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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salea. Ortpon, Wednesday, Jlay 3,1933 PAGE THREE i r r v L 6 c a 1 News Br iefs , Seouts Using Camp Spring Is leading numerous Boy Scout troops in this area to spend week t-ends 'at Camp Santiam on the Little North fork of the Santiam Tlver, several miles above Me aama. Next week end boys of troop 14, Oregon state school for the deaf, will spend their annual three-day period at the camp and on the following week end troop i 9, sponsored by the American Le I gion here - will spend Saturday and Sunday in camp. Troop 8, 1 Chemawa Indian school, returned u..ii i from a three-day en campment on the banks of Pud- ding river eight miles upstream. Ladies' Haircuts 25c. Marlnello Barber Shop, 245 N. High St. Mrs. Delaney Chosen Capital -i lnwricaa Lecion auxiliary, v. nnanimnnslv endorsed the ...jMn Af Mm. Marian Delaney nit nresldent. for the position of district president. Units may en dorse candidates but may not make actual nominations. District leaders for both the legion and the auxiliary will be selected at "'the state convention In Klamath Falls next August. Estate Settled Mary Eliza beth Knapp Is to receive $173 and William Walter Chance $42$ from the estate of the late Delia A. Chance, administration of which has been handled hv the United Rally Committee Xamed Pres-1 states National bank here as exe- Ident Irl 8. McSherry of Cascade I eutor of the will. Cash to the area council, Boy Scouts, last estate amounted to $1852 of lwh!h tIAKIt m fnf lafma night announced appointees to a against the estate, committee to plan for the annual scout field day and rally to be Signs Diplomas Diplomas for held at Sweotland field . Ttn I " 10 ivu eiguia ru nauenu Committeemen, who will work ln U"?? county, f? bJn preI with Scout Executive O. P. West, ?ared tn we?k n the offices of Troop 5 Gets Flag The offer f the Daughters of Union Civil War veterans chapter here to pre sent in American flag to some Boy Scout troop has been accept ed by Executive u. r. wesi. iroup five, recently organized under nonsorshlo of First Baptist church, will receive the flag since It is the only troop In Salem which does not now possess the national colors. Special Meet Called The city council is to meet m special sea slon Wednesday, May 10, to con aider changes in the zone class! flcation In block SI. Highland avenue addition. The Salem Cher ry Growers association plans to erect a new processing plant there and a public hearing Is nec essary before the right to erect such a building in that zone can be held. O0O-70O Men Work The new monthly Job assignment system instituted this week on county R. a. relief road work will not cause any change in the number f men emnloved. according to u, D. Dotson, assistant manager of the U. S.-Y. M. C. A. Employment bureau. Each week between 600 nd 700 men will be worked on the various crews. F. N. Woodry's Auction Mkt. 1610 N. Summer, worth hunting ior. Astonishing low prices, new and used furniture.Auction every Sat. Judgment Granted Judgment for $199 was awarded G. W. Tay lor yesterday against Wallace B. Richardson for work done on a chicken house. Richardson died before the suit was heard in court but the judge held Richardson's wife knew of the contract made for the work and this fact entitled plaintiff to a judgment. are M. Clifford Moynihan, O. E. Palmateer, C. A. Sprague, Carl the county school superintendent here. Each diploma must -be sign man Brown. Rules on Barber Shops It Is unlawful and punishable to oper ate a barber shop in connection with a billiard hall without hav ing the two, separated by a parti tion reaching entirely to the ceil- Nelson? W. IV PbllUp." and llJ intendent, the teacher of the stu dent and the chairman of the dis trict school board. Wants Home for Boy Mrs. Nona White, county probation of ficer, is seeking to find a good hAtNa 4 ttav Annt a aa m m ,1 I 7 .6'Berll VanWinkle PHan boy. IS years old. The boy Is " " , "au"cu """" from a good home, she says, loves Tuesday. The opinion was re- to live in the country and would quested .by A. J. Schieferstein. I mava fin iti.. . fomtw rice-president of the state board Any family interested In taking Ul uarucr examiners. the boy should communicate with I ar a tk. 4. - """w j iv cu, sk. cat, in ciiu n Moon. Always best music. I Judjrment Granted A 11200 . r, . , . . 