The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1933, Page 13, Image 13

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    Th OREGON STATESMAN. Saien. Oregon, Friday Morning, Blay 5, 1933 -
Ifocal News Briefs
- Accident Victims Recover The
four persons remaining la Salem
t a
yespiiais yesieruay as ibb reami
of automobile accidents here Mon-
day and Wednesday all vera re-
covering . satisfactorily from their
injuries, it was reportea. xienuj
Gray of Portland, who suffered a
fraeturefl neck vertebrae as a re
sult of the double crash Monday
was placed In a cast but his con
dition was good. Mrs. o. v. Keiiy,
route eight, who Wednesday suf-
- . i,mVm .nlUrhnnii rnntln.
Tied "resting fine". Willamette
sanitarium attendants announced.
Mrs. Frances Hansen, Injured in
the accident Monday, returned to
Portland yeterday.
.'.4.' .
5 r
New location, 254 N. Liberty. Mrs.
Fruit Damage Uncertain Dam-
are. If anr. to fruit In the saiem
district caused by recent rains, is
not known by orcbardists, S. H.
Van Trump, county fruit inspec
tor, said yesterday. Farmers re
porting at the courthouse say they
are unable to determine wnai in
jury has been done to their trees
The earliest blooming fruits' are
known to be safely through the
nollenixlng period; the apples and
prunes on the higher acreages are
thought to have been most
Wants Freedom-Louise Miller,
1910 Market street, yesterday
filed ult for diTorce from Ger-
fc, lv 'hard C. Miller to wnom sue w
y married here In 1932. She says he
w i has ' an nneovernable temper and
I ' has frequently slapped and other-I-
: wis abused her. She asks eus-
J ) tody of their six-year-old daugh-
v ter sso a montn support munej
and all their personal eiiects
RhA also asks that her husband
pay certain outstanding bills and
a $40 chattel mortgage.
Bally la Sunday Rally Day will
be obserred at the Evangelical
church Sunday, beginning twlth
the Sunday school serrice at 1:45
o'clock, and including special ser-
rlces. A basket lunch will be en
joyed at noon in the large church
dining room, and at 2:30 o'clock
Rev. Frank B. Culver, pastor of
tbe Portland church and former
Salem boy, will preaeh. Rer. Cul
yer will also bring the evening
message, with the pastor, Rer. E.
W. Petticord, to preach at 11
a. m. Special music has been ar
Snelgrove. Dressmaker. Tel. 746.
r Haipl Mar
a.varai Mhr Att nndants
1 in an action brought in court by
the California-Western States Life
Insurance company here yester
day tiled notice that they would
appeal to the state supreme court.
In the action here Effa L. Mar-
Isters, one of the defendants, was
awarded a judgment of 3141.
The company brought the suit to
determine the beneficiary on a
I life Insurance policy.
Lodge No. 4, A. F.
Masonic Temple
at 2 p. m. Friday, May
Funeral of Bro. William S. Lev
ens. By order W. M.
A. B. Hansen, Sec'y.
Strong on Vacation; Leo
Strong, driver of the police prowl
car operating in the east central
section of Salem, started his an
nual two-weeks vacation this
week. He will return to duty May
16. During his absence, the north
and south prowlers and emergen
cy cars will together cover his dis
trict. The next city policemen to
take vacations are Atlee Winter-
fcteen, driver of the south prowl
car. and Harry Smart, daytime pa
trolman in the business district.
Both will start their holidays May
Manufacturer's sale of coats at
Shipley's. Prices start at $5.95.
Take advantage of this opportun
ity today.
Hearing Today Preliminary
hearing will be held before Jus
tice of the Peace Miller Hayden
today for Mrs. Florence Borland,
who pleaded not guilty yesterday
to passing n. s. f. checks. Three
complaints have been filed against
her in justice court and it is said
worthless checks she has issued
total around $150. She is in the
county jail in lieu of $1000 bail
Sne was formerly employed as
clerk in the office of the state po
lice department.
L A Special
Ohm art In School Word has
been received here that Lee Oh
mart has been chosen as the one
representative of his company in
the United States army to attend
a school in radio and telegraph
h Instruction. The company and the
J-' - school are located at Schofleld
ix A barracks, near Honolulu, T. H.
I" .? Touna- Ohmart. who enlisted in
. ih rprnlkr irmr last AuKUSt, is
tne son oi sat. ana mr. xi. .
Ohmart 285 South 16th street.
1 P
Ladies haircuts 25c, Marinello
Barber Shop, 245 N. High St.
Prof. Oliver Sneaks Prof.
S. Oliver of the English depart
ment, Willamette university, will
speak on "Socialism and Ameri
can Literature" at the open for
urn meeting Sunday night In Vet
erans' hall, 433 Ferry street
The forum, sponsored by Salem
chapter. International Labor De
fense, will begin at 8 p. m. The
public is invited to attend without
Mod. dance tonlte, U Park 10-15c
Fines Being Collected One
dollar fines for violations of park
ing regulations are slowly being
collected in municipal court. This
week six motorists have appeared
before Judge Mark, Poulsen and
paid In a total of $7 in penalties
Granted Judgment Judgment
for $199 and costs was granted
yesterday to G. W. Taylor in cir
cult court here against George A,
Richardson and others.
Swimming Pool Talked City
Alderman Walter Fuhrer last
night briefly outlined to Frater
ais club members service club
plans for building a municipal
swimming pool here and solicited
their support in the financial cam-;
t nalgn which will be conducted
SOOn. It IS piauuea ui v
by 100 foot pool in operation in
June, he said.
Bub Crossing Okehed The pub
lie utilities commissioner yester
day granted an application of the
stato highway commission for an
order permitting construction of
an undergrade crossing under the
tracks ot the Southern Pacific
company at Cushnran. The rail
road company will not be com
pelled to pay any part of the con
struction' costs.
Shipley's have been given several
racks ot coats by a large manufac
turer to sell at $5.95, $1.90, $7.48.
$8.95 and $9.95.
Two Mishaps Occur -Two minor
automobile accidents were report
ed to city police yesterday1 a fol
lows: Ralph Darling, rout "six,
and Walter J. Davies, 2 3 SO Fair
grounds road, atJberty and Mar
ion, streets; F, O. Repine, 2l
South Cottage street, and 'Elmer
Amsden, ICS North Liberty street,
at Ferry and Church streets. Dam
ages were negligible.
Committee Named- Dr. Verden
E. Hockett, president of Fraternis
club, last night named a nominat
ing committee to suggest officers
for June to December of this year,
The committee, consisting of Wil
liam J. Braun, John Heltsel and
Walter Fuhrer, will make its nom
inations at the meeting next
Thursday night. Election will
transpire on the following Thurs
Lants Heads Eagles The Sa
lem Eagles lodge has elected Ce
cil Lants president, A. J. Perkins,
vice-president; Andre Lambert,
chaplain; Louis Tumbleson, sec
retary; G. E. Walters, treasurer;
F. M. Hoyt, conductor; W. A. La-
fountaine, inside guard; E. N. Fil
singer, outside guard; F. S. Smith
trustee, and Dr. Burton A. Myers,
Dramatize Hymn In observ
ance - of Music week the Bible
Drama club of tbe Court street
Church ot Christ will present a
drama of the famous Fanny J
Crosby hymn, "Some Day the Sil
Ter Chord Will Break" at the Sun
day evening service of the church
Miss Muriel Brown will give a
short life story of the blind poet
ess and hymn writer.
Tanzer Pleads Guilty Arraign
ed in municipal court yesterday,
John Tanzer pleaded guilty to
charge of driving - while intoxi
cated. Judge Mark Poulsen sus
pended sentence upon recommen
dation of City Attorney Kowitz
Tanzer had been in city jail since
his arrest over a week ago.
