kktj..aJ ' V A-4 t .; Tfca CIIEGON STATi-CHAN, Cakta Orc-ca, V,cr'Zif i::rnta?. April Z 1S23 f. "i : n rt : m t n n& n Ann i . JTV ; iOran- n ' r t n n rr i .Olm if v--vtv n ft" 4 w. 4 ...t i w V a P . 4 - 4' 4 t 9- 4t V t-, ) Business Directory Chrdi Jn this directory rim en. tnontloy basis caiiy. hh i 00 per lln per month. '?,. ' AUTO RltAKES ; sri t.wk.th brake and shimmy A. tn tit ftoath Commwua Street. CATERING . Thirt Crarr. the caterer. Ph. 8763. CHIMNEY SWEEP V Telephone 44B. - R, NOTthnw. CHIROPRACTORS f c JW. Ok SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. tit W High. TeL ltoa479:L ; ; I J DRESSMAKING VRi 8NEUGROVE. ( CC. Cottag. Tel 14J4. HmUtchlns, o yard. Dressmaking ta roar $39 day. Copy picture horn. Exit. TL T994. FLORISTS CUT Oower. wddlng bH?urfu" r&l wreaths, decoration C F. Brait-l-mpt. florlat. 571 Court. Tat IIP. j,kdae floral work, bats Flor jrt. ISth A Market Tot 982. GLASS Am to and window alaas mlrrora, Tel I 11 0. Waiter J. vownn, a prey- INSURANCE BECKS M. Hisb BENDRICKa Ta. Ill 4141 CTOFTIST-SMJTH. yea, lna, Tel S11. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . the wnnKH LAUNDRY 1 eel B. Ulah : Tal SU - CAPITAL. CITY : Ftrat ta Quality Telephone tit LAUNDRY and Serrica 1284 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repalred-and' traded tlARRY W. SCOTT. Th Cycle Man. 11ATTRESSE3 , lf.i i !- from factory to aprina mattreaa 44.04. BenaTawra and feoilaatora Ruse cleaned. Capital Bed 4 Co, TalAOti. IPS M. Capitol New tnattraaa made to order, 1 ttmades carpet deaatng, sizing ; fluu rwWvlnlBalam Ftaff Baa A Mat-ZTZ-. ru-tr. a. llth a Wilbur. Tel i4L Otto F. Zwk-ker. Eat. lll MUSIC STORES GEO. CV WL-I- Plaaoa, radloa, eew- .hi ht mnaia and. Plane. audlea. Bepairtog radloa, ,PjJf ad aewlng machinea 4SS State Street. MUSIC INSTRUCTION arm rAm. nitar and leseDOl fOT ythlng 1 can use. Storhow. 44 Court. MEDICINE pr. Chaa Lam Chinese Medicine Ca. Beurs Tueaaay ana v . TTi ,ie nTttT 144 N. Commercial e PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards, lata, programs, books or any li Th- Stateamaa pamph klnd of Printing Kn-rSaanT tU Ta "Comm-rclal TaU- phono tlt1LmiimlmmJm.mmmmmmi PUBUC ACCOUNTANT m d. Clement. Income T Reportt. AndlUng. er 6347. REAL ESTATE "bCCKB a LLSNDRICKS, Tal 444T. W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 134. a Liberty St. - - Tel 444a SOCOLOF8KY O SON f mZrZ.t l Bk. Bldg. Tel TIOT. S04-S STOVES toves and store pairing. S mnalred. Stores for- aala, rebuilt lancy mm ? w"':,- ." To, hooka. Zf?rZ2 "S Work Sit m S.rrc-xiTtt R. & Fleming, a:nmeu TRANSFER - rT-rrm TnnlfM' CO. 33 CAPITA vaa J ; -UutinM. OT- Tel fXu.V. :Z lorae e-c specialty. and Gel our rata t Poniana wonj. WELL DRILLINQ Wast. 4 years experience. B. 110FS. -' I. Box t 10S E3. TeL Theatre at 'StorUmji To Rwuino Program- :"" vC,''".'"; t-':, CTATTOS. April lTl. SUt redecorate. -- ;. j : YARD iASDSCAPED RICKEY. Aprtt 29 H. McMU len naVliVd bis yara UBdscAped -m -v.- nnita a number of -r. ii r. nlanted. T; i don. T. A. DO- new snru os w - . erfler and sont ot T1, -.. " -B-e-a----"-,"" mmm 4-M CXTJB TO MEET mi pt way. April 2 9 -The 4-M club will met at tba JT. F C Te kenbursr bome Wednesday, May 1i tnstead of at tho grange halL' ; Statesman . Classified Ads. , i-r 1 Call 9101 ' CUuirted Adreitiatas SlnsU tasertiOB per llct.lOt Tbre laMttloas por 11a tU Six taaoirUosi per U&e..2lc One moatB pr ItM.. 11.01 Minima m cbti ......lit Copy for Ul . ptfe ae cepted aatll :S0 the ren tal bflfore pbllcatutt for elasilfleatloa, Copy r c4t1 after tale time will be ma aodcr tb headlag Too Late to CUmlfy. . TTie Stateamaa aitamee no ttaaacial reapoanMUty tor errors whlca may ap' pear la adrertlsementa paa Usbvd ta tta colam&s. and ta cues where (bit paper ta at fault will reprint taat part of an adrertUexneai ta wbicb - the typo rapbieal mistake ocean. , Tbe Statesman raserTea the rlxbt to reject objec Uoaat adTartlalng. It fnr tber reeerree tbe rUat to classify all adrertlslnj un der the proper