The QKEfJUN STATESMAN. Saiea. Orer-oa. Satcrgay glsrnls"'. Arm Z'J, 1S33 Local News Brief s - Title Prepared Ballot title i for the referendum measure at tacking the so-called grange pow er bill approred by the 193 3 legis lature, "was completed by Attorney General VanWlnkle Friday. The lair prorldes for the creation of a power commission of three mem- ben, abolishing tne existing ny-dro-electrlc commission, and au thorizes the issuance and sale of bonds no to S6S.000.000. Any bond sales under the law must be approved by. the roters. The ref- Owners association, a state-wide organization. - . -, Sheriffs to Sleet Here r The next meeting of this district of the Northwest Sheriffs t associa tion is to be held in Salem this summer, Sheriff A. C. Burk and Newel Winiams;; deputy, reported hero yesterday. after attending a regional ' meeting In St. Helena on Thursday night. Other Salem men to attend Including Walter Lansing and i George Alexander of the state police department, Martin Ferrey. attorney. Miller B. Hayden, justice of the peace. Geraniums, petunias and all bed , ding plants, Olson's Greenhouse, Pacific Hwy. north. - -' Secnres Job Gertrude Tayior, member of the class of 19 S3, Wil lamette university, has been se lected to teach high school sub jects and to do other educational work at the girls' Industrial school near Salem: She will suc ceed Roberta Vannice who is tax ing a teaching position, at Balsey. Miss Taylor 'resides la Salem, She is the second member of the sen ior class to obtain a teaching Job this jear. . O.;: Case Settled Damage action of Henry W. Gertmaker against the Cherry City. Baking company was settled out ot court yesterday after action bad been started be fore a circuit Jury here. The case v concerned a collision wnicn iook : Allan Speaks Tonight Radio listeners In Salem were Informed yesterday by the Christian Science church , here that tonight at 8 o'clock, GaTin W. Allan, C. S. B. of Toronto, Canada, will speak In Portland - on .'Christian ; ' Science Meets Humanity's ' Needs." The lecture, delivered under the aus pices ot the Portland church at the city auditorium there, will be broadcast over KEX. , ; -. For Quality permanent waves call Alice G Irene, Bonnie Dee Beauty Shoppe, Prices range $2 -up. . Price Sentenced, Jail James Price was sentenced to serve 10 days in city Jail after be pleaded guilty Jn municipal court yester day to a charge of being drunk. Young Price told police he lived at the Cottle apartments, bnt the proprietor, who has changed. the name to -' Glenwood -' apartments, stated yesterday that Price -41d not live there but rather at 22$ Chemeketa street. Three New Permits . Three new permits for erection of build ings bare been issued at the city building inspector's office. Dr. A. M. Bancroft 1 to build a $500 dwelling at 365- Mission street, Olive Thompson a 3300 tile build ing at 718 North Commercial and Capital , Securities corporation a $50 garage at 1830 North 17th street. - . V Girl Is Hurt - Dean Thomp son, 14, of 656- Edgewater street. West Salem, suffered injuries to her back when an automobile in which she was riding collided with a car driven by Robert Green. 1070 North 18th street, at Church and Ferry streets, Theo dore Laehr, 553 Edgewater street. the other driven reported to po lice yesterday. Wanted, used furniture, Tel. 5110 Burglary Report Belated City police yesterday were notified of G3 SMS FII11SII IIM, lut 10 Others get Degrees When Requirements Completed; . Five in law Class Flftv-eirht seniors in the lib eral arts department of Wlllam ett nniversltv here were approv ed yesterday for the bachelor ct arts degree to be granted Mon day. June 1 9. In the commence: ment exercises held here. Seniors thus accepted nave successfully the oral examinations glv- n darin this month. Ten other senior students were approved for degrees after taking additional work durinir the summer or next fall. The faculty of the college of law approved five students for th bachelor of law degree. Names of the seniors to graduate are: " . - - Csclla Adams.:--lAUM'Hall. Dwight Adams. Route t. Box 34 Har rVtt Adam a 13th strwt: Luta Allen. Alpha PW Alpha ; J?"p Arn old, HS0 N. !lst strwU Brth Bab eoSc. Ml 8. Commercial: Elisabeth Bishop, ! vouix eirtwi . Boardroan. 