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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1933)
in flREGOIs STATCSllAN, E&cry Preifotuatgrday Horning, April 20, 1933 " - PAGE SEVEN . s ff HA 4 1 n r Business Directory '' Cards la this directory run bo monthly baxla .only. Rata : 11.00 par Una par month. v AUTO BRAKES Silk Panes, the brake and shimmy doctor." 875 South Commercial Street. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. S782. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. B. North-ess. CHIROPRACTORS PR. q. U SCOTT. P3C Chiropractor. ISC N Hteh. Tot Res 6872. DRESSMAKING MRS. SNELGROVE, 466 N.43ottge, J TeL 746S. HemamcniPfc, c jaj, Dressmaking In yonr rmifte. Kip. $9.60 day. Corr pl-nree. TeL T984. FLORISTS CUT Ctower wedding tumjeln fun eral wreaths, decoration. C. F. Brelt haupl florist. S7T Court. Tat 904. ALL kinds of floral wort lItt Flor ist. 14th MarkaL Tot 0S92. '" - ; ; - glass ." . Auto and window glass mlrrora. Tat 8100. Walter J. uowna. su prey. INSURANCE " BECKB HENDRICKS ' 189 N. High - r- TsL 494t ryPTrs:Y-SMlTH. Ken. Ins. Tel. 8812. LAUNDRIES TUB NEW SALEM LACNDRT THE WEIDKB LAUNDRY 818 & High TeL 9126 t CAPITAL ClTt LAUNDRT First in Quality and Service - Telephone 6165 1284 Broadway LAWN MOWERS ; Sharpened, repaired end traded. RRT W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man". JMATTRESSES Mat trasses from factory to home. Sprtnc mattress $8.00. Renora tors and Mmlsatora RCpltal JBed- dlngj CO. TL swa vyvx New mattress made to order, old remade earpet claantas. eUicg ; Hurt rucweavlns. Balem Fluff Rag 4k Ifat-Factot-y. a 18th . TeL 844L Otto F. Zwlcker. Est. 191L MUSIC gTORES GEO. C. WDL Pianos, radios, sew lnc machines,' sheet muale and piano studies. Repairing radios. Pbnogaplia. and sewlnc machines. 482 btata Street. Balem. - r MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar ad lessons ror anything 1 can ose. Storhow. 460 Court. MEDICINE Dr Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday. 10:80 aon. to 1 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING PAIKI A Salem A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING na up nnsiCRT. , cards, oamph- Rt progTbook. or any kind ef , Drintuia cau m ESenU l a CommerclaL Tele phone 910j;,MM-, - PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT m r cimnent. Income Tax Reports, J Mn0 nTcT.' Tel JI080 Auditing. or 6907. REAL ESTATE "BECKS St HENDRICKS, TeL 46477 " W. H. GRABENHOBST CO . 164 a Liberty St. TeL 84sa 4JOCOLOFSKT SON I - aM T. .- ric Bids-. TeL 7607. STOVES "0? wrobwlcyad TRANSFER- Hii OTTTranafer Om CAPITAL STattnADlbutr;: State Wss-TIAAsAew i. an , mMjurmMmW - ' . mini m aa. WELL DRILLING experience. R. - X. 110F6. - ! ISSSBBBBB-Bsr Vasco Girlto , j?trnver:Word From Hospital1 w vouK. April 28 (AP) ' .ii' i, v Helen : Vaseo, TWattou wa. ordered whose -J- v" . ob w- . Tiarants after ner pare 1 DT xaw . wnrkern fromlolea fuU bearing, one block south of d barreo w"-- - vi name, rested la IzJ- v-mMe home, rested .oSMa-Md-aimM. condl- HnanitaL -biid left . eye was re- moved'.by Dr. John IL Dunning-1 : The hospital reported last night that a microscopic examination ..-t the j diseased tissue did ; not extend Into the optic nerve. 4fid1cAtinc that all tao ueaaiy --ai. that had pressed against. " Imu nTtcsn iraien'a brain had been removed, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classif ted Advertising , Single insertion per ilse.10. Tbred Insertions per ' lis .............. loV 81x Insertions per lint.. 10c One month per Use..! 1.0 ft Minimum charge lis ; - Copy for this page ae- -eepted until 1:30 the even 1ns before publication for classification. C o p y re ceired , after this time will -be run itoder tee heeding Too Late to Classify. The V Statesman : assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may a, pear la