The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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The OREGON STATESMAN,' Salert, Orego- Tcesday Blornlng. May 9, 1933
T 1
"Here you are, Mr. President; re ri behind youV,
st ""S. -
ixi nm him
"tfo Foror Sways tf; No Fear SUiB Awe"
Yrom Pirrt Statesman, March 28,1851" ,
Cbables A. SnaGcs - . .
SULD02f P. Sacxcrr - - -
Managing Editor
v.r- Member of the Associated Press
- The Associated Prsss Is exclusively entitled te the uss for publica
tion of all news dispatch credited to tt or not eiberwlss credited la
this paper. -
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: Portland Representative
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By city Carrier: 41 cents a month; a year la advance. Per
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No Bungling in Massachusetts
THE Massachusetts state police moved swiftly and precise
ly m the capture of the abductors of the McMath girl in
the Cape Cod region last week. There was no bungling; the
. culprits were in the keep within a few hours after the po
lice learned the girl had" been restored to her father. Now
.Judicial processes must be observed, but the probability is
: that the villains will soon receive their punishment. That it
will be severe is scarcely to be doubted.
The success of the Lindbergh kidnaping has prompted
other desperate characters to obtain money the same way.
: while the risks are srreat. the rewards are also great. in tne
last case some $60,000. And the criminals have this advan
tage that the ones expected to provide the ransom are so dis
traught over the safety of their loved one, that they are al
most forced into league with tne kidnapers. Tne lather 01
r the McMath girl, for example, had agreed not to disclose the
girl's return for 48 hours, and was Imng up to his agree
ment out of fear for reprisals to his family.
Whenever a maior crime is not solved the public is apt to
criticise the officers of the law. The New Jersey police have
come in for harsh censure for their failures in the Lind
bergh case. Not only-did the abductors go unapprehended,
out tne Doay os uie cmia iay ior wee as uuuiawaeu,
a short distance of the house. The police doubtless justify
themselves; but the success in Massachusetts ought to serve
to compensate the New Jersey failure, and to warn kidnap
ers that the arm of the law is long, and such wicked deeds
may not always be carried out with the impunity of the
Lindbergh case.
Counties to Pay State
"I OOD old Linn county is the first to remit the first-half of
VH its state tax, ana otner counties are getting reaay to pay.
If the sales tax is adopted in July they will not have to send
in the last half, because the sales tax is a substitute for the
property tax.
Some counties have been protesting against giving the
state the preference on tax collections. Many counties In so
doing will be forced on a warrant basis. They would pre
fer to "pay as we are paid", that is distribute the tax in-
i come among state, county, city, school and port district, just
1 as it is received.
The answer to this is that the state is the sovereign
unit, and that its credit should be preserved. While the cre
dlt of other taxing units should also be maintained, the in
terest of the state is paramount. 1
This is also true; the county which is the tax collector
. gets all the interest on delinquent taxes, which as a general
rule fuDy compensates it for advancing the state's share.
While the other taxing districts do not get this interest, they
are spared all cost of collecting taxes, because the county
does the work and makes the turnover to the subordinate
"L districts.
In bad times like the present, the system doesn't work
perfectly by any means; but on the whole it is about as good
; a plan as may be devised. -
Elves Abroad!
ulTHILE many in this country are keeping their eyes
ff glued on the stock ticker and are experiencing elation
, over its antics in past weeks, the advice is timely that tney
raise their gaze and watch events in Europe. With the dol
lar dropping to dizzy depths, the future of world trade is at
stake. The Roosevelt program will succeed or fail, not on the
domestic but on the foreign front. It is in that field that the
real battle is being fought, and so far with no indication
of victory.
France has refused to pay the December instalment of
the war debt until a moratorium is granted for the June
payment, which Pres. Roosevelt is quoted as refusing.