1 judgment for the plaintiff was Engage in Fight As a "re-1 .j 7nTL LhelI row!83 fe in the case of Stella C. Culver In the manly art of boxing with- .gainst D. M. Burnett and othar. out gloves. Fred Wolf, higa school principal has decreed that to the Judgment which resulu two high school boys shall sit on from a mortgage foreclosure enairs in his office until 5 o'clock action. eacn, aay ior two weeks. The boys engaged In a 20 minute battle be- Police Coaia Stored State po fore a number of students near I Hcemen this week donned offl ine schoolhouse Monday, the dls-1 cial spring and summer attire. Files for Delegate Edward C Keller of Jackson county filed Tuesday la the state department as a delegate to the constitutional convention to rote oa repeal of the Eighteenth amendment to the federal constitution. Keller fav ors repeal of the amendment, File Suit Suit to foreclose a mortgage for $1800, to which In terest and costs are to be added, was began In circuit court yester day. Plaintiffs are Patrick and Elizabeth Mijstrik and defendanU are G. J. and Mamie Burger. Games Postponed- The sched uled kltball games between First Methodist and Presbyterian and American Lutheran vs. Temple Baptist, were not played last night due to the muddy condition of the field. Secures License Nathaniel Murphy, Salem, route eight, yes terday secured a license to marry Gloria. Caldwell. Salem route eight. For each person, the wed ding will be a second matrimonial venture. pute allegedly "date.' being over a consisting of the usual striped trousers, and the blue-gray wool en uniform shirts. Until the re turn of cold weather, they will not wear their uniform coats. Report on Estate Annual re- Slanghter House Looted A large quantity of meat, lard and tools Monday night were taken from the Edwards slaughter house near the city Incinerator by port of Alf O. Nelson, guardian of uncles wuu usa a irucK, cuy po- i the estate or oie Olson, lncompe lice were Informed yesterday. The tent. m filed In nrobate conrt loot included five hind quarters of I yesterday. Outgo for the year was beer, three hind quarters of pork, put at $293. Cash on hand lour tubs of lard and several knives and saws. Officers said they had found no traces as to identity of the thieves. s Seeks Divorce Suit for divorce was filed in circuit court Tuesday by Gertrude E. Parkhill of Wood burn. She married Robert N. Parkhill in Kelso, Wash., in 1929. She alleges that he has deserted her and has failed to provide for amounts to $2477. Olson owns al so a 10-acre tract of land and a government bond. Stolx Admits Guilt Richard Stolts pleaded guilty In justice court to operation of a motor ve hide without proper lights, and was fined $2.50. The fine was re mitted. Judgment to Plaintiff Jadg- Exhibits Coming In for 4-H Club Fair on Thursday Exhibits for the annual all county 4-H club fair began com mg Tuesday to the offices of Wayne D. Harding here. Mr. Harding, who heads club work in the county, expects an influx of exhibits today and up to 10 a. m. Thursday when the time expires for club workers to bring in their products. The show will be held in the Chambers building, 357 North High street, and judging will be carried on throughout Thursday. Friday and Saturday the ex hibits will be open to the public without charge. Demonstrations by various clubs will be featured Friday and the annual style re vue will be held Saturday after noon. her care. Ten dollars a month sup- nient of $1610 and costs was port funds for a minor child granted L. S. Lambert yesterday whose custody the mother seeks, DT Judge L. G. Lewelling in a are asked in the complaint. Gen. Everson at Roiary Gen eral William G. Everlbn, pastor of the White temple, Portland, will deliver the address at the luncheon of the Rotary club today noon. foreclosure action brought against Jeanette B. Fischer and others. Estate Valued The estate of the late Ralph Herbert has a value of $4036 according to an apprais al filed in probate court Tuesday. The Ladd & Bush Trust company is administrator LOST LIE GDI 0 US Lost lake, en the north side of Mt. Hood, will be the camp ing place for the Chemeketans daring their annual outing this year. The dates set are August I to 20. The outing committee held a meeting at the Marlon hotel yesterday noon and made final decisions respecting plans for the annual