ATZCriAir, r-':r C!rr--. IV- : "f Sim JLesIon Meet, Choir Concert, Class Play, all on , At Silverton SILVERTON, April J7 Friday a!gbt viU be a busy on at Sil- Tertoa for Yeral interesting rent lave beB scheduled. ; The Marlon coontr council of the American Legion and its an llianr will meet at that tima. The to groups will bold business' ses sion followed, by ' social tima including a rapper to follow th preliminaries. The date of. the council meeting we first. eet for April 14 but -was tben postponed for the two weeks. Carl Moser, adjutant of the department ot Oregon will be V the principal speaker.';.- Mr. Moser Is a former Silrertoa boy. Posts In the group Include those of Salem, Wood burn. Stayton and Silrerton. Com mittee members caring for ar rangements are George llaaolls. Kenneth Hanson and rred Caven fler. . "The Cbolr of the Wear will appear In concert at Trinity church Friday night. Tbe cbolr is now on a two week tour from Parkland, Wash. No admission charges will be made but a silver -offering, will be taken. Tbe choir consist of 45 members from Pa cifle Lutheran college. Prof. Joseph Edwards is the director, stnd Miss Anna Mikkelson will bare the leading solos. Class Play Slated . "second Childhood." the senior class play, will be presented at the Fugene Field aoaltorium here Friday night This is the first event of the graduation program. ' The cast is composed of Bill Cam eron, Raymond Specht. ( Wayne Satehwell, Laurel Hansen. Elmer Zgan, Walter Jorgenson, Margar et Keene, Louise Latham, Versa BeugIL Catherine Bump, , Mary -Wlckersham and Wilma Stanton, Merl Davenport is stage manager, West Salem News WEST SALEM, April 87 The West Salem school board has re- Insured tbe publie school build Ings. Honor students : for the first grade tor the past six weeks In cluded r Norma Jean "Newgent, Rose Ann Hanks, Lillian Turpin, Dorothy Hoven, Ermaline Craig and Thelma Mae Hall; those for the seventh grade were Maxine Smith. Elsie Jensen and Elolse Ferguson. ... Prices on up Grade The Copeland Yards report a decided' apward trend in business with - .prices on many building commodities advancing. Cement, some lumber and shingles are among the articles prices ot which are advancing. -. .. f ; . . Miss Roberta Peterson, accom panied the members of the Indoor ball team on - a pleasant after school picnic In the hills Tuesday. The girls team of indoor baseball wIU play with girl of the Rich mond school next week.;. On the team for the local school . are: Pitcher, Alice Gof frier; " catcher, Aileea Douglas: first base, Daisy Arthur; 2nd base. Opal Brown; 8d: base Bertha Stevens: left short, Jtosellen Remington; right snort, Estaiyne Rierson; left fielder, right fielder, Wilma Ro binson; and center fielder, Mae Garrison. Sanely morning, the fifth Sun day, Rev. C. L. Dark will fill the pulpit in the West Salem church. In the evening1 Rev. Leavenworth win preach. The Shell station recently leas ed by Glenn Zwicker ot Wilbur P. Lewis, will change into a "Sig nal" station,, and the exterior will be painted yellow and black this weex Tne signal company has purcnasea tne Ldoerty company out and the wholesale distributing piasi across tne road will install another storage tank with about Z 0.0 00 gallons capacity and the large truck-tank, which is being painted Jn tne new Signal colors in Portland this week, will be here and put into immediate re-1 quiaition. Mr. and Mrs. J. E .Thomas ac-l companled Mrs. Leona Camensind and made a business trip to Junc tion -City Wednesday ..Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Snoir, who spent ' a I week or ten days visiting rela tives at Portland, Wuhongal and Vancouver. Wash., returned Tues day evening. Mr. Shot f and Mr. Saxton are kalsomlning, valnting and generally reconditioning their store building at 1.118 Edgewater street, and fixing things np fresh i and tine. : - . In a snappy game ot ball played this week between the West Sa lem Boy Scouts . and' those ot Troop No. 1, In Salem, the locals won 7 to f. ' - ;: Construction For - New Residence of Littlepage Beun! SC OTTS MILLS, April 17 Mr. and Mrs. Don Llttlepage have started work on their new house, their ; old one burned down last fall. They have started digging the basement. : . Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker, wife ot the Christian minister here, is at tending missionary rallies -, In Portland, and eastern Oregon. Be ing vice president- of the State Missionary eociety, Mrs. Shoe max er is taking the plaee of the presi dent. Mrs. Bally of Eugene, who is m. Attendance Grows For ChurcK Rite - For Liberty? Areal LIBERTY. April IT Cecil Sargent will hold church services at the close of the Sunday school session Sunday, April SO. He has conducted - services tor several Sundays for the benefit of those who cannot attend church la ga lena. Mr. Sargent Is working ap a growing: attendance here. Sun-1 day school start at t?4 a. nu, and the Bible services at about 11. held ia the halL All are wel come. Great elation is being express ed here over winning first place in the glee division of the elimin ation community club contests on) Wednesday evening in Salem, as the Liberty club is entering so tew of the competitions. The glee dab entry is composed of Jnnette and Laura Anderson. Patsy Dasch. Echo, Wilma and Mary Sargent, trained by Miss Frances; 8hogren who handles the music in school. TRAVEL FOR CLAMS x.E.A, April -17 -Zena mea motored to the Little Nestucca river - Wednesday morning on successful trip for dams. Thsy reported that the clams were ex cellent although not quite so plen tiful a later in the season. The party includsd Wv Frank Craw ford. 8. 3rown, Milton Stephens, Sneah Day U Cay : Tins , crJt Icnj to , Be Ckerishei; or ' WOODBTJRX, April 27 nappy times, no less thaa happy days, may come to aa abrupt, and aad .ending,, members of the Junior class here - learned ; this , - week, Monday nearly all of the 84 members of the class en joyed 'sneak day at Shady Acres. -. , . Bat the aftermath: Pen alties for the tnlsdemcastor are three-fold. Juniors are to spend their activity period for the res of tbe school year ia school while the other- dasee go home; they are to write a 1500-word theme or loee their English or pablic. speaking credits j , for time pent ia activities, time is te he made up' after school or at aooa. . '. 1 Wayne Henry, W. Kenneth Hen ry and Charles Newman. . Surprho h Slaved - . For Auburn Couple AUBURN, April IT Monday night a group of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. George Dye on their second wedding anniversary. Thoie present were the honored couple, Mr. and Mrs. George Dye. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tan Buren, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Weaver, Miss Irma, El mer Burns and Miss Virginia But ler, sister of Mr. Dye. ' ;- Terwilliger - . Funeral Homa T7t CXIEMXXXTA STREET . FBOXS 8AXXH 9tS Careful, and JnteOigent tbonsht Is glrsa to every sit uation. : We tenderly boaoc tbe opportunity to serve yoa at a thne when service means so much,' .We attend to every detatt. f - ' aJHALlJtl.., Ererybodj says prices are golnff op. Well here's some thai are way down." Mayflower Wallpaper, excellent pattern. : C Single roU : : " ' 0 C Bungalow Paint. Regu lar Price $&S5 Per gaL Special' price. .