3: The united States has been womng hard to get Jsng
land to azree to a tariff truce pending the London confer
ence. But the conservative British ministers, unrestricted by
the assurances of Premier MacDonald, have declined unless
they get a truce on the June debt instalment.
This country stubbornly adheres to the position that it
will not discuss war debts at the economic conference. That
foredooms the conference ta failure. With that a failure, the
outlook for the Roosevelt inflation program in this country
looks gloomy indeed. Not that we will not have inflation;
but that it cannot be controlled.
Down at Modesto a man got kit by an automobile and -was re
moved to a hospital. Attendants If ound he was dressed like an on
ion. They had to take off fonr coats, two Tests, three sweaters, four
shirts, three pairs of trousers, two suits of underwear, and a leather
Jacket before they sot down to hide. That fellow must hare patron-
tied the rummage sales at every stop. '
... Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The States
man of Earlier Day
May 9, 1008
City and Oregon Electric com
pany officials were unable to
agree yesterday orer the proper
grade of High street at Broad
way. The railroad company, which
has established Its grade a foot
higher than that of the city.
claims that Its grade is the best
from drainage and other standpoints.
SALT LAKH. The republi
can state convention yesterday
named Roosevelt first choice tor
presidential nomination and Taft
as second choice. A bitter fight
developed when the gentile party,
nichnamed "Insurgents" and op
posed by Smoot and others, sought
nomination of a senator next fall.
Crushed rock from the quarry
south of town was delivered to
the Warren Construction company
yesterday for the State street pav
ing. While the street railway com
pany lg laying Its new CO - foot
rails, the construction company
wUI work at setting la the curb
May 0. 102S
NEW YORK. The prosperity
America is now enjoying can be
mad permanent If the business
men of the nation exercise confid
ence and caution rather than tim
idity, Herbert Hoover, secretary
of commerce, said last night be
fore the United Stat chamber of
commerce In annual convention.
Eighteen men are now at work
opening up the new state logging
Dr. Boyle, old, old timer:
Beale and Baker party again: j
Several days ago, in this col
umn, an inquriy was mad con
cerning Dr. James W. Boyle, men
tioned in connection with a trag
edy of 1847, In which a Mr. Pop
ham lost his life, and Dr. Boyle
assisted in the autopsy. In re
sponse, R. P. Boise kindly fur
nishes this sketch:
"Dr. Boyle was born April II,
1815, on a farm in Virginia. He
was a graduate of Kemper med
ical college, St. Louis, Mo. Cam
across the plains to Oregon in
1845. Took up a donation land
claim one mil west of the town
of Riekreall. Married Josephine
Ford, daughter of Col. Nat. Ford.
Lived in a log eabin for several
years, using it both as a residence
and office. In 1851 he built
large tram house, which stands
today practically as good as when
new. In 18 B 8 Dr. Boyle erected a
building In Dallas, using it for a
drug store and his office. In the
camp near Mehama where the
stat prison authorities recently
bought a tract of 150,000 feet of
virgin timber, to be logged out
and sawn up at th prison mill.
This lumber will be used for con
struction work at state Institu
tions and for material tor th
cabinet and furniture making de
partments at the prison.
Turner high school defeated the
Salem high school second team In
baseball at Turner yesterday, t-8.
The ML Angel college team also
won trom Willamette, 8 to 0.
The report of Roosevelt's radio speech concludes: "On the sub
ject of war debts th president was silent". When hi speech is read
tn Europe, that paragraph will make th biggest noise. How can the
USA expect Europ to brush away cobwebs in economics it this
country refuses even to talk about war debts T
'v: j- 1
The great U. 8. A, now refuses to pay interest on its bonds In
gold to holders who reside abroad. What la it Americans were saying
a, year ago about th South American countries and Hungary who
defaulted on, their bonds or off ered 'payment in pesos, milrels, paper
marks, yen and arrowheads f
N Shades of th Dayton triaL A Tennessee author has won th
Pulitzer prise for the best novel of th year. It Is entitled "Th
StoT": and he doubtless had plenty of material if he nicked it from
th loafers around the plug tobacco box tilled with sawdust, serving
as spittoon in a country store In Tennessee
W do not understand why th administration should hesitate,
at all about paying th bonus. It th idea is to lssu paper money
in volume,, why not pay the soldier boys oft in greenbacks and let
them start circulating iC It we are to bar printing press money ft
mignt as weu.oe usea ior mis purpose now as In 1145..
