The BRECON STATESMAN. Salea, .Orc?c:yTriiy irornlng.April IS33 - - J? nrn-Tirfnp in imaMjj ruuuo in QSOFlOSilLT Actual Highway Work not to Start for Months Even If Money Available : Proposal to : release -1250,000 of federal - lands for th , widen ing and resurfacing of the Pa citlc highway between 6alm and Portland la now in the hands of President -Roosevelt,--James W. Mott, representative In congress from the first Oregon district, yesterday advised It. H. B&ldock, Uate highway engineer, ri-;: 4 This money. previously was di . verted to the federal forest relief 'employment program by: presi dential . order. -.A - . ! 'i ' "The release of. this money al ready has been- approved by the commissioner, of public, roads and 'he budget commission' "; the telegram -, read. - "Information . rom the ; budget ' commission Is that the executive order releas ing f funds for f pro jeets exempt By;aenAte"bW Ml wUl .iiot be issued until the president decides on the public works program and submits a bill covering the same to congress. ; J - i' " ' "My Interpretation ' of exemp tion clause ef senate bill 59 S Is that . the - executive ; department has no authority ' te - withold funds coming within exemption provision and am urging , that point In an effort to secure the release of funds' for the Salem Portland highway . project. : y :. Bald ock declared, that while he was hopeful that . the . federal funds would : be released it prob ably -ould be several months be fore 'actual : work on the Pacific highway would get under way. ' ' Widening operations on the Salem-Portland. highway ; ;were started "more than a year ago, and ; the project virtually : has been completed aa tar north as Brooks. The highway commission had Intended to proceed with the Improvement as far as 'Aurora during the current summer. Money diverted from-the Ore gon highway program to the fed eral forestry : project previously, had been allocated for -work on the Pactfie highway. ....BUT WHAT A DAY 7 HURRY HURRY HURRY Hurry! Hurry!...Hurry to the last day in this fdsdnatina Course in Kitchen- x " cerins. Even thoush you ve missed the first two... and certainly not marry seen to have missed it.. ..we'd be awfuHy sorry to have you miss the last one. You'll see one recipe after another ....all different from those of the first . .two days.... acted out to the finished product right on the stase before you. And aft cr it's over you can follow Safe way Kitcheneering in Julia Lee Wrisht's " r, weekly radio programs. Don't miss her . broadcasts and don't miss the last day of this COOKING SCHOOL! - Loom all about Moat Cookery and how to Broil! STARTS 2 P.M. DOORS OPEN 1 P.M. ADMISSION FREE THE SAFEWAY. STORES HOMEMAKEKST BUREAU i Q ia TCHENEERING Friday, April 28 Salem Armory EXTHisirawow ,15:1', Ml II Curtailment Seen but Vork Not to be Eliminated, , Steiwer Advises' Curtailment bat no elimination will be necessary in all "extension a n d - agricultural -- experiment work,; Senator Frederick Steiwer has been advised by Director of Bndget Douglas. So Senator Stei wer wired the chamber of com merce yesterday in. response to a plea from the. chamber that this work : be continued. . ... X The, wire follows;" - ' - : "Responding to vigorous pro tests which I. personally made to Director of Bndget :,- Douglas against discontinuance of federal aid to agriculture experiment and extension work, vocational educa tion and research In our state, I quote , from letter received this morning . from .Director Douglas aa follows t- "'Let me assure you that there Is no Intention of eliminating federal contributions .for -: these activities. Doubtless a reasonable measure of curtailment will- be. necessary In Ihese as in all other expenditures, -bat every effort will be ' made . to avoid the erip pling of essential activities.. - "Yon may depend upon my con tinued active Interest In this re gard." ' - Congressman. Pierce ; sent a mimeographed ; letter indicating his desire to work with the cham ber on the project. 