advertisements pub lish td 1b Its columns, and tn cases where tht paper Is at fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement In which the typographical mistake oceurs. x The' ' Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising, ft tar-' ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. . . HELP WANTED MALE , Two young wen, one with car. com missions advanced, steady employ ment Apply 581 State Si, 200. Mr. Powell, to i- HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Two Salea Ladles, com missions advanced. Apply 281 State, Ft. 2 OS, Mr. Powell, 8 to E. SITUATIONS WANTED , Exp. dressmaking; in your home, $4.60 day. Copy pictures. TeL 1984. Lady with 8 children needa work. any kind. Foment 1144 w. Cottage FOR SALE Uiscellaneoua Fresh crabs now at Ftdlera atand. Intersection SUverton-Portland road. Ferttlixer for sale. Phone 788L Rhubarb, 2o delivered. TeL 9480, Potatoes. Crooked Finger Mountain Burbanka, very best, yield best. Hugh Ma gee, Bcotts Mills. Inspected M a r a h a 1 1 strawberry plants $3.50 per thousand. Terminal Ice and Cold storage. Seed Potatoes. Netted Gems, Bur hank. H. A. Hyde Co., 2898 Portland Road. Tel. 595. - WANTED Miscellaneous aaaJrfe,essseaseaeeaaeae,s' Why throw away good money? The tmirv nwnillni eot. at Grand Silver store repairs boae use new, o to sac Will pay cash for good used turn, TeL 8a3 between S A 10 Thnr. A Frl. MISCELLANEOUS - Best hatr cut. Adults 20c, ehnL, 15c Two blocks a of library, s. winter. i s s n n ren n n rsrsnn nmiTir infi, ""i " Permanent wave, 80c, Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steosiorr Mat, let. ROOM AND BOARD ' Board and room for ladles. Close m. TeL 8678. 693 Court St. Board, room, $20.00. near P. O. a- Comfy rm& Board cptnL TeL 8789. Board and room with large closet, h priV- reaan6ble- 888 K. Church. Larxe. welt furnished room, and beard. Tel. 4275 FOR RENT APARTMENTS . - - - innjijxrwinrmnr.rmni-iiPii - . Patton apartments, downtown. Call Patton'a book store. Fur. 2 R. act. 2261 BazeL Tel 7864. Mod at. heated apta TeL 8490. .w--,,-" Apta $10. $12. 891 N. Com'L L.. sjxfJxrtrurysTsf'i Furs. arartment, 1040 uenue. Nice front apt, 5S uawer. Ujjuj injTnjajiTX.rii"u'uT- uirtriiiriir"ii : Olvmntc. 720 N. liberty. Mod. i room. turn, or nnfurn. apta. 0WMW For rent furnished 3 room ounga-i low. 1248 Chemeketa. SL I in nr ...rvwAfmi'innfiri-r-r . S-room infarnlshed apt, lights, not and cold water, gas range, garage, use nf Miactrio wasner. iilbv mo. State St. .; "Nice, fum- apta. 690 Union. Lovely fur. 8-r. apt. 1580 Center. St. fur. apt., ground floor, garage. It allll. T. u. Aioen. uujujuuuwuiwnnnr,ii"i-ii' -i- - - - - A fine apt. and single houee-keeplng rooms greatly reduced at 1120 Center Utreet. FOR RENT HOUSES MaaMaaWs'jbiM ; - B4irH mnA BBfUriL iMmMuV IL ITortaer. till N. Cottar T4L I0SU xrij-ii-u-u-u-utrri ------- S rooms 810.00. TeL 7Z0. t-room modern home at Z09 & Church St, - . TTW. H. GRABENHORST A CO. , 1646 Liberty SL .bu r.:m hnuse. 210 a 22rd In-1 tpilre Ptatlon tin end Market. FOR RENT 4 nice mod. homes for rent, S fum. anta and a numeer or iwm tmjm. X TT TtrT T s (Wmn Rldt Phone 8908. FOR SALE Beal Estata If you want to buy. sen or exchange .nvMnr General Exchange, 828 N. Commercial SL i ii ii ii n ii n iifuuummuiJLrtArf-i-iV - - " 1 J on bund untti you see um 1 r ... i.. -.r .nt kd-i i Leslie Junior high achooL c tw, i,vel lata. SOxllO each. SeU one or both cheep, easy payment- Owner, ih Rural Avenue, poone -8 acres near Swells school, o tm-1 provements, price fise, nowun w and $1 a month, no Interest, two years. S19 Court Street - attw arriVK t-R. bunralow. large I -- ii.t m-rwvl fl full basement, I furnacd and fireplace, lovely bunt-ins I tn kltrhea. mem and shrubbery, Sao-1 . w , . . - - - - FOR CASH WUI aacrinco weu w i msnea x w m ore. Bid. UU FOR SALE Real Estate- 1 houee. 