The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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Tha OREGON STATESMAN. CalcSr r6S, Tnes3y Tlornlng. May , 1933
aim club
West Stayton Grade School
.Sends big Delegation
To County Meet
The Community dab, meeting at
the school house Friday night.
decided to adjourn v until the
tlrat Friday la , October. Oka
Snider and T. T. MeClellan
were appointed to see about
speakers tor tbe meeting to be
held darlan tbe gammer.
Oaa of tbe largest crowds of
tbe season was present to enjoy
the ' program: Orchestral selec
tions by tha Haymakers orches
tra of Turner; spring fashion
shew fey Fred Bickman, Harry
Stewart, Benjamin Chamberlin,
H. H. Snoddy. Fred Denham,
O. ? O. Lacy. Wilkinson. Weston
Laer and Thomas; The Prima-
donna bv Olln Davies of Stayton:
Tocal nombers by the boys and
rirls alee clubs of the. Stayton
high echool: Mickey Mouse stunt
by i Betty Kortnek and Leona
Bumester of Stayton; Teadln
by Virginia Lacy, age S;song by
little Bunny Chamberlin, age
fire: nlay. "The - Blood Stained
Bread Knife by students of the
SUyton high -sehool: The Wise
Crackers by Ed Streff and Ray
mond Kerber. ..
Tha West 8tayton school was
represented by a large group of
nnaila. at tbe Marion county
trade school track meet held in
Salem Friday. A large number of
ribbons were talsen . by West
Stayton. Those going were: Una
Lewis, pebble Steele. Wilms
Branch, Blanch Foster. Elda
Johnson. Florence Lucas, Winnie
- Erickson. Josephine Snoddy. ver
na Lewis. Mary Lucas. Robert
Comstock. Gene McCleUan. Rich
ard Comstock. Lawrence Tegen,
William Shellenberger. Lester
Thomas, Jack Sphoone. Texas
Snoddy. Aaron Steele. William
Sphoone, Richard Snider. Law
rence Crane, Douglas Wilkinson,
Raymond Fair, Conrad Lee, Mark
Lewis, Raymond Asche, Iran
Rayse, Carrel Gibson and Fern
Lewis. .
nurtlini sometime Sunday
Til mtrAm roodi and money from
the Army and Navy store at 279
Knrta rnmmprplal street, and ine
fiafevav store at 19th and State
streets, city police were Informed
veeterdav I
I . . . . . I
US VISIT 110 '
:A. Goldstein, proprietor 01 me uu-tbusius 11a uuijiut. iui, m
Army and Navy store, reported short. Is the wsy the administra
missing five blankets, three pairs tioa believes the plan would work
of loggers' boots, one pair 01 ria-
inr boots, a dozen pairs of socks, I
five cartons of cigarettes, sever-1
at men's caps and pairs of leather 1
gloves. I
From the Safeway store the
burglars took 12 to II cartons of rer at any ratio he deems advls
ctgarettes, and $3. SO in change able and to reduce the value of
from the till. the dollar. In terras of commodl-
Entry wag gained 1 through a
rear window In both cases. I
.' Police reported yesterday re-1
covering the U. B. N. canvass stoi- I ministration advisors are con
en from the residence of Mrs. G. I vinced Mr. Roosevelt plans to
Flfer, 110 e North Liberty street,
last week.
(Continue froK page tl
salaries and wages of all state
officials and employes as provid
ed In the law! Hoss asksd -Hotmail,
Holmsn replied . that such
a course might result la Ineffi
ciency and embarras the admin
istration of certain state depart
Governor Meier refused
to I
commit himself and asked that
definlte action on the adjust-1
menta ba delayed until early I
tt m w n.t-ad wiuun I
Eintlg. secretary of the board of
control, to furnish hint certain
Information before that time.
: I'll 11 1
Hollywood Bird
Dog Handler to
ft vhi hi fv a Fair t
i-. a. uowiey. recently ox 1
Monn rtoiiywooo. uaiii- nas
moved to Salem and has opened
up the Hollywood Kennel St his
?voutjw2 bkck" nort ot I
iuh ,uW rscimj piMi on ue
nixnway. r. Bowiey wui nan-
uia oira aegu niy. ana wm spe-
1 . m, M M a ai 1
ciaiize in training inem.
