The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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1 Help Boy Stout, , , -! I WEATHER '
Today V-VCJj " SIxS M. 4i. ht -
l' .; ,, i",,: r -.. ., . . - FOUNDED 105! . ' "
i i . . ' . .
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 7, 1933
No. 3
Higher Education's Worries
Also in Limelight With
Finance Uppermost
Sales tax Opponents More
Active Than Champions;
Arguments Bandied
The coming week, the health
of Mr. Host permitting, will
bring a showdown on the state-
house salary uncertainty which
has beclouded the days of ser
eral scores of state workers since
legislative adjournment. The se
cretary of state, be it known.
Is not well and has followed
week's Tacation at the coast by a
similar period of inactivity at
home. It was not certain yester
day thr. he could return to his
office early this coming week
Pending a board of control
meeting, salaries raised in the
last blennium have not been paid
nor have warrants gone to
number of departments wherein
are workers who seek to avoid
the 5 to 30 per cent cut Imposed
by the legislature. Such depart
ments include the attorney-general's
office, the state banking
department, some workers in the
secretary' of state's offices and
other phases of state government.
Holman Criticizes
Delay of Meeting
State Treasurer Holman criti
cised the governor last week for
not proceeding with the board of
control meeting without Hoss;
the executive thought it useless
as he and Holman are apart as
the poles on state policy and
Hoss holds the deciding vote.
The state treasurer would like to
line up Hoss to support him in a
straight 5 to 30 per cent cut of
all salaries as of December 31,
1930; that would whack Purchas
ing Agent Einzig down to less
than SO per cent of the wages he
received ' when he was hired by
Governor Meier. Holman may be
surprised next week to find that
the governor will side with him
for a straight salary reduction as
provided by law as the best
means of avoiding much political
criticism; were it not for the
ease of Einzig who Meier feels
would be underpaid at $3360,
such a salary schedule would
probably be agreed to.
The higher educational board
faces more problems this week,
but problems are nothing new
to this department of state gov
ernment: it has faced them each
meeting since 'the board began
functioning in 1929. Under the
budget for 1933-1934 it has
$559,000 less of unrestricted
funds to operate its six schools
for than It had the previous year
and that year money to spend
was 30 oer cent less than in
Mrs. Pierce Denies
plans For Rumpus
There has been much news
paper and back scene talk about
an , Impending rumpus over the
chairmanship of the boara, Mrs
"Walter M. Pierce being cast In
role of villainy in which she was
to rush across the continent from
Washington to lead a coup which
would unseat C. L. Starr as
board chairman. Mrs. Pierce this
week denied she would attend
any board meetings this month
and also denied she would take
any nart in securing a new chair
man. Governor Meier is not
Vnnvn to have committed his
two new appointees to the board
Brand and McLcod, to any pro
gram of opposition to the present
chairman. Should Starr lose out
the chairmanship would probahjy
go to E. O. Sammons but
change does not seem likely.
The heads of the higher educa
tlonal institutions and the faculty
are Jittery concerning the new
budget: heads must fall and sal
aries must be pulled down and no
one knows much less the board
Just where the readjustments
will fall. Eugene is uneasy about
the budgeted outlay for the un
iversity and some of the age-old
Interchanges between the Eugene
crowd and Corrallis partisans
have been going on in the last
Opponent of Sales
Tax More Active
The opponents of the general
, sales tax continue to make a more
vigorous campaign than Its spon
sors. Ray Gill and Ben Osborne,
who work on a regular salary and
expense account tor their respect
ive organizations, are In the field
steadily against the tax. The
greatest weakness In the tax bill
which comes before the voters
July SI is the personal property
tax offset. This provision which
was not In the original sales tax
proposal, arouses the argument.
that public utilities will be unduly
favored for they will save about
SO per cent of their property tax
outlay and yet be authorized and
compelled to pass the sales tax
, on to the consumer. The property
tax offset as far as the merchant
Is concerned complicates his pass
ing on of the tax; if he assesses
the full two. per cent to the cus
tomer, the merchant may be crit
icized for making. money' on the
sales tax program -for his tax on
' goods on the shelf has been elim-
(Turn to page 2, coL 1)
Terror to Pioneers
I At Champoeg Meet
300 at Founders day
But Only one who Crossed Plains as Early
As 1850; Politics Decried
HAMPOEG, Ore., May 6
J spirit of their ancestors
4-1, 1
iaic yiauia lu cuiue iu a new laiiu, suns turn uaugincis ox vre-
gon pioneers came to Champoeg today, and despite the wil
ful wintry weather, carried on the annual observation of
Founder's day begun by their parents.
Indicted in one of six True
Bills; Setting Fire is
Laid to Rogers
Alloulsa Godon who shot
and fatally wounded Gordon La
cey in the hills back of Silver-
ton late last month, was indicted
for manslaughter Saturday by the
Marlon county grand Jury. Godon
was brought Immediately before
Judge L. H. McMahan and plead
ed not guilty. He was released
on $1000 bail. Lacey was killed
while deer hunting. Godon with
companion was also hunting
Five other true bills were re
turned by the grand Jury, one of
them being secret until service Is
completed on the accused per
son. William C. Rogers and Mary
A. Rogers were charged by the
ury with setting a fire with the
intent of injuring the Insurer.
Contents of the Rogers' house
and the dwelling were Insured
for $700.
Robert Patzer was indicted for
Issuing a forged instrument, the
Jury finding that he forged a
promissory note for $500 on Feb
ruary 17, 1933. There were six
endorsers on the note.
Larceny was charged against
Howard Schuler In a true bill
the Jury returned. Schuyler is
held to have stolen several rings.
some cuff links and $66.32 In
cash from W. T. Lew on Septem
ber 30, 1932.
Edward E. Forgard was Indict
ed for forging a check for
$46.50 by signing the name
"Clark Bundy." The check was
given last month on a local bank
Frank Edgar, foreman, signed
the Indictments for the Jury
which was dismissed after its
report was made to Judge McMa
han. The May term of circuit
court begins Monday here.
Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, nee Jo
sephine Albert, won flr6t place
in the district contest for vo
calists held in Seattle under the
direction of the federation of mu
sic Saturday.
This success followed victory
in the contest held in Portland
the past two weeks during the
music teachers 'convention. The
result of the Seattle victory en
ters Mrs. Spaulding in the na
tional contest being held ln Min
neapolis, Minn., May 20.
Mrs. Spaulding flew back by
airplane from Seattle to arrive
ln Salem In time for her mar
riage to Bruce Spaulding here
last night. Mr. and Mrs. Spauld
ing left Salem, following the
wedding, for Minneapolis on their
honeymoon and in order that
Mrs.- Spaulding might compete ln
the national competition of young
artists. Mrs. Spaulding has been
the student of Prof. E. W. Hob-son.
i t e i
Willamette Spring Song
Heard Despite Weather
Before more than 2000 specta
tors who crowded the balconies
of the Willamette gymnasium
yesterday afternoon Bernice
Rlckman, Salem senior, was
crowned Queen of the May. Tne
coronation took place on an arti
ficial woodland knoll with the
queen surrounded by her court of
senior women. She was attenaea
by Caroyl Braden, 8alem, and
Louisa Sidwell, Portland. A quar
tet composed of Robert Mayne,
Alfred King, Maurice Dean and
Ralph Barbur heralded the ap
proach of the royal party.
In his coronation address
President Carl O. Doney called at
tention especially to Miss Rick
man's musical , ability and her
loyalty to the university and Its
May festivities which kept her
from taking part la the music
contest this weekend ln Seattle In
which she was entitled to parti
cipate as a state champion In the
contest sponsored by the Oregon
Federation of Music, dubs recent
ly In Portland. Plans originally
made to make the trip by air
plane had to be cancelled when
Miss Rickman was notified
Thursday night that she was
Weather No
Celebration Saturday,
-With something of the
evidenced when they braved
I J J Ll.. f I
Ram leu ntiuiiy, a riven before
a stiff wind, but nearly 300 per
sons sat in the outdoor auditori
um to listen to speeches extolling
the pioneers for the hardships
they endured. The occasion was
tne sum anniversary of the his-
toricai unampoeg meeting when a
representative rorm or govern-
ment was voted for the Oregon
George W. Caldwell, president
of the Sons and Daughters of Ore-
gon Pioneer association, deliver-
ing tne opening address, caution-
ed against making the park a
political football.
"This should be a shrine to the
memory of the pioneers," he said.
"If any organization should have
control of the park, it should be
tne sons ana aaugnters of the
oneers. This spot should never be
permitted to be a political foot-
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
125 at Convention, More tO
Register Today; Musio
Program Feature
SILVERTON. May 6 (Special)
Agnes reterson of Seattle was
elected corresponding secretary,
find TT&Iati ftlenn r t T9iAma vo
porting secretary, of the North
Pacific district of the Luther
league, at the convention here to-
w.wm w v
The president, Rev. A. K. Vlnge
of Everett, Wash., holds over. Eric
Hauke of Astoria was elected sec
retary of the pocket testament
Convention registrations reach
ed a 125 total this afternoon
Nearly as many more are expected
to arrive Sunday.
The highlight in the musical
program of the convention, which
opened here Friday night at Im
manuel church, will he the presen
tation Sunday afternoon at the
Eugene Field school auditorium
of a choral union concert. The
leader of the a capella chorus of
Pacific Lutheran college, Prof. J.
O. Edwards, will direct this choral
union concert Incidentally the
program will usher in the local
music week celebration, and the
Sllverton public Is Invited. Num
bers to be given are "O Morn of
Beauty" (Sibelius), "Beautiful Sa
vior" (Christenson), "O How
Amiable" (Fanning) and "Land
Sighting" (Grieg)
Rev. N. M. Ylvesaker, who is
executive secretary of the Nation
fc Luther league, will speak fol-
(Turn to page 2, col. 5)
Mrs. Mary Saye
Called by Death
At Advanced Age
cial) Mrs. Mary Saye, known
to all her friends here as
"Grandma" Saye. 89, passed
away this morning after many
years of illness. Funeral services
will be held Monday from the
Methodist church. Rev. Hall offi
ciating, but the exact hour had
not been made known tonight.
Mrs. Saye Is survived by a
daughter here, Mrs. Elsie Camp
bell, and two sons ln Michigan.
scheduled to appear Saturday
morning, too late to make the
hurried journey feasible.
Unusually colorful costuming
made the May dances, which pic
tured the reception of spring ln
foreign countries, gay in spite of
the wind and rain outside. The
pageant closed with the winding
of the Maypole to the strains of
Willamette Spring Song." Dan
ce were directed by Alida Gale
Curry, instructor In physical ed
ucation, and Mildred Miller, sen
ior scholar la the field.
Seated On the platform with
the Queen and her princesses
were President Doney, master of
ceremonies: Richard Page and
Robert Steeves, small pages; Do
lores Clement and Charlotte Alex
ander, flower girls; and little Gor
don Jones, crown bearer.
Although wet weather drove
most of the events of the week
end Indoors It did not dampen
the spirits of the several hundred
guests who were ln Salem for the
May morning breakfast,
sponsored by tho campus T. W.
C. A., was held in Lausanne nail
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Crash at High and Mission
Severe but Victims are
Held in no Danger
Failina to Givp
Right of
Way Charged to Baya;
Other Cases Noted
Three persons were in Deacon
ess nospitai, another was nurs
ing a scalp wound and Sammy
Baya, 24, filiplno living on
Brooks route one. was under
arrest for fallinr to rive rirht
of way. as the result of Bava's
sedan crashing into the side of
a car driven by Bud Parmenter.
1839 Ferry street, at High and
Mission streets at 9:15 o'clock
last night. Baya, unhurt was
released until Monday, with his
car held in lieu of ball.