4S0 Locust, one at lit It. Cotta-e, yery reasonable. Albert Krena. Rt 7. Box 227, Salem. - r -r"ii sunLr j-uxrxxa- BARQAIN OP BARGAINS T A. doae on highway, rood bld(a., electric preseure, water, llyhta At half - price. Only $2250.00. J. Lincoln Kills. i. BUT NOW! $8400 Home for $8800 T room modern home, beat of con struction. Only blocks from State House. North. 8 mall payment win handle. SEES Mr. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 244 State SL . Phone 708 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE . 18 acre farm near Carlton, Oregon. Fair set bldga.. 20 acres tn cultivation, creek and eprtns; water piped to house, 40 acres good timber can be used at a nearby milL Price $3000, or will take cood Salem residence In exchange. Choice 1 acre tract near Salem, srronnrf vo H ir 1rm .lat.. -i tered house with fireplace, electric ".wr sywem. iTice szts or will take cood Salem home tn ex. cbanire. CHILDS A MTT.T.Kff. Realtor. -844 State St Phone 4708 house ninniTM We hare a nice S room bumralow tn south Salem, new root and Interior PllT . reftalahed, Price only SEE HAWKINS ROBERTS ' For Real Kstato Baryalna EXCHANGE Real Estate -' - -"i-mn rri.n Dallas T R- mnilara. Vmm .tu. Good location for modern suh Hftltm tnvirariy. iwz j.yu, uaiem, T oxehange room cotUge, 8 lots. Value $2000. for stock mercJuMdlae, o 5- Particulars, address I ' - " ' 'i- -ii- -i vnn ii i ii i mi . NEAR MT. ANGEL . 8B cre all culUyated, beautiful ,hou"' basement, fireplace, "'trfc lights, large barn and other outbuildings. Price $5(00 will take smaller place aa part. Terms on bal- SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS jtjrvewpjstaeTiiades i FOR SALE FARMS YOU KNOW WHT BUT NOW - y cra. uooo aanay loam, 814 acres peaches and walnuts. room House. Basement, elertrfn lit t. etc Close to Reiser school. For ouick i sale $3500.00. Give terms. Better aee I una at once, it will selL 25 ACRES HOWELL PRAIRIE . 1 Acres Cultivation. All kinds of fruit and berries. Pudding river S room house, barn a-araae, poultry house. Electricity, frade for bouse or email acreage. HOP LAND 88 Acres, u acres ready for Hope. pra?er.opf 122 ACRES SNAP il5orp,a5a' ,14 cr" aWalfa. All ?!?wlan,t tRuQnin water. Good for ifa ..r,P8- Good Improvements. Priced at $100 per acre. Take smaller place as part For bargalna see JAa D. 8 EARS, Realtor 13S H. High earn m m noes e. .-wyrtJt. j- HOWELL PRAIRIB FARM St acres, stock, cron and tniiiT,- Tr'.vei7. rood uUdlngs, paved road, electric lights, price onlV $5700.00 JSEB HAWKINS 4k ROBERT8 For Farm Barralne -:. ACREAGE "Sfe". about 8 A. in cult. Imme diate possession. Some crops In i extra ed'eteSr1 H. .C SHIELDS Oregon Bids. Tel. 8908.,-11 in. TIMBER WTT.T. PIT pao nTw 250 acres not far ont m I . . sooa nr ana oak 1.' abmi 75 acres in celtlvationv no bldgs. Price only 85000 for !1 (bm.J. -m 1 . J I part terma CHILDS A vrrr t V r .n. 244 State St " Phono's tes WANTED REAL ESTATE m - -- g-rlXlOlJ-SajLssL-SL . 1 nr farm of 80 to 100 A. located Within IK mi Tl I i "'""K" on east side of Wll- etriTer su payment down, 2.Nc5: Commercial. Business Opport unities i ssTirtO e, ia w va M cut. lunv tTniT s ZS rooma, frlsidair niarCity I LIVESTOCK and POULTRY - - I Custom hat chine. 600 am tu. -e a - ... 1 UUUL I every Saturday and Tuesdar. Til 18SF2. Lee's Hatchery. - - .... iv-mmmm. Poultry Wanted. Salam Pmilt - mm. I pany, 255 E. Miller. 1 - - n-.-inii nixiui.r -irii-iir SURPLUS BABT cmatra . rlf'ce prices Tuesday and Friday only. See our bargalna Custom hatch- ms. natenmg eggs. Phone 18SFS. Lers Hatchery,, ffalem, Oregon. Six weeks e MA-t-a ft. each. Mrs. M. J. Miller. Santa f. Dn 78, Turner, Oregon. For Sale. Cows. Jersey. Guerns-va. coming fresh ; also Guernsey bull 18 mo. Geo. Sherman, RL 8, Box 98, Tur- SJM iwassaeeas sb ---VviruWuXnJ Trade--I eowsi for bors eT. Orut. Rt. , Box t4. .