The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 28, 1933, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OHEGON STATE55I Alt SaietaV Oregon, maay siornlh". ArrJ 23, 1???
ran id
" i iv in
The aKgreaslTe campaign of the
I Plymouth Motor' corporation on
tt two new lines of motor cars
itarts hero, today. i:x: - -
The Plymouth corporation has
' don the unusual by announcing
two sow : motor ears within a
vwetk'i nerlod. and hoth cars. lt
7 was assertedare being- hacked by
i an advertising and merchandising
) campaign. -
v Announcement of the new Piy
mouths followed the recent state
- ment of Walter P. Chrysler that
V?ho felt that present' conditions
V were opportune for the Introduo
' Vtlon of new products, - and that
' !Uhe manufacturer. . . . who offers
w IT nn usual Tilue and aggressirely
f" r places -his . products before . the
i . rvonl will hn In a riftRttlrtn to
rMll thA rraf Mt uIm " TTa fur.
ther stated that "it Is up to us as
manufacturers and It is up to
our dealers to show the" public
Nil how much good sense there. Is In
buying today. And it's up to buy-
V-ers to look into what the dollar
wIU buy today."
Tne new Fivmoutns are now on
display hart at Dodge, DsSoto and
Chrysler dealers. The sew ears
ere the Deluxe Plymouth tlx of
Ill-inch - wheeibase, which la
priced f. o. b. from f m and the
Standard; Plymouth six, 10 8-lnch
wheelbase, priced t o. b. from
S44S. f : - -5
The new Standard Plymouth six
sedan, priced f. o. b. at $510,i Is
stated to be the lowest priced six-
cylinder four-door sedan on the
American motor car market.
The Plymouth factory is work
ing full speed on production cf
both new models.
Nazarenes Plan
For Missionary
Bonds of Aurora
: Bank to be Sold
Sale of bonds belonging to the
Aurora State bank. insolvent, was
authorised by the circuit court
TharadAT. An Associated Ga and
Electric bond of $1000 par Talue
is to be sold for $140; two Cities
Serrice bonds of. $1000 par value
Mih mro, tn h nM for 1270eachi
The ' court authorized the ' state
banking superintendent to com
promise a $2160 obligation owed
h I. JL Hershberrer for $2000
unA tn nllna him frnm further
obligation as - an endorser of a,
$500 note. Herahberger's iinsnciai
sU tement showed his liabilities
exceeded his assets.
J:: u !- f Since 1852 - . i r ? ::
265 N. Liberty Phone X)
, Complete stock prompt delivery . - convenient
charge accounts and the fact that we are interested
1 in your preferences.
Tlx, who set Tuesday. May 2, as
a date for preliminary hearing.
Mellwalne was charred with no
tation of lltnor laws, when
n ' 11 1 " " ' E -1 arrestea' m xaejijaxe LAoxsn sso-
t.iilly Oil r IIU Uy tloa It was alleged he was owning
' ' r and pparstlnr j, sO-rUlon stllL
l i..inn.r. nti . A h.wM I The atill and Hi gallons et mash
Friday night at the church of the Un were sola-
Nazarene wun roar speacers obi 9 , , . : . v-
the program: Mrs. I ju Buck-
man returned missionary from In
dia, Mrs. J. E. Bates, district pres
ident of the Women's .Foreign
Missionary society, Mrs.' Ralph
Cook, daughter of Mrs. Blaekjnan
who also spent several years la
India, and Rer. Ralph Cook who I
from the General Missionary See- Va here Thursday een-
!!U? 0' T. " I Jrrtai : wit? Jtloraeyaeral
Mrs. Kaipn uook u aiso . s.lnomsh eoantr and the city of
P. 8. secretary for the north Pa- Portland are exempt fxoacontrlb-
cine district ana will giro a re-in tins to i the workmen's comDOfv-
port of the young1 people's work I saUon fond in cases where th em-
of the district. Rer. and Mrs. I ployes recelTe only scrip tn pay-
cook wju giro sererai musical se- j moat for labor.
Scrip Workers?
Status Queried
By Frank Grant
i WW
Grant alleged lie scrip la not
money and as a result the county
and city should not be expected to
protect men receiving tnis form of
compensation under the provisions
of the workmen's compensation
law. : ; ? r. .-s. .
Van Winkle Indicated that he
might prepare an opinion later..
Grocery Department-
, : Occident' 1
; FLOuri v.
Recognized by experts as
the best flour in America
'49 iag $1.60
24 H lb. Bag 83c
Fancy Sweet
No. 2V2 can .
2 Special at . QQn
Cans . Je7C
Fancy Del Rogue " .
