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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning. April 28 1933 - 1 -' . - i PAGE ELEVEN il ;f Y V -f 4 -.f V . si:' V ? 1 V,-44 an-sanwej f "I 1 i ! I I Business Directory i Cards ta this directory re. on a monthly basis only. E1U1 11.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Itlke Paaek. the brake and shimmy lt-r.' I7S South Cominorctal Street. CATERING Burt Cra '. the caterer. Ph. 8752. CHIMNEY SWEEP 4456. R. E. Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor, SS N Hllth, Tel. Re 578. ; DRESSMAKING MRS.' SNELGROVE. 4S N. CotWS. TeU T4t'- Hsmstitciilns. So yard. - Dressmaklns; Jn i your home. Exp. $i RO 1ar. Copy ptrtttrea. Tel. 7984; FLORISTS CUT flowers, weddtrus bouJuts fun ral wreaths, decorations. C F. Bratt taaapt. florist iU Court- TeL 6904. - iJX kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist, Hth Market. Tel. S59X. GLASS Auto' and window glass mirrors. Tot 6 !. Waiter J. Downs, 6S ureys. INSURANCE BECKB A HENDRICKS - X8! N. High TeL 494t COFFEY-SMfTH, gen, ins. Tel. 8632. 3 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY a High . Tel. 9120 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service -' . Telephone 2105 1204 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man" W- MATTRESSES .? r . Mattresses ' from factory to home. ! Spring mattress $3.00. Renovators and . i fumlsatoza Hucycleaned. Capital Bed- y y dina Co. .Tel. 4069. 3030 N. 'Capitol. ass-'.. V- Mcmo iMflrMi maA to order, .old remade:, carpet cleaning, slslng; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag A Mat tress Factory, s. I3tn wijour. e. 44l. Otto F. zwlcker: Est-1911.- OKQ. C, WILL-Planos. radios, sew- in m machines, sheet musle and .Diane studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 SUt Street. Salem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION WIU trade guitar and lessons for anything 1 can use. Storhow, 450 Court -) r MEDICINE Dr. Chaa Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and rway. 1 :sv aj to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. CommerclaL PAINT AND ROOFING Salem 'Paint ft Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING Ij'OB STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing,' call The Statesman Printing Department. Hi & CommerclaL Tele- phone 910L' ' L PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT N. Dl Clement Income Tax Reports, Auditing 110 Vs N. Com'L Tel 803 or 6247. . . REAL ESTATE BECK B HENDRICKS, TsL. 4947. W H. GRABENMORST ft Ca lit S. Liberty SC TeL 4s. sncnLTtFSiCY ft SON 304-8 First Nat't Bk. Bldg. Tet 7807. ;:v'V;.- STOVES.' - STOYES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt1 and repaired. AU kinds ot woven wire fence, fancy and plala, hop baskets, books, logan books. Solera Vance and Stove Works, 262 ?T!hemketa. TeL 4774.- R B. Fleming. TRANSFER ' CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 3,... Rt- TeL 1721. DisUibutlngv lor- arardlnc and storage ' our; specialty. Set. our ratea. i - - P ' ' FOR local or mstani uww p (all H l Lsirmvr $ evaaava -v.. . .... m..-arAa fiA BMja( to poruanq aauy. ' : WELD DRILLING r A, West SO years experience. RFC 6. Bor 183 E. TeL I10F5. - fM. E. Brotherhood X f Will Meet Monday Evening at Turner TURNER. April 27 The Meth odist Men's Brotherhood will meet Monday night. May 1. ? After , a business period at 7:30 1 a, pro- era m will be given at 8:o'clock with Rev. Sechrlst of the. Open Door mission of Salem th gneetf "t sneaker. There WlU Jpe special nncdrinX nthPT features to which M.Mt U Invltdd. f ' . - . Turner w. u. 1. u. seui a large T -L.rtflEittIon Wednesday to attend tho rnnntv ponvention held at Ja- 13 .... iaii T ehtireh salm ; mfjLrrES Ass L, ZEN A, April 271 11 ker of Zena. deputy ASSESSING Roy E. Bar- assessor; of northeast Polk county tor n num ber of years, is .completing his work this week. Mr. Barker its' more territory to cover this year. ' - ....... - I -I j- . I . i f Statesman : ; Classified .Ads . Call 910i; ' CUMifted AdTertlstag : Slngl Ingertloa per Use.lOc' ' Threa iasertiona par. - Sis iaswrtIoD per Una,.tOc One month par tise.. 11.00 Minimum chare t I t Copy" for thlj pi e eepted ontll C;SQ the even ins bIore publication for classification. " Copy rs celred after, this time will ' be run under the headlsr Too Late to: Classify. , . The Sta'teainao assamea no financial responsihlllty j tor errors which may ap ' pear la adf ertlaements pub lished la Its colamns, and la cases where thi paper Is at fault will , reprint that part of an advertisement in ' which . - the typographical mistake ocean. . 9 The Statesman ' reserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising. ' It fur ther reserves the right to classify alt advertising" un der ,: the . proper classifica tion. ' , HELP WANTED FEMALE Elderly woman r air! for ear of two maTl children and honsework Cali nt Sis N. Summer Sat. 'mommy. SITUATIONS WANTED Exd. dressmaktnit in your home. Sz.on clay. Copy pirlures. Tel. 7984. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Fldlers stand. Intersection Silverton-Portland - road. Sheen - fertilizer, red clover seed. Mra Wright, 4ft ml. on Wallaca Rd. I flat top typewriter desk in fine condition, also a-large wicker daven port and chair suitable for office or home, for sale cheap at 2095 K. Com'L Fertiliser for sale.. Phone 7831; Rhubarb, te delivered. Tel. 9480. WANTED-lMiscellaneoos Why throw away good money T The I hosiery mending dept. at Grand Silver I store repairs hose like new, 6c to 25c Will pay cash for good used furn. Tel. 8S5S between 5 A 10 Thur. ft Fri. .MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c. child. 15c Two blocks-& or library. & winter. Permanent wave. 10c, Beauty Maid Shw. Over- SteusloIT Mkt. TeL 4456. ROOM and BOARD , t Board and xoom for ladles. Close to. TeL 5678. 595 Court St Board, room, $20.00. near P. O. 6482. I , Comfv rms. Board ontnL Tel. 0769. Board and room with large closet. I running water, home priv., reasonable. 3z N. cnurcn. - - FOR RENT APARTMENTS tekeAa a. nartmanfa 4r.svr.tMwn eTSlll rattans book store. eslshsva.asssesa4e . Fur. 2 R. apt. 2261 HazeL TeL 7664. UModJlstheated apts. TeL 8490. Apt $10. $11 891 N. Com'l Furn. apartment 1040 Leslie. Apts. $5 mo. up. 355 Belview. Nice front apt, 658 Center. Olympic. 780 N. Liberty. - Mod. room,' furn,- or unfurn. apts. " For rent furnished 8 room bunga low, 1248 Chemeketa St aun-ojTjnrfijir'i tiii i-n'irrr 3 -room unfurnished apt, lights, hot and cold water, gas range, garage, use ol electrie washer, uz.du mo. xa State St Nice, furn. apt., 690 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. housea R, I Forkner. 1610 N Cottage. TeL 8031 6 rooms 810.00. Tel. 7204. FOR RENT - - - 4 ivie mod Domes ior rent iutu. apts. and a number of good buys. 825 Oreeon Bide. Phone 8902. FOR SALE Real Estate If you want to buy, sen or exchange anything see General Exchange. N. Commercial St $50 per acre. 50 acres hop so IT. vwn- er, 1626 Broadway. SPECIAL is Ta nf is to 20 rear old fil berts, A REAL BARGAIN at $8500. Let s show you. r-uit.ra a. TurT.T.KTt Tip nit or a 1 941 State-Street Phone fios. SB ... asaeasesksesasssfis COAST PROPERTY Barh resort well located, fresh ter lake, cabins, store, boats, etc. Spe cial price. - . Aotf - 1MI SIWMIT TT -CH1L.D8, MILLER. Realtors 341 SUte Street - . Phone 6708. ejsaaasaaajSaxjsaassilSss Don't build until you see the twe t ina lota all In cherries., pears and ap ples, full bearing, one block south of Leslie iunior high school, nice view. level tot 60x130 each. Sell one or both cheap, easy payments, irwner, Rural Avenue, phone ss4, 2U acres near Bwegle school, no Im provements, price aoinmg aown and $7 a month, no Interest, two years. . 519 Court Street BARGAIN OF BARGAINS 7 A close on highway, good bldg., i electric pressure, water,, lights. - At I half prlce-'Only $2250.00. J. Lincoln 1 ATTRACTirE 5-R.3 Bungalow, large I rooms, hd. wood fW full basement 1 "'ac tirepiace, ioviy ouui-iu- 1 in kitchen, lawn ana srtruDPery.. tsae- 1 ,iiM fr nuiir mu . I FOR 3ASH will sacriflos well fur- nlshed 2 bd. room mod., home and gar age, well located. 