Among th unsung heroes of th -depression ar th preachers.
They ar trying to continue praising th Lord from whom aU bless
ings flow and praying th dally bread petition, -with salaries cut in
half, and that halt paid tardily and partly in knotty wood and ear-
row. : , :- .v
In the 'Qa it was Kansas that raised th hell, as William Allen
White said. This tim it is lows. - -
. "Broker's Tip" won th Kentucky derby Saturday. That's th
;-first time anyon had winning: on'a
Daily Health Talks
United States senator trom riew York
Former OommUttonor of SeeitK
Vow York Cit
WHEN CHILDREN are afflicted
with rheumatism the symptoms are
apt t be rather vague. The paiafnf,
swollen, reddened Joists that w find
is adnl ts are
rarely present,
But th Joists
are likely te be
sensitive. There
may be pals la
the muscles or
the calf, or be
hind the knee for
s day or two.
stiff neck and
t sore throat may
vv f be the aly
V warnings of aa
' X,. approaching serl-
n 1 1 s ous heart attack.
Dr Copeland
ous heart attack.
Anemia ana s
slight rise of
temperature for several weeks, are
other sad often unheeded warnings.
Acute rheumatism is really the
alga ef an infection. Ia children the
place where this Infection enters the
system Is commonly th tonsils. Ia
one series of rseumatlo cases. TT per
cent of the children had diseased ton
alls. Disease of the ears, sinuses and
teeth was present In s considerable
number ec the remaining cases.
" My FeUew Other Diseases
When a child's physical condOlon
Is below par, and there Is a hsredl
tary tendency t rheumatism, he n
more susceptible to the disease. 8car
let fever and diphtheria are
times followed by acute rbsumatio
The evidence ef heart Involvement
may be no more than unusual fatigue
after aught exertion, toes of breath
on moderate exercise, or occasional
pain la the region ef r heart. When
any one ef these symptoms appears.
ins ramnj pnrslclan should be con
eultsd.'- " K- . - s . o ;
After aa attack ef rheumatism,
child should have a nourishing; esafly
digested diet and carefully regulated
exercise. Convalescence ha sulet sur
roundings where sunshine Is plentiful.
Is advisable whenever tt Is poeann.
"Chorea,1 popularly known as "St.
Titus dance," Is supposed by many ts
be ef rheumatl origin.
theory has net
"St, Vitas DasW
The early symptoms ef chorea
be no more than unusual trrltabfilty
and show of temper. Th child may
be awkward tn his movements sad
unable to bold objects ta his hands.
He may seem te find It Impossible to
sit or stand stlO. Persistent wink
ing, and the twitching ec certain
muscles, may precede the attack ef
chorea for a month or tw Then
there appear Jerky, irregular
purposeless contractions of th
dee, particularly la the flngers, hands
and face. In severe eases the stfeech
may become Jerky and wnDrine; Is
Under proper treatment recovery
from rheumatism m mild cases may
occur la less than a month. 1m the
more severe cases It may be pro
longed through s period ef several
Ia the treatment complete rest Is
Important. There must be a nutri
tious diet. Medical attention Is see-
Answers to Health Qseries
6V L. H. Q. What wfl
nearslghtednemf .
A, Properly fitted sis sees saewtd
improve this cow ration. Consult an
eye specialist who wH grv yen MU
advice. ,
M. K. W. Q. What causes plow.
isyT , -.. i
A This usually fellows aa tnfee
tlon after n cold, or other catarrhal
condition. . The patient . should be
under the care ef a doctor.
' fCopvrioht. tOSSi A. F. M tnaJ
early 10's the Dr. and his famUy
moved to this city. On Julr
1864, Dr. Boyle died here and was
burled in the I. O. O. F. cemetery
The above information sent the
writer to th Marlon countr rec
ords, which show that on Septem
ber 5, 1818, Dr. James W. Boyle
oougnt lot 4 In block 88, Salem
ana on nor. i of tn same year
he purchased lots S and 8 la the
same block. This gar him th
ownership of aU the half block on
tne west side of Liberty street,
excepting the part on which
stands the Miller store buildlnr
That Is, everything from the Hart-
man corner north to the Miller
store, including th sites of the
present Catlin, Eckerlen and other
buildings that ar In one of the
now busiest sections of the rai-
liai city.
S U m
The records show. also, that Dr.
Boyle bought lot 8. block S. on
November 18 of that year. That
gave him the lot east of and op
posite tne city hall. This was no
doubt his residence property;
quite a way out of the center of
things then. At that period the
main business district was along
Commercial sad Front between
State and Trade that Is. close to
me steamhoat landlnr at the foot
of Trade and the overland star
station, where the armory u now.
Anoiner center was around th
Junction of Liberty and High and
uroaaway. near the pioneer wool
en mill of this coast.
Dr. Boyle's nractice. in iai7
from his combined log cabin home
and office, extended wn AMr
Polk and Marion counties. Dr. W.
, IUSICK. alterward nrnmln.n
Salem physician and resident, be
gan the stndy of medicine under
Dr. Boyle. Mrs. Cniick Htm i.
the old home, rather the last one.
at 209 Wst Lincoln, Salem. The
descendants of the Bovle nt
Ford families, and collateral re
lationships, mak up a large por
Uon of the present population of
Folk, county. On may so th Dr.
BoyU homo, buUt ia 1855. from
th highway, north tide, about s
out r Riekreall. aa th w.
t Dallas. '
This, furnished by CI B. Wood
worth of Portland, former Salem
boy and young man. Is th latest
(but not the last) obi -
BkM nsins- of May
Th Beale and Baker hanging:
There are but tew living that wit
"J6 th hanging of these men.
Al Cross man was oas. He tells
abont it. At th Urns h was work-
. cUrk f tore
Hath, Dearborn Co. For many
days before th hanrin
began to arrive with their eamp-
"S veujis. xn wnala fimn.
cam along. Business was good st
store, ana it Was so crowded
inac a aid not think that h
womia o missed, so he sneaked
At noon he came home. He had a
sore throat and a headache, be said.
His hands were hot and dry and his
gray eyes glittered with (ever.
As she helped him off with bis
clothes Mary Faith observed that
he had bought himself a new shirt
ssd s new blue end white polka-
dotted tie. He had been wearing
polka-dotted ties exclusively the last
few weeks. Evidently the blood girl
in the drug store admired polka dots.
"The things a wife finds out about
th woman her husband cares fori"
Mary Faith thought bitterly as she
closed the top drawer of Kim's
dresser upon the tic
Mary Faith s indignation vanished
when she saw that he was sick.
"Oh, gosh, but I'm glad to be
here," he sighed as she helped him
to bed. "No place like this, Mary
She went out into th hall and
telephoned Dr. Thatcher.
"Kim's sick," h told Mrs. Far
rcli, who was just coming in from a
trip to the library, bringing four
books and a box of licorice drops.
"I've telephoned for the doctor. It's
best to be on the safe side."
"Oh, absolutely V agreed Mrs.
FarrelL She was all agog at the
thought of seeing Dr. Thatcher. By
the time the doctor arrived, she had
changed into s clean bouse dress and
had established herself in s chair at
Kim's bedside, where she sat look
ing much too large for the small
neat room.
