I Growid MtfeMs --.1 arge School i V ) CE'IHESSIBI AT CODB SCHOOL (Canttnnadi from px t) shortest possible notice and, by the addition ot & solitary egg and a bit W sugar, to acquire an at fin It j tor a filling ot sugar, cin namon, almonds and eherries and fcecome, aa if by magic, a dainty and unusual ten ring. Among the farther treats dis played efficiently under Mm. Spencer; expert manlpTalatloa was the act of preparing a whole meal, meat, potato and other ref erable on a single broiler.- i - Chop a euep with st ynnkee twang replacing the customary brogue of - the Orient, vwas- atill another miracle of "kltcheneer Ing," with Teal, pork, onlona, cel ery, .mushrooms and a galaxy of sauces and condiments added .to translate Chinese into simple United States, and a strange trick "Yhhlesomi link ticket Wholesome 6oAs: Mrs. Marian Spencer ; ! ' Chooses : Hazel Dell K an 3 Cream FOR DEMONSTRATIONS AT THE COOKING SCHOOL "It's Wholesome asdPure UDESILIL99 Th Hasel Dell Dairy Farm is located four miles East ot Ba les on the Macleay road. Our barns, milkhouse and equip ment Is modern in every way and we comply with the Stand ard Milk Ordinance and score 100 both at the farm where a' large portion of the Grade A Raw is produced and at the Pasteurizing plant which Is located at 1239 State St. ' We derived the name Hazel Dell from the baby In the family who is 11 years ot age and is graduating from the Rickey Grammar School.: She has scored 100 by Dr. Douglas of the Marlon County Health Unit. That speaks well of our products. Try our Baby. Special. We have a professionally -trained aat experienced plant man who Is consistently guarding your health at all times. Te prove this we have received from the Marion County Health Unit a record score ot 2500 Bacteria for the six months. TOhea yon boy Hasel Dell Dairy. Products yon are buying life Insurance for your family. Remember, the integrity 'of the Hasel Dell Dairy and the quality of its products is always above re proach. . . eiqcgii E)GnnBoai?57, nca. 1230 State Street Dial 9622 WM. SHERIDAN, Mgr. ?V: 0 t I 4 ' jl :H . Hundreds will be present tomorrow tor the entirely different program de veloped by Safeway Stores Home makers' Bureau for the Second Day of this tremendously successful Cooking School. v Tomorrow....nd one day; still different, after thatuand the course for this year will be over. .There are still year-round recipes to be seen and heard.... still happy new ideas to be introduced. : Would you mfss a minute of them? Not by o measuring-cupful! -$ ' ..- . . -. . . Tomorrow well feature Meat Cookery and today well stress Posbry Food BRING A PENCIL AND A FRIEND ADMISSION FREE Two &rf mora For you to hwf lf atest Mnrt From your KllchtnttrJ .'i-tarry, laie Be on your tnyi Today witl only com Today." S7 U THE SAFEWAY STORES HOMEMAKEJtS BUREAU iaTGHENEERING Thursday, Friday April 27, 28 ' Armory of making lettuce newly delicious delighted the many in attend ance. : : .V v - -, ; ,. -r - Visitors learned, loo, of a gel. den sauce and a way to use It in creaming ham,' fish, poultry: and ether' ereamable delicacies, of a fruity-eockUll with a tropical at mosphere, of the easiest way to make hot chocolate, and of a de lightful patty made from hread, : It was. la short, a busy and highly profitable afternoon, and those who attended are planning unanimously on being present at the second ot the three days ses sions 'whleh -will ha." held at : o'clock this afternoon. ; - At this session, it Is a&aonaeed, Mrs. Spencer-wiU; lead the audi ence along more, trtvolons path ways In a parade of party , viands. Cakes, will receive prominent at tention, and salads - and aand -riches will he among these whose recipes will be present a ad well accounted . tor. . Two . oatatandiag features will be a coffee chocol ate cake with a flavor .that is de lightfully' nnfaniliar aad an an gel food eake that utUlies raisins to novel advantage. ; " ; ' The recipes demonstrated throughout the three days of the course are,- aceordiBr to -Mrs. Spencer. taste4sted in the kitch en ot the 8afeway Stores Home makers'. Bureau which Is busy every working day of the year in developing new ideas for "kiteh eneers." --v- ' ; "In this course in kitehenesr lng. as we call it," she said, "ws are trying to present a series of recipes that will prove unique in the experience of every house wife. - From the sxpreulons voiced by visitors yesterday we ieel tnat we have been genuinely successful. I am sincerely grate ful for the cordial reception ten dered me by the women of Sa lem and X hope that everyone who can possibly do so will he present at the remaining days ef - the school." 