-i - : I ; r,- ; Accident Insurance Toa cannot afford to be vwIthout the Travel and Traf fic Accident Insurance which -is issued to Statesman anb acribers for only $1 a year. ; . tie 2 v- t' n o ? ; ! Partly dowdy and ! cooler .' today aad Saturdays Max. Temp. Thursday T6, alia. 41, river ; 43 feet, dear, aorta, wind. : PfiUNOSD 1031 - t. EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Jlorninff, April 28, 1933 .No. 28 -JUDGE DRAGGED :i fi!!D CHOKED BY . URUTE FfiiEBS ,r .... Refusal to Swear, he Will Sign no - Foreclosures Cause of Attach Noose Placed :Aboui Neck After Jurist isVTaken To Rural District . T.KMARS. IaV April 87 (AP A crowd of more than 100 farmen late today dragged Vte trlct Judge Charles C Bradley from lila court room, - siappea him, carried him blindfolded In a tmck to a cross roads a mile from here, put a rope around bis neck, choked him until be . waa only partly conscious; smeared grease on bis face, and stole bis trousers. The abduction . occurred . after .the iudre bad refused to swear be would sign no more farm mort- rare foreclosures, Shortly after 4 p. m., the farm ers to discuss Nip pon Arm ies -Mass For New Attack Say Foes; No Wit hdrawal Cessation of Fighting Mere Lull; Infantry is Advancing Behind Smoke Screen; Chinese Regain Some of Disputed Ground ' TIENTSIN, April 28 Friday (A?) Contrary to 'wide spread reports that Japanese and Manchulcuan troops were withdrawing entirely to the north of the great wall, lat est developments today seemed to indicate the Japanese were concentrating their great wall forces in the vicinity, of Kupeikow. . : ' - O Kupeikow is a pass through the great wall approximately f miles To Return Today Roosevelt and Herriot get Nowhere on Payments; Otherwise Agreed DF WEST IS E northeast of Pelplng, the seat of the North China gorernment. ' : r The object of the concentration of the forces near the pass was bellered to be to smash the re sistance of the Chinese In that Tlcinlty. Japanese military leaders here indicated that the recent cessation in fighting near Kupeikow was a "mere lull." - Japanese infantry - was how said to be attempting to adranee behind smoke-screen, while ar- in nnMoutin mnAUn iitii tlllery and airplanes continued to ddtut aiior d. i . rr- I t... .v . . . entered the Judge's courtroom i filled the auditorium ef the Amer- BatfeaMa vwnese. Wim uun " y . I iPTiPvrcm rtvi .v.k ... 4..rn.ii.A th eoa- a wen-baianced and wea-preseni-i .viaP z -mdSonalltV ot two Tnew laws re- ed ' program last night by the layTchinese military ?!SS?a tJSwLm oreclosnre "Choir of the West", a student toa? toar claimed their forces iha ?uo reo?estT them io organlzaUon of the Pacific Lu- had occupied Peltalho and . Jn.dAft.-rtltt.!$t thtran colleee. Tacoma. Wash. CWnwangUo. east of the Lwan wai v a wty innir iimik auu lu ssbwa v - . a,sa,v vaa, - 40 Reoort but Toothbrush m...ik!.. -f-t I' r ueorze w. lairer. capitoi Ul OUMICUIUIU utUMliy, physician who was called to the house office building and ordered the former gorernor of Oregon to the hospital after an examination, a - M a a m & neligibles Swarm; Local ISm J . ColIecUon June 15 1$ Idea Call Awaited, Ustina Jf.ffifi - 0' Administration; to row,' althdugh he might be kept la the hospital another day. : The Oregon representatire at tended today's house Program of Lutheran College :. Group '.Balanced and -Well Presented smoking. Jndge Dragged from v S- - ' JZZZT'Zl: and spring season. The choir's fine work made the I riTer following upon continued erening's concert another one of ewwuon oy Japanese ana Man the musical erents of the winter I cliukuan troops of the newest bat ue sone souin or tne great wall. of S6 mm : a V. , VAMlM. ' 1na4 fm avtif LI.