wildcats aaaa M a ' aaas a m I . . ' V - -; Michener Likely Poison for Mid - Willamette Circuits Drawing Bigger Crowds; Ten Games Listed Sunday Bearcat Batsmen; Biirch to Twirl; Rain Isn't Probable (GO EJECTS 1 oday; Threat for TTTT IT TUT 5IMIUI ItS GOPHER BALLS PREVAIL AGAIN rCDJCSB" Glut CONTEST COUNTY CHIP Auburn First Among 2-Room Schools';-663 Entries in ' Track Meet Here t . ! : BUy ton' grade school athletes won the blue banner emblematic of the farion county track and field championship, in the exten sive meet conducted on the Wil lamette university, field here Fri- ' day forenoon. Stayton scored II points.; Auburn with S4 points was second aad took tint place among the two-room schools, car rying home the red banner for this achieTement. ' Liberty took third place with S3 points, I and Jefferson." Keizer and Salem Heights tied for fourth with 13 each. The White school " won. the banner for first among one-room schools, scoring four " points. : Other .scores were: Mt. Angel It; West Stayton 16, Sweg le 5. : There were S87 entries in boys' rents and! 374 in girls' events, staking ICS In allvbut It Is diffi .,. cult to estimate how many indi viduals took part, as many par ticipated . In more than one rent. There was an average' of 33 entries la each event. Summary: , . . Sera, Qradts 5 U I 100 rare dash Dick Ctlini. fit tea; Jsrry CtrisUosdh, Stayton ; Char lei Btewart, Xmbara. i TarM Ugfi raea Laoa Humphreys aaa Jsalaae Darby of Staytoa; Joseph. Ei aa4 Wads Harria af Jsffarsoa: CWava BartWts and Orrilla Beardslej-of DllfB JiaifBia. 60 Tard dash Dick CalaTaa. fita-vtaa: TIetor Gibaoa, Liberty; Xraest CUtrem, Potato race Lea HassDareya. Burton ? Elite Christensea, Stay ton; Jobs Hackia, Ht. Ansel. Gvnay tack race Jolina Strwart, Sa ws net fats; vnanea .Brown, jellerton; Bolaad Darby, Staytoa. 400 yard relay Staytoa (Boley, 81 leas. Cnristeasoa, Calaraa) ; Liberty Pastor, Gibsoa, Hcrshfelt, Critsser); mnb neir&n iMcaaatara, Wrifkt, HiWer, Boasdslsy). Medlar tola Startaa 8nlla by. Carieteasen, CalaTaa) ; Aabara Stewart, Laekaabaal. Fray, Zlfitrom); Ubarty (Plank. Colenaa, raster, Gib- an I.. Broad ioain Charles Stewart. An bara; Robert CoBstock, W. Stay tea; rr Msrtla, JeGerson: IS ft. 3 in. HiCb IOBD Rat . Critier. Libert? Gears; llartia, Jefferson; Arthur Miller, oaieai neimta; n. I u. Soys. Grades 1 t 4 7 J yard daak Tkamma firriiin la. bars; Peter Haaaer, Keiser; Murray Baker. Ubarty. Tare lefred raea Letter Marbammer aa Floyd flank af liberty; Lawrence Bcaautt aaa Kddit jtreitxer e( Btayten; Beymoai Aaebe and Jack Sphoen at W, Staytoa. ' 60 yard .daib Xraeat fltawart An. bar; Leater Pearaine, Keiier; Peter jxaaier, aveuer. Potato raea BaTmond HmdhUt Aabara; Latber blarhammer of Liberty aad Lawrence Bchmitt of Staytoa tied tar aecone. Gunay aaek raea Albert Frank, Mt, Aarel; Holland Clerelaad, Liberty; Phil ip Fortter, Liberty. una nrS -Uw k in gw mvg i .uvm.b u n. 1 I mil, Dohae, Stewart, Henchfeldt) ; Writ mayton (Koyte. Bpbooa, Aiehe, Pair); Mt. Aarel Biieniag, .Hauler, Oro Jaeqaea. Maekie). Broad lamp Raymond Henchfeldt. ADDnra: Tnomai Uarrnon, Anbarn rfamea Miekie. Mt. ABfel. Girls. Grades I It I Basketball throw Frances Ball. 8a lem Heights; Frances Friedl, Stayton Elie Heaehtalinr. White: 83 ft. 7 in. Baseball throw Rath