4-H COOKS OFFER P.T.I 1 FALLS CITY. April U The "4-H Cooking clubs" furnished an interesting evening's entertain ment at the regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers association Monday night when they presented several demoastra tions. The three clubs were as sisted by their leaders, Mrs. Jack Strauss, Mrs. O. L. Frink and Sherman Foster. The grade school orchestra played. County School Superintendent Josiah Wills, gave a talk on Club Work. He presented Mrs. O. L. Frink. leader of the second year cooiunr club, with a club charter. in the Boys camp cookery biscuit contest Jimmy Russell's biscuits scored highest. At the business session a nominating committee was T named: Mrs. H. Mather Smith, Mrs. D. J. Ickes and Mrs. Jess Reiber. The annual plant ex change was discussed and decided upon and placed la the hands of Mrs. Chester Benefiel. Mrs. John Gilbert and Mrs. Art Silvers. The next meeting will he the last meeting of this school year and at that time the annual pot- iuck supper win be held with Mrs Lisxie Treat, Mrs. Walter Clark and Mrs. Amos Pierce in charge. Thelma Robinson is Oratorical Winner FALLS CITY, April M Win nerg in the W.C.T.U. oratorical contest held here Thursday were first, Thelma Robinson; second. Muared wray. They will com pete for higher honors at Salem next week. Judges were Mrs. Roy RusselL Miss Irma Locke and H. liather 8mlth. DOES DAILY RIAIUCETING , Mrs. Marian Spencer. eoasMMsJst wha la eoadactlmg the) Oalessajr Pisriii eookftag school al the armory, as deteg her daily soarloeting. The school continaes thss aXV Frlday Pie-MaMng Rediscovered Art; 'Cracker Cookery' is of Time and Labor Now that statisticians say en are going hack to the sewing machine and eoofc stove fn in creasing numbers, ple-maklng first love of a "forgotten" gener ation, threatens to become a, re discovered art, according to pre dictions made by home econom ists with the aeoklng school in progress at the armory this week. Now, thanks to the discovery of "cracker cookery" that new cooking method- that marches crackers In gay procession right Into the mixing bowl, the sauce pan, the oven. . . ple-maklng need hold no fear for eves the least experienced cook," says Mrs. Speaeer. the economist. Cracker pie crust la & crust that eaaaot fall I It'a never tough. It's never soggy. It's never tasteless and dull. And is takes only five minutes to whisk one ot them to gether, Mrs. Spencer explains. "Five minutes," you probably say to yourself, "sounds impossi ble." But try It, . . and see if It Isnt an improvement over the old way, the mussy way, the way that'a never sure ot turning out right. One easy method la to start by dumping the crackers into a naner bag and crushing them thorough ly with the roiling pin. so nary a crumb can scatter. The next aten la to mix the crumbs with a little softened butter and sugar. Now press the cracker mixture firmly against the sides and bottom of a buttered pie plele. . . and there! As easy aa that, you hare the foundation for one tender, sure- nre pie crust! Here is a recipe for a novel hut very easy pie that yon can put to- getner in a jnyi 8HOOFLY FIB IT Uneeda Graham or Honey- Maid Oraham Crackers cap hatter H cup sugar 4 cup molasses 1 tap. cinnamon H tap. cloves t tbsps. vlnegsr 1 egg Crumble crackers fine and re serve eap. Mix the remainder with 1-1 cup batter and l tbsp. sugar. Press mixture In an oven layer firmly against the sides and bottom ot buttered pie plate. Com bine the H eap of crackers with sugar, molasses, spieea. vtnerar aad remainder ot butter, melted. seat egg and add to molasses mixture. Pour Into eracker-lined plate aad hake in a hot oven (41S F.) IS minutes. Oae t-lach Pie. Naming 'May.