PAGE SEVEH JV-. The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleru' Oregon, Tuesday Mornlnsr. Hay ' Z, 1933 m I F3 YU 4. Business Directory Cards In this directory row ea a monthly bUu fitly. -Ratal ILtl Pr Una par month. AUTO BRAKES - ' antr Pxiok. tha brake ni shimmy doctor. IT 6 Booth Commercial Street, ; ' CATERING Burt-Crarr. 4ho catore-. Pb. tTSl- CHIMNEY SWEEP ; CHIROPRACTOia nn. ft. I SCOTT. row. vwrepiww. .160 N. Hla-ft. 'iai m DRESSMAE1NG nnMnattnc In you boomXx8v t.60 day. Copy plct-rea. Tel TIB. FLORISTS CUT Itowers. wedding bouquet tea. oral wreattwv oeeorauonn, haasd florist, oil uouru o o. AXXUndsot floral work. Luts Flor ist. Hth Market. TsL tllx. Statesman v Classified Ads Call 9101 . Classified AdvetB s Single insertion per llat.lOt Three tnsortio-a par lins .............. 10d Six lfisoztions por Una.. 2 ft One month par Ita t..$ Minimum charge' . .... .tit i C09 J tor tkiM page ac cepted flDtn :i tke oren- ing boforw publication for classification. Copy re cetred after this tta 10 will be run sudor the heading Too Lata to Classify. Tber Statesman aasttmee no : financial responsibility lor orrora which may ap pear la adTertlaements pus liahtd la Ita eotumas; and la cases wtaero this paper la at faalt win reprint Hut part of an adTerttaemeni la which too typofrapaleal - mistake ocean. , - Tao Statesman reeerrea tha right to , reject objoo tloBai advertising. It fur ther resBrres the rigkt to classify all adrertlal&K un der tho proper classification. FOR SALEReal EstaU. Open For Inspection Today . tut cherry st ; ' From it a. m, to p. a. Full price only 11750. 1 1100 down end I1I.SS per month Including interest. t 1 5-Room Modern Home For Sale , By Eastern Mortsao Co. . TJTin roam, dlnlna room, fin buQt fa kitehaa. t corner badrooma and bath, baaamant and furnaca, laral lot. rooa varac. xnia noma ta jnac naa naw. ; vacant ana ready ta mora nc Into. Drive eut ta tSIS Cherry 8t and aaa ICr. DUIob with C J. Ryan. jva nave x room beuae ortn 19th Sc. alao a 4 room homea on I Barry bt. Tor Appointment Call JfR. DILLOX 4111. Hotel Marios.. the Don't build DnlQ Ton fma kt alt la cherries, eaara and en vies, full beaxtnc one block south of, Lsue Junior btgh school, nice Tlew, lerel iota, (0x130 each. Ball one or notn cheap, easy payments. Owner, Tift ; Jiurai atcdim, pnone sl. HELP WANTED MALE GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. Tel. 0. Walter J. uowaa, w pw? Xwo youna men. one with ear, com missions advanced, steady employ ment. Apply 1 01 8Ute Bt, I. Mr. Pweit to . INSURANCE BEXaCB HKNDBICKS , 109 M. Blah r-Tel. 4141 WWKY-gMITH. gen, lna T'el. 0t. S acres 1 ml from Salem, email house, barn. welL fenced. SlZOe. $S0 down. 10 acres 1 mL from 8alera, aood soil. au in cuuiTBTion, viu. 9iee aown. i a. ctoee to Baiem, old bouse, raraga, welL sump. S acres orchard, 1900. It A. on macadam road, a room Imiuh nUTT.P W A NTFrl .FEMALE bfl?v eWckaa bouse. A baraahVa wMwwwMMiMwwwMw i Mel'rln Joh i Boa TT. aL Peanlngton mUarton advanced. .Apply 181 State St. tot. Mr. FoweU, a to . Z7i SUte Street Phone OTOO irginn -in.n.n.ii LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Custom hatchtaa; 100 ears at ltte arr Saturday and Tuesday. Tel. HUT. Lea's Batebery. Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry nr. tht H. KilW. BUTTER WKET III BDDD SHAPE. SAID MONEY TO LOAN Eggs ;and Poultry Steady; First ; Ublsh Turnips Aniva at Portland PORTULND. May 1-AP) - Tie local batter varket vaa tm rood ahape and ateady today. Prleea ruled erealy with the I week's close at 21 ceau oa ex- Beneficial Loan Society 'Bells of Harmony Heard erer KOXN dally rmc eot a loan serrloe that - is ' reauy , taauy ouxarenc. TOTJ CET THB TVZXt - AMOUNT OP LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRTVACT QTJXCK and cotjrteous ffsancs I traa. The akorUio ot laat veefc u wax i tfinf 1 aaa been