eluslflca-tioa. HELP WANTED MALE Two toubs men. on with car, eom mMwi advanced. Uady mpioy menL Apply 81 State BU SOS, Mr. Powell, to a. - HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Two fialaa tAdlea, eom- mlMiona adranced. Apply S81 State St 20S, Mr. Powell. S to 6. . TTPISTS Maku $zt weekly, apart tfmA. trnina- mannaerlDta Tar autnora. Complete Instruction. Send atamp tor parocolara. Trpiata iniormation oer- yloe. Hmlthboro, y. T. SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS---Cake $14 dally aeUtaC Neoa Beer and other alfna. Lowest prtcea. Tru-Ad, S9T So. Main, Xoa Aa- trelea - - SITUATIONS WANTED WMVi-.-iV--i Exp. drewmarlnr la your home, 12.1 day. Copy plcturea. Tel 1914. earVe-aara-eaajeaf-anjanMe Lady with S children needa work. any kind. Basement 1144 JC Cottar. Wanted, work for room and beard by alii experienced in housework. Ref- erencea. Phone 934S. - Dependable couple, no children, want place on, ranch aa caretakers. Exper ienced farmer, Z5ST Pacific highway. " Experienced etrl with good referen ces wants bouse -work. 123 S. Hish. Tel. 474- - j FOR SAIJEBIIscenaneota WWyJWJ)i lM- Fresh crabs now at FMler's stand, bitaraecUoa . 811 verton-Portland road. Fertiliser-for aala. Phone 78JL Rhubarb, to delivered. TeL 9480. Potatoes, Crooked Finger Mountain Burbanks, very best, yield best. Hugh Magoa, Scotta Mills. )iitnmifiMtiiim Inspected Marahall strawberry planta $S.S per- thousand. Terminal Ice and Cold Storage. Seed Potatoea Netted Genu. Bur- bank. . H. A Hyde Co., 2(9S Portland Koao. TieL f ass. iWWWiwii DODGE'S FAMOUS selected nenetl atae Crystal Wax and Yellow Bermuda onion plants the best plants grown in Texas. Express collect, crate 8,000 SLie. Dealers, write DOLXiB PLANT FASMa, RaymondvfXIs, Tex. Portable Corona typewriter, used little. 1198 N. 17th. --"'- - - - - i-ii-.-nrinn.rxiiruii Small piano boxes; Ideal for brood- ra. Limited number. I LOO each. Tall- roan a, o. lztn. iVrv -MinivijiA. Oats and vetch bay, TeL TF3J. For sale. cow. White Leahorn heha. iwnaL jorner uaK ana zist at. " -r" iiiiniii"iriiuti For . sale davenport, rug, chairs, breakfast aet and bedroom suite. Cheap inr cn. -iei. f 9(7, WANTED Miscellaneous Why throw away e-ood money Tb noaiery memnng aept. at Grand Surer store repatra nose like new, ie to Z5s. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair eut. Adults 10c ehfld Ha. iwo mocks a. i uorary. a winter. Permanent wave. SOc. Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steusloff Mat. TeL 4484. Men women, lt-5. $106.06-1225.00 month. Qualify for future government Jobs. Common aducatlon wsnally suf ficient. Sample coaching FREE. Apply toaay sure, ox izi JS, cars States man. - - ROOM AND BOARD - --- -i-iriririnn.itrL.rui Board and room for ladles. Close in. xe s court St. v v - a Board, roam, $20.00 near P. Q. 4413. - -' - --Y-r-r-.---,-y-u--M-tftJ-u- Comfy rma Board optnl TeL . . . . " -irinrin j ii 4719. Board and room with larca closet. running water, borne prir., reasonable. sis xu. vnurcn. . a - Larre. well furnished room, and board. Tel 4374. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa a Dartmenta downtown. Can Fatten s hook stare. . WWWWWMWWW For. S R. apt- $311 Haael Tel U61 Mod. at heated apt. Tal 4494. -0k4sjpejenjsaa Apt $10. $1L 491 N. Com'L Funk. apartment, 144 Leslie. Olympic, Tl N. Liberty. . Mod. room, turn, or unfurn. apts. Far rent-furnished 3 room hunam- iow, 134S Cbemeketa St. Nice, furn. apta, $9 Union. Lovely fur. S-r. apt. 1S80 Canter. I r fur. apt. ground floor. garage. 844 MI1L T. O. Albert. fine apt. and single house-keepmg rooms greatly reduced at 1130 Center i Neat, t R. apt 254 Centar. Tel 4249. J room turn, apt, first floor, wk. 1190 Oek. TeL 4t7. LI FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. - and unfurn. - bousea. R, Forkner. 