' fto, 2 cans
' $1.60 Dos. '
Neat : Department
No food can be too good
for growing boys & girls .
That's why you
:. see so j many
parti en 1 a V
mothers buying
meat here
They Enow
Oar Meats Are
A-No. 1-Plus
In Quality
For Real. Satisfaction, Drink
M AhlhltMl
M. J. Wilbur f
Mgr.' Grocery Dept.-'
- W. L. Lewis -
Msr. Meat Dept.
Ross to Attend
Convention of
Baptist Group
Rer. and Mrs. Brltton Ross of
the First Baptist church here will
leare Monday morning for Los An-1 rmmm fJl-
geles, from where they will go to I ISiy UUUUij A 11 ill
Washington. D. o., where ne.wiu 7T. A-..
attend as a delegate the Northern i JL U KJUUUV UIUI C
Baptist eonTention. - i f - ..."p.MJ.i;
' For the first time In 90 years, I i jn , Villi, ULLCCL
the eouTenuon this year wra see I ; ; ,.
a loint session oi ino nortnern i Annafmnt at th mm at
and Southern Baptists. From the I tv. vuim iidir. an r.crt
eomomea eouTenuon - wpnowm i .trt fnrmri aeisanttwi rtlM.
results are predicted. Rot; Ross I Power, rurniture eompany, by the
Elliott: Dry Goods eompany was
mA -rpatnrilAT hv W. W.- Elliott.
M . . A. " X I ' '
biou tnun y w xvo. uu i proprietor.
Mrs. Ross will return here early
In June, During their absence.
The complete
ly remodeled and modernized, ao-
serrices at the local ehurch will cording to Mr. Eillott Two com
es in cnrBB oi m ui u-1 piet stores will he built Into one
cons. - Ihnildlnr. nna af.ttaem ta ba snb
Before returning, they also ex- it t nnnrhtan a. s&arwla hard-
pect to Tislt the world's. fair lnwar dealers at 28C North Com
Wooclburn Youths -
Compete in State
Song Tournament Jun 1
merclal street.
Constrnctlon will begin imme
diately. The dry goods firm, bow
located at 17 f North Liberty
street, and Doughton ft Sherwin
will move Into the new building
WOODBURN, April 17 The
quartets of the Woodburn high
school ; glee clubs are to go to
Forest Grore Saturday, April XI
to compete In the,Class B division
of the! interstate nign
school music tournament to be
held there April 28 and 29. The
boys' q tartet consists of Dennis
Froemke, ' Carol Olson, Wesley
Ebey, and . Peter Larson. Peter
Larson will also sing in the low
roice solo contest.
' The girls', quartet consists of
Miss Vera Culp. Miss Hazel
Shrock, Miss Daisy Shrock and
Miss Helen Wood fin. Miss Vera!
Jean Huber will be -accompanist,
and Miss Nelma Saylor, faculty
member and Instructor for the
glee clubs will accompany the
group .to Forest Grore.
Boy Shot in Head
Accidentally Said
Nearly Recovered
JEFFERSON. April 2T Leland
Ammon, 11, who sustained a bad
flesh wound la the back of his
head Sunday by accidental dis
charge of a. gun,. is reported re-
corerlng satisfactorily. Leland
and his 1 S-year-old brother were
taking shells out of the gun when
it accidentally discharged.
They are sons of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Ammon, who lire near
here. .
Mcllwaine Held
On Still Charge
C. A. Mcllwaine was arrested
on a warrant sworn out before
U- S. Commissioner Lars Bergs-
tat . in. i Lii.y -- - T..T.
W W, ' i II ..II . I i
" BaawjejsBBBgissssiBseiBS
Riley to Speak
Before Ad Club
Dr. P. O. Riley, editor of the
Hubbard Enterprise, f smed speak
er, will address the Salem Ad club
today at Its noon luncheon which
will be held in the surer Grille at
the Gray Belle restaurant, '
Dependable Brand. An ex-j
wheat for family use ;
Last chance at this low
lb. Sk. J
I ll w
v Borden's Tine i
Free Demons tratiem
.QxsTioa snftufpftTf Avtiarfi5ft-
A Pimento, Brick, Iimborger.
I I Aged, tasty, all Wisconsin
I I cheese
Phone 4018
We Deliver Orders of $1.00 or Over Free
245 No. Commercial
WHITE KING, large, with kitchen Salt and Pepper shakers, all for
Powder -
2 o. pkg.
1 lb.
, Sugar .