-..7.;imi,ftdn young men and women of the s!!i"d5Af,S LKUctqpl Presented three groups of niEmcus PEACE SAFEGUARD f vv .!vTOU;JT Ta. cVed numbers. Outstanding lobby of the courthoMe, and onto wero -Three Kings" by Romeu thelawn. n j, .... with Anna Mikkelsen, soloist, and There they demanded that be n. cs.ii tmii tii. vmv h "swear" not to sign any more HandeL The Russian prayer -Gos- xorecioaure acwona. - "6 " I podl Pomllul- by LvoTSky was fa ler. about 0. defied the crowd I .nr.t,i. r-vi it wa vhn ff-ISlffUSS:, nere rsently Eoene No Chance for Success in , . n i utaemen. eeTerai selections ger- V to glre the oath, the farmers, I mane j, Lutheran denomlna- 1 most of whom were masked, load- tlon were especial farorltes of J ed the bilnaroided juage into ajthe listeners. - truck, "climbed in behind bim and j jjlss Mikkelsen, with a dear carried; him away. At a cross road j lyrie soprano, presented a group i about - one mile southeast of le i of three numbers. Joseph O. sd- Mars, they put a rope around his I wards, youthful and able directoi X ' neck, a witness related, and re-1 of the choir, appeared also as a ; : peated their demandfv Xhte Judge planQ soloist, with group f still refused and ene of the-farm-l three dlTerae umbers...,-,:. j Refuses to Pray: , ' . I the Willamette valley Include con- i.-iX Finally Released " r ; T I certs booked for Albany and Au- Jndra Bradler fell, onlr nartlr rora. . Mrs. Lora B. Kreiaier is conscious but stUl refusing , to I matron of the organisation and eomnlr with tha demands, the! Clifford Olson is acting manager. witness said. The farmers drag-1 - Locally the eholr was presented War if United States , Opposes, Feeling 1 mm GENEVA, April a7(AP) The opinion was exnreaaed In d la- Mars, they put a rope around his j wards, youthful and able director I armament conference circles to night that, in view of recent de- Teiopmenu in tne united states, any -aattoa-electlng to start war will hare no chance for suc cess If America throws her eco nomic , and ""financial . forces against ware of war : senti ment. Norman H. DaTls.-the Amerl- IEST CORPS iiciiTioc Walt Pierce In Hospital; SuadehlyUl WASHINOTON, April IT AP) Representatire Walter Pierce (DrOfe.) was remoTed to I the naral hospital tonight after becoming ill ; at his office. His condition was described as in no ; way critical, v TARIFF. PEACE mus Figk Rages hi BUT HOT DEBTS mi Endeavorersit Eugene Meeting; Welcomes Heard Of Names Goes on Negotiate Later, PORTLAND. Ore.. April 17 EUGENE, Ore., April ST . n -rk i t m il. session I (Ap) France and the United I MrA aannal eonTentlon of the (AP) - Apparently caught by rC,,lT laauS .mi i.t. Fran6 n1 tne United iro luw cwrnuos 01 we surprUe at the suddenness of the I?i tfZ tJj?,-LUl! v, I States reached understanding to- Oregon Chrlstiaa Endearor Union call, young Portland men eligible V. " "iVZ aBt. Ior ana on. ine were started here tonight. The for enroUment In the drllian I. Vi. v 2v7, . " - . VI I Prmcipiea or aiaarmaoiem ana conserraUon corps today failed " n. w V yyl MAAAUAU( Ml lUIMUV tlons, and not one recruit was passed through the army recruit- j lng office here where physical examinations are to be made. With mobilization of Oregon's first contingent to be called In accordance with President Roo sevelt's program to put ISO. 000 I men to work on forest, projects 0.-E.WBAH1 PASSENGER SERVICE President Rooserelt and M. Herriot, the French enroy, In con- eluding their conTersauons in eonTentlon will close Bun day. Election of officers Is scheduled to be held Saturday. E. G. Harlan, secretary of the chamber of. commerce, tonight spirit of mutual enthusiasm took welcomed the delegates on behalf up the delicate war debts issue but postponed any effort to reach an understanding ' It became definitely . known. that no deal for the December 15 payment still owed by the French was proposed and no offer was 25? .J?fl JSS: Request is Before Utilities tk. w-Sunt on the m of the city, and the Rer. Milton 8. Weber, general conrentlon chairman, on behalf of. the churches, the committee) and the Lane county unions. Dr. Perry C Hopper of Portland, delivered the principal address tonight. - President Gets Power .To Devaluate but " v Vote put off , Amount of Silver t5 . a . - m pe . Accepted on Debt Raised emy aoout 40 young v men re sponded, and all these had left home without sufficient supplies to go directly to the conditio lng camp at Vancouver, Wash., bar racks. They were told to return home and report again Commissioner; Status Of Freight Unknown Oregon Electric company of- tomor-1 flclals are considering