1111 N. Cottage. TeL SOIL asaeagnaseiaefc 9 rooms $10.00, .Tel T304. . v FOR RENT HOUSES Eouas. cloaa In. XII Dirlatoa. FOR RENT'- mi , I room modem bote at IMS . W. H- a RABEUHORST CO. ,-M4i lihartr St. i0h' man fnrau riooa. tie a. ttrd. Zn- quire Station Met and nara. FOR RENT 4 nice mod. home 'of?1- apt, end a J&f004 Kr1L W lit Oregon Bida, Fbone WK FOR SALE Real Estate ejenaaaeeOjeeesaWeeswaei m If row want ta W v-Tali nvthlnw- M !nmniMrelal St. . ivuri Miiia uniu iw j - fine lota all in cherriea. peara ana ap tSZ fi,!! heartar. one block oouth of f 4iniAr hlKh-acbooL n' lew. rT-Ti i.. aoii each. Sell, one or both cheap, eW payment a. Owner, Rural ATenoa. phone TU u erea sear Swifle achool BO tm proVtnS VJSrwwrSS . . Sit Court Street ATTRACTTVH 4-R. bunKa. laraa w fi full baaemant. JX -n' firenlace. lorely hunt-tha fn ktichea. lawn and ahrubbery. Sao- rlflca for quick aale.- - . FOR CASH will eacrtflee wen nlshed t hd. room mod. borne and fur- are, wen loeateo. ; VAN If. QKETER, - - , tit Ore. Bid. Phone-. TIM lrnnmtN hohe: or am Inr m leta buflt inodern 4 room homo with two bedroom Z fiir firenlace. full ea- iiu.mL oared at. near i i. fas A dewn. baLI .T. "ThhT property la to sood condition. . ft.AA bi w-n. with furnace. fi ' J," -it . J exeeUetit looa-l front, terma, ITS A I BUT. SEE ' W. H. ORABErmORST CO, oviT.Tmt.ii mil T.rhrtT St. Phone 4411 SNAP: Fire aerea of wonderful land an ta enUtratlon.' locatedjm rood road. Price for IMMEDIATE SALE $75 cash. . rrw W. TL ORABENHORST CO. 1S4 South Liberty Street atm l L irom csaiem. mniu uuua. barn, well, fenced. $119. $50 down. 1 crea 1 nn. iram Mwro, i - all la oultlratlon. Ileoe. aown. A. cloaa to Salenv old n ernes, anvaca. well pump, S aerea orchard, IV A. on macaoani roaa, iothi hm chicken house. A. narxam a.i u.i v-fn jnnniumw. u rennaiKTv S7S State Street Phone T.l TTPntE IS YOUR CHANCE 'Ttt rraito Tanr Salem house and ra- celre CASH DIFFERENCE for a good room houiw. 4 fine garden lots wiu fruit. CLEAR. Good location, near hlchway across the river from Oregon City. Owner wm trade tor a geoo. madern one atorr S room Salem CHOICE Ztt ACRcS HUAUS TRADE At Bupna Vista. ALL CLEAR. To trad for good modern Salem house. Buena vista property has e- room house, bath and toilet. Excellent gar den and frnK land with lota of chelea varieties of bearing fruit ana wal nuts. Barn, poultry and woodheuse, vegetable and fruit house. Water sys tem, ran Irrigate ground. Pasture for cow. For them and other choice offer ings. SEE WELLS TALLMAIf, 111 State Street Ba.rrs.in 14 A. New S R. house, new barn, chicken houae 20x54 : S A. tim ber, fruit. River bottom BOll S3S00.OO. 7 A 6 R. house, fruit. IK BL lem. $900.00. K. A. FOBKnGR, 1110 . iOUaga 1 room garage house with lot 40x11. Price S450. Suburban IK acre. Fine location on I Garden Road. 1760. - " e acres north or saiem. an m cul tivation and fenced. No building, to I trade for city property. J. F- IILH.II.-H CUILFANI 324 State Street TeL t7i. 24 A. 3 culL. 4 room house, larre I barn. I chicken houses. 14 miles. Iltwv. jus loan, want service station, aoouti same value. ' Choice lots, bargain prtcea x a J. JACKSON, $41 Stat Street FOR SALE OR TRADE 14 acres at Riddle. Or., rood buildings and fruit, good road, city wa ter, ugnts avauaoia. J. A. cooper, To ledo, Or. Box 134. 'iViir imipui inn nr 1 bouse. 430 Locnst. one at 110 N. Cottage, very reasonable. ' Albert Krenx, RL 7. Box 227. Salem. BUT NOW! $$40 Horn for $380 T room modern home, best of con struction. Only I blocks from State1 House. North. Small nayment will nandie. SEE Mrs. Ellis with - V -CHTLDS A MILLER. Realtora 244 Stat St. . . Phoa 4704 asaer-aeeasaae FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 17$ acre farm near Carlton. Oree-on. Fair set bldjra. 