camp. This will be the first time an annual outing has been held in the Mt, Hood country. Previous camps have been located at Mar ion lake In the Mt. Jefferson dis trict; Scott lake, in the Three Sisters country; Mt Rainier, and Spirit lake at the foot of Mt. St. Helens. Lost lake is in the primi tive area on the north side of the mountain. A forest road leads to the lake, but the camp will be located across the lake. accessible only by boat or trail. Numerous short trails lead from Lost lake to Interesting places la the area. The climb of the mountain will be made from the north side, starting at Cloud Cap inn, and crossing the head of Elliott glacier. This Is the route taken by the parties from Hood River, but most Chemek etans nave made the climb from the other side, starting at Gov ernment Camp. W. M. Hamilton is chairman of the annual outing committee. Hurr Donates Fine Collection Moths To State College WOODBURN. May 2 C. W. Hurr of Woodburn, who has one of the most valuable collections of butterflies and moths in. this state, has given a gift of six rare specimens to the entomology de partment of Oregon State college. Mr. Hurr has spent many years gathering his fine collection and has given some interesting lec tures of the different varieties and their respective habits. Full Foreclosure Refused by Judge In Feskens Case Pep Company Cuts Wages on 5 to 20 Per Cent Scale An additional wag and salary reduction tor all Poatland Elec tric Power company employes be came effective here this ..week, the scale ranging in the redac tions from 8 to 20 per cent. A redaction plan has been agreed to by the anion electrical work ers and will be put into effect May 10. The reduction was order ed by Franklin T. Griffith, presi dent, to meet declines in revenue and to. "protect the interests of 15,000 Oregon citizens who own securities in the company. The wage reduction scale follows: Fire per cent for wages be tween $60 and $70 a month; 7 per cent between 75 and $100; 10 per eent between $100 and $125; 1SH per cent between $125 and $150; 16 per cent be tween $150 and $200. and 20 per eent above $200. C. E. ATTITUDE Oil FILMSI! Judge L. G. Lewelling yester day granted judgment of $471 to Anton Feskens, defendant In a suit for strict foreclosure of a contract brought by Melvln John son. The court held Johnson had forfeited rights to strict foreclos ure by failing to start suit when Interest was not paid. Feskens bought a house and lot from Johnson for $2900, agreeing to pay Johnson $800 and to assume a $2100 mortgage against the place. Eight hundred dollars had been paid. Johnson sued for $100 and back Interest. The court held Feskens en titled to the return of his pay ments with' Interest and taxes. less rent on the place at 120 a month. Counsel for the plaintiff lndl cated late yesterday an appeal would be taken. China Talk to be "At Presbyterian Church This Eve Rev. A. Raymond Kepler, for 32 years a missionary to China, will speak at the First Presbyter- Ian church tonight at 7:20 o'clock on modern trends and conditions In China. He will also speak at the Willamette university chapel hour this morning. Rer. Kepler Is now executive secretary of the Church of Christ In China. From his long years of contact and study with the Chinese peo ple, those persons who are inter ested In the Orient today should find Dr. Kepler's addresses very much worth whole". Dr. Grover C. Birtchet, pastor of the Presby terian church says. Defendants Win In Hill's Suit Misinterpretation ct one reso lution passed by the state con vention of Christian Endeavor, In session In Eugene from Thursday to Sunday, is reported by local delegates who attended. The res olution related to motion picture shows, but did not place the con vention on record as opposed to movies, bat rather as recom mending that young people select the pictures they wish to see. Just as they should choose the better books for v their reading pleasure. Almost IS 00 delegates were registered at ' the coaveatlon. which has been excelled by but twe previous yearly sessions. A fine spirt prevailed throughout. with an exceptionally fine pro gram. Depression was even evi dent, as for instance with one group that traveled several hun dred miles in an open truck to attend. However, one observer opines that the economic situa tion made the convention even finer. 