1110 North Canttol street, for the past . several ..weeks. She - was a member of the Woman of Wood craft. She la survived br her wi dower, John 8. .Anunsen ct Salem; sister, Mrs. Cecil St. Charles of California; daughter, 'Mrs. 4 Ruth Carson of Saskatoon, Canada and a son, Fred S. Anansen of the Sa lem Sand St Gravel company, Sa lem.. Funeral services will be held from the chapel . of Clough-Bar-rlek company, Saturday, April 21 at 1 a. , m. Interment Belcrest Memorial park. Rev. R. V. Wilson officiating. ' .. Northwest Head : Of Gilmore Oil ' Firm is Visitor D- H. F. MacPherson. Pacific northwest division manager 'for the Gilmore Oil company, was a visitor in Salem yesterday calling on Guy, V. Smith,- local Gilmore manager.-;.t.-f .... A continued Interest' In anto racing by the Gilmore company was expressed by Mr. MacPher son. Larger motors with revised types of carburetlon and Ignition and with, different compression arttos have recently entered racing activities on the Pacific . coast," MacPherson said. "These engin eering principles in the new mo tors are forerunners of those used passenger cars so we are trying to keep ahead of the parade by continually partldpaUng in radar competition In order to keep oar gasoline always refined to the lat est needs." CKPOEGKH TOBECMIf ... , r, - Early days of Salem will be re vived by and for the . thinning number of those "who were a part of that, history ; Monday J., soon, when the chamber of commerce sponsors Its 10th annual Cbam poeg day luncheon and -program. For this event every, man and woman who has lived la Salem or the Salem vicinity tor 7 years or more will be special guests ef the chamber. No special t Invitations will be issued, and this notice is to be considered a hearty invita tion to sack residents, chamber officials state. ; , ' Judge. P. H. D'Arey, veteran Oregon barrister, will preside at the luncheon, and Judge Charles H. : Carey, corporation commis sioner, will speak on the early his tory of Oregon and Salem, t ' First Christian ; Easter Oratorio i To be Repeated " By popular, reouest. - the First Christian ehurek's Easter orator io, -"The Seven Last ,'Words,:.y DuBols, will, be" repeated here Sunday. sight at. 7:10 o'clock' at the First Christian church. - More than 1000 persons saw the presentation Easter, and since then it has been -given with out standing success; at 'Albany and Dallas churches. Several hundred persons had to he turned away here Easter Sunday, so the repeat program .will give these and many others an opportunity, to witness the i production, . tor which Prof. Lores D. Davidson Is director, and Miss Lois Plummer, organist. . utoiGold: In Oregon Last Year Increased The output of gold In Oregon during the past year aggregated 11,000 fine ounces, valued at ap proximately $110,000. according to a report Issued Thursday, i" This was an increase of I per cent over the output for the pre ceding year. The report indicated that the 1131 -output would ex ceed that of 11J1 by at least SO per cent. ; Production of copper, silver and lead snowed a decline- '. - Interpreter is Needed at Trial ' Not until an Interpreter eould be provided was a circuit .court yesterday able to . understand clearly the testimony of : Wak Hong, plaintiff In a damage suit against" Austin Chancy., The aged man seeked. 1 171 for. alleged in juries resulting from an accident GROUP GOES TO C. . eh coin The Christian Endeavor society of the First Christian church here will bo represented at the state convention In Eugene by 22 mem bers, Including 18 from the high school society and four from the junior high group. They left here yesterday afternoon in four cars. and will remain until close of the convention .Sunday. This group will present its win ning county biblical play In the state competition. Members of the cast are . Francis and Geneva Barnes and Bobby Carper. The so ciety also won' the banner for largest registration