O'Neill. Keixer Frances Ball, Salem Heights; . Agnes The toughest Northwest confer ence home baseball game ef the season for Willamette's Bearcats, provided their activity is con fined to the western division. Is scheduled for this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock on dinger field when they will meet Coach Henry Lever's ambitious Wildcats from Linfleld. " Linfleld has not vanaulshed Willamette on the diamond in the last six seasons, but Its prospects of doing so today are considerably brighter than ever la the past. The Wildcats recently held Ore gon State to a one-run victory, t to 5, which was a little better than Willamette was able to do last week. - . Michener was the Linfleld hurl- er who held Oregon State to eight hits on that occasion, and he la expected to start ' today's game. Other pitchers available are Bach elor, Eckman and Helser. Coach "Spec" Keene of Willam ette will start Don Burch, his freshman star who limited Albany to three hits earlier this week. He has In reserve a number of capa ble men, but probably will .not need, them, the outcome probably depending not so much ' on Burch's ability to hold the Wild cats . In check, as upon his team mates ability to collect a tew hits and rnns. Although the Bearcats were ex pected to be strong with the wil low this year, little evidence of It has been observed io far. The hit ting was good . against Albany's dubious pitching, but did not ex tend far down the batting order In the Oregon State and Columbia games. Keene has done some recent Juggling with his outfield : com bination, and. some .'changes may be observed in the gardens today, but probably not in the infield. -- Though a number of .ball games in . the Willamette valley .- have been rained out this week, pros pects are Improved tor the staging of today's contest, as the puddles on Ollnger field had dried up to a great extent Friday and the forecast today was for clouds but no rain. PEPPER HM IS CBS N NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. Pittsburgh 13 4 .715 New York ..10 I .125 Boston 9 9 .500 St. Louis 9 9 .500 Cincinnati ........ 8 8 .500 Brooklyn 7 9 .438 Chicago 7 11 .389 Philadelphia I 13 .311 I his hero ways of the 1931 world series today by connecting tor four straight hits end scoring four runs In the St. Louis 6 to 3 vic tory over the Phillies. Martin and Chuck Klein, the Phillies slug ging outfielder, hit home runs. St. Louis 5 10 0 Philadelphia 8 8 0 Walker and Wilson; Pearce, Llska and Davis. REDS OTJTSLTJG GIANTS NEW YORK, May 5 (AP)- Cincinnatl 8 8 0 New York I 7 8 Frey, Kolp and Lombardl; Spencer, Luque and Mancuso. PHILADELPHIA, ' May 5 (AP) Pepper Martin fell Into Grosjaeques, Mt. Anfel; ISO ft. 10 la. 75 yard dash Evelyn Melsen, Keiser; Florence Stewart, Auburn ; Mary Xllea McClain, 8tayton. Three-legged race Mildred Leak and Wilma Barg eat. Liberty; Mariae Crab tree and Gertrude Mnrphy, Staytoa; Vi dian Janea and Katharine Zinser. Salem Heights. SO yard as to Pauline Seipp, Jeffer son ; Leona 'Bormester, Stayton; Rath naiiaaay, liberty. Potato race Leona Barmester. Stay toa; Doris Leva. White: Frances Pat- ton, Jefferson. 00 yard relay Keizer ( Uppers, Mtl sen, YarbeL O Neill) ; Salem Heights (Nixon, Plenge. Ball, Brooks); Anbnra (Stewart, Schierman, Hersehfeldt, Haw kins). Broad )nmp Josephine Snoddy, W. Stayton; Pauline Seipp, Jefferson; Ka thryn Foster, Jefferson; 11 ft. 4 in. Girls, Grades 1 ta 4 Baseball throw Ila Kranger, liber ty; Roberta Roberts, Jefferson; Carrie LaekenbeaL Auburn r 91 ft. S in. 50 yard dash Mary Jesn Baoman, Mt. Angel; Minnie Erickfon, W. Staytoa; Carrie Luckenbeal. Aabnrn. 25 yard dash Carol Schafer, Swegle; Virginia Bordnne, Stayton; Nellie Pear mine, Keizer. Potato raea Arllne Hickr, Auburn; Mary Patton, Jefferson; Lela Sandner, Stayton. 100 yard relay Auburn (Hicks, An ders, Luckenbeal, Krehbiel) : Salem Heights ( Rothweiler, Rogers, Kasburg. Jones); West Stayton (Steele, Lucas, Erieksen, Lewis. Swift Tightens TJ BROOKLYN, May I - (AP) Pittsburgh 4 8 Brooklyn 1 7 Swift and Orace; Mungo, Shaute, Benge and Onten, Plcl- nich. Browns Win in 11th BOSTON, May 6(AP) Sin Chicago 1 8 Boston I 8 ( Root and Hartnett; Betts and Hogan, Spohrer. Six Homers Clouted. Stars Hand Seals 10th; Ducks -Belie Their Name COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Sacramento 20 11 .045 Los Angeles 18 12 .400 Oakland '..17 13 .587 Hollywood .......17 13 .547 Portland ........15 13 .534 Mission .........14 18 .438 Seattle 9 17 .344 San Francisco .... 9 22 .290 LOS ANGELES, May 5. . (AP) It was old home run day at Wiigley- field again this afternoon, with six circuit wal lops added to batting ayerages, as Hollywood handed ' San Fran cisco its tenth ' straight defeat, and assured itself of the current series, 15 to 4. The home run total for the series now stands at 21 for the four games. Ray Jacobs, Stars' first baseman, helped himself to the twelfth of the season and the third In four games, in the ser- enth with the bases loaded. Every member of 'the Holly wood club got a hit, and only Hank Bassler, catcher, failed to contribute a run to the festiTl- tles. Jimmy Zinn, who was charg ed with the defeat, was touched for 14 hits In seven Innings, but joined In the celebration with one of the half dozen home runs. San Francisco 4 12 1 Hollywood 15 19 1 Zinn, Groves and Mclsaac; Shellenbaek and Bassler. 5mvilllA3irKTTK LEAGtTll North Marion PlvUlon - W. L. Pet, Aurora 2 0 1.000 Mt. Ansel ....... 2 0 1.000 Lone Elder ..... . 2 1 .447 Hubbard ' 1 1 .500 Monitor ........ 1 1 .500 Brooks 0 2 .000 St. Paul ........ 0 3 .000 South Marlon Division W. L. Pet. SUyton .8 .0 1.000 Turner 2 0 1.000 Jefferson 1 1 .500 Sclo 1 1 .500 Mehama ........ 0 2 .000 Sublimity ....... 0 2 .000 Other games In the southern Mar lon circuit will find Turner at Mehama and Stayton at Jefferson. In the northern Marlon division Brooks will play at Lone Elder, Aurora at Hubbard, Monitor at Mt. AngeL St. Paul Is Idle. In the Linn county division Tangent will play at Halsey, Har rlsburg at Sweet Home and Leb anon at Shedd. The 8alem Elks will play at Grand Itonde In the lone YamhiU division game. . Amity remaining Idle while Dayton entertains the Salem Senators. Linn Division W. L. Pet. Harrisburg 2 0 1.000 Tangent - 1 0 1.000 Sweet Home 1 0 1.000 Shedd '. 