Fine Granulated
8 Lt. ... 35c
Golden Key
Tall Cans
Cans -
' Large slse
pkg. ...... 21c
; Coffee
Golden West
1-tb tins 28c
3-lh tins 78c
Peanut Batter
Hoody's, Balk
L. 7c?
'"Snow Drift, a Piggly Wiggly feature, 3-lb tins 39c; 6-lb tins
p. A G.
. A feature
Salad Oil
Pure Vegetable
"Net corn 1T
13 ox. size in
the comb .
Mrs. Stewarts
6 Bottles . 25c
Makes excellent
Bakers Candy Bars, Regular 5c she. 3 for 10c
'instant Postum, large 8 oz can' " Each 39c
Post Toasties, Delicious with cream or berries Pkg. 7c
Life Buoy Soap . v , 3 Bars 19c
Sanifltish Lonir Brush Free "' " 'v.--'.:-i- -21c
Catsup, Ritters, Large Bottle.
-Jig Saw Puzzles .
Garden Sticks
Ilersheys Cocoa,
Dates, Bulk
. -.10c
..Each 10c
-Doz. 15c
-V, Lb. Tin 8c
2 Lbs. 13c
Rolled Oats, Buckeye.
Alalt, Standby
Snowflakes, 2 Lb. Caddys
Corned Beef, 12 oz. Cans.
Bag 25c
.Can 32e
Hominy, Tan Camps, 15U oz. Cans
Peaches, No. 2y2 Tins, Sliced or Halves.
Margarine, Nut Spread
.2 for 29c
3 for 14c
.Can 10c
Toilet Tissue, Waldorf or Ambassador.
Lux Soap, Jig Saw Free ,; ' :,. ,
Kerosene, Gal. 17c;-llU-
JLPound 7e
Roll 4c
.3 Bars 19c
5 GaL 79c
- Potatoes .
- Netted Gems
No. 55s good quality
.50 55c
.Grapefruit -
Arizona Marsh
Seedless, large -
6 for ...... 25c
Fresh Fruits" and Vegetahlea
ORANGES We stOl bare
some of those real sweet
ones left at
I Free with IS -
New Peas, fresh, and
New Potatoes
Fancy, Ions, sreea
Never again so cheap
3Lha... . IOC
Swift's Dixie r
7- - . Delicious . -
Z2AU 'LOAF ; '
Blade from Pure Veal, Pork and
Smoked Ham,.
i 2 lbs. 2G
;i 26,3. quart
' J Sugar Cured -
iieo lb.
World Prices Are Advancing! You May Never Again See Them So Low! Stock Up Now!
MW 1 1 1 I P
Buy Now
Commodity prices tare risen rapidly In the last few
weeks. Tnt Inflationary measures now being considered
by Congress will, if adopted, drive' prices suH higher.
Take this opportunity to stock up on roods at a rock
bottom lertll While our Stocks last we are sellins them
at pre-inflatlon prices. Ton may Beyer again se them so
low in ft lifetime. ., ,
Stock Up
Libby's Whole or Cut Stringless '
Beans 225c; 39
::-v'-V . Mask Valley : ;:;
Tomatoes3&25c95c Peaches4
Lfly of Valley Golden Bantam
Corn 2 19c; $1,09
Choice Sliced Peaches
Is tall
Cann ed Milk
Tow Choice
of Brands
33 ci
61 29c
Dependahle Matches 6 Seio-19 C
Rinso Washing Powder JageWc
Puritan MarahmaUows (8 oz.) 9c pkr.; 3 for 25c
Lynden Chicken Dressing large can 6c; dozen 59c
Libby's Pineapple, buffet tins 5c ea.; dozen 57e
(Dieed or Crushed)
Libby's Green Peas 2 cans for 29c; dozen $L69
- (No, 3 Siere or Jumbo size) ,
L of V Sliced Garden Beets 2 cans 19c; doz. 98e
' Royal Taste Sardines (lis) 6c tin; dozen 33c
1 Blue Ribbon Malt 49c can; case of 12 for $5.83
Red Mexican Beans 4-Ib. cellophane bag 15c
Hershey Cocoa 14b. can 15c; 2 cans 29c
r French's Mustard (9 oz. jar) He eaeh
Snlder's Catsup 13c bottle, 6 for 73c
! 63c
! TUU Bard Wheat
I 494b. a0
sack OC
25 cj'daL 73 c
Diamond Brand Raisins
' Bits"
Grapefruit 9c T 98c
Yellow Corn Meal 9 k lSc
White Star, Tuna 2 19 C
Rosedale Med. Red Salmon (Vis flat) 2 tins 15c
Fred Meyer or Foster Pure Honey 54b, pall 37c
Sliced Mushrooms (2 oz. tins) 3 for 25c
' ' Royal Baking Powder (12 oz. can) 33c
Libby's Lunch Tongue (a cans) He
Fancr Lanre Shrimn J5 cans for 19c -
Crystal White Soap 10 bars for 19e
Fancy Blue Rose Rice 44b, pkg. 15c
Heinz Rice Flakes 2 packages 21c
Wesson Oil quart cans only 35c
Super-Suds 2 packages for 15c
Royal Gelatin 3 packages 19c
2- 15c Tins of Prince Albert Tobacco Free
With Each Frank Medico Pipe at 98c
Roll Rite Cigarette Tobacco, pkg. 5c
. Cremo Cigars, Box of 50, $1.49
Cbrina Sunsets Cigars, 5 for 25c
Camels, Luckies, Old Golds, Chesterfields
Ctns of 200s 99c Pkg. 10c
Extra Large
25c doz.
