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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1933)
coo;ii;:g sciioou is TEB11B TOBftY Three-day Course Proves 'Of Great j Interest '.lb; : ' -" ' Salem Housewives . - 1.' L ,. rfr . . -w - -- -- - All Children of Staytoh Grade School Take Part ' i In Big Benefit Program if CLUQ OWES (Continued from par li " .iiaon was - a supper salad loaf pimply made from an even' dozen - of varied Ingredients that, viewed as things apart, seemed scarcely "Imaginable -;. In ' combination. bat : which proved " to hare a natural affinity for one another, and the third salad offering of the after noon took denfrena of the deep and made them into a tasty tidbit tor thos whose appetites rim. to - tea foods. There was a dainty and Tery STATTON, April 17-fThe Stay- ton grade school will present a program of plays songs, skits and dances Friday night at 8 o'clock at the high school auditorium at a benefit for, athletic equipment and the graders' part In the May Day" event. ':i Teachers directing are Faye Lyons, Doris Nelreiter, May pull, Helen Patton and T. J. The several score children who will - participate, and the events follow: i .-. Glenn Burmaster,' Earl Thorp, Lloyd rot aivin leoman. ueonra Bnicer. Charles Mlelke, Vernon Sinclair and uienn uirun. "cnanging- jane," J ODa Burmeatr and Harrv Stnnka. Japanese piny, rn stolen TOnes" -Totouhty Meeting at Union Hi!!; 16 Feet of Snow Still. at Mine-" " Uoyd . To. Battr Hunt. -1 Wnmt Pounds. Leonora Heater, Lei Sand nor and afarcaret Fair. "Llttlo Chll 1rn nf JanaiL." a dane. by Mary Frey. Bulah Valael. PatrgT Mlaaler, Ardath Wendt. Barbara, Jean Eninklo and Vivian Bell. , "Toy Soldiera March" Elvfn Pa tera. Norman Mallorr. Claud Eullena. Clarene Swanaon, Wallace Swansea, Raich MollPt. Gne Terry. Roy caia van. Bob Martin, L&Mor Chriatenaen, Arthur Kelly. Donald Gall and Billy Fair. Colleglate Qulntent," Edward breath. Bobble Bennett r and Leonard visitors, ara Mrs. t. . n j nhoata lay Eddie VmIkm. Tlnhhv Bennett. - Junior l4tr- kin, BUI Roberta. Bod Llndley, Earl Thorn. Jnmea Cal breath. Lawrenca 1 rVtunitC Raymond Frey, Val Dara Sloper. . Kiward Mlelke and Wallace Humphrey". ."When Ton Wore a Tulip" by Katy will taka ever Ms daUes la the post offlci Monday, May. X. reller- lng u. 8. Loughary who hat been erring as temporary.-postmaster since the death of Chet Coad earl to HSU, . ti J, ,,' , easily completed recipe for mar- LjMS jsfhK 23S&?i Kiri. T jjuerites, too, using common, ev- . -" ery-day salted wafers as a, base r, .e-Vfoj. this pleasant aaide when frufta C 0T froten desserts are served. S - . . Mrs. Spencer showed conelueive- rS '.i It that tha dav of the nevr in sandwiches is 'not yet over dqt. demonstrating a .mixed Quartet that promised genuine harmony lor as afternoon or evening. They were simple sandwiches,, too, in volving little more than bread and batter, cheese, milk, raisins and Huts, parsley, anchovy and pimi ento, the sort of things one finds in, almost any kitchen on almost any day. . y?.-;?; . ' And for something novel in des serts Mrs.- Spencer introduced a f roses maple treat that; won the hearts of those In .attendance and gave promise of winning friends over Countless Salem tables in the ' future. : ' "vWi -v 'Commenting on the. afternoon's program, Mra Spencer said, The great increase in home entertain- 1 !( ip.'fi. not. rw.. imm-j Virginia oorauna, jnmrjyj- Bob Lindtey, Dorothy Tttua, Norman Fetera, Elvln Peters, George Splcer, CI1KS BED III CHI ROSEDALE. April 27 -Miss Laura Cammack, daughter of Mrs. "Mary Cammack of this place, was married Apra 26 at Tientsin, China, to J. J. Trachsel of Tient sin. The ceremony was held in the missionary rest home of the National Holiness' association. Woodford Taylor,- superintendent, officiating. There were several guests from Pelpisg. ; ' Miss Minta Stahl of California, music teacher at the Tientsin M. GATES. April 17 Several members of the Gates Improve ment club ara attending the con vention of federated clnbs of Mar lon county at Union Hill today, Those going either as delegates