1 1 .500 Halsey 0 2 .000 Lebanon 0 2 .000 PLAT ONE INNING PORTLAND, May, 5. (AP) The Portland - Seattle baseball game was washed out by rain here today, the fourth successive day that the bad weather had. in tervened. Today's game ended after the first Inning had been played, with the score 1 to 0 for Portland. A double-header had been planned tor today and later it was decided to have only one game, but rain and a wet dia mond made this impossible. Ten tative plans were made for a double-header tomorrow. With interest and attendance gaining steadily, Mid-Willamette Valley Baseball association teams will cavort on ten diamonds Sun day. . Leaders In the three di visions which are under full steam will have an opportunity to keep their undefeated standings, as it so happens that none of the unde feated teams meet tomorrow. But the following Sundav will see some casualties, even if thev do not occur sooner, for in two of me three circuits, the teams so far undefeated will elash May 14. Turner and Stayton. tannin r the southern Marlon division, will not meet until May 21. One change was made for this coming Sunday, Sclo playing at Sublimity Instead of vice versa. OAKLAND, May I. (AP) piigni game: Sacramento 3 11 0 Oakland 1 8 2 GiUlck and WIrts; Joiner and veitman. BAN FRANCISCO, May 6. (AP) Night game: Los Angeles 10 14 Missions 2 7 1 Herrmann and McMullea; T. Pillette. Chelinl and Fltspatriek. Students- Beat Alumni, 9 to 4, In Fast Game MONMOUTH, May 5 Mon mouth high school defeated the high school alumni Tuesday In a baseball game, score 9-4. The alumni drew first blood by scor ing one run In the opening In ning. High school lads countered with two in the third Inning. In the fifth the game tightened np with high school leading 4-3 and they Jumped the lead maintaining It to the finish. Batteries: high school, Snider and Wilson; alum ni, Hinkle and Jones. BOSENBLDOOM WINS JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind.. May 8 (AP) Mazle Rosenbloom. New York, light heavyweight champion outpointed Charley Be- langer, of Winnipeg, Canada, In a ten-round bout tonight to win the decision of the referee and two Jadges. Rosenbloom weigh ed 174 pounds, Belanger 183. TRACK MEET SLATED MONMOUTH, May 6 A county grade school track meet wiU be held Saturday, May 37 at Monmouth. Two divisions will prevail: for those under and those ever 100 pounds. Americas Lravsme Washington at Detroit post pones, rain aaa coia. New York at Cleveland post poned, wet grounds. Boston at Chicago postponed rain. Beats ML Angel 7 to 2 for Grade. School Ball Title; Homer big Feature Parkersville diamond stars won the Marion county grade school baseball championship Friday, defeating Mt Angel, 7 to 2, on Ollnger field. Mt. Angel, was the A league champion and Parkers ville the B league winner. . The first four Innings were tightly, played. ML Angel scoring first and leading, 2 to 1, until the last half of the fourth, when James Mendenhall of Parkers ville tied It up with a long home run drive into right field, a swat that would have done credit to a college slugger. - It rolled most of the way to the Parrlsh diamond. Whether that Incident upset the Mt. Angel defense Is nst certain, but at any rate the Parkersville boys batted around in the fifth and scored five runs. Tedder, Parkersville pitcher, held Mt, Angel scoreless after the fourth. Both teams played acceptable ball In the field considering, the muddy condition of the diamond.! Mt. Angel parKersvme Saafeld, ss D. Pfau, rf Kemp, If T. Pfaus Bourbonnais, p E. Mendenhall, 3b Kopper, e Howe, c R. Hassing, lb Orville, It Fennimore, cf J. Mendenhall, lb Appleby. 