New Peas
3 lbs. 10c
Juice Lemons
Nice size
,2 doz. 15c .
New Potatoes
4 lbs. 15c
Radishes 3 lc
Bay Every Item
At Its Lowest!
Oar policy of. meeting all
competitive advertised pric
es for equsl qaallty assures
yon of saving oa every par-chase.
Waldorf Toilet Tissue 3 rolls
116-8 Exposure Kodak Film
120-8 Exposure Kodak Film
I 3 ihiTTirslnras
"fc II tsess ISSSBl ssssessssssssssssssssssBSM ssswi
25c Woodbury's Facial Soap 13c
Large, Well-Dressed Dons Z9e
Red Arrow Golf Balls 3 for 26c
Over ISO Items at
Deep-Cat Prices
Higbest quality goods fresh
from the makers. No Hall
Orders. No C. "O. D.'s, No
Reservations. QaamtlUes
limited to store stocsa.
Guaranteed Tennis Rackets 69c
25c Apex Moth Cakes 3 for 55c
U 40. lOcc Insulin at $1.65
" $2 Louis Philippe
Combination Value
$1 box race Powder aad 1
k $1.00
Health Foods
SI Ovaltine 59c
X Lb. Bordens MaU Milk39c
50c Cocoaxnalt 39c
1 lb. Lacto Dextrin 89e
75c Dextri Maltose 53e
75c Choc Vitavose 63c,
1 Lb. White Psylla 50c
- Segal Razor
and Blade
With each pvrchase
of 0 Segal Q7
Blades at O f C
With This Coupon
Large Size, Handy, Carry-All Zipper Suede Bags $1.69
25c Packages Kleenex or Pond's Cleansing Tissues 14c
Truflex Razor Blades, for Gillette Razors 6 for 29e
1 GaL Cresoline Disenfectant and Deodorizer $1.19
$1.00 Guaranteed Defiance Pocket Watches only 59c
Regular 39c Pocket Knives with 2 Blades for 25c
35e Bayer's Aspirin 17c 25c Feenamint only 11c
Probak Blades (5s) 25e 75c Doan's Pills 49c
50c Yeast Foam 27c $1 size Nujol 59c
$1.35 Edna Wallace
Hopper Value for '
lie Super-CHng Face Pow
der and 0e 'Youta n
Cleansing Cream UUi
11 x 14 Genuine Photograph of MotIo Stars
Give with purchases amouatlag to SI of PRFP
Doaa Rosa Toiletries, HoDywoocrs favorite! riVCX
Large Chamois 39c
1 qt. Oronite Auto Pol 39c
10c Picnic Plates 7c
10c Picnic Cups 5c
80 picnic Napkins 9c
Pt. Vacuum Bottles 79c
't COUPON fcMfcSi
85c Kruscnen Salts 39c
10 Petrolagar 83c
1.50 Agarol 87c
1.20 Scotts Emulsion 69e
1.50 Keplers Malts 1J9
1.50 Maltlnes 98c
. Water Glass
for preserving Eggs
15c pU 23c qt.
Now's the time to preserre
them. ".
