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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1933)
PAE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, : Oregon, Saturday MorningMay 61933 ns;BDmyC: : GROUPS MATERIALLY ; But Outcome on Fruits not - Yet Determined in Polk Hills Area mirMiv E The hearr rains Ida nnct'VAoV -hATe TjrOVftd tO be ot inestimable .yalua to farm-1 ers In this section, uram wnicn was Just sown will be benefited and the grain which had sprouted la growing rapidly. The fields had become dry and dusty before the , rains. ' Gardens planted prior to., the rain are also reaping. benefit from the welcome moisture. . Orchard UU ire not able to tell whether the rain has damaged the fruit crop. Cultlyatioa of orchards has been materially retarded as thin Yronnd under the trees Is too full of moisture. SPRINO VALLEY, May B Bains of the past week have been ery beneficial to farmers who are yet working and sowing their ground. The rain came mostly in light showers so would not pack - the ground, r The . only thing to ' suffer If enough. cold rrains pre? Tall, will -be; the frttlta which are ' now in blbsspm.- : , - - - vr noUn wiiior Mr. Grace' - McKinney and Hiss Ethel McKin ney ef this Ylcinity, oecame cnari er members' of the newly formed Spring Valley Home Mission so " clety at the home of Mrs. Charles McCarter Wednesday. Latest reports from Mrs. Frank Matthews indicate that she is re covering satisfactorily from an Alness which has kent her bed fast for sereral ' months, at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. L. M. Purrlne, in Salem. Mrs: Walter Brog and Miss Dorothy KIrkwood ef Vancouver, Wash.; are here this week ' to visit their sister. Miss KIrkwood will remain. WACONDA, May 5 Hop grow ers here will welcome warm wea ther when it does come. They elalm a good soaking rain is bene ficial provided damp cloudy days do not continue. MEHAMA. May 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hyland of California nave bought what was formerly the Columbus Mulkey property. Mr. Hyland has 60 muskrats and expects to make a business of raising them. Reports have come in from various strawberry growers of this vicinity to the effect that where they expected to harvest half a crop that they will go con siderably under that mark as a great number of plants which showed life a month ago have lnce died out. The young starts era not as plentiful as was first I expected. In some places the red raspberries are injured to quite an extent by the frost. Mrs. Roy Cole of Astoria Is pending a short while visiting Wlin ner SUier, Airs. KOII Lee, who has been in ill health the past winter. Smith-Hughes Boys Of Corvallu Visit j Shops at Silyerton - 8ILVERTON, May " Dwlght Toote, Ed Bllyeu. Charles Brokke, Audry Croah and War ren Crabtree of the Smith Hughes department, went to Portland Tuesday where they . . , . , . . , . I STRAWBERRY VINES HAVE LESS PROMISE una aa interesting trip inrougn I sa( and anthem. Sermon: "&tnr Us the Pacific Co-oneratire Ponltrr I ts the Lord a Kew Sons." Anthems: producers plant. They investigat ed the methods of handling, grading, packing and distribut ing eggs. A visit was also made to the public market. "la VI waif an Am A a.w an flr A iwiuvuu v. i Cox, professor Industrial Arts and director Of Engineering I hops at Oregon State college, w I accompanied by three seniors and five graduate students, visit ed the local manual training and Smith-Hughes departments. Woodburn Council Directs Clean-up Ft.... FMxA XV a, C.S. Uay; Late INOt Oet . . WOODBURN, May S At the council meeting Tuesday night, the street commissioner was In structed to take charge ot the annual cleaanp day,: but no def inite date has been i set. Two of the city firemen, Joseph Sown and Sdwln Becker have been au thorized to attend the fireman's school and convention, ot fire chiefs which will be held t Cor tallls June 6 to 9.1 It was also