sVj sag-frv : - r .i 1 -7-f Double Stamps Saturday; - i rr Specials - ; " . 3 Boxes, $2.50 Ambrosia Sets.89c 75c. Fitchs Shampoo 25c Fitchs Hair Oil Both for.-.. .59c Box Candles Tor ' - ' Mother Day 75c to S029 i w o ueuTtr. no ,sxwa fjoargc . -Hotel Senator Bldg. .: i.Dlal 548 this store Open Sunday until 10 FJ. Your Community Owned Store Phone 9456 M 356 N. Liberty Farm Produce, Groceries, Crown Poultry and Dairy Feeds, and Bakery Goods The OREGON STATESMAN,' Salem, s Oregon, Friday Morning. Blay S.1933 sUaaclnb.lbotB tlabs. Tao oommaaltr olabi presented prises to tao tint place winners la. eaca dlriatoa.. Tail prlxo winners will exhibit at tao county fair la Bales, May I aad ' Crop Loan Office Plans Inspection Ot All Acreages . Plans hare boom completed by iba mtIamI m nradaetien loan oraco at .maneepous zor a sya- teauLUO xaspoetioa ox tao aeoo tag program et all crop prodne tlnn loaa narrawara. , ' Tao IflaaaapolU otfleo polaU oat that It la aeceeury that tao regalatloas ; aairoaadlag these mnnmnt tilnsMI ha atrlfitlT followed. Borrowers, la eoasider- atloa ot tao loaas Tfoeelved are obligated to rodaeo acreago oz certain eaah eroaa by St Bar coat. They mast alao seed tbo eatlro arraara far which loana were ob- tataad or ratara tao crer-borrow- tat to tao inaaeapous oraca, - to eoer PAGE ELEVEN"- : 8TJNNTSTDa;-lay 74 tbo 4-H Club Acbievemeat day iraa hmlA Tneadar afternoon at the schoolhonse, with qnlte a a un bar at mothers aad friends preo- ont, Prlsaa oa the exhibits waro won aa follows: Sewing, divlsloa 1. Ellen malaa, Urst; Halda Becklay. aaeoaa; J ana litiob, third. Dlrlaloa 1. Kna Paarsoa. first; Butb Barry, soeond Haad work. Carmaa Wlltts, flrstj Mary Hoarinaon. aaeoaa. Thera waro two dmaioas aiao dteplayaa Jtt Jar cpoWajtlua, aad prisaoHroro woa follows! I DlTlsloa 1. Lrio 3rova.! first: Huaa Hosuasoa.. aaeoaa. um-i sloa : t, Maarlc Joaasoa, . first: Verao -Larson-. ' lecoadr , Datld TTnaMnaon. thirdL .1 , Tao program eonslstad or elaa sonrs by both elabs, racltatloa, "Pfliir nvhta. . br. Hoaklasoa. damaaatraUoa by Darld aad Daa Boaktaaoa,' racltatloa, ."Loaa Dog by Halda Baeklay, aoax. "Oar Club WIU Salaa,- by atrl 1nk raeltatlon. "Tbo Housa With Nobody la It" by OoaarlaTo Wbalaa, rocttaUoa, "Pocketa" by Robart Barry, owlt. Toonsnllla" by airla club, sonr "Taa Littla Darklaa" by four bora, roeltatloa. animal Graekara by Lowls Brawn, damoaatratloa by Jaao Laraoa aad Ellaa Wbalaa. yalls by both elabs. partlaf soar by o) I 4 ' 1 370 StaU Street- Two Dobra West of Spa , S E)ayGforS.&W.Coffee arc adrandnj in bow at this Low A 1 Lb. Grocery Dept Artro.Corn OC Starch. 3 for uO Argo Gloss Starch, 3 for 19c Velvet Tissue," 4- 1A. 1000 Sheet Rolls IVQ Royal Club CoffeeO lib. can . 