- - BIONEY TO LOAN VkMMMMMWnMMMWWWW 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that is really really different. . TOTJ GET THH FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IS CASH. , . ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRTVArT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE AAN3 $10 to $800 . Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM I Room 110 New Bligh Bid, tng Floor LAiunHiLU BI STATS 811 State Street TeL 8-T-4-. POLLY AND HER T , , ''''SsVaaasasaSSsaaaSaBBBBBBBSjMBBJBsBse MONEY TO LOAN nmmmUmmmw Borrow en personal property t repay m meathly tnstailments, . WILLAM ETTB LOAN CO- Bute He. S-ll. SOS Quardlaa 31dc TeL S8T1. aSsSs9ssSWrfSSMS4IM PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS . 8TATB LOAN COM PANT - 818 Oreg-on BulldlnSi Sad Floor Office lira. 10:00 A. M. to 8:80 P. It Telephone 77 IX. Stata license No. PERSONAL LOANS MADS on fnmttare, oars, salaries or other- irood security. Repayable monthly. When tn flnanelsj need see ns bet ore closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Blc Pbone 1888. MONET LOANED ON AUTO Contracta Refinanced Arraase to reduce you paymeeta Too keen the ear P. A, EIKER Or. Liberty SL and Ferry -Pion 4789 Selees. we for Sale wood Wood. 9X.I9 cord. TeL 941L QUaRAMTSED drt TeL 800S Salem Fuel Oa. Oottnsn Trade A DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, eat sad fuel elL Can on aa tar ptioe Wo aire ooe. tneaanre. coed ouaittir and Larmeb tranbfbts STOaAOI mi - ASh, fir end oak. TeL 8448. No, 1 10 in. old fir, 84.00. TeL 4450. Dry oak. 4 ft. $4.00. TeL 8108. No. I dry old fir. $5.00. TeL 8178. Sixteen tnen necond fir $8.88 load at Tracy's. Phono 8988. per Old fir dry aad green $4.00 and up. mono sits. Ash and fir, Jodd. Phono 81F14. Dry wood 94 cord. Tel. 0459. LOST AND FOUND LOST Bunch of keys. Phono 4508, Apt. 9 - PERSONAL I will not pay any debts contracted by Carrie M. Parrlsh. Benl. A. Parrlsh. FOR SALE USED CARS SEE Bill and Bob Used Car Exchange for your used ear. 642 Chemeketa . Terms . Trade Open Evenings and Sundays McKATS USED CARS WITH AN a K. THAT COUNTS 1929 Ford Coupe I1!-?; 1927 Chrysler Sedan -1929 Ford Roadster 1928 Durant Sedan 1920 Ford Coupe llll Ford Pickup 1911 Chevrolet Coach 126.00 145.00 148.00 245.00 295.00 888.00 886.00 496.00 1929 Bulck Sedan 1988 Chevrolet Do Luxe Coach TERMS TRADES Open evenings and Sundays. McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 828 Center Phono 8189 480 N. Com"L 28 Chev. track, 4-epeed trensmls slen, brakes; semi-trailer ; wood rack. 1948 8. Church. WANTED USED CARS USED CARS Bought for Cash Always Bell for Less See BORREGO 240 N. Liberty ' Phone 2188 -i Toll Bridge at Astoria Backed By Large Fund PORTLAND, Ore., April 21. (AP) Private capiti 5; ?2.500.000 (AP) Private capital to the ex- Is already available tor preliminary financ ing on a toll bridge across the Columbia river at Astoria, It was .......... ( . I ... ft V . -M ware e a a w- ttwm yregoniaa irom wnsningxoiL, u. The estimated cost of the !&Jl 7-.0.'00A ?X tS& c-itA tusv 4utatw yic-i mm sccau tA 4 e wnot ai Aftfwjt vifAVlri -4 wnsk wV A-SA CwB VUOVUlt U ff A V A0VS es reconstruction finance corpora' tion supplies the other two-thirds. The proposal is now being laid before the finance corporation by L. B. Sandblast of Portland, rep- resenting citizens of Astoria. New Camp Fire Group Organized at Stayton Sundsy morning the pastor of the Turner Christian church. Rev. E. J. GUstrap. will be attendlng- the state Christian Endeavor con vention and his pulpit will be oc cupied by Rev. James McCalley of Balem Commercial Street mission. His theme will be -The Second Coming: ot Jesus." 'There will be i no evening services at the church as most ot the leaders will be at Eugene. - LICEKSED TO WED DALLAS. April 28 A mar riage license was Issued here Tuesdsy to Loel Carl Sable, 20, xarmer, or Amity ana Aaeune Campbell, 19, student, ot Perry dale. , ... DO.FRASEI. tTXXS I TACOMA, TVash April 2$. (AP) Don Truer. Spokane wel terweight, won on a foul over Leonard Bennett of Detroit In the fourth round ot s scheduled eight round bout here Thursday night. PALS .crsct ,TH3 WJviajSS ON EARTH MAJ-A SEED 6 ii ID UiULU Hay Demand Is Still Strong; rinvnp iVrine I nrV Ctnee I w.w.v. vivjm bvvn i Hiwy I Corn Acreage Heavy Rush ot seed buying la the grain stores here Is at an end, and maeh ot the seed is already in the ground, . T. Barkos, veteran dealer, says. He reports the hea viest sales ever of seed grains. Farmers are putting oat oats mostly and except tor the low lands, planting Is -complete. Bar ley will be sown shortly. Farmers coming Into town report clover leeks tine, and that In spite, ot the heavy loss of wheat through the treese the dairyman will apt setter so badly. Demand ; lor hay continues strong with virtually bo local hay ottered. Barkus had 300 tons stored, last tan, and this was all gone late In Starch. Be has been meeting Ids demand with Klamath Palls alfalfa, shipped In at a eost of slightly over III. Last year this firm paid $11 a ton for oats sM vetch, hay; now It offers (IS i ton tor that com modity, as do other dealers. Wheat bronght 41 cents: now ttl up te 65 cents, with prospects tor 75-cent wheat by taU. Local growers are offering lit tle Wheat for sale at this time, in spite ot the boost In nrlee. This Is attributed largely to the raet that they prefer to hold their own stock for planting: this tall. A considerable quantity ot wneat la said to be Held by grow ers hern Even in face ot the lowest era prices In years. Mr. Barkus says tne cnicaen mash business hi shown an Increase this year. Two years ago his firm sold 1C0 tons: last year, ZS0 tons; and this year. 300 tons. Unusually heavy plantings of corn are being made In this coun ty this year, mostly as result ot loss of wneat through the freeze. The fact that corn makes not only a gooa rood but a cheap one, has boosted tne plantings. PORTLAND. laril 2$. (AP) Market tor butter shews nrm tone leeaiiy. races were MM m a mm well maintained generally aad without changes ot any sort on the open market. Chsralag con tinued below normal for this per iod. There continued a very unsat- tsisctory trade la eggs here, info retail channels. Good stuff was scarce. 81ightly easier trade was sug gested la the market for live heavy weight hens with most sales around lc decline from the previous mark. Other chickens were showing a steady tone. There was a famine ot young live ducks on the local trade and prices were very firm tor Peklns. There was practically no call tor oia auccs or zor coiorea sorts. 8stisfsctory trading tone was showing tor country killed meats in general. There was a shortage of Qual ity asparagus on the market and In spots the market was higher. Elsewhere It was steady to trifle lower. More was arriving from eastern Oregon and 'Wash ington points. 8AY1TKBAT, APSXX, SO EOAC CorvalUa M BU. 7:00 Moraisr Madiutieas, led by Kiss Merry Plttaaa. S:e Marmot eeeee-t. 0:00 Moraiag Matinee. 11:00 Farm heme. S Tarai amr. " 7:10 Fa vara FsesMrs of AsMsioa,' pro gram ay reran urere eaapter. korjr rrtuns oioxs. :9S KOUT Xlsek. 1:1S HestoM ot the Air. l:Se Beak ef LI fa 8:00 Bmg Oresby, Lee sard Haytea'i eieaaesm, CBS. 0:00 Redding White, taeoe. t jOO VteElxoy's Oreater Oreieaiaas. :15 DeHeeey's erehaetra. 11 tOO Hess City Use veil. 11:80 Cats ds Paris. PLC 3. KaW Pwtlaaa 820 2U. 7:00 Arkts Trie. -TBCL T:16 Asserleaa Predaee oesapeay saar- . ket report. T:45 Bteea sod Do Baas, VbO. StlS Jack aad Patty, UZC 0:15 Ce-la aekL -S:45 Nstleaal Fsm aat Heme sear. 10:80 We-aaa'a Magsaiao et the Afar, ; f BO. -'. " 19:13 Weaters ArHealrera. XSO. ' 1 sOC Danea Masters, HBO. 1145 Cecteert Fees eiUS. VSa "Two Minds With euNsi olttta aj-l HE DUCKS SCARCE, POUD Radio I Program. THAT r3rWiTVVCJLD ADOPT CUSS - - awm--. mmmwy r - HI I I WHEAT, CORN PRICES VYUULi JrKiUJbio TriJN D Tu ADVAJNCE Iry fin fin . Rill '. 8Tm!1m rX" m" w To Bnng New. Wave rC , .l1a.- CHICAGO. April IS. (API- Wheat and corn prices collapsed today, wheat 1 cents maximum and corn almost 1 cents. - senate approval ot plans to low er the gold content ot the dollar failed to bring about an expected fresh wave of public speculative buying, and Instead many traders gave special attention to asser tions that the farm commodity bill as 'amended would be defla tionary In effect. Heavy selling ascribed to eastern sources found all grains were devoid ot adequate support from buyers. Wheat closed unsteady near the day's bottom figures, 1 . l lower than yesterday's finish, corn down, oats ofL Todays closing quotations: Wheat May !-: July Cltt-: September ft-7H: December CI. Corn May 11a-T: July loH-H; September STU-; De cember Sift-. Oats May IW. July Sz&: September 23-23 ft. General Markets PXODUOB ZXCHAVOX POBTLAMD. Ore- AerU 9S. raPl rreauee ezeaeece. net prleett Batter, trst Sle. staadares 33 He. prhae fin 13 H. firsts lie. Ergs, freak lee, meeuuea lse. Portland Grain POKTLASTO, Ore, April 28. (AP) Wsee Open .&& Hifk Lew Close If sy, asw Nay. eld. 60 60 84 66 67 84 88 67 8 Jy 69 0 September 00M 68 Csak wkeat Ke. 1: Bie Baad blnMtaai 04; dark herd wlaUr, la per ceat SA, 1 11 per ceat CO; soft waits, bard viator iaa; menaera ipnag, western white. Oate We. S white $28. Corn Me. SS yellw 020. kUUrea sUaeard $170. Portland Produce FOBTLAKD. Ore- Anril 2a. t APt anar mats, extras ZSe, ataaearee Battartat Parti. J J.II.. grade 89e peaad. sJgs raettia reeltry rreeaeers1 mg prieee: Overtlie 17c, extras lie. Bus ed colors 16c. ss-dieass 16e. Bayiag price et wkeleaalers: Freak carreat receipts, 60 pvaaos eae ss it-iiui esse Ceaatrr ea la -SWUi-j tm -t-i- srs: Ooeatrykilled keca. keae bataaarm. aader tA peaeea 6-e vealers SO te xwe psesee 1 1 -e ; prima lawbe 14-lke. ysarkags 10-1 le kaary was e-5, aa- awe, euiis -e. nais vragoa waissM lb-lse poead. seasaU 10a, Bratils 1114c. auaosda 16- isa, nmert so i.e. oeeaes SOe. Ostsars berk Bariae nrlaa If SI 2-Ss pee sd. uepssa-tiaaL in 80-S2a. Lire eoautrv Sanaa nuai Haarn kens, eelered. 4 sesads lie: de bmAI. em lie; Vgkts 10-11; sprtage light lee, ksevy lea; eld reeetsrs 6a Seeks. Pe- kia breilers 1118a, ali lfta, aalarad Oaleas Celllec ertee te ratatiara: Or torn BOc-SLlO ceatsL TeHme Spasisk 71 85e crate. Mw amiaas, Texas Benssdas fi u ao-peaaa crate. ' Petatees Leeai. SS-Tle ersaee eea: Deseaatee Paaas SLSo-LSO; de Bakers . IiUsa Seats S1.SS-L45. pets toes Texas -5e. straw semes Baerasaeate 94s S9.SS. Pretae SOe SL6S-1.S0 era to. Wool 198S slip, neaUaal; WilUaterte l'T lt lu po4 r" 10" Mehal Seminal bayiag price. 1088 lip, 0c 6 sc. sy Baylor ertee (rest sredaeev Alfalfa 014-15, clever $11. casters Ore- ;oa ttmeny BI4.10-U, eaU aad retck f U4. Portland Livestock POBTLAXD. Ore. AerQ 9A, fAP) Lsuie Meeetpu is. ealres SO; newiaally a taa ay. Bteers, 650-S00 lbs, rood. 94.15-5.15 su4ism, S4-4.S5; caaiaiaa. fl-4; SOO 1100 lbs, ge4 SA2S-S.16; Baedlam. 04 4.85; cesaaraa. 03-4 r HOO-llOO lba, geed, S4.2S-S; Bsediom. S9-4.SS. Heifers. 4SO 760 Ike, geed.; ssmaise aiiai em, $9.60-4.25; 760-900 lbsn f-ad-eholae, 84-4.50; ee-aaM-madlasjL 0 !.-. Cow a. feed, $9.60-8.76; saa-tsadiam fl.sO- .; - lew setter sad eatter, ft S.60. Baits, yeartlase exaladed. road (kaef ). tl .SO-8.00: eatar-a4iaa. SIAO- 80; vealsra,. gesd ska lee. S9.00-S.00; ssadlsm. $A26-Se; eell-ee-aBasa, 9130- .; eaives, X5S-600 laa, feed-ehelee. f.eo-s.vo; sisjus natam Hogs KeeeUta SOS: fairly steady. Llxht Urht 140-lse Ike. seed-eaeles. S1AO-4.SS: llrbtwelxht. lOO-ttO lbs. 84.- I5-A.1S; lee-IOO Ike, 0 4.1 5-4.1 ; saeel. si weafkt. S0O S9O Iks, $8.76-4.86 990 950 lbs, $1.60-4.961 hee-ywetgk. 