3805 Meals are Served by Open Door Mission pany according to IL V. Collins. district manager f or the company here. For the entire rear for the entire state of Oregon the com panys property taxes will ba f S19.4Sf.37. The total of all'taxe average $9.52 per telephone, bas ed on the number of telephones In service March 1, 19 3 S. and rep- , resents about II per cent of the company's operating expenses la tne state. Magazine Makes Appearance; Aid To Hop Industry First copies of the Oregon Hop Grower, a new maxaglne devoted to the Interests of the hop grow er, were received here Monday by local bop men. The Initial is sue is a 12-page publication, sad includes an article oa "Quality Production of Hops." written by C F. Noakes of Salem, and deal log with standardization of the crop. J. R. Una of Salem Is also author of one of the articles. The magazine Is published at Mt. Angel, with Sidney Jackson as editor. It Is the official organ of the state hop growers association. BUT POOL ROOM WOODBURN. May 2 The pool room and confectionery trwneoU and operated by Frank Brock, was sold the past week to Mike Perd and Victor Kelly, both local men. Mr. .Perd has been employed in the pool room by George Hull In Salem. The new owners took possession Saturday. Decision for the defendants in a case brought by Ernest C. Hill against Frank A. Doerfler and Daniel J. Fry, Jr. was handed down Tuesday morning by Judge L. G. Lewelling in court here. The court held plaintiff had not estab lished any fraud in the transac tion with Doerfler and Fry whom he claimed misrepresented proper ty sold by them to him. Plaintiff asked for return of $1000 paid on the property and $2350 In addi tion as the value of improvements he had made. The monthly report of the Open Door mission, made public by Earl J. Sechrlst, superintendent, shows some decrease in unemployment. However, according to Mr. Se chrlst the seasonal employment afforded in the hop fields has brought many "over night stop- f J!A!. pent to Salem during the month, j MCIU VsUnUlllUIl seren-nunarea nrty-rive men were lodged, several transient families were cared for and over 70 gar ments were given out. Forty sick cases were cared for and over 200 haircuts were given transients. Through the cheeking system operated by the mission over 1350 pack sacks and bundles were kept off Salem streets. The churches .of Salem are cooperating in the operation of the mission and all service Is rendered without charge. Telephone Taxes Average $932 Per Instrument Taxes for Marlon county for the first half of. 1932, acountlng to $29,450.59, were paid by the Pac ific Telephone and Telegraph com- Is A Danger Sign Add condition means trouble ahead unless It is given immedi ate attention. It is often caused by mineral shortage a lack of some of the essential cell-saltJ needed by your body. Dozens of local people have ended add condition by drinkinf CAL-O-DDiE, a natural mineral water which contains all of the cell -salts and minerals essential to life in natural form, assim ilated by the blood stream. Let us tell you about their results. Get a bottle, today. It is pleasant to drink and a half-gallon wQl last you a whole month. Phone 6726. or can at 226 North High 8treet, Salem, Oregon, for free Information absolutely no obligation, c-2. adv.. Ob ltuary Lev ens At Eugene, May 2, William S. Levens, late resident of 1145 North 14th street, Salem, aged 60 years. Survivei by widow, Le- oda M. Levens of Salem; two Drunkenness Admitted Five brothers, B. W. Levens of San persons have pleaded guilty in I Francisco; Roy Levens of Salem; municipal court this week to two sisters, Mrs. Stanley Pike of charges of being drunk, and sen- Oakland, Mrs. L. L. Foster of tences and fines have been lm- Tucson, Ariz.; nieces, Mrs. R. D. posed as follows: Bob Holman Woodrow of Salem, Mrs. Walter and Roy Matthis, $8 each; Joe I Monroe of Sebastopol, Cal., Mrs. Schotthauer. five days; Edna Grace Smith of Los Angeles. Fa- 3 Carrath, route Kurth, $10. 5, $10; Edna neral announcements later by the Clough-Barrick company. 