flht OREGON STATESMAN. BalerS Oregon, PHJaV iioralnft May 5, 1933 PAGE FIVE . ; - . . ! a "r s SWING JUMP BAD LCBERTT; May 4.- Felix Fo- ter. an eighth (fad boy, broke ; ' "V an ankle when ha jumped from a wins t tbe' school ground Tuss- day Afternoon. He was taken ,o the Deaconess hospital bat' Is at noma now. ,. " ." : v- "!'.:''-'?. 1 MARKET DRUG STORE Drugs 1 t l- UAN Prescriptions Iil "The Market" 470 N. Commercial Tooth Paste ,1 of Magnesia,' 25c 25c MOk A. D. S. 2 for 1 25c Collates A 2 for . 4i7C and a 50c Tooth Broth FREE 15c Fountain Pen A Ink, all brands . 1UC 60c Italian QC Balm .eJjC S5c Krank'a Ol -Lather Kreem fa A C 25c Oronite -lO Cleaning Fluid ... laSC 1 lb. Campfire f Marshmallows.... IOC 60c Mentho- latum . .. JJC $1.25 S. S. S. 7Qn Blood Remedy lefC 1 lb. Agar Agar Ck long! uncut DDQ Chesterfield Cigarettes Tina OO of 60 a-OC Only a few left Wings; 20 Grand, pkg. ..... 9c 25c "Master" Picture Puzzles Type 15c Good assortment Baby Needs $1.00 Qr Ovaltine $i.00 Horlicki 7C- Malted Milk tJl $120 OQr Lactogen I eJi 75cDextri- CQr Maltose OUl 5c Anti-Colic OCn Nipples 6- LO 15c Miller 9C Nipples 2- DC 15c Hygeia 9C Nipples 2-faJC 15c Faultless A large - vC FREE 5c pkg. Envelopes with every 10c tablet 10c pkg. Envelopes with every 20c tablet olnt Programs Slated at Hills; Scio, Folks En joy Programs 8TAYTON, May 4. Mrs. ft. R. Olds and Mrs. O. T. Korinek are making preparations for observ ance of Music week at BUyton. Mrs. Olds Is ebalrman for tbls district Bellevlnt that there are many people here who enjoy nronn slnglnr, they are arrang ing- for a community "am" which will be held at the cluVl house Thursday night. May 11. at t o'clock. There will be special numbers but for the most part all will be asked to loin In singing the good old songs." There will be songs from the south, war time songs and old favorites. Every church, the school and all organisations are asked to participate. Mrs. W.rJL Callegly and Miss' BoSe Cromy,. Mrs.. Vilas ' Bilyea took a group to ue..nome or Mra,.rrea Bllyeu, where a Spanish program was ; given ander , the direction of Miss Bernlce Jlewhonse ; -' " ' - The EpaalBh tlaaa of the high school aang'f America is "Span iihf Ruby 'Rpsprafka flayed two Spanish plan o; a umbers,; Al Ter- endea sang. A - solo in .Spanish. Lowell Myers played s gutter solo and Edrls .Thayer, and Al Fer- endes did a ? 8panish dance. The first group then went to the JessKrmmX. Rodgers home and another group went to the Bllyeus. The pro gram at Rodgers was an Irish program given by Mr. and Mrs. George . Davenport and Mrs. George Rodgers, Mildred Gardner,-' Geraldlne- Rodgers. Glen Thurston,' Lorena Thurston and Mrs. Glen Thurston. From Rod gers' the different groups went to the Asa Eastbem.bome where a Bohemian program was presented by Frank Kraml,' Emily Nsdvor- nlk. Angelina wesely and Mrs. Tha last heme if be visited was the Bstser residence, where a patriotic program was present ed under direction of Miss Doris Clark. Tuesday night a community sing was held at the home of Mra. Frank GI1L Special numbers were given by Misses Mildred and LaYaun Gardner and Miss Doris Clark. . Thursday night Frank Nadvor nlk presented . a Bohemian . pro gram at the S. O. B. hall. Damage Suit Overt V Auto' Accident' Begun in Portland STATTON, May 4 Cas. Lamp man and family were tn F6rtland Tuesday and Wednesday, where they are engaged with Japanese In a suit, as the result -of an auto accident several months ago. Mr. Lampman and son were re turning from Salem, when their car collided with that of the Jap-: atf se' near the nsylam farm, .Mr. Lampman and son received some severe Injuries. Geo. R. Duncan et this dty Is their attorney. Wilbur Lesley, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lesley left Tuesday for Berkeley, CaL. Where he will eater Padf le . eollege. He expects to take a bualnesa -course. Miss Gladya Weddle U attending Cap Ital Buslnese eollege la Salem. She will make her home while there with her sister, Mrs. Worth Smith. . WALDO HILLS. May 4. Mu le week will be fittingly observ ed In this neighborhood. Both Evergreen and Center View plan Friday programs for that week which will be open for visitors while the former school will of fer a short program each mora ine for nunlls. Tuesday. "May t. tho Wilier a Women's club will sponsor a vis iting neighborhood program at the Waldo Hills clubhouse begin ning at 8 p. m. The committee In charge, Beryl Ottoway, Edith Knlrht and Mrs. D. F. Hlllman, i has incited 10 schools and their neighborhoods to participate in this event. Dancing will follow th uroexam hour. Invitations have been extended to Central Howell. Brush Creek. Evergreen, Willard, Center View. Victor Point. Oak Grove, Oak Ridge. Pratum and McAlpin. SCIO, May 4. National Music week in Scio is being observed wit nrmrTAmi at the different homes. Monday night a group of about 65 or 70 persons gathered at the Baptist church In Scio and after listening to a program presented by Mrs. R. M. Cain, 1 ! Savings Effective May 5, 6 and 8, 1933 SUGAR 10- J fine cane-i- Saturday only Limit FLOUR Hardwheat J A lb a7 Bay how and save I sk.' Lima, for an easy washday, save bars crisp, solid Q eJ for 51 c Fresh FruiU and Vegetable Lettuce crisp, heads TURNIPS 7 (7sp fresh bunches JJ BANANAS ripe, yellow fruit (5(2)17171212 J..; Airway Brand The housewife's favorite Max-l-mnM pore ; cane & maple qt Jug 29 Post-Toasiies eft 2 A fine assortment in cellophane i i fresh & crisp Bay before the I 1 advance in O price pkg. pisAs v No, a cms, Del - O J Monte Early Garden i each PINEAPPLE ? Garden t Jl1 mm m - taii aaa nsaew GALT lfortonw o shaken Crackers N. B. C. Sodas ,b PkS SAHKA senoine coffee that yon ran enjoy 1 lb. can Pancake Flour Max-i-muM for better waffles sac Ig. pkg. , Bath, All Pork Very tasty PIG PORK ROAST Nice and Lean cgc lb. Market reatui Old Fashioned Lunch Meat BALOGNA That good kind. Try It. Ec ea. Swifts Gem SANDWICH SPREAD fa Bnlkt It is very good 2c pt. Freeh HALIBUT To fry or bake E2cJb. BACON SQUARES Dry,, sngav cared Flne to try or seasoning - i haeon ' i c lb. Fresh Dressed Hens. Spring Fry aD Drawn. CHARLIE DUVAL, Market Mgy No. 37162 N. Commer cial. Phone 6169; -No. 661978 N. Capitol Phone 8620 Bare at the following Safeway Stores: We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantities flAOewAes filfrered free No. 519 270 N. Coa merclaL Phone 9432 No. 78 1927 SUU Phone 9485 3 MOOT mi o O O O is Q o a gallon in 5 gallon cant For only $13.70 yoa can paint an average six-room house! And that includes linseed oil and turpentine t I. Zincit cover mora sursca. One gallon puts two coats on full 400 sq. ft. X. It hid 6eer. Two coats hide even blackest black. 3. It UsU longer. Does not chip, pee or blister. 4. It$ easy to mpply. Yoa can do tho job yourself. Coverall House Paint In gallon cans $1.65 BARN PAINT. Save 25 on barn paint too. In 5-gaL (J 1 A( , piuw gai. SCREEN PAINT. One qt. covers) 10 to 12 A ? . screens 00 C qt. BRUSH SPECCIAI. 4 wide, long. 100 Chinese e A A bristles .1 $1UU ea. All Silt Slips w grw With new aA Jnstabl hsaldsr straps ana Imparts bcett Ves I Am nmumeirspiriBag at little naaonre ttlnsum si (Doittoia Msnititress Cool Anklets 19c Foundations 4fH JfSfc Belted or an eked cona leta, cenets er girdles. . De d spreads $J .98 Nw! Heav fly crinkled te aive a An Outstanding Ward Vahe! Imagine getting an Innerspring Mat tress for $8.95! The very same qual ity as many others ask 1t3 more fori With row after row of Premier wire coils for resiliency. Pound upon pound of felted cotton for buoyancy. Deep uniform tufting. And a durable covering of art drill ticking. The kids love 'em! Rayon or cotton. Mickey Moose design. Pore Silk Hose 41c 10k cklf an er service weights sasdest t pes, SLU. Save JLeel IFood! Momiey! ABll-wIhSte Union quilted el feet. 14 by 105 in. Srft ealert. Playsuits 39c Lsng tleeves, l::g!?w Blae sa4 while stripes. - Slaea 1 to S. Drake Lining 9fcup rWo SAIfE Flexl Ue kUlded lining ased ' I Suits 29" Aelandaa. secbentlBJh knJt jjnini aUlafeseed sarala paint. Insnlated with inner lining of steel moisture i oof. Kept airtight by. Vyin. Sanifelt grooved into outer frame. . Extra large ice door opening. Save Fe4 No waste from spoilage. Tinned wire shelves and white enameled food space are easy to clean sanitary. Save Money leas thsn even last vest's low price. ell mi Je throughout, it will last for years. Boys' Dloases Katflf worth a feavth saarel Plain, f aorv Weod nv 1 style. and yen sava at Ward's. SI IBattiteB'y Guaranteed 18 Months Stessos lew as Spark Pings 42 eoca ast4 Bar a SET efRlTenides cylinders spark alike. s4' 3aw S3 M lt as lag this great has lory iu lewd ed by Ward's B areas el StanA tds.U.lSandlT pints slasa If all ana Teste J to withstand 400 lbs. pnssurel JLawnn HHose $-065 2) 30 Feet Bailt like s card tire, it wears. Sen won't crack it aor stones cat iL Seamless issir base is covered with tenia cord. Cerraiated rub her tread la val-eaniaeA Wnrd'a Skips 4S TeaU akew Skips te he ene el the t tenaia abeas In Ai Lawn Seed CQc Firm. Otuckresohj from tbls last germin ating mb tare. No tim et yt alt Auto Greases Use R1rmnSJl Sere 33' lb. Far High Prae AH awe CrTs lb. Cay Grease --.4!l. lh. ITe tE- Steel Cs&nod IKaimiilbleir (Dill kCvu Yow Oil Bill H ESV2CC- .Ion ton eledreel ehresae gsrfoW Bee -al At Til, v I .ti? eylvssna etaisv Santa grade b T fasest- J Lttm My LESS COST Than to Repair and Grind Your OldOnel Lawn Mower 0 4i 45 Wnter 53.95 Ranning wo lar for a lew cents daily. A ate malic I Klectrlel For ahallew walla. Systen Casy ranning. can ajaloS m ore ror lor yen tan yew bav adae w b e r e . IMav wkeela. 4 s e 1 1 ahsrpenlng blades. Cats a lesa 144neh ch. SaU-aaJsnw ball Atlas noollnfl (aeveaff) Wear ahoWl IS Tear la Rain can's leak then. Easy telsyl H 1 ... 275 N. Liberty St Phtaixa 8774 2 j; -. ! -