canxht oa larrer ro- oetpta aat the ertorage taoremeat was expected to get under way oa aa appreciable basis with la tie aaxt few daya. OP BALBBf - I Um m.t f.a 1MI IJCKNSED HI STATU -.w w w,- lll State street . TaL t-T-4-t, I enlje arade was aneliaared at IT eaata. Tao Front atroet taarket was aomewaat vpaet. nowerer. orer what appeared aa ancertatn- ty. la prices anotablo to the eoaatry. Qeaeral aapeeta of the trade Indicated bo new deTelop- meata or Importance. Local ehaese market was folly firm aa the week opened -vita the general aapeeta ot the trade aboat tno tame aa of the past week. All poultry was firm to ateady. Heary hens were Quotable at It cents, light broilers 12 to IS cents and heary colored broilers 11 to 17 cents. In the country meat market, real was -weak, at 7 Va conta top. beer unsteady and unchanged, lambs ateady at 14 to 18 cents oa springs aad mutton weak at It down to t to 4 cents. Borrow oa personal oieseify; repay m monthly tastallmente. wiLLAVI. ETTB LOAN CO. Bute Ua 8-110. 101 ouaraian Bide Tel. iiti. PERSONAL. INSTALLMENT LOANS 8TATJS LOAN COUPAHI til Oreaoa Bulldln& lad Floor Office bra, 100 A. U. to 0:00 P. Telephone 771s.- State . 8-105. Ueaaee tie. PKRSONAX) LOANS ICADS) on furniture, oars, salaries or other rood security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see ua before closing loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Pbsae till. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Can tracts Refinanced Arraass to reduce youi payments Tea keep the car P. A. BIKER Bar. Libert BL aad Ferry Phone 4T0I Salem. Ore FARM BILL FRETS GRAIN 'CHANGE HO GS, POTATOES I G H E R HERE Grain Prices sag, 1 c 1 On Wheat; Close Is Nervous; CHICAtJO. May 1. . UP) Uncertainties regarding effects of the many noTel provisions ot the new tana leglalatloa old mack to day to pall grain prices down. Wheat tumbled ta ,a eent a bnahel under Satardaya finish af ter aa. early lams of 2 S cents that reaaited troma freVnt- burst of inflation virJ Xla eomo taarters deelded-laciot wero showa to take more notice ot the farm bill proper, aside from Inflation amendments, and many traders expressed doubt as to whether the bill would proTo ball-1 ton. ' Wneat dosed uerrous at U- decline for the day. with corn H off to U up. oau down. Today's closing quotations: " Wheat May 70-U: July T1H-H; September 71 Vt-H; De- 74-744. - . Cora May I5H: Jaly tt U ; September S t -4 0 ; Decem ber 41H-H. OaU May 24; July 24; September 24-H. Salem Markets , Orsdo B raw d snilk. co-op pool price, f 10 per hundred. Surplaa SSc (aaik 'battsrta araraga.) Battcrfat T p Srlmta x4He, cubes eathly taHc Radishes and Onions Down ; Asparagus Is now Local Prleea said to grswars by Saleoj bayers . atsy a (TVs trices balaw, BeppDei sy e areeer. sre taduative of te aailr m sal are aajjearssani ay TV StaAeaaMal raoTZ ajro veuitixlu Sfariag aeaaa.- Ik. wa. . arnefesaaa. Baliabaa, IseaL dee. AsaMataa. Caseaaa. Xa. aeesMa. i Pest, Caltf, la. UakMXa, la. Oaieaa, dee. haacese - PetatoM. Taxima Be. I . Most . 41 . -e Loe . ea4 . A4H Jam -1-tft Fleriaa, new . Sveeft pataleea, state Lettaea, CaUL O.00 ta LSS General' Markets Oaieaa. Wilis WaUa . Laaksa, evt. . Kaabava, lsal Celery. Cattf, erste Maslcaa Terns tees -Ayataa wlasaapa, tsasy sxtra caaer .S.0S te S.T8 - AS Hogs climbed It cents s kua- dred Monday morning, to top of I4.2S. Other IlTestoek remained ateady. as did grains.. , . . A number of price cnaages op ened the week for fruits and veg etables. Potatoes art atlffer. at a top ot f LIS oa locals, with Tak- lmaa stronger. Radishes- aad green onlona aro dews to Xt eeata per doses, bunches. Local aspara gus has supplemented California- offerings, with tko price boosted 10 L A coceu. Fresno strawberries aro oa the i market at fl.ll tor 20-eup boxes. Local tarnipa aro . bringing tko grower BP conta a dosea buackes. Peas