24 aerea In cultivation. creek and spring water piped to house, 40 acres good Umber can b need at a I nearby mtlL Prle $$000, or will take I gooa eaiem reaiaenc m excnanire. Choice Hf acre tract near Salem, ground ready for planting, rood xla-l tered houae with . fireDlac. - electric ugnts, water system. Price $171 or I wm tak good Salem horn m ax change. CHILD 3 a MILLER. Realtors $44 Stat SL Phon 474 HOUSE BARGAIN We have a nlc 4 room bunsmlow hi South Salem, new root and interior completely reflntihed. Price only I llW.WO. . - BEE HAWKINS a ROBERTS ,J For RpsI Estate Banrain EXCHANGE Real Estate eAeaojsios4aae Dallas 7 -R. modera houaa. clear. Good location tor modera sub. Salem I property. Box 190. Salem. ' Lots and bourns In Salem to trad' for coast property. Box 19 L States man. . ...... .j WWWWVMWMJW rrra yrs. without int. Ten' acres of rood land all elaar. lo cated on good market road, -prle $1250. $10. down. 310 ear auv SEE IT TODAY. , - W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 114 South, Liberty Street POLLY AND HER (WHAT MAXES YOU THINK f BSA REVARD OFFE&ZD, rArK3,P0LD? Dqrr TNC W t t - : r ikr FOR SALE FARZI3 TOO KNOW WHY BUY NOW SH Acrea. Ooad aaady loara k aerea rohea and wainuta e rooaa Hoaa, Baaement, elect rta Ufhta Bam, eto. Clone t Kelxer achooL For e.uick aala :S0.0. Giro term Better aee thla at It will aeU. IS ACRS9 BOWELL PRATRTB IS Aerea CulUTAtioa. AU klnda tt trait and berriea. fuddlaa rtrar. S rooaa hooee, arn. anrase. poaltry houaft. Electricity. Trada for bonaa er I amaa aoreas. ifOJ LAND tl Aerea. 14 aerea ready foe Hop. S aerea B-nrtnr Anslea. Poiea. Wir. Sprayer, liop Botiaa Preea, lie new aacka aad baaketa, AU for teA. Glre tarmav Ml ACRXS BNAr Sandy Blae. 14 aeia aifaifa. AD plow land. Roantev water. Good for airam ar sopa. ueod vr preremen ta Priced at per acre. Take entailer aa part, ror earaxina aea JAk XX SE1ARS. Raaitar iss a Hian HOWELL. PRAIRIE FARM t aerea. atoek, crop, and maehla. ry. varr good bunding, paved road, etectrte Ughta, price only t744.. OC-IS lUWIUNa KOBKBTI For Farm Barcalna ACREAGE -peabeaddeenaa 44 aerea, about t A. a cult, lmme dlata poeeteelon. Soma oropa ta : extra trood place for berriea. Any reasonable trada eoneidered. - h. cl snnxDs Orafoa Bide Tel till W)iim nn.nji.r jiqri-Ui-ii- TIKBEB WILX. FAY MB VARVf v24 acree not far out on rood road, thoaaaade af aorda ef rood fir- aad oak timber, - abont T4 aorea ht cultivation. -ojMdra. Price only ftote for aU. ym4 a gr-nia ... raims ICILJjrw Realtore S44 JStata St. . v Photta STt Bosinesa Opportunities Cafe for rant If N. Com'L LIVESTOCK mad POULTRY WVWVVMfcj cuatom hatchlns. 40 rn at lHe arery Saturday and TnaaAar. Tel. lSFi. LeeTa flatchary. Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry pany. S6S XL Miller. SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at rifle prices Tuesday and Friday oniy. sea our Bargama. custom hatch ing. Hatching eggs. Phoa S33F2. Leo's Hatehery, Salem. Oregon. Trade S cows for bora. RL 4, Box 24. 3. Grant, a C Whit Lerhorn dependsble May ebicka at 4e each nreoeJ id. Hollywood strain, hatched from. Urge whit egg proaueea a our w rarm. backed by 33 years xperieaoa. Weekly hatch. Send for circular. CryataLWhlt Pol- try Farm, AtcMInnvUIe, Oregon. TO TRADE Four brood nm fia spring ms for horse. A. A. H1U, Gr&ad stand, Daytaa, vreBen. j MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harxxiony' Heard over KOTJ4 daOy ring out a loan- sarvlr that is really really different. YOU GET THE FULL, AMOUNT , OF LOAN IN CASH 1 ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERYICE ON LOANS 119 t $39 Beneficial Loan Society ' OF SALEM Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg. Sad Fleer LI CENSED BY STATE 111 State Street TeL 4-T-4-4. Borrow om person si property t repay ta monthly iiurtaUinenta. wnXAU. ETTH LOAN CO. But 11& S-ll. 904 UUWUIBB DIOS A VI. !. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY tit Oreroa Bulldtnav 2nd Floor Offic brs. 1: A. M7to s$4 P. M. Telephoa 7713. , Stat license No. S-llt. PlCRSONAL. LOANS MADE on furnltar. oara aalaiiee or other good security. Repayable monthly. Whan In financial need aee us before cioeing loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Blig. Pbaa 4511 MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Cntract Beftnaseed Arrange t rdue root paymnta You keep- the ear P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty SL and Famr I PTum 47$$ Sal. Or LOANS WANTED MR. INVESTOR! . If yon have $1 and want t bur a good first real eetat mortgag. w have a very attractive preposttlon t offer. SEE US AT ONCE. - W. H. GRABENHORST CVA 1X4 South Liberty Street FOR SALE It. 1st mortgag contract on excellent improved aore aa. paytag 4. for $I0A0 cash. Tal 4179. FOR SALE WOOD WoaL $$A cord. Tal, 911L GUARANTEED) ' DRY Tal 400 Salem Fuel Co. Cottage. Trad a Ash, fir aad eaX Tal 1144. N. 1 14 ta. aid fn. 14.44. Tal 4U4. Dry oak. 4 ft $4.4. Tal 474. No. 1 dry ld Or. $4.4. Tel 4174. Sixteen inch second fir f 144 load at Tracya Phoa 4944. Old fir dry aad 14,44 Phoa 4474. Ash aad fir, Jtodd. 41F14. Dry wood $4 oord. Tel 444. PALS A HAR9 THT-RSt-Ul ASH? r- PERSONAL I will not NT any debta contracted oy fume m. Hrnl. Fni A. rarrlsli. FOR SALE USED CARS WMVWMWWwWwMMMMMMWpr SEE Bill and Bob Uaed Car ExchaTire I for your used ear. - eta vneneasw-. i Tei Trad Open Sveaiaga aad Sundays KcKAT8 TJ5KD CARS WITH AN Q. K. THAT COUNTS 111 Ford Coupe 1 !.! III? c&ryaier BeOan VK 1921 Ford Raadater il.ee lttl Xuraat Sedaa " Kt.40 lJt Ford Coupe Itl.tS Ford Plcirap , (. lll Cberrolet Coach tfS.t 111 Bnlck Sedan - 5.e CherrelH Da Um Coach 414.4 TGBM4 - TRADES Opna e ran In ire and Sundaya McKAY CliiuVROLKT CO. 11 Ctn-f Phone Silt 4t4 If. Cnml WANTEDUSED CARS TJSEO CARS . Boaaht for Caah Aiwajre Sell for Lame Aea BOA&EOO t49 If. liberty Phona $411 CM DAI SllGFUIil Eggs Erratic; Waxkct for Heavy Hens Weak; hen V Turkeys are Sought PORTLAND, April 29. (AP) There continued a firm tone all thronga. tba dairy products mar ket for tha week end. In all lines there waa no (notable prlea change. The butter market re flected cxmtlaaed atrenrtb wttn valuea well maintained on both the open market and tha exchange. Market tor eggs continued its erratic character but Quality goods show more or less steadl aesa at least. It waa the tinder grade stock that formed tha bar gain basis ta many stores that seQ at a wide spread. Market for heavy haas was a trille- weaker aad prices ware lower. Buying prices were down a result, Soma broilers were also lower. Shortage of cheese waa contin ued generally throughout tha country according to tha week end surrey. Speculative Interests continued to gala and a f urthwr advance la the prlee may res alt. A prominent national firm was seeking supplies of breeder has turkeys for shipment to the east, Shipments will start ifoaday. The baying price has been set at 14 Vi cents for fancy dressed stock. o. Ta. Portland. While there waa no general change suggested tn the price, a trifle of easiness ta reflected in the market for country killed calves at the week end.' Other dressed meats were nnchaaged. v Price Levels on Wools Exceeding Summer '32 Peak BOSTON. April 29 (AP) Successive advances the past week carried prlee levels on several leading types of domestic wools above the peak of last annuner. Strong demand tor wools with supplies light here made advances relatively easy to obtain. The sup ply of wool here today waa report ed the lightest in year. Response n the goods market to week's rise in raw wools prices served to stimulate further ad vance the past week. The Oner grades of western grown wools have led ta the price advances. ram gmrttAY, Aran, s XU2W recUaad 4S4 X. 4:14 K4i City Oeaeert. MBOL 10:0 Jaxe Batkerferd. 10:15 lateraeUeeal Real Teraat. K3C 13:00 6iagiag Ue Wellsprlag t blade. 13:30 NaUol Teeth Ceaiareaoa, TSUO. 1 l:oa wateiaei veepere. 1:30 Psgee ef Besianee, XBOL S :S Oar Aaericaa Seneola, KBO. 8:19 Maria Sisters, HBO. 5:80 Album ef Fssinur htaria. 4:00 Oardea talk Ear W. QUI ' 4:45 Saadsy at Setb Pmrkar's, 1CBQ, T:S4 Kcbee of ike Pali ease, KBO. 8:15 Ckeriea Hart, KBO.'. 8:45 KtksrUa4 PUsa arebeetra. 8:00 Biekard Heatge-wry Bek OVsL 1 :8tt Veiee ef Pea, HEa, 10:14 KsUeaal Sysmpbeai Isrers. 10:44 Bridge to breeaOaad. b'&a 11:00 Bel TabarU ereksatre, KBO. , XOOr PertlaaS .. 