7 0 VAN It GREER SH Ore. Bldg. Fone 1633 I house. 450 Locust, erne at 1190 N. Cottage, very reasectabla. A 1 b e 1 Krti, Rt. 7. Rat 227, Palem. ESCI1 AN(iEr--Re&i Cstate 160 ar farm for sale er trade clear fialem residence. Write Bex $27.1 Roeeburg, Oregon. EXCHANGE -Real Estat Dallas T R. modern house, dear. Good location for modern sub Saiam property. Box 190, Salem. -- ' . GXCHAKGR SI acre tract close ta clrv llmlta rood e room bansralow with taannmt fireplace, lam- barn, chicken house, double garage, family orchard. Place well suited for subdivision. For sals at auow win accept email plane as part. CHJXJDS MILLER, Realtors 44 Stats Street Phono S70S. "-- - -- -- - rmnn.nj-i.onj wTo exchange S room oottare, lots. Valua iseoo.- for stock merchandise, ,nJ?- For Prtteulars, .address 12l Saginaw Si. Salens. ' - - -.vinflrnii. r TRADES IT a "R f tpj nTPQ li9vA: clt ranch, good location, rood bldjrs. Price $6000.00. Take part city property. - . - 285 A. COAST PROPERTT ' . set bldfrs., rood timber. 75 A. cul tivation. Fine trout stream. Fenced and crossed. Wants smaller ranch. Price 18000.00. lit A. EAST OF" SALEM 115 A. cultivation. Some good tim ber. Running water. Good Mdgs with silo. Trade for Salem property. . . . J A3. IX SEARS. Realtor ' 1S2 South High , -i-i '"irviii n n rui-u jm -h-iim i. NEAR MT. AND EL. : B0 seres, ell mlun , w.i..i hoe- 7 house, basement, fireplace. ele5wtr'e llrhts, Urge barn and other outbuildings. Price $5500 wlU take smaller place aa part. Terms on bal- SEE HAWKINS ROBERTS ' f r Beal EsUta Trades . fi ACREAGE 44 acres, ahont ts a "'7 K"iun. oome crops m extra f.plMtAor bwte. Any reasonable . - H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldr. Tpt, 890t WANTED REAL ESTATE ' WanS' tft htIV fam a A - .am . located within IS ml. north ; or east as t"' " o'tvenon on east side of Wil lamette river, small tm.t and terms or will pay cash for bargain! Easiness Opportunities Lease iroa atntinn Pair shoo, on tin intu. J. . , SER - snap xor some one. JAS. D. SEARS. Realtor. U a Grocery store tar r eiii -i-frmn .m i ped. living rooms, frtgldalre. near City ... ....... . t i. VT I 9. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY v-usiom natcning. 500 eggs at lHo IfTSS, ?"VaZ nd Tuesday. TeL mob naicnery. Poultry wanted. Salem Poultrv Mm. ci! w - voujr. is) ju. juuier. SURPLUS BABY fimrifa . rlflce prices Tuesdav uui iivia only. See our bargains. Custom hatch ing, naicning eggs. Phone 133F3. l s nsicnery, saiem, Oregon. Six Weeks old roosters tlvm rwnta each. Mrs. E. J. Miller. Routs J. Box 72. x urnpr, ijregon. MONEY TO LOAN I 4jysyssVssss 4 BelIs of Harmolly, Heard ever " KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really . really different YOU GET THE FULL . AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE y.. wAAa iv 10 ijvu Beneficial Loan jSociety OF SALEM - Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor .LaUttrtSED Br STATE 518 SUte Street TeL 8-7-4-0. MMWMIWMWMWWMW, Borrow on personal property! renav in monthly installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. SUte Ha 8-169. 60S uuaraian Bldg. TeL 8877. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hrs. 10:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. U. Telephone ' - 7781 Sute license No. S-165. --- ;. ,-: . sasS' i igjsfwsCs ruj'Axrxr PERSONAL LOANS J other good security. Repayable 1 monthly. When tn financial need see us before closing a loan. OENSRAL INVESTMENT --?