abandon- stallment due June IB. Administration for Collection June 15 The administration attitude on the debts was declared. to be for collection of the June IK install ments and for consideration of HOPS 1M 1-2 III BI6 DEAL TIIUFISDVt' roT7 morning. i ment of their last passenxer downward rarlalon of tba debt On the other hand, more than! train being operated between agreements after the London eco- 300 men showed up at Vancou-1 Portland and Eugene, it was an- nomic conference convening in var Rarracka tn tiAMi nt h.inr I nouneed Tester av at the off ica I Jane. - . r i : -r . . . - i . ... . . i a .... m i wuuiu b uiius BiKrcuwir accepted In the corps. But every ue sute uuiiuee commission in jubilant spirit, M. Herriot UrOVYeT nOlOinQS UOWn Withe president, rather than ittaaaiaAd a i i , - - - a - one of them was married and I nere. For several months the emphasised to newspapermen to- older than the age limit specified. I company has run but one passen-1 night that the "proposed draft of Only single men between the Sr train each way daily through soiuuons to do maae upon our ages of 18 and 25 are eligible at here. outstanding problems" must be present. Railway officials recently ask- tken Dck for official action by r ..i.t... I ed CM. Thomas, utility com-1 nis government. neceaaarr ta flU a formal annll-of the Urlft truce to be enforced penuwa; ui woria economic par- WASHINGTON, April IT (AP) The administration's eeb trolled inflation project became ensnarled In a Tigorous seaen.e dispute over the soldiers' bebus tonight after the chamber bad voted to give President Reese velt power to devaluate the lol- -lar. So . threatening was . the pre bonus " sentiment that democra tic leaders abandoned plane tor a vote tonight on that Issue, and on the inflation program as a whole, and adjourned to make a surrey of how 'the ballots will be east. Support was attracted to the bonus project offered as ea amendment to the inflation lob ulation b Senator Roblaso (R. Ind.). by a modification un der which payment of the bonne would be made discretionary with man- t 6273 Bales; Numerous Sales at 30-31 o at the recruiting office here to make the examinations and food, clothing and shelter were in The hop market bit a new high yesterday with 2S2 bales changing hands at 22 cents per pound. A new high for 1121's datory. Deva nation Claaee Tote ta Favorable Approval of the devaluation clause, under which Mr. Roose velt would be authorised to re duce the dollar's gold content by as much as SO per cent, climaxed a long and bitter fight, in which cation be for abandon moot at it uuuiuie uu auciier were in i - " 1 1 readiness at Vancouver Barracks. i6. Jhomas advis- . ., ... " w n-0 recorded, with 24 cents W" republicans led by Sena- ea ine oiuaais mac suen ."" "! """" Mu w. o - .! n v.i I tor Reed (R. Pa. soncat to eliminate the section. Just before the vote. Senator Glass of Virginia, a former de mocratic secretary of the treas ury, arose to take issue with the inflation legislation, expressiaz expected tomorrow, was not necessary11 b Stites.Tc. by Seavey tor II bale, own- len l!r1hl vnnnrl course) uo .necessary Dol I .... ... . Li v vr.r ...vn e.iu ..-. ' ... . . -' uvrtmA Ihnt tiiaw writ 1 I an aiiaca npon (Be economic I w "t 4'"- . - -" ' T . . ' T I in, tW jilt a wiiioi. k. ... I rrrui Miuuier itenneii aiacnsa- I -" ipwm uuiuui. w pleyment office are scheduled to n Ah. lng for several hours the Question bales. ii wramaj. I . VvT ir.i" 1 01 tariff reciprocity. I Durbln and Cornoyer sold 109 ! v.. .i. v.i.. -r, m Stillawalting word as to when I '. al?"SlT - flrtl I eItbrlxit: North American na- Lachmund sold 181 bales at the ina b5 fhooi? p" Marion, county's . contingent for Z 't, " Zt' ",T. "VJ-TTi -,7 tIon on the purposes to be sought I same flgurj to Horst Other sales tcaiUCI"' the forest conserration I post notices at Its several sta . . . . 1 r ..w w v. W . I A, A MMAMKf I . . . J... TT. v ii.j -o.m r. . x. I tlons giving the date on which I .i..t.,i. t. I .v.,, 7 here yesterday proceeded JV.,Z7:,J v " ur proved trade between the two from Elmon at SOU cents; Urea- f 111 u"uoas. wnca lisUng the name, of youn, W ttl. , lories, .was predicted. ley and compdny. II bale, from to " Budreau. 