-. Queen Postponed Until Day DALLAS. April. SI Naming of the girl who will rule as May Queea at the annual May; Jete en Friday, May II, has hseft delay ed and will not' take place nntH the day of the affair. Three girls are still in the running: Waada Fournler, Frances Frits aad Luel- la Finn. . " ; . . ' - The name of the May Fete this year wiU be "la My Cardan" aad it will be presented by. girls from all the Dallas schools under . the direction ot Miss Helen HaXL . IPniiit oil TCD m. w (D CmO a good cook la a good start townrd bclasj r Wcoe tnit ytm alao noad a toagle touch svilh Ilia beverage jon aervo. ymu need a surprino diink ' Aad what a atirprlso a punch will bo ... if It's xoado with Gmada Dry Hbm C3iampa$na of Ginger Alest Canada Dry U Urn base of a hundred and 00 happy combixuilona. Hero Is ginger ala at its rarest sparkling, restful, delicious ready to add dash and awing to any number of drinks. Here Is balanced flavor, the real tmaxm of Jamaica ginger. Yet it cornea to you at the name price aa you pay, xor ordinary ginger ales. Sold everywhere in two eonvenieot JUST LET YOUn FniSNDB TASTE TQISt m O Cesmssefev Dr Few esse saw of hot tea ewgntw Cool and add 14 fsdee amd 1-S ew of of Jnico. tatoa pwhewlevcrabUekef U. Jaet Wmeerrtasaddrwl2acilesore Isi gsslse bottle ef Caaada Dry. Caralah wtth a few sQees ef oral Funeral Services For Edwin Jones Slated .on Friday 8HELBURN, April 21 y aeral services for Edwin Jones. TT. who died at his farm home near here Tnesdsy morning, will be held from the Shelbum ehnreh Friday at S p.m. with In terment In Miller cemetery. Mr. Jones waa horn at Jordan, near here, and had lived la this vicinity his entire life. He suf fered a paralytic stroke three years ago, and a second one several months ago. He leaves his widow, Minnie, a daughter, Mrs. B. M. Russell, and a sister and two brothers, all of MsMlnnville. Mrs. Klla Mulkey and Frank and Qeorge Jones. Dietetic authorities are advising t "Eat 2 slices of canned pineapple or a cup of crushed every day" - t n ii : Ti .nsr FOS your health eat pineapple dally t That the newest dietetic advice. And aa you buy your pineapple, remember this I In JJbby's Sliced Hawnibm Pineapple you get Just the slices that are loveliest in color, richer! in natural flavor the center sBc Center slices packed in a syrup of cane sugar and pure pineapple juice. In Iibby's Crushed Hawaiian Pineapple yoig get fruit that is the choicest of its kind, delleat in texture, superb in flavor ' And these Iibby extra values cost you no - rnore than ordinary brands! So ask your grocer for Iibby's Hawaiian Pineapple the kind youll most enjoy. Iibby, MfNeCl ft Iibby, tTw.J?r 2 OP THE EXTRA VALUES IN L!3&Y3 FAMOUS 100 FOODS TUB CUA 3IJPA GIVE OF GINGER AJLE3 Youll find in Jinergy mxaa vanew Mfo) uuLvi ingBrealoasts You'll cnj'oy Shredded W.hcat! Not only is It delidous for breakrast, but it affords you many oprminities to create new 'dishes for other meals of the day. Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat, with nothing added or taken awly, and con-, tains all the bran Nature provided. When you serve your family a dish of Shredded Wheat, you ire literally, serv ing them a dish full of nourishmend . . . Yon grocer has it. Order it now; O Your family will enjoy this wholesoma sod dellghtrul ea tree fbc londb. . SHREDDED WHEAT H voaad dded beef, chipped i yoa sssKIaxaraIIs oa the tedcazs joa yon bare S II REDDED WHEAT. S level tablcspooos encus S level ohkipooos boaat 1 plat hot milk. - - dathesyenoe Shredded Wheat Biacait licit the bones la a i add beef, capeane sad Borne, sdr well sad add hot mUk, a Ctds at a time, cooking uatil mkk sad smooth. Sem in Shtcddcd heat baskets oroa Shredded Wheat met has been dipped la hot water, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY