The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 27, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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    : - Tb OREGON STATESMAN,1 Sakn? OreTon, Thcrsday Mormntr. Ami 27.
Bridge -Luncheon
r Vill be Smart :
. - Affair
- One of -w the smartest "affairs of
the In-Salem for the
past -weeks will be the-beautifully
. appointed bridge - luncheon for
which Mrs. Verdeh E. Hockett and
Mrs. LV. Benson win be host-
- esse at the Godfrey residence tq-
- day.- ;';
. ".Luncheon be served'at one
o'clock and this will be followed
by cards In the large living rooms
of. the Godfrey home. : i
, Guests . bidden for this affair
Include Mra..C; S- Straley., of Se
attle, Mrs. Roy Hurst. Mrs. How
ard Hulsey. Mrs Reed Rowland,
Mrs. Russell . Watson, Mrs. V. P.
McNamara. Mrs. Harris Lletz,
Mrs; . : Lawrence - Imlah. "M r s.
George Nelson, Mrs.. FL H. Kenne-
-dy, Mrs. Albert Gragg. Mri Bel-
- !on Owens, Mrs. Richard Meyer,
Mrs. Oral Lemmon, Mrs, J.. T. De-
-' laney, Mrs. ;Laban S.teeves, Mrs.
Burton Myers. Mrs. Edward Le-
i- bold, ?, Mrs.-; Clifford -Townsend,
Mrs. ,Leity Bergsrlk, Mrs..- L. D.
Lambeth, Mrs. William : Braun.
Mrs. Al Adolph'tn. Mrs. Wolcott
Baren, Mrs. Verne Miller, Mrs. A.
3. . Hayes, 5 Mrs.' William Elnxlg,
Mrs. R- C Hunter, Mrs. Burt
. Thomas, Mrs. Ralph Campbell,
. Mrs. Stanley Burgees. Mrs. Hal
Wiley, ' Mrs. Tom Drynan, Mrs.
' W. L. Phillips, Mrs.- R. D. Wood
row, Mrs. R. M. Krelsel, Mrs. Da
rid Adolph, Mrs. Carl Armstrong,
W T B nkti ' Mrn iot the nominating committee and
leln. Mrs. L. B. - Enaicoit, Mrs. r,r . -
George Croisan, and Mrs.. E. .
cellars. . -?
Rebekahs Change .
Meeting Hour
' The Rebekahs meetings will be
called to order at 8 o'clock in-
. stead of 7 : 3 0, for' the next four ,
months. At their meeting Monday
ft was announced .that all Rebe
kahs and Odd Fellows were to
meet at 10:30 sharp at the foot
of the stairs of the L O. 0. F.
ball and march In a body td the
First Christian church, at Center
and High streets, in com mem er
atlon of Oddfellowship. Rev. G.
. Drill, being a member of the or
der has provided a special ser
mon and will have special music
for the : occasion. A large atten-
dence la expected.
Mrs. Sheldon Sackett was host-'
ess at the Sackett residence on
East Lincoln street Tuesday ev
ening complimenting Miss Eliza
beth Lord, Miss Edith Schryver,
Miss Mable Robertson, - Mrs.
. Paul B. Wallace, and Mrs. Clif
ford Brown. .
' . t By ANNE ADAMS .
The smartest of the weaker sex
will clamor for this dashing rig
. v a perfectly devastating frock
with, a tricky "detachable cape!
: Keep your neckline, high ' and
closed , when -yon wear the cape
. . . there's the Important broad
, shoulder swagger; when doffed,
. open the neckline and .show the
turn-back ' revers and collar The
puffed sleeves, intriguing yoke
and slender seaming of the frock
are especially noteworthy. We
suggest rough crepes, v . printed
or monotoned would be very ehle
.'. or crisp smart cottons.
' Pattern 2593 mav be order
only In sizes 14. It, "II, 30. 32.
34, SI, 38 and 40. Size, 1 re
quires 4 4 yards 39 Inch , fabric.
Illustrated step-by-step sewing in
structions included.
. Same fUtata cant (1S) ta a.Ua
ot itaapa (eolni prafmaS). far
taJa Batters. Writ pUialy ar
. aadrM aad atyla caaWr.