Flags Down Flags at the
statehouse have been at half-mast
this week, following the death of
William S. Levens, deputy attor
ney-general. Many state officials
will attend the funeral rites here
today. The attorney-general's of
fices will be closed while the fu
neral is being held.
... I
ment by May 15. A check Is
made on the number of miles
covered by the carrier, the
amount of mall handled, by
weight and by piece, both Incom
Annual Inapecttoa ot rural mall I B. land P. W. ChorilS '
routes was started thla week at I r ' . r
the Salem postofflce, with Arthur ipscntS a TO grain
Gibbard, assistant postmaster. 11
making the check-up, en route T croruj ot u Business
each day. There sr. nlns rural Professional Women's elub
carriers la all. : "UM:a. " unusuauy suc-
Gibbard stated Wednesday that I rear as indicated by the
it waa necessary to complete the I r numoer of times it has
Inspection and have s report m programs coin in the
turned in to the- postal depart- j f"r d out, appeared before
me memoers of tne Old People's
home Tuesday night in a varied
program of song and other enter.
tainment. ''
Is addition to 'chorus numbers.
ing and outgoing, as well as re- MnL BiHy Herbster gave a whlst
celpts from postage and money Ung obligato solo to one ot the
orders. numbers; a akit, -"The Discovery
The semi-annual Inspection of Amenea py Mrs. Susan var-
the 27 city mall routes is pro- f. rs. uiuan Cadwell, Miss
ceedlng rapidly with about two Laura Hale, and Miss Grace Gll-
more weeks time necessary to ui, u two piano numoers oy
complete the Job. This work is Charles Delzell.
being done by Claude Glenn and Mrs. .Billy Herbster is accom-
Edcar B. Dausberty at tne- rate i wr caorua ana Mrs.
of one route a day. one man ac-Lizbeth Waters is director. The
companying the carrier in the personnel is . Mrs. Hulda. Lied
mnnitni &nd one in the after- atrom, Mrs. Margaret Collins.
airs, smuy uowara, Mrs. lionise
Miltonberger, Mrs. Susan Varty,
and Mrs. Esther Hagedorn.
This program was Introduced
by Miss Mert Dlmick who told
ot the purpose of the Business
m lir-l-Z--- I nx Jrrotessionai women's club
1 O WcLSufflgtOnitnA outlined the progress ot the
cnorus as a orancn or tne ciud
Ob ituary
Rjkkell Will In The will of
the late Gunder A. Rykkell was
admitted to probate in court here
yesterday and Carl Foss was nam
ed executor. Sole heir is Aslang
Rykkeli. Tbe estimated value of
the estate is $6600. Appraisers
will be Fred Mehl, M. G. Gunder-
son and Carl Anderson.
Traffic Cases Continued Mu
nlcipal Judge Poulsen yesterday
continued two traffic violation
cases: that of Robert G. Powers
Albany, route four, charged with
speeding, to May 14, and that of
Elmer G. Seetler, 770 Bellevue
street, charged with failing to
stop, to May 15. .
Granted Freedom Minerva
Working was granted a divorce
decree yesterday from Seymour
Working to whom she was mar
ried in Salem in 1910. She al
leges that he deserted her and
their four children in 1931. Twen
ty dollars a. month support money
was. granted her by the court.
Mrs. Mott Still
Undecided, Trip
Mrs. James W. Mott was un
decided Wednesday regarding her
plans for going east to Wash
ington to be with her husband
She had planned to leave Salem
on May 17 for the capitol but
press advices that congress would
adjourn early in June have- cans
ed her to hold her plans in abey
The last word Mrs. Mott had
from her husband held that the
time of adjournment of congress
was very uncertain and she was
advised to come east. She will
not determine her
additional information is receiv
ed. When Mr. Mott went to
Washington early in March. Mrs.
Mott remained here so the chil
dren could finish their school
Among the last of the activi
ties ot the chorus Includes an in
vitation to sing at the girl's in
dustrial school.