11 cents: 108 bales It "I'm simply malntalnlas . the attitude of my earnest eonvle- men to fill the county Quota of raA ha 4n1a-a tn lila foot rirtAf I Under the aUSPiCes Of the Amtrl fV. mmf.tanM .tui4ii Mmmlt.l dnrtttl A iirfntnk li.n . I Bf 'rSWl'W' U . .. T jm iv. t " ---'-- I I hl ers with hlm to the side of the road and , Lutheran church ana tne threw the loose end of the rope Christ Lutheran church. State over a sign. ' V.V,-v' 'treet, congregations of both "Maki him get down on his njujrui5 vw? Viipm an1 nrar." nn f tha farm-1 " wcbiu iui juiui iutoiuii, Officials ' of the railroad in formed Thomas that, the pas sen- dwindled far below the cost of providing ser- V- !.. TTJ 0.... ..... .. ... .. I ww W " " il -IT - .r::-.. Kir.;r " v No information was avail- era shouted. The Judge was pushed to his knees and declared: "I will do the fair thing to all men to the best of my knowl edge.' One of the farmers removed a hub cap from a nearby truck, partly filled with oil and placed it i v. en the fudze's head. The oil and NW 'i grease ran down his face as tarm- erg threw dirt which stuck to the ) OIL The farmers removed the Judge's trousers and filled them with dirt, then drove off, leaving the begrimed jurist standing in the middle of the road. Several of The Day in Washington By the Associated Press Senate voted to retain Presi dent's gold dollar devaluating , authority In Inflation measure and adjourned to surrey how : ballots will be cast on amend ment by Robinson (R Ind.) to pay soldiers bonus. security against war, thus end- lng a movement to adjourn the ! conversations pending definite announcements as to what the i various nations will do on .vital Questions. The delegates await precise de clarations by Mr. Davis as to just what the United States will do to strengthen the peace ma chinery. The opinion was heard that if mm CASE JUROR FIGURE IN TRABEDY able as to. whether the freight service will be abandoned. Records of the utility commis sion show that at one time the Oregon Electric Railway com pany operated 10 passenger trains each way between Port land and Eugene. 1111 BLACK PLEADS HOT GUILTY, DALLAS. ST. PAUL, April 27 (AP)- Am erica aeoaee upon a real plan i r.ri .aih.i t Mittnnt r for outlawing an aggressor na- M.. .... ,VAiin nul i v ... m. L" m I tT.fo.nay maTl -frauTlal I ar" Vr:". PortUnd and I l T "when he will be DALLAS. April 2 Hugh G. Bus serrlea I Blaek, former Polk county elerk. and privaU vehicle travel were Pleaded not guilty in circuit court said to have caused the gradual here-today to tour charges re curtailment of rail transporta- turned against him by the grand tl01La jury early this week. He was ar nnw Affiiia tnA A a. ralgned this afternoon before tlfy Thomas when the proposed Jaf - Hlllsboro. from- Hovenden, 20 H cents; 19 bales from Kraxberger, 20 cents; Bishop, 27 bales from Miller, SI cents. Spring work in the hop yards is just well, under way. Crews are .aow busy twining in most yards, though some few are training the vines. Downy mildew - is making in roads too heavy to please the grower, and in yrrds vines are being cut back to combat this pest. President Roosevelt and Edou- fered him a ride, -whieh he re- Herriot of France reached un- fused. derstanding on tariff truce pend ing world economic conference. Representative Lnndeen (F Ll, 3Ilnn.) filed petition to force bonus payment vote after Pat, man (D., Tex.) agreed te delay similar move pending senate action. STATEHOUSE FEUD ToniEsoo;i Lindberghs Halt In Arizona Town KINGMAN. Ariz.. April 17 tAf) jol ana mk. tnane- a.i Scnite banking committee ap- 1 1.K.r,)i fWlnv M fhft PaAfffal . . ... . ,m , . m (mounUIn standard time) tor Lalea. - BS??".?? A.. -I' iB! night and said they would spend! a - Vlce-Fresldent Matthew Wou Renewal of the Einrig-Meler- Holman controversy was expected next week at the statehouse. when it was leaped yesterday that the state treasurer would propose at the next board of eontrol meet- was written tonight with the find lng of the bodies of Mrs. Gene vieve Clark, the juror. Daniel Clark, her husband and