a.; V w LA'- k. I n US' -5 -Business Directory Card In Uns UirecUMry ran oa m monthly bsl ouly. Bate: 1.00 pr line pr month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Fan-, thearak and shimmy doctor. 87 8 Sooth Comnwrth! Street. CATERING Bart Cratr. the c-terer. Ph. 7. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44SS. RC Korthneaa CHIROPRACTORS DR. a U SCOTT. PSC. Chlropraator. ISt M. HIirK TeL tti mi. DRESS31AKING Dressmaking In your h0?1 J 88.50 day- Copy picture Tel. 7984. .. FLORISTS CUT flower, wadding bouquet fun oral wreaths, decoration-, . y. Brelt aup6. florist. 677 Court. TL 190. AXXkiada of floral work. Lata Flor ist, lth a Market. TeL 3632. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL jlO. Walter J. Downs, 680 Breya INSURANCE BECKJB HENDRICKS 183 M. High TeL 434T COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ina Tel. 8881. LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY .. THB W CIDER LAUNDRY ' 818 S, High TeU 8128 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First la Quality and Service .Telephone 3165 1884 Broadway ' LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man". "MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home, goring mattress 83.00. Renovatorj and fumlgatora. Kugs cieaneo. v-pua- h aina Co. TsL 4088. 4030 N. CapltoL New mattress mad to order, old rmadi carpet cleaning. atxlng ; null rue weaving. Salem Fluff Rag Mat tress Factory, a 13th 4t WUbur. TeL 84 41. Otto F. Zwtckef. Est 181 L MUSIC STORES GCO. & WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet music and plaaa studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 483 Stat Street. batwm. MUSIC INSTRUCTION WUl trad gulur and lessons for anrtblng I can use. Storhow, 460 Court. MEDICINE Dr. Chaa Lam Chinese Medici n Co. Hour Tuesday and Friday, 18 :30 s-m. to 4:80 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind or printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 211 S. CommercUL Tele phonO 3101. . PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement. Income Tax Reports, Auditing. 110 N. Com L Tei 80J0 or 6i87. REAL ESTATE BECKS 4 HENDRICKS, TeL 4847. W. IL GRABEXHORST CO. 114 a Liberty . S0COLOF3KY SON 04-l First NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807. STOVES STOVES and stove "PJJfv,8" for aai. rtouui y , .TS .f savm wire fence, fancy and Plata, bop basnets, noons, " Salens Fence and Stove Works. 163 t.i 4774. R. B. Fleming. . . 1,u.lr. TRANSFER 'capital CITY Transfer Co. -226 siaf. StTeL 7773. Distributing, tor- biai, . .,ii aneclaltV. .tn. ua Get our rates. ( XT' rna loci or distant transfer scrags, ! eall imTlner Transfer Co. Truck. it ' WELL DRILLING R. A West. 80 years experience. RFD S. Box 103 E. TeL I10F6-. i-V School Patrons to , 1 Discuss Naming of XJ New Board Member tt VFRTOK May S.-Ot fleers SILVkK-U--- . of four granges will attena an oi fleers school to be conducted at the M. W. A, aau at " A nrdav night with Arthur crown. The ,., il.nutT. . m ca.tKV. grange officers Invited to attend are tram Kliverioa, - omci iuu unia sretta Mills and Monitor. " " . " e---. a. alan An omcera nT,dav conducted at Albany Saturaay !e-?it This was conducted by State xf.t- Raw GUI. Attending from mil. Attending from hero were Ted Hobart, Mrs. 'Karl Haberly Conrad Johnson, J. I Stalker Otte O Dahl and C. V. Bowen. tK t One Imrartial critld who watcn IPI -d Dn tn Cardinals k I I narf narform . in - terio aeoMwea. '? e-He's anther Lefty Grove, take it r T-.fron - - i i,.a .