414 K :00 Belt Lake Taker-eel enraa. CBS. 13:0O N. Y. PkilkarBuai Syaipbsar. CBS. -, .$0 CaUedral bear, CBS. . : 8:80 Melody bear. CBS. . :15 Aorale PatrL . - fl KIU Varrrmafara. DLBS. " lt:9 Tierite's erekeatra, DIB a. : ' :' ' lfOWOAY SCAT 1 ' ' ' rOW Pertlasil 484 X T:04 Haralag Panda, KBQL ' "A Hwst of Radio aTOS ( RARi 13 RIGHT IVQ SjW ) CkB HE3a)M I LJSil "s Wi w STOCKS, BOOTS SWOOP UPWARD INFLATION Qohiwj-tt .'T.. - Z iwuiutuujr uauuvd ta , I .e. ,v7n. Rises Unusual NEW TOBX. April 19 IAP) WbU Dollar exenansa dropped awiruy, atoeka. commodities and soconatraaa nonaa swooped ap ward in another breathless ad vance today, girlns unmUtakabl orlience of the market's infla tionary eplrlU. Tnrnover of 2,119.479 shares was the largest Saturday volume sine May J, 111. "Commodity aqaltlea provided wiuiaeT leadership, bat the mar ket was hardly ta doubt aa to which way it was coins. 8horts who had neglected to cover on yesterday's lata rally found themselves most uncomfortably situated; American Can. for la-1 stance, had an extrema risa of 19 points, an nnnsnal fluctuation tor aa active stock. - Motors, steels, tarn impiimenta, mall or ders, chemicals and others that would profit soonest - from Im proved conditions In the agrlcnl tural areas were taken In large Montgomery Ward,: Harvester, U. 8. ' steel common end pre ferred, Westlnghouse, Union Pa- clflc, ' Corn Products, . General Electric. National 8ea. Bethle hem, Youngs town Sheet. Ameri can Smelting, American Sugar, Sears Roebuck and National Bis cuit rose 2 to more than 4. Am erican Can held 5 points of Its advance, while Allied Chemical's gala was I tf. American Tele phone got back to par tor a rise of 4 I-l. American -Tobacco MB climbed 1. Rails were up 1 to X. General Markets PBODTCa tClVOB POBTIND. Ore, April . (AP rreaaee exeaaage. aet prices: Better, as tral S4e. ataadaras 33. prisse flrtte 31 He, first 31,, Ini, freak extras 10, tdiniae 14. Portland Gtin POHTlAJtD. Ore. Wbeat Opea Har.eld 54 MsT.aw 99 ely ...58 Septeaiser 50 Caah wheat Ke. 1: IprU 2. (AT) Hirk Lew OWm 9744 54. 5S S) e S SO 1H 50 H S1V Bid Bead blaeate-t 47; dark hard wiater. IS per ceal 07. 11 per eeat SS: sett white, hard wiater 4H : aortaera sprisc, westera white. reetera re so. Oete Me. S wait $3A Cera . 31 yellew 430A0. Killraa standard $18. Portland Produce PORTLAFD. Ors- AarU 10. (API- Better Friati, extras 3 So. eteaeards 14 H- Batterfst Pertlaad deUverr. "A grs'e SSe peaad. Em fseitia PeaJtry rredaeers' aet lag prices: Overtiie 17. extras 14s, aalx- ea ceiers IM, ateaiaa . Bayiag prlee ef vaeleaalers: JTrMa t arrest receipts, 44 pesaae aa ap xi-ixe aosea. Ooaatry ataats tfeiuag enee I retoU- ers: Ceaatry-fcilled kega, beat atebers. usder 15 eeeaea W : veslera 00 to 1 100 peaads t-7H spriag huabs 14-15a. yearuags lu-lle. keevy ewes 4-B. aer eewa 3M,AH. baUa -4H. aais vregea -atasta la-ise seas, peaaate 10. Braille 13-laa. slates is 15- tsa. bUMarto se-S3e. peeaaa SOe. Case are bark Burlae sriea 1933 9 He peaad. Beaa KeaUaal 1933. 90-33 He. Live aeeJtrr Bsrtac onee: Hea beaa. eoktred. 4H peaads lie; ie stedi wmn 14a: Ugkto 14-1U: snrisxa lixkt. 1 hi. I peenMt ap. lie; eld roosters Oe; docks, flPekia broilers 17-lSe. eld 12c. celored tee. Ostoas -Seltlag pries i retallera: Ore goa 0e-$Ll eatol YaUauk Spsalsb TS a erst, jtev eaiosi, Texas BerauMaa ss.se ao-peaad crate. yetatoaa Leal. S9-T5e eraage ba: Ceeeaatoa tTeea 41AO-LS0: da Bakara I91.60-LT5. Takima Oeaui S1A5-L4A. Few petateee Texee 4 -5e. Strawberries SaeTaateato S4s SAIO. a, i n mnm. . , . 1 ' ' m , .-,w anw. Weel 10SS ettn. aeariaal: WQ-etto valley 10-lle peaad, eartera Oregea 10- le. . .. Mekair KeatSaal b arias sriea. 1SSS ells, c Hsy Bariar ' sriea treat aredaee Alfalfa 414-15. alever fit, eaitera Ore gea tiatetky 414A0-15, eats as4 rtteb 1A T:10 Meraiag Parade, KBO. 4:00 Jekaay -Urvia, KBO. 4:80 Ariea Trie, KBO. 0:19 Ceekiag aekeoL 4:44 Orraa eeaeert. KBO. 10:90 We-M'ssgasia ef tie Air, KBO. 11:30 kteaday sutiaee. KBO. 13:14 Weatera V-raa sad He rant aad Hoaae bear, XBOL 1:14 Seage f TVOlgbt, KBO. 1:45 oka aad Ked. KBO. 9 :05 Al Pearee aad Bl Oaag, KBC 8 :30 Trleaaly CbaL 4:3 Utti Orpkaa AaaU, KBC. 4:44 Sieeia Sirtere, KBO. 5:15 Beaad tbe Werld clab, VH0. 