"Well, doctor, what's wrong with
our boy? Just a little touch of sore
tnroat, 1 imagine, she said com
fortably, when Dr. Thatcher had
gone over Kim's chest with a stetho
scope. "He's always having a sore
throat, you know."
Bet Dr. Thatcher said it was not
sore throat this time, but acute
bronchitis. He looked gravely at
Mary Faith when he said it
"Keep the room warm and open
the windows from the top, so that
there'll be plenty of fresh air, Mrs.
Kim. And don't let this fellow smoke
or have anything but water and
broth and orange juice. IH send
up some medicine."
His orders sounded simple
enough, but Mary Faith found them
anything but simple to carry out
For Mrs. Farrell opposed her at
every turn. When Mary Faith
opened the windows from the top,
she closed them.
"Who ever heard of letting cold
air blow in on s sick person P she
wanted to know. And she was all
for giving Kim a sweet thick egg-
nog, instead of orange juice.
"An eggnog never hurt anybody,"
she declared and went on mixing one
ia a tall gtass. "Besides Dr. Thatcher
used to order them for Kfanberley
when he was s little boy."
"That was twenty years ago and
doctors have changed their ideas of
diet and treatments since then,"
Mary Faith pointed out But she
might have saved ber breath, for
Mrs. Farrell paid no attention to
And so things went on for
week, with Mary Faith doing her
best to carry out the doctor's orders
and Mrs. Farrell doing her best to
thwart her st every turn. But at
the end of the week, in spite of all
this, Kim was better. He got up for
Sunday dinner and afterward sat be
tore the fire and read the papers,
until four o clock.
Tm going to rua around the
block," Mary Faith told hfm.
New Vi
Peering- out
terday, 8 tat
ed: "What Is
this kind of
ar oomments
us rain yes
reporters ask-
year reaction to
weather!" Here
they received:
Mrs. I.
T. McAdoo,
'I certainly
dont like
Captain Bern Faagtit, dry fire-
t I dosrt complain. It does
n't do any good."
D. D. Dots, enploymeaa bm
rean assistant ntaaagert "Oh. It's
Oregon' weather. We've got to
take it as it comes. We knew
tt . was wet before w cam out
hsr." "-"-'r- s . ; mi
nted some sir and exercise. I won't
be gone ten minutes."
She leaned over him to Uss him.
"You've been aa awfully good pa
tient, Kim."
He csught her hands and held
them tight Tw beta a rotten hus
band for the last month or so, Mary
Faith. IV worried yon. I'm sorry."
That was aa he said, but Mary
Faith knew that H meant n great
deal, coming from Kim, who hardly
ever admitted that be bad been in
the wrong about anything; and her
heart was as light as the dry leaves
that danced along the sidewalks
ahead of her as she walked briskly
around the block.
There was s light in the vestibule
of the building when she came back.
and just outside th door of her own
apartment stood s sum, young
woman tn s gray squirrel coat She
swung 'round as Mary ratth ap
"Mary Faith Farrell P
It was Claire Maldon, thinner than
ever, more shrill of voice, her face
more thickly covered with powder
and rouge and bps tick.
Or perhaps she just strikes me as
being Kkt that because I haven't
seen her in such n long time," mused
Mary Faith.
The strung room was very quiet
and orderly in the twilight The red
coals glowed in the grate and the
rose-geraniums on the window sill
filled the place with their warm,
rpicy perfume.
Jack tells me that Sandy's been
sick," Claire said, throwing her coat
back on her shoulders and lighting
the cigarette that seemed (6 be as
much a part of her as the red salve
on ber hps or the enamel on ber fin
ger nails.
Mary Faith nodded. "He has. IH
go back now, if youll excuse me,
and see if he's all right Sit down
and make yourself comfy, Claire.1
Ask him if he's too sick to see an
old friend for s minute." Claire's
voice floated after her as she went
softly through the dark dining-room.
