Miss Jean Templeton, Elsie and Raymond Kook. Mar jorle Peterson, Lucile Harms and Hona and Vernlta Batson. grand' daughters ot Mrs. Halstead. A shower ot attractive sifts was presented the honor guest. Nile Club is since the opening registration last Nycl ja Temple Guests Aurora Women's Club Benefit Proves Successful Affair Pythian Sisters Convention for District 1 1 is Held in Independence Aurora The Aurora Women's club held one of its successful benefit "500" parties Fridsy night at the office of the Molalla Elec tric company to raise funds to help finance the tennis court which the Woman's club and oth er organizations are sponsoring. Twenty tables were in play. Prizes were captured by Mrs. F. O. Otto- way, Miss Nina Kitts, Mrs. Stanley Pillette, Stanley Plllette U. Eiler and Chester Gllbreath. A table of trophies won by Mrs. W. H. Steph ens, who was state tennis cham pion tor ft number of years, and who is now a member of the Woman's club, was on display. The committee appointed by Mrs. Strickland to work with the entire membership of the club for the. success of the undertaking were Mrs. Loran Giesy, Mrs. M. H. Evans, Mrs. E. E. Bradtl, Mrs. TJ. Eiler, Mrs. W. Grim, Mrs. Ben Stoner and Mrs. George Ehlen. This party will be followed by others in behalf of the tennis court. Monmouth Mrs. B. F. Butler and her mother, Mrs. W. J. Mul key, were hostesses Wednesday to the Social Hour elub at the Butler home. Colorful tulips were used about the rooms. The program: "Living Conditions Today and Fifty Tears Ago." was In charge of Maggie and Alice Butler, who spoke on the topic. Cassie Stump, another Monmouth pioneer, read excerpts from Isabella Scott Dun- iway's pioneer hook. A. J. Whtte aker was featured with old time, violin masle, to which a skit of pioneer time dancing was charm ingly performed. Gervais. Sixty-five members ot the Woodbum and Silverton chap ters were guests ot Gervais chap ter, o. B. S., at its meeting Fridsy night. After the lodge work was com- held Thursday. Delegates and re- Guitar duet. Mr. Bain bridge and presentatives were present from Mr. Ashbaugh; reading. Kretn Portland, North Plains, Dallas. Fae Ashbaugh: reading. Mrs. Corvallts, Oregon City, Hubbard, Mary Ashbaugh; piano solo. lone Ilolyoke, Colorado and Welcome, Turner; skit, "Waiting for the Maine. Train," Mrs. Pearl Stevens, Mrs. Grand honors were given to Viola Henning and Mrs. Clara 10 of the sisters: Susie Parmen- Jones. Mrs. Claire Ellsworth la ter, Hester Hogan, Pearl Kinser, worthy matron. coble De Lesninasaa. Rmi Ym.! rington. Minnie RHat. Hmi tti lenback and Mabel ErteVann WaI. Btayton The Women's club fall. An unusual fact collected with the work has been the wide range ot interests. The age limit has been as low as eight years to sev eral adults past middle age In life. Seventy-five per cent ot the mem- The Nile club of Salem, will en tertain for Nydia temple of Port land st its regular meeting Thurs day afternoon in Masonic temple. Luncheon will be served at 12:20 o'clock end this will be followed en in presenting programs at the .""j n ! Jlf S 7 aa afternoon of cards make a serious study of musical T, .. Carrie Toung, oldest past matron, ! was elected an honorary life member. Independence The Third Annual Convention of the Pyth ian bisiers, district no. 11 was various state institutions. The first of the series was giv en Monday night by Mrs. Clif ford Mndd, assisted by Mrs. Clar ence Bowes, violinist, and Mrs. Alleen Bremmer, 'cellist. This program was given at the Old People's home much to their great satisfaction. Tonisht Prof. R. W. Hans Salts will direct the Salem Symphony I AlluriniZ orchestra 1c a program at the I Oregon state hospital. Assisting on this progrsm will bo Mrs. W. J. MInklewlU. vocalist, and the Salem Civic chorus directed by Prof. E. W. Hobson A second program ot Tuesday night will be that to be present ed at the state tuberculosis hos pital under the direction of Mrs Earl Pearcy. The program will bo given by the Vaady Vlllians Steel Guitar trio. Hobert Smith, director; and Arbutus Radio, vo calist, A program which had to be cancelled was planned for the girls' Industrial school. Sunday for the first time during Masle Week's history In Salem a must instruments or had any knowl edge ot note reading. Rehearsals will be held Mon- dsy