two eons, Rowland, 10 and Dean, 7. Huddled together in their car, the tour met death apparently from monoxide gas, and a search that had extended over several northwest states and Canada since Monday ended. A hose leading from the ex haust pipe of the car had been placed in the tonneau. All win dows were tightly shut. Eugene would become effective. returned egat him ... I by the grand Jury Tuesday, a Lducators May IrL" Mtaatintr 12211.42 which it Is alleged he wu-w ''--"C annronriated for his own use De cember 21, 1122. He was released NEW YORK, April 27 (AP) As a protest against-Chicago's failure to pay its school teachers, a group of educators, including Dr. John Dewey, petitioned the National Education association to cancel Its convention in Chicago in July. the night here, leaving for Los Angeles, their destination, tomor row. - The colonel decided to re main here tonight after receiv in r reports of bad weather ahead. - - of American Federation of La bor opposed before house labor committee Secretary Perkins' plan for federal control of . wages. , T ' Cooking School Closing - ' rw '' -T .f'"""'" JL Afl " ? Holman dislikes Einilg and has I today. Death was Today; Interest is (rood xzz?, hsirsjf'sf- with the schedule passed by the 19 S3 legislature. Einxlg was hired for 17000 by the board. His salary was then reduced 30 pec cent to $4900. The supreme court ruled the 19 33 law set all salaries back to the rate paid for the work on December 31, 1930. At that time Carl Abrams was secretary of the board and received nually. Noted Contractor Dies Forest Fire Season on Wool Dealers Reassured Banks Taken to Eugene on his own recognizance on two of the charges -and bail was set I at $1000 each on the other two. Bond was furnished by Eugene Hayter and Everett Gwinn. His attorney in the case Is Oscar Hay ter. - Polk county has made formal demand upon the surety company unaer wnicn Black was bonded to return the money to make up the snortage. . DANIEL KERN CALLED PORTLAND, Ore., April 27 f AP) Daniel Kern. 75, proml- $4200' an- Inent contractor of the Pacific r I northwest, died at his home here Holman dislikes Eintlg and has today. Death was pronounced due Food at ever so many local par-1 ties , is going to be unusually de lightful in the future and even the desserts and salads at home are going to take. on the gay flavor of parties, it the attendance at the second session of the Safeway Stores homemakers bureau three day "course in kltcheneering" yes terday afternoon is any Indicator. For the many who came, saw and were conquered by the de- tights - revealed by Mrs. Marian Spencer, the bureau's home econ omist, were obviously Ipoking for ward with keen ' anticipation to early opportunities to . put their new knowledge Into use. As they filed out of the armory they. were unanimous In their expressions, of pleasure and just which , novel recipe won the most favor would be difficult to decide. Perhaps it was the coffee-choc olate cake, which mar be a. little i hard to picture but which is cer tainly not difficult either to make or to enjoy. Perhaps it wa- the ginger ale salad, a. gay mixture f pineapple, celery, olives, pine apple juice, cayenne pepper and ginger ale, all made firm and highly edible by the addition of many years a Governor Meier is exnected to Inartner of the late John Klernan. angel food cake, which waa just a hold'that EInsig should not be re- and their company built the Co little different from other angel duced below. $4200. Adjustment lumbla river Jetties and several food cakes in several respects, and of the salary below that point Is railroads in the western states. It particularly in that it offered the optional with the board. Seere- built breakwaters at several Pa surprising and apparently wel- tary of the 8tate Boss, who will cifle northwest - ports. including come addition of raisins. It was prooaniy nave the deciding vote, I Grays Harbor, coo. Bay, sanaon shown, too, bow this cake and the J is away this week at Taft and has I and Taqulna bay. Kern was also not expressea a is siana on tne I lnteresiea in snipping aaji me point where he can make a living return will not be