150- 290 lbs, IUM.U: 800-950 the. 88.16- e.oo; paeuag eewe, srs-sse we, gee.; sso-exa lse, 485-890 lbs, SS.96-S.76: 176-60 lba audi i. SlJe-SA0: feeder sad eesekar tin. 10-690 lba, ead-ebotca. 0t.16-l.T5. naeen see, ismse seeetpw as; aesn sally steeSr. . " fiprlag lasibe, choice 64-S.80, geed $8.60-8, seeeiem $4-6.50. Lasabs. OS lbs. dews, geedhteeo 8 4-4-50. cess men medl va 03-4: o-0S eesda soad-ahaiee Se- e.s; yearnag wetaera, -hm ree, geee eaetea, 9 00-1.60; saedhua 81 004.0O; eo-120 lbs. leed-ebeiea. 61.15-9. i 60; 120-160 lbs, 83.0O-t.5O; an welsh ts laat, fi.oo-i.oo. 1:10 Boa que t ef afaledles, EBOL 8:45 Frieedly Chat. 4:80 American Choir, VBO. 4:45 Barbara Dale. KBO. 0:19 Boslea 8yatpheay eeacert, FEO. 1:00 V. B, Ifh lafaatry baa a. T:10 Seaglaad, KBO. ' 10:10 hfaaieal Iikaaa. KBC. 11 :00 Hotel Astbassader erekestra. TBQ 11:90 Gas Arakeim's erekestra, VBCL a Single Thon-M iTHS QJSTCM ATORS TH3 HOUSi) f IS,HOVV AKS WS EV rr" eti a , . tm,. i i ,n a . - I Salem; Markets , Grade B raw'dfi sallk, co-op pool price, 91.20 per hsasdred. : . Snrplns 05c lark sesed on send i bslterfet ' overogo.) tkly BnUerf AL - Top 22c, prlnU Z4Hc. cabee 23 He Prises paid to srewera Salem osyero April SB (The erlees fceiew. sseelted or a teeel see. see ladlcatlve f the Sail market oat are set nsraateee ? Tee viatatsMSl rnarr asm nontiLn Striae besse. lb, wk. Jl Arueheees. dea. - .90 odtshoa, iseal. dea. .SO Aspeteees J1 to .08 ASWJft Cn4SCa 9mBmmmmmmummmnBiimmtm s)YO Cabeete, la. 08 Oieea Meeera, OeUL. lb. .IS Peas. CaluT. Ik. .04K Oakkace, IK , v Petsteea, Taklams tie. S -LB .rstoLoe , - va Florida, new , Sweet psuusa. mm Lettaee. Calif. 1A0 S.15 he 8.96 A5 J6 l.a Oeleea, WaHe Walla . L-Uk mm VmalH headred barb, I .01 Celery. Calif. U state 9.1$ J.00 Meaiean Tsutsss AppUa Wweaase, Casey . JO -L40 Extra a (aat STeartoeaa, O grade raaey Extra faacy .l.6 Caaliflewer. Calif- crate . .1.26 Orsacea, p.p. , .1.50 tk L76 .0.00 te 4.00 .SO 1.60 raaey Beats, CeHt, des. Taralpe, Cent, crate Bptaaek, CaUC, crate -Beaaaas. lb. ee stock J.00 .05 Hasda .05 Strawberries. 19-bes crate, eh. LSO Celery keerts, dea. Maaterd greeaa .60 e 1.40 te .90 Cacesibers ei Pineapple, retail .20 Hors Tap, 1092, Tb. Tap, 199 1, lb. .89 .14 COOS Bayug Prises Extras -,. .19 .18 .11 SUadarda . Mediams - MUXTBT Old wasters - JO 4 ai .00 .00 .10 Celerad bees -Median keas Light bees, Bpriage M AT lbs 108S sprtas lai La be. toe i.00 .6JM Hoes, top A16 S.90 -mve cats Steers .04 te .04 At te .01 .01 te .01 Co Hal fan Bans JO. to Al .00 Bra end vaaL top , -iiissn a oca . AO OBAXB ABO HAT heat, weetera red White. He. 1 8 65 Barley, tea. taa 11.00 te 10.00 Oets. ten 10.00 te 15.00 Hay. oartar erloas OaU end vetek, tea 13.00 aliaUa. vsHty. 1st eat, 15.00 -aetera Orerea : .160 Clever bey 11 00 to 14X0 WOOl, Nadla .11 .10 A8 Noaair OABOABA BABX Creea, lb. .01 Iry, Pa. 34 Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1921. Staadard Statistics Co.) A-UU SS STOCK A VESA OSS 80 SO SS 00 Ia4'ls HR'a Ui's Total Today 44.1 S1S 74.4 61.1 Previeeaday S4.T 10.S 14.1 61.1 Week ago 63.4 S0.S 71-S 59.1 Yeerage 45.6 2LS 19.0 47.9 S years age 12.1 It 1.1 2T1.0 196.1 Hlfh 1931 6S.S 61.0 05A S14I Low 1911, Hih 111 63.1 S1.5 6U5 413 713 90.S 111.0 193 S6.1 193 61.8 853 Lew 1911 BOUT) AVXBAQKS 80 10 90 60 laa 'la BIT a Ct'a Total Teday 05.1 6L7 16.1 60.7 Previeeaday 03.6 613 153 66.1 Weak age , 62.0 SS.S 7 AS 6 AS Tear age 003 61.1 16.4 S63 8 rears are S4.1 105.1 993 00.6 High 1936 46.1 S5.T 6S.S 12.0 563 T.O 74.1 SS.S High 103S 113 16.0 S6.9 9S.1 Low 1931 633 41.4 703 673 Stocks Resisting Decline, Recover SmartlV at End I u- Bureau of Agricultural eeo U1AICZX iUy ai ..U I ae-atlne: with the OSO NEW YORK, April 21. (AP) --Stocks were relactaat te de cline today and. after losing frac tions to a couple of points on slow sag. recovered smartly la the late tradings. General Motors, TJ. 8. 