- K.f. htm uuiaiue, Aui . ., Jthis year will be plain lucky. Statesman 7 Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single lnsertloa per Ust.lOc Three insertlona pr Hat .. toe Six lasertiona per Una.. He One month per !ttte..fl.0e Minimum charge ......tit Copy forthu pate ao eeptad until I: SO the even las hefore publication for elaaaif Ication. Copy re eeived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes bo naancial responsibility tor error, which may a , pear la adverUsemeaU pab ' Ushed la lta columns, and la easea where this paper la at fault will reprlat that part ot aa advertisement la which the typographies! mistake oeemre. The Sta teaman reserve the right to reject objee tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the tight to classify all advertising aa der the preper classification. SITUATIONS WANTED Exp. dressmaking in your home. 12.59 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 75 si. ExDertonced young woman wants housework. Good references. Barbara Robinson, Rt 1, McMlnnville, ore. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Filler's stand. Intersection Sllverton-Portland road. Fertiliser far sale. Phone 7831. Rhubarb. 2c delivered. Tel. 9480. Inspected Marshall strawberry plants 81.50 per thousand. Terminal Ice and Cold Storage. Seed Potatoea Netted Gems, Bur bank. H. A. Hyde Co., 269S Portland RmdTel 5j Small piano boxes ; ideal for brood era Limited number. $1.00 each. Tall- man's, 395 8. lZth. Oats and retch hay. TeL 7F33. SWWWIWWWWIWIWWWWWWMWMMWW Extra good White Leghorn pullets 7 wks., some cockerels ; also Corvallts strawberry plants. Rt. 6, Bos 94. Moving to country, have large, al most new smooth top gas range in fine shape to trade for good sized electric range. TeL 6152. SO to 75 well bred Angora goats. 11.00 per head. At my farm 8 mile east of Hubbard. M. O. Smith, Rt. 3, Canby, Oregon. For sale good Indian 4 snotorcycle very cheap. 1925 Fir St. For sale, sandy loam for lawn and flowera 1497 N. Fifth. Oood'cow, fresh noon. Tel. S000. TRADE Miscellaneous e . a.. . u g r LrLnjIJlT Wni trade nearly new L. A- IL elec tric range for good wood range. Phone liMleTenwnee 14R-M. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c child.. ISa. Two blocks a of library. S. Winter. Permanent wave. 80c. Beantv Maid snop. over Fteuslorr MkL TeL 448. FOR RENT ROOMS Clean room $1.50 per week. Church. 181 & Modem room, garage, sip. porch. J5i r umirt wt. xei. 4&7. ROOM AND BOARD WWWWWMwMWMwWMwWMMM Board and room for ladles. Close In. TeL 567 S. $95 Court St. Board, room, $30.00, near P. O. 8482, Comfy ima Board optnL TeL 676$, Large, well furnished board TeL 4376. room, and FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments-downtowti. Call rattan's book store. Fur. a apt. 2261 HazeL TeL 7684. Modest heated apta Tel. 8490. Furn. apartment, 1040 Leslie. For rent furnished S ro6m bunga low, 1248 Cheraeketa St. J Nice. fum. apts., S90 Union. I t.,,.i. ... issn rvniar . Neat, 8 R. apt. 253 Center. TeL 8289, Nice fum. apt. C38Center. Furn. duplex apt. CiO Union. Duplex apt. 951 N. Winter. - 8 R. furn. duplex, 111$ Jefferson. garage, $12.00. FOR RENT HOUSES IWWMWWMWIWIIWWWWWWWM Furn. and unfurn. house. R. A. Forkner, . 1610 N. Cottage. TeL S0SL 8 rooms 810.00. TeL 7204. House, close in, 255 Division. For r!t, 7 room house, near state nouse. Flume nisi. FOR SALE Real Estate S acres 1 ml. from Salem, small house, barn, welL fenced. $1200. 850 down. 10 acres 1 mi. from Salem, good son. ail m cultivation, $1500. xio flown. 7 A. close toSalem. loh;s?f! well, pump. 3 acre orchard, 1900. l9 on maca-j road, 8 room house. bars, chicken house. A bargain at 'ife,-n ,ohnsonw. yL Pennington Phone 6736. 275 State Street five-room- house, furnace, fire place, garage. In excellent condition. 33.009, Pay 825 down and 315 a naontn or wtu taae gooa tot aown pay- I nenL Nln room modem home, very eloe i furnaee wlth m hm-,,, nrepiao, I cost owner 86.500 to brill, must sell and wUl sacrifice at J3,f.0e. WINNIE PETTYJOHN S19 Court Street HOUSE BARGAINS Have a nice t R. ktuaanlow N. Sa lem, furaace. oa paving, near school. much less than- oc Prioa-S-ee.