at the county C. E. convention. Mrs. ' Guy Drill Is accompany ing the group, and O. J Hull, su perintendent . of young' people's work in the ehurch, directed the transportation and Is also making the trip, as is Mrs. Alice W. Noth. The ' Endeavorers going " are: Betty Rao MeGahan, Audrey La- Duke. ; Marion - Minthorn, : Opal Yates, Rains Tipton. Frances Christensen, Helen Christensen, Geneva Barnes, Josephine Hull. Erma. Cole,RohertrXarper, How ard Cole, Francis Barnes, Werner Jackson, Joy Copley, , Betty Lou Hans ell, Dorothy Gibson, Gretch en Steinke and Clarence Haines. FUU SATURDAY for Ik in Mrs. John .3. Aunnsen, passed away at the home of her son Fred S. Anunses, 110 N. Capitol street, Wednesday evening after a seven months Illness. - Mrs. Anunsen, . whose maiden name was Caroline Gelbel, was born, in Selalla, Mo., September, 17, 1870. She came to Oregon In 1880 and was married to John' S. Anunsen in Portland In 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Anunsen then moved on a farm near Shaw where they lived until 1905 when 'they re-r turned to Portland. . Mrs. Anunsen has been at the home of her son Fred Anunsen; IWSH IH GROCERY :C0. 294 N. Commercial Phone' 3527 4 Deliveries We have one of the best and handiest places to load and onload your groceries and produce in baiem. ' Also quick and courteous service by experienced grocery men. "THE STORE WITH LOW PRICES EVERY DAY" Salad Oil JO. in bulk, gaL J .tOC Why pay more for a name Golden Key Milk C - i 6 cans uu U Calumet Baking M OC Powder, 1 lb. faU C BafcCT's Cocoenwt Free just arrived a car load of 'Klamath Faus Fine 0 Potatoes; 50 lb. bag HOC Real light Bacon, 6 to 8 lbs. to a slab, 4 u per IbJ 14c Tomatoes, No. 2y size. A real tomato buy, , .: OA 3 large cans : sCIC White Wonder Soap, OO Ore. made, 10 bars, LtLtQ Liberty White Soap. 10 bars . 17c Morton's Salt, S per package . 5c Kitchen Queen Hard Wheat Flour or White Eagle Hard Wheat Flour, . . 7A r We Have It! Fishers Blend Flour, enuf said, 49s - $1.29 Sugar, Pure Cane, no beet per sack-J...L $4.49 : It win be higher 6 Gem Nut Margarine 4lh. - - . 25c Snowflake Crack ers, 2 lb. boa 25c Compound Pure Veg etable, 4 lbs. r23c Wheaties, large size, . 2 pkgs. Fancy Golden Bantam Corn No, 2, : 3 cans -:J.i!LLtD C Mortons Towel Silt 50 lbs. fine 75c Corn Mea white or yellow. 19c Lettuce, solid heads, 3 heads for ...:. 13c Carrots, 3 large bunches for 10c Cabbage, solid heads, new crop; per lbl..r Fresh Strawberries at i Feed Department -; We have a complete line of Hodgen Brewster Poultry and Dairy Feeds. The Best in the West. r Mill Run 80s - 80c Rolled Barley per sack -. 77c Ground Barley 100s ...; $1.09 White - Recleaned : Wheat per.100: . 5 : t OA pounds White Recleaned Oats for seed, " per lOO lbs. 1 $1.50 WE ARE YOUR, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Buy AH Yoa Want We Hay No Limit Oa Our Goods . "V r ' S; TiJ ' .v. 1 1 A v i X - Bread Flavor Never Lie . It is the key to the kind of ingredients that enter into the making of a loaf TAGTE... ("DELICIOUSLY DIFFERENT") It has a simply delicious flavor the result of only highest quality ingredients, from, flour to salt SLICED OR UNSUCED . ' Mrs. Marian Spencer has chosen Ben son's Bread for her demonstration at the cooking school this week. At Your Grocer's BENGSrPS BAKED IN SALEM :ip EKroy 9 ST ; INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS 115 S. Commercial St. Ke aeel t wffar aeedecie ageafea' faa yoe auy gtt tde rtBC Purvtett to tree aMa, Taattovky KiBtm faia man qaUktjl Aa4 MMyl Aaa II eeet met ems Mm Or lilluut Xa MMCIt "Bwisisstr- 9c ASPIRIN hpi&ht s avi Mas 1 pt Witch Hazel ... 1 pt Pure Olire ' on Friday and 19c 39 c 1 pt Alco Pex : t A " Rabbins Alcohol I.. IV Z 100 tablets Pore in Aspirin 5 gr. ...... II C 75c Fitch Shampoo , "with Hair Oil FREE 25c Packer's Tar Soap ..... . ... 1,1.10 Coty Powder with perfume FREE fOc Odorono Deodorant ........ 50c Chamberlaln'a . .. Lotion .;..'. 