are down o, bit. to four eents a pound; lettaco Is onoaper, with e. notations from $2 to f 2.71; rhnbarb is lower at 1 cents; boots art up It coats per. dozea bunehea. to TO eents; and spinach is oaoted TI cents to 21 par orango box. u.oo fsaey , astra zsacy O.0 LAUNDRIES , TUB NEW SALEM LATJNDRT tub w Eider LAUNDRY ill a.' Hlah TeL till ' . CAPITAL. CITT LAUNDRT k --y First In Quality and Service ; Telephone 1105 HO Broadway : LAWN MOWERS -i y. Sharpened, repaired and traded. . HARRT W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man", MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. 1 snrin, mitnu ease. Renovators aad fumlgatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. Tot 4040. 1010 N. Capitol. 1 New mattress made to ' order, old remade t carpet cleaning, alzlns : flua rug weaving. Salem FluXf Rag A Mat tress Factory. S. Uth WUbur TaL 0441. Otto F. g wicker. Est. 11L MUSIC STORES CMO. C. WILJvPUbos, radios, sew big machines, sheet muslo and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 411 State Street. Salem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar afld lessons tor 1 anythhig I can use. Storhow, 40 Court.4! MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10:10 sun. to 4:10 P. m. 140 N. CommerctaL PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING no artTinsEHT. cards.; DamDh- lets, programs, books or any kind of prtatlDg, call The Statesman Printing Department. IIS & Commercial. Tele PionelOl m PUBUC ACCOUNTANT H. D. Clement, Income Tax Reports, Auditing. HOVs convi. -xe or H47. V REAL ESTATE 1 room garaga house with lot 04x110 Tice iu. Suburban 1 acre. Fine location en Garden Road, $750. SO acres north of Salem, all ta cul tivation and fenced. No buildings, to trade for city property. ... J. T. mitlCH COMPANY 131 Bute Street TeL 1071. BUT NOW I - 11400 Home for IS800 T room modern home, best of con struction. Only t blocks from State House. North. Small payment will nanaia. SEE Mrs. ETJfs with . . . CHILD3 MILLER. Realtors 114 State St. Phone 0701 HOUSE nisoim We hava a ntca K ranm bmnliw tn South Salem, new roof and Interior completely , reflniahed. Price only I SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS For Real Estate Barzalna uwm"-..i.-i,...ii. . u .....rr. 'i - - ii r - - If you want to buy, sen or exchange anything see General Exchange, 111 m. commercial St. S room modern bonsa. ltB M. ltthl pricea very reasonable. Tel 417T. - i , i -innirfn A five-room house, rurnaea. flra- s.. l placf sarase. . In excellent condition. Seed Potatoes. Netted Gems, ear I za down .and lis Capable woman for baking and conklnr. Coney Island" Sandwich Shop. SITUATIONS' WANTED Exp. dressmaking in your home, ILSO day. Copy pictures. TeL T014. Lady with t children needs work, any kind, Basement 1144 N. Cottage. I wwwwtn.n.iii." mmm mi m Experienced young- woman wants housework. Good references. Barbara Robmson, Rt. 1. McMlnnvllle, Ore. FOR S AOBIlsccnanebna Fresh crabs now at Fidler's stand. Intersection Silverton-Portland road. Fertiliser for sale. Phone 7831. Rhubarb. Is delivered. TeL 9410. , Potatoes. Crooked Finger Mountain Burbanks, very best, yield best. Hugh Maaea. acotta Mius. Inspected Marshall strawberry plants 11.50 per thousand. Terminal Ice and coia istoraga. FOR SALE WOOD aerfeaeanssneasejssajsjaUya Wood. IL50 cord. TeL 041L OU ARANTEED DRT TsL 1000 Salem Fuel Co. Cottage. Trade Ash, fir aad oak. TeL 1441. No, 1 It In. old fir. 14.00. TeL 44S0. Dry oak. 4 ft 14.00. TeL ITOA No. 1 dry old fir. 11.00. TeL IITI. Sixteen Inch second fir I1.X5 par load at Traeya. Pbono Stla. Old fir dry and green 14.00 and up. Fnone ists. Ash and fir, Judd. Phono 11F14. Dry wood 14 cord. TeL 0410. Old ftr IT". 