1 "' Fever Feared . Numerous re quests have been received by the Marlon county health department lately to check up on disease cas es believed to be scarlet fever but no new cases have been found, ac cording to Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, health officer. The suspected cases generally prove measles or similar rashes, hesays. Scouts at Funeral Boy scouts served as pallbearers and assist ed in tha funeral service for Ray mond Gordon Lacey, 17, held at the Clough-Barrick chapel yester day. Scout buglers playeds taps at the committal service. Young Lac ey was a member of troop 15, West Salem. Trial Continued Trial of Evin Daley, slated for justice court yei terday afternoon, was continued ntil the district attorney pro duces two additional witnesses. Daley, accused of Teckless driv ing, was released on his own rec- sgnlzance. Board to Sleet The regular business meeting of the T. M. C. A. board of directors will be held at the Y building Thursday noon. Liljcquist William Flesher Llljequist, aged 22 years, late resident of 1740 South Winter street. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Llljequist of Salem; brother, Monford Adams of Salem; grand mother, Mrs. Laura E. Flesher of Seattle; four uncles, Charles and Oran Llljequist of Wausau, Wis., Lawrence Llljequist of Marsh- field, Claude Flesher of Olym- pia. Wash.; aunts, Mrs. Albert Johnson of Claremont, Cal., Mrs. Oscar Piper of Seattle; cousins, Frank Anderson of Salem, John Anderson of McMinnville. Funer al services will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel Thursday, May 4, at 2 p. m., with Dr. Gro ver C. Birtchet officiating. o some , Parker In this city May 1, F. E. Par ker, aged 80 years, one month. 19 days. ""Uncle of Agnes Wilson of Portland. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, May 3, at 4 p. m. from the Terwilliger funeral home, 770 Chemeketa street. In terment I. O. O. F. cemetery. r4 J f - i Coming Events May 4, 5, Annual all- eomttry 4-H club fair, Chambers building. Ma 5 Miss Gladys Bow- en, society editor of Port land Oregonlanr'speak and show pictures of life of Cus ter and of Yellowstone na tional park; Y.M-C.A. lobby. May 5-0 Annual Hay festivities, Willamette uni versity campus. May 7 Music week opens to Salem. . . May 16 Final contest in dramatics and music, Marion county federated commun tty clubs, - in Salem high school auditorium. May 19 Students of Mary Schults in program at X. M. C A. . May 28-27 Oregon State Assoeiatloa of Master plumbers, annual meeting. May 28 Dr. D. B. Hill, motion pictures of special interest to children and par. ents; T. M. C. A. lobby. June 1-4 Evangelical conference, First Evangeli cal church. June 2-4 Fourth Annual Willamette Valley Flower 'Show. i , June 19 -Willamette uni versity commencement. June 20-22 O. A. R, and affiliating bodies annual en campment. - - July 21-26 Annual En cammnent. Spanish " War Veterans. Sent. 4-9 Oregon state Best In this city April 29. James Best, age 54 years, late resident of route 8, Salem. Funeral serv ices Wednesday, May S, at 1:80 p. m., from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son with Rev. Earl Cochran officiating. Interment Claggett cemetery. O O ! Births o -o Merriott To Mr. and Mrs. wmiam a. Merriott of Salem, a I girl, Lor is Ardyth, born May 1 at the Bungalow maternity home. White To Mr. and Mrs. Guy White, route 8, a girl, Betty Jean, born April 80 at Salem Deaconess hospital. Cleveland To Mr. and Mrs. James Cleveland, 1125 North 16th street, a. boy, Frederick Verne, born April 25 at Salem general hospital. Jasmer To Mr., and Mrs. Al len' Jasmer of Pratum, a boy, Al len Wendle, born April 21 at Sa lem Deaconess hospital. - - Invalid Chairs to Rent Call 00 lo. Used Furniture , Department 151 North High . y " . v&.-vriv-.o, ..-5; - W ' f ,. tl "-L V f ' I V ' A ' I ; : -A ' i, ;1 f' -v V J :' ' - t - I v V. 5 " s i ' v x, ' I i " f V :.-, ! . V v . ' . . v S V f - , i ; - " . , : i r ? i A friend of CHESTERFIELD writes us of a salesman who had w something to say"t I dropped into a little tobacco shop, and when I asked for a pack of Chesterfields the man smiled and told me I was the seventh customer without a break to ask for Chesterfields. 'Smoker after smoker, he said, tells me that Chesterfields click with them that they're milder and taste better. I sell five times as many Chesterfields as I did a while back. Yes, there's something to say about Chester fields and it takes just six words to say it w They're mild and yet they satisfy.' ft! v - : WherrveryoaTwyX lltSTFtli V - ' ' cheaterfleldayoutt . tA inFltln ,VVh (thamjustasfraahasj tlQ AMo- . Vlf you earns by our . "ii 'in I 1 fair. .1 OillllnWlWiifil O WIS. tiecm A Ursa Toaccp Co.