Farmenter received severe
shoulder injuries and two other
occupants of his car, James Lol-
lis. 2249 North Liberty street.
chest injuries and a scalp wound.
and Mrs. Jones Edlund. 2409
North Fonrth street, several bro-
pi-,ken ribs. All three were taken
to the hospital. None was con-
sidered in serious condition.
Three other occupants of the
Parmenter car, Gertrude Curtis,
1839 Ferry street, Mrs. James
Lollis and Jones Edlund, were
1 not Injured.
C. F. Bates. 1165 Cross street.
who was riding with Baya, suf-
ffrii aoftin won hn ha
not require hospital care.
The left side of the Parmenter
sedan was badly damaged. Right
m . v i aL i i m
rfKi f tie b",; ihlS
were badly wracked.
First reports of an accident In
volving B. E. Owens, 1790 North
Summer street, near the Red
Lantern tea room south on the
Pacific highway Friday night,
were given out by state police
last night. Owens' light two-door
. . . . . . . i
ca"' V tJa- "oeswxpea
gjg; T0?l
highway into one tree, swung
oauuuu ku ve iu lv icdv i
oafnDt tv.
body was caved In on the left
side, hut Owens escaped with no
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
Counties to
Go Off Cash
Basis, Word
PORTLAND, Ore., May 6.
(AP) Probably two-thirds or
more of the 36 counties ln Oregon
will be forced on a warrant basis
during 1933 by an unusually
heavy average tax delinquency,
and by collection by the state of
nearly $3,000,000 In property
taxes, If the present calculations
of the treasurers of the several
counties are borne out by develop
ments. That at least 24 of Oregon's
counties will be obliged to carry
on their business for the rest of
this year by warrants Instead of
cash ,1s indicated by a statewide
survey, completed by the Associa
ted Press, which obtained opin
ions from county treasurers.
It Is probable. If county treas
urers have estimated correctly,
that Oregon will experience a 50
per cent tax delinquency this year.
In some counties the delinquency
win be as great as 75 per cent.
None, it Is said, will collect more
than 75 per cent of the taxes
called for.
Naturally, with this situation
confronting them, officials of
many of the count! s are search -
ing for some way out. In one or
two cases a firm and unqualified
refusal to pay the state has been
expressed. Others hop that "in -
stalment" paying may be an -
Flowers, an anvil, a tarpaulia
and prise i-H club cake, were In-
viuuuu aaa awa vvwsmuou is wui i o
iMilail fv iaav aftlalfiail f-n- rnti1nr
and thieve who were at work la
Salem lat Friday and early yes
terday, according to reports- to
city police.
Th anvil. Its face "very rusty,"
and a blacksmith's blower with a
cracked handle war stolen from
an old building at Bush and Com
mercial streets, , Oliver Jory in
formed nolle.
From th residence of sirs. G.
Filer, 110 1 North Liberty street,
thieves mad away with a TJ. E. 8.
canvas, used tor covering aa au
tomobile. Mrs. S. Muchulch-reported the
loss of a quantity of flower plants
from the rockery at her residence,
54 B street
Tho cakes, first, second and
! third prize-winners, and two oth -
I ers. were taken from the Cham-
I bers building where the 4-H clnb
l fair was being held. Boys were
believed to have taken tho cakes.
Contractor is
Victim of Fall
Well Known Contractor Is
Hurt in 22-Foot Drop;
In City 10 Years
Walter J. Barham. 47, well
known Salem contractor, died at
a local hospital yesterday after
receiving a fractured skull In a
severe fall the previous day.
Barham had been working at
the Salem Box company in West
Salem Friday putting up a frame
far an overhead carrier, when
suddenly the support upon which
h standing gave way and he
Ml 22 feet to the ground, lighting
nnnn i!a h pat and f If ft- A QOC-
tort examination failed to find
any serious injuries and he was
taken home. His condition hecame
worse and he was taken to the
hospital Saturday afternoon at 4
o'clock where he died one hour
later. A fractured skull with an
ensuing blood clot was determined
as the cause of his death.