- CORPORATION First National Bank Bide Phone 851$ . MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS - Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi paymeats You keep the car P. A. EIKER v Cor. Liberty St and Ferry hone 477 S1m. Ore FOR SALE WOOD Wood. $3.50 cord. TeL 041L QUARANTEEn DRY wnnil mi' tl tooe Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottaga -,; -- DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel a Call oa us tor prices. We give gooa measure, good quality sue gooa service- - - UtKalER TRANSFER ft STORAOr Teleohen 8181 Ash, fir and oak, TsL I648-- - -r - --rVM-fw-M-irir.iiriir-ii-i r 1 -iLr Na 1 16 In. old fir. $4.00. TeL 4450 Dry oak. 4 ft $4.09. TeL 8708. - No. 1 dry old tlr, $5.00.. TeL $175, Sixteen Inch second fir 82.11 per load at Tracy's. Phone 8986. . Old fir dnr and rren 84.00 and vs. Phone 3678. , . -i-ir - -i Ah end fir, Jndfl Phone 81F14. LOST AND FOUND fa-,- ir.-ir,mrii-fvrtM.w L08T Boneh of ken. Plwma 4 SOL Apt 8 - ; - . - - - LOST Bill fold with aeeta Please return to 116 N. High. Reward. POLLY AND HER VVALKIN'-STICK? f WHATS 1 1 frl -PERSONAL X Win not r."y any debts eontrseted r.y Csrrle M. Farrtuh. Bewj. A. Parrtsh. FOR SALE USED CARS SEE Bin and Bob Used Car Exchange for your used car. Terms Trada Open Erenlnra and Sundays McKAYSl USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 1919 Ford Coups $129.00 191T Chrysler Sedan . 1929 Ford Roadster 136.0S 145.00 165.00 265.00 If IS Dnrant Sedaa 19S0 Ford Coup 1911 Ford Pickup 19)1 Chevrolet Coach 296.00 865.00 S85.0S 495.00 1929 Butck Sedan 19SS Chevrolet Ds Luxe Coach TERMS TRADES Open evenings and Sundays. McKAY CHEVROLET Ctt - SIS Center Phone S1S9 430 N. Com'L 2S Cher, truck. 4-spesd transmis sion, brakes; semi-trailer; wood rack. 149 a. ijnurcn. 1929 Pontlae Sedan 192$ Old Sedan .$376 Z 195 29 Old Coach 1910 Ford Sedan S-dr. if2 rom Touring . 111S Ford Sedan 4-dr. . 191T Chey. Cabriolet 1929 Cher. Truck , 1929 Ford Truck 175 We have some low nrlc transnorta- xioo f ZS CO S3S. BORBEGO S CAR MKT. 240 Nft Liberty Phone 8688. MEHAHA, April 27 A birth day dinner was gifen at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Phillips Tuesday night honoring Mrs. mi ne Wilson and Mrs. Millie Mon roe on their birthdays. Those present were: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Monroe, Ercill, Russell and Wave Wilson Harry Monroe and the host and hostess. Mr. . and Mrs. Clinton Phillips. A handkerchief shower was giv en as a surprise by the women of the Willing Workers at the church in the evening. Those present were: the Mesdamea Ledgerwood, Boyington, Cardwell, Bohannon, Phillips, Blum, Berringer, Coth ren, Hughes, -and Miss Cornelia Cardwell and Miss Beulah Ottln- ger. Mrs. Jennie Bohannon and Har old Bohannon left early this morning-for Red Bluff, Calif., where they have employment In the fruit orchards during the summer months. - A free program and lunch will be given at the school house In connection with the 4-H sewing club exhibition Friday night. The high, school students of this vicin ity are practicing a play to be giv en on the program. TEACHERS CLUB TO UOLDSOCIALMEET MT. ANGEL, April 17 The T. A. club met at St. Mary's school for their last . business -meeting Tuesday night. , Mrs. M. L. Ful kerson, county school superln tendent and Wayne D. Harding, rural school supervisor, also at tended the meeting. Mrs. Fulkerson asked for a sy nopsis of work from each mem ber. . All work had been complet ed and Mrs. Fulkerson approved all -members to receive the read lng circle certificate. . The ' following teachers are members of the club: . Christine Schulte, Marie Flerschinger, Rose- marie Kronberg, Genevieve Smith, Carola May. Florence - Walker, Fides Welp, Florena Dehler, Hel en Keber, Gladys McGee, Pauline Saalfeld, Grace Smith and There sa Dehler. . ,v r The next and last meeting Is to be a social affair and is 4evb held at the home of Miss Christine Schulte .May 16. Mildew Eradicator. Is Cause Poisoning LINCOLN. April 27 Claude E. Smith Is recovering from severe burns on his leg between the knee and ankle. The young man has been working in the hop yard op erated by ' his , cousin, Harold Gwlnn at Oak . Point the past month and received the burns while - dusting - the - hops with a powder used to eradicate downy mildew. , TO SCMMER OX FARM : BRUSH COLLEGE, April 27 Mr.