The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 03, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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'."'"j WEATHER ;
. C3oody today, tweosalng
. asettled - with occasional
raia Thursday.' Max. Trap.
Wednesday 55, iln. 41, rlv
er 4j feet, rata .22 inch,
FOUNDED: 1031 ' V
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, May 3, 1933
. No. 31
; 4 -
x ' ' ''si1' iiiiq oil nii
Wax Oratorical : Over Bills
For . .Inflation, Muscle
Shoals, to no Avail
Administration's Strength
Demonstrated In Test -
; Vote of 261 -11 3
1 --Republican regulars made last
fc stands today In congress against
key units of the Roosevelt pro
gram bat their oratorical strength
: -was ot little avail' against the
i massed votes of the administra
tion majority.
. . While President Roosevelt Mm-
celt went further Into his econonv
le conference prepsrations In an
' hour's talk with Tomaa.' A, La
Breton. " Argentina's envoy.' and
turned , tor .a welcome to Italy's
v Guldo Jang, the senate poshed the
r new Muscle : Shoals, program to
wards a vote, and the house heard
rantWnflatIon oratory and demon
strated the solid force back of the
I administration monetary plan in
a 261 to lis test vote.
W The test, outstanding develop
- ment of the day on the Roosevelt
i domestic program, occurred on a
. motion by which the representa
, tires agreed to approve or reject
unchanged the senate-approved
V Inflation plan at the conclusion ot
r'Clalm Senate Wrong
j Place to Initiate
'Vit was followed quickly by de
feat of a republican effort to rule
'V ut the legislation on the eonten-
)tion,that the senate had no right
to originate monetary legislation.
; Then the old arguments on the
money Question ' went on, broken
. only by a lively interruption when
a young woman in the gallery
. . stood np to tell the congressmen
5 that at the rate they're going they
.' jt n Vmh nn m. mllllnn tmn with-
i cut getting oat of the depression.
.The diversion soon ended and In-
K tlatlon talk went on.
In the senate the G. O. Preg-
alars marshalled . all their argu-
jaenti against government partie
. xllpation In business, prophesying
X dire consequences from federal
V production and sale of electric
power or fertilizer. They com'
plained bitterly against sinking
. into "Tennessee mud" tax funds
- v wrested from citizens at large.
Bat the old combination of dem
Kecrats and western republican In
dependents which has passed Mus-
tie Shoals bills before was more
1 than ready to approve the ex
'i panded Roosevelt nlan with Its
Tennessee valley development.
-) r Its discussion brought from Sen
; ator Dill. (D., Wash.), announee-
ment of a new plan for develop
ing the large Columbia basin,
, r where Irrigation and power are
: to eonvert desert Into rice land.
, The Post said today that defin-
lte assurance has been received by
United States Attorney Rover that
1 moi. waanes a. ianaDergnwui oe
reaay ana wiuing 10 mppear acre
next Monday at the trial of Gas-
ton B. ; Means and Norman T.
Whitaker on charges of conspir
ing to steal 235,000 from Mrs.
Eralyn Walsh McLean.
" Colonel Lindbergh was contact-
.yesterday by the justice de-
. 1 partment, me foti saia, ana was
A1 reported to have assented readily
'y toithe suggestion that he appear
v as a witness. Means already has
-Wleen convicted of taking 2104,000
f trom Mrs. McLean- in return tor
which he was supposed to bring
about .the recovery of the kidnap
ed undbergn baby;
rr?KiUed : in Fight
'With RfihAl RanA
SANTIAGO, Cnoa, May-2
I AP)vTwo soldiers died and sev
eral were wounded In a brush
' xwlth rebels near San Louis, OtI-
- Tne rebels 'were believed to be
' members of the group that at-
. tacked San Luis ln last Saturday's
) . disorders ln the province. Wheth
i ': er they suffered any casualties
. wss not determined.
: - , Four of the band surrendered
) lere tonight to Col. Luis Del Ro
al, chief ot the military district.