He has had 36 years exueri-
ence In dog training. He expects
Iv. V " ia" . nere
tnie fall one of his own dogs
which has won highest honors at
m re snows, ana atso to snow for
m amer venan or siem and
waiiace uerijucK ot roniano.
SPOKANE Wash.. May 8.
(AP) A high school girl. Joan
Ita Evans. 14, was killed, and her
companion. Albert Lemon. It.
was possibly fatally injured ta an
auiomoDiie collision here tonight.
Late Sports
SSffS-S?". 0t Ski,l
iB-neUi,U"ln3r ff ttte
of tonight a wrestling card here.
Bulldog Jackson. 158, Klamath
Ti?Z!1 Kei"-
Los Attgeles, la the ssml-wradap
whea Kelly waa unable ta return
after Jacknes woa tYe first fsU.
Herb Bsrgsrsos. 145. Porttaad.
4na Cub MeCaan. 14, Portland,
ent-three rounds ta a draw la
tha opener, each taking a tali.
rairnflu nin m
I ' "'H..-,iw .v . ... j, ti
fc Ij v--.-- -oee.'' v . y;--: , eea. "'''7' '
' ? . - ' s - - . s ' 3 St i-1 V -Hv ;
Srooklra Bridgt, th world's mot fasMus spaa wit & powible mxtmptum of Lamdo Bndgi T
I ceUbraU iu 50th aaBiv.r.ry, sad o fickU U kuu memory th ey few old-Ur recall the
world-wide imUTMt it aroused warn ceaipUud aed epaaed ae eae yf the weadars of the world. Far years
bafere the rrcat spaa creased Naw York's East River, aglaaara had eWsaad of sack a amfaracle. Bat It took
a implo iacidoat to start tha olidificatioa of thase draaats into actuality. Joha A. Raabliag, aa aagtaeer
himself, deUyad beyoad patiaaea aa a forrybaat during a leg. published a setter poiaUag eat theaeed foe
a bridge betweea Brooklyn and New York aad settiag forth the feasibility ef ceaatractiac eae. The seed
took root, the SUU Seaate passed a hill authorixief the bridge aad Roebliag was appeiated chief eagU
aeer. He begaa prelisaiaary sarvey work ia 1887, bat died two years later. However, he had perfected hie
pUaa, which were faith fully carried to conpWtioa by his sea, Celoael Washiagtoa A. Roebliag. Actaal
work oa the bridge was begaa ia 1872. It took elevea years to baild, aad the total cost aaseaatod to ap
proximately $24,000,000. The formal epeaiag of the spaa took place amid great rejoicing aa the saidalght
of May 24, 1883. President Arthur traveled from Washiagtoa for the event, bringing ia lua train i a bril
liaat galaxy of foreiga diplomats. There waa snack speechmaJdag aad a display at fireworks. CeL Reek
' line was the lioa of the hour and his home the taecca of here-worshippers. Daring tha first 24 hears the
a - "LT A " Ul f & at
bridge was pen, Z50.0UU persons wautea across it, paying one penny eaca cor no pnvuega. up e caa
adminisb-ation of Mayor Gaynor of New York, tolls for vehicular traffic were maintained aa tha Bridge.
They yielded a sum of $23,224,000 until their abolishment, almost paying the huge cast ef coastractiea.
(Continued from page 1)
the open market and holding them
for a stipulated period.
The securities would be bought
from the banks whose portfolios
sra bulging with them. Cash
would replace the bonds In the
oan vaults. i oia&e yryni. u
this money, the banks would have
to lend it to industry, thus pro-
iamg me lauer wim ine means
. 1 -1 ia- . . rriv -.
In addition, the Inflation rider
authorized tbe ehlef executive to
issue new currency to the extent
of three billion dollars, to mstl-
tute free coinage of gold and sll
ties, by decreasing its gold con-
For the present, however, ad
make use only of the credit ex-
panslon provision. He said, him
self, la Sunday night s report to
1 the people that "these powers will
be used when. as. and if It may be
necessary to accomplish the pur
pose" of increasing commodity
prices and bettering economic
haonditlons generally.
Mrs. Grace Sehon and Mlsa Tor
hfld Braufi assisted by the pupils
of the sehool will entertain Fri-
w, may ia, wa-open nouse ior
pawens aaa inenue or ine scnoou
W. C Rutchman haa moved his
oU c a u Riding a
m nw- Jr
aiei ia aae ana concrete ia doiuk
poaredw During tha tour years the
Ratenmana aave urea on tnis
place they have erected a barn.
a modern hog house, machine
shed and chicken house.
Mr mrtM twm Vnm T svV av.
the parents of a son. their second
uM r.r, fiahnn fid the
hm Af th bABhn tn wHdav
migftt. The boys were first taken
to a afcm and aftarvard anloved
themselves with Jigsaw pussies
tsd (tM games at Mrs. Sehon'a
home. . Billy and Howard Sehon
gggisted in entertaining.
Tha ban ware Donald Kn&nxl
Albert Awr fimil pd. Mat
Simmons, Dennis LoganbelU. Ver-
noa and Glenn BeaL Hollls Rams-
den. Roy Wilcox and Leonard
I nth vtn-mmr Trnhaiii nun
. evaw en-a Mvsaave4if
Beat and Gene Knensi took tha
I hirra out.
DeJongrs Sell Goods;
Returning to Holland
PEBRYDALH. May -Ths ana-
j tioa sale ot farm machinery and
1 nouse&old goods of Mr. and Mrs.
Jaxe Do Jong was attended by
: one ot tha largest crowds aver to
attend aa auction In these carta.
ETerytatag eid for a good ficura.
ur. ana Mrs. De Jong era leav-
Pt andeT tre care of spcia U
ts tor her eyesight. She lost tie
' eya several year, ago.
DAYTON. May Fred Match
es . Mrs"TsTLnuert
hsasesx and Harry Sherman are
the mnmiDM iB nt .vi.
ha eonlunetlon with the AM.t.
leentral eommittaeman. nin v..
jsy oft MeMtaaville, to handle any
local relief work threnrh th r.
I construction Finance corporation.
jjj &Rooigy Briogs as it if lo-ptci
The Call
e e
Today Helen Hayes and
Clark Gable in "The White
Thursday Paul Lukss and
Loretta Young In "Grand
Today Clara Bow in
Her Savage."
Wednesday Loretta Young
In "They Call It Sin."
Friday William Haines la
"Fast Life." Short, "Roose
velt, the Man of the Hour."
Today Loretta Young in
"Zoo in Budapest."
Thursday Bela Lugosl la
"Night ot Terror."
Wednesdsy night at 1:15, Sa
lem theatre goers wllT have the
opportunity to see a real Holly
wood Studio feature preview the
same as the people of Hollywood
and other southern California tit
les enjoy.
Manager Carl A. Porter of 1-
sinore theatre haa arranged with
tha producers to use Sadem as the
preview city ot tha northwest. Al
though producers are allowing
their pictures to be shown at these
previews tn various theatres
throughout the country, they will
not allow tha title at the pictures
or the names ot tha stars to be
alrulged. These previews are giv
en to aid tha producers in deter
mining tha true reaction ot the
general pubila toward tha stars
aad stories now bains produced.
The studio previews at tha Klsl
aore theatre will ba announced
from time to tlma upon tha
screen and through tha newspa
para, mesa studio preview pie-
tures are snowa a conjunction
with the regular feature. Tha per
formance this night will start at
tna regular time of C:45, giving
one complete show before tha pre
view picture starts at 3:16, this
arrangement haa been made so
that people attending either the
first or second performance, may
sea me preview picture.
Wednesday night will be the
nrst ot these theatre previews.