7 Miscellaneous Items
10c Crepe Paper 5c
50c Johnson Auto Wax 39c
Moth Balls S lbs. 23c
85c Johnsons Fl Wax 59e
35c Deco Br Cards 2 for39e
25c Pocket Combs 9c
First Aid
5 Yd. Sterile Gauze 27e
1 lb. Hospital Cotton 17e
10c Gauze Bandage 7e
2x5 Adhesive Tape 23c
$1 Fever Thermometer 59c
25c Mercurochrome 9c
Soaps and Cleaners
10c Mission Bell 3 for lOe
10c Life Buoy So 2 for lit
10c Palm 01 Soap 2 for lie
30c Resinol Soap 17c
1 pt. Oronite Cleaner 25c
1 pt Shell Dry Cleaner 25c
$1 Listerine 71e
$1 Lavoris 63c
$1 Zonlte 59c '
1 pt Alder Antiseptic 23c
1 pt Squibbs Antisep 47
50c Bottles Hexol 39c
Remedies " ,
1.25 Absorbine Jr.77e
60c Murine 39c . -, 4
40c Pluto Water 27c
75c Vapex 49c
1X0 Min Wat Crystals 98c
1X0 Takara Powder 98c
$1 Colgate Value
Two tSe tabea of Colgate
Ribbon Dental Cream and
10c Colgate Tooth Brush
all for;v '
Shaving Creams r
25c Fitchs 13c : :
25c Melbaline 9c
50c Shavo 29c
S6c Burma Shave 23c
35c Mennens 19e
25c Listerine 19e" ''
Packaged Medicines
1.35 Pinkhams Comp 83c
120 Caldwells Syrup 69t
1.20 Sal Hepatica 69c
L20 Bromo Seltzer 69c
75c Castoria 49e
L25 SJS. Remedy 9e .
-Tooth Paste
25c Listerias 19e:
35cTefra 19c
50c Boat 25c ;
50c Iodent 27c "
50c Kolynos 25c '
35c Vapb Rub 23c
50c Deo Ointment 39c
25c Zinc Ointment 15c
25c Carbolic Salve 15e
120 Resinol 79c
50c Unguentine 29c v
60c Neet Depilatory 39e
60c Mum Deodorant 33e
60c Odorono Deodorant 39c
50c Zip Depilatory 29c
50c Dew Deodorant 33c
50c Ever Dry 39c
' Lotions
1 pt Kitchen Lotion 29
1 pt Sazon Almond 29e
$1 Jergens 59c
50c Frostilla 25c
60c Italian Balm 37e
SOcTlinds H & A 27c - -
- Remedies
1 pt Milk Magnesia 14e .
25c Citrate Magnesia 13c
1 pU Peroxide 19"c
1 lb..Boric Acid 29c
1 oz. Gum Camphor 5e
1 lb. Sassafras Bark 21c
1 Gallon Cod Liver Oil 98c'
1 Gallon Olive Oil 1J9
1 Gallon Russian Oil 149
1 Gallon Mineral OH 98
1 lb. Agar Agar 63c
10 lbs. Bathing Epsom 33c
Ivory. Soap
Med. Slse Bar
3 for IOC
With This Conpoa
At TltrT iWp.
coupon pz
Face Creams
$1 Milkweed 63c
1 lb. Strawberry Qeans 29c
50c Melba Creams 36c
$1 Pacquins Hand 59c '
60c Sempray Jovenay 39c
60c Dona Rosa 49c
Make-Up Mirror
Given Free
With each purchase of
$1 Annand Symphonle
Face Powder at the reg
ular price of $1. Attrac
tive, handy mirror 1 . -
1 pt Cliquot G Ale 2 f or23c
. 16c Canada Dry 2 for 25c
25c Mis Grape Fr Juice 6c
Lg Weinhard G Ale 2for45c
Lg Weinh L Kicic z ior c
25c White Rock Water 19e
70c Shaving Value
Colgate or Palmolive tie
Shaving Cream, S So Tale,
aal 10c Styptic PencQ aU
for: - . ':
Face Powder i Talcum Powder
11 Dona Rosa 69c 25c Mennens 14t
50c Ipana 25c
1.50 Manon Lesc 98c
50c Java Rice 39c -$1
Ambrosia 29c
$1 Marly 69c
25c Mavis 14c
S5c Djer Kiss 13s '
25c Williams Lilac 9
25c Colgates 19e
1 Lb. Jasmin 15c
$1 Bonkors 89c :
$1 Korjena 69c
75c Laceys Gum 59c
$2 Reduceolds .Lll
$1 Marmola 53e -$1
Van Nay 89c
But Ths New, Improved
;:V:.::.v,'"r Kotex
with patented. :
;. .' V Equalizer -4
radical Innovation that
'affords 20 to 10 great
er protection. Special phan
tomlzed, non-revealing ends.
Try Kotex with the new
eaaaUxerv.' boxes IJq
r jt j. v m i. -jt i. it m
170 North liberty St.
titMn Stftt and Conrt Streets)
We reaerre the right to reasoBably Umlt ciaaaUUes
: Candy
Choc Covered Peanuts
19c lb.
Hershey Choc Coating
19c lb.
Choc Covered Bridgt
. Asst, 23c lb.
Choc Nut Chips 23c lb.
Peppermint Patties
.-. 19c lb.