Ba nra atata alia waataa. ,
BaaS fa Ua Anaa Adaaa fa
tal aa Vook. It eoataiat aalarfal
pacat al lIy Faria-iaipiraS awaV
ala for mwnj tavlag aaaS, aa
aheva ka to ea cal at arary Soar
of Ua oay. Krary atyla la praetla
al. aad aaay to autka." Tkera ar
ajo4eIa for tia larrar fifara aae
PC at alijhfl Jaalor aad kla
ala atylaa. Lotly Uareria; aa f
eaMory patterea, too. Prieo of eaU-.
lot. liftaaa caata, eatatof aa pat
tUor. twaaty-flfo eaata..
. Addresa aU nail ordert . to Tha
Oregoa StaUwmaa PatUra Dapart.
ajaot 7ta yr. ITta. atratV aw
York eity. '
2593 :rfw5T"
ews an
Olive M..Doak;
, : ' Thursday, April 27 "
I -i Town and Gown club, t: 19, Lausanne Hall. ,
- Marion County iFederatlon of women's clubs. Union ;
.Hill grange halU opens at : J.'i-.iC-r'" -v '-. :t::
: Sooth Salem WV C T. U.' regular monthly business
meeting, Leslie hall,- 2 p. m; pt.-;'- v r f- -
. , Friday
Wo men V Auxiliary of . Dakota! dab at 'Lausanne ;,l
Hall, 2:50. with Olive Dahl.-. "
- ' Past Matron's -club. of Eastern;. Star entertaining -
Woodburn" and Jefferson', clubs at a 12:30 luncheon,-,.,.
Maaonie temple dinrng .room ; ; Addle Mae Fetters,-, gen- . --
eral chairman. - ' , " ' ' . ' : : '
Daughter ; of Union, , Veterans -of. the Cirll .War,
Woman's clubhouse,-8 p. m. :-
- Three Links club. Odd Fellows hall, 2: SO "'clocki
all Rebekahs InTited;. Joint social meeting following- .
busineshour of encampment. . - .. '. : - ;.
Western-Way club with . Mrs; Avis Perriae,, after- s -noon
meeting; Mrs. Julia Ward, guest of honor, ' . :.
Matrons to Atteind Feider&idn; : V
?ff - Sma Maid Complimented
Valley Clubs- Active as. Spring r Vacation
Season Approaches
Mill City. The Woman's club
will be well represented Thursday
at Salem when the federated clubs
of Marion county meet there for
the annual convention. Mrs. W. W.
AHen of 4he local club Is chairman
Mrs. Robert L. Schroeder Is chair
man of the resolutions committee.
Mrs.. Sven Eliasen ef the Mill City
club will appear on the program
with a violin sold, accompanied by
Mrs. Robert Schroeder.
Mebmers of the club who are
going either as delegates or visi
tors are Mrs. R. L. Cooper, Mrs.
Wes Mason. Mrs. Herbert Schroe
der, Mrs. Hal Ladd, Mrs. Frank
Taylor, Mrs. Leroy E. Dike, Mrs.
A. L. Raines. Mrs. H. M. Aspin
wall. Mrs T. W. Allen, Mrs. Rob
ert Schroeder, Mrs. Sven Eliasen
ana Mrs. W. W. Allen.
Mill City Members of the Mill
City Woman's club were guests
at the home of Mrs. Frank John
son of Gates for the meeting this
week, with Miss Gwen Johnson
as assistant hostess. Officers
elected for the coming year are
Mrs. H. M. Aspinwall, president;
Mrs. T. W. Allen, first vice-presi
dent: Mrs. Herbert Schroeder,
second vice .president; Mrs. Hal
Ladd, secretary; Mrs. John
Dawes, treasurer and Mrs. Rob
ert Schroeder, chairman of child
welfare committee.
. Suver. Mrs- M. Van Busklrk
entertained . Saturday afternoon
with a party for her daughter
Ruth's ninth birthday. Present
were Nellie Rlchter, Agnes and
Lorena Ridden, Veva and Elinor
Couey. Margaret and Helen Doug
las. Azalea Rice, Addle Colyer.
Florence Conger, Marian Kester,
Jane Gooddale, Ruth Van Busklrk
and the hostess, Mrs. Van Bus
, Suver. Mrs. Wesley Kester en
lenainea me ij ciuo r nuj
ner nome. present were Airs, uo-
. . ot. v. a . . r v
Dei. JlrB. i r. uxiesDe, - xara. i,
N. Peterson, Mrs. Ralph Kester,
Mrs. O. J. Bagley, Mrs. W. J.