1. WC Crystal White Laundry Soap, 10 bars 29c HAD JeHo, 6 for. 25c Shredded Wheat A 1 boxes w: laC Croon Feed Dept 89c 150 if. Commercial St. PhoBa B5I "SOMETHING SAVED AT H0UET NOT A CHAIN STORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fruit and VesetabU Headquartera Rolled Feed Oats 80s Recleaned 1 OA Wheat 100s l.LXJ For this week only wt will sell Crown Develop ing feed at Pellets 1 7C ioos : 1.1 U Mash 100s LETTUCE Large, firm heads Heads ORANGES Waxy sweet Navels lc Each New Potatoes Shafter Whites Look at the price 6 Lbs. 25c Grape Fruit Sweet, thin akin Jumbo size 4 ror :19c We suggest buying a good supply of flour at these prices Crown Snow- QA bird 49s OiJC We meet oil competi tive feed prices of equal quality. TOMATOES CORN - BEANS Large cans 3 For 25 c COFFEE Bliss Vacuum Pack Pound 25c MAYONNAISE full quart Pantry Jar 29c Oregon made Scot Tissue Absorbent White Toilet Paper 1000 Sheet Rolls I Rolls jl25c Yoa may nerer again bay farnltaro aa' prices aa low aa theae. Dally wo recclvo no tice of odTanceo. Bay now I Starts Today tti 0 255 l nCOliieir'L) N. Com'l of ( You may trade in your old furniture for credit. A small deposit will hold any item you may tflsh to select. HIGH GRADE FURNITURE AT Uimlhieai?3 o2 How IPeflce i i vf ivy r m zy.M Rug Sale - Drop Patterns Bia-elow-Santord Axmlnster rugs, beary welxbt. beautiful patterns, 9x11 slxa, regular SI9.50 Talue, 2950 BOW .'... Regular $29.50 Blgelow Ax- Ol CA mlaster rg. x aow JV . Rug pads, 9x12, all hair pads o QC inch thick ; p "J COXGOLEUM rugs, beayy weight, drop patterns, slightly imperfects, Jj)5 'XlV OtteVsiVeVla Proportloa Felt base, yard goods lTot0aeamo bedroom Vugs, assorted . colors. To closo out ai only .39c - Dining Room Furniture Reg. 79.00. I pc walaut dlnlag ja" 0" buffet, chairs SO sfl 40"a ft.'-table, now :: 'Z.zi -ft. gate-leg axtensioa table nn C A la walnut kA2,2J! Ladderback chairs, with, rush MC fibre seats to matoa . . ...... gZ. Library diner, walnut. Id. QS formerly 124.60, now f' Odd-et 1R HO dining ehalra .......... kV' Reg 139-50 Rome studio couch, wita spring mattress and bedding OQ CQ compartment, now Day bed coll spring and pAd, 14 AC reg. $18.95, now 5FJ STEEL RANGE Reg. $49.50 SaTory steel range, all enameled, 39.50 vSCnOBED 'CHA1RS-1 lot, f-A unfinished chairs, all hardwood O U v WAINUT END TABLES QO Reg. $1.50 table ............ 0 ".COFFEE TABLE Round cot- -I J A fee ublo finished In walnut ... XXif For 8 days only we are offerin unusual value in Ugh grade home furnishings. With prices already going up thia will be a welcome event to those needing furniture and floor coverings. TW Room Furniture too 4-i bArirnnm malta. sill lULrd I ;dCa a wood suite la walnut, dustproot con struction. 48-ln. Tanity, s-w. cum, semi-poster, bed, 5950 Reg. $49.50 suite; Houywooa Tnnuj, bed, and cnur. in wawui, jii til Reg. $19.50 3-pc greea enam- ol QC el bedroom suite, now .... - avrtairs" Jenny Lind twla beas ia wai- 7 QC nn flnUh. rer. S9.75 Odd dressers ia A CA i rvv Chiffoniers, walnut MATTRESSES Bed, spring and mattress Reg. $JT.50 "Perfect spring mattress, now Reg. $22.50 "Onatutt" spring mattress, now ; . . The famous 'Nachmaa' spring mattress, only Our Challenger " spring mattress 50-lb. wool mattress Davenports and Chairs 1 reg. $49.50 mohair darea- QC nnrt anil 4.balr. BOV .... .. Reg. $59.50 mohair dayen- rn f?A nnri anf rh1r. law ...... JUJU nv 179 flTMBort. club chair and foot stool to match. 