inimical to wool operators in Oregon, Senator McNary stated In a wire received today by C M. Bishop of the Port land chamber of commerce's spe cial committee on the wool industry. "Ran dell, who la handling the wool - situation - tor Morganthau coffee-chocolate cake went econ omically hand in hand In the mat ter of eggs. There - must have been those. too, who would have given an en thusiastic first prize to the pine apple hamettes, the recipe for which involved, in addition to me usual .combination of pineapple and ham, such surprising elements a milk and mustard, pepper and sweet potatoes, ' salt, doves and marshmallows. And what a nappy result it achieved in the end there are many who will be willing to testify. matter. Rites are Today For Edwin Jones ; lumber business. 'He " was born in Menominee, Mich., September 12, 1811, and had lived in Oregon since 1876. SOUTH OF HXLLSBORO HILLSBORO. Ore April 27 - - Tr --- - I Aj Tniny men were ruaoea Native Of ValleV I to & timber tract eight miles south ' TTHI.Vam Awttrtw a 1srVf nv1 Vk UllsWViV IVUiaus sv aaa a mwmm is believed to be, the first forest Funeral services for Edwin Jones 111 inU ,u8i will be held at - the Shelburn The flames, swirling through a church on Friday. April 28. at IZJJ and : were progressing virtually unchncked at latest i report. A stiff 'north wind was driving the Caka nillara and icin came in Miller, cemetery at Shelburn.. for their stare of the afternoon, I He was born March 2 8, 186 8, tne: what with n-feaUva cake fill- Bear Jordan, and passed away at ," Vv?.r,r Inr that was said to improve even I his home April 25 at 10 pjn. at I Tk. um.wn fir. M.nartmMt angel food and a seven-minute the age oi : 77 Tears, lie is sur- ,ent .ppamtns to the aid of. the cnocoiate lcmg-wnicn seemea dio i neu bj "su "ifire fighters, te- prove its claims even to the I ter, Mrs.' R.-M.' Russell of Al-1 e . satisfaction of the most icing-crit ical male. Another feature of the after- gelatin.-. Orr perhaps, it was the r: - (Tutm to page 2, coL 1) bany; also bne sister,' Mrs. Ella Mulkey of McMinnvUle, and two brothers. George- and ""Frank Jones of - McMinnvUle. WONT BE HAMPERED PORTLAND. Ore., April 27 (AP) A plan to get the price of wool up tor the producer to the Lights Removed; Downtown Part Of CityGlodmy uowntown saiem went par tially dark last night as the city council light committee's econ omy edict was made fully effec tive by the Portland Electric Power company. All duster lights, excepting those on cor ners, remained dark. During the day the power company had re moved light bulbs and the outer Patchwork QwlU Patterns to Rtm In The Statesman In these days of S3, women are following their mothers la revival of the old art ef making patch work quote. ... If yon have not already begun this interesting avo cation, your friends have, and yon have noticed how mnch fan it waa and hew their home were Improved with the attractive, useful quilts these women made. To supply the need for patterns for qwilta The Statesman next Tuesday and quite regularly there after will run n variety ef patchwork quilt pattern de signs. If the patterns are desired, in addition'' to the design, they -may be had for n nominal fee. '- Watch for the first quilt pattern next week! party or potentate." Accept Mere Silver On Earopean Debt A decision to increase the amount of war debt payment to be accepted in silver-under the legislation was . readied late in the day by democratic leaden. who agreed to raise the bum from $100,000,000 to flOO.OIO.- .00. Then Republican Senator Rob- a number ef I vT-T. II Tr" Tr zl inflation legislation, which, in turn is pending as a rider to the administration farm relief bUL - He accepted the modification at the suggestion of ' Senator Long CD. La.) After the senate adjourned. the democratic leader, Reblesen of Arkansas, announced the pre aident was opposed te attach lng the bonus to the la nation legislation. .'.