1131 Center street! Caroyl BraAen. 1T1 Court atreet; Edwyna Broadbent 750 N. Summer; Loctla Brown. 1443 8tat atreet: Victor Cart on, Toppenlsh; Wash. ; Elisabeth Oe 111 w 1 7th street: Fare Cor- nutt, 1189 Court street; Beulah Cra mer, 25 N. trnurcn;, . - Cyntnia ueLano, . . v-nuren atreet: Marcelle DeMytt, 176 8. 14th troot? Virginia. Durkee. SZB B. IZt street: Katharine Earla, ISIS E. Nob Hill; waiter Kncaaon, wniw tr-t OIIvb Feathers, til N. Llbertv : Arthur Fisher, 416 Market Street; Mi chael Fltspatrlcsv. Route 6, Box 140 ; Lucille Flanary, 76S - N. - Summer street: Kufua Fran. Fratuin, Ore.: Ltand Gould. Ill N. Church street; Helea-Hamilton. 4fS oaa atreet; Gilbert Hammon, . 710 Cross atreet; Deena Hart, 991 Shipping- street: Ron ald Rot Hewitt. 1JJJ Chemeketa atreet; Robert Houck. SIC N. Church street: Frances Jackson, Lausanne Hall ; George Koehler, State Hospital ; Frances Lawi 1410 Court, street: Ralph McCuIlourh, 111 N. Church street : Esther McMinlmee. 7 so N. Cot- taga street: Florence Marshall, 1775 8. Hlrfi street: Mildred MlUer. 40S U Coming -Events ' Blay 4, 5, 6 Annual all. country 4-JJ club fair. Chambers building. " J . Uay 5 ailsa Gladys Bow- en, society editor of Port land Oregonian, speak and . shew pictures ot life of Cus ter and of Yellowstone Na tional park! TJI-CJa. lobby. May 5-0 Annual Uay festivities, Willamette uni versity campus. i - - : May' 1 Mnsic week opens la SaJem. - y - Hay 16 Final contest in dramatics and music, Marlon county federated common- Ity clubs, la' Salem high school auditor! am, May 19 Students ef Mary Schnlts In program at y M. CL -A ' t May 20-27 Oregon State , Asso elation of Master plumbers, an anal meeting. . . May 28 Dr. D. B. Bill, motion pictures of , special interest to children and par ents; X. M. C A. lobby. June 1-4 . Evangelical conference,' First Kvangvli cal church, , T - June 2-4 -Fourth Annua Willamette Valley Flower Show. . Jnne 10 Willamette uni versity commencement. - June 21-23 Q- A. R. and affiliating bodies annual en campmenU July 24-20 Annual En campment, Spanish War Veterans, t Sept. 4-0 Oregon stats ' fair. ' 1 MEIfCTil RESULTS ill 4 TIES Reo Young Will Edit Paper At Willamette; Kathleen Skinner new Secretary . Only two oat of six Willamette unlvsrsltr student body offices for 193S-im were fUled by student vote yesterday, another election next Friday, being required since majority votes were not received by ony one candidate. The stu dent' body constitution provides that the two highest candidates for an office be the final candi dates at the second election. ' Reo Toung; Goldsndale, Wash., was .elected in a tnree-cornerea race for editor of The Collegian, weekly paper. She defeated Ame lia Schrack of Portland and Ma daline Schmidt ot Salem. , . Kathleen Skinner of Lebanon, defeated Falthe Sherburne of Browning, Montana, for student body secretary. -. Carl Marcy, Salem, and James E. Burdett. McMlnnvIlle, were high in a four-cornered race for student body president; Mildred Hester, Bloomlngton, Wise., and Ruth Schrelber, Oakesdale, Wash ington, were high among three candidates for first vice president. For second vice president, George Cannady, - Portland, and Edward Frantx, NelUsville, Wlsc will be run-off candidates tor second vice president. Galen Dean. Portland, ana Lowell Eddy, Independence, were high. in a three-cornered raee for editors ot the Wallulah, college annual. Three hundred and fifty six votes were east out of a student body ot S00. IS NEXT SATURDAY The I Oth anniversary ot the Chamnoec meeting, which was XiS&&SiSSSLWorses are Coming slice last June at Winter and Bel- a burglary at the Standard service J Kearney : Dale Monroe. Rouu 4, Box At the request of the Oregon Plo- Dooat a tr Wttr M( n L";vrJl. t,o .Minn marked I station at 18th and SUte streeU Largaret Notson, io Court atreet ; neer assoclaUon. the Sons and 119 d LKOdVr CCU Ul CJJ UlUUk il&ShM W . I UaalMrt rVFUll STB - - - . .a B the final case in circuit court tor that! occurred April 7. we. lith tVralce I Daughters of Oregon o neer, wiu April before Judge L. ll. MCWa- rium, iueuoui, luiuruiea giu- han who dismissed the present cers that the burglars had gained inrr naneL entrance to a lubricating rack and iury vm. . , . the office, stealing a tire, $ in For the larger woman, dresses oil products and 11.50 worth ot tor spring. Bites up 10 it. rnw accessories. 