84-la. frame. English style, covered in rast color rn rn tanaairr Tin -ST ............ DIJU nr on Dar. A Chr Billow back. " 84" frame covered la rust & greea lartr7-- . .. 69.00 Daxenoort & chair to match, cov ered la tapestry.; r aq - ........ o vr 6.50 14.75 Sleeper. Inner 29.75 17.50 14.75 . 7.95 3.75 USED FURNITURE AND RANGES 16.00 12.50 25.00 . 5.00 .8.00 37.50 35.00 Oak dining table and I ehalra Oak dining table 4 ehalra Walnut dining table ehalra Used dressers Used drop bead sewing machine . .. , Used Walto Rotary, electric sewing machine Used S tube Radio toed Ranges Used 'Opal Jr. Raaga colL enamel trim . . Universal Range aad eoll Estate wood imago A eoll ...... Menard wood range Westiaghouse electric range, full enamel ... 30.00 24.00 17.50 18.00 47.50 REFRIGERATORS All steel ' refriger ators finished la Ivory and green enam- r 22.50 24.95 LAWK MOWERS ll-lnc a 4 blade fug bau bearing, 10-ia. wneei. reg. eT.ev, oaiy , GARDES' HOSE 59 ft. "Cord Bunt" hose . ......... DESKS Reg. $19.50 desks, aow .... 1 Rer. 49.50. now Many Other Items Too Numerous to Mention 5.95 3.25 29.75 from S3.P5 to ALL COPPER WASH BOILERS . , , . . S2.98 i h'rJ.r $1.40 JoluuonV -8Sc JoKnon' 50o-Plex - M Flcr iWa?. - Paste Furniture , PpUsK 69c j j 98c i 59c j 39c NEW AND USED - s Refusal to Lend To Japan is Aid To Peace, Claim Tna ITnRad Stataa oaa - balo arlav mm la tba Arlant bv ra- f using to load Japan flaanelal ao- atstaaco. la tao opinion or nev. a. KiTnsi nTealar. who nAdraaaad Wlllaiaatta uatraraltv atttdantm at tao eaapoi aoar weaaeaoay ana aa audience ot tae nnt rrasoy- lanaa aairren uu nianc. xlwt. ' ITanlar. Misnl aacratarr of the council ot tbo Church ot Christ la China, naa been a missionary in cniaa ror ii years. Wltfcia II ta II Titn China will gala sufficient .political rransrtn ia rmia iu awn wiu Japaa aad then the Nipponese will withdraw from Msnehnrts and Ghiaeao territory. Rev. Kep tier preoicteo. R.F.C. Fund Uses Outlined to Maris II -unbare of the Marion conntv relief committeo. at a conference with Paul T. Maria, bead ot the extension service et Oregon State colleaa and nromtaant In state relief work, yesterday placed be fore ala propoaad development projects which could bo under taken la this vicinity. Theae ln elndaa construction of a munl- cIdsJIt owned water slant la Sa lem, canalization of the Willam ette river from Portland to Sa lem, and construction of the forth Santlam highway. Telephone 8425 Cora or Gloss STARCH 4-8amplo Pkga. Free with 11- Piers. LJl Latest Pack Tomatoes No. 1 also Per Can 9c BROOMS 4 Sawed Tlae Straw While they last Each 19c Kalgbfa TOMATO JUICE No. IU cane La Cam 25c Leslie's Shaker SALT 2 pEL 11c ORANGES Large, Sweat, Juicy The best buy la town AT All UlrAtUOlELED PRICE 0 lb can mm Per Dos.