PAGE TW6 The OREGON STATESMAN, SaleaV Oregon, Thcrsday Horning April 27. 1933 I DELAY OF DEBT P1M. TOPIC Consultative Pact Giving . Franca Assurance Lof U ;, Safety Probable, ; (Ooatloued from PS J) the United States Is ready-to (to bis thing to maintain peace whenever Europe Indicate! decis ively aha Is ready to reduce ami A vote on tlio administration's Inflation legislation was post poiied, until today by the senate after Senator Robinson (R-. Ind.), proposed that the soldiers' bonus bo paid with new currency which may bo Issued under the . fiscal program. Senator Glass. (D.. Vs.). former secretary of the treasury, broke with the administration on the legislation. He said ho would vote against the inflation amend ment and the farm bill Itself, to which the inflation proposals are attached as a rider.- - The stock market r worked ir regularly higher but trading; was flaleter. It closed Jlrm with transfers aggregating r W1U chares.' mm meet - (Continued from page 1) ",, McClellan: I. Tv LV secretary. Mr niiwn fioodrlehT T. P. B. se cretary, Mrs. Ruth Tooxe. . Coun-'j ty department secretaries cnosen were:" Medal contest, Mrs., Stella,- Wilson; publicity". Mrs. Lena Robins r '- temperance and -missions, , Mrs. Jennie . McClellan; flower mission - and relief, Mrs. Jennie Presnall;, fairs and exhi bits,. Mrs. .Emily Prescottr evan gelistic, -Mrs. Nellie Gunning; in ternational relations. Mrs. Lau ra Rice; religious education, Miss Jessie Martin. v - Children's farm home, Mrs. C. P.- Bishop; child welfare, Mrs. Stacy, legislative, Mrs. Jennie Kann; christian cltlsenship, Mrs. Lydia Lehman; j narcotics. Miss Faith Priday; official papers, Mrs. A. S. Barnett, motion pie tares. Miss Luella Baker. : - Mrs. O. L. Buland gave the address of the afternoon on "Sci entific Temperance Instruction." The executlTO session voted to allow 25 in prizes for essay contests in high schools and grade schools throughout Marlon eoanty. ' , ' m'iCEBo;i Ml PLOW TO Eli U, CHI (Continued from pace U ' ' Jdintly operated by Russia and ' Manchnkuo. occurred today when bandits derailed a repair trala I sent to help another .previously ,, wrecked by the same brigands. Manchukuo troops aboard were reported to hare fled without of fering resistance.) - " ' ' The Khabarovsk message added that according to trustworthy in formation the 'Japanese consul general at Harbin, Manchuria named Merisslma,- has been en trusted with the administration of "the Manchurian section of the railroad and that it was under his Instructions "violent actions" -had been committed with the result the connection between the C. E. R. and . the .- Transbalkal railway - was interrupted.- ? Vasco Denies He Gave Consent to Operation Plans NEW YORK, April 2 (AP) While Helen Vasco showed . progress today after the remoTal : - of -an eye - physicians ' said was - afflicted with a malignant tumor, John Vasco, her father, declared the oneration was nerformed un- ' der nressnre and that he had hot consented to it, and Mrs. Vasco i was bed-ridden. , - :t? Vasco. an iminirrant" laborer. remained at his home in Hast-inrs-on-Hudson to attend , his wife, aad said authorities who erfrad the flDeration ' on the ground it was necessary to saye the two-year-old girl's life "broke my wife's heart she's been sick ever since." ' Ex-service Lferfs 1 Rally is' Monday Invitations were. issued yester day to Salem and nearby World : war veterans to attend the Capital post. American Legion, meeting at Fraternal temple at S o'clock Monday night. This meeting will be in the nature et a general ex service men's rally with a special program arranged by. J. T. De- laney. i f m-f IHTM NO MAIM IN SOVIET SABOTAGE CASE O : ; O mUmmUSSniSSSSnsssBBWamSSSJBUSBBBmsBm k'w " y i . - 1 s - . w . y , .' : ' . , : .- . .":'. V '.: ,-: - ': ' " "' ' -. ' . - S: . ;.;.":'.:-"': ; i - f . ! ' f I L K :-.;;-;... 'fsc v" - ' :.-.v..- ? i ' .,,v.,,,,. 5 - - . . Or. Hans Luther ( center), new German Ambassador to t& United States, is pictured as he arrived at th White Uonso to present his letters of credence to President Roosevelt. He Is accompanied by hlt( military aide. Major General Frederich von Boetticher (left), and the! Hon. Richard South rate, of the U. S. State Department. 