Tha feature plctura to ba shown
this evening will ba "Grand 81am"
starring Loretta Young and Paul
Girl Runs Away
From Kidnaper
lice said they were advised today
oz an attempt to kidnap IS year
old Alliens wncoxon, by a man
who dxoTe up in a ear aa she was
going ta school and tried to la
dace her to get Inside. Later her
grandfather, F. A. Wlloozos. said
a nota was thrust under tha door,
demanding $11,010 ransom. The
girl said that when accosted, aha
ran away.
n n ArlcwCeTTteais-1
lxloa.LVVool h
Starts Sunday
: with Dicklt Mocre, -Irrine;
Plchtl, Wn. Boyd
(Continued from pane 1)
ments. respectively G. R. Hrslou. -
. M. Brandt and E. L. Potter,
will remain in charge, Agrlcul-
tural engineering will remain as
a separate administrative depart-
ment under W. J. Gllmore.
A change was made la the se-
cretarlal training work at the
state college to spresd the pros-
ent exclusive two-year coarse
AWOJR aa aes vaa ba4 A ealsV
r:. . : szvzr.. w cwr" i
already Uught ther to permit
tne granting of a bachelor's do-
gree In secretarial science.
The board rranted tisss far
. . . ' . 1
ids cumin z Tear in na naed ny
41.. T.t . I
:,r.""'TC'"11 "4 yegoa a p
lv;f lv rc"rca cooperauoa
with the League of Oregon 01-
ties. This was necessary, the
board explained, to obtain a
private grant ot $30,000 from
an eastern foundation.
The men'a dormitory at tha
University of Oregon will be
known as the John Straub hall,
tha board decided. This had been
requested by members ot the
present senior elass.
arwpra utf f. I
week being Maste week, two eve
nings nara been set aside tor that
purpose, a miscellaneous program
will be given at tha gymnasium
Tnaadav .i. .
Eaf1 wJd1"0?,
tour rradaa of 7 T. xtiiiZ aad ten switched kaek to stand- Mcuoy Mrs. c c. uraves ar mc
schJoMrlll rlri a notSr .rJ? rd- Today trippers' or extra Car. bYefhers. Robert aad Wfl
SSSJ.LVL'VS ruab lUmMcXee, ol Portland. John
Drimarr t eaehar d i-
SSbera b? Mhmli
Lr Jr,HwUrta4
Tharsday ertnTa community
Mrs. Russell Mobersr antartala.
ad at Atmnmw a
l u"
and Edith Bowa's MrUdaya.
air. aac Mrs. &. P. Mobarc aa.
tertalaed at their home Thursday QXTEENKR. May t An old fa
night With a f O'clock dinner, hon. shiaaad alaa waa aalnvad a
oring their daughter-ln-Uw. Mrs.
aiooecg, on aer sirinaay.
Rug Dealer Wins
Judgment of $500
A verdict calling for a
payment to A. 8. irtHhtw
er la Oriental rugs, waa awarded
in circuit court lata Monday by
a jury which considered tha ease
threw hours. Ktrtshlan sued Mr.
and Mrs. M. L. MeDougaL tlatm
lag they had not performed as
agreed on a purchasa ot ruga.
McDougal la proprietor .ot tha
Iron Bin orchards near Sales.
Jadge L. H. Mcilahan p resided
at tha trtaL
"Call Her Sarago"
Coming TToActeedsy Thursday
Wedaesiar tnd Thxirsday
. art Dims iStlts
North Howell Prepares for
Me etina With Fairfield
; Fr IdaV . NiQht
Meeting la regular session Friday
.um .t ,- fc.ii th
North Howefl grange members ra-
Instated Mr. and Mrs. J. S. coom-l
ler as members, elected Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Sterens alternates to
the st it grange at Pendleton In
Jnn. dMided that th Tonnrerl
women should hare charge of the!
social night for May, and ar-
ranged details of the Tisit to Fair-
field next Monday.
Tl Inim . mM nr nrnmm I
plans u outlined by the lecturer,
W. H. Sterens promise much in
terest and among the , norelty
numbers will be a gallery of baby
photographs taken some years ago
of present grange members.
Mike Hopfer. seriously 111 in a
Portland hospital Is slowly Im
proving. John Baughman, II. and for
many years previous a resident of
North HowelL died last week In
Portland and wsi burled at Belle
Psssl cemetery near Woodbnrn.