11.21. Howard Corset Shop. - Wins $250 Judgment Wah Hons-. Chinese restaurant keeper, won a Judgment for 1250 yester day in clreult court ' here, from Austin B. Chaney, driver ot a ear which nlalnUff alleged struck and severely injured him as he was crossing South Commercial street last June. W. P. George was foreman of the trial Jury. Choir to Portland The Wil lamette University Philharmonic choir will give two concerts In Portland tomorrow. The first at p.m. at the First Presbyterian church, sponsored by the young people, and the second at 7:45 p m. at Centenary Wilbur Metho dist church. - "- Bedding Speaks Redding, president Charles Ot the-Wil lamette University Alumni - as sociation, spoke yesterday at the ehapel services. His subject con cerned, the practice of law, Red ding now being a lawyer In Portland. He was a prominent debator while in school here. " to Open Theatre Edwin Keech, manager and owner ot the motion picture theatre at Stayton, announced here yesterday that he was reopening the theatre for two nights a week, starting Sunday. Keech closed the theatre during the winter season. , . Obituary - Gabriel." : At a local hospiul, AprU '17, v Edna Gabriel, aged 24 years. Sur vived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gabriel ot Alaska. Graveside serv ices at Chemawa Saturday, April 29. at 2 p. nu, under the direction of the Clough-Barrick company. State Sues Three suits to collect money allegedly past due, were filed Friday In circuit court by the state Industrial accident commission. Defendants named and the amount sought from each are Joseph H. Uphoff, S 44.81; Perry H. Meyers, $30.03; Jaskow ski and Son, f S3.S5. Mrs. Porter Better Mrs. John Porter, wife of the former county, commissioner, has been ill, for seven weeks in a Portland hospital, Mr. Porter reported yes terday on a -visit here from Sil- verton. She is now Improving and expects to be home shortly, he said. t V . Secured license A marriage license was secured yesterday by the following couple: -Reynold O. Heeetn&nrzs, Lybns laborer, and Myrtle Knutson, 18, Gates house keeper. The Ceremonies were to be performed yesterday. . Bonus March Topic The work ers' ex-service men's league will hold a mass meeting Monday at 8 p. m. at 433 Ferry street to discuss the bonus, disability al-l lowances and unemployment in surance. .'.''-..--- Campaign Closes Dr. J. Kratt of Portland will preach at the German Baptist church, Cottage and D streets, Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. These addresses will close the two weeks campaign of the church. 870 Mishaps Reported A I total of S78 industrial accidents were .reported to the state in dustrial accident commission dur ing the week ending April 27. No (fatalities were reported. . Found Guilty S. J. Shoen at trial in justice court- yesterday was found guilty ot larceny ot two cords of wood from Phil Llttke. His case was continued 30 days for sentence. Rlckman, 1045 Hunt street: Dorothy Rose, 7S0 N. 8ummer street; Harold Rose, lit N. Church atreet: Edwtn Kounos. Pratum, Ore.: Brenda Sav age, 257 a Winter; Louisa Sldwell, 1445 8tate atreet: Haiti Snyder. I486 N. Commercial stseet; Earl Stewart. 19 Wyatt Court; Gladys Taylor. S4t N. 14th atreet Harold Tefft, 1S4S Mar ton atreet; Matthew Thompson. 1115 Leslie atreet: Annabel Toose. Sit Kill street; Lulu Walton. 1105 Leslie street: Alma Wattenburf, 1110 B. liberty street; Roscoe J. West. Route 0. Box 103-E; Lois Wilkes, 194 & Cottage. Seniors in the law school who will receive, their degrees are: Walter Bell, 1144 Center street; Wnila Balderree, 185 & 15th atreet: Howard Benrman, 1(01 Chemeketa street: Sam Bowe. S3 Leslie street; Joseph B. Felton, 180 Richmond Ave. Seniors who will be granted degrees when requirements are completed are: PhHlp Armstrong. 070 If. 17th street; Kelvin Crow, 895 Chemeketa street; Phyllis Dennison. 1(10 Court street; Sylvia Du Boise, 909 Chemeketa street; Enoch Dumas. 112 8. Cottage street; Tyros Hlllway, Kimball Hall: Olive Jonea, 1445 8tate street; Erwin Lange, 895 Chemeketa; Paulina Live r. 1580 Ferry street: Alvls Love, 1577 Court street. assume control ot meetings here after to be held at Champoeg nark In commemoration of this historic event. George W.- Caldwell, president ot the Sons and Daughters ot Ore gon Pioneers, will make the Intro ductory speech. The affair will be In the nature ot a state-wide pic nic, with a basket dinner from 12 to 1:48 p. m., after which a pro gram ot speeches and singing will be held In the auditorium. Aavaa etlsrO t a ft ana evfa AS 1 A atv VlnUiMUVU KtUI maawa S!JISSL 2 SS7 tAt Chamber Today Horses are very definitely stag ing a comeback, with this espe cially noticeable this spring. Lo cal grain dealers report the most business In horse feeds in many years. A second sure Indication Is seen in the Increased demand for both new harness and repairing of harness. Abstractors Meet cial invitations are extended to pioneers, their children, and or ganisations interested in the great epoch when Oregon became Am erican territory. A general mobilization of pio neers from Washington, formerly a part of the Oregon country, is planned to make the affair a red letter day. Abstractors from western Ore gon towns will meet at the cham ber ot commerce today, with the session to be devoted largely to discussion of problems ot the bus iness. Walter Mlnler, state vice president, Is arranging the meeting. SOU SCIENCES COiiFFRFfJCF TOPIC Walker to Speak Fred Wal ker will speak on Hitler ism . in Germany at the veterans' hall, 433 tt Ferry street, Sunday at 8 p. m. i Case Settled By stipulation, ease of W. . H. Barber against C. T. Brixey was settled out ot court yesterday. Instructors in social science courses from all independent col leges of Oregon convene here this morning for a one-day conference at which the Willamette univer sity social science department will be host. Dr. S. B. Laughlln, chair man of the group, will preside. Twenty men are expected to at tend. The conference will close at 3 p. m. with a business session. The program will begin at 8:30 Saturday morning with a senior oral examination by the history department of Willamette. At 10 a. m.. Dr. Vernon J. Puryear ot Tlbany college will discuss "Re search Methods in History"; 10:30 a. m.. Dr. R. M. Gatke of Willam ette, "Sourch Material for Early Oregon History"; 11 a. m.. Dr. William Blain Stewart ot Reed college, "Trends tn Economic Re search"; 11:30, discussion led by Prof. Carl Londerholf of Oregon Institute ot Technology; 12 noon. group luncheon; 1:30 p.m.. Prof. Harold S. Tnttle, Pacific univer sity, "Social Science Studies in the College Curriculum"; 3 p.m., dis cussion led by representatives of Llnfleld and Pacific colleges. LYLA UTILE ILL MONMOUTH, April 28 Miss Tyla Tittle, Oregon Normal school student . is - seriously ill at . her home from pneumonia.- Her sis- Lacey , Raymond Gordon Lacey, late of Salem, route 2, agedr 17 years. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Lacey of route 2, Salem; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lacey ot Independence; brother, Dean 'Lacey ot Salem; thro uncles. Elmer D. Cook and John O. Lacey ot Salem, Kenneth Cook ot Cathlamet, Wash.; aunt, Mrs. Helen Van Santen of Dallas. Funeral announcements later - by Clough-Barrick company. - - - . 'Aniiiiae'3-;' Carolina Anunsen at the resi dence. 1110 North Capitol street, April 21. aged 2 years. Survived by widower. John S.'Anunsen ot Salemr siter, Mrs. Cecil EC Char les ot California; daughter, Mrs. Ruth Carson ot Saskatoon, Can ada, and a son, Fred S. Anunsen of Salenu Funeral services will , be held from the chapel ot Clough Barrick company Saturday, April X, at 10 a. m. Interment Belcrest Memorial park. Rev. R. V. Wil son officiating. - ':" V: - . M I above March Quotations. Mer- Betty Eva Lander at jbff.