$1.85 per . gallon Shingle Stain," per gallon Barn Paint, per gallon . $1.00 $1.25 Special . Prices on Certain-teed roof in; Headquarter for Base Hew tor Paiata A Vanishes SALEI PAINT1 ROOFING CO. 474 FERRY STREET V '.. Delbert Otjen Is business manager. Miss Lou Ann Chase, senior class advisor, is directing the produc tion. ' $5.00 THRIFT COUPON $5.00' h i k 1 -''ijasmw: ..... . J .-. :3 CI o 3 I ' o o- DR. HIGGINS TOE PEOPLE'S DENTIST 20 -Tears in Practice , Beautiful, Indestructible Hecolite ; r. . ... - ' plate,ligM weight QQ, Rcsovin C30. plate, odorless, tasteless, easily mended or relined Special Prices on Extractions with Plate and Bridgework Daring : April . this coupon is worth S3.00 at my office to apply on any two plates or $3.50 on any single plate. Accident Body is ' Loser in Suit by ' . " RKodella Johnson DALLAS. April 17 Rhodellal Annetta Johnson was awarded a verdict against the State Indus trial Accident ' commission wheni the jury returned a verdict Wed nesday afternoon. The plaintiff was suing to force the accident commission to pay "her compensa tion which she alleged was due her as a result of the death of her husband. He was injured in an industrial aeeldent and the plaintiff claimed this accident af fected his mind so that he became despondent and finally committed suicide by leaping from the Ross island bridge. f Call Issued For Aid h For Bazaar Articles 3 Lifelike Plate . Teeth, Natural ; . as Tour Originals . . Perfect fitting., lifelike . . . will allow you to eat whatever you wish with conr fort . . . adding greatly te your physical fitness.. MY PLATES REALLY STICK Doable Suction Plate Permitting Ton to Forget Tour Former Plate Trouble. A splendid plate . with life like teeth and all pink base material. a 2 FRUrrLAND. April If - The Woman's Missionary society has planned to hold a bazaar Mir is in the church. Anone who will contribute useful or tancr articles to be sold at that time, may call Mrs. Simpson, lOOFlt, head of the booth committee. The last meeing ot the Com munity club will be held Friday, April zs. . LOW PRICES Plate Repair , . .f 1JSO Silver Filling .50c, f 1 Extraction .... . ,50c Porcelain Filling.glJM) Clean Teeth . . . f 1.00 Rellne Plate . . .S4.00 DDE1. S. (S. KinGnws Over J. C Penney 's Store ,S5.00THRIFT 1 Telephone 6834 COUPON S5.00.. Dr. Ruth IiL Daugherty , 301-2-S First KaUonal Bank Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted m tm a - Tel. 5858 Satisfaction Guaranteed . Correctness and style 'V' are combined in all . frame - and lenses. At a price yoa can afford 1 it a w "II 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET We sell all our meat at the lowest price possible, and the only limit is the amount of money you want to spend. AH Dcc2 nombni?coi? pound S3 Choice ' Small Loin ' Rest Grade Beef Roasts Pork Chops Oleo Lb. Lb.;E3 3Lbs.f3 Sirloin, Round & TBone Tender. 1 . . . Ytnmg Pi " Steals BeW.toB4-;N-Pf: a3 . . Lb. g Lb. aa;; . Center Out Shonlder - . V "Iaxa r Pork Roasts v! Pork Steak. - Oi 70nr rantit3r doesn't O " ; ' Uvj " neat business.. Lb, (jQ . Frc? Dcjiycry. Opin Untfl 9p.l3. Sdt. Kite - Dial 8685 J.I 1 ' . -a i in 1 1 Savings .For Fri.&Sat. Apr. 28, 29 C:i STANDARD 'BRANDS t 7 HEADQUARTERS For Fresh Fniit and Vegetables nxrEss,i? i?nn(gi2s9 DnniHii2Sir iiiamw m rAAA AAAAAAAT to ceo PURITY COFFEE """mm lbs. Glass Free THE WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP 9034 tors KINGS DELIGHT Large no. 2 V2 cans OLD ENGLISH pi 0 Minute Tapioca aso taU bans Pkss. for. 1 LB. CALUMET . Baliihg Powdc? 1 Package Baker's Premiunj Cocoanut Free FRESH FRUITS AND AHEGETABLES Lg. Bunches CARROTS 2 ;,for ()c ORAUGES Sweet Karels C U.&K0.I Netted Gem POTATOES 20 lbs 39c SVANSDOlVn m fell 0 isst for Perfect Cakes ii. Pkr. Ground ;;PW T? 0 - CainoccIiooyH co?lsdca . ' v u uyj DE ANG Santlam 2s Ilucltlsbarrias - RockdeH j cans cans f j Qi'injntKPC?' " 'win aa, i. 4 t if J M t ' it I !4