I d certainly like to say heuo' to
"That's what she came here for.'
thought Mary Faith. When she re
turned to the sitting room, Claire
bad turned on the lights. She had
takes off her hat and was standing
before the mirror, touching the yel
low waves of her hair with a pocket
"May I see himr
"He's asleep."
Clair shrugged her slender shoul
ders and Sopped into Kim's chair.
So was Jack when I started over
here." she said. "I left him snoring
m nis chair. Yon know that we had
been separated these last three
four months, didn't you?"
Her keen eyes studied Mary Faith
fixedly through a haze of cigarette
"Yon look awfully tired and old.1
she said suddenly before Mary Faith
bad bad time to answer her. "You re
a fool to stay at home all the time
and slave the way you do. I know
Sandy's been sick, and I know you
have n baby to look after, but you
ought to think of yourself first of slL
The more selfish a woman is the
more a man thinks of ber. You prob
ably don't believe that but you will
before yon die.
Then she went on talking about
herself and Jack.
T only came back home to see
I can stand living with Jack again.
rm gomg to try tt for a month
so and if I don't get along with him
better than I have Is the past, Tm
going to divorcs him. You think I m
dreadful to say that, don't yon, Mary
Mary Faith moved uneasily ia her
chair, not knowing what to say. "I
always thought yon and Jack got
along very well," was what she fi
nally managed to blurt out .
"All of our friends thought that
All but Sandy. He lived in the same
house with us and he knew that we
didn't get along at eH." A little smile
slid across Claire's face, as if a pleas
ant thought had corns into her mind.
Sandy's like me, Mary Faith. He
likes plenty of sippo all the time.
And Jack's your kind of person. He
actually Ekes to stay at boms and
read or putter around. If things in
this crazy world were arranged the
way they ought to be arranged, you'd
have married Jack, Mary Faith, and
fd be Sandy's little better half."
She lauehed as if she had lust
cracked n splendid joke, and Mary
Faith smiled at ber as if she saw the
joke and thought it mildly funny.
too. But she didn't think h was
unny at alL
"How could she even think such
beastly thing?" she asked herself.
as Claire went away, calling over her
shoulder that they must all spend
New Year's Eve together, and that
she hoped Sandy would soon be bet.
ter. and that Mary Faith must be
sure to ten him that she had come
to see him while he slept
"I thought I heard that Maldon
woman in here that a w&y I man t
come in." said Mrs. Farrell from the
doorway of the diniag-room ss soon
as the door had closed upon Claire.
Oh. what s voice she hast And the
way she runs on about Kimbcrleyl
She's in love with him. mark my
words I Fvc said so before and I say
so again."
Mary Faith hardly thought of
Claire in the next few weeks. Aunt
Ells came up from Garrettsvtlle to
do her Christmas shopping, and
Mary Faith went with her on two
snowy afternoons, bringing home
packages and an armful of ever
greens and holly on each occasion.
Mr. Mclntrae bad turned over s
very important cats to Kim-a case
that had to do with the breaking of
a wilL Kim worked and worried over
it and two or three times he tele
phoned Mary Faith that he wouldn't
be home for dinner, and that U she
wanted him, he would be at the of
"Don't caU me unless it's neces
sary." he said. "And if I'm not here,
it's because I'm either on my wsy
home or having something to est in
a restaurant stone. Alone, do yon
"Oh, Kim, dont rub h into me
that I'm a jealous, suspicious wife.
You know I trust you even if I am
She did. She never called up the
office on the sights when he was not
at home.
Christmas was a complete success.
A regular story-book snowstorm had
wrapped Wilton Street in the white
ness of s wedding veiL The flat was
warm and fragrant with the odor of
holly and fir and roast goose. The
baby stood on his little feet for the
first time to touch the shining blown
glass ornaments on his Christmas
tree. Aunt Ella had stayed for the
holidays, and Dr. Thatcher came to
the family dinner at four o'clock.