- and Mrs. Charles MeCarter have had as their house guests the last two .weeks, her niece, Mrs. Charles Sarchet and two children' Wanda and Donna -of Mrs. Sarehet Intends to move her household furniture) to Brush Col lege this " week and spend the spring and ' summer vacation in the summer cottages! on the Me Carter farm. - PALS HHUIEH'S BIRTHDAYS HONORED , H5SAySH&K I ITrQ MONSTER XLL LEAJ94 VJ'I . - - 11 EBTVV. i f: i HRS,HERO.TRYl j fVW WAJTW-- I BOUCHTrTfORJ I IH!MTSVWAPOrIXTI -JSZ II 3?f7l 1TUSK5 ON THPaNT LES II -??r-' ; -BDO? 7 AMh4U-VVlTH A IRON rtwMV 'lVv6Vl ; r , MAUAUCH eras Efioi GROUP SLATE PARTY Archbishop Howard Con firms Class of 64 Youths v At Sacred Heart ' ; CERVAI3. April 17 The Chris tian Endeavor society composed of young people of Gerrals and the Fairfield district la to hold a octal in the - social room , of , the Presbyterian church Friday night. Sherlock Robertson, Betty Beck and Eileen Colby are the commit tee in charge. , Class Cm firmed - ' J Sixty-four children and four adults received the Sacrament ot Confirmation at Sacred - Heart church ' Sunday. His - Excellency Archbishop .Edward . Du Howard. D-D., conferred the sacrament of confirmation, assisted - by Rev. Father Thomas Tobin of Port' land; Rev. Father Thomas Kee- nan of Salem and - Rev. Father William Walsh of Gervais. The Archbishop gave the sermon after the confirmation. ." The Parent-Teacher association Is sponsoring a program to be given in observance- of National Musle week at the auditorium Tuesday night. May t. Mrs. Ber ts Barker, president of the asso ciation. Is chairman of the com mittee and the other members are J. H. Tumbleson, Frances Catlin and Ida Minaker. To Close) Year .- . The Parent-Teacher association will close the year's work Monday night. May 1. A big five-cent din ner will be served beginning at 7 o'clock and this will be followed by the monthly meeting and elec tion of officers for next year. O. T. Wadsworth Is chief cook and John Buchanan, head waiter for the dinner hour. This Is given as a benefit for the library. A short program will be given In connection with the business meeting. The public is invited. DAIRY PRODUCTS UP PORTLAND, April 27 (AP) Further general advance la the price of dairy pv redacts at Port land, along the coast generally and through the midwest and east, suggested both curtailed production, and increasing de mand. Portland butter nrlces were no le lb. again for the late season of the produce exchange, a condi tion expected on account ot the scant cube offerings and premi ums obtained between sessions on the open market; . Advance of le lb. in the basic price on butterfat to 2Se was gen erally Quoted. While there was an open ad vance of lc again In all grades of eggs by leading local distributors, trading vas still badly mixed aa to price with reports suggesting little local activities. Storage de mand was better. Market tor live chickens con tinued to reflect a strong tone but without price changes. Small broilers were alone excepted as Washington continued to flood the local trade. ram rXHtAY. APIXL $ KOAO SoO Key CorvaJUs -7:00 Meraisg Hoditatloas led by Bar. Harold Howsrd. ' 8:00 Meraisg Ooaeert. 0:15 Mssie Approeiatioa, aa Utastratod lector coarse by Byrea Arnold. 18:20 Dr. M. N. Klsoa "Pam BoUaf LegislaMea.' 3:30 Mrs. Lars Hanson "Guiding Year Child's Besdiag.' S :0O Pars Market Berta. 7 :00 Dr. W. P. . Darua "Spraying Oatfits." 7 :40 Bnaiaeae . Zaititato sf tb Air add re by Prof. H. T. Yanee "What Lie Eehiad Betsilingt' '0 4nUrt Object la tae Sky Tr. W. B; Aadenoa.- ' ' XQW 0I--Pertlaad 1 1:00 Orgaa oaert, -NBC. 7: SO Happy Jack, KBC. 7:45 Pair ef Piaaee, KBC. S:15 Jack sad Pty. KBd - :0O Cheerio. .. . .. -i 0:15 Cooking scbooL' ' 10:80 Woman's Magssjae ef the Air, ,18:l$ Wetera rrm sad Hsase Hear. ,.-. B - ON COAST MARKETS Radio Prog Portland.", ri. i-i...'vni 8:00 Talk oa MeaUl Hrtieaa. 