8teeL Auburn and Bethlehem rose frac tions to more than a point net, AHled Chemical, ostensibly en short eoverinr. gained nearly S while Dm Pont did as welL Stand ard Oil et New Jersey, Case, Am erican Can and National Biscuit also firmed. Ralls, heavy early, hardened on ths final upturn. Southern railway issues made new highs tor the year. Anaconda and Cerro De Pasco dipped point, then rallied. Sales totaled 2.112,120 shares. v COLLAPSE Western Mark-up is as Sharp as Eastern; ' " "Foreign is Firm BOSTON. April 21. (AP) Thw Commerclal Bulletin will asy . tomorrow of the wool market: Largely dne to the Inflationary . trend ot the moment, but aided . to some extent by orders from the . . plecegoods -market, there has been a strong, advance tendency In prices shown during the past week both In this market and In the west "In the west the mark-up of ' wool values has been quite as sharp as the -east. It not even ahead ot the eastern rise, the beet nae staple clips now - being tally -on a ceat, clean landed basis. Prices through the) west tor the most part. are I per cent over the opening; prices tor the season and not Infrequently us per ceat above last year, at this time. "The foreign markets have all been very firm and some are a bit dearer. Mohair Is moderately active and prices are slightly deader tor the week. The Bulletin will nublish the following Quotations: Scoured basis: oiegobi Pine aad P. If. staple 48-1)0, fine and F. M. FY. com b- 13 le-47e. finer and T. M. cloth- is 4 0-4 2c, vauey No. l, 4 2-4 4c. Mohair: Oregon 18 - 20c Domestic graded, first combing 27-ZOc, sec ond combing 2b-28e. thlnrd comb ing 22-24e, fourth combing 1- 18c good carding 25-28e; first kid SO-oSc. second kid 4 $-4 5c FE OPTIMISTIC Blooming Period is Finest in Many Years; few bad Places Found With the finest blossoming per iod in mssy yean, if not ever. Polk county orchardists are opti mistic over the prospects for fine crops ot prunes, pears and cher ries. J. R. Beck, county agent. states that exceptionally good prospects are the rule la most et the Polk county orchards. He has covered practically the entire county the past week. A few bad places have been found, mostly la the old orchards and In those where no attention has been given. Thrip has been numerous la some orchards, and likely has ceased some damage, and In some orehsrds black twigs are apparent where the buds have not opened. While Ideal weather conditions have prevailed for the pollenUa- tioa period, this does not tell the whole story on the crop of fruit which these orchards may bear, tor between now and maturity time, heavy and cotd rains, frost or other weather conditions may wreck to lesser or gTester extent the unusually fine prospecta which are now felt. Polk county has about 1 Mot- acres of prunes and cherries. SHORT WHEAT CROP CORVALLI3, Oro- April 28 (AP) Two special foreign re ports Just received here Indicate a short crop of wheat In India this year and a better market ia Europe -for prunes. It waa stated In report Issued todsy by the extension service. The Indian wheat crop has J tut been harvested with total produc tion about equal te local needs. The total Is placed at 2iO.OO0.l$ bushels compared with 247,.- last year and ISMOI.Ot tor the record harvest of 1121. , Little wheat Is normally export ed from India. -Utglaad getting the limited amount sometimes shipped. Imports have also been smaO. though several cargoes et Australian wheat were sold there early this year. Spot den-end tor American prunes In England continue. sab lsfaetory with higher prieee. Ger ms a Importers will be dependent on American supplies from now en, according ' to . unofficial re ports, aa Tugo-starian, reports have aU been sold. , : i By CLIFF STERRETT WB VR GCNNA OIT RIP OF IT??, POLK HOTS EXPECTED rhS-& r T