- 19c ABMOOfS MILK Tall oaaa Cans. Limit 10c Rod cam BEANS 3-llc Largo Slxa Fancy . XI ran BEANS O Lb. Pk. - 19c Oregon Italian PRUNES Fine large also U Pounds 19c Oregon FTanquett WALNUTS Finest grade Lbs.. 19c Extra Fancy Head RICE 3 pii 19c New Spring Radishes per bunch Fresh Rhubarb 4Lbc Fresh Artichoke 4 Large sixe Fresh Crisp Celery Large size - Biscuit Mix Blakes Delic ious Biscuits in a jiffy. Large OQr 2ft pkg. eWC Fresh Pineapple, extra large size. AQ Each 4SC Strawberries. Fresh, red ripe, OCr 3 large boxes eW I New Peas, Beets. Carrots, Turnips, Fresh Solid Cab bage. Crispy Lettuce SIMPSON'S, A SELF. SERVICE STORE FREE DELIVERY (g22ee PIggly Wiggly 'Special" Try a pound today and receive a tall glass, free. For SS1 (3 & Dependable. No better flour anywhere, at this value. Try a sack today. 491bs.S(Dc PHONE 4018 WE DELIVER ORDERS OF $1.00 OR OVER FREE 215 N. COSTL SL MARKET FRESH, TASTY a lbs. as CRISCO Purely Vegetable :: 4Dc Quaker Oats Largo Bound 2 pkga. 25c COFFEE 5IJ.B. Coj AUaddln lib. Tina 25c Mt Hood Green Beano Ko, 3a 3 25c BEST QUALITY in bulk Ua1 Pat HAMBURGER 1 1(0 CORN HinnesoU Valley Golden 23c FLOUR Crown Patent or Ftahere Blend. 44b. frl OC sack CHEESE Bantam 4 tlna (5 lb. LARGE, CRISP. 0 .nun mmg LEAN, TENDER Qy2 lb. VEGETABLE SEiiS)i?tieim3niig - smTsaW lbs. S413 : SOAP Swift's White Lanndry 10 19c MINERAL OIL Bar it tn Balk Quart : 23c Gallon 83c MILK Golden Key Y limit 11c Pancake Flour perry's. Largo OQ . r. v w RIPE OLIVES Leoga If o. la m Cans 19c TREE TEA 14-lb. Black 29c 1-lb. Black 55e Yi-lb. Green 25e 1-lb. Green Zl -.40c Slarion Brand, Sale Iado pound 12c MAYONNAISE Dnrkee's 07- Plata til Water Tumblers TaB, Clear 6 fa, 23c CornstarcH Argo 2 nkan. He Prunes In Heavy Syrup Cheaper Than Balk Sugar Pare Cano v Powd. or Browa Iba. 16c RICE Fancy Bine Roeo S lba. 14c Sauerkraut Juice Del Monte. A Health Tonic, Pint 1P. Bottlo 1JC BEANS Small Whltee, Red Mexicans 8 lba. ... Eg Freak Extras 1 Don. 11C Raisins 17c Seedless In Cello Bags S lba. . . . WalnuU goos, ponnd Fancy Oro- in. Dash Granulated Soap 14c ft ...... 35c SARDINES Otter Brand, oval cans la Tomato or Mna- 1f Urd, a cans lot Prunes Italians, Extra Lge, Fancy, - j S-Ua, pkg. . . 1IC M. J. B. COFFEE, 1 lb. tins MINUTE TAPIOCA, pkg. GRAPENTJT FLAKES, pkg. JELL-O, all flavors, 3 for 5. a S pad slzo SALT, Leslie's, 2-lb. ctn . . r " ' MARGARINE, Nut Spread, 2 Jb -30e -I2e -9c -19c J9c :Sc Ate J5c MISSION SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2V 1 cans 27e CARNATION WHEAT, no premium, pkg. ,. CANDY, GUJIDROPS, 2 lbs. : JIGWIG JIG SAW PUZZLES, each : CORNMEAL, white or yellow, 9 lbs. WAXTEX WAX PAPER, 40-f U rolls, 2 for BLACK PEPPER, in bulk, Vi-lb. ctn CRACKERS, Snowflakes, 2-lb. ctn -23c GARDEN STICKS, buy them now, doz. SPLNACIIr Del Monte, 2 Vis, 2 cans GOLDEN GRAIN, Health Cereal, 3-Ib. pkg. NOODLES, Beechnut Brand, 2 pkgsL V.CaRAPEraOT" tThose Good. Arizona Marsh' Seedless l" 'T 3 for -14C y Ws Carry Complete Stock of Fresh .;v Fruit and Vegetables ORANGES Largo weetv. Nereis Of Dot. wC ONIONS - No. l.Oregoa . S Q poaads ... ft POTATOES Ho. U la Balk 10 i 15c Onion Sets, Lae,t Chance " 4 ibsTlOc POTATOES t Yakima No.;2! Netted Gems . 50 bag 59c J ka J -4 -.1 R -i jOe J8c -15c -25c -25e -15c -27c -17c 13c 255 North Commercial St 1 i i lit