Kerr, Mrs. Miles Davis, Mrs. Blair
i Douglas, Mrs. Bellamy and the
hostess, Mrs. Kester. Mrs. Jack
Countreman will entertain the
next meeting at the Woodburn
hall May 10.
. . .
Woodburn. SL Mary's Episco
pal guild met at the home of Mrs.
I L. M. Bitney Tuesday afternoon,
with Mrs. H. L. GUI In charge of
the business session and Mrs.
Frank Wolfe leading devotions. A
birthday cake, with lighter tapers
honored Mrs. Nona Yergen. sister
of the hostess. Mrs. Bitney was as
sisted by Mrs. H. D. Miller and
Mrs. H. M. Austin.
Special guests were Mrs. Mary
Whitman, Mrs. Frank Settlemier,.
Mrs. Robert H. Seott, Sr., and Mrs.
Gertrude .Shorey.
Brush Creek Mrs. L. H. Meyer
entertained' a group of friends at
a lovely party at her home Tues
day afternoon, Apple blossoms in
baskets about the rooms gave a
spring appearance. Present were
Mrs. Martin Hatteberg, Mrs. Hans
Jensen, Mrs. Oscar Satern, Mrs.
Ole Satern, Mrs. M. J. Madsen,
Miss Llllle. Madsen, Mrs. Victor
Madsen and Mrs. Meyer.
-. -
- Silverton. The I. O. O- F. and
Rebekah . lodges wiU observe the
114 th anniversary of the founding
of Odd' Fellowship Sunday night
by meeting at 7:30 o'clock at the
Odd Fellows hall and marching to
the Methodist church for com
memoration services.
Silverton. Mrs. Elda Gihl-
strom entertained at a supper sur
prise: for the pleasure of . her
daughter. Miss Verna Gihlstrom,
Monday night. Invited were Erin
Garver Hazel Olsen, Frances Hlg
genbotham, Miriam Mulkey and
Marie Madsen.
Mrs. Mjurlaa
Spencer baa
her hair
dressed - here
this week.
QchaftO? ETotcS Dcaatry GIiop.
218 N. High - - - - ; Tel. 8818
; - .. . : i
Society Editor
Hubbard The past chiefs of
Ation temple No. 24 will con
duct the memorial services at the
11th district convention at 'In
dependence .Thursday, May 4. -
The following sisters trill par
ticipate: Past chief, Wilma Left
ler.; MEC, Coble de Lesplnasse;
Ex.: Sr., Orva Barrettr-Ex.- Jr.
Ella Stanffer: Mgr. Anna Stauf-
fer; MRC, Sadie Scholl. MF, Le-
nore Scholl: protector, Cora
Smith: guard, M eta Friend; and
pianist, Edith Painter.
Orva Barrett will be conven
tion protector for the afternoon
and evening sessions.
. .
Rickey The PB. Beck home
nresented a pretty scene Saturday
night with the yellow and white
color scheme being carried out
In decorations . when Mr. and
Mrs. Beck entertained a group or
friends on her seventh wedding
anniversary. At "500" high
score- went to Mrs. Carol Shafer
and Frank Hains and low to Mrs.
Frank Hains and Ernest Cox.
Those nresent besides the host
and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Beck
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cox, Mr. and
Mrs. William Carothers, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Wood. Mrs. Carol Sha
fer and John Shafer.
Macleay Nearly 100 guests
attended the grange invitational
social evening at the hall Satur-
day night. H. E. Martin, accom
panied by Mrs. Martin, gave a
group of vocal numbers and a
one act play "Joint Owners in
Spain. was put on by Dorothy
McChoy, La June Gerner, Edna
Hensel and Hazel Magee, under
the direction of Margaret Wag-
After the program the evening
was spent in visiting and danc
a jr i f i' J
Mrs. L.OU1S Lachmund
i p .
i vuiiiuiiinciiLs uucai
L . . .
A smartly Informal tea, color
ful and delightful in appoint
ments, was that which compli
mented Miss Minnie Lachmund of
New York city Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Louis
Lachmund where Miss Lachmund
has been visiting for the past sev
eral days before her departure for
her home In the east. Miss Lach
mund spent the winter In Hono
Mrs. T- A. Llvesley, Mrs. James
Linn, and Mrs. W. H. Lytle as
sisted about the guest rooms. Mrs.