decided at the meeting that two of the three large walnut trees on the city property on first and Garfield streets that were to be removed, are to be left standing and only the one nearest the corner which to partly dead is to be taken out. Stinnette ; Cleared In Accident Trial DALLAS, May 5 Ettrlck Stln kette, sued for 110,000 by Charles C. Lynn as administrator ot the estate ct James N. Lynn, was seand 0t guilty by the Jury Which - ' .v" ariv d at 2 a. m. Thursday. The reported 'case started Monday and attract d considerable attention. It re sulted from an ante, accident No vember It, 1032rln which James K. Lynn was struck and killed. CHURCH PLANS SALE WOODBUSN. May I The La dles Aid of the Church of God itnva. nlantiail ia. nra-mrtt tiftr s daw - ... - Cooked food and gift sale for Sat urday, May I Which Will be held at tha Ogle building on Front street. The Homemakers exchange club la to meet at the home ef Mrs.'. Frank -Wolf : Thursday aft ernoon. "FIRST LADY" AND ISHBEL KINDRED SPIRITS 1. V j - i I r V Ji y A Ia the wife ef eer President, ber kcitou m Wasklagtoe, Mm IkbI MacDMkld, aghUr mt tVe vUitisf Brituh Premier, found a felloweplrit wkoce eregreu in Ufa has bea charted along a cosrn alaioet earailel with bar own. Spiritually, Mrs. Fraaklia D. Reoeevelt aad Mim MacOeeald aught have beea cast iat the ana mold, for they are ideatkal in temperaaieat aad pureuiU. Both havd spent aany years working for the betterment ef the human race; both abhor idleness in any form end both reveal the same simplicity in dress and manner. Mrs. Roosevelt's acti Titles in social and welfare fields are toe well known to go into here. Bat Miss MacDonald's career is not so familiar to Americans. : At aa early age, the Premier's daugh ter shouldered the responsibility of serving as bar father's official hostess at 10 Downing Street, the London residence ef British Premiers. la this capacity she greeted royalty and statesmen front every country in the world, acquitting herself life e veteran. - In her spare moments, she went about the country fas the interests ef the score or se ef welfare organizations fas which she is interested pursued her duties as a member of the London County Council and played angel of mercy to dosens ef baby dinks. Her activ ities do not end here. She has stumped for her father in his election campaigns and is credited with having won for him e large portion ef the feminine support that is bis. .Miss MacOonald has beea asked to run for Parliament on many occasions, bnt she refused, although it is fairly certain she weeld have been elected. She does not drink or smoke, not because she disapproves ef women doing these things, bnt because she has never felt the urge. Wi S U H & AY ' f M mti in the Churches k'3 ITEST UNITED BRETHREN Hission betwesa 12th and UnWeriity. A. 8. Henderson, psitor, 1159 Miision street. Services, 11 s. nu, snd 7:30 p. nu Bandar scbool, 10 , Mrs. Alice M. Henderson, superintendent. Young People's meetine. 6:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday STsninr, 7:30. naST METHODIST 9:45 s. m.. Church scbool graded for all ages, D. H. fichulse, taperiatendent. 11 . m., niorniDg worsbip; sermon, "The Lnre ol the Unusual,' ' Dr. Park er. 0 p. Young People's Forum. 6:30 p. m.t Tares Epworth Leagnes. 7 :30 p.m., concert of sacred nraaio pre sented by the Philharmonic Cboir of Willamette university. riBST tnriTASIAK Xorth Coture snd Chemekets. Fred Albsn Weil, minister. Church school at 10; Miles II. McKey, superintendent, Church service st 11: sermon. "Infla tion." Mrs. Walter A. Denton, organ ist. rots? chtxkch or tee hazisxhe 13th snd Center itreeu. Rev. Fletch er Galloway, pastor, 6&2, N. 14th street, phono 9630. The pastor will speak Son day from the following subjects: 11 a.m., "Sharing in the Great Task;" 7:30 p. asn J A. t r t m SVS Sunday Sl 19:45 s. m.: r. JI. Litwiller. superintend sat. N. T. P. 8. snd Junior Society 6:30 p. m. ; Mrs. Louella Hardy, presi dent. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Highland and Csurcn streets. trlen Rinard, pastor. Bible school 10; E. M. Beckett, Supt. Morning worship 11. in eharge ot Portland Bible Institute. Plat form service 3 p. m. by students of Portland Bible Institute. Junior O. E., 6 p. m. Intermediate C. EM 7:30. Sen ior C. 7:80. Evening service 8, ser mon by the pastor. PRBSBTTERIAH Winter snd Chemekets streets. G rover 0. Birtchet, D.D pastor. 9:90 S. church school directed by Ralph Scott, Supt. 11 a. m., morning; worsbip. Ue- uiaui v. -Mm wy'w - lnd the Glorr of the Lord" (The Messiah by Handel): "How Sweet the Name sf Jesns Sonnds" (Lisst). 6:30 P. M., C. E. societies. 7:30 p. nu, even ing praise; subject: "Llfes- Compass." Male quartette: "That Beautiful Land" (Jones). mi nrnuiu limn North cotse snd d streets, o. w. Butsch. minister. Sunday school, 9:45 . art O.i !-.. VI Sam Sehirman, Sapt. Morning service 11 a. m.: ermon topie: Man Shall Not Live by Kread Alone." Choir anthem. The Lord's Sapper after the service. Tonng People's meeting st 7 p. m. ; Henry Xeumann, president. Ber ries 8 p. m. topie: "Standing Before ths Great Master." Begnlar midweek prsyer service st 8 p. m., Wednesday. tMMAlTOaL BAPTIST Carner of Hazel and Aeademy streets. Bible school at 10 o'clock: lesson: II Samuel 14. Bring your Bibles; Marc Ssacy. 8. S. Supt. Preschisr st 11 and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prsyer and praise service Thursday st 8 p. m. i CO HUT ST. OH17BCH OP CHRIST Seventeenth snd Conrt streets. Hugh X." MeCallnm, pastor, 1744 Chemekets street. Bible school at 9:45 a. at.: Mrs. Irons Wellsr. Sapt. Morning worship and Lard's Sander st 11 s. m. Ssnaoa thorns, "Musis of ths Soul. lavon ana Albert Morcan mm smr us suet ' i Nearer ths Sweeter." Christian Endeav or meets at 4:15 p. nt., three societies. At ths servles 7:30 p. St.. ths Hyma Drama of the Fanny J. Crosby song. "The Silver Chord." will be given as well ss ths story of her life. Mid-week gathering and service weanesssy st tas Bno f alow. SOUTH SALEM PBXEXDS Booth Commercial st Washington traet- Charles C. Ha worth, vaster. Hnaday services: 10 a. si-, Sunday school. Mr. Helen Us Jones. Bupt. li, ssora- in worshin. 7 o. m.. O. K. meeting: topie: Kight sad Wrong Amnttions; ieaa- iZl.r B:il"7i roreirn missions will sire ' a series ei views recently taken on osr mission field sheet Laks Titleaes. Bolivia. Thursday. p. m prsyer meeting and Bible study. ITaKQKJSTIO TABEBXACU Perry street st 18th, C. O. Weston, tj aster. ' Snndav aehool at 1:4S . m R. O. Ferguson, Sopt. Church service at a p. m. ' jcvsngeiistis service st 1 :4S . . Est. R. D. E. Don" Smith speaker at each service opening a speeisl I t tares continuing svery aight I thtonga ths week. Interesting statical seiaetionsv .. , . QRACB oospxl haul 49 N. CDBn,rrl etrwat. . fi-VK. School at 10 a. m. -Adult bibla clui tar mea aad women st 10 a. m. Tuesday. :o p. au. Bible study. Pvidsy. 7:30 I Dnet, "Consider and-Hear Ms" fPflss . m gospel servies. Bible sabisct at ger). Teosg People's meeting 6:45 pja. w , , v. oa Dunaay. - - TZUT CXTTRCH OP CHRIST. , ' CIKMTTa.'P . ChemekeU aad Liberty. Sunday ser- 1 . j . v l - I vices. 1 1 a. as. sad S a. m "Adsm s : uuaaai aas.iajvza OF . WS BDU 11. Testimony meetinr Wednesdsy. a I Btsllif rssa lsltssul tsaple ' pis open 11 ta 6:30 except Sundays aad holidays. PTRST CHRISTZAW High aad Center streets." dsy IV DrtU; paster. 0 X. Cwttsgs. Church sebaoL :a m,-.mta"Z:W. Cowley,. Sapt. Morning worshin, 11, 'Ths Endurer.,' r?r Lord's Supper. Musis by large chorus. Young People's service. 6:30 p. m. Even ing service sf church. 7 :30. Forty-fivs minute program conducted by Christian Endeavor eonventionites. Sermon by pastor, "The Gift Within." Midweek church hour, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. WEST SALEM ' C. I. Dark, minister. The Sunday school meets at Ford Memorial church at 9:45 a. m. The Rev. A. J. Smith sf West Salem will preach at 11.. Sunday school at Oak Grove and at Summit at 10 a. m. The pastor will prearh atOak Grovs st 11 s. m., "Religious Despond ency." The Epworth League meets st the Ford Memorial church at 6:80 v. m. 10 ajn. The pastor will preach on the theme, "A Revelation for Life's Long Moaa. ITRST CONOREGATIOKAI, Center and Liberty streets. J. R. Si monds. pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock; sub ject: u Uot iJe Uur rather." ENGLEWOOD TOTTED BRETHREN Corner N. 17th and Nebraska streets. Rev. R. V. Wilson, pastor. Sunday school w:5 s. m. Merninr worshin 11 o'clock; subject: "Training Youth far troubled limes. Aaniverssry day. F.T.nin. WAnlitn V3A anhi.j versary Dsy Pageant by the Christian Kndeavor societies. Young People s meeting, 6:30 o'clock. ST. JOHN'S EVANGZLICAL LUTHERAN Missouri Synod, corner 16th and j Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. English ser vices t:45 a. at.; German st 11 s. I Sermon topic. John IL 1-16, "Ho Whom Thou Loved is Sick." Sunday school st v a. m. tolbt CHxraoH or OOD Hood and Cottars streets. 0. T. Kesl, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. ., James Davis, Sapt. Morninc worship, (Mat. 6:41). Evenias service 7:10. snbjeet, "The Reality of ths Christian Religion. Young People s meeting. 6:so p. as., Mrs. Jdna Elliott, president. frsyer snd testimony meeting Wednes day 7:80 p. m. PTRST ZYAHOSUCAX, Aorta Summer and Marion streets. Emory W. Pettleord. D.D., minister. Snndar school st 9:45 a. m.: L. L. Thornsfon, Supt. MornIcg worship at I 11. Prelude snd offertory by Mrs. Eth el Poling Phelps. Sermon: "The Drswa ! Rev. P. B. Culver will bring ths meessge. Musical prelude st 7:15. Lvsngeiistio service st 7:30 p. m. Gospel song ser vice led by W. K. Bauhut. interspersed with special musical selections. Sermon by Rev. P. B. Culver. Bible study snd prayer Thursday evening st 7:30. Band concert Sunday aiternooa Irons a to a :3U. LABISH EVANGELICAL H. B, Scheuerman. pastor. 1101 Uh- lon street. Salem, phone 4369. MIDDLE GROVE Church aehool 10: T. r. Walker. Sunt. Communion ies 1L subject, "Accepting ths Call." E. L. O. E. 7, diseassion led by Lasra and Lucius Crane. Bible study snd prsyer. wednesdsy. 8. UAiJiBU ( L'nurca sesoot tv a. m, w. A. Btarker, supt. v. XL, i: tonic. "Risbt snd Wrong Ambitions." led by trace nisnrpe. Prescning st a, subject. "Follow Me." Mid-week de votions Thursdsv. 8. CLEAR LAKE Church school JO: W. P. CoUard. Supt Jr. B. U O. S 11. Alios Massey snd Helen Clement lead ing. Kibie study 'i-uetasy 0, "ACtt ' chapter 1. nXST BAPTIST Marion sad North liberty streets. Brltton Ross, minister. Bible school st S:45 au ns Fred Broer. Bust. Morning worshin at 11. snesker. Rev. 3. W. Ca noes. Subject, t "Ths Church snd its Message." Bpecisl mssie.- Junior la termediaU and Senior B. T. .P. U, T p. as. -Prsyer asestiaf before ths svsa- ing semes st 7: is. urgaa preiuuo i:v. Evening service st 8 o'clock. Special insis. . (speaker, nv. v. w. csooen. Subicct. "When These Things Begin to Coma te Pass." XEPORMSD OHtrmCB Corner Capitol aad Msrioa streets. W. G. lisakssmper, paster. Suadsy school. in & m John lieanv. nnnt.' - wsss sarviees. 10 s. ss.: subject: ".Christ's (lhsns sa Peter." Easlish services. 11 s. m.: sabisct: "Christ Dines with His DUciples." Special mans ; ty tasts onartatte. AU Charca Day for May with loneh la church basement st aooa aad Consistory and ' Ladies' Missionary so ciety meetings ta tas sicsraosn. .v- XVIuBT MXMOklAX. 19th aad Jerry streets. H. C. Btever, ninUter Church school at 19 ' a. C. C. Harris. Snpt: Moraiaf servlos at 11 "T. ( Edea Dasirsblst" Anthem, "Sinf A Wad Unto fto'! J Was er). Evenlnr servies st Itav. nersaan by Dr. E. P. Borden, paster ef ths First Congregational enures ureswa mvy, i . I ' tLABTTlATJI TUXJbTJB ' 1 - Vila Clifsoa Roes, ssstar. T. D. Trlelr. ..1am e . j . .v. vi;il. I I District Sunday School ; " eoaventien. I tr. a s uj a iiuriu ,uu I ma ai saww. a BaSVl mil m 19 191 St4B SUl I un t is. B.t. Beakat ranch at soon. Afternoon session. 1:45: feu. iaoss, special masia aad sermaa by Rev. Pletcher Galloway. - Junior program, with sessions at 10 aad 1:13; arranged by Mrs. H. P. Shank. 7. O. E, direc tion at Mlsiai Unary . committee. S. even lC ssrvie Sandsy schsal psl-ruck di ner and program, Prldsy,- 9:30. f: 1 :-1 T r. FREE METHODIST Market and North Winter streets. J. R. Stewart, pastor. 1230 N. Winter street, phone 8973. Sermon topics: "Tsith,,r 11 s. m. At 8 p. m Rev. G. W. Forrester of Vancouver, Wash., will bring sn evangelistic message. Sunday school, 9:45; Emory Goode, Supt. Young will be the speaker for the Youar Peo ple's meeting st 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. m. AMERICAN LUTHERAN c Center. Rev. P. W. Eriksea, pastor. 9:45, Sunday school, A. A. Krueger, 8npt. 11 a. m.. The Only Acceptable Motive in Service. Special music: An them by the choir. Duet: William Bloom berg and Herman Taste. 6:30, Young People s League. 7:30, Evening Evangel istic meeting: special song. Ladies Guild Wednesday 3:30 p. m. JASON XXX MEMORIAL METHODIST Corner Jefferson and North Winter streets. H. G. Humphrey, pastor. 9:45 Sunday school, graded classes for everyone. 11 a. m., sermon by tbs pas tor; subject: "The Message sf Christ's Ascension." Chorus choir music led by Prof. Herman Clark. 6:30 p. bl. Ep worth League. 7:30 p. m.. Musical pro gram the chorus will sing "The Awak ening Choras" (Oliver). "Praise Ys the Lera - (Robertson. "Palm Branches" (Faore), "One Is Missing" (Miles), 'Lord of Galilee" (Hale). "The Ra diant Mora Hath Pasted" (Woodward); Duet (selected) by Mrs. Flora Hedrick and Leon Jennison. CALVAKT BAPTIST Services at 9:40 a. m.. with a grad ed church school; Mrs. W. A. Barkns, nopt. freaehing servies at 10:50; sub ject: "Our Covenant." Anthem: "More Love to Thee" (Williams). Incidental solos by Mrs. Dsvis snd Mrs. McAllis ter. Evening servies change of time, from 7:30 to S o'clock. B. T. P. C'-a st 7 o'clock. Sermon: "The Strong hold of Truth." Anthem: "All Shall Ba Peace" (WiUon). Thia week; Mon day evening st S o'clock, trustees moot ins. Wednesdsy evening at 7:45 o'clock, prsyer and fellowship service. Thursday at 7:30 o'clock, choir rehear sal. W. Earl Cochran, pastor. opeh Dooa aaasiOM 875 H N. Commercial. Earl J. 8e- christ, Supt. Preaching by various- Sa lsa pastors, nightly at 7:s0, except Sunday and Monday. Bible study. Sua dsy, 3:30 p. m. Relief department al ways open. C. A M. A. GOSPEL TABEKSACLB 655 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell. Ssstor, phons 8693; residence, 1185 Isdison. Sunday aehool st 9:45 a. as.; Granrsl Sheets, Supt. Morning worship at 11 a. m. A missionary message trill be given. Toung People s mooting at 6:30 p. m.; Mrs. Lsverns Pranka ia eharge. Evening evangelistie servies st 7:90: subject. A Cull to Action. ', or chestra and choir practice on Monday evening. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Harrison of Pasadena, Calif, will begin a series of revivel meetings on Tuesdsy evening at 7:45, to continue every evening ex cepting Mondsy. TURNER at. B. CBTUXCH X. Shermsa Hswk. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. a. ; Ivan Had ley, Sapt. Worship 11 subject, Musie. old hymns will bo ased. and special aussbers given sy tns caorr. Epworta ijesgue i a clock. Presehiag st 8. subject. Jacob snd Am bition. . LESLIE MEMORIAL South Commercial at Myers. 8. Bar low Johnson, pastor, S48 E. Myers street, phons 9487. Church school st 9:45 a. .. classes lor sis ages: V. as. nsessit. Supt. Morning worship st 11 o'clock. Sermon. Tor My Base. wiiiiam Bush will sing "Tress" by Bashbseh Anthem "Ued ss Loved tss World" (Stsinsr). Three leagues at s:3. Hap py Evening Hour servies1 at S o'clock. Song servies lea by C. B. urwig. as IT. Al CWOTBS them, "Thy Mercy Calls Ms" ( Sermon by ths pester aa "What Killed Jesus. mm week - prayer ana study hour Thursday evening, l :30. ROBERTS Community Sunday school sad preach ing service Snadsy morning at 10, W. A. Carey. Supt. 8. Darlow Johnson preschiag oa "Parity aad Tlsfsa." TUSJEa OHRIBTLtB EUaaore 3, Gilstrap, poster. Sunday seaaal U sjl Morning worship 11 a' stock; subject: "Ths Ceaqueriag Pow er af the Charea." sermoa sy tas pastor. There win aa snoeisl music, areolae wer- ahrn 7:80 " o'clock: ' Subleet: "Ths young people win hsvs shsrgu at this servies ana win sen as wr v. wvw ventioa at Xagsaa. Yewaf People's meet- i lor S:0 I Wnai Al o'eieck; subject "Right aad Wrong Ambitions. PANTHER FAMILY MOTES SHAW. May I. Mr. and Mrs. Panther and family ot Woodburn, hare moved onto a place east ot Shaw, known as the Lenrer place. Miss Bessie Panther has entered AumsrHle high school as a Junior. Alan Panther haa entered the Shaw grade-school. DANCE POSTPONED ( WALDO HILLS, May B Due to the death of Mrs. Chas. xu Riches the social dance, planned I es.n4a U. C a xria V """r! 77?. i -elaa house, will postponed. J. pupils nil MOTHERS. ROSEDALE - eamnwms Achievement Program of 4-H Clubs Held During Afternoon Hours ' ROSEDALE. May 5 The pu pils ot the Rosedale school enter tained their mothers with a party at the schoolhouse Tuesday after noon. 'An Informal program was presented. Those present were Mrs. W. T. Campbell. Mrs. T. D. Trick, Mrs.. Plem, Mrs. R. Ladd, Mrs. C A. Cole. Mrs. Buechler. Mrs. W. Al len, Mrs. Elmer Boje, Mrs. XL B. Stroud, Mrs. W. Hotfnell,. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Crawford. During the afternoon the 4-H club gave their achievement pro-' gram. Palmer method - awards were also given to the following pupils: gold star buttons, Jean Flew, Mary Mason, ' Barbara Bates, . Eleanor 8troud. Rachle Baldwin. Palmer Method buttons: Evelyn Baldwin, Wanda 'Allen, Minnie Koebier, Claddle Rose, David- Crawford, Mary' Mason, Phillip Mlcknal. Vera. Pie w. Mer it button to- Robert Ladd 'and Gil bert Crawford." " - - .- Improvement certificate Clar ence Keehler. Students cerUIt- Mts . . Uarrnrat Pnmnh&ll ' Onal Baldwin. Heralds of health bad ges were presented to Barbara Bales, Vtlleda Trick and Margar et Campbell. In the 4-H events Margaret Campbell . reeclved first place. Vera: Plew, second, and Opal Bald in, third place. Mrs. C. A. Cole is club leader. ShutU Will Attend Montreal Convention SCOTTS MILLS, May S Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Shutt left Monday for Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where he goes as a delegate rep resentative from the Portland di vision ef the order of Railroad and Telegraphers. They expect to Rollins Rtunstop Hosiery $poo Thief Gets Spasm " r- Of Conscience so . Merchant Gets $35 TSBEFEXDESCBr May 5 A week ago ttatnrday SSO in ceahv waa takern from Use safe of the . Independence Feed Store, The story was carried in . the newspaper. The thief became con science stricken, evidently for ' $33 . waa . . returned anonymously .by mail Tues day morning. , stop at Banff, Alberta, Canada, before reaching Montreal. On their return they will go to New York, .Washington, D. C-. and vis- It the world's fair at Chicago. They expect to be gone two months, o Mr. and Mrs. John Knox ot Lafayette, former residents of this vicinity, also are making the trip, Mr. Knox being a delegate to the O. R. T. . Achievement Test . Results Show High Points - Scattered . HUBBARD, May 4 Four su perior students in social science, pne In . natural science, 1 one-InT mathematics and. three In .English' are enrolled In the 'junior class of. tile high scboel here, -resulfs ', of the 8 o n e e-HarTy - achievement iesU'fhow.'-r-: - ; Dorothy McKey ranked highest in' English, mathematics and- nat ural 'science divisions of the test, and Betty Brown ranked highest in the social science division and second ' In natural science and English. Marjorle Wolfer ranked second In the mathematics divi sion and tied with Betty Brown for second in the natural science division. Other students rating high were David Mc Arthur and Lucille Zehner. WINS ONE; DROPS ONE CLEAR LAKE, May S The school ball team defeated El- driedge school Friday, and Sun day the community nine lost to the Eldrledge first team. LIKE MUSIC 1 New lighter shades of Rollins Hosiery for the milder days and nights when all those lighter activities of spring are being done. And each of the new shades is keyed to strike the right note of harmony with its related costume colors. To really catch the spirit of spring's -color harmony, you must see the Rollins Color Coordination Chart at our hosiery-counter. It will put you in perfect tune with what's what in this season's colors. OAK POINT, May I The pupils from the school took part la a music festival Friday In the Normal school auditorium ' in Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thurston of Medf ord ' are at the home of Mrs.: Thurston's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. O. A. Peterson, and to at tend the funeral ot Mr. Thurs ton's father, James Henry Thurs ton. The farmers In this commun ity were progressing rapidly with their seeding until the recent rains stopped them. The rain has been a boon t to the crops, as the ground was getting pretty dry and some farmers had planned to .leave some fields and cut what wild oats and grass there was for hay,- but since' the rain plowing U . I a order . again,, and seeding will be resumed. as soon as the weather clears. . , . Bert Glven, manager of the McLaughlin ranch sowed 50 acre of alfalfa .In with the. spring sowing of oats . and other farm ers are sowing clover seed in the DAYTON, May S The Day. ton Women's civic club, meeting Tuesday at HIbbert s hall., named Mrs.' G. ' A. Raring on the board ot directors to serve one year. The president, Mrs. O. C. Good rich named five standing .com mittees for the year as follows: Clvle committee, Mrs. Paul Lon- dershausen, Mrs. John Shlppy, Mrs. Orr C. Goodrich. Better homes committee Mrs. J. L. Sherman, Mrs. W. 8. U'Ren, Mrs W. S. Hlbbert; membership com mlttee Mrs. Floyd Root, Mrs. ROLLINS COLOR HARMONIES for SPRING 50 $).00 Enoa Willard and Mrs. Frank Wright.- Child ; Welfare commit tee Mrs. , Harry Sherman, Mrs. Herman Louis and. Mrs.. Fred Matches; -ways and meant com mittee Mrs. M." R, Cooper, Mrs. Harry Gray and Mrs. Walter Em rick. !-.... . ' Weather permitting - the next meeting will be held In the city park, otherwise It will be at the Paul Londershausen home. Woman's Club Has . Lead in Planning For Public Park WOODBURN, May S The Wood burn Woman's club Is look ing forward to ' establishing a public park on the property own ed by the city on First aad Gar field streets which waa formerly the Nick MUler place. Mrs. 'Arista Nendel, club president, has ap pointed " the . following com mlttee to confer with. the city council: Mrs. A. E. Austin," Mrs. Ivan C. Beers. Mrs. . Ronald Burnett and Miss Mary Scollard. Other . organizations have ex pressed themselves as being in favor of the plan; although none have taken any formal action in the matter so far. - ! Music Week Will : Be Observed in " Dallas - Churches DALLAS. May 5 Several Dal las churches are observing Na tional Music week Sunday, May 7, with . Interesting . sermons given regarding the spiritual value and Influence of good music, and by having special musical numbers on their programs. The girls trio from Dallas high school -win sing "SanctUB, by Franx Schubert, during the morning services at the Methodist " and Presbyterian churches, and daring the evening services at the Christian church r A group from the music depart ment of the Dallas schools took part In the program at the meet ing ot the Dallas Women's club Tuesday afternoon. J t s 4 - - s e .4 '. t-el, - . . . - - .4-1 -' - j,- 9 - - . a