43c 16c 98c 43c 33c Saturday 11.50 Warner's - : Agarol ........... $1.15 Sg. S. Tonic . 60c Bromo Seltxer 50c Teast Foam Tablets .... ... 35c Freeson'e for corns ......... 83c Moone's Emerald OH -1 pt. Antiseptic V Solution .. . 10 lbs. Epsom . Salt ...... 25s Cascareta IaxatlTe : . . . .... . ,35e' Pape's t " : 4 Cold Compound-.' . r.'- 89c 69c 39c 29c 23c 59c 19c 33c 17c 24c 19c , 19c . 33c 33c . 25c J5 Krank's ' . . Lather Kreem 25e Llsterlne . ShaTlnj Cream. 40o Squlbb's : 't ShaTlnip Cream 50c Mennen's Shin Balm ... . 35c William's ' Sharing Cream ' ... 39c ... 29c ...39c .. 17c .; 23c ,0e Forhan's Tooth Paste . .. 50c Kolrnos Tooth Paste iV. SOe Detozol .. Tooth Paste ... J5e Phillip's ' , Dental Uacneala "35e Erer. Ready . 'Blades -5's . ;.V . Jig Saw. Puzzle ' : ' r with one of these 25c Items; Rexall IMilk of Magnesia Tooth Paite Klenzo Shaving Cream ; Rexafl Oeriici : c r your choice of oTer 200 piece puzzle Free DOCTORS PRESCRIBE this 4 ACTION REUEF for ACIHD :TlIACini - JL He seed mom m sdTsr from add dlnsthe &ls. -Bisma-Uz Is a " add sewder ttt acts tarn wjt m t yoe fakk nan, a SMnozes excess add sefleves setaeek . pi; tirrrttits hrltstsd iMmbmiss sad sMs Ctssflosi - ef fseds ssset Btly ts feraeat. Trj ft 6y. BIISIMIA-nES 5c for nEALTQY nAin It took aiactr-ftuM exstilustats ts prodiKe tSiis BMtaed ef carlax ft the hair. Gives softness sad fife ts SMat or mom'i WJr. Addsbstie. Ak for -93" Elf Tnlc todsjt Don't J Buy until yoa get oar ; every day price ;FMald Aseorbtat Cettoa stsfOsed la As sechats ccaes t yee a a ristslsis fast de . Hreis enlj as asach cettoa as jee seed. Fbstetd Gease Baadacce are cat Is freest vif m awl stsrOsed. Stock sp today! , SUPPLIES last June when Chanoj.ran. late the Chinese man vho was-cross-Ins; South Commercial ' street at Fenr. Wah Hone claims .Chancy drove Into the Intersection when is presiding- at the trial. he had the rlf ht-of-way. plaintiff . operates a noodle restaurant here, -i, J ; The' case will probably reach tlve 'J. Jury today. Judge L. II." McMatta " 1 - .... 1 f . ft V . ( . 1 ' .. - SPECIALS SPECIALS Specials? No, we nerer hare specials to draw oar cos- -1 tomers. Yoa can shop here Monday as well as Satur- R day and be assured ef the same nnequaled quality and prices Every dollar spent here returns to the trading area of Salem.1 Help your own community crow first. Pork Roast ...r:rU-l..-.-..;..8 and 10c Spare Ribs t..;......."-...u.'.i-.o . Back Bones i.:.......:IL.....J....3c Fresh Pig Hock ..J........: .... , ... .ll.Sc lCCt - r - - - t '- r fjj" - a t - -a2C This pork is the very best quality on the market ' Pure' Pork Sausage w...10c Hamburger :..:......i..;.u......:10c: You can not buy better if you paid a dollar a pound. No water, no cereal, no suet. - I Beef Roast Loin Beef Steak Prime Rib RoU ... Beef to Boil i..:.. .8 and 10c :ii::::i6c :.i:i3c ;.6 and. 7c All our beef is. off the best of quality : Best on : the BXarket EI -10 Breakfast. Bacon ..,..:.......;. Bacon Backs Bacon Square, 10-lb limit Boston Butts ES3 :12c 9c . .5c IL. .. ..8c All our hams and bacon are sugar cured and smoked with. oak wood. Nothing finer. Pure Lard, 4 pounds ..:...;;.25c Veal Stew 5c Veal Roast . ' 10c McDOWEILO. MA KtKETT Where a Dollar Does its Duty 173 So. Com'L Phone 8757 WE CLOSE 8 O'CLOCK SAT. EYE La ' w -v. I m m i CiUU L) TeL 4010 THE BEST FOR LESS QhTPA ID granulated O 1100 -una. .2Q Armour's Milk ; ' Tall Cans . 4cansl5c w Salmon ' (No. 1 Tall, Pink O Can 23c V White Wonder V - 110 MMt , CALUMET Baking Powder One Pound -r'25c;. Pkf. Coeoanot 2 Free Rajah Coffee . Salem Sensational ' Coffee Value fci Pounds 35c; : .Tryjit : . Oregon WALNUTS , Last Can ' J Pounds 25c- :Borden,s Malted Mfflc : Natural Flavor Oft 1.00 size bottled OUC WHEATIES 21c I For Breakfast S Packages Golden West Coffee .1 Pound 25C O Pounds 74c nnnnn Crown Hard; 1 r)i Wheat 43s e-ck E.LI y , mtchtn Qseea AOs Sack - 77c . WE RESEaVB TUB HI GUT TO LCHT QTJLM1T1X3 -.- f. - i- v; : "