Gas Price Rise
Is Met Locally
y The ha If -cent advance of gaso-
I land Monday was : generally tol
7 I lowed - by retailers here yester-j tomoblle, but unable to start it ln
J ;, day. The new quotations put his weakened condition, remained
. first grade gasoline at 18 cents there for several " hours until
a calion and third structure
at 15 cents. These nrices now
- Just one-half cent above 1 Port-
Tland prices. ' - 1
Aliens Have to
Dodge Past Him
Daniel W. MacCormack. aewlv
appointed coaunissloner cener-
al of immlgratloa, Is pictared
at his desk ta the labor de
partment banding? at Wash
lagtoa as he took over bis
duties as guardian of Uncle
Sam's gateways. The deetlBies
of thooaanda' ot foreign born
catering the United States rest
largely la his hands.
Dock, Water System, Other
Local Work Proposed
At Meeting Here
Projects possible of being fin
anced under President Roose
velt's public works program or
with R. F. C. funds were dis
cussed Tuesday night by members
of the city water board, utilities
committee ot the ity council
and chamber of commerce mem
bers at a meeting held In the
chamber rooms at the request of
the Salem Trades and Labor
council. Action on plans wss left
for later developments.
Suggestions included the pro
posed municipal dock, irrigation
projects in the Salem district, a
sewage disposal plant and a
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
SALISBURY, Md., May 2.
Col. William E. Haskell, 72
a founder of the Crimson, pub
lication at Harvard university,
and former newspaper executive
in Minneapolis, New York and
Boston, died here tonight.
Immediately after graduation
from Harvard. Haskell went to
Minneapolis and, with. C. M.
Palmer, published the Mlnneap
oils Tribune. Later he purchased
the Minneapolis Times which he
published until assuming the
business management of the New
York American. '
I Later Haskell took over the
I publication of the Boston Herald
i or wnicn nig zamer, tawm
HasKeii. naa Deen eauor ior many
years. When the Herald combih
ed with the Boston Traveler, he
became first vice-president of the
International Paper company.
ASTORIA, Ore., May 2 (AP)
White workers at all the fish
canneries here held a mass meet
ing tonight and voted to strike In
avmnathv with the fishermen's
strike against the price of cents
a pound' orrereo oypacaers or
Chinook salmon. It was expected
that about 700 white workers
would be affected.
The strike. It was said here to
night, will leave only oriental
workers In the canneries tomor
row, and officials of the Columbia
River Protective Fishermen's nn
ion expressed belief the oriental
workers will probably, decide to
walk out some time tomorrow.
THE DALLES, Ore., May J.
(AP) A. S. Roberts, prominent
Wase6 rancher and former mem
ber of the state legislature, was
'seriously Injured today by an ex
plosion of dynamite while he was
blastine stumps en b!ranen.
He wrapped a handkerewei
about his mangled hand and nsed
a file as a tourniquet. He crawled
several hundred yards to "his au-
gas I neighbor found him. He wss
are I brought to a hospital here, where
n mm
attendants said there was little
; hspe that he would recover and if
IS fill
Guardsmen to be Arrested
If They try Arrests,
Cherokee County
Preacher Leads Farmers In
Preventing Foreclosure
Sale in Minnesota
LB MARS, la.. May J. (AP)
A' defy to the military patrol
ling ot two sections ot western
Iowa following last week's farm
rioting came late today from
County Attorney James Smith
at Cherokee.
Smith said he had received
reports the troops stationed here
were planning to send details In
to his jurisdiction. In search ot
alleged offenders, and announced
that It such steps were taken the
Iowa national guardsmen would
be arrested and charged with
violence. ;
Smith asserted there had been
no trouble In Cherokee county
and consequently, he said, the
troops "will have no more auth
ority there than ordinary citi
zens. Organization of a military
council to prepare the cases of
the hundred-odd farmers arrest
ed by guardsmen in connection
with the riots, proceeded.