Hurnam was corn in niutuu.
Barham was born in Waukon,
. ,.te llTln ln Minnesota
and idah TbeVo coming S Dal-
n He with his
" , . w-.. A
tnree oroiaen, rit imf u
Wayne had maintained
tct!?g firm of Barham Brothers
Prior to coming here they oper
ated in Dallas for IS years and
even earlier ln Ashland.
Wayne Barham, the youngest
of the brothers, was the last to
Join the firm and was for seven
years a pitcher ln big league oase
Barham is survived by the tol
lowing relatives: widow, Leona
Barham; daughter, Barbara; son,
Lawrence: father and mother, Mr,
and Mrs. Alva Barham; brothers.
Earl. Jesse and Wayne Barham;
sister, Mrs. Florence Houser, all
of Salem
I He was a member of the Jason
Lee church and the Artisans
1 lodge.
I Funeral arrangements are in
I charge of W. T. Rlgdon it Son.
When the Salem school board
convenes Tuesday night, It will
have before It another step ln
Its plans to reduce the 1933-34
budget by more than $30,000
provided its suggestions at the
last meeting are carried out
Supt. George Hug was directed
to present teachers' contracts and
enumerate several teaching posi
tlons that could be eliminated.
Dismissing of several lnstruc-
tors as an economy move can be
1 accomplished through placing all
I present supervisors, excepting
Miss Carlotta L. Crowley, and all
department heads on a full-time
1 teaching schedule. It Is planned
1 that Miss Crowley will continue
as elementary school supervisor
at a salary reduced from $2200
It $1800 annually.
No Hope Seen oi
Rain's Cessation
Before Tuesday
"Unsettled with rains." click-
-t th. ttJtwrlUn . from
I awavaa w owvuvi
i . r
last night, giving scant hop of a
clear Sunday. Late dance patrons
and theatregoers were deluged
with a heavy downpour to start
off th day.
Tho -week's continuous rainfall
began to take effect on th Wil
lamette river yesterday. Th lev
el rose from 4.8 to 8.2 feet over
night. Th first six days of May
have brought 1.74 Inches of pre
cipitation. Lindberghs are
On Return Trip
KANSAS CrrT. May 7 (AP)
I CoL and Mrs. Charles A. Lind-
1 berg a wer flying eastward from
I Mortality, N. M., early today
I after a (-hour stop there for
I visit wita a
friend, a ranched
Ransom Money Furnished by
Grandparents; all is
Recovered, Word
Brother of Abductor Acts
As Intermediary but
Refuses to Share
6 (AP) Kenneth Buck, 28-year-old
unemployed chauffeur,
tonight tearfully confessed to
plotting and executing the kidnaping-
of 10-year-old "Peggy"
McMath after swift police action
had brought Buck and a brother
Into custody and recovered a
$60,000 ransom.
He related, General Daniel
Needham, state public safety
commissioner said in a state
ment, a fantastic tale of how be
used blackface makeup and a
grotesque hood ln accomplishing
the abduction, and then receiving
the $60,000 ransom for the
child's return.
With his brother, Cyril, 41.
Kenneth was lodged in the
county jail tonight as authorities
prepared charges which will be
preferred against them Monday
ln Provincetown district court
As related by Needham, Ken
neth told how he conceived the
plot to kidnap the girl, whose
grandparents are wealthy Detroit
He worked out his plan last
Sunday, Needham said, two days
before he drove up to a school
house ln Harwlchport and carried
the girl away. He kept her for
tnree aays. wnen, after nego
tiations with her father. Nell C
McMath. he delivered her to him
on a little yacht In a harbor
near the McMath home.
Grandparents Put
Up Ransom Money
Tne ransom money, ln bills
was furnished by the child's
grandr-arents. It was recovered
ln its entirety today in Kenneth's
Contact with the parents was
made by his brother, Cyril. Ken
neth said, after he asked Cyril to
help him by being an emissary.