- 8100 buy attractive, mod. 1 bed room ? house, with he II tin, furnace. garage, a real tnty. sek : VAN M. CEEER 814 Ore. Bldg. i Phon 7523. I ' M row want to ouy. aeii or sisaann 1 anything aee 3eneral Excnartga, 826 N, Commercial St. FOR SALE Real Estate Don t bund until you see tha two fin lots nil ia cherries, pears and ap ples, full bearlng.-on block south of Lesli Junior high school, nice -isw, Isvel lots, 60x130 each. Sell on or both cheao. easy Davmenta. Owner. 745 LRural A venue, phono 8354. HOWELL. PRAIRIE BAROAIN 47 acres, fair house, barn and rural. try house. Lots of fins timber, price reduced to 32858 $500.90 down, bal ance easy terms. JS HAWKINS a ROBERTS FoV Farm -Bargains room modern house, 1895 N. iStb priced very reasonable. Tel 487t. REAL SNAP IN NEWPORT LOTS. jjg Tel laV" ,5' ea 1 REAL SNAP 5Room Modern Home Full Price $1750 Small Down Payment BaL like rent. This honu Im 1u. itv now. Nice living room with fireplace, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 8 corner oeorooms ana natn, targe level lot. fine basement and furnace, garden soil. Also have Two 4-Roorn Homes on Good Paved Street 1-C room modern home, complete In every way. If you want a real bargain in a line Dome, just See Mr. Dillon At the Marlon Hotel With C 3. Phone 4118. Ryan. WMMMMWMMMW.WiW)WiwA BEST HOME BUY 8-R. modern house, basement, fur nace, hardwood floors. Fireplace. Dan dy location. Only $3750 $15 down. JA& D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High Street 1JQDBUYXIN USMALL ACREAGE 2 acres not far out on good road, electric lights, mall and gas service available, drove welL chicken coops for 300 hens. Part lumber on ground for small house. Price $850, cash $50, baL $10 per month at 8 int. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 814 State Street Phone $706 EXTRA SPECIAL Distant owner offers fine modern home well located In walking distance to business district. 5 nice rooms, beautiful lawn and shrubs. Price for short time only $4500. Reasonable terms. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A- MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Salm. Oregon. EXCHANGE Real Estate To trade for Willamette valley acre age or farm property, a chicken ranch or 4 a. 1 acre lemons. 1200 hens. All equipment. ood buildings. Free water. Located in Ventura county, CaL Clear ror clear, uenerai .Exchange, 325 N. Commercial St. FOR EXCHANGE $1000 mortaraxe on a farm Icwnfort e. few miles out and a 4 room Salem res idence valued at $1750. Will exchange both for 5 or S room residence of even value, or small scree re near Salem. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708, FOR SALE FARMS ofc-fc . - - - - irtftn .n qnn FOR SALE OR TRADE Good Tillamook Co. dairy ranch. win accept well improved tract of or more acres near Ralnm fn fram incumbrance as part payment. Easy lerms on Daiance. inquire or writ Rt. e, box m l, one mile east state hoe- ACREAGE w - .,i-u-ll-Ll.inruxnr Do roa have a little mnntrT Tv nw bu you wnere you can buy the best small dairy farm In the valley, if tak en Immediately. Requires little money to handle. This la a truly a knock-out ; H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. - TeL 8902. TWO BEST BTIYS This 5-acre nlace la nrlntxl at nhmit H value, 6-R. plast. house, bath, toilet. " iwnn ana water system, lrg. juunrjr uuum, ana gooa Darn, family orchard.- and ibnuf 1-4 fiii..ii (Close m). priced $2950. $1150 down.' w uiihk re over. 48K-A. 1 5-A rtn-pa This place Is worth your time to see ii jruu reauy want a paying ranch. nouee, basement, bath, barn 2 auos, hop house, warehouse, baler." 6S a. good hop land. 25-A. timber and pasture. 15-A. hops, will pay out the ?A if Proper1 handled. Price only $9000 for all. (no trade). Jan. P. Bear. Realtor. 