8:0 Captain Ervia Trslfi Talk. 4:90 KaUeaal Badi Ferea, KBO. T:0 Aaiea 'a' Aady. KBO, 4:45 Hailvwoed ea tke Air. KBO. . 9:00 Tear Sbade f B-yiksa. K01CO. lO'.lfr Aaee weeks' rekestra, noti. ll:0O Pkil Harria erabaatra, KBO. ronr Pecritai 040 r. 4:89 OAa fam xtaaa talk. 10:15 Haetete ef tke Air. 1:40 Beek ef Ufa, - 8:00 risla f-aeles, DLBS. a -IS TKa Walnw. T:0 Kasleal Teekaattrsto frm X0U 8:00 Reddiag Wbita, te-. 10:00 rutrHo'e ercbutra, DLBS. 1 18:15 Snort Plaskea. 11:00 Cam d Paris, X EX. Another Cobr.' BOOMS WHEAT, UP &Ac Salem Markets Grado B raw A milk, co-op pool price, SI .20 per ttandred. V Sarplas 85c." ..' (Milk bseed a aeavl -veatUr eattecfat averag4 Bntterfat Too 99c, printa 21 He, rnbeo 22 He Frieea paid le greer tf Salem sayats a aril 3 (Ta srlees bete-, savsiie a gieesn ar UslcaUv ef the tally auvrket bat are set reareatecd e? The Suteeataa I rSOTT ATD FSOZTA-XBa Striae heaaa Is- vk .11 Artiesekea. des. . AO ' Kadisbea. toeal das .SO Aaparara AS tm J .70 es. Leeal des. Cabbage. Ib. Oreea owssers. Calif. la. Fees. Osttf. lb. - Cabbage, IK Oeieas. Sea. eserkee JDS ss Petatees. Yakiata Ke. t .LOO .74W1JW tletlda. aew . -ATS .1.40 Sweet aetateea, arata Lettaea, CahX -Oeiosa, Walla Well . SJ4 to 9.1S St AS Labisb. ewt. Pannlpa. baao'red 1A Raasarb. leeal Celery. Cent, era! AS J.SS s.ee Mexican T cranio Wlaesaps, faaey Extra fear Vevtevas. 0 grade . AO L40 . AO . ae .L4 reaey Extra faeey CaaUflevei; CaliL, crate . Oraags. p.p. .,. .,. .1.34 .1.50 te L74 A .00 t AO .ee S.4 aaa riser , , Beets. Calif, Teraipe. CHf crate Bptsae. OsUL. erst . Beeeasa. Ib. ea neck .OS Hssda Stnwberries. 13-bs crate, vk. 1J0 Celery teerta. dee. - Master ctm aw Cveambere t 1A0 Piaespple, retail .30 te AO Rora Te, Tep. 1933. Ib. 131. lb. .44 A4 BOOS Sartas Prieie Ystrae .IS 43 -11 Stesar4a . Kediaau . rOTT-TSY Ole roeeters Celered bea -Teknas beaa iickl beaa. A4 .11 .0 A .10 Seringa lAY lasaba 1933 spriag .6A0 .SA Lams, tea Her, tep -Al A.90 kirn cat . Steers A to A4K Cevs Al t ASH Heifers .01 to AS Balls .03 to A3 . . Dressed veal top . Praam a v US SAY Wbaet. weetera red AS wait, are. 1 . Baiter, to, tea 14.0 to 94.00 Oata. toa 0.oOto3S.ee May eartos arteee Oats ad vetea, toa 15.0 AlfaUs. valUy. lit eat. -15.ee -aster OreCe .1B Clover bay .13 00 te 14AO WOOL -Tedlest AS AS A4 Oearse . Nekeir OASOAAA Si-L Oreea, Ik DryTlb. .01 H .04 Stocks and Bonds (CopyrigbL 193. StaadsH Statlstiea Ca.) aura, xv STOCK AVE-AQSS so so s ee fsS'U RR'a DCs Tetol Teaay 32. tAl .e Prs-ieaaday 61 SLS 74.4 4X.S Week age 6S.3 SLS 74.1 SLS Yerag 44.1 1L0 TT.O 48A S years ago lio.o ztx. sa.e Ksb 109 CS.S S1A 95A - 43.8 Lew ItSS 41.1 1I.S Sl.S . Higb 19SS T3.S 89.S 111.0 7SA Low 131 . 10.S oi.m b.w Kw 1999 klgb. X0BT AYXXAOSS 3 30 iss'is tor 90 Die t.l 74.T 74.4 TTA 0.4 85.9 TA1 SA9 70.9 Tetsl I p. St. 1.0 473. Prerieaa day S3.T 4L7 S9.T Al e.t SS.S TLS S$A SLT .T 5.3 ekag 5.4 1.T 10A es.y 57.0 78,0 47.4 Tear age S years are HigklOSS 4.1 90.T T9.0 SS.S Lew is . High 193$ 78.1 S7A Lew 13S Gravity Irrigation Systems are Put In WILLAMINA Two gravity farm irrigation systems nre being Installed this spring on the Wise and Mendenhall places along the WUlamlna river. On the wise place the water will be taken out high nn tn the hills and wfll be flamed about 2009 feet and then run tn aa opea ditch to a 4 8 -a ere field. The couaty agent has pro t neuneed this one of the most feas ible projects In the county. Mr. Mendenhall Is also building a gravity system, taking the water from a small creek tributary to I the WUlamlna river at almost no cash cost to Irrigate about IS 'acres. , -'; FLOWER CONTEST WAGED SWEGLK. April 21. Pupils la the primary room are particlpat- 1 lag in a pressed flower contest, All Grains Soar With Wheat; Exchange's Close Buoyant - CHICAGO, April 29 (API Wild-fire apeculatlva