2b Ireland, ef Hessell, rf Tedder, pi V. Hassing, 2 b Umpire, Bob Kelley. Missionaries Blast Coyotes WALLA WALLA, Wssh.. May 5 (AP) In a one-sided ball game Whitman today defeated College of Idaho. 7 to 1. giving them victories In the first two of the three-game series being play ed here. College of Idaho ....1 I 2 Whitman 7 11 0 Dennerllng, Bowan and Stew ard; Irving and Edwards. The grade school atUetee had their lamia yesterday, ad how they gloried ta It. Staytom wos premier honors la the county track meet, bat a lot of glory la la order for little Aa bara, a two room school which . gave the bigger lastltatfcm a dose race for first place. Far kersvllle Is aaother giaat klIlT, Its B league ball team trtmmpb lng ever the A league cham piosts. And Ruth O'Neill, a girl from Keiser, threw a baseball 190 feet 10 Inches. We know a lot of men that far one day, but we'd bet they couldn't do it the next. Appreciatloa for the ase of 8weetlaad field for the track meet aad ef Ollnger field for the ball game, was expreased by the grade school priadpala as sociation through Ted Nerby of Staytoa, who was one of the ringleaders la- this laudable program. He said the principals were well pleased with the re salts. Track teams competing at Eu gene today In the Willamette val ley high school meet,' Include Ea gene. University high, Springfield. Cottage Grove, Roseburg, Oak land, Corvalllg and Chemawa. We note that publicity in Eugene con cerning the event, lists the eon tenders and leaves Salem high out except for mention la the com plete list. That may be proper, but well have to wait and see. Rose burg is feared most, and Eugene high is expected to he right up there. ' Salem Handball Team Defeated PORTLAND, Ore., May I (AP) Charles Carroll and Fred Vinton of Seattle defeated Zoble and Hagemann of - Salem, two sets out of. three, in the opening double event tonight of the north west Y. M. C A. handball tour nament being played here. The northerners won, 19-21, 21-10, 21-8. MICKEY MOUSE 'A Privileged Character'' By WALT DISNEY WHAT ARE VOU GONNA DO WrTM TH' MAIL. PIL-OTS VOU'RE HOLDING n tfnm on this boooooo o o Cross -Word Puzzl tiKv1 IT""" ' -i fzr 2 WHAT APEW C-KWMrrrMINC I W nI vou gonna 4 Vffl 'vprTmA fi no with th' v IV ULVmaiu piuots Jim v-m?L V m Sal CamM W UAJd fT-TT, Jt I n a so a. -aw. cVTaaaTii r v - lir I II il IM M H II 1 YTHm St' I I tV vVflCm -PS ,Jt J ANY TRACES 1 I aii anvu fa ,v r. j- ? a. - .aa -sa aaa saa sM1 A aav SVa sV V 1 a 1 UCmL Rim I bha NO tales! so we're HEADED FOR A LONELY SPOT, WHERE We CAN DISPOS5 OF THEM WITHOUT l-EAVING ANV TRACES 1 KPY course notN HAW! HAW! HAW! We WOULDNT THINK 0 THROWING YUU OVER WITH THE REST! I SkV V) YEAH f SWELAjX 1 J --o ZrT L KICK YOU OPF I -g- By EUCHNE SHEFKER WV 12 13 27 71 12 33 3d HH 30 31 (A 23 M3 3 V, 7 St- I 36 HI I 33 P 30 H2 31 35 VA 20 2H 3 M6 'A YA X 32 8 IZ 17 23 1 H7 21 21 31 W3 15 24, HO 'A 14 Us 21 53 36 'A IO 77x77A X, 27 3H H6 II 'A 2e II THIMBLE THEATRltarring Popeye Now Showing,4Time to Mobolize" By SEGAR KNG CfSBOOSO. I HAVE 7 s I THE SECRET SEWJl ) 2 GfcNtLEMEN.. VA OU6KTER ViKCrVJ IT AlNCT PERUTC TO UlKPER t-tPC " ' WHEN YAjlOa rn tOTTHWT. 4-- A Jfer-f '" 1VE LErXRNEO THfT VOO ONLV HfVJE TWO MEN lti VOOR rRMVJ LOr-i VOO - .inni r crate?. SHOOPlH' ARQOK ISLW HaU'i 1W -B a i i- IE THfSS VMrVTVACitTij . . VA BLASTED saw TrXTTLE -TALE 1 ItJ MIND VtR T' . A -aa-l- OUJN BlX- EL WHAT RtrVSlrKi VA GOT FOR DECIARIN WAR ON POWLWKW it THE TELEPHONE, T Mt.DlONT YOU? WELL "POOEV- IN THE TELE PHONE AT ME? LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY "A Free Sour- By DARRELL McCLURE HORIZONTAL 1 thih of a hog A perforated balls hung; on thread 9 armed ' combat 12 Greek letter Turkish peasant 14 wine 15 roe 17 unproduc tive 19 deity ' 21 tronf alco holic liqnor . 22 lump ef earth 84 somber 2 garment for . .India 40 elidinar pieces on a wheel 41 novel 43 larre cask ' 44 cushion to deaden a shock 47 beat with successive blows E0 native com pound 81 perpen ' dienlar 53 grow old 54 Babylonian deity 55 instrument ' for frasp ing 54 implement for washing . floors ; VERTICAL 1 possessive ' pronoon- -S consumed S footless ' larva ef an insect 4 brought mp 5 devour interjectioa T touch gently 28 covering - for the . head 80 line of bold ; cliffs 32 by 83 laughable - 84 Egyptian ' sun god 35 recovered -87 -prickly en velope of a fruit x8 loyal . 89 weight of . f. I- f"- Herewith Is the solution to yes terdays pusle. itiHii xjv'ri Frrw ii irr AM I NH t T E H wmmm CwrtiU. 1111. taw Wmtmt brnOmU. 8 rough, woolly hair 9 -cautioned 10 beverage 11 hastened 16 slender stick 18 opponent 20 free from restraint 22 map 23 not so soon 24 domestt. : cates 25 more fas tidious 27 antitoxin 28 former Bosnian. rulers 80 Hawaiian food - 31 downcast S3 belief . 36 under ground passage 87 fowl ef jnany small breeds 40 slash 42 Occident 43 sailors 44 pocket for a j watch 5 sooner than 4 Greek letter . 47 entreat 48 the self 49 kind of - .cloth 52 printer's 'measure - B f GEE.T HOPE MOBOD SEES MfL-M2 MEANYI FOUND OUT GLORtoE AINTA DOCTOR., AM WHEN HE COAES.THEVRE GONNA CATCH HIM AM 5ENO H1NVTO AIL-AN' i bw DOMT WANT GEORGE TO GO , UA1L-J UST FwK I KTWC TO HEIPMC I FOUND OUT GEORGE A4KT A DOCTOR., AM I ( WHEN HE COMES. THEVRE GONNA CATCH A . E5 flSTDPTHATSlLiy TALK-TELL MEL WHAT M ArVtwtU W,WHYtXJrTHEPOUCE WWt f- 7W LITTLE BRAT M SAUST NUT ESCAPE J4EZ XTrlNG YRJ. Q0&C,RVH 1 v v- KCUNTO AV CAR, ANNIE-fF5 "f -1 I jmh swsgiajy ataaijimai ss i si viblw fw w - r m'mm m a i i ai r O a 7 "g TOOTS AND CASPER 'Tht Colonel Learns a Lesson" By-JIMMY MURPHY COLONEL, HOOFER TOOKTHS SSICaTaST VACATICN ON RECORDS TOOTS 1 HE RETURNED TO HIS HOUSE TTfO MS71S AFTER HS LEFT n ON THEIR WAY TO THS DEPOT SOPVUS SAW A 236.tt COAT, AND 5HB BOUGHT IT, SO THAT FWUSM&D HI'S VrXCATtUtM FUND AMD TrCY RSTURNED HOMSS J. . MOMS msZGtX7 VA I HOPE VOU FEEL, ALL teSTED UP AFTER VOUR LONr VIACATtON, VOU OiDNT CCt A TRAIN RS5E,BUT ' YOU UZAKLf REACHED THS DEPOT AND T THAT'S SOHSTrWfc! WHAT ARE YOU DOtN6 IN TOWN. COLONEL, HOOFER.? I THOUGHT YOU WERE UP IN THE ItC'JUtAinS! IS THAT YCU. CCLCXL? I THOUGHT YOU WCRE OUT OP, TOWN! I THCU4rvtTTO0 YOU JlrtT YCUWXSS 1 RETURN FROM - aXRTEu YET? YOU CANT Bt-AMR TWK BOY4 FOR BCffitf SURPRtSCD ., TO SE8 YOU AROUND s - FROM THS WKky YOU SPENT DAYS TELUNr EVERYBODY sfrOOOBYE I rcT TraAXrKT YOU'D LONdr,LON TM3t -TrC NEXT TsMEl ICjO AViBYON A XACATK3N tUL TELL PEOPLE ABOUT rr WEN i crrnuerrADi OFBEFOR START! this is 4onna! TEACH MB TO KEEP EARS OPEN -' AND ItSUTH CLOSED! a 1rm sH ffaTL