(Te n CoatiMc4
Carrrlffct. list er smMn mtum
Dtatrlkto4 kr
D rtmtarw SyMUcaS. Im.
off and aaw th whole thlag. He
says that th schools closed so
that th pupils could attend. He
slso states that Johnny MeCully
was thr and when he went home
his story was brief and descrip
tive: They kicked a whol lot'
Perhaps J. D. can verify this, as it
is hard to believe that he was old
enough st the time to hav been
"Al also remembers th speech
mad by Rufus Mallory, whose
closing words were, Now, gentle
men of ths Jury, do your duty
though th heavens fail.' Pardon
a diversion her to inject a story
that h told about Rufus Mallory.
Th republican convention met at
Corvallts to nominate a congress
man. It was agreed that a com
plimentary vote was to be given
Mr. Mallory, but no p rev ions ar
(Turn to page I)
The Safety
Valve - -
Lettarn from
Statesman Readers
To the Editor:
Civilization can only exist
through the observance of law.
Law depends upon impartial Jus
tie to receive th support of th
people, A law only remains good
as long as th people observ and
obey it When society is divided
Into two or more classes through
th Bossesslon of wealth, ther de
velops a strnggl to secure th
law-making power by th differ
ent classes. Law protects those
who control Its operation. Those
who control th law us it to pro
tect themselves in th possession
of wealth and in securing greater
wealth. Those who bar boon dls-
posseeeed et wealth ar aa longer
regarded as worthy of notice. The
unhindered process of secumula
tlon of wealth, in tim central
ize aU wealth and means of pro
ducing wealth Into th control of
a very tew, who dictate what laws
they want. Wealth Is only useful
to satisfy human needs. Deprived
of wealth and th means of pro
ducing wealth, th individual
must perish it a 'observes. This
makss th law partial and unjust
and develops n conflict between
thosa who possess wealth and
thos who hav been or ar being
deprived of wealth. Th law per
mits snd accepts a plea of salt de
fens as being sufficient grounds
of Justification la violating con
stituted law, especially la th
rrim of tnnrdar. Th dMlr, far
im ia inherent U all. Ta th per
son who is being murdered It
mskes no difference whether It Is
by th slow degree of starvation
or by quick violent acts of the
aggressor death will b th cer
tain result When law has been
enacted to protect even temporar
ily, th means of lit of a class of
citlxens, is Ignored nnd set aside
by a jsdge, so ss to deprive those
citlxens of th means of living.
Ther is no other course of action
for thos citlxens but th law of
self defense. Th only thing they
can do nnd live is to ignore th
Judges ruling oven as th Judge
has Ignored nnd nullified th ac
cepted law. When th farmers in
Iowa took action to protect them
selves from starvation nnd de
manded a moratorium of debts,
which was granted, it was accept
ed as law. When ths Judxe d
elared th law unconstitutional hi
exercised power th constitution
doe not giv him. It is Impossi
ble to Interpret laws with Impar
tial Justice when they are made
by one class, to be obeyed by as
other class. Ths Judge could do
nothing els but obey th re
quirements of his masters, th
wealth owning class. Ths farmers
can do nothing else but Ignore and
disregard th Judge's decision.
Conflict is th Inevitable result
On or th other must bo master.
The fntar win declare th farm
ers ar right even though they ar
crushed now. It was n similar con
flict that brought th American
nation Into existence.
Riekreall. Oregon.
22 Years Ago
- v I . a f
From the Nation News Files New York, Mar 8, 1911
Prominent educators who marched up Fifth Avenue with th
Militant 8utfrng pared war booed by th mob who ridiculed
them with sarcastic remarks sad epithets.
A family
at aU worry
right t expect m director tm relievo
ecarOlasj details of avramgnieemta. A.
by on xHeced anew ia cttnar
Msetanry win b xasrked by ew
attention. . .