1 FIB1IT 111 STREET LIGHTIfiO PR03PEC (Contlnned from pas 1) however, remained on since re wiring will be necessary to per mit leaving only the corner lights burning. ' ' The light committee decided on this plan of economy lighting af ter considering removal of lights in alternate blocks, candle power reductions and - the now wide publicized "moonlight saving" scheme. The new plan will save the city S9O00 in a year's time, the light committee estimates. For l3t the council appropriat ed S24,00 for, street lighting. The order for turning off the street lights at 12:30 a.m. was made despite a five-year contract the city made with the power company early last year. Mem bers of the. light committee, headed by Alderman T. L. Wil kinson, have declared they hellers the new lighting plan does not violate that contract. Comanche Bank Robbed; $2,000 Taken by Trio COMANCHE, Okla., April 21 (AP) Three unmasked men robbed the Security Bute Dana here today ef approximately $1000 fend escaped after wound In a nossemaa. i " y Tlrm Bersons . were toreed to accompany the robbers outside the town. They were Simpson Hunt, rice nresident of the bsn. R. A, Hillary, stockholder; riard Carter, editor ef the Com anche Reflex; C P. Apple, far mer and Carl Rice, cashier. Jim Thurlo who was in close nmlt when, the robbers re leased the five men. was reported wounded in the ' hip in a gun fight. Observance of National Egg Week is Urged Governor Meier yesterday is sued a proclamation urging the eitisens of Oregon to observe Na tional Egg week; May 1 to 7. "Br iisinar noultry products, the proclamation read, "we not onrr hele our poultry industry. vnteh fcrlnrs SCO 00.0 00 Into the state each year, but also help the many farmers and isrm nous wives who count on their poultry flocks to pay the grocery bill or provide an important addition to the family income. - . - vrwn STORM VICTIM CHEYENNE, Wyo April If- rAPl Wrominxs toll of death trsm last week's bttzsnrd wan in creased to three today when the body of Peter Cordova, f year old aheenherder. was found on the range 40 miles north of Douglas. For Better EYE HEALTH Yon may be sort that glasses wl be recommended and tit- , ted only when necessary. And the cost wQ be small. rvrrr -mm j PoslUvely Last Day mm V WU Slatlnee S5c f1 Sight 83c . Children lOe The Call Board By OUVB U. OOAK , ELSIXORE Today Kay Francis aad George Brent la "Key Hols' and Joyn Wayne in . "Telegraph Trail." THE GRAND Today Noel Coward's "Cav alcade" with 40 featured players. Friday William Collier. Jr., and Sally Blane in "Phaa- - torn Exnress.' e - "THE HOLLYWOOD Todav - Marv AatAr and Lllyan Tashman la "Those We Lots " e Friday . Ken Marnard in ' "Come on Taraaa" and "Payment Defarrad. . "The ' Telegraph Trail" color-1 fully portrays the dramatic strug-1 Eoe ucounterea . oy pioneers oil the west who pushed forward to vaiautuu lovtufn. cuouauiuctl Uon and open the way for later graphed. It brings te the screen, for the first time, aa Insight late the important part played by the u. a. Army la pushing; the frontier westward. "The Keyhole.' a nictore of ro mance aad gay adventure, unique Vt plot and glamorous la setting. in whleh the two popular Warner Bros, stars. XCav Francis aad George Brent appear together tor the first time, opens at the Elsf-I nore theatre today. Readers of the famous Dickens novel "Oliver Twist", wftt find much enjoyment in the unfoldinsl of the story as a feature pieture I coming soon to the Hollywood, fori ii nas oeen proancea well and has ooen pnoiograpnea in tne cos-1 tumes and settings of the period described In the novel, thus bring- lng to life the picture as formed in one's mind. Much sympathy is felt for Dick ie Moors, as Oliver. This is partic ularly so in the situation where he is found by the erooks and taken from the tine home to which he had been taken to help inem ron it. Sympathy, too; is felt for Doris- Lloyd, who, although. me wue oi tne gang leader, was very much attached to Dickie Moore and bemoaned the fact that he was in such bad company, even riaklng her life to tree him from the gang's clutches. The Texas oyster, fish and game commission has obtained S 600 bob-white quail from Mex ico to restock game preserves. y Amsrican' mhmm!mrry7f s r"N -- own r : , . 1 hc.?vi5 a. su ir,5iivc ne t ft I j j m - ,4 lEECHTLIilBE ! F0H FOiiEST D v (CanUao tnm sac , tl , those men between the ages of II and 25 who hate dependents and who Were duly registered oa the I state relief committee rolls prior to the launching of the conserva tion project will be eligible. "Thoao men receiving; creden tials from their respective com mittees win report to the army recruiting offices upon being call ed for physical examination. If accepted by the examining physi cian, they will be sent directly to the conditioning camp, where they will be clothed and equip ped, fed and given setting-up ex ercises and a few . hours camp work daily to keep them busy. They will receive health attention and will be nnder- a -certain amