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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1933)
PAGE ftFtvm NT T-e -7 'IT'1 The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday horning. May 5, 1953 - r I Hr.v II If vi If ill' 'X Jir A I t if t Mil i I L "VAJ-i-w 1 At I II' J I t . - V . .t ' ... " if 1 W : V (I ' 7 J i, F Si IV I 1 T t' i ;i - v t -i T m m -Business Directory Cards in lina dirucuu-y run an monthly i basis wily. Rat i L00 pr Una pr month. AUTO BRAKES Kike PanelC tha braka and shimmy doctor. 17 6 Booth Commory'.al Street. CATERING Burt Crary. tha caterer. Ph. 8753. U CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. W. E- Northweea. CHIROPRACTpRS DR. a I SCOTTT, rsc. Chiropractor. 358 N. High. Tel Ren 8573. - DRESSMAKING Dressmaking In your bofcw. Sap. 12.60 day. Copy pictures, Tel.T984. FLORISTS COT flo era, wedding bourruota- fun eral wreaths, oecorauona. vi. m. - hanpt, florist. 7T Court. TeL 8904. ALL kind of floral work. Luts Flor ist. lth A Market. Tel. 9893. GLASS Ante sad window glass mirrors. TaL 106. Walter J. Lwwna, cmy nrey INSURANCE BECKS a IIS N. High HENDRICKS Tel. 4S4T COF-FBY-SMITH. gen. Ina Tel. MM. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . TOT WELDER LAUNDRY lfl R, Hlch Tel. 111! CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Teleohone ll 124 Broadway f; LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "Tha Cycle Man" MATTRESSES UiitnuM from factory to borne. Spring mattress It-00. Renovators and Run cleaned. Capital Bea ding Co. Tel. 404. 00 N. Capitol. New mattress made to order, old remade J carpet cleaning, aizlng; fluff rug weaving, saiem r ran mi m v IrZm Futorr. R 13th A Wilbur. TeL 1141. Otto F. Zwlcker. Eet 11L .MUSIC STORES ni-fi c wiLI.pianbs. radios, sew- mkinu sheet music and plaao studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing macninea sum oi"". Salem. ) &1USIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lessons for anything I can use. Storhow, 4S0 Court. MEDICINE n. nun Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday snd Friday, 10:30 am to 4:30 P. m. 14S W. PAINT AND ROOFING Hnlem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING mo uTiTiDN F.RY. ear da. - pan nph- t.t. nmm-amL books or any kind of nrintir.e. call The Statesman Printing Lenartment. 215 a Commercial. Tele- phone 91 PL PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT u r n.nuni. income Tax Reports, s-S'i.ta. itoiT N. Com'L Tel 3030 or 6247. REAL ESTATE BECKB A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. m ii r-nlBflMHORST ft CQ. iti a r.iwt St. TeL 4l- evAtonKV A BON 304-5 First Naf L Bk. Bldg. TeL TI07. STOVES rmvri -nd stove repairing. Steves "virrr rnird. aii kinds of woven wire nj ' xr 4774. R. R Fleming, TRANSFER . - nlTT TnUlftf Co. 330 o TU. 1 7 7 A W-trtb. or- -JTmV and v storage our speciaKy. Get our ratoA " ..... i..t transfer storage, earsilirmeT Transfer Co. Trucks to Portlana ar.i fH WELL DRILLING n a. west. 30 years experience. RFD V Bo - ft-TL llOFl. MrGrit . Debut; It's Sc MONMOUTH, May 4 A train ing sehool " prtnted," aa-wapaper, MO'GRIT, compiled and edited ky - children of the tiro i training choola ot tha Oregon ' Normal grliooH Monmoatb Independence, ' Rickreall, Greenwood and Oak Ti-t madm its first appearaneo this week. It haa tour threa-ooi- amn pages,' with heaaunea, Newa items trom the.jweral aehoola suro aigaed by the yoatk- fnl composers. Tha name, Mo'Grit, 'la made from the initial letters of tha flvo schools.' Helen Hutch inson of Monmouth Is editor ; as- aiatants are Mary Barbara God trey. Independence; Mary Oliver, Rlckreall; and :. Dean Smith, hool Paper . Creeawood ' Statesman ; Classified Ads - Call 9101 ... (--- .. - - ' ; . ' Classified Advertising? Single Insertion per llae.lOe Tkre luwtloa Pr Hat .............. Stta Six insartiom per Ua. .SOc On month par Une..fl.0t Minimum eharxa ......tit Copy for Uli pin se eepted until 6:30 tha tb Jns before puhllcattoa tor elatalfieatloa. Copj re ceived after this time will be ma under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman aaeamee no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear tn advertisements pao llsbed In Its columaa, and In eases where thta paper la at faalt will reprint that part of an adrertieemeni In which tha ' typographical mistake occars. The Statesman, rassrrae the right to reject ebee Uoaal adrertlsing. It far ther reserves tha right ta classify all advertising un der tha proper classification. SITUATIONS WANTED Eib. dre8makin)r in your home, li.50 day. Copy pictnres. Tel. 78. FOR SALE Miscellaneoua Fresh crabs now at F1dlera stand. Intersection SUrerton-Portland road. Fertilizer for sale. Phone 7831. Inspected Marshall strawberry plants $3.50 per thousand. Terminal Ice and Cold Storage. Seed Potatoes. Netted Gems, Bur- bank. "H. A. Hjde Co., 2898 Portland Road. Tel. S39S. Small dano boxes: ideal for brood ers. Limited number. 1.00 each. Tall man's. 395 S. 12th. Oats and vetch hay. TeL 7F33. Moving to country, have large, al most new sraoothtop gas range in fine shape to trade for good sized electric range. TeL 6152. 60 to 75 well bred Aiurora. sroats. 11.09 per head. At my farm miles east of Hubbard. M. G. Smith, Rt, S, Canby, Oregon. For sale good Indian 4 motorcycle very cheap. 191'S Fir St. For sale, sandy loam for lawn and nowers. 14T N. Firth. Good cow. fresh soon. TeL C000. For sale, fertilfeer. Ph. 8333. TRADE Miscellaneous Will trade nearly new L. A H. elec tric range for good wood range. Phone ! indepenfH'nce 145-M. MISCELLANEOUS Best hah- cut Adults 30c child. 15c. Two blocks a. or library. S. winter. Permanent ware, 50c, Beauty Maid Shoo. Over Steuslofr Mkt TeL 4484. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porch, 1577 Court St. Tel. 4857. ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladies. Closs tn. i TeL 3678. 59J Court St. Board, room. 120.00. near P. O. 5482. Comfy rms. Board optnL TeL 0769. Large, well furnished room, and board. Tel. 4 37R. FOR RENT APARTMENTS VwMWwVVwVWWwwVVWWB--"rrVsse Pattoa partmentav--oowntown. Call Patton ook utwr. Fur. I R. apt, 3211 HateL TeL 76C4. SiwMeeisi Mod. st heated spta TeL 3490. Furn. apartment. 1040 Leslie. For rent furnished 3 room bunga low, 1218 Chemeketa St Lovely fur. 3-r. apt 1380 Center. Neat. 2 R. apt 255 Center. TeL 3283. Nlco furn: apt. 058 Center. Furn. duplex apt 440 Union. sjTjxrsXsj'uitii'sj'Vs -sihir Duplex apt. 0S1 N. Winter. 3 R. furn. duplex. garage, $12.00. 1115 Jefferson. Will consider a "SLOW" FIRST I mortgage of anDroximately 3100O. for equity In 8 room home well rented. Box 192, care statesman. V v furn. 3-room apt., heat and garage. 1938 Chemeketa. -Phone $883. Newly furn. apts., 457 S. Com L Apt. 812 00. 897 N. Coral FOR RENT HOUSES uni ad snfura. housea R. Forkser. 1010 M. Cottagw. TeL 803L 8 rooms 8100. TeL 7104. House, close In, 255 Division. I rLiWATinrwr.Miiri-i-i ' -'--r--r-A- For rent. ? room house, near state house. Phone 8742. 1830 N. 17th, 3 bedrooms, modern; aca. SPomar-lr? 1 SSS V list 1 bed- rooms, modern: 1450 N. 19th ft. 3 bedrooms, modern; 1145 Hood St, 4 bedroom a P. H. Bell, 225 Oregon Building. Phone 8903. innn n nrinnnnf.irrii"ri Furn. home. Imnte. Tos. 795 W. 17tn. FOR SALE Real EsUta S aeres 1 ml. from Salem, nrnan no , barn. well, tence sae a own. 10 acres 1 mi. from Salem, good eon, aU a cultivation. 31500. $100 do n. 1 A. close to Salem, old house, garage, welL pump. 3 acres orchard. 9800. 1 9 A. on macaaam iwo, m ruun u c, barn, chicken house. A bargain at .. . . .'. H-ln J on n son v . at. nsnnmjiui i 271 State Street Phone $798. If you want to soy. sell or exchange anything see Oeneral Excl-tnge, 838 hi. Cominerclal St. - XIf-WT?T.r. VWAIHTK BARGAIN dt cre fair house, barn and poul try house. Lota of fine timber, price reduced to 32350 $300.00 down, bal ance easy terms. . SEB HAWKTXS OBEBTt For Farm Bawsnlnn WEST HOUB BUY 8-R. modern house, .basement, fur nace, hardwood noora, rirepiace. iaa dy 'location. Only $2750 $250 down. JAS. 0. SESARS, REALTOJt . 183 South High Street FOR SALE Real Estate Dont build until yon ea tha two fine lots all In cherries, pears and ap ple, run bearing, ona mock soutn Leslie Junior hish achooL nice view. level lota, Cvxixo each. Sell Ona or both cheap, easy payments. Owner, 7f S Rural Avenue, phone S5 B room modern heuas, Jf9l N. 18th priced very reasonable. Tel t7t. GOOD BUT IN SMALL. ACREAGE 2 aerea not far out on good road, electric lights, mail, and gas service available, drove well, chicken eoopa for 308 hens. Part lumber on "ground for email house. Price 9850. cash ISO, baL 110 per month at InL CHILDS tc MILLER, Realtors S44 State Street -- Phone 1701 "tuw- sel - H. ln. tseWjaWesawaaoseeWiiaajsnrfsfcgsj EXTRA SPECIAL Distant owner offers fine modern home well located hv walking- distance to businese district. . S nice rooms, beautiful lawn and shrubs. Price for short time only 450. Reasonable terms. .... SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Salem. Oregon. EXCHANGE -Real Estate To trade for Willamette aiier age or farm property, a chicken ranch of 4 a. I acre lemons. 1200 hens. All equipment. Good buildings. Free water. Located In Ventura county. Cat Clear for clear. General Exchange. 128 N. Commercial St . TOH EXCHANGE 1000 mortsnfa on fim few miles out and a 4 room Salem res- rnencv twum ax 17&0. Will exchange both for 5 or I room residence of even va ii;,ir,rrnJl11 acreage near Salem. .,iCJF2. MLfcR. Realtors 1 4 State Street Phona CTAt " ' " -i-i -in.n.i ji.i SPECIAL COAST FARM EXCHANGE iiimruvea v a. on market road, with f room bungalow, 25 A. in cult, bal. timber and pasture, fair barn, water piped from spring to bldgs. and yard. This farm can be sold at 13000. some z WI" consiaer I to s A. sub-Jl?- m change. See Geo. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. m REALTORS 114 8. Liberty. Phone 48. FOR SALE FARMS ......... rnl f fun SALE OR TRADE Good Tillamook Co. dairy ranch, will accept well improved tract of or more acres near Salem free from incumbrance as part payment Easv terms on balance. Inquire or write Rt 6, Box 148 D, one mile east state hos pitaL IDEAL DAIRY ANT imp pivra t.ii0 in -"-Me, 100 A. tine hop land. baL pasture and timber. 8 rm mod. house, dairy barn. 80x100. 50x75 5a5n- Cash and terms. For fur ther details and other good buys. SEE . - VAN M. GREER 214 Ore. Bldg. TeL 7533. ACREAGE TWO REST TITTVH This S-acre claca la nHri fiAn f value. 4-R. ciast tmiiu hoh i. electria lights, and water system, lrg. t ' "UUBC an" gooa Darn. Family orchard, and about 1-A. filberts. (Close In), nrlrwd ISSSft in so Better think It over. 98 -A. 15-A. HOPS This slam la vnrtli K - - ... j Vu uui. msv you reartv w. nt v. TW- , . . i 1 CLUULJ. -R. house. baaemAtir futK k. silos, hop house, warehouse, baler. 05 A-good hop land. 25-A. timber and pasture. 15-A. hops, will oar nt th. SilSi iLpr?Per,,y hndled. Price only 90fl " sll. (no trade). Jaa D. Sears, Realtor. 133 a High St 44 acres, about 10 Arra In ms1 in mediate po4wession SomA extra good place for berries. Any reas onable trade considered. v H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bide. t.i LIVESTOCK and POULTRY SURPLUS BART f'HIi'yq rifice prices Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargains. Custom hatch ing. Hatching egga phone issm Lees Hatchery. Salem. Oreron. Custom hatching, 60S eggs at 1H every Saturday and Tuesday. Tel. t ubvu uatcnery. Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry com pany. 25$ K. Miller. Business Opportunities i l0000iiil f Cafe for rnt, 897 N. - -"WVui Com'l. MONEY TO LOAN Borrow on personal Drorjertv- ram. In monthly lnstallmenta WILLAM. ETTH LOAN CO- State Ho. S-lCf. 605 uuaraiaa ztiag. xsi. H I I. --""'"---" n-i-k-i-ii -h-ii-i." n i n.i PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS bTAIB LOAN COMPANY 313 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hra 10:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Telephone 7783. State license No. 8-145. 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that is really really different YOU GET THE FULZ AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan eSociety Or SALEM ; Boom 113 New Bligh Bldg. Snd Floor LICKNS-D BY STATS 111 State Street TeL a-4-e. AWtssssBkis4eswais PkiRSONAL LOANS MAD83 an furnltnre, cars. salaries or other wood security. Repayable monthly. When la fins net si need see us Before erasing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION , First National Bank Bldg. Phone till MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to redoes your payments Too keep the ear P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phono 4733 Salem. Ore POLLY AND HER V fc XTH' HECK WITH A RZVyARDi 5 1 C yaay VtXI V SLTTTlN-y susia.Tl I (TsMtrtS 1 1 (mistah ASrtST"1 ""j3CCCE' LWHILB WrerAfTW', r MADE ASHy CvVB CAhiT AFP0RD J V XJWH KM TVSfJ J' ' ssWssVsisSaassweswsJjessaass GUAR AN TEED -' ORT . Tel. ISO SsJem fuel Oa. Trade A oLpauace. Ash. fir and oak, Tel. fill. Dry oak, 4 ft. 14.00. TeL 1701. No. 1 dry old fir, $5.00. Tel SITS. I Sixteen Inch second fir 13.10 load at Tracy's. Phono S9IC Per! Old fir dry and green $4.00 and up. mone 3C7I. Ash and fir, Judd. Phone 21F14. Dry wood 14 cord. TeL C4S0. Old fir It". 14-. TeL 0740. LOST AND FOUND - LOST Lady's Hamilton watch. No. Reward. Phone 811. FOR SALE USED CARS SEB Bill and Bob Used Car Exchange tor your used car. 42 Chemeketa Terms Trade Open Evenings and Sunday McKAYS USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 120 Ford Coune : 3120.00 l$tt Chrysler Sedan , 131.00 1020 Ford Roadster , 145.00 lt8 Durant Sedan 245.00 1920 Ford Coupe , 34S.00 1!1 Ford Pickup , . tOS.OO 1981 Chevrolet Coach , 341.00 1920 Eulck Sedan - 385.00 1W3 Chevrolet De Luxe Coach 495.00 TERMS TRADES Open eventngs and Sondaya McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phone 3180 430 N. ComX BORREGO'S SPECIALS 1928 Bulck Sedan (Std.) 1SS0 Chev. Coach A-l 1920 Ford Coach. like new .$215 ! i s ora coupe 150 1929 Pontlac Sedan . 1920 Ford Coupe ; 1929 Ford A Chev. Trucks MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS 375 45 240 No. Liberty St. Phoee 8488 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF 8AJLE On Saturday the 6th day of May, 1933, at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door of the Court House, in Salem, I will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and Interest of the within named de fendants in and to the following described real property situated in Marlon County, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 290 feet -Easterly from tha point of in tersection of the South line of Hood Street with tha West lint of McCoy Avenue In tha City of Salem, Marion Coun ty, Oregon, on an Easterly ex tentlon of said South Una of Hood Street from said begin ning point, and extending thence Easterly on tha aama line to tha Westerly line of tbe property of the S. P. Rail road Company; thence South erly along tha Westerly lina of the Railroad property to a line IT feet Southerly from and parallel with the North line above described; thence Westerly along aald last de scribed line to a lina 299 feet Easterly from and parallel with tha Westerly line of Mc Coy Avenue; thence North erly parallel with McCoy Ave nue 17 feet to the place of beginning. This sale Is made by virtue of an execution foreclosure and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for Marlon Coanty, to ma directed in tha case of Mutual 8arings and Loan Association, a corporation. Plaintiff vs. Nellie S. Woolery. Karl C. Becke, and Helen Lovell Becke, his wife. Defendants. A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion County. Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON. Deputy. A 7-14-21-28 M 5 LATEST CAP v, t m ri . ..- ktf . , W ww, W , 1,1 IWII J' WW W . MUPi BHiuiKt mm w wr uwar nan am (wvsj i tn lnokr nfbsw a din fn Dm lirfnw.l AU sho Im to do is t follow thai aacajnpta af Mary Carlisle, beswtsV uatumatrwaa,wWiahowmwwar-' Sstg tha saw eeUXure bathirjr cap. axaue ox una ruooer, uus swurunxsx headgear is designed to look lika v nair PALS ;v:vwK:':'lB. Ta . -&y -. h : , fjtfVi: ;-. P iiisj KEI IBS 1033 4 NEW YORK. May 4 (AP) Stocks entered the thirl week of their laflatIon market, today; with tha appetite for equities still unsatisfied and prices rolled high er after a. lttUa early unsettle- ment. . ' ThXandard statistics-Assoc la- ted Press Industrial arerage made a new 1933 high. vhUa tha 90 stock oompoalta did likewise. TJ. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Toangs- town. -National and Republic Steels Improved fractions ta a couple of "points. General Motors was up 2 while gains for Dn Pont and Allied Chemical were mora than I. Standard Oil of New Jer sey was up 2 , Texas corp near ly 3 aad Standard or California Rubber Issues were strong. American Telephone closed -1 points Above par for a net gain ot 16. Pillsbury flour, achieving distinction by virtue of an In crease la the Quarterly dividend to 28 eenta from 15, made a new high for tha year. Turnover t o t a 1 e d 4,596,517 shares. O O I Bits for Breakfast ! o o (Con tinned from Page 4) often visits in Salem, and is due 1 here for a promised visit now. S It should be explained that the destruction of tha venerable and historic tree that was the occas ion of this aeries was necessitated by tha fact that it was diseased and dying at its roots, and was therefore becoming dangerous. Too much paving in Its vicinity robbed its roots of the water nec essary to Keep it in neaitn ana growing Just as has happened and Is happening to other land marks of the kind In and near the reading business district of Sa lem, as in other cities. e The occasion for the removal of tha woman a college building from that corner was the erection of tha R. S. Wallace residence that formerly stood there, and gave way to the service station structures. The old. 'Wallace house still stands, at a new location a few blocks away. S e The 87-year-old maple was al most five feet through near the ground, and its height and limb spread made it a veritable giant, and, in Its prime, a beautiful, symmetrical grolxh. It la interesting to note that, when tha old woman's college building was moved away from that corner, tha contract was let to "Deacon" Hatch, and that among his assistants ware John Farrar, Ray Gilbert and Milton L. Meyers. Mr. Farrar is postmas ter, Mr. Gilbert works for the state highway department, at the shops near tha penitentiary, and Mr. Meyers is still active here and they ara all handsome young sters yet and young In years, compared to tha pioneers who knew tha historic tree when it was in Us twigshlp or its middle lite. S V Additional matter about some historic trees of Salem will fol low. (Continued tomorrow.) Radio Program FRIDAY, MAT 6 KOW ForUand 620 Bc ;00 Morning Parsds. NBQ. T:20 Moralag Parade. SBO. e:x veokaae school. 9:45 Orcea eeneert. NBC. 10:80 Weaaaa's Maraztas of Us Air. HBO. 11:45 Tlve Cards, KBC. :i wtern jrarm and Horns hoar. KBO. 13:4$ O. M. Plosuner. S:20 Prisnely Chat. 4:00 Musis Roea. KBC. 6:80 Armour hoar, NEC. 7:00 Amos 'a' Andy. NBC. 0:00 Owyafl Jones. NBC. 0:49 Paid Oarse. NBC. 10:80 Aasoa Wseks' orchestra. NB0. 11:00 Tail Harris' orchestra, NBC. rxTV Portland 040 Ke. 6:90 KOLsI Kiosk. 0:80 Bottr Oroeker. 30 MarU, Li Oh Trench Prlaceae CB8 itso ttooa o lAlt. aO fssaiai-a fsnciei. DLBS. - :SO Edwia C. HillCB-. 8:00 Redding White, tsaer. 9:00 Band Box Rema. E.T. 10:05 Fie Bite's orchestra, BLBt. ie:is Wport Hashes. 1$:S0 Cafs ds Paris, DLBS. KOAC Corvslhs 860 Ke. T00 Moraine MadiUtions. led by Rer. rrs st. Morrow. 8:00 Morning concert. 0 :00 Uacle Baa at Year Barrios. 9:15 Masie Appreciation, sa illeeteetsd leerere eoersa br nrre AraaMd. 11:20 Dr. 1L K. KsUon "femt Rehef 1 LsgisUtiea." f O Dr. a. JT. WsMe "PresUsrsg Vsrtstise of Small yralts." f :4a Buiaae Inttitnts et the Air . ad erase by Prof. J. Llevd Ls- T. ,V H 1 "Charity Bcstot at Ibfiu" 80 CEOTS?IS RM HIODUCE IS STEADY Exchange Closes- 72 76 ; Demand From Millers Active CHICAGO," May 4. A strong pward movement of grain prices developed special energy lata to day owing to belief than an ad dress by President Roosevelt to night would prova constructive. . . Th rise carried wheat for the first time la a long while to with in balling hlstance of 89 cents a bushel here. No. 2 red wheat sold at 78 cents spot cash with de mand extremely active from mill- era. Futures deliveries were stim ulated by persistent speculative purchasing attributed largely to Inflation and to proposed novel methods of tha department of ag riculture under the new farm bill. Wheat closed firm above yesterday's finish, corn -H ad raaced. oats off to up. Today's' closing Quotations: Wheat May, 72 M; Jaly 73 74; September, 74-4; Decem ber. T5,-. Corn May, 38; July 41 tt; September, 42; December, 44. Oats May, 24; July, 24 25; September. 29; December, 27-. General Markets YaODTJCE EXCBAXOB PORTLAND. Ors, Mar A (AP) rroaucs escusnre. set prices: Batter Extras 2e. stsndares 22 He, prims firsts aaise, iirsts zie. jeggs rresk extras lSe. m leaiams 10c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Wheat Open May, new 59 Mar. old 59 hi July 82 Msy 4. (AP) Hifh Low Cleee 58 V. 6tt SI 5H 59 50 0244 S3 62 tpl 41 V4 OS 63 Cash wheat Ko. 1 Biar Bnd blneati 67 ; dark hard winter, 12 per cent 67, 11 par reel 63; soft white, hard wia- ter ov; nerthern spring, weitera whits. weern rj aej. Oats Ko. 2 white 924. Corn Xo.'2E yellow $20.75 MUlrua standard $19.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- Mav A (AP) "er prints, extras 35c, standards -'c. Butterfat Portleed deliTerr. "A" grade 23e pound. i-tZ Pseifis Pooltrr Prodocers' sell inr prices: Orarsiia 17c. extras 16c mix ed colors 15c, mediums 15c. Baying price oi wDoieiaiers: r resn enrreat receipts. 56 pouaes saa up ls-ise aesem. Country meata Selling price te retail ers: Coaatiy-killed hora, beat butchers, under 150 pwuads, 5 -6 ; reelers. SO to 1U0 pouai, 6-7e: soring lambs 1415c. yeerlinct 10-lle, hear ewes 3 -4c, eaaaer cows z -sc. Dulls -c SnU Oreron walnuts 13 18s pound. peaaets lue. Ursula II He. etaieeda 1S- lee. bitteru 20 22a, seeaas 30s. Caseara bark Bur is erica 1032 8-8 He pound. flops, nominal. IVia. 40-50e, Lira noultrr Hurras ones: Beati neat, coiared. 4 pounds iz-l3e; e me a mat io-ne; lights lo-llc: springs. ugat. i pounds up 11 lie; ducks, Pe kia broiises 18-19e, old 12e. colored 10c Vnions Selling price to retailors: Ur goa OOe-11.10 cental. Yskisaa Spaalsh 75 35e crate. New aieas, Teaas Bermudas $2.30 so-pound crate. rotatoee locsL SS-TSe oraare boa Deschutes Gems $1.50-1.60; do Bakers SI. 75. Yekisae Gems 8L25-1.40. ew ptatMM Texas 4-Se. Calif ce nts white $1.50 lug. strawberries fcacrameato 34s 81.85. t reino 20s f 1.25-1.40. Wool 1933 dip. nominal: Willamette Talier 1012s pound, setters Oregon 14 170. Mohair Nominal boring price. 1993 clip. 6c. liar Baring price from producer Alfalfa 314-15. clor.r $11. eastern Ore- on timothy $14.50-15. eete aad retch 114 D Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. May 4. (AP) Cattle Receipts 50, calves 10; euaubly Stesdy. "' Mteers. 550 te 900 pouada. good $5.25 8.50. medium 84-C2S: WOO to 1100 pounda. good $5.35-5.50. medium $4 4.25; 1100 te 1SOO pounds, good 4.5t 6.25. medium $3.50-4.50. lie if era, 650 te 750 pounds, good $4.25 6, common-medium $8.25-4.26: 760 te 000 pouada, good-choice $4.25-5, eommon- medium $3.50-4.3j. Cows, good 13.50-4, common-medium $2.50-8.60. low cutter and cutter $1-2.50. Bulls, yearlings ex cluded, good (beef) 82.50-8. cutter-medi um $1.50-2.50. Teal a, good-choice $4-6, J medium $4.25-5, cull-common $2.50-4.26. Calves, 850 te 500 pounds, good-ekolee $4-5, common-medium $2-4. Hogs Receipts 400; slew, weak ten dency. Light tight, 140 te 160 pounds, rood choice. t3.50-4.50. Lightweight, 160 to 180 ponads. $4.33-4.60; 180 to 20O pounds. $ 4.35-4 AO. Mediant weight, 300 te 220 poinds. $3.85-4.60; 320 to 260 pounds. 83.75-4.85. Hoevyureeckt. 250 to 200 pomade. 83A0-4.IS; 300 to 850 pounds. 63.25-4. Psektag sows, 375 to 360 pea-da. nm4 88.36-8.85, 850 to 425 pounds 3325-3.75. 42S te 850 pewede 33.25 3.76: 878 te 650 pouada, medium $8-8.60. Feeder sad eteeker pigs, $0 to 180 pea-da. ned-eboiee 3X.76-8.T6. - Sheep sad Umbo Aeceipts 100; steady to firm. Spring lambs, choice $6.60. good 86 6.50. medium $4-A Lambs. 00 pounds down.- goed-ebetee 34-25-4.76, common medium $8-4.85; 00 to 08 pounds, good choice $4-4.64. Tearliag wethers, 80 te 110 peuada, fmed-eaoiee $2 3.50, modi a 83-8. X wee. SO to 120 eeeeia geod choice 93.86-3.80. 330 to tie pounds $t 2.5a; aQ weights, eemmen media $12. ' Business Man." 8:80 Interesting Objects ha the Sky Br. W. B. Anderson. 8:45 Albany high school program. Salem Mar feets ' Grade B raw A milk, ca-op pool price, ai23 per hnndred. 8TpIna 95c '- (Milk Used en ecaal-nieat-lf baiterfel average.) BaUerf at Top 2 2 c. prints 24r,-mbe 23 He. Prices paid te gswartrs by Bslem beyore . May (The prieee below, sepehed 'si a leeal grocer, ere indicative el the dait market bal ere nee guaranteed by Tbe Stataamss ) ratXTT AJTD TEOtTAaVUSa Striag beeaa lb. wa. ' .11 Articiekee, dev. - .00 Radishes, leeal. dos. - .20 Asparagus, local, dot. ' ' Cabbage, lb. ' , , 084 Orcee peppers. Cslif.. lb. US Pa Califs lb. 04 Cabbage, lb. .00 Uaieea. Oca. ha nc fees .20 PoUtoee, Yakima No. 3 1.3$ .LOO te 1.25 4.7$ Leeal Florida, new 8wee pots tees, crate . .1.50 .2.00 to 2.75 Ontces. Lsbish. ewt. Rhubarb, local : Celery. Caltl. crate .8$ .01 2.2 8.00 Mexican Tomatoes Apples inetapa. fancy 9 l-40 .00 1.45 1.2$ .1.60 to 1.85 .8.00 to 4.00 Extra fancy Newtowna, fsaey Extra fsaey Cauliflower. CaliL, crats . Orsnres. P p. fancy Calif., dee. .70 .50 Turnip, local, dot. Spinach, local, crate Bananaa lb. oa stock .75 to 1.00 .05 Hands .05 Strawberries. Fresno. 20s ..1.9S Celery hesrts, dos. .90 .60 Huatara greens Cucumbers .00 to 1.40 .20 to .SQ Pineapple, retail aora Top. 1032, Th. .40 JO Top, 1P31, lb. sooa Buying Prices Extras . .13 .12 .11 M .11 .00 08 .10 eUaadsrds Mediums .. POULTAY Old roosters - Colored heas Mediums hens - Light bens. Springs MXAT 1939 spring lambs Lamb a. top , Hogs, top First cots Steers Oews Heifers 6.00 5.00 4.25 4.00 te .04 te .02 to .03 to .01 AS CO .04 .01 .02 .02 Bulls Dressed vesL top Dressed bore OZUaXBT AAD HAY Wheat, western red .63 White. No. 1 .65 Bsrlsy. top. ton 16.00 te 20.00 Osts. tea 20.00 to 25.00 Mty. buying eric Osts and vetch, tea Alfalfa, valley, lat eui. Esttera Oregon , 15.00 15.00 16 JO Clever hay 12 00 te 14.00 WOOl, Medium Coarse .13 .10 .03 .01 .04 Mohair CASCAKA BARK Green, lb. Dry. lb. Stocks and Bonds (Copyricht 1933. Standard Statistics Co.) MAY 4 STOCK aVXBAGES 50 20 0 00 tnd'ls RK'i 72.4 86.2 Ct's Total 83.5 68.7 82.4 66.8 Today Previeua day Week nge Year age 8 yean are . High 1933 Low 1033 High 1912 low 1032 . 70.1 . 64.7 . 43.5 .177.2 . 72.4 . 42.8 ti.8 . 35.1 35.0 S0.8 74.1 St.t 76.S 45.6 19.8 127.1 246.4 181.4 36.5 95.3 68.7 21.5 61.5 30.8 111.0 18.3 51. 9 48.0 78.9 35.0 BOND AVEXAOBS 20 20 Iad'ls KR's 20 l!fs 76.6 76.2 75.8 60 Tot si 60.4 60.8 Today Previous day Week age Year age 3 years age High 1938 Low 1933 High 1933 . Low 1032 65.8 66.3 . 63.2 , 62.6 . 67.0 . 94.0 . 66.1 . 58.3 . 71.8 . 53.3 65.0 61.0 58.4 106.5 66.8 57.0 70.0 47.4 66.7 64.1 76.1 99.5 100.0 S5.5 73.0 74.1 6S.6 86.3 78.1 70.9 57.$ New 1933 high. notice op APTOnrrsrEvr of EXECUTRIX Notice ls hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pelated by the County Court of the State of Oregaa for the conn ty at Marlon, aa executrix of the last will and testament and estate ot Susan McMnnn. deceased, and that she has duly qualified sack, executrix; all persona having claims against the estate of said decadent are hereby notified ta present the same, daly verified, to ate. Salem. XL, F. D. 8, Marlon Coanty, Oregon, within six months front the date of- this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this lltk day of April. 1933. ELLA McMUNN. Executrix et the last will and tes tament and estate of Susan Me Munn, deceased. R. J. HENDRICKS, Attorney for Executrix, galem, Oregon. A-14-21-2X-M-I-18 Frank S. Wilton, football coah ai Miami a-draralty la Ohio, baa named kia son Glean Warner Wil ton la honor ot his old Staaford coach, "Pop" Warner. BY;WHET: TO HIGHER Scarcity of Asparagus Forces Prices up; Butter is Steady PORTLAND. May 4. (AP) 1 While there hag been an increase in local manufacture of batter ; daring the last few days, total of-' ferings here were not greater if aa liberal as even last week. While there was no acute shortage of batter in the local trade, scram ble for needs continued with prices well maintained an tha open market. Lata session et tta produce exchange wag without price changes. Butterfat values have held along with sustained prices on hatter. Market tor. eggs was showing a steady tone at least with a gradu al clearing at tha situation. How ever, undergrade were still af fecting sales upon the Immediate home market. - There was a good demand for live chickens locally with a short age along tha coast. There ap pears no foundation tor tha recent cutting of bids here. Demand for country killed heavyweight calves was aided somewhat by tbe price at 4-5c lb. while there remains a rather slow ton a for the better staff at - 7c . top. to irket for dressed hogs and for us was holding Quite well here with practically no change, in price tor tbe day. Quality spring lambs were la small offering. Beef call was good. Higher prices have been forced on northwest asparagus here as a reeult of the extreme scarcity caused by the cool weather. Mid Columbia sections were enable to fill more than a small portion of the calL Demand Strong,' Medium Quality Domestic Wools BOSTON. May 4 -CAP) De mand for medium quality domes tic wools was strong at advanced prices. In territory lines sales have been closed at 48-59 scoured basis for strictly combing 58s and at 43-45 for strictly combing 48. 60s. A few lots et strictly, comb ing 56s and 48, 50s, Ohio and similar fleeces have been sold al 23-24 in the grease which esti mated on a scoured basis at 43 45 for 58s and 40-43 for 48. 50s. Los Angeles People Locate Near Albanj SUVER, May 4. Mr. and Mrs Fred Gennteman of Los Angeles who have been spending the past three weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lamb an family of Saver, are moving t a farm near Albany. They ar both natives ot this vicinity ape moved te California about thret years, ago. Bill Thomas, promising pitehci on the staff of the Indianapolis In dians, conditioned himself for th season by shoveling dirt at 81.54 a day at the Tribe's stadium. AIDE TO HULL i William C BaUtt, ef Ffcfodefoala, wkose actlvitisa abroad few enoittM ago inadal-aa aa taUrna tiosl BByitetT anaa, who has beea appointed by Pranidect Kooserell aa gpeeial assistant to Seswtarref State HoO. Bullitt was aa assistant ta tha StaU Depaxtmeat ta 1917 1918. ' Us was also aa attache to the Aaeerleaa peace tiimiiiliiing In 181S-1919. By CLIFF STERRETl r y nil i sf" ' "JSjr ; ."A ' i , t S J si