or A B. -Horner, Mrs. C. D. Johnson. Mrs. G. B. Heath. Mrs. A. B, Syverson, and Mrs. E. V. Collins. f. Mrs. Johnson is a past president of the club and makes, a report of the work ac complished by the members dar ing the. past Tear. jt ;. Friday night, a group oz mem bers of the Aid Society of, the Christian church of Mill City put on a program at the Gates school house. A large number, of peo ple were present tor the enter tainment which was well present ed and equally as well received. George Monro of Gates left Monday for. Quartsville to look after his mining property at that place.. As there is soma II feet of snow reported still on the sum mit, doubts are expressed as to whether he will be able to make TtCTrTffAS TO EXTERTAUf ; JEFFERSON, April 2 T Mem bers of ML. Rebekah lodge hare made plana for a party to be si ea Is the lodge rooms of the Odd Fellows hall Saturday night. April 22, tor members and their fami lies and invited guests. ' - Myers Incrcailns - -2' Sorghum Cane For Farm Near Turner TURNER, Aprfl 17 P. H. My ers tried raising sorghum cane on a small scale last year and was so successful he will raise three acres this year.'. -" - . He will also plant as acre of to matoes and less thaa as acre. of cucumbers, which he finds profit- aoie m disposing of pickling cakes IS tho field. Y- '" ' '4:m:m:m:m:m:m:m:m:m:m:w X NeW . i OSQeGO end up Used Wishers 10 up. We sell and service aH - makes. - Agents for White Sewing Machines lroner demonstration t P-su, Eatarday . Hogg Bros. Appliance Store Phone eosa - - . 45a 8tate BU Balesa I I y -ft Mairht. Cleo Bchaefer. . Anita, , Mae Hiinnhravi ana KflH ncTiiMTir. "Tb Pioneer. Twins" play tn three acts by Leon Burmester, Bobble Inglla. AlTln Schmltt. Frances Pounds, Edwin ilawonn, Marian r oui, mmtn K&nnm. Bettr Anna Good. . Cart Kreltaer. Vlrl Shelton, Dorta Crab tree, Betty Korlnek. Alloa Newmeyer, Zel pha Carter, Alice Davenport. lyema Darby, Franca Nichols, Buddy Mar vin, Wallace .Humphreys, Deamona Fuson and Max Jftayton, stags mana- '"T'hs Gay Nineties" by Uaxlns Crab tree. Frances FrledL Theresa Frledl. Anns Foster.' Laura Graen, Lenors Wine and accompanist, Joais Thorpe. .!?? ;?ei" HJ1SS it into the mines from tha Gates Vlrcinla Shelton. Lncilla finlcer. Geor-1 territory. ria Maiaei, Shirley Lamb, Durrei Jor-1 George Random, an oliT-tlmer I .TIS ."rVtTl": of this' community, who has bees sh.ntiVViie MtLi. Eudru Zort, spending tha winter is Saeramas- and Kienara M&Kas. I to, t'tui mi reiumea 10 uaies llSltcb".KeTRo "d ls-sUying at tha homo of his KreiuTri" Alvin Schmltt. Doris Crab- daughter,' Mrs. Frank Taylor; tree, Frances Pounds, -Vlrl- Shelton, I Mr. and Mrs. Charles PowellsoS x ir.V,"' Strand daughter LaVeU Rose are I port. La Verna' Darby. Bobble Injrlia. Iwln Ha worth, ' Alice Neymeyer, Le-1 I- w E. School, played the Wed din Z I ona Burmester and Betty Korlnek. mAntdnrlnr the nast vear has riv.l march, A recention was held at I 2 hs Lons Star Rangers' Frsd . en tha Safeway Stores homemak- the home, with Miss Ajtinila and iSrnS!3f.5S JS."?: era bureau a busy' time in" pro-1 other friends serving. , I Montis Mortis. Harry Stupka," Darrei Mrs. Traschsel , was graduated I wnam. euis chrmensen, jerrychris--nriii ... I tenaen. Fred Davenport. Bill Sullens, i.wu niuuucm . uuiTuruiT in I r.iv.. v..t vri.iir I m m 1S30 and from the Portland Bible I Kendrick. Joseph Neymeyer. Perry 1 OaVCrV INOW UttlCiai msuiuie m 15Z6. Mrs. Trachsel I SiziZS ,n "'X'" ll"?" ' "2," tit -,-1 I ii" auurr, a.eny ana uienn isurmssisr. - , "Mountain Music'' a sons and drill Madlln Adams, Evelyn Keys. June Jtaisei, Mary iien McLain, nuna xr vidinr party ideas.