Letters ln "Peggy's" own !-band-
(Turn to page 2, col. 4) :
The name "Mid -Willamette
league" was selected by the new
athletic organizations of larger
high schools ln the Willamette
valley, at a meeting held in Eu
gene Saturday, It was reported by
Leslie Lavelle, Chemawa athletic
coach who Is secretary. Fred Wolf.
Salem high principal, is president.
A schedule for football was
drawn up, omitting Albany high
games as that school wss not rep
resented. Pending completion, the
schedule will not be released at
present. Date for the Salem-Eu-
gene game also was left Indefinite.
All of the high schools which
have become members, Eugene.
Salem, Corvallls, Albany and
Chemawa, are to meet ln football
except that no arrangements for a
Chemawa-Albany game have yet
been made.
Hops Rise to 55
Cents, with 75
Predicted Soon
The hop market in Salem
reached a new high Saturday
when T. B. Jones sold 123 bales
to th Luckenbach Interests at
58 cents a pound. Less than
4000 bales remain ln hands of
th growers. Priced at SS cents
a pound, these hops would be
worth ln excess of $400,000.
Some growers yesterday were
talking 78 cents a pound for
their hops and opining the mar
ket would reach that point with
in 80 days.
Agreement With Italy on
Economic Issues Reached
America and Italy clasped
hands ln agreement tonight on a
program of world recovery en
compassing arms reduction, a
tariff truce, a return to a gold
standard, an International pun
of public works building and a
world-wid expansion of credit.
In language concrete and im
perative, these steps war set
forth by President Roosevelt and
Italy's finance minister, uuiao
Jung, as tho upshot of four days
of Intensive concentration upon
th world's economic Ills.
To reporters at th handsome
ston Italian embassy on Six
teenth street. Jang said ln answer
to ones tlons:
. W explored tho debts prob
lem sympathetically and in
spirit of triendiness, each of as
setting forth the point of
of his own government. There
Ferry Terminal Mass of Ruins, 21 Employes at First
Feared Trapped all Reported Safe Early Today; Fire
Boats Employed in Desperate Battle to Control but
Success Slight Until Morning
Conflagration Most Disastrous
Forces Unable to Approach Scene; Huge Crowds of
San Francisco and Oakland People Watch; Call for
Help Sent by men Believed Trapped
OAKLAND, Cat, May 7. (Sunday) (AP) One of the moet
disastrous waterfront fires ln recent years Wt the Key Rente
ferry boat terminal in San FrancUco bay a mass of amoBldrrlng
rains today bat 21 employes cat off from land were reported safe.
First direct commonicationa from the pier, which Is at the end
of several hundred yards of open trestle, stated the terminal. In
cluding offices, sheds and warehouses, was leveled to the water's
In addition, one f err boat, the Peralta, tied up In a slip, &OO
yards of trestle and between 40 and 50 lnterurban electric can
were destroyed.
OAKLAND, Cal., May 6. (AP) Flames cut off the Key
Route Oakland pier in San Franciscobay tonight, con
sumed pier buildings with a red glare that could be seen for
miles and left the fate of at least 21 men in doubt.
All communications with the pier were severed, but it
was learned that two ferryboats were tied up in slips and
some 20 interurban passenger cars were on a sidetrack built
out into the water.
Officials of the Key System, Ltd., which operates the
combination electric train-ferry boat service, said the flames
were first reported at 10:09 p. m. At that -hour, they added,
there are usually no passengers at the 'end of the pier.
C. N. Anderson, superintendent - ;
of the system, and Howard Hack-
man, pier manager, were among
the 21 employes officials said
were usually on duty at the time
the fire started.
Fire and police boats from San
Francisco and Oakland streaked
through the water of the bay to
the scene but no word had been
sent back as to the fate of the
employes or progress in fighting
the fire.
Thousands of residents of San
Francisco, Oakland and other bay
cities watched the flames from
buildings and hilltops. Other
thousands lined the Oakland wa
ter front.