He was the oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Baughmaa, early plo-
aeera ef this community aad a
brotherof Mrs. Martha Vinton of
North Howell,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagan left
last Thursday for the Alrlle woods
where Mr. Hagan is employed by
IIJ ?.;'..AWlttta
WK5; .Thy J" to be gone
awv WIAaajv UluaiUI. I
f Continued frora page 1)
handbag were those she had
turned over to a friend. Miss
Elizabeth Poe ot the editorial
staff ot the Washington Post.
with a request she pawn them to
get the needed $35,000.
Because Miss Poe became sus
picious and talked to Mrs. Me-
T lMWWAM tha ltrteiw evea na.
covered and keanVwarseiuhce
to is years in the penitentiary.
Todir MeaM and ..Tn Fox
wtr oa trUl for conspiracy la t-
tempting to get tha 135.000. Mrs.
McLean brouaht the lewela aa erl-
denea of their Intent. Her atorr
was halt-told when court adjourn-
ed until tomorrow.
Colonel Lindbergh enters the
case tomorrow, when he win un-
iYdatPsVA t H sa m4 nm A-A.T1 la V
:z.z: izz 'v.r: ;tr i
hi. home and lster was fouad
soo. Proof of these well-known
fart. 4i mad. Iorr-
facts was msde necessary 'by in-
racu was msde necessary by ls-
slstence of the dsfenae nothing
v . . . ,.v a m I
vui uw ttcy tcu wiiuoat orovi.
Tla Onlm.1 anI M. n V I
lentrivs. we.v v a
(AP) Tha aad of the first bH
aaea dav andar davllrht aarlaa
tonight fouad Spokane residents
gasping for breath aa they at
tempted to adjust themselves ta
tha various official times used tn
tha city.
Before the bsslnese day was six
hours old the Northwest Mining
association passed a resolution
suggesting that a standard time
aursoaa ta Initiate a law raoalr-
tag Pacific standard time be the
local time.
I railway oegsa oper-
an daylight saving time.
The street railway begsn oper-
P4twda operated am daylight say-
u M cars oa
-loayught saving time. Offleea la
:l"mlZ?.'Z2m 7.1 W1
n uuwu, ana wmt wm
I aayligkt time.
I "HTXfy tn ihittljsr
troaa aad friends at Ue Queen sr
scaaol last week. Tha organ just
purchased for tha school waa gtr-;
ea a good workout aad proved
very aetxsfactery.
This Natural Vay
Catarrh undtrmlnes the healUL
saps the life ef tha IndMdiml
and lasda toserkasoompUcatkms
such as indigestion sad ulcers at
tha stomach One at tha fiaada
mental caaaes of catarrh Jg a
ahortaga eC acme ef the essential
minerals needed Try tha body. Re
frafld your normal mineral bal
ance aita Cal-O-Dlaa. This nat
ural mineral water supplies aS
of the cell-salts and minerals as.
santial to Ufa la a natural form
satf?y aarlmritsi by tha blood
stream. It Is not a medicine or
a Inxntire. Coa nalf-gaUoa ta
aaouga for a month a supply. -
sSasp) eatarrh now before it be
eosaes chrenla and aaore deeply
seated. Let as tea you of the doa
ana ot local psopta who are drink
lag Cal-O-Dme with almost an
ball Table aceasa, Thut thsta
We inrtta you to get that stories
Curort. Telephone I73t or caS at
our local store. 72$ North High
Street. Salera. Caegon,' tor more
detailed tnformatloa about tats
- natural mineral water. Ka aba
gatlea at aay kind. s7 adr.
West Salem News
social get together and supper
snonsored br the Ladles' Aid of
the church will be held Tuesday
at :, p m- at tB community
church are lnrlted to come. The
supper is free to all and will be
2.' UC ltfc v.. .v
K- J" 1 T hlf fth"
or. Mrs. H. A..Watsoa wlU leare
Ererett. Wn, for a
' . ""rDl
jay waon Mrs. wax-
c"' r
rears young, is looking for-
rd to the trip with keen aatlcl
e final regular meeting of
f w?n-iece associnuon.
wurne neia at p.m. la ue
graao room oi ue oio acaooi
Atlanta Oadoa. charred with
manslaughter for the slaying of
Gordon Lacey, 17-year old deer
hunter. wlU coma to trial here
tomorrow at t a. m. 4t was agre-
,4 by counsel for both sides In
circuit court Monday. William H.