TltT-Q lfATWPS T Xfn V
(AP) Governor Clyde Herring
said today troops would oe sent
Into Cherokee county if military
authorities at Le Mars deemed
it advisable. st .
v FERGUS FALLS, Minn., May
2. (AP) A pastor who left the
auiet of his small town study
quiet of his smaii ion xnoy
ied suo -ianners miu.j m
venting foreclosure sale of a
farm belonging to a man too
11' to leave his bed to protest.
Coming from nearby Under
wood, the Rev. John Flint, a
Unltarian. joined members of the
Otter Tail uounty r anners hoip i juo yuiyumug w uvm ueut uu juv. . &. v. noons, io
day association in the first force-1 her father had been received cumbent, is a Holman appointee
ful nreventlon of a Minnesota i there, the girl entered a large and -the treasurer will support
ga since the governor proclaim- 1
ed a foreclosure moratorium in
Febrnary.' The ban expired Sun
day In favor of a new relief law.
"Most preachers teach us we
shall eat pie bye and bye In the
skv- but here's a preacher who ductor which extended across no would like Hobbs' job but he eonUnssd to serve under At
thinks we should have the pie Cape Cod by land and from Bos- records of the department torney General VanWinkle until
now " the 50-year-old pastor told onlh to New London, Conn., cost- eon- his death. Following the slaying
the crowd in a brief address from
the courthouse steps sfter the
postponement announcement was
tt. iImiaiiiimiI t na urn on or
Governor Clyde U Herring oi
i?w- r. "1 ' ,i;.n;:i
nan u t c u
Floyd B. Olson ot Minnesota, as
"a friend of the people and a
friend of the farmer."
Ht'to Do?,r ic
T7i v TlA - n I uuuuig 10 miorm tne gin s rigatlon project was promised to
rOUntl UHU Cr Car teacher be was waiting for the day by Governor Clarence D. Mar-
I child. She left Immediately and it tin and E. P. Banker, chairman
The body of a man believed to
be C B. Hurst. 31, Portland
mechanic was found late last
night pinned nnder the wreckage
of his automobile about two
miles south of TiHer on the
fw111.. T.nl1 m4 a a il
A 111CI-A I Ctl tUl-UU I W a u. A saw
auto and trailer had evidently
skidded over a 75-foot
over a 75-foot grade,
killing tne anver mstanuy. ine
wreck was discovered about half
an iiour after the accident.
Cannery Workers Strike
Van Hee Winner by Kayo
Ex-Solon Hart in Blast
Conspiracy Charge Filed
he should, he would probably be
totally blind
PORTLAND, Ore.,- May
(AP) Frank Van Hee of Seat
tle knocked out Jack Patrick-of
Fresno in the first round ot the
scheduled 10-round main event on
lanignt's lignt card nere. van Heel
weighed 200 pounds, five lessjbronie medals were awsrded the
tnan ratricx. it was Tan Hee s
19th knockout rn his last 22
Steve Wallulls. 207, Astoria,
Ore knocked out Carl Campbell,
214, Portland, with a short right
to the chin ln the second jound oil
their, scheduled 8-round semi-
; ,v LTvh f "T
from the United States marshal s
office ona charge of . conspiraej r
to thwart .the administration of
JU8"C, . xeaerai court.
Shelley, former Justice, of - the
pw oBo;, wss ukbiuw ui
the present , federal Jury panel
here. Alderman, an acquaintance
ot his, authorities said, was not a
member of the Jury. Shelley gave
bond of $5,000 tonight before
United StateB Commissioner Ken-1 .Black had previously paid the
neth Fraxer and Alderman was! county treasurer $440.74 -which
being held in lieu of bond in
same amount.' - " ' - -
Heads Friendly ,
College Co-eds
r - - I -
Miss Anne Banting, attractive co I
ed at the University of Xebras.
ka, who was recently elected
president: of the newly-form-
ed Rational Oollesiate "Pen,
Group for Women. The society
Is known as the Phi Sigma
Chi, and Its purpose is to
create better sportsmanship
and friendliness among co-eds
thronghout the entire Tconntry.