Sixty sailors and fifty marines
were sent in boats from Yerba
Buena Island naTal station In the
bay to aid firemen and police.
A heavily loaded ferry boat left
the ferry building in San Fran
cisco at 10 p. m.. for the Oakland
side but officials said it would
have been impossible for It to
have reached the pier before the
fire broke out.
The San Francisco fire depart
ment reported that shortly after
the fire broke out, a desperate
telephone call for help was re
ceived from employes at the pier.
Fire boat No. 1 was dispatched
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
The second stirring In the
calm of the coming Salem school
election, June 19. blew yesterday
with the mentioning of Col. Carle
Abrams, state representative, for
nomination and candidate for
school director. Questioned as to
whether or not he would accept
the nomination. Col. Abrams said
he was not prepared to answer.
-If I run. It will b against my
desires." Col. Abrams comment
ed. MA number of people have
been talking to me about it and
requested me to run."
F. A. Legge was the first man
out for on of th two school
directorships to be filled at the
June 19 election.
was no agreement nor decision."
IUly owes th United 8tates
about $2,000,000,000 but enjoys
the easiest payment terms of any
major debtor nation.
In a second Joint statement at
th White Hons an American
Argentln accord on world eco
nomic revival was make known
as a series of earnest talks with
Dr. Thomaa A. Lo Breton of the
tar South American republic like
wise drew to a elosa ana th
president turned to face German
and Chinese spokesmen.
Tho president and th on let.
broad-browed representative of
Italy's Mussolini emphasized to
gether that lf normal Uf la to
be resumed," th world economic
conference meeting at London
Jan 12 must succeed and reach
its conclusions quickly It a de-
Lstractlv economic warfare Is to
do aroiaea.
in Years;. Land Fighting
4-H Club Fair big Success;
Awards are Announced
In Many Contests
Winning first place In the home
economics Judging contest at the
county 4-H club fair at the Cham
bers building here yesterday, Lois
Hamrich and Gertrude Froelieb,
team from Bethel, earned the
right to represent Marion county
in the state contest at the state
fair September 4 to 9. Eight
classes of articles were Judged:
Fruit, vegetables, cake, bread,
aprons, towels, slips and dresses.
The two Bethel girls scored 1170
The team from Turner, consist
ing of La Verne Whitehead and
Mabel Lacey, placed second with
1120 points; Mt. Angel (Irene
Bernlng and Laura Bartnlk) third
with 1105. and Salem (Jean Har
rington and Lucille Boehringer)
fourth with 1000.
Closing events of the fair, de
clared the best ever held here, in
cluded demonstration cooking and
sewing contests and the 4-H style
revue put on by 24 girls fTom
eight communities. The winning
girl in each contest also will rep
resent the county at the state fair.
Before the large crowd viewing
the revue, Rowena Upjohn of Sa
lem was declared champion and
Jean Harrington of Salem reserve
champion. Result of the revue
were as follows:
Style Revue
Cotton school dress Jean Har
rington, Salem, first; Florence
Upjohn, Salem; LaVern White
head, Turner: Carol Schaeffer,
Swerle; Eileen Holder, Keiser:
Zillah Frogley, Keiser; Milllcent
Kaufer. Swegle; Vera Palmer.
Sublimity: Margaret Addison.
Keizer, and Charlotte Martin,
Wool dress Rowena Upjohn,
Salem, first.
Party dress Janet Weeks. Rei
ser, first; Lois Volker, Woodbarn,
Silk dress Margaret Upjohn,
Salem, first.
(Turn to page 2, col. S)
The Day in
By th Associated Press
President Booaevelt welcomed
German and Chiaeee states cm
to conversations oa world econ
omic recovery.
Members of th continental con
gress for oconomlo reconstruction
convened, and heard 'Norman
Thomas, socialist candidate for
president ln 1828-1832.
Speaker Ralaey
tho boose. would rote Monday
om acceptance of tho senate
ameadmeet to the farm bCl to
guarantee prod action costs ".
- Senate and . house .'were ln re
cess for th weekend. ' -