and Thursday at T. W. C. A. and Saturday at 2 o'clock in Wal ler hall. It is expected that about 16 guests. Including the queen et Nydla temple, will be in attend ance at this affair. Music Programs Music week programs are well under way and thos presented as Introductions presage well tor the success ot the week. Tonight an unusually attractive and in teresting program will be pre sented at the state school for the blind with ft large number of out ot town talent assisting. This program is open to the public An Interesting program is al-i so Deiag sponsored inis atier- noon at 4 o'clock at Parrlsh Jun ior high school by Girl Reserves In comnllment to parents and friends. Mrs. Carle Abrams, and Mrs. Vs?5i POYDSER SAME PRICE cal program was presented at the I Marr Boeschea will bo Joint host Oregon state prison. Mrs. W. B. I esses tor the Tomarco class oi tne T"; 'I"" accompanied Thy Mrs. Norbv and I i7 Rooder and Ons KlempeL p, "ulTn"' clnIano selections br Roaells Ball A program has also been - u. u. u US I. i ti.i " Uliiiii tit Mi Kr.n tnlnfnf Silverton Mrc. Bert Day and Mrs. Clarence Simmons were Br ANNE ADAMS Every little girl Is going to want it. . . tor it's the most ador able frock to wear to parties when one must be "all dressed up." With the pattern Is ft step- hostesses st the home ot the by-step dressmaking lesson to former Friday afternoon at an in ebow clearly how to fashion the terestlnr party for the pleasure 4 i cunning neckband, shonlder rnf- 0f the Loyal Guards of the He- fles, adorable puffs and tucked thodlst church. The group voted hemline. so that mother, auntie to hold a. food aale at the Gen- or cousin won't have the least bit oral Electric store next Saturday, of trouble making it. The aheer and decided to cooperate with the cottons such as dimity, swiss, or- Missionary society in bringing gandio or lawn would be Just the I Mrs. Necia Buck ot the W. C. T. ' thing. And bloomers are included, I tj. to Silverton to speak In June .too. Pattern 2551 may bo ordered only In sixes 2, 4, 6. 8 snd 10. Slse . 4 requires 3 yards 36 inch fab ric. Illustrated step-by-step aew- lnr instructions included with pattern.; lowing the rf Thursd.y slternooVwith Mrs. Anderson had charge of arrang- First Methodist church at the Ab- congss ?h. .ddreeo? we W N- tkl. program which Included ram. hom Vm .mk.U -treeU come bTqueel WooTwa. gl'en Mrs. Ulen Reynold, a. host- JLfteraoo be"!" t 2:30 with ;n.l L m.. ewes. la keeping with musis week directed by Prof. B. W. Hob- o'clock. Members of the Alpha Phi Al pha sorority are planning a tea for 8unday afternoon at the sor ority home complimenting mem bers ot the Mother's elub. WAS ALL READY TO GIVE UP f: . Swe tStMa Mitt (1S) le mSss r lUapi (coin. pr(rr4), for tkls pattcrm. Writ pUialr row mum, adrts sad ttyW ob. Be sara e state lis vsatod. Bm4 far tk Aaae Uoe kovk. It contains lorfsl pCM et 9vy rarifiptr4 laL- in ertry aaviag as. sad hv ksw to ai ! arary bw f U y. Try trU l ti I. aad aaty ta awka, Thera ara aiodals tar tla larrar fifora aad pataa at daUsktfal Joaiar and Ud dla atrlaa. Levaly Dararia, sad : aataary aatUraa. toa. Frtoa at eata a& fiftaaa easts, aataloc aad pa. tar togathar, tvaaiy-Ci eents. Aditata all aull -ardars to Tha Oraroa Statoamaa Pattara Dapart maat. S4I W. 171k stoaat Kaw ' Tark alty. ifc r j - The group will ask other churches in the city to cooperate with it In this program. Present were Mrs. B. Morri son. Mrs. rrang kudos, mrs. John Gehrke. Mrs. Lester Green, Mrs. E. Barker, Mrs. Lewis Mel- br. Mrs. A. F. Blackerny, Mrs. Georgo Isrealson, Mrs. George Lamb. Mrs. C. J. Han, urs. Georgo Bowman. Mrs. P. W. Nofskor, Mrs. M. Toots, Mrs. W. Graham. Mrs. B. C. Ferguson, Mm. Clarence Simmons, Mrs. ao - Frlnk. Mrs. Edson Corn- stock, Mrs. George Brewer. Mrs. H. Neagli, Mrs. Arthur wiiuama. and the hostesses. e -e - Woodbum Tho Past Ma trons club ot Evergreen chapter Order of Eastern Star has elected these officers: Mrs. Mabel Settle meier, : president; Mrs. Myrtle Gill, re-elected Ties president Miss Ella" Lytlei 'seci;etary. Mrs. and Teresa BeltcL nnnila of Sis. planned for the ter Mercedes. Bettv Korlnsk aiull scbool. This wul bo given nn- Leonn Burmester put on their 1 dor the direction ot Dr. A. F. do- Mickey and Minnie Mouse num-1 Leapinasse, and tho dste will be ber. I