Trlndla, district attorney, will
represent the prosecution. Paul
Burrls will defend Godon. The
trial has been set at a much
earlier date than usual.
Godou. Indicted by the grand
Jury hrf Saturday, in said to
f- Ksksa eaeaf li m exnw jaF siBmsiA
aaea w ey ar waa aa ave-aa ve. wa arweawmi
and to have been criminally neg
ligent in shooting twlca at Lacey.
Veteran Groups
To Confer About
GAJl. Meeting
Members of all veterans' or
ganizations and affiliated bodies
will be Invited to attend a meet-
1 ing at th chamber of commerce
here one week from tonight to
discuss plans for entertainment
of the 52nd snnual state encamp
ment of tbe G. A. R. and allied
i groups to be held here In June,
J" " A
the morning of June 21, it was
Student Body Play
Nets $41; Success
Attends Production
amity. Msy . The Amity
Did." wss presented last night to
CTOwi tb hol m-
f . Tt,vin. and Orel nr.
; idson carried the comedy parts.
lUion carrn
, . n . v.
Pria wen lCD uj
Wallace Pearce and Robert Mlt-
IchelU Others U the play were:
Jeanne Abrahams. Jake Tomp
kins, Betty Pearce, Eras Jensen.
Helen Parrin, Cleo Odom and
Gwendolyn Davidson. The play
brought In $41.
In the tennis tournament Bella
Rockhill won the first match from
Bobble Mitchell. 7-5, 6-S. Frank
lin McCarthy lost his first set to
Harry Tompkins o-t. The match
I wui no iinuseo nsxx weeg. Tne
wlnB8r wm t0 M"
I aiianTiiie.
Keys' Rowietlng - Walter
Keyes, attorney, a reported re
covering from an Illness which
had kept him to his bed last
At tha residence. 1115 Yirgln
la street. Monday. May t, Mrs.
Alice M. Fletcher, aged f $ years.
I Survived by husband. Stanley W.
Fletcher: tour sisters. Miss Clara
McKee of Amity. Mrs. J. B. xast-
i . .
Ur. of Bak.Mra. J. P. Sears ot
aad Lea of Amity. Elmsr Mcxen
of Salem. Funeral anaouneemeaU
later by Cleugh-Barrlck company.
Field Gox?n
Completa atock of Ileld
Corn. Oreffoa Teliow
Dent and Golden Gbw
for raisin 8 corn and
Teaming, Prida of the
Nortk and Minn. No. 13
for ansHaga purposat,
Otocli Dcota
Now time to pUnt the
a.bort cadi
winter feed.
fof your
Can supply Eanchean,
Irebi, B&ld and Brewing
Sudan G?a3
Hundreds of acres of this
treat prodneer art beisjc
planted thla year for hay
and pantura. It will pay
yoa to plant thla year to
taia cars of tha hay
ahorta&w. - Alao, a woo
derfal Bummer paattira.
Remtmbcr1 A complete
stock of tested, bulk far.
dsn aaada auitabl for
tiiis wallay,
& Sons
era m Siaie ft,
building Tuesday. .Mrs. Breit
haupt, win giro an address upon
the subject of flowers. A pleasant
evening party for some of the
young folks was held Saturday
evening at the O. Elmer Voe
burgb home.
Present were the Misses Bar
bam Whipple, Ruth Kahn, Jose
phine Tandy, Edna Rlffey, Ca
tharine .Applewhite. Violet Wal
lace, Rath Maers and Mona Vos-
burgh and for Willard Wells,
Ralph Barnes, Robert Mathers,
Edward Eaglehorn. George Tan
dy, Reglnand and Loren Voe-
bargh and for Mr. and Mrs. O.