10". TeL 0740. FOR SALE USED CARS PORTLAND. May 1. (API A fair amount Ot activity was evi dent la today's session ot the East Bide Farmers' market. . Tko first load ot Oregon turnips arrired from Lake Labia h and caused a bit of comment among dealers. The load was small with the price set at fOc dosen. Asparagus was Quoted at SI a pyramid, up 2 So because of a scar city duo to cold weather. Green onlona wero unchanged at 2 So dosen. Carrots wero ranging kiaher at si.4o a sack. Radishes were la fair offering at $1.25. Psoimca xxoEAuaa POSTLAHD. Ors.. Msv 1. f API I Predaee eaaaaafe. set prieeej Batter ' Extras lie. staadards 11 Ha. arfaia firata 11 He. firsts tie. Zfrs rresk extras lie. sieaiws sea. Portland Grain POBTTJLND. Ora Mst 1. (XT') ; Wkasl Opa Risk Lew Close 1 Mar, aaw 5H ST 6 ST Mar. el 57 H SB 57 5a Jaly 0 61 CO 69 September 61 63 01H 41 V Oak wheat Ne. 1 Bis Bead blaratesi 68 H I dark asrd wUter, 11 per eeat 69, 11 per eeat C24 ; soft waits, asrd wiatsc 61 ; aertkera spriag, wettera white, west era red 65V. oata He. 3 white 024. Cora Ne. IB yellow 20.50. Killraa standard 111. Csalif lewec. Cant, ante . Orsatea, p.sw . sassy -1.4S .l.tS .LOO te 1.45 . s.oo te .oe i .70 .50 TMlfi nillEIIT' IWKUGE Beets, Calif, des. Tarsi M. seaL dea. BoUaca, Weal. eraU .75 te 1.00 Bsssaas. lb. ea stack .OS Uesas J54 Btrawberriea, ix-eex crate, vs. 1.BO Celery hearts, dea. - .90 Nastard greeas . AO Oseaahera Piacappie retail Tea. lOlf, ,1b. Tep, 1011, lb. HOPS .00 te 1.40 .20 te JO Zxtraf Btaaasrda . Kadlaau boo a SsyiagrTiees .40 .14 Old Csiarsd bsae -fedrsass baas U(kt heas. Spriars . .. , rOVLTBI SEE bank. - H. A. Hyde Co.. 2801 Portland Road. - TSl. 1594. Small niano boxes : Ideal for brood ers, limited -number. $1.00 each. T all- man s, aB 8. nth. Oato and vetch hay. TeL 7P11- Extra, good White Leghorn pullets T wks some cockerels; also CorvsJtts strawberry plants. Bt. a. box. i. month or wilt take good lot down pay ; ment. - rmo room modern homo, very close m. furnace with on burner, fireplace,1 cost owner 18,500 to build, must, sell . l 1 1 .... 1.1 . .A. ' yViNNIE FETTlJOHN IIP Court Street REAL, SNAP IN NEWPORT TVTR t Ige lota, Nye Beach, 50 ea- I for 1J4. TeL 71FS. BUI and Bob Used Car Exchange for your used car. - i c nenwma -Terms Trade Open Evenings and Ssndayo MpKATS ttsed cars WITH AN a K. THAT COUNTS BElfMIES CIIEII F. II. COMB 1010 Ford Coune HIT Cbryaier seaaa 1I Ford Roadster 1911 Durant Sedan 1)10 Ford Coupe 131 Ford Pickup 1011 Chevrolet Coach 1919 Butok Sedan TRADE Miscellaneous EXCHANGE Real Estatt -fll 9.00 140.00 14S.00 141.00 191.00 185.00 491.40 Will trade nearly new I A XL elec tria ran era for rood wood ranee. Phone I Independence 145-M. - ; MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut. Adults 20c. child. 15c. Two- blocks a of library. 8. Winter. Permanent wave, SOe, Beauty Maid Shop. Over Stensloff Mkt. TeL 4400. FOR RENT ROOMS Clean room 1.50 per week. Ctaueh. 151 B. To trade for Willamette valley acre age or farm property, a chicken ranch of 4 a. 1 acre lemon a 1100 hens. All eanisment. Good buiirttnn Vm. -. Located in Ventura countr. CaL Car I , xor ciear. uenerai iaixenange. Ill n. FOR SALE FARMS -- --- -yB-xrvLnjL- rt i i -j-n.r n n inn HOWELL PRAIRD1 FARM tO acres, stock, crop and machin ery, very good buildings, paved road, """no uktiis, price only SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS For Farm Barratrts lilt Chevrolet Do Luxe Coach TERMS TRADES Open evenings and Sundays. McBLAT CHEVROLET CO. HI Center Phono 1119 410 N. Coml. WANTED USED CARS USED CARS Bought for Cash Always Sell for Lea See BORREOO 240 N. TJberty Phone 1881 BBCKB A HENDRICKS, Tot 484L, W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 114' a Ubarty St. TeL 048A 80COLOFSKT A SON aot-0 First Nark Bk. Bldg. TeL TIOT. STOVES it ITOVKS and stave repe-rUStofes for sale, jrsbuUt and repaired. All kinds ot woven wire fence, fancy end plain, hop baa-ota, hooka, iogas ihooka litem Fence aad Stove Works, 101 SEfct- TaL 4774. R. R Fleming. J TRANSFER ,-it. rrTT Transfer Co. lit I State SL Dlmbut Cot- wardwg ana i iww - - ; Qe omr rates, FOB local or distant transfer storage, eaU i IllU Imxwk Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. ! ?.9.M. .fjjfP BOARD Board and room for ladles. Close in. TeL 5471. 