"Chauf f eur" Sent to SchOOl
And Family Telephone
Figures in Ruse
(AP) Margaret McMath, 10-
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
7 :MVt t
" T" . V " r" ' . .T
iruiu buu k.i luuuauKuici ui x i au
cis C. McMath, wealthy Detroit
v v is
engineer and industrialist,
vif i
kidnaped today.
Dismissed from
her fourth
grade schoolroom after a tele-
mu muwinroDn omm- uya min i
described as a negro.
No motive for the kidnaping
was known to the family. I
State .police and coast guards
swung; into a search for the
7 ea. "
uv. ,u "f
h -chool. said the speaker was
her father. He said he was send-
i -uiui . so i
th aam. Iln.. ..At... 11
"v;- V"'V . "
the telephone receiver there be
. ... vi . ,
i in,. t . . .
telephone company employe. The
ci were iracea 10 a general
When the abductor arrived at
scnooi ne sent anotner pupU.
whovw",,n tne choolysrd. into
I w" not untn &n hour later that
wer noimea. .
Poce believed ransom was the
JU0":.0 ?u"? .-0.1 "Pnted
7.. i.inA,CIIIia ,Iy Her
I "r. " '-'"t u7
?TJi lr?cur1 teeJ llrm-
1 - usao upcu CU
I era. A 1 K - s V..C1J1
gaged ln boat building
y,. r rn t
J3SOU Lee 1
I o in
aecona rrize on
His Own History
PORTLAND. Msr 2. t AP)
Lenore Lavature, student at Jef
ferson high school of Portland,
was today awarded first prise
in the annual Beekmsn ' essay
contest conducted nnder the
auspicies of the Oregon historl
cai society. Jason - Lee was
the subject for this yesr's eon
test. Jason D. Lee, Baker high, won
econd place; Helena Kerr, Wash
I lngton hlrh of Portland, third.
land Mary Jeffery, Catlln school,
I Portland, fourth. Cash prises ot
so.' 250. 340 and 830 and
l four winners.
r-ff- i... -
tTOl K LOtiiitV IS
I - , n - a t
.faiU AulOUnZ Ul
Clerk Shortage
DALLAS, May 2 (Special)
Mr- K,BV MeCament. Hobson
King, representauve. ot . the
I Amsterdam Surety company
I . tv. .nm f
inl.t7 tn amoOBt in fun ot
Jh ebortars In the Dallas City
bank-.of the county account kept
by Biack aBring n1g term in office.
.... -yjien . the payment was con-
ciUded Polk county released the
surety company from any further
liability. The sum was paid in a
cashier's check drawn on the
I Bank ot California. ' .' '
the t made the total shortage amount
1 52552.01. ---- .
nn in
Board of Control to Meet,
Holman -Still Irked at
' 'Flight' Publicity
Einzig Salary Expected to
Be his Target; Gehlhar
Job Another Issue
The state board of control is
scheduled "to meet today with Ru-
fus. C Holman, . state, treasurer,
ready to wage war anew against
Governor Julius L. Meier If ad
vance statements emanating trom
the treasurer's department are to
be interpreted literally.
Unfavorable publicity which at-
tended the treasurer's "flight" to
Mexico rankled in his mind and
as this Is the first formal meeting
since taat occasion, a aumoer oi
re spots between the governor
Qa nia oaiurog; appointee mu.j
he exposed.
Ho'm"!g vlmedU,t poB,!if
f"ack will be the salary of Wll-
rig . sta te purchasing
reduced 20 per cent from $4200
or to $3360 annually.