Henry W. Meyers presided at the
tea table.
An unusually interesting meet
ing Is being planned for the Town
and Gown club for this afternoon
at Lausanne hall at 2:30 o'clock
At this time Dr. Mary Rowland
will address the club concerning
block printing. : and will explain
the art of such printing. Dr. Row
land will accompany her remarks
by a display of the many lovely
nieces of her own block printing
handwork. Tea will follow the
program and hostesses - tor this
will be Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, Mrs.
C. G. Doney, Mrs. E. C. Cross, and
Mrs. W.1 C. Jones.
The Three Link club will meet
Friday afternoon in the elnbrooms
of the. Odd Fellows hail at 3:30
All Rebekahs are Invited to at
tend The hostesses are Erne Un
derwood. Sarah- Oliver, Nellie
O'Neill, Blanche Saunders and Ad
rona pratt After the Encampment
has a short business meeting, It
will meet with the Three Link
members for a social evening.
- -. - n
The meeting: of the .West Way
club which was to nave been wea
nesdav night and was postponed!
will be held Friday afternoon at
the home ef Mrs. Avis Fsrnne,
Mrs. Julie Ward of Portland will
be a special guest
Bring a Friend!
An Extra duart, croqui
nolef ringlet and ' push
wave only ,
Genuine Duart, Croquinolo
- Ringlet and Push Wave
-; . $2.50
i . - 1 j
. r ;nanaaananMBBtaaHBana- ,l
: '. ( waves $3.00) .' '.
' i : - -- . ;. -
National -Club
: Women Visit ;,; J
1 : v . ....
Members of Salem' Zonta club
will' receive , as." their fuesU ; to
night for si smart dinner meeting
tn the Marlon' hotel.- Mrs. S- Ka-
therine Maddux of Chicago. Zonta
Internationa), president and "asso
ciate editor of . the trade Journal;
"National Provisioner.".
Mrs. Maddux: has! been connect
ed lor many years, with the -meat
packing .industry of the east and
has. been, connected -with many of
the phases "of the extensive 'bua-
ineasv-s ivit--t I' ?
-She comes -to -Salem from bav
ins attended" the District 6 confer
ence In Everett, Wash., this past
weekend, and will leave by plane
Friday morning Tor Fresno," Cat
where she will attend the south
western conference of the Zonta
In addition' to Mrs". Maddux Sa
lem Zonta chapter wJlPbave as
Its guests several Portland chan-
ter ttemhri.' - imbn r vfimn will
be Miss Carolyn -Davis suserin-
pital in Portland, and third tice
president of Zonta International.
As a part of the program In ad
dition to remarks from the visiting-
distinguished guesU,' win be
an inspirational period led by
Miss Kathryn Gunnell and vocal
solos by Gladys Mclntyre Thomas
accompanied by Miss Dorothy
Pearce. . "
A reception at the home of Miss
Dorothy and Dr. Helen Pearce
will follow the dinner hour.
Eteri Class
Is Elntertained
The Eterl class of the First
Baptist church sponsored a com
bination class meeting and sur
prise party Monday night honor
ing Rev. and Mrs. Britton Ross
who are leaving shortly on a vaca
tion trip. After a brief business
meeting, an Informal evening of
games ana conversation was en-
Joyed. Light refreshments were
served at a late honr by the social
Those present were the honor
guests. Rev. and Mrs. Ross: Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Ramseyer, Mr. and
Airs, utto Enraaw, Mrs. F. A.
Starkey, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sla
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Sparks,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wagers, Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
GronqniBt and Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Zobel.
a a
Business Women
pi f Offli-o
Ciecc WITlcerS
Airs- wmizrea Hemes: was
elected president of the Business
and Professional Women's club at
its regular meeting Tuesday
night. Other officers Include Clara
Urlaub, first vice-president; Em
ma Hinz, second vice-president;
Helen Smith, treasurer: Laura
Hale, recording secretary; Maude
Ramseyer, corresponding secre
Announcements were made con
I cerning the state convention wl
win be an event of May It,
and 21 In Coqullle.
A splendid program was pre
sented by J. Lyman Steed, super
intendent of the school for (he
deaf, and a group of his students.
A recent dinner party of more
than ordinary Interest was that
which complimented the 30th
wedding 'anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Welch. Hostesses for
the attractive affair were Miss
Elizabeth and Miss Anona Welch,
daughters of the honor guests.