595 Court St. Board, room, 120.00, near P. O. 5481. Comfy rms. Board optnL TeL 0780. Large, well furnished room, and board. Tel.4S75. -: - FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pat ton apartments downtewn. OaB rattan's boo store. Fur. t ft, aot. 1211 HaseL TeL TII4. v . Mod, at. heated apta. TaL 1410). :Furn. apartment. 1040 LosUo. Olympic 110 N. Liberty. Med. I room, fare, or unfura. apta, ..."i I RSSE ARVgaftg: luw, lelff mwst ow Hk, fura. aptiL, lit Uatoa. 4t0sbteIWMMtjate4MM ACREAGE TIMBER WUJi PAT. FOR FARM i. 150 acres not far out on anuwt mmA thousands of cords of good fir and oak umoer, aoout 73 acres in cultivation. no bldgs, Price only 15000 for all. pari lenna, CHILD 3 A MILLER. Realtors 144 State St. Phone 0701 . . . mmm - -I-,-,-,,-.-, - nr.yirw.i ririTLnjjji 83 aerea 1 mL from Polk cauntv bridge, with 40 acres In cult, some young prunes, running water; good nousa. see me aoout tnia. - H. C SHIELDS Oregon BIdg. TeL 1802 BUT NOW. BJ3 INDEPENDENT 1H A. 4-R. houee. electric lights. Large brooder and ben house. Family ureuaro, mux fivuu. uivo terma . - FOR TRADE Jl-A. (seeded). .Family orchard Good Improvements. Close to Salem. xraae ror nouse in saiess. 140-A. HI pKR ACRE Dandy stock ranch. Good Improve. -n-ta. On good grarsl road. I0A. culUvatloa. Good sprtecu. 10-JL thn- r. a iean, uivo gooa termn Bee our bargains a farms aitr Turner Delegates To Endeavor Meet Report Big Confab 8IDKST. May Sidaey-Talbot Farmers Union met la tko Talbot schoolhouso Friday night. Reels nation of Mrs. Rose Gilmore. sec retary, waa accepted, and Mrs. Q M. Belknap appointed te fill the office. D. E. Blixutoo was ap pointed as the third member ot the executive committee. George Potts, Sr., and Delmer Davidson wero appointed as delegates to at tend state convention of the tTnlon at Dallas In May. The Sidney 4-H club bold Its enlevement any program Friday. with a tine display of needlework. Anita Gllmoro and Ollda Belknap will compete at the county fair. The honor roll for tko laat month was: Shirley Gilmore, Dol ly Wledekeke, Frank Gilmore, Lois Gilmore. Louise Gllmoro. Anita Gllmoro, Ida Belknap, Lor ea Wiederkeho aad Annabello Smith. . lit 8. Hirh Lovely fur. l-r. apt. 1610 Center. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY TURNER. May 1, Mrs. T. C. Delxell received word of the death ot her mother, who was 81 years old. at Xansaa City, Mo. Mrs. Del- sell last made a trip east 12 years ago. Rer. EL J. Gilstrap who accom panied a group ot the Christian church-young people to Eugene to attend the stato Christina En deavor convention, returned with tko part Sunday nigbt. Tko young people, elected delegates, were: Helen WltxeU Marlorje Fowler, Telma Brittell, Rath and Margar et Gilstrap, Kenneth Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fowler. Tko Eastern Star lodge met Wednesday sight aad followed ita regular sessloa with a short program, later serring refresh ments. Those eontlbutlng to the program ware: Mrs. Jones MlssJ Hlldred Bonos, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Carrie Mitchell, Mrs. Sprlngman. Geraldlno Edwards, Clarissa Clark ana juoerc j onsen. rirT r-TTrxrai . r. fur. apt, ground floor, garage. 1 Hanson Strain White Leghorns from I l-lff iv-nr7 SvsiooAa 4 MUL T. O. Albert. I peatgreod stock. R. L Rada. RAiu-. I vwv a AH aptTaslDg J andchlcksngina Ruby' WoodsnLrtU : Vlll bo CllOSen Soon 'WELL DRILLING ' -t 'W.?' Little Business IsTransactedin Wool at Boston BOSTON,! May 1 (AP) Llt- Wsst. It rears experience Box ldl B. Tel. 1I0FA- rooms greatly reduced at 1110 Center Street Neat, I R. apt 151 Center. TeL till. Nft rw. Tt- 5S Center. - FOR RENT HOUSES Fura. and unfura. houses. R. A. Forkner. 1810 N. Cottage TeL 101L 1120 N. 17th. 1 bedrooms, modem; 985 Tamarack; 1259 n. list, a bed rooms, modern: 1450 N. 19th St, I .. . . . .a vdav I bedrooms, modem ; 114 Hoo4 8U 41 tie ouainosa i VT- 1 bedrooms, P. H. Bell. 12 Oregon in Rt t. Box 89-B. Tel 44FIL " "MWWvwgw SURPLUS BART CHTCSCS at mice prices Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargain Custom match ing. Hatcning - tm Phono 111FI, Lee's Hatchery. Salem, Orageo. Trade I cows for horse. J. Grant. Rt t. Box 14. ' HUBBARD, May I Roy. a H. Harrison, superintendent ot this Congregational district, mot wltk tko members ot tko Fed or a ted churches . at tko v Congrega tional ehurck 'Sunday afternoon TO Trade Four brood aowa and to make plana for a new saatot some fine, spring pigs for cows or a a. r oiann ft. Hartnnr . will horse. A, A. Hill. Oregon. bo transferred July 1, Radio Program. Portland Produce POKTLAKD. On. V. l. lk Batter Prints, extras 15t, staaasrds sane. Battarfat Portland daUverv. --A" grsde He peaaA Sff PsolOe Pealtry Predaesrs' saO lag priest t Oversize 17s. extras 16e, mix ed esters lie mediaas lie. Bajisg priss el whslesalamt Presh earteat rseeipts, B0 peaads aad ap 12-12t desea. veaawy siesta Belliag pnea te reUIV Si Csaatrr-kllled hasa. krt N. l. tLTt-L05 aaOsr ISO peaads SHSe; Teeter 0 to 100 poaaia, T-7V4e; spriag Isaba 14-lSe. yesrUags 10-lie, heavy ewea 8 -4c, caaaer cews 2Vfc-8e, balls a- a n a. If ate- Oraroa wslaate IS-IBs psaaA soots 10a. Brssil 1S-14 slaeada 15 I4e, filberts 10-lte, peeaat 10s. Osssara baric Betag ariea. 1013 aeeL t-IHe peaad. tsB---3ieaUaL 1983. 85-40s. Live asaitrr Banac nnost Hssr boas, aeiered. peaada II llHe; de mediums lO-lle; Bgkta 10-lle: eprisss lickt 1 peaada ap. ll-18e; eld roosters set aaeas, rtum broiieri is-ise, eia lie, colored 10s. OBieas 8slllag pries teretallera: Ore- tea tee-Lie costal, Takima Spaaiah 75 05e erata. Mew s Disss, Tsxss Bsraadas 13.50 10-peaad ersts. rets toss beesu !HM ersBto Soi; Dssehstsa Came I1.5O-L00; 4e Bakers 11.80-LTB. Takima Gsma 01.15-1.45. ew pststese Texas 4-5e. Strswberriss .8serameats 24a 82.15. rreaae 80s 0U5-1.00 erste. Weal 198S aUp, asmiasl; wmsmetU valley 10-lle feaaa, eaatara Oregea 10- lee. Mehstrireiaiaal bavlaa arise. 1081 cUa, Se. lar Baylor erica from arodoeer AUalla 114-15, elover 111. esitsrn On goa iimethy 114.50-13, oats sad vetek I1A 1011 spriag lambs Rom. tep rtrmt rats , Stssrs Cows Hsitsra , Bella . .18 . .12 . ai . A4 . ai . .00 . AO . .10 .0.00 S.00 -4.2S .4,00 Dressed vesl. top . ore esse sore .04 te .04 H XI to .01 .01 to .08 H .01 te J0l .04 . cs OB-XB AJTD RAT Whsst, wsitsra rod . . White. Ns. 1 Beriey. tep, tea .lA00tat0.0O Oats, tea 10.00 U 11.00 AS .as Her. baviaa Oats aad vetea, tea .15.00 Alfalfa, vstlev. 1st eat 14.00 Eeetsra Oregea Clever bar 11.00 te 14.00 Madlam Coarse Mshair . Orees. Ib. Dry. IK WOOl. OASCAAA 1UX .11 JO AS .01 .OA NEW YORK, Msy X (AP) Financial markets today repeated tke now familiar story of rising prices and turbulent trading. Various groups swept into tko leadership at Intervals during the 1,042.210-share market, rails showing to particular advantage on one spurt. Commodity Issues were leaa active. Net gains ot 1 to 2 points wero retained by Santa Fe, Union Pa cific, U. 8. Steel preferred. South ern Pacific. Southern Railway. American Can, Consolidated Gas of New York. International Har vester, Publle Service ot New Jer sey, Texas Gulf Sulphur, United Fruit, American Water Works. National Tea and Soutk Porto Rl- . co sugar. U. S. Steers riao ot nearly 2 points faded to a major fraction, while American Telephone, also . up 2 points at the best, dosed with a alight gala. Allied Chem ical. Wool worth, American Smelt ing. National Steel. Westlnghoose. Montgomery Ward and Case fen oft fractions to IK net Tho Standard; oatlatiea - Associated Press composite for 20 rails clos ed at a new 1922 high. Moody's Index ot II leading staples sur passed its 1122 high. Stocks and Bonds Cefyrtgkt 1030, Standard Statistics Co.) MAT 1 STOCK imioti 60 30 10 tat 'Is RB's li's Total Todsy to a J4.0 SO.O B7.0 Prevtoasasr to.s BT.s TS.i se.o Week see 00.8 81.0 74.7 41.8 Tear see 44.3 SO.O 70.0 44.S S years are 188.T 127.1 249.1 198.0 High 1938 , 70.0 84.0 P4.S 07.0 Lew 1938 42.8 93.B 1.5 41.S HlgklBSS . ess S0.B 111.0 TS.S Lew 1933 . 05.1 18.3 51.0 85.0 Sew 1011 kith. Edna Spenker Elected To Pendleton School Portland Livestock I Teday TUB ID AT, MAT t ROW Portland 620 Ks. 7:00 Orfaa eeaeert, NBC. TjlO Orgaa eeaeert, KBO. T:0 D. S. Armr hsad. Rfl 1:80 -Crosseate from tke Leg ef Ike Cay. 9:15 Cookls sekeeL 10:80 Wsmaa's Magaslae of tho Air. - S8U. lltdg MersdiiA WUksa. FBO. 11:15 Was torn Parm aad Homo hear. HSU. 1:00 Hslodie Tkeackts. KBO. t :00 -AI Pesree sad His Gaag, KBO. :iv msaaiy uaat. 4:00 Noreal Beach orchestra, KBO. 4:45 Mahdi, tfcs Magleiaa. 4-00 Uvea st Stake. BBC. TO Ames 'a Aady, BBC. TtU Memsry Laaa, KBO. te Cetteai CUh erchsetra, K1HL O.-Oe . Maskal Maaasaaiaa. EOMO. lOrSO Aasos Weeks' orchestra. KBO. 110 Phil Hants' erekestra. KBO. iUO Qaa Arnhalta's arekeetra, KBO. tao KOIB Kleek. 10. -00 Maria, Uttle Preaek Priacesa 018 10:19 Hostess of the A. 1:00 Book et life. 7 :15 Taraan. ' T:80 Kdwia a HID, CBS. 0:39 Fights breedesst 10:80 t ie-Bite's erchsetra, DLBS. 11:00 Rose City Beaver. -11:10 Cafe d Paris, I) LBS. XOAO OerveTlli lit Ks. TtOO Meralag MsdltsUseay lad by Do- i rraaa a. Mattaews. t :00 If orals r ceaoart. 0 :00 Heme Beeaemtes Observer. 11:00 Parm bear. - . - 1:10 Mrs. Vera Haskell Braalea "As I h. q.mmm Tim T . POBTLAXD. Ors Var 2. (AP) CstUa Receipts 1100, calves 35; steely to kighac. Bteers. 30 te SOU peeata. goed fXXS 1.50. mediam 04-5.35: 000 to 1100 peaada goad 05.25 5.60. SMdina 14-4.36. Hsifara, 660 to T60 pes ads. seed 81-li- S. ssmmea tasBiam SS.3B-4.B9; T50 te 000 peaada, good-ehetee M.15-5. tommsn IM4-UI. tews, gooa, -mediam I3AO-SA0. lew setter sad eatter tl-tAO. Bells, yearUag ax eladed. food (beet) tlAO-t. eatter-medW am SLB0-8.M. Vesl ere. geod-eheiee f -s. modiam B4J5-S, call common 11.50-4.1 5. Calvsa. alt to 100 peaa4 geed-ebeice 04-a, iisiwis insm ihl Hece Meceipts ssoo; isa signer. Llgh Bgh 140 4a 100 peead. rood- eaeiee, M-se-a.Be. ugasweifas, is te 100 peaada, t4.BS-d.60s 100 to 300 peaaas, gsuis-aato. ntoia waiaat, sow to axe peases; u-a.o: axe se tarn 03.76-4.86. Reavywelrht 350 to peaada, - 18.60-4.38; 300 to 350 poems tSJS-d. raektag sows, its te BIO Ma4a seed S1AS-8AA ISO to 41S Mill 41S to ISO peaada t8.2S-t.T5' tTt S60 peoads. mediam 8 1 8-50. reeder aad steekee ptga. TO to 180 poaaaa. ned-chelee H.T6-8.7S. Sheep sad boahe Beeeipts 1500; steady to peedbiy tie ble. - apHsg lam be. ehetoe ssut, gees .so t.36. medlsm 14-0.60. Lamba 00 peaads dewa, goe4-ake4ee I4J5-4.74, eemmea mediam X-4.1: 90 to tt poasds, geeeV eheUe 04-40. Tesrksg vate, 00 to 110 peoads, gead-eaeiee 13-8.60. modiam SI S. Bwea. 90 ta ISO weaada seed- ehetes 01.3 6-0 AO. lit to ISO peaada 82- sa eoiem st-s. B05D ATIXAOE8 20 20 20 00 Isd'le lift's Rt's Totsl 04.8 Sl.O 7B.S 07- PrevtMudsy S3.S 41.8 74.1 4T.3 wssasta es.o ss.s t.i . Tsar age 69.4 414 TT.O SS.O S years ere 04.0 10S.S VS.B 9.S Hlfh 1939 1 4S.T 05.S 73.0 Lee 1988 SS.S 57.0 74.1 OSA High 1983 - T1.8 TaO 80.t TS.I Law 1933 6SJX 47.4 TO.S 5TJ TOUCTILL IA0: all welgMs. T:O0 Prof. O. R. Hyile Akslfs." 