-: The recipes which we presented at this session . were all selected by Mrs. Julia Lee Wright, national director of the bureau, as among tho very choic est developed for party purposes " In the bureau's kitchen during the past year, bat it should also be pointed out that every one of them is ideal tor family use, and wo ara sure that many of them will be - used often for lust that purpose. "The third and last session this afternoon will feature the prep aration . of . meats, including fowl roasted s a blanket, sausage stuf- V Xing, standing rib roasi 01 oeex - and meat dumplings, but will also ' cover a variety of other dishes of anuanal interest. The session will , start promptly at 2 o'clock at the - armory and we are looking tor ward to a capacity attendance." moving from Gates to their homo in Mill City tho latter part of tha week. While hero they have bees making their noma with Mrs. Powellson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keiser. finished P. B. L, in 1930. normal school In 1927 and Willamette is 1932. She taught for three years and last October went to China. SPendie KSagrvE Where gn has since b6en dolus I port- lAura Qraen, ljaor) lrw- extensive language work at Nauk- wantas. Mr. Trachsel went to China In tho fall of 1930 and most of his- work has been done in the office at missionary head quarters. They planned to spend a few days at Peiping, after which they will be at home at 22 KIrlu Road, Tientsin, China. Postmaster at Dallas DALLAS, April 27 Tracy Sav ory, local druggist, received his appointment as permanent post-1 MaltaT cDlrer-accmani "ter-General Farley this week. Ha Is, Gertrude Murphy, Lois Pounds, Ed- "It takes boiling water CLOIA LE SCHO -a A Remaining: Veteran Guest of Honor at ; : : Meeting of G.A.R. , DALLAS, April '27 -A special meeting of the members of Wil liam T. Sherman circle of the O. A, R. was held hero Tuesday for the purpose OX mspecuoa jk yiu- conducting or general L BE ABA NDD1B SUMMIT HILL, April 27 The patrons of Summit HOI school district met Tuesday at the school house to- vote on tho question of consolidating with Cloverdale dis trict, which vote was unanimous is favor. IB 1912 there vers SS nnnlla Utt . e"el d owly the number business. Application of Roe dwindled until thara vat ni-r JLJ af n if A nrfnrl 1 srt .mill V . I '"f" r" .v, ,-iV-1 11Te when it was voted ponea 'uvr"'J- VTu to to Turner. This was were given by Department Presi-1 carrl6j oa nntll the whool finnr wwrsev Kiraiiain na n&ikisir auu i m , . - "r,;:. 1 7r ana wim seven PUPlls it was decided to open school again with Arthur Bestrater as teacher. The scnool was found to bo in very oaa repair which led to the con solidation. As the voters left the buildlnc. one man remarked what all were Sister Lotta Brown of Pendleton. Members present were: Ethel Mott, Etta Fulkerson, Dorothy Kerns, Althea Burelbach, Marie Hayes. Gertrude Dowling, Amy McCann, Clara Bird, Lena Gatens, Mary Syron, Anna Stoller, Sarah M--sa . fV...l.a - iriIa1 skMifJI . wminey. !-" thinking. ' "Goodbye ta the little cooper, oviurauv out i 0i,i BchOOl house. wss tae guesi 01 nuaur uv meeting as the only remaining veteran in Dallas. y SHAW The Joseph Shermans were hosts for a group of young I people who gathered at their homo to play cards.. Those pree-l eni were: Cleo Barry, Mabel Sher man,- Helen Sherman, Bernlce Sherman. Tvwtla Pat ara U.rUnl Rites InCOmDlete Shnmaker, Kenneth Barry, John I rr... a tr- - w s l mi naocu, aivss jv eerie, xvoucri mnu n 1 J . n srr.virnTnV- Anrll 27 Mar- oue,WB arrjr. Marshall L. Grey Is Called Beyond; BEST Coffee'? TEADIKG home cconomto $xj due Xt 4Wf water makes tha hut xx whcthet yos make it la a pctcolatoc,' codec coc or by the drip method We tst; sose ot ooe thing sol that k oo nutter . coffee will give you the meet rnqmEty j eccootnysodcmfacrWxThachce kf hleod is Tacusnvpscked sod soli at t ' Omctlj grmmJrpr Is fries through ocr ctscf uCy acbedulcdv nUm ar & mtkd vfccomical diitribudoaTry Edward pcDdable,ttsmg hading water sni yo ' wyi3barecxof dKsVtfcnpsof coflot yos have ever tasted We goanntea kt 1 '. fcasasidwSaltwsy CsialH trtsal', 10ASTXD AXD PACXED BY DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY tANrXANOSCO POrnAND lOS ANGZUS OOIYEL. i v shall L. Grey. 3. died at his home here this morning. He was bovnl in New York. Funeral arrange- menta have not been completed but will bo held from the Larson ehanel. i J ' c- He is survived by his widow; Prudence, I two : children, Mrs. Kancy Gordon 'of ' Sllverton and Mfs. Irma Case of Topeka, Kan