Orchid sweet peas and snap
dragons, with tapers to harmonise
were used for a centerpiece for
the table at whieh were seated
Mr. and Mrs. Welch. Mr. and
Mrs. T. S. Mackenzie. Mr. and
Mrs. John U. Plank. Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Frink Howard Fink and
the Misses Welch.
a a I
An announcement of interest to
their many Salem friends is that
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott will
spend the summer In Eugene. Mr.
Elliott is connected with the for
estry service and Is to be stationed
in Eugene. He will begin bis work
at once and return to Salem for
weekends until June.l at which
time he and Mrs. Elliott accom
panied by little Joan and Master
John. Jr., will go to Eugene to
remain for the summer months
They plan to return to Salem with
the tall.
It Isn't easy, these days,
new summer outfit. Bat
summers aat or coat or
up-to-the-minute in style,
224 N. HIGH i
I. ' .J.l.l.l.l I I LB
-r ::a- .-7-. .-sp-
Beethbven ' Group
.V Concert SZ.
School of Tmuslc '.f Willamette
university jwfll present ,mm w eut
standing concert la Waller hall
May t:lt b'dock.'The pub
He Is Invited to attend this varied
and attractive offering. -:
The entire program. Includes:
Piano i t . . .
Grieg Concerto A minor
Ruth Schreiber- Barbara Bar ham
vocal r ; ; -
Krelster VI - - The Old Refrain
1 . Willamette Men 'a' Chorus '
Piano V. " " ; ' i' ' ' -
Liszt 1 " . , .'4.-:. Lea Prelades
: Helene Price i-Lols Fellows
Vocal -"-:'
Spross I Let All My Life Be Music
Willamette Ladles Chorus . ,
Violin -
DeBerlot : " . Second Duo-r-
,;, I '"Moderato, Andante
Jeannette Scott Jeannette Smith
Piano ,V - r -. x '
MacDowell ' Concerto A Mfnor
Elizabeth rBoylan-Clara .'Wright
Voice i i -;r
Handel- Let Their Celestial Con-
- .: : v .'- 5 certs 'Unite
. Philharmonic Choir "
Piano . - . i ;
, DeBussy.r 1 i - .Arabesque
r Fiances Laws Lois Burton 4
Charlotte Hill Marcia Brown
- . - .
Manon Auxiliary
Oenent HOStesS
One of the series of attractive
benefits which have been a popu
lar activity of the Marlon auxil
iary to Veterans of Foreign Wars
this spring will be an event, of
Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Charles Lew with Mrs. Low
and Mrs. Roy Remington as Joint
hostesses.- -,,
Hours tor playing and tea will
be between t and S o'clock. To
date reservations tor tables have
been mads by 'Mrs Helen Sims,
Mrs. Bryan Conley, Mrs. Ward
Wolfe, Mrs. WllHam Rush and
Mrs. Orley Letflngwell.
For reservations anyone in
terested in playing may call Mrs.
Remington at 7237 or Mrs. Low
at 3512.
An attractive afternoon begin
ning with dessert luncheon and
concluding with bridge was that
enjoyed by the Salem Women's
Press club at the home of Mrs. E.
A. Brown Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. E. E. Thomas and Mrs. A. L.
Llndbeck held winning scores for
a a a
The benefit card party being
sponsored by the Women's Relief
Corps, which was to have been an
event of Thursday at Miller's hall.
has been postponed indefinitely
because of a death of one of the
Mrs. Jack Elliott will entertain
for members of her contract
bridge club with luncheon fol
lowed by cards Friday afternoon
at her home.
a a a
Officers of the Women's Relief
Corps are requested to meet at
the Masonic temple at 1:30 o'clock
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. C. I. Lewis, formerly of
Salem and now of Corvallls, was
a guest In Salem Wednesday.
Supreme Court
Tn f Jnn MnnrlnV
az jrenaiezon
Eleven cases are scheduled for
trial when the state supreme
court for eastern Oregon convenes
at Pendleton next Monday. The
cases listed Include two appeals
from Harney county, three from
Baker, one each from Jefferson.
Crook. Wallowa, Union, Grant
and Malheur. ,
During the absence of Chief
Justice Rand who is now en route
to Washington, Justice Rossmss
will act as chief Justice.