announced later. Tne institution programs are not onen ta the nubile. Dayton Nineteen members eil noon. Mrs. James Ogle was an as- lf "on unnstian sauroa mis-1 Delu Phi Mothers club met at Blatant nnata t ..i biviwj vini uun w iwm- om raaiaanes or sara. Lm. Lb. lawi art a M-t-a!3i M"r monthly meeting held Thurs-1 for Its rernlar maetlnr. Mrs. Laws Ti tiinn h .1.1 ntu. I mvwuvwji m a, wutm iuis. i wil UIIIUA IT urs. JOBS W. Ut- ment, dean ot musie and Virginia "arbert, Willard-s kom rich. At tho tan hour Miss Francos Ufr Look Brighter Since Sh Ware, head of the vocal depart. E!8.1"' VQ&k- I1 L Miss The TJlriAss- Took T-dU E. Pfakham'. D. D. M. of R. respectfully after Oregon City had been chosen as the city for the 1034 convention. a a 1!rA1a WAmanM 1 . , vt) v v uuiftu a i club met at the home of Mrs. George Ehlen Wednesday after-1 ment of Llnfield collere guest artists, and charmed their auaience with their numbers. Mrs. George Francis accompanied by I tionals and Mrs. Herman Louis had charge of the lesson. Margaret Nots of Portland gave "rvais Mr. ana Mrs. w. m. tva mi Tr,i. I Cannard were heads of tho oom- Earl Cobum conducted tho devo-1 sisted In serving. Mrs, A. L. Llnd- beck was an additional guest for this meeting. Members present In cluded Mrs. A. L. Dark, Mrs. R. H. Scott, Mrs. O. W. Emmons. Mrs. Fred Alban Well. Mrs. A. M.I Vesetabl Compound Dr. Mary C. Rowland ot Salem I m,"f cTf of thoeard par-1 chapman, Mrs. L. R. Hageman. ira a rfirt.fni w .tv I ty givea Bunaay ugns sy Bsorea I Mrs. J. w. Ulrtclu Mrs. Ross W. hlbited beautiful block prUaofl ?X Baheoek. Mrs. M. C. Fladley. Mrs. ner own deslnlnr. and I y " u u. viemenw aars. w. sa. una. wrourht lewelrr. she w. P1 Ior w m Mrs. A. Oehler. Mrs. Loo M. TJV- panled by Mrs. W. T. Farra. also -.00 ' "."" Mmsoman. 1 rich, aad Mrs. Gordon Black. ot Salem. Tho program was pro- I0? uo s.ntedhy the chatSan of mu5t 2S. mts. e. c BUier, sad tho chair-1 ,T ' ' a a di -see Hubbard Tulips were effec tively combined with apple blos soms to make ft lovely setting for tho auction bridge party tor which Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith were hosts at their horns Satur day night. High scores vers worn by Mrs. present. Firs csw members join- Herbert Cleaver, and Mrs. Waldo ed. Mrs. J. Lawrence, Mrs. NeUia Brows: Elmer Stanffer, and Dr. Haynes. Mrs. John Gersn. Miss Fred Burks. Miss Mildred Smith Mary Moberg snd Miss Dora and Mrs. Elmer Stanff or assisted Geren. M 4,:e r .1 tho hostess in serving, man of art, Mrs. B. BradtL The hostesses served ' dainty , rsfrsah- menu to ons of tho largest gath erings ox ue year. . .see Scotts Mills The R. N. A. club met Friday t tho homo of Mrs. Ada Geren. Mrs. Dortha Telfer sn- tenamiag. Twenty-seven were Separate S In Oass Separate CPA 1 K IWlUUa For Mother's Day j ? I was so rundown and weak that I could hardly walk. I was about ready Vwetahlo ComDound. Eince lWm T kav had three more babies and I faal wSl snd serene X sat taktott tho J - - m U nn aft tKa Maul inai. i i55 f?0 s7Jr a-haw Aa CVdmnhos. Ohio. Dnl m another daT wtthoot the helD this medicine can s5vs youw Get ft hntil from mr nearest dmc Store famwiati.Tak. tt wgularfy accord- tnc to direcuons. AS42YEAnSA60. T 1 j This should bt your Choice of Holcli Because: m Tka m latoj SHke M 6h6ftsVSj ara694, TPa1aas) UmUm. ts the sMMe eaS aaa aw ."a TafaaaatairbSli -araaaMjr: : a!AlAlA:OdhsOiil jpoataTrsrfnd falsi taSflag Vu OFTH AND MOON PORTLAND eocgoou f , 'V .....:-. ' v :- v.-' .- f .-. . : . -r s a-w. '- :.- ' -' U V- , i J k i i"':'aiatfts vij Start your day with delicious Post Toastlei a a a and you start It right! It works wonders with early morning dispositions a bowlful of these big; crisp, golden-brown flakes i i j so gay aad tempting in cool milk or cream; And if you want to start the day in an especially happy frame ot mind just try PostToasties with fruit or berries! Yoo pet more than this tenant ing delicious flavor, too. You get energy quick energy from every bowlful of these tempting toasted hearts of corn: Try Post Toasties for break fast tomorrow. Serve it at home or order it at the restaurant. A product of General Foods. BOYS AND GIRLSI Mm Mtfs J for fextly Ctpi ft' mf- -f TWO Paat Ta ter !, sPSasseg sS3w S4sts90ka ftSSe) I (Into eer sd ewJ O. U, IfMJ USlfr iKilf '!lli