Holman claims the purchasing
agent, by law, is bound to tske 20
per cent less than the prevailing
salary of $4200 on December 31,
1930. This would give Einzig
less thsn SO per cent of the $7000
annual salary for which he was
Agriculture Job
Change Is Talked
For several weeks there has
has been press talk that Senator
Wheeler of Lane county was be
ing groomed by some person po
litically powerful, as a successor
to Max Gehlhar, head of the agri
cultural department. The govern-
office has consistently denied
" would take any action against
. . i
- Aninsiw" sr n at n a v -t i m nn is i
" : . . .. . . .
rroominr wneeier ! nnt kdoth.
vvneeier nimseu is not aa verse to
the aoDolntment.
There - has ' also been trouble
sbout the state printer's depart-
bib-w uv iHt-wwAr 1( is very
doubtful if the governor will seek
his removal. There has been some
friction with the paper houses
J over contracts for state paper and
ah-(the usual fringe ot job seekers
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
QLYMPIA. Wash.. Msy 2
OLYMPIA. Wash., Msy
A T fvjtns.v t sti r)f than sit ft t si
I .mini.atin ; i fAarin ttx
new plan for the development of
the Columbia basin power and ir-
of the state Columbia basin eom-
mission and director of conserva-
tlon and development.
The new plan, emuracmg a
m6dlfled program of construction
ur , vw y"
, LC08tV.w" nc? J?
s aouiugvuuy mj u j uuaivi x
We will cooperate in any pro
gram approved or developed by
President Roosevelt and Senator
Dill, Insofar as it is possible to do
so," Governor Smith said.
The use of state funds in con-
unction . with reconstruction fi
nance corporation money in fi
nancing the project wlthoat con
gressional action hinges to a large
extent on the ontcome of the 110,-
000,000 state bond issue case now
pending before the state supreme
court, the governor pointed out.
The court1 is to hear arguments
Msy 22 on an action Instituted to
test the constitutionality of the
bond issue law enacted by the
1933 legislature.
Envoy ot Italy
Says Nation is
Anxious to Aid
, .
Mussolini's personal represen
tative, Guldo Jung, arrived ln
Washington tonight too late tor
th Alnnap rlvmn In nia Bnnnr nv
President Roosevelt, but he msh.
ed to the white house and met the
guests asembled at a reception
after the evening, meal.
"My country Is determined to
do all In its power to make the
London' economic conference
success,- the aggressive finance wno ?
minister of Italy announced upon! won for weeks. r
his arrival In Washington, nnrut- Headed I by Senator Wagner ct
fled by the delay caused by a fog
in New York harbor which held
UP His snip.
(AP) Bill Johnson, negro, was
convicted late today of the ham
mer murder of Miss Mary Wolfen-I cure proposals that have been pre
merger, - CO-year-old ' seamstress, I sented, is studying the anti-trust
and ' sentenced to death ln the ! laws carefully with a view to rec-
electrie chair. - ' -
loody to Can y on Banks Case
Of tevehs; Jury is Cdiplete
Public Service Ends
Levens Sudden Victim
Of Heart Attack
At Eugene
'ILL! AM 8. LEVENS, 0.ot
Salem, . deputy attorney
reneral of Oregon, died
suddenly at Eugene at t p. m.
Tuesday from a heart attack. He
was in Eugene in charge of the
prosecution of L. A. Banks and
bis wife on. the charge of murder
ing George Prescott, Med ford po
lice officer. -
Levens had been ill yesterday
morning and had not been pres
ent in the courtroom. He died
suddenly In a doctor's office. , He
had been subject to heart attaeks
previously but his general health
was considered good.
Funeral arrangements had not
been made last night. The body
was brought to Salem and is at
the Clough-Barrick mortuary
here. Mrs. Levens went to Eugene
as soon as word of her husbsnd's
death reached Salem.
Presiding Judge Sklpworth ad
journed court shortly after word
of Levens' death had been brought
to him.
Came to Salem as
Prohi Commissioner
Levens had lived in Salem since
February. 1925. when he wss sp
tainted stAt nrohlbltlnn rnim1.
i sioner oy waiter n. nerce, men
m . m n . . -
v. t v -
iuiciuui. Mi. uBicua txuo un
from Baker.
He served in this cspacity until
eeeded by George Alexander. He
July IS. 1927, when he was sue-
then practiced law here until
April, 1929, when he wss ap
pointed assistant attorney gene
ral. For two years he represented
the sttorney-genersl la lndustrlsl
accident department work.
in Apm. is 1 1. Levens was
transferred to the main office ot
the state legal department where
ot Prescott on March IS Govern
or Meier requested the appoint
ment of a special prosecutor to ro
to Medford to conduct an Investi
gation of the murder and previous
oaiiot tnetta. Levens was select
ed tor this task.
District Attorney
At Baker 12 Years
Prior to his appointment as
state prohibition director Levens
served as district attorney ot Ba-
tTurn to page 2, col. 1)
Drafting of several highway
congtrnctlon pr gal a at
ing a total expenditure of 115,
000.000, was undertaken here
yesterday by R. .H. Baldock
state highway engineer , in
connection with' the federal pub
lic works program.
This data will be taken to
Washington by J. M. Devers, at
torney for the state highway de
partment, who expected to leave
for the east Thursday night.
While ln Washington Devers will
confer with federal officials In
an effort to obtain a substantial
amount of Telief funds for the
state of Oregon.
Delegates conferred here Tues
day with Devers with relation to
the proposed construction of the
South Santiam. Willamette and
North Umpqua highways as toll
crolects. The discussion had to
do with the petitions, which will
be presented to the federal de
partments upon Dever's arrival at
Depression Cure Probe s
Are to Report 1 his Week
I a widely-ratnifylnr plaa for
l mniiing Industry In a combined
L...... ...n.f Aron
V Z -llT. ".
to be laid, MIOf re""
a j koossvsii ws ww "7tVl ---J!
, V.T, rnVt.
I ,i.tin. nf Dim ta stir
industry Into activity try permit-
" I ting self-regulation nnder tne pro-
Iper government supervision.
With this in view, the group.
I which is acting as a clearing
- 1 house for the msny depression
- o mm ending that 'trade assocla-
Career in
State Official
Dies Sudden!?
AgentS Of PubHO Enemy Q0;
Officers Elected two
Years ago Reion
net ot officials sat tonight in the
bullet proof offices of the coal
teamsters' union, and claimed the
first victory over gangster intimi
dation of Chicago labor unions.
There were neither bullets or
bloodshed over the changes in
retimes, but Jack Sheridan and
Milton Booth. Jr.. charged by tne
new administration with being
agents of "Public Enemy Murray
Humphreys, left with loud
"The gangsters are out, and
we're ln to stay as long as the
union members desire, announc
ed George Roy Baker, who install
ed himself as president after en
tering with five companions and
ordering the old officers to "get
Baker was elected president
two years ago but. he said, the
survivors ot the old Capone gang
Humphreys, "Three Fingered
Jack" White, and "Klondike'
O'Donnell kept him and other
duly elected officers from taking
Public Indignation over six
bombings ln 24 hours, two kid
na pings and reports of gang war
fare over union domination gave
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Plans Discussed
For Dries? July
0 1 T-fz Roffo
. Selection of seven "dry" candi
dates tor election as delegstes to
the state convention on the 18th
amendment was discussed by the
Msrlon County Christian federa
tion members last night but no
definite plans were laid, accord
ing to Fred Toose, Jr. The or
ganisation will seek to send all
"dry" delegates to the convention.
Problems ot the prohibition
movement were explained " by
Rev. R. E. Close, superintendent
ot the Anti-Liquor league of Ore
gon, speaker ot the evening.
Hons be permitted to weld their
Industries together la to closely
knit groups to wipe out "cut
throat competition" and prevent
further slashing ot wsgea. .
It was said that particular at
tention was being devoted to pro
tecting labor and the small man
ufacturera with assurance against
On Its side, industry was said
by James H.-Rand, head of the
Remington-Rand "company, to be
prepared to move Immediately to
put millions of men back to work.
-. Scores ot proposals have been
laid before the committee, consid
ered and Jsld aside as It drove to
ward a workable plan.1. Among
those which were said to have
eliminated was a proposal thst
the war Industries board or the
council of national defense be re
vived to aid Industry. - . ;
. ; - ' r-
- - . '
Former Assistant to U. S.
District Attorney . to
Head State Forces
Views of Talesmen Anent
Co-ops . Inquired Into
By Defense Staff
Ralph Moody of Medford. form
er assistant United States attor
ney general nnder the Harding
and Coolldge administrations, baa
oeen appointed an assistant at
torney general in Oregon aad
will handle the trial of Llewellyn
A. Banks and his wife. Edith
R. Banks, in circuit court bra.
Deputy Attorney General J. V.
Devers of Salem, arrived here
tonight with the papers which
authorised Moody to carry on the
work started by his friend. Wil
lism S. Levens. who died here
this afternoon. Moody is one of
the state's most Illustrious attor
neys. He will be assisted in the
trial by District Attorney Codd
ing and Assistant District Attor
ney Nlelson of Medford.
Moody May Deliver
Opening Statement
Court will not be resumed
On Ml 1:2S tomorrow ftrasfa
in order to give Moody and his
siues a. cnance 10 reman men
plans. The new assistant attorney
general will probably deliver the
state's opening statement.
The selection ot 12 Jurors and
two alternates was completed to
day and the Jury was locked ap
tonight. Although Moody receiv
ed word of the sudden death et
his old friend, Levens, while
court was ln session, he finish
ed the examination of the Jur
ors before asking the court for
adjournment. It was at Levens
request that Moody entered the
case several weeks ago.
Banks snd his wife are on trial
for the slaying of Constable
George Prescott of Medford. who
was shot to death whea he tried
to serve a warrant for Banks' ar
rest on a charge of ballot theft,
growing out ot a bitter and pro
longed political quarrel which
split Jackson county into bitter
Views oa Cooperative
Marketing Queried
In questioning prospective Jur
ors today the defense set aside for
the time being its expressed the
ory that Banks wss "persecuted
to a point of desperation." and in
an overwrought condition slew
the constable; Instead, the views
of the panel on cooperative farm
projects and marketing were care
fully searched by members of de
fense counsel wh6 sought to as
sure themselves thst Banks' mil
itant crusade against such farsa
enterprises would not be held
against him.
The defense further assured it-
I thahthe Jurors would not give
special significance to the death
of Prescott because he was a
peace officer. The state content
ed Itself with questions as to the
Jurors' prejudices and the assur
ance the state would be given a
(Turn to page 2, col. 3 )
The Day in
- By the Associated Press
Boose agreed -to act es
changed senate-approved tafla
tiom plaa at end" of tire hoars
debate aad defeated repnbUcaa
effort to rale eat the naeasare
as monetary legislation Improp
erly originated ra senate. ; -
President Roosevelt held eco
nomic conversations with Thomas .
La Breton et Argentina and Invit
ed the delayed Italian representa
uve, Guldo Jung, to the, White
House dinner. m -
' Senate steered vote expected
to pass admlaistratloa Masde
: ghoals-Teaaessee valley devel
opment measure. ' - t ;
' House appropriations commit
tee reported ladependeat offices
Mil cut Tlrtually te half the else .
of that vetoed, by President Hoo-
4 .' s - - .- -
State department aaaoaaoed - '
! Henry Morgewthaa. 8r of New
York. George C. Haas of the
' farm board aad Frederick Mnr " ;
, pay of Minneapolis were sailing -,
f or preliminary Gtct wheat .
. coafei eiMC. ' -.-. - -