E. Vosburgb,
Mrs. Homer Harrison will be
Hostess to the members of tha
Jolly Time Quilting dub at her
Home In Salem Wednesday all
Need for canalization of the
Willamette river was demon
strated Sunday when high winds
anr neary seas oa the river at In
dependence loosed the Polk-Mar-
ioa county ferry from Its moor
ings aaa sent It down the river a
mile where the boat piled up on a
Officials of the Polk county
court said Mondsy the boat was
not damaged when they conferred
with the local county court about
restoring the ferry to service.
It was agreed a new cable
should be purchased and the boat
towed back to the old stand at In
dependence where serrlee will be
resumed shortly.
Traveling Troup
Of Entertainers
To Appear Here
Following -the services at the
Open Door Mission Tuesday nirht
mere wui oa a unique entertain
ment given by a group of enter
tainers that have stopped as tbey
were traversing the country in the
hope of obtaining employment.
Among them are a magician, a
contortionist, and a fire eater, all
capable performers.
The entertainment will be pre
sented after the regular services
have been held for the men. There
will be no charge for the enter
tainment as it is simply being
done by the "boys" to give them
an outlet for the talent they have
and. being without employment,
need to keep In practice. An In
vitation is extended to the public.
The third fairly strong earth
shock of tbe day was felt in Mexi
co City at 8:1.7 o'clock tonight.
The shock was strong enough to
be felt In the upper floors ot
buildings. No dsmage was reports
That Will
Thrill the
World I
Ton don't hart to understand a thlnf about bridge
ifHSj?01811 at tha first treat brldie
Hollywood Studio Feature- Preview
Wednesday Night at 8:15
Sorry toe can't give you the title oi the preview
picture but the studio will not permit si to
do so. However, cU we cat say If is one ti
the big pictures, with a greet star, end you cUl
ue it in conjunction with the regular feature
picture "Grand Slam90 et no additional cost
$2 '
. 1 SWL--NBvJ M
ASTORIA. Ore.. Msy t Tues
day (AP) Aa attempt to aad
the fishermen's strike that haa
tied e the canning Industry ot
the Columbia river tor mora than
a week was still being made ear-,
ly today at a coaler eaca betweea
Charles IL Oram. Oregoa labor
commissioner, and representatives
of the packers, tka fishermen and
the Astoria chamber ot commerce.
A recess ot the meeting, which
began early last night, was taken
shortly after midnight. Then, with
packers and chamber of commerce
representatives excluded. Commis
sioner Gram held a closed meetlag
with tka fishermea alone.
Packers, who were standing by
waiting to return to the meetlag
when notified, said they had rais
ed their offer from cents a
pound for Chinook salmon ta 9
cents, had offered a year's mora
torium oa debts the fishermea
owe the packers and had agreed
to take back an cannery workers
who walked out last week tn sym
pathy with the ginaetters. The
packers said tkey would aat
agree, however, to "firing all of
the strikebreakers who stepped la
whea the cannery workers walked
The gillnettere. some MM
strong, who have kept their boats
oft the river since the seasea
opened Msy 1, appeared ta ba still
unyielding la their demand for a
price ot S cents a pound, the pack
ers reported.
GERVAIS. Msy 8. Good Music
week wss observed st the church
service at the Presbyterian church
Sundsy morning. In addition ta
the regular musie by the choir a
quartet composed ot Mr. Streeter.
Mr. Ashbaugh, Mr. Epley and Mr.
Hornschuch gave two numbers
and Mrs. Berts Barker sang, "The
Lord Is Mindful ot His Own."
GasSarer Engineers, C S3C4 St..
Whea ton. 111., have .brought out a
1933 World's Fair Auto Gas Saver
and Inside Engine Oiler that saves
gas and oils valves Inside engine
at same time. Tits all ears. Easy
to put oa with wrench. Users aad
Agents wanted everywhere. 3X7
profits. One sent free to introduce
quick. Send Address aad Car
Name today.
It Never Pays
To Neglect
Ita the poorest possible econ
omy to put oft visiting your
oculist particularly whan
your eyes can be tested and
glasses supplied tor so little.
f - Alee - 1
I Black I
I A Mack, I