War Mothers
Receive Carnations
Salem War Mothers bav re
ceived 2000 carnations which will
be the quota for this chapter to
sell In the annual Carnation day HJTav 1 (n.)
plans until . r J "tv""6
Mrs. Lisbeth Waters, president
of the Salem chapter, announces
that plans re well under way
for the largest sal that the
Mothers have yet aasouneed. This
sal Is the one means that the
organization takes to rats money
for relief work accomplished dur
ing the year. - -.
This relief work this year has
assumed large proportions among
ex-service men and needy famil
ies of such men, and the need for
tunda In this sale will be even
greater than In years past. .
Farewell Parties
Mark Departure
The departure Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Rush for
Spokane where they will spend
some time before returning to
Salem has been preceded by nu
merous farewell affairs given by
their many friends in the city. .
Among these Is the afternoon
for whleh Mrs. Henry Sims was
hostess at the home of Mrs. H. M.
Baker Wednesday. Members ot
Marlon Auxiliary were guests for
the affair eompllmentlnc both
Mrs. Rash and her mother. Mrs.
Effie Wetzel, members of the aux
iliary. Mrs. Wetzel will accom
pany Mr. and Mrs. Rush.
A surprise party Wednesday
night was another gay affair plan
ned in compliment to Mr. and
Mrs. Rush with Mrs. Elmo McMil
lan and Mrs. Harvey Parker as
hostesses. Sixteen couples were
present for this delightful affair.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Rush have
taken an active part in the so
cial and elub event of their cir
cles in the city.
Today a very large music fes
tival is being planned for tbe
grade school students of Polk
county when 1000 children are
supposed to gather at Monmouth
to participate in the Polk county
grade school znusle festival at the
stats normal school. This trill be
an aO-day affair with morning sal
afternoon sessions. The affair has
ben under the direction of Mrs.
Margaret Lee Maaake, Grace
Mauri Mitchell and Florence
White Hutchinson. '
, , '
A smart affair being planned
for Saturday night Is the dance at
Iliihee country club for which
members of the Dim Bridge elub
will be hostesses.
The auxiliary to the . Sons ot
Veterans of the Civil War has
postponed the cooked food sale
planned for this week until May
HighwavBody t
Lets Contracts '' -'On
May 17
vomracia as trrc gauss u
pen dl tore of approximately $150
000 will be awarded. at a meeting
of the Oregon state highway com
mission to be held in Portland
May 17. The work will Include oil
lag of the Oregon coast highway
and construction ot two secondary
highway bridges.
R. IL Baldock has been reap
pointed stats highway engineer by
the commission for the next year
while H. B- GUisyer. has been re
appointed secretary.
-- mw
A fir "
tn riiu, kMf
M M. MM. teUaUt, Knlh.1
SALS ST SaOfifiUTS STxaiwaxxs
MA Y 14th.
Here are suggestions for gifts both
practical and sentimental here you'll
find opportunity to select just the gift
she will welcome most of alL
All purchases for Gifts appropriately boxed
W Cater to Men Who Buy for Women
At the residence, 650 South
18th street, May 4, George Cle
ment Russell, beloved son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Russell, brother
of Charlotte and Alvin, grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. George Glvens
and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Russell,
all of Salem. Aged 1 month, 17
days. Friends are invited to at
tend the funeral services to be
held Friday, May 5 at 2 p. m.
from the Terwilliger Funeral
Home, 770 Chemeketa street, Rev.
Guy L. Drill officiating. Interment
Cityvlew cemetery.
Weekend Conferen ce The
Portland Bible institute will hold
a week-end conference at the I planted
Hlgniand Friends church May e
and 7. Services will be held Satur
day at 8 p. m., Sunday at 11 a. m.
and at 3 p. m.
Tractor Runs Over
Frank Zielinski;
In Juries to Face
Frank Zlelinskl's shoulder was
injured and his face severely cut
by a tractor Monday. He cranked
the machine while in gear and
waa trvinr to ston it when he
waa nulled under and run over.
B. C. Zielinski reports a Urge
swarm of bees during the sun
shiny dav last week. This is un
usual, the latter part of May and
Jane being swarming time.
Bert Wolf has returned nome
to Mayger, Ore. He recently un
derwent a major operation at Sa
lem, coming here to spend some
time with his motner, wrs. Mar
tha Wolf.
B. C. Zielinski is plowing up
part ot the Marshall strawberry
acreage on tne u. u.
farm. Corn and potato win oe
Decree Won The Intermoun
tain Building & Loan company
yesterday secured a decree for
$2805 and costs against Maurice
Dentists Honor
Dr. Hayter at
Dallas Tonight
tv l t -kjfavV VTaviAP fit
N. Wagner and others in a fore- I . kMhTr ndir
"!t brnght iD C,"0lt membot6 iKh!SS:
-On Rt. lTurner, May 3, Emma
Ahrens at the age of 73 years.
Survived by the following chil
dren: Miss Katie Ahrens, Henry,
Rosa and Eddie Ahrens. all of Sa-
court here.
Says Too Young Bert Haws,
haled into justice court yesterday
on a traffic violation charge,
stated he was 17 years old, and
eo was certified to the juvenile!
. Final Account Filed Final ac
count was filed yesterday in the
MJsa Klrsch Away 1B Portland; granddaughter Beverly of which Barbara Dillman, widow, the Marion-Polk-TamhlU group
rscb, lector ?JerV " Ann Kendall of Portland, brother has been executrix. She is sole will be installed. They are: Dr.
Yamhill Dental society will now
their May meeting at the Dallas
Presbyterian church starting at
6:30 o'clock tonight. Tbe pro-
... . n aVa
gram will be proviuea oj
Southern Willamette Dental so
ciety, which will send 10 or more
members to the meeting. iais wiu
be the last session ot the local
nclttr until falL
The recently-eiectea ouicers m
courthouse, has been absent from
her work this week because of
Illness. Her brother is substitut
ing for her.
McMahan Back Judge L. H.
McMahan returned to Salem yes
terday after holding court the
fore part ot the week in Albany.
Coming Events
May 4, 5, Annual all
country 4-H club "fair,
Chambers - building.
May ft Miss Gladys Bw
en, society editor ot Port
land Oregonlan, speak and
show, pictures of life of Cus
ter and of Yellowstone Na
tional park; Y.M-C.A. lobby.
.- aiay &-6 Annual May
festivities, Willamette uni
versity campus.
- Hay 7 Music week opens
in Salem.
May 10 Final contest In
dramatics and music, Marion
county federated commun
ity clubs. In Salens high
school auditorium.
Mit 1 Students of
Mary Sennits tn program at
Y. M. C A. -
May 23 Final concert of
season of Symphony orches
tra here; Willamette FbJL
hannonie , choir assisting;
May 28-27 Oregon State
Association of Master
Plumbers, annual meeting.
May 28 Dr. D. B. HilL
motion pictures ot special
interest to children and p
ents; Y. M. C. A. lobby.
Jn 1-4 Evangelical
conference. First Evangeli
cal church.
June 2-4 Fourth Annual
Willamette Valley .Flower
Juno 10 Willamette uni
versity commencement. ;
Juno 20-Z3 U. A. K. ana
affiliating bodies annual
funnniClt. . - -
Jul i 24-2 Annual En
campment, Spanish fgar
Sept, 4- Oregon
fair. ,
Rudolph Gath of Germany; and
two sisters, Mrs. Mary Huff of Ne
braska and Mrs. Bertha Behrman
of Germany. Funeral services will
be held Saturday, May 6 from the
A sMaatAAn T tl4nAOfl ttlllPAtl f
1:30 p. m. under the direction of wf!nt actloa 10 reC0Tar
... i rnnnaw ins nan
W. T. Rigdon & Son. Interment
Belcrest Memorial park, Rev. Er-
ickson officiating.
heir of property valued at 38885.