8:15 Malady Misers. KBO. . ' :45-vBrbars Dale, XEC. 6 :0O -Mahdi tba Atari elaa. v.. S-.00 Firt Xighter, liBO. 1 7:45 Bita ef Me kid f. KBC 8:00 A mo Aady, KBO. 0:15 Howard Thar toa. Hagieiaa. TNo Reason for jg i I ...... WHEAT SPECULATION BUTTERFAT Transactions Fewest I In Last Fortnight; Close is Weak V CHICAGO, April 17 (AP) Abrupt falling oft in speculative demand for wheat led to tower prices late today. . p -t ? - Brokers said curtailment of transactions made the day's total business the smallest In the last fortnight. Professional and non professional traders were both Ap parently awaiting more- definite details as to what the inflation and . farm commodity bills at Washington would finally Include. Wheat closed weak at almost the day's bottom figures. 4-l under yesterdays finish, corn 4 1 down. oat. off. Today'. Closing Quotations: - , I Wheat: May. 7e-U: Jnlr. 7-; Sept, $H.4; Dec, 7ll Corn: May, Sttt-tt: July. il- 7s-37; Sept, 18: Dee 40 Vs. Oau: May, July. - Bept, 24-24 H. General Markets pkodtcx EXCHAsan POBTLAKO, Ora, April 87. (AP) Prodae ezeaasrs. set nrtess: Battar. az- tret 23e. staadarda 82 U. prim firsts 21 He. firsts lie. Tan, Irak extra 16e, saediaais 15c. Portland , Grain "1 POBTLAJTD. Ora, April 17. (APV Whaa' UiS Lev Close May, aev 57 56H 51 67 lt 66 suy.ele J air 69 69 69 SaptcsiBer .,,60 o eo so - Cash wheat Na. 1 Big Brad bluestma 66 H: dark hard winter. 18 per cent 68. 11 per ccdI 63; soft white, hart winter Bonnere. eprinr, wcaters white. Osts No. a white $23. Cora No. 2E yellow 820.S0. MUirma sUndard.$17J0. Portland . Produce POKTLAXD, Ore April 27. AP) oatier mats, extras 25e, lta cards Batterfat Porllsa delivery. "A1 grade 23 poasd. (.(CO -Paofia Paaitr Pr-mn' ulL lag prices: Overuse 17c, extras 16c, mix ed colors 15e, saediaais 15c Baying price ef whoiesslars: Preaa entreat roceipts. M peaaas saa ap x-iz,s Seaaa. Cob a try ssaats tteiuag price te retail ers: Ceaatry kille bar, best batewerc, nader 150 pooads 5 ; vealer SO ta 1O0 pound 7-8e: spriag Isaibs le-lSe, yosrUags 10-lle, heavy ewes 4-Se, caa- aor cows Ht-J. bail -. hau Uragos wstsau lb ise pessd. peaaaia lus. tirsaiis II !, alaieeds ls- lec, m Dirt zo zza. peesas 10. . Caseara bark Baying priea. 1933 3-3 He pound. Bops SoBiaaL 1932, 29-3 lc Live poultrr baying once: Heavy bobs, eoiorea, peaaas 18; Co sdi mss 11c; light 10-11; spriag tight 14c, nesTj ice; oia rootters ot docks. Pe- kisg broilers 1718c. eld 12c, colored Union rJUIltat price to retailors: Or fm 0e-$1.10 cental, Yakima eipanlah 75- eoe eraie. new eaioas, Ttx Bersmdss sx. sv-paaad crate. Potato Local. 5 75 orange bos: Deachstea Cm $1.50-1.60; de Bakers Yakima 6em $1.25-1.45. Nw potstoes Texs 4-5c Strawberria Los Anreies 12s $1, mw sve s erst. Wool 131 clip, nominal; Willamette vsuey. il ls sonaa. ossUra Oregon 10 It. Mehalr Xsminal baying price, 1913 enp, e Hay Baying orlce frees srodi AUsUa $14-15, clovar $11. oatUra Ors- goa timothy $14.50-15. ets ssd vstcb Portland Livestock 1 PORTLAND, Ore- April 27. (AP) lame -Keeeipu SO, calve 10; (teady. Steer. 650-tH0 lb good, S4.85-5.25 medium. $4-4.85; com Hum, 83-4: 80O- 1100 lbs good $4.25-5.25; mediam. 64 4.85; eammoa, $3-4; 1100-1300 U4 good, $4.25-5; modi am. 83-4.25. Heifer. 650- 750 lb good, 84.25-4.50; cotnmea-medi- wm, 93.oo-4.3a 7S0-S00 lna.. good-choice, $4-4.50; eommoa-mediam. S3. 50-4. Cowa. food. 33.50-$.76; cenuBoa-mediaa $2.50- SS.ov; low - cat ter sad cntter, fl 3.50. Ball, yesrlisg xelnded, good, (beef). $2.50-8.00; catter-medinm. 810- 3.50; vealen, good-choice. $5.00-6.00; media, $4.25-5.00; call-commoa, $2.60 4.85 ; calf ss 250-500 lbs- goed-cbeice. a -..uw-u.w ; naan aMin (i,v-.vw, J Hogs Receipts 450; steady. i Meg Reeeipte 450; steady. . Light light. i4-i6o rb good-choice. $8.50-4.35: lightweight. 140-180 lb, $4. - 35-4.35; B0-30e ib(- $4.85-4,35; medi am weight. 300-820 lbs- $3.75-4.85; 220 250 n $3.50-4.25; heavyweight. 250 290 U $3.86-4.15; 200-850 lb, $8.35 4.00: parking sews, 875-850 lbs., gaod, $3.25-3.85; 850-425 lb- 83.35-A7S; i(.IIKA lk- ( 1 OC. -C K C IV- - V N, -. I. .O. I II , mednnK, Sl.OO-6,50; feeder aad atockor pir. 70 110 lbs- stted-cbeiea. 82.75-S.75. : Sheep ssd lambs Reeeipte SO; steady. i ' Bmriag lamba, choice S 0-6. 