132 R TTigh SL LIVESTOCK and POULTRY w . . . i SURPLUS BABY rmmr . nl,,c -pnce Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargains. Custom hateh-l0-, ?fm egga Phone 133F8. Lees Hatchery. Salem, Oregon. iWi.WWWi ,, 1w ' . wtvww uastom hatching, 800 eggs at me every Saturday and Tuesday. TeL i3iz. Le s iiatcbery. --,-i-,-,-,-ll-ll-irinn nj-L,-LrLl. Poultry wanted. Salem Poultrv com- pany. 103 to. am ier. Business Opportunities af fVr rent. 897 N. Com'l. MONEY TO LOAN. Borrow on personal property ; repay In monthly Installment WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO., State lta S-149. 808 Guardian Bldg. TeL 8877. personal installment loans state loan company 213 Oregon Building. Sad Floor Office hra 10:00 A. M. to :30 P. M. Telephone 7733. State license No. S-165 POLLY AND HER .- n. -. ' . .... r uosrr rwiQr) - r r - - gjv& THrVr S ucrrs op S aint it?cast ver j zx?-Jn Tviiii---l y Jt MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony Heard ring out i Is really KOIN dally loaa servtc that really different. TOtT GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN Hi CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST 8TRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS 10 to 830 . Beneficial Loan Society or SALEM Boom 118 New Bligfe Bldg. Xnd F!r . LICENSED BY STATE 111 Stat 8trt TeL t-T-4-S. PERSONAL LOANS HADB1 mm rurnlrar. oars, salaries or other rood secomy. Repays Ms monthly. Wbea ta financial need oe os before etoetag a loan. OENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION first National Bank B-ic Phoc Kit. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to roduoo rout payments Tee keep the ear P. A. EI EES Cor. Liberty SL aad Forry fm 4788 Sln. Ve FOR SALE WOOD CHIARANTSSD) DRY TeL te Salem Fuel Cm. Cottage. . Trad Ash, Or aad oak. TeL 1848. No. 1 IS la old flr. 34.00. TeL 4488. Dry oak, 4 ft. 84.00. TeL 8708. No. I dry old fir, $5.80. TeL 8175. Slxteact inch second fir 18.88 load at Tracy" a Phone 8381. Per Old fir dry and grten f 4.08 and op. mono sits. Ash and fir, Judd. Phone 31F14. Dry wood $4 cord, TeL $48$. Old fir If. 18". TeL 376S. LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's Hamilton watch. No. S09020. Reward. Phone 8155. FOR SALE USED CARS SEB Bill and Bob Used Car Exchange lor your used car. II Chemereta Terms , Trade Open Evenings and Sundays McKay's used cars with an o. k. that counts 1929 Ford Coup $129.00 1927 Chrysler seaan 125.00 145.00 165.00 265.00 291.60 365.00 886.0 498.00 1929 Ford Roadster 1928 Dorant Sedan 1930 Ford Coup 1931 Ford Pickup 1931 Chevrolet Coach 19Z9 Hoick Sedan 1932 Chevrolet D Lux Coach TEKMS TRADES Open evenings and Sundays. McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phone 3189 430 N. ComT. WANTED USED CARS USED CARS Bought for Cash Always Sell for See BORREGO 240 N. Liberty Phone 8488 Efforts to create a community policy for Interest charges on an accounts 60 days past due will likely he started by the Salem Re tail Credit association as result of discussion and sentiment brought forth at the association meeting yesterday noon. Several merchants told of their paat experience with the practice of charging interest oa overdue accounts, a charge which usually meets with disfavor on part of the customer but which most of the merchants were Inclined to favor, An increasing practice of such additional charge Is noted in Sa lera businesses, it was reported. No further action will be taken by the credit association until aft er the northwest credit associa tions' convention in Vancouver, B. C, the middle of the month. After the convention, the local unit plans to ask a joint meeting with the Salem Business Men's league to further consider the community Interest Idea. Men'. Chonu Will Sing at National Music Week Event GERVAIS. May 3. The com mittee In charge, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Minaker and Mrs. Buchanan, has the program almost complet ed for the observance ot National Music week to he given at the au ditorium Monday night. May 8. Professor Hobaon and his men's chorus of 40 voices will give sev eral numbers. Ruthyn Thomas, prominent 10-year-old violinist of saiem. win piay and tne girur ehnrna nf nhomawa. will Hra nam. ,.