sas,' seven grandchildren, two sis ters and one brother. , Peabody Injured as :r Horso Takes Flight HOPEWELL," April 27 Frank Peabody was hurt Monday while working in a tieia on nis isrm with his team. He was dragged 'down and stepped on by one horse, breaking one rib. . Ho is sllRhtlylmproved. John Kleml of Juneau, Alaska, is spending a two months vacation at the homo of his aunt, Mrs. Peter Parvin. INEAPPLE FOR HEALTH. PARSNIPS FURTJNISH JOBS V DAYTON, AprU 27 Fifty sacks of parsnips furnished em ployment -to nine women . and three men at tha Dayton Evapor ating and Packing plant one day this week. -. - Red Jap Azaleas in - bloom 20c 20c Azalea mollis with bloom buds , trees J 35c to 85c (with aarth ball tor safe ' - planting) . Mock-orange, deutsla, splreas, high-bush cranberry, balled for safe - or transplanting ..... wt Evergreen - ;. shrubs ...... .....btik up ; Pearcy -Bros." ... 267 Ko. Church, " ' North of Coart St. f7 FOR. My v . iV-: v I f i ----- V, ". . . . B-.vj M 't ' a --i2aC,'" "Center sticex" and . ' fujdous Crushed . SHEER PLEASURE OF EATING New food research now shows Canned Pineapple to haveamazing dietetic ralues. It contabutes to health in so many different ways that authorities advises "Eat two slices or cup of crushed daily"! And what a delight it is to eat it dailj . if tha pineapple is Iibbs! In Iibby's SUctd HawaHaa Pineapple, ever slice is a center sBct, And tht center slices are most perfect in form, most exquisite in flavor, erenest in texture. . " ; - .. :;-; t : i Vhile iibby's Crushed Hawaiian FineappU is all full-npe, delicate fruit . the choicest of its kind. . 7 Yet these wonderful Libby values cost you nd more : than ordinary brands! So it is well worth while to ask specifically for libby, McNeill & libby, Honolulu, Hawaii. J ; -;r . .v;- -;. 2 OF THE EXTRA VALUES IN l!BBYS FAMOUS 100 FOODS wmmmmm V I . J v. : : I . a Our OOUR tOCldV 1$ the last of ftur CUna UAt'eatcU'nt at Armbffy you needn't be without the latest kinks in crovvfedse dxing the rcmahder of the year. We hvite you to make free use of our Homemakers Bureau at al times by maiL Write us on any problem pertainins to cookery arid homemakinAddress Ju&a Lee Wrisht, director Safeway Stores Homemakers' Bureau, Box 660, Oakland Cdlif., enclosins a large stamped, self addressed envelope forVepry. Our services are entirely without cost to you. Th. lUini (ct uttd JtfTlag the Cooliiao School Stssloiis oad ore taotured ot our storas ol extractive) lowarod rie Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday April 28, 29 and May 1 Safeway FA!!!!!? Shortening: Benson ' Blorton's Plain or Iodized OoUtt t Max-i-muM U5g Shndded VEaoatt Hazel-Del, Grade A Carton Pasteurized Qt. EE 24b. Caddie libby 'a Sliced Pincapplo Snowflake Gocloc Edwards Dependable (SoOCec Baking Powder (SaHuncaoii Best Foods Llayonnaicc Canada Dry GinQcr Ale No. 2 Caa E5G 12-OI. Bottle HOG . fancy broken lbs. 2c sood floor at Mfk lb a low pries x7 sai Airway Coffee P. AO. Q Pcac Del Monte Ko. 9 Oans bars NEW SPUDS lbs. . . S5)c save RADISHES fresh local Ig. bunches S for (Be Ml Oregon tall cans i OLE Margarine . o aClbs. Peanut Butter Maz-i-muM O L lb. Jar JELL-WELL Asst flavor Cccoa , Bakcra K lb. Oaa Co22cc Uazwell. Hoosa ' lit. . l pkjrs. TAPIOCA " - Freali ; ; POEltl GTEAK i Cat' from young pig pork, . : nice and lean TcincrccrFffahlio : ; Tender and juicy aiiDo. ago" I Young and tender. All Draws. Nice and Meaty for a a Don't Forget Mors for your mon ey at Safeway Markets because yoa get equality. . v CHARlJE DUVAI . . . . . Market Manager.' ' EIAYONNAIQE : in Bulk. The Tery best. V: CLICEO BACON Armour's Melrose, nice and ' lean, rery good OH,L PICIILEG ' ' r Large and firm - J.Go2 HCo jio. 37162 N. Commercial - V Phone 61 63 No. CS 1978 N. CapIUl Phons 8629 ; r T . Ssts at tha following . - Safeway Stores! V;, TTe reserrt the right to limit Quantities . - LC9 Orders delivered free excepting features -No. 619 270 N. Commercial ' ; Phont 9432 r;;; No. 78 1927 State, Phons 94S5 "Reapa YctfU Enjoy? by JtHa Lee Wright, Oilahahled Any Sdasay Store Dzrbis Cooling School 4