50. seed $5.60-6, seediest $4-5.50. Lamb. $0 lbs. dewa. goed-ehlees $4-4.50. cemBea-sedl- m $8-4: 00-88 veead. good-choice 84- 4.35; yearling wethers, 90-110 lb, good Chelee. $3.00-8.60; medium $3.00-3.00; ewe. 9O-110 lbs- good -choice. $3.26-8.- 60; 120-15O lbs- S2.OO-2.50; su weights commoa-meaiaam. si.w-z.oe. 10:30 Hotel -Mark Bepklas erekoetra, KBQL - -r . ... - - 21:00 Ambssssdsr Betel erckeitrs. XBC 11 :bo Orgaa eonrert, jibc. . . . J XOnr Pettlaadi 040 Ke. a-.wA rsT1sr -P-f-v V, 10 loo Mario. IdtCe Presek Priaecu CBS $0:15 Hostess ef t-e Air. i S :00 Pesaiais Psneiss, DLBS. 6:30 F.dwiarO. Hill, CES. . ' 7:80 Black Bin, f.T. 6:00 Bedding White, tenor."" " :0O Bed Bos Bevwa, K.T. 10:05 Florito's orckeatrs, DX-BS. 11:00 Base City Beavers, t ; . Hi to Raise Cane" vpea S7 ADVANCES Salem Markets i Grade B .raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, S1.SO per hundred. .. v - 1 Surplus 95c i (lfll fcstes a aiterfs! average.) tUj , " Butt erf at Top 22 c, prints ZSHc, cmhea 21Hc Ft lees saii t gresrm t Sslesi .sayers Apm xi (Tae Slices ate. saspIieS sv a leeal greeer. sre iaeieauve ef taa dslls aaarkvt It ere so rasraatarS Tk Uataamaal rauiz aim veqstaxlbs Striag seass. la vk. - .11 Artiekekas. .99 :"".MHm, ' o, V Liil. dea. , .70 . -z-rrr. ? Z Km" I Cabbi Csbsage. Is. . Oaims, dea. beabea Petatoes, Ysaisis He. 8 1 oa .75 U 1.00 rieriaa. saw , Svaea potatoes, ersts Lattnee. Calif. .3.15 U 3.25 , . , AS ., , u , .8S J M .03 2.55 3.00 Oaten a. Walls Walla . Lab iio, cwt. PsraBipe. hassred BliBbars. local CaUrv. Calif. ii crate Maxicaa Tesisteas Applas WinMspa. taacy . .00 .1.40 . .50 . -90-.1.JS Extra faaer Xawtovas. 0 grade rancr Extra fancy Caaiif lawer. Cslif, crate . Oraages. P.p. , , - -. .1.25 .1.50 U L76 .8.00 te 4.00 .60 raaey Baets. Calif dos. Taraipi, Ch crate a Spiaaca. Calif, rraU - .3.00 . .05 Baaaaaa. la. aa stock . Uaads - .05 Strawberries. 13-box crate, ik. l.SO .90 .eo 1.40 Celery hearts, dot. Malta rd greeni Cseasibr8 i to Pineapple, retail 20 te .30 HOPS Top, lPS21b. .33 Top, 1931. lb. .24 BOOB Baylns Prices Extra Staadarda , Mediums .18 .18 .11 POUXTBY. Old roosters - .04 .11 .09 OS .10 Colored bene Medium hen Light bea. Spring bfZAT 1938 iprlag lamb Lsmbs. ess i s ia 9M 4.10 8.85 .04 te .04 f .01 le .03 .02 te .03 .03 to .02 .06 Bog, top , first csts Steers Heifers BalU Dressed veal, top Pressed bag . CS a haii iso ui vTheat. weatars red : .65 White. Me. 1 . .65 Bariey. top, toa 16.00 te 20.00 Oats, toa 20.00 to 25.00 Hap. boylac sHcoo Oats sad rotas, toa 15.00 AlfaUa, sslley. lit coU 1S.OO Eattera Oregoa , , 0 Clver bsy 13 00 to 14.00 WOOL Mediam .18 .10 . .05 .01 .04 Coarse - Mohair . OABCABA BABX Greea. Tb. Dry, lb. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 193.1. Standard Statistics Ca.) APKIli 7 ! STOCK AVBBAOBS 60 20 -0 90 Ind'l KB's Ct's Total Today 64,7 90.S 74.1 6L1 Previous day 5.3 31.8 74.5 01.7 jeTrVg. S year a go 65.0 29. S TS.S BZ.l 47.4 2S.S 82.4 49.S go 190.6 134.1 ZSJ.S Z01.B- High 133 66.8- S1.9 S5.S 62UI J.OW 1933 42. S 2 J. 9 61.3 4J. High 1933 72.3 89.8 111.0 73.S Low 1933 S5.1 13.S al.S S.0 BOVD AVKZAOES 20 2 Ind'ls RS's 62.S 61.0 so eo Ct's Total 75.8 .7 I T day PrevioB day 62.5 .61.5 75.B 66.6 Week ago 61.7 "57JI 74.4 78.6 08.7 85.3 74.1 S6.S 70.S 64.5 Tesr sg 60.1 6S.s 67.5 S yesrs are , 04.2 105.S 99.S High 1939 es.i e.T Iw 1033 S8.S 57.0 72.0 63.6 78.1 High 19-33 . T1.S 78.0 LOW 19SS .! 