Gets Judgment J udgment for
3100 and costs was granted Ha
selle Gearhart yesterday in cir
cuit court here against Mae
At Eugene, May 2, William S.
Levens, late resident of 1145
North 14 th street, Salem, aged (0
years. Survived by widow, Leoda
Divorce Won A decree of di
vorce was awarded yesterday by
Judge L. G. Lewelling to Ruth B.
Englehart from Jacob B. Engle-
w. L- Brnnk. Salem, presiaeni;
rr fl 1 roster. Dallas, Ties-
president, and Dr. J. E. Albrieh,
Salem, secretary-treasurer.
Stop That Pain
Of Rheumatism
MinT neonle do not know that
rheumatism is often caused by
hart. She is to resume her maiden I .hnrttn of essential minerals in
name of Ruth Buchner. rwi-r Whv ao on suffering
from this painful condition I Ton
can normalise your mineral bal-
M. Levens of Salem; two brothers, Ymithc rnnocc f n snce in an easy natural way with
B. w. Lievens or san. rranciscoi w .vr
and Leroy Levens of Salem; two
sisters, Mrs. Stanley Pike of Oak
land, Mrs. L. L. Foster of Tucson,
Arls.; nieces, Mrs. R. D. Woodrow
of Salem, Mrs. Walter Monroe of
Sebastopol, Calif., Mrs
Smith of Los Angeles. Christian
Science services from the chapel
of the Clough-Barrick company
today at 2:30 p. m. with Mr.
William H. Thlelson, reader,
officiating, followed by Masonic
service. Interment at Belcrest
Memorial park under the direc
tion of the B. P. O. E. No. 331.
Ant maAirfnaa or laxatives.
Pn Pfnnil Tflaf one ot the thousands who ar ob
reil, trenCU I IlCll ulaiBS unbellevable'resnlU with
Cal-O-Dine a natural mineral
Sheriffs and state livestock ot- water which supplies all the eell-
ficers investigating another case .an and minerals essential to
Grace I yesterday ran on to information j uf 9 f n natural form easily as-
tbat led to the confession of Hugh slmilated by the blood stream.
Paul Edwards, IS, and Clarence stop those rheumatie pains
Ackerman, 20, that the pair had now, before they cause permanent
entered a schoolhous 12 miles injury. Come in and let us tell
south of Salem toward Dayton y0u ot the dosens ot local people
last September and another who are drinking uai-w-wmw
schoolhouse near Unlonvale, tak- rheumatism. Their results wui
ing several fountain pens, pencils surprise you.
snd some Ink. The trio will be phone 71f. or call at 226
turned over to officials In Yamhill North High street, wo
f county, where the schools are lo- gon, tor free Information; No ob
L lifted. ligation of any kind. s-4. adv.
ligation of any
Haney To Mr. and Mrs. Albert
E. Haney, route eight, a girl.
Pearl Leah, born April 30 at the
Davis To Mr. and Mrs. Arlo
Cecil Davis, route three, a girl,
born April 21 at Salem Deaconess
Invalid Chairs
to Rent
Call CO 10. Used Furniture
Department -151
North High
The New Deal!
75 Brand new white shirts and hundreds of d Qd
other savings just received. Specially priced . ?1 esi
And Hundreds of Other Savings
464 - 466 STATE ST.
The Store For lalitt ;
New lighter shades of Rollins Hosiery for the milder days
and nights when all those lighter activities of spring are
being done.
And each of the new shades is keyed to strike the right
note of harmony with its related costume colors. To
really catch the spirit of spring's color harmony, you
must see the Rollins Color Coordination Chart at our
hosiery counter. It will put you in perfect tune with'
what's what in this season's colors.
MollinB Runstop
5 Libcffa galoin.Ofogon
mo9- -