----.- i. ,., . -it a awivu 4B a a w mm ov wo filled house Is expected. PALS MEdCHS DISCUSS HOT URGES UTESnilD 0 VEGETABLE W Asparagus Price Hurt; old Stock Onions may Have To be Abandoned CORVALLL3, Ore.. May t (AP) Northwestern vegetable growers are experiencing the handicaps of a late season with asparagus, while holders of the re maining onion tonnage may have te abandon the old stocks, it was stated today la a review issued by the U. 3. D. A. hurean of agrtcnl- tural economics cooperating with the O. S. C. extension service. What few potatoes remain ta this territory are In good demand. however, with Idaho shipments holding up to unexpected volame at prices about twice those earlier la the season. Washington asparagus came on the market much later than na na! and met almost Immediate competition from normally later sections. Prices aaak to the low point of 11 to 40 cents per 12 pound crate of No. 1 stock. Mid- Columbia 1 0-pound pyramids sold as low aa $1. Some recovery has occurred since with prices in creasing about 40 per cent over the week end. Canneries are now in the market and will probably take moat of the remaining crop to the exclusion of further carlo movement. Spinach, radishes and green on ions are the principal local vege table crops available at present. All districts are producing these la limited volume but commercial movement la still limited. Puget Sound lettuce is expected in about three weeks. Onion quotations hare been re duced to B0 cents with almost no ouyers, as new crop onions are coming on the market from Tex as. Northwestern cold storage stocks aro expected to be cleared, but some 40 to 10 carloads In growers storage may be aban doned. STOCKS FLUCTUATE E NEW YORK. May J. (AP) Stocks shifted position frequently today, but profit-taking uncover ed a atrong vein mJ resistance and net changes were of relatively minor Importance, at least aa measured by recent standards. U. S. Steel, General Motors, American Can, National SteeL American Telephone, Consolidated Gas. Standard Oils of California and New Jersey, American Tobac co B and a number ot rails lost major fractions to.haore than a point Union Pacific was off 2. Anaconda, Kennecott, Interna tional Nickel, Noranda, Cerro de Pasco aad American Smelting turned over actively late for gains ranging above a point. Goodyear, Firestone. Goodrich and U. 8 Rubber were firm to atrong. Ra dio climbed nearly a point. Tolnme expanded to 4.637,640 shares. Radio Program TRT7SXDAT, MAT 4 XOLM FarUaad o S. 6:30 O.3.O. farm talk. 10:00 Maria. Little French Priacosi, CBS i:i tiottess ot the Air. 1:30 Kook of Life. 8:00 Feminine Faoeiet, DLB9. 7:15 Tanaa. 8:00 Reading Wbite, teaor. :0O Fifth Aveaae Fov. 10.-e0 ri Rito's orehestra, DLBS. 10:16 Sport Flashes. 10:30 rto Rito's orchestra. DLBS. 11:30 Cafe ds Paris, DLBS. EOW Portland 620 Kc. 7:00 Moral Parade. KBC. 7:20 Singiag 8triags, NBC. 7:30 Rhythm Rambler. NBC s:so t'rosseats from the Log of ta Day 0:15 Tookisg achooL 10 :0O 'Woataa -Ugasiaa of the Ai KBO 11:45t Orgaa eoarsrt, NBO. 13:15 Wettera Farm aad Hiei ken. ABU. 1:45 Joha aad Nad, XBa 8:80 Friendly Chat. 8:00 Danos JournaL KBO. 8:30 Piano Pictaros. NBC. T.-Oo Amos 'a' Aady. KBC 1 :00 9taadard 8 aphony boar, KBO. 10:15 Jlauay McCool's Fishiag Oaide. 10 :S0 Ansoa Weeks' erckostra, KBO. 11:00 lhil Harris' erckettra, KBC. E0AC Oorvallia 858 Kt. - :00 MorniBj MeditaUons, led by Kits M4ro -tart-olamew. 8:00 Moralag concert. 6 :00 lioia Ecocom ici Obterrsr. 18:200. R. Hyslop "Root Orepa 8:15 Maude Pratt Bmitk, draautie reader. 2:30 BUj Thoapaoa aad Katall Kei chart ''Aetirity for Lett-re Tim." . 