4T.4 57.5 I w f y f I H mpT -IrTZMlP . Of I WOUC Wf Western Wools Show Advance BOSTON. April 27. (AP) - The finer grades of western grown wools have advaneed steadily for two days. Bulk French combing (4s and finer territory wools In original bags hare sold freely at 47.60 scoured basis and now few lots are available ander SO. Bet ter than 61 has been reported on good staple lines. Choieo new Ar izona wools navs soia at ai-oz scoured basis for efforts gs ot good French combing aad average strictly combing staple tn original Hare. .Average 12-months Texas woTU have realized SO sconreed basis. with good wools held higher. Graded strictly combing St, 0a territory wools. bar sold at SO scoured Basis." T 0k. J CURTAILED ONE CENT Epgs Also Gain; Veal Down; ' California Berries due Butterfat climbed another cent yesterday to make the second sim ilar raise in less than a week. The new top la 22 cents. Eggs are also up a cent, to 1 cents on ductras. Dressed veal dropped - back e. noteb. ' to six cents a 'pound- Grains remained unchanged. First of . the Fresno strawber ries will probably be received here . today, and will sell around two boxes for 2S cents. These berrfea are of considerably better quality than the Los Angeles berries which have been on the market here, and tor , which demand has been dull. - t - Pineapples are more plentiful, and retail from 20 to 20 cents, de pending upon size. , ' - ,i SHIFTS E BY KJTW YORK. April. 27- (AP) C t a dwindling turnover, stocks , aad frequent shifts of trend to- the 'net result being small ' losses' for most leaders. - Allied Chemical - slumped S points as an aftermath of the stock exchange's action In concep tion with the company's report'. Consolidated Gas, whose dividend was reduced to an annual basts of 13.40 compared with 1 4 previous ly, met covering by shorts. TJ. S- Steel, American Telephone. Westlnghonse, General Motors. Union Carbide. North American. New York Central." Santa Fe and Pennsylvania were narrowly ' changed at the close, though most ly lower. TJ. S. Smelting, International Silver and Cerro de Pasco Copper finished higher. American Tobac co "B" dipped 2 points. Sales to taled 1.881.175 shares. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE On Saturday the th day ot May. 1932. at ten o'clock A. M. at the West door cf the Court House, In Salem. I will sell at pub- lie auction to the highest bidder for cash, all tho right, title and Interest of the within named de fendants In and to the following described real property situated in Marion County. Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 290 feet Easterly from the'polnt ot in tersection of the Sooth line of Hood Street with the West line of McCoy Avenue in the City of Salem. Marion Coun ty. Oregon. On an Easterly ex tention ot said South line of Hood Street from said begin- ning point, and extending thence Easterly on' the same line to the Westerly lino ot the property ot the S. P. Rail- i road Company; thence South erly along the Westerly line of the Railroad property to a line 87 feet Southerly from' and parallel with the' North line above described; thence Westerly along said last' de- scribed line to a line 290 feet T ? Easterly from and parallel with the Westerly line ot Mc Coy Avenue; thence North erly parallel with McCoy Ave nue 87 feet to ther place ot beginning. This sale Is made by virtue ot an execution foreclosure and order of sale Issued out ot the Circuit Court ot tho State ot Oregon for Marion County, to me directed la the case ot Mutual Savings and Loan Association, a corporation Plaintiff vs. . Nellie K. Woolery. Karl a" Becke, and Helen Lovell Becke; his wife. Defendants. A. C. BUItK. Sheriff of Marlon County. Oregon. By W. RICHARDSON. Deputy. A7-14-21-2S M S FREQUEI W NOTICE OF ATPOIXTMENT OF EXECUTRIX Notice Is hereby given that tho . undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for. the Conn- : ty ot Marlon, as executrix of tho last will and testament land -estate ( ot Susan McMunn. deeeased, and . that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons-having " claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to I present the same, duly verified, AO me, saiem, k. t. u. b, jsanon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, i Dated at -Salem. Oregoa. this 14th day of April. 1933. ELLA McMUNN. Executrix ot the last will and tee- -. tamest and estate of 8 wan Mc- Miaa. deceased. - - ., R. J.. HENDRICKS, . Attorney tor Executrix. - Salem. Oregon. A-14-21-28-M-5-12 By CLIFF STERRETT HERE. HERCULES.' TRV-R , TUSKS ON THiaAN' LEVE aaA a a a f t.