7:15 Dr. Vieor E. Rerrlo "The World la Review. T:I0 Dr. Elmer Peadell ' The Xelo tleasklp Between Berne aad School? T:45 Oregea Stole College Cadet bead, dtreetod by Captela H. L. Besid. s:is idaneta oeaege CLEAR LAKE, May 1 Tho Community club met at tke school houso Friday night for Its last meeting of' tko year. Officers - for tko coming year were'' elected: Rosa" Ckapia, pre sident; Kelly Mason, Tico presi dent: Miss Toxin Boat rack, secre tary: Met. Roy Emitk. treasurer aad Roy Smitk as gergeant-at- tru. They talked ot erecting a community hall. Mrs. J. Pugh donated A piece of ground south ot her store building. Directors wero elected: KeHoy Mason for one year, C. O. Russell two years, Fred Hammock three years. Lloyd Mason tour years aad Lu ther Chapln Sr. frre roars, it waa Toted tkat they go ahead and collect ' money and see about building Immediately. SILVERTON. May V 11 Us Ed na Speaker, for tho past two years dean of girls ta tho bilvortoa high schools aad teacher ot guidance in tho Junior high school here. will bo deaa ot girls at tko Pen dleton bigk school next year. " XOTICK OF FTXAL SRl'ILKMKNT Notice is hereby glvea that the anderslgned has Cled la tho County Court et tho Stato of Ore gon, for tho County of Marion, their duly Terlfled Final Account, as executors ot tko estate et Eli sabeth G. Lougkridge. deceased. and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, tho Ctk day of June. 1122. at tko hour ot ten o'clock M. ot aald day. as tko time. and tho County Court Room in tho County Court Houso at Sa lem, in Marion County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and nil objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 22th day of April. 1922. r. A. MILLER. D. D. SO- COLOFSKY, Executors ot the Es tate ot Elizabeth O. Lougkridge, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER.. Attor ney tor Executors. Salem, Oro-gon.M.t-1-l 1-1 1-10. - KOTICH TO CREDITORS Notice hereby Is giren that tko undersigned kaa boo. by tko County Court of Marios County, Oregon, appointed executrix ' ot tho last wCl Ot NEWEL W. CLARK, deceased, and nag annu lled. All parsons baring claims against tko eitate ot said decedent hereby aro retalrod to present same, wltk proper roach era, to tko undersigned at Salem, Ore gon, within six (f ) months from tho dato hereof. -- Dated II April, 1122. NKLLB nUTCIIISOJi. As euck Executrix. CARSON ft OAR30N, ; , : Salem, Oregon, 1 Attorneys for Ex ecxtrixv A-l t 2S-M-2-P-1I. , POLLY AND HER PALS "A Wssh-Ouf By CUFF STERRETT tho wool market on Ohio and j Building. Pbono 1102. VIWWV'"M--"", House, does In. 22S Division. similar fleeces, owing to a prac tical cleanup of lasi years ww. and tho extremely limited ouantl-1 small fnrn. house, 210 a. llrd. ties Of thO ROW, wool avAilable. TTn pnlm Station end waraet to 2t in thO greaao waa reponoa paid for fine Ohio Delaines last wapk. Houses specialising in these wool wero not inclined to offer new wools at this lerel, be- t FOR 1 SALE Real : Estatt Tjuxixnjiiri""ti"i"' ------ - e a , ' TOR S ALB OR EXCHANGE 171 acre fans near Carlton. Oregon. Pair set Mdga 10 acres its cultivation. cans of recent prlco adranceo la erMk Mg prtng water piped to boose, .- . - - " I a ami anad timber can be need at a " ."7: 'o dnaT Vara! aearbr mllL Price $2000, or will take nrcsiyis va 7" r "I go4 Salem resktsneo in oacnanga. daring tho week ending April 291 , choice 1 aero tract near Salem, ad hv tho Boston Grain 1 grauad ready for planting; good, plan- rilour Mchang. amounted to g Tr ZStfiSiTZ 112,200 lbs compared, wltk 2,- win toko v good Balera home m ox- 627.400 Iba tho proriouo week. jaj " - . , III Stat St' . Phono till The CleTeland--Uuiana . saouis l -w).wmwjiw o- w i . -s mIa. 4kh - I vm hava ! imta ror rnr. ana wnrur. - nave pie-ij i . I baosis aad anta tor rent. List your their now uniforms abounding l jTVi ytTil ar. IiTotIs (3TQ UDST DOG BUShCS3 ) 1 1 C X EXPtaCT TO OH, Wkf'2&a 11 LXXK J YER HOBO rOUND ) l. 1 jXVVH-K DOHXJ ( SOOTS I N T-r-r-t DIFFICULT, ASH?jr (R3TUSOCTCtp-T A Cf- (mjDL? HXrPRiKT3 ON M J I FKSGB MXJp. ) FINISH THIS S "gST"'- " L I MAKES ZJMoi Sil CO&fTE&ll RSnR3 FROM a&OLC3E&k . T i Y red ana oiacs su-tpoa. tuag. mono . . I -