bnyiag awept wheat K cents a basbel higher today, with all ether grains whirling upward ea ac count of decisive . measures for- Inflation. . , - . . . Although senate passage of the Rooaerelt farm bIB. Includ ing extraordinary Inflation claus es, had been regarded by moat grain traders as a foregone con clusion, the . event itself came rith such unexpected swiftness that. market results proved little short- of those at critical junc tures of the world war. Inflation I .was about the only subject of which notice was taken in the grain pits, and trading through out the day was so tumultous ta character and of auch tremendous , volume that prtcea sometimes va ' rled 2- cents a bushel between brokers hardly 29 1eet apart, Wheat closed buoyant, near to the topmost figures attained. S. 1-8 to cents above yesterday's finish, corn . 2 2-8 to 2 2-2 up. at 1 M to 1 T4 adraaced. Today's closing quotations:. Wheat May 744-; Jnly Sept.. 71-: Dec 71H-71; 74-.. Corn May 2SK-: Jaly 22H-X: Sept. 49 1-8 to I Dee. 41 Ta-4.2. Ooate May 24K: Jaly 24; Sept. 24. Lime for Legumes Found Protable ASTORIA Clatsop . e o a n t y farmers are so convinced of the necestity -of using lime for prof itable production of many crops. partlcnarly legumes, that orders for agricultural time hare Increas ed this winter over a year ago despite the more difficult econom ic situation. Orders for 89 tons were pooled by County Agent Smith for 82 growers. Largest users were John Mattaon. Bea Amundsen, J. H. Jeff era, D. New ell, aad Mrs. C. E. Lonsway. Corn Acreage lor Feed is Increased HLLLSBORO An Increase la corn ncreage aad the construction of a number of new silos are some of the steps being taken by Wash ington county dairymen la meet ing the present and prospective forage shortage. The wooden hoop silo is attractiag considerable at tention, reports County Agent Cy rus, as at present prtcea It can be built at cost for materials of a dollar per toa capacity. X. 115 Sraoveia of dsaeel Ptatfainat ef tka Caioa rice, Aeeideat Qeaerel Isasrssaa Compear ef Peria. ia tbe Bepekbe e( Eraaee, ea rke tkirtr-first day at liar ess ber, 1933, made to t-o latareaco Cem BBsaioaer ef tke State ef Oregea, pwreaept to law; capital, Ameeat ef eesttal stock paid aa, . IK COMB Kat preaalama received dariax tke rear. $303,43LS3. latere- eUvideaea eat rtati seeelved dariag tbe year. 4T1,74S.4. lacoate from otker aoaree reeetred a ar ts g Ue yeer. 4S19.753A5. xetal leceara, pess.rvo.i. Di6BUBEIS Kt losses paid dariax tbe rear iaelad- lag adjaseat expease. 47i,S79AO. Divi4ea-a paid oa capital stock aariag tke year, . ta4srio aad miuih paid dariag tbe year, 9134A80A4. Taxes, aeeaeee aa leea said dariag tke year. SSLAOSAe. A seat ef aU etket expeaditare Sit.- 080.07. Total expeaditsroa. 9L01TA40AO. ASSETS Vala of real estato waed fmarke valval, w Valae of stocks sad keads ewaed f amr- ket valae). 4L475.4S4A. Looms ea mortxarea sad collateral ete- 4184.T5S.TL PromieaM ta eoarse of conoetiea writ-m- aiao 8eptemec SO. 1083 (Hot). 4150.4S9AA Do irom tker Ceatpaaioa for Ksiaser aae oa Leesa Already Paid. SS.S95.4, latoraet aad reats da aad aecraed. $18,188.37. , Pkiladeipkla Plre- Cadera AseeeUUaa Drpoeita. tlOO.OO. . Total admitted asaata. SLA3SASL34. LLABILITIBS Greta etsima for lessee aapalA, $89 145.59. Ameaat ef aa earaod preauam ea aB eetstaa-iag risks. 9507.949AA ae tor o tatea aa aro-erage, All tker liabUitiae, 431AT0A. Total iiablbttra, except ca vital. $419,- 0T4.4L - !pital paid a. - . - ' Sarplas ever ltabllitiea. . Bnrplas sa regaras policy be ldara, $917 454.89. TorsL 81.5S4.5I1.24. BVBWt&a IK OBESO rOBTHE YXAB Kat pion-ama received dariag the yaoc. $841.60, -aee peta anag tae rear. B,a3i.TB. Losaaa iaearred dariag tb year. St, 498.1A - i : Kama ef Cempeay TV Ualea rW Aeeideat a Cre-rai la-areae' Coespaam, Kama of bUaager tor Seifie Ceo9 Braaek, 3. X. MeadeU. 44 Pia Street, Baa tasiec, Ca-foraia. StataUrr veeideat aUanrr 4a aarvi 7ssMa C. Hltt, PerUaad, Oregea. By CLIFF STERRETT . 4 .