Three or four days will be re
quired to clear the eastern Ore
gon docket, members ot the court
Lindbergh Still
At Kansas City
KANSAS CITT, April 26.
(AP) Colonel Charles A. Lind
bergh who arrived here Sundsy
with Mrs. Lindbergh by plane on
an inspection tour of the Trans
continental and Western Airlines.
: remained here last night. '
Time for the departure for
Wichita, Kas., was not announe-l
C9& r k
"' '-ta 'lr1 '" "tlll''.
We Remodel '
and Restyle
to stretch, your, budget to allow tor a
here's a thought: bring your last
dress to us well make It nsw and
at a small cost. "'-,. ;
i,, : : o
f r
Being remarkably similar In temperament and porzuita. Miss Ishbe!
MacDonald and her White House hostess,. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt,'
didnt take long to become fast friends. Here is the daughter ef Britain's
visitiar Prime Minister pictured with Mrs Roosevelt during: visit te
the .Washington -Dog: Show on Miss MacDonald's first evening in the '
capital. At left is Joseph 0Hare, president ef the show; as he exhibited
, a bull pup for the distinguished visitors. . - ,
total mm
Fire losses in Oregon forests
last year aggregated 12,071.130,
It Was announced by Linn Cr one-
miller, state forester, here yester
Approximately SO per cent of
the total loss, represented mer
chantable timber. This loss total
led $1,031,174. Property damage
aggregated $357,049, while dam
age to logs and logging equip
ment was $431,073.
incendiarism was responsible
lor the greatest number of fires,
me state forester reported. Ap
proximately 150 tires were attrib
uted to this cause. Eighty-seven
of the 1188 fires reported started
from lightning, 175 were set by
campers, 85 were in slashings, 19
in logging operations, four bv rail.
roads and 112 classified as mis
The largest loss was In Tills,
mook county where fire destroyed
$894,000 worth . of timber and
other property. The loss in Wash
ington county was $431,491 and
u uougias county $315,315.
me cost of erotectlnr both
state and private lands during the
jw was 60, Its. Z8.
Victor Barth is
New Initiate in
Beaver Knights
Corvallls. April 21. Victor Berth!
iiraaiuin in lOrestrv at Orrnn
Zttm mil... l-j.i-. . . .
Beaver Knights, a nation!
I service hannr awtatv i. -
rr e ai meeting ot
The freshmen chosen im ihnaa
who are, the most onUUndlng and
) : V 7 -
' I .- ' : . x-ial"" J "
VWa --',,S:1
the most representative In their
class. The functions of the Beaver
Knights are to uphold 'and enforce
campus traditions, usher at cam
pus games and convocations, Aid
with campus traffic and entertain
visiting teams.
Debate on Sales Tax
Slated for Farmers
The Unity Local Farmers Union
will be In charge ot the Pleasant-
dale Improvement club meeting to
be held at the school house Fri
day night, April 28. Morton
Tompkins of Grand Inland and
Walter Russell of Belleview will
debate the sales tax. MeFarlane's
orchestra will furnish, the music
Corn Flakes
p vat:
aw 1
wWben you are offered a
substitute for genuine
KeHogg's, remember it i
seldom in the spirit .of
Watch for the Second Annual
Baby Edition of the
IV I -. o
iNexr o
April 30
-C -I.
Embargo, Agamst ;
Russia in Effect -
LONDON, "April -x -(AP - '
An embargo agalast 80 - per .cent :
of Russian Imports. Invoked a-
week ago in protest to the trial .
tn Moscow of six British techni
elans' on charges of sabotage,-be-
came effective at 5 p. m. Tuesday
at- the closing -of. the British cos- ; -
ioms oiiice. .- ; ; . . -
, - - ' ' - - -
1 r . . -
KEIZSR. -April 2 Mrs. J. p. '
Beardsley Is quite seriously 111 at
her home in Klamath' Falls.' Her ;
daughters - .Mr Clarence - Poie
and Mrs. T. B." Morgan are at her .
bedside. - - ' - - " -v
rt - -
r i-
to hjtvt mch fine
photographs taken for
so little, one much
photozraphed young
lady told cs recently.
Now let us tell you
about the finest photo
graph special offer we
have ever known.
Photograph on a
French Ivory
-For Only
Give one to Mother for
Mother's Day. May 14th.
Shell treasure it forever,
(We show proofs)
- 4
- r
1 i -V