-1 chants locally have not yet ad-1 teacher the past three years, has , piiai, agea a w - tu&u ovu ikw m u i a senoot elsewhere. parents, Mr. ana sirs, jnuion a i to wnen present stocxs are Lander of Mission , Bottom, and I hausted. ' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. I stiffened prices tor paper have Ryan to Discuss Indian Program For Education Indian problems, and especially the new move In Indian training to assimilate rather than isolate. will be discussed Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock at the American Lu theran church by Superintendent James T. Ryan ot the Indian training school at Chemawa. Mr. Ryan will present a group of Indian singers, and the pro gram will be further augmented by the choir and other musical numbers. The program is spon sored by the young people of the church, who have been studying the federal Indian educational program. COX SIGNS FOR SHEDD TURNER. April 28 Prof. J. R. Cox attended a school board meeting at Shedd Tuesday night and signed the contract for school DrincioalshlD there for next year. It Is expected the Turner school board will name bis successor i within a-few days. The world's most popular "Remember when 70a are offered substitute for genuine Kellogg', it la seldom in the spirit of service. Wholesale Prices R:se Generally, Merchants Report Alm Bnei ot, I a trained nurse, is earing for her. Notices of advanc3s in whole sale prices are being quite gen erally received by. Salem mer chants. Cotton goods, silks, shoes and rubberwear-have all felt the effects of inflation, merchants re port, with the result that whole salers are quoting higher prices, ranging from S to 10 per cent Miss Tittle's twin brother, Lloyd, was accidentally shot and killed last summer while working near Klamath Falls. Announcing the Opening of Mildreds Beauty Shop at 428 Court Street OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT - r . 7:30 to 9 p.m. Uoyi Thomas MUirei Cuddy' Ladles9 Haireutting - Proprietor TO TEACH AT COLE . 8HELBURN, April 28 Mrs. Freda Elder has been employed as teacher for the Cole school tor the next year. Miss Agnes Smith. Lander of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. I brought a flood of orders to the f if Jess Rlcketts, Salem; great-grand parents, Thomas osoorn, xara. . Mary Osborn, Mrs. Mary Rlcketts, all of Salem,. Richard Moore A Oklahoma; J two aunts, Mrs. Eva Bradford and Miss Agnes iw of Salem; seven uncles, Floyd Lander, Lester, Alvle, Vernon and Raymond Rlcketts, Ruel Bradford of Salem and Richard Rlcketts of - California. Funeral service from the chapel of Clough-Barrick com pany Saturday, April 28, at 2 p.m. with Rot. Scheuermau officiating. Interment Pioneer cemetery, un- " der direction ot Oough-Barrick company. : . : .. . o ; " . - . o I Births , ! o o GreggTo Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harold Grerg, 1030 Hoyt street, - a girl, Phyllis Jean, born April 18 at Salem general hospital. r Oregon Pulp ft Paper company here. Shipments on river "boats have been heavy and some addi tional men have been put on at the local plant. NOW! as Low as $15.00 1 - ' . Smart Fabrics - latest Styles D. H. MOSHER 474 Court St. TeL 5401 TRUSSES Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal Belts, Shoulder Braces, An kle and Arch Supports. FITTED Woolpert & LesrSTt Drugs Court at Liberty-Phone 3444 Hospital Beds to Rent Call 0910, Used Furniture Department - ' 151 North High Linoleum end Furnishings for MILDRED'S BEAUTY SHOP . Furnished by V, IMPERIAL Furniture Cba 467 Court St. Painting ' end Decorating '-h lor MILDRED'S BEAUTY SHOP "Done tn OiT' Dunsmoor Painters and Decorators' Pacific Highway OCCA JaJaTX North Phone DRAPERIES fornished : 1 Homer Leisy - With Imperial Fprnitnre Co. . - 467 Court SU rmmmmmmmLmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmtm' - " ' ' '"' jawanaaannssJ OF BITTll CBIBK Childrens Shoes We are going to close out a lot of the finest chil dren's shoes in America - at exceptional low prices. Oxfords, Pumps and San dals. Regular $4.00 and $5.00 values go at . Sport Shoes For women and girls, the regular $5.00 values in all colors, now go at the re duced price of FREE SUM?. ose with every pair women's shoes sold, excepting sport shoes , 500 Pairs Ladies Shoes Selected from our stock, regularly told up to $10, 'All to go at With a Free Pair Rolllnt Runstop pure silk hose. Men's Shoes $8. $9. & $10. Values all to go in this month-end sale at one ri diculously low price of Silk Sox FREE Other broken lines men's shoes as low m m -nv I "X. XT Sox iFree T it 1 MS m Mm MW kanT snynnani 5 Mffr StfrSdeBL,Oioq