- ; Doney to Visit At Eugene Home Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. president of Willamette university, today will ro to Eugene to visit at lb bedside of Mrs. R. A. Booth, whv is seriously 111 there. He expects to return tonight.' . Mr. and Mrs. Booth are among the local university's chief bene factors. For many years Mr. Booth baa been a member ef the board of trustees: he has contrib uted to the university in teeny ways and also donated the noted Circuit Rider statue la Wills park. Cherry Processing Plant Approved by Commission After arming as to whether or not a cherry processing plant may (Henry Morganthau. head of the farm board), gives assurance that I globe. the board will not do anything to with no moonlight to dispel it, lerall be termed a warehouse, the wreck or destroy, Portland as a I darkness also pervaded ' the real-1 cltr nlannlng and sonlng eommls- wool center and has no. Intention denUal district again at 12:20 1 doner last night agreed to ree of barring any ordinary assem-1 o'clock this morning. The new I ommend to the city council that blag of wool to take care of eon- economy ached ale ef street light- block 31 inHlghland addition be Hu.yfc.wa, .v. i inr is not nasea nnon moonuxnu i ennnrea rrom uiaas u mwwui Portland business interests had I . . - -1 1 ttt . bnalneas district to expressed apprehension that tha r. . -yM j rr v i - Inarmit tha Salem Cbdrry Growers plan for marketing wool through tlUnXer XO ilCaU - laasoclatlon to erect It projected cooperatives wouia nanuicap locai woolen mills, whieh then would not be permitted to buy directly from the growers. .:. - TRIAL STARTS MONDAY SIEDFORD. Or.. AprU 27 - A IPlant alongrthe Oregon Electrio "ACCldent tSOara track near the state school tor the deaf. O. E. Brooks, preddenu At a meeting of the state In- I manager, aad T. IL Tomlinson. at- a Titri MAmnL eAmmlaalon here I torner for the cherry grower. Thn ndav Albert - Hunter was I presented a petition xor me AP) Llewellyn A. Banks, for- elected chairman. Other members change signed by 68 per cent of mer Medford editor, and his wile, am yjiio uariwig ana v. "JTl i v - 7- - Editb r. nanv. wrA ramavd Dunne. . I Ae the matter waa about to i go Dunn was appointed a mem- I to . vote. City. Attorney Kowitt ber of the commission recently to raised the Question as to whether succeed the late Charles T. Early. I or not the processing plant could be termed a wsrenouse ana tnere- SET REPEAL ELECTTOX ' I fore com under Class III buslaesa SPRINGFIELD. I1L. April ,28 1 district. - CemmJasioner W. W. (AP) In a special midnight I Rosebraugh replied that the strue- seaslon the .Illinois senate early I ture would not be a packing piani. Tha constable waa fataliv ahof I todav nassed a bill nrovldlnc for 1 that speed In granting the request when he attempted - to serve a 1 an election June 6 to elect dele-Iwa essential and that the corn warrant on Banks at hi Medford I gates to a prohibition repeal ra- j mission should not block the pro- lhome. tificatloa convention. ' -ject wita tecanicauues. Edith R. Banks, were removed I Dunne. from the Jackson county Jail here today and taken by automobile under guard to tugene. -j They - are acheduled to go on trial in the university city Monday on a charge of first degree mur der for, the' death of Constable George Prescott last March 'If. Work on the processing piani. to cost about $4000, win be start- T ed the day after permission to . buRd la granted, according te tha ' associations attorney. Using a , dipping process developed aad successfully tested last year, tha association will be. able te shtp . cherries and green prune to ChA- . cago and New York in good con dition. Processed, cherries ant prune will keep tor at least hin days, Mr. Brooks sdi. . . j The eommlaslen rejected the petitioifMo change a part et let 24. Oakhurst addiUon. at Hat - aad Market streets, from CbMw -residential to Class III buslaesa ' district, when , the city attorney discovered that Mel Tin Roth, who -sought the change to enlarge ht. ' v service station, had not hlmeelt signed the petition as required by -the sontag act. ; ;. Roth's original' petition contain ed signatures of 64 per eeat t property holder affected by law but et these 15.1 per cent later signed a ' remonstrance petition which also contained sirnatures cto 22 per rent of ether affected pr?y ".. erty ewnera,--i -