8:05 Hist M blasa" S. Cretgbtoa "Colas-; 'T:00 Prof. A. O. Poiaters." Luaa 'Poultry lasde BUT RES ST die INFLATION OKEH BOOMS GRAINS VALLEY WOOL PROSPECT IS D U L L Wheat up 22ct High! As 77S, December Deliveries CHICAGO. May 3 (AP) In excited dealings that, for wheat aloae. totaled about 100.000.000 bushels, all grains went skyrock eting today on house approval of the Roosevelt inflation program. Wheat scored a maximum gala of ztt cents a bushel, and 'reach ed as high as 11 cents, Decem ber delivery, with July approxi mating 7i cents, up SI hi cents from its recent' low point. Practically all deliveries of wheat, corn, oats and rye outdid the season's previous high record quotations, but reached sharply ia the last few minutes because of profit taking. , Wheat closed Irregular, M off to . up, compared with yester day's finish, corn ad vanced, eats at U-S gala. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May, 71-; July. 71-; BepL, 7-; Dec, 78. Corn May. 28; July, 40-; SepL. 41-; Dec.. 4$. Oata May. 24; July, 24; Sept.. 24; Dec., 27. General Markets PkODUCB SXCHAKQB PORTLAND. Ore.. May 8. ( AP) Preane exchange, act prices: Batter Extras 28c, steadards 22 He priae firsts 82 Me, firsts 81a. Eggs Prek extras 16c, neeinas lee. Portland Grain POBTLAXD. Ore- ltT 8. (AP) Wheat Opea Uigk Lew Clot May, new 58 58 W 58 59 May. eld 5 . 594 59 59 Jmly 61tt 62 61K 62 SepUaUer 3 64 68 6 J Cash wheel Me. 1 Big Bead bhustem 67: dark hard winter. 18 per cent 67. 11 per cent 63; soft white, herd winter 58Vs; aorthera spriag, wetter white, weitera rad 56. Oate X. 3 white $24. Com Ne. SB yellew $20.50. MUlrua standard 810-50. Portland Produce PORTLAXD. Ore- Mar 8. (AP) Batter Prists, extras 25s, ttaadsrds Battorfat Portland delivery. "A" grade 28 pound. -If Pacific Poultry r rod seers' sell iag prieos: Overaiie 17c, extras 16c, mix ed colore 15a. mediums 15e. Buying price of wholaaaleta: jrroak current roceipta 56 pounds aad ap 18-18 He doiea. .oaatry bmU aoiuag srwe te retail art : Country-killed beta best butchers, under 150 pounds, i.-4; roalors. SO to 100 pound-, t-7 Me: earing lambs 14-15c. yaarlinri 10-II a. hoary ewes 8-4c, caanar sows xh-sa, emus -. ante vregea wataaia IS-IS oad. rtaaats 10. Brstil 13-14a, lmoada 18 6e. albert S-33a see 30. Caseara rfe Bayiag rtee. 1933 poet. 8-3 Ha peaad. Uops, aomiatl. 111. 15-4 la. Live oolirr Banna once: Hoaw boas, colored. 4H poaads 13-lSe; do mo- diams 10-11; UghU 10-11; spring!, light 14 poaads ap 11-18; ducks. Po- Xia trotier laisa, i lie, color lOe. Oeiooa- gotHag anee te retailers: Ur goa O-6L10 ooatal, Yakiata fipaaish 75 85a erate. Vew eeieas, Texas Bermudas ..5 o-paad crata. Potstoos LeaL 3-T5e eraas box: Dasehates 0em 8L80-LS0; do Baker ft.eo-t.T-. I a kiaui Uoms si.X5-l.45. tw petotooe Ta-a 4 -Sc. Calif or aia whita 81.80 he. Strawborrie Sacramento 34s 81.80 8, Fresae 20a 81.60-L65 craU. Wool 1113 eli. aemi-at: Willamatt valley 10-12 poaao, aettera Uregoa 1Z 17a Meka-r Keminal bayiag arte. 193C clip. 6c Hay Buying prico from producer Alfalfa Sle-16, rle-er $11, eaatora Ore gon timothy S1-.I0-19, oata aad vetch 814 Portland Livestock POKTLAFD. Or, May 8. (AP) Cattle Receipts 50, calToa 10; steady. Steers, 550 to 900 pomade, good $5 25 8.50. medium 84-8.25; 900 to 1100 pounds, good 85.25-6.50. mediam 34 4.25; 1100 to 1300 pouads. good 34.50 5.25, medium 38.50 4.50. Hetfere, 550 to 750 pounds, good 84.25 5. eo-u-oa-asodiam 83.85- A25; 750 to 900 peaada, geed-cbeico 84.24-5, tommoa mediiua 33.60-4.25. Cowa good 83.50-4. eomatea-niediom 63.50-8.50, low cutter and cutter 81-2-50. Bulla, yearlings ex cluded, good (beef) 83.50-3, cutter-medium 8L50-3.50. Vealors, good-choice 85-6, odium S4-S. rall-eea-aoa 83.50-4.35. CalTes. 250 to 600 posada, good -eh rice 34-5, cemmoa-modium 62-4. Bogs aeeeipU 860; steady. a Light light. 140 to 160 pounds, good ehoica, 83.60-4.50. Lightweight, 160 to ISO poaads. 34.85-4. 50; 160 te 200 pooada, 34.35 4.50. Mediam weight, 300 te 320 peuads. 83.85-4.50; 320 to 350 pooada, 68.75-4.35. Heavyweight, 350 te SS peaada 83.50-4.25; 390 to 850 pooada, S3-3S-4. Packing tows. 275 to 35 poaads, good 63.25-8.85. 850 to 425 poaads 83.85-8.75, 425 te S50 pounds 38.25-8.75; 276 to 550 poaads. medium 88-8.60. Feeder aad stocker pigs, 70 to 130 poaads. good-choice 83.78-8.78. Sheep aad Iambi Receipts 850; 25c higher la spots. Spring lamb, choice 36.50, seed 0.50. medium 34 . Lambs. SO pounds dowa good-choice $4.35-4.75, eommoa medium 68-4.35; SO te 68 pounds, rood choice $4-4.50. Yearling wethers, t to 110 pen ads, good-choice 13-8.50. medium 82-3. Zwes, 90 to 120 poaads, goed cheiae 32.26-3.60. 130 U 150 pounds 63 3.80; all weighta. cemmaa mediam 31-2. 7:30 Hoatlag aad Ftthiag Coaditioas ia Oregea by ta stole gaase . commissiea. 8:00 CaWersity of Ore eon Vuaieale. 8:80 Ds-id WiUoa "Fist Mosey" Wiaaer ia Parlfle Fore Bade loagu . extempore speaking contest. i I - BoundP Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 sntlk. co-op pool price, f 1.23 per handrcd. Sarplns 05c (Ullk beied aa ttertst STersg.) end BeathTy Battcrfat Top 22c, prlmis 24 He. cwbes 23 He Pi lee paid te growers fey Salem Wafers Kay 9 (The arlee helow. aoslied oy a Iseai gtooac. are ladicattv at the daily smarts! hat are at f-aaimt M The Itnwn . raorr ud noRAius Stria beaaa. lh wh. .11 Attiehekee. dec. . Bedishea. local, dec. JO AsMragaa leeaL mam. ' " Cahhsge, Ik. 8 ureeo evom, UaiiL. Ih. -ll Pee. Calif, Ik, . . .04 Oahb-g. Ih. uuu, as, h-aehoa , JO Petatee. Taklma S. t 1.8S .1.0 te 1.2S 4.7S nri4a. sew Swee patea eral .1.SO Lettae. Calif. .3.00 te 1.78 O-ieae, Labis-. cwU Rhaharb. loeel Celery, Calif. 4fe erate hfesieea Tes-ateee Thieaps, fancy J5 01 J. 15 , -.3.00 . .SO 140 . .SO .1.45 Extra fancy Sewtewaa faaey as bra ranc- Oaaliflewer. CaUf- erate , Oranges. .. 1.2S .1.60 to 1.85 .8.00 to 4.U0 .70 rsacy Beets. Calif- des. . TeraiM. local, doa .SO Spiaaea, local, crate Banaaas. Ib. ea stock Haada Strawberries, Fresno, 20s Celery hearts, dot. Mestard greeas uacawsars Piaeappl. retail Tap. 1983. Ib. Horn .40 .55 Top. 193 L, Ih. BOOS Baying Price Extrti Standards --tediuas . .13 . .12 .11 . .04 .11 . .09 .08 .10 6.00 5 0O 4.25 4.00 POULTRY Old roosters - Colored boaa -Mediums bsas Light hsus. sprier K AT lbs 1938 spring lai Lambs, too Hera, top First cuts Steers .04 to .04 H Cows .01 t .02 H .03 H to .05 H .03 te .02 Vs Heifers Balls Dressed Teal, top .06 urease hogs . X6 aSJ-Bf ABB BAY Wheat, weiters red , White. No. 1 65 05 Barley, top. toa 1.00 to 30.00 Osts, to 30.00 to 25.00 Hit. bayls oriooo OaU aad voUh. Ua is ne alfelfa. valley. 1st cut. 15.00 Last era Orofea Clover bay 12.00 to 14.00 WOOL -Tedium Coarse . Mo-air .18 .10 Jtl OASCABA BAJUC Oreea, Ta. Dry. IK .91 Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1838. Stsadard Statistics Co.) saav a STOCX AVEAAQEJ 80 30 80 80 lad'ts Ra'a TJl'a Total Today . 70.1 83.0 03.4 S6.S Pre-lousdsy 70.S S6A S3.S 7J Week as SS.S Sl.S 74.5 41.7 Year ago 42.S 1S.4 75.S 45.0 Syoorsag 1T7.3 127.1 240.4 181.4 High 118 T0.S 86.8 SS.8 67 J lw 191S 42.8 28.6 6 US 43.S High 1988 T3.8 39.8 111.0 It Low 1833 83.1 18.S 61.8 35.0 BOBTO ATEB AOBS 2 20 tnd'la ES'i S5.3 65.0 30 60 Oi l Totsl Today 76.8 64.S 76.8 68.4 75.6 66.8 73 64.8 6.6 100.0 65.8 73.0 74.1 68.6 6.3 78.1 70.8 57.S Pravioas day 64.0 64.0 Week are , 62.S 61.8- Y ear age 86.0 66.8 3 years ago SAO 100. S High 138 SCI 65.7 Low 1983 56.3 87. High 183 71.3 76. Low 1933 58 8 47.4 FRUITS. REPORTED Continued cold rains ot this week are doing considerable dam age to the late apple crops, farm era report. The rains have pre vented pollination to a large ex tent. Prior to this week, a gener ous crop was expected on basis of the blooms. Early apples bad already set before tho rains started, so these will be unharmed by the present weather. The aame conditions hold for cherries, prunes aad pears la most parts ot the county, so far as is now evident. Cherries on some of the hilly sections are Just In full bloom this week: however these are the last to bloom, aad so far growers la these areas hold no apprehensions that anr annTeciable harm has been' done. Colder weather thda now experienced might have soma adverse effects. It is said. .75 to LOO .05 .05 1.S5 .90 .60 .00 to 1.40 .20 to .30 DM T Lakeview Increase is ; Not Followed Here; Poor Clip Seen Sale of a large block ot wool at Lakeview yesterday for 17 cents a. pound had no echo la the local . market. Wool prices hero contin ue at 12 and 10 cents, and wheth er or not a raise win come gooa will likely depend upon the qual ity of the new clip, dealers report. valley wool la considered Infer-. lor to the eastern Oregon crop, and the adverse conditions of the past winter and late spriag is ex pected to show up In the wool clip this spring. Shearing ia this section has not yet started on a large scale, but sheep men wUl get busy as soon as the present cold rains come to aa end. BOSTOM. May J (AP) Sev eral manufacturers were reported today to have bid up to 24 In the grease, Boston delivery, for good strictly combings SSs and 42. 60s. Ohio and similar fleeces, to be graded from new wools when they become available. Some dealers have tentatively set their Ideas ot valu:a on those grades higher than 24 In the grease, owing to pris some buyers were paying for ool in Ohio. At spot wools or recent purch ases in the country were not suf ficient to meet current demand for manufacturers for dealers were reluctant to accept prices of fered. FUM FARMERS HOSTS TO PAH INDEPENDENCE, May 3. The Future Farmers of America gave a banquet for their parents Wed nesday night. May 3, at Camp bell's. The dinner was cooked by Oberson's bakery, and served by a group of, high school girls, in cluding Myrtle Fox. Gertrude Gen- temann, Elisabeth Baker, Mail do Foster, Mildred Mattisou. Ruth Cuthbert, Vera Ramey, Olga Sy versou, Helen Newton, Maurice Hunnlcutt, Eileen HunnicutL, Dol ly Howe. Frances Cuthbert, Ruth Ramey and Helen Mailand. The main speaker of the eve ning was Dean H. Walker, repre sentative to the state legislature. The program included: Ad- drees of welcome. Glen Hard man, -response. T. J. Primus; tslk, Ken neth Pettibone, Corvallis; project reports. Earl Gwinn, Merle Brown. MIlo Graber, Robert Hanna; clan room work, upper, Herbert Kur re; classroom work, lower, Clar ence Primus; talk by Earl R. Coo ley, state advisor; department project report. George' Oente- mann; talks by the presidents from Albany. Lebanon. Corvallis, George Prentiss of Amity and O. D. Adams of Corvallis: talks by A. E. Horton. R. M. Walker. Z. K. Kimball. Principal P. E. Robin son, E. A. Duncle; vocal quartet, Donald Newton, Roes O be iron. Henry Quiring. Rlchsrd McKee; music by Earl Gwinn. banjo. Hen ry Qairing, guitar, Donald New ton, banjo, and Delbert Haener, accordion. BUTTER. EGGS fttTE STEADY. UNI PORTLAND. May 3 (AP) There continued a fully stesdy tone In the market for butter to day. Make was Increasing ia spots, but very slowly. Butterfat values are steady to firm with practically ro change in the setup for the day. Market, tor egg was showing generally maintained prices oa various qualities locally. The spread In actnal sales was due entirely to this condition. Storage operations continue Tery liberal. There continued a very good demand for lire chickens of all sorts except small broilers. Prices were practically unchanged for the day but all offerings were quickly absorbed. Market for country killed calves continued weak here with prices a trifle off in spots. Hogs were ia good call. There was also a fa vorable tone for quality spring lambs but poor stuff was sot so firm. At least steadiness was showiag In the market tor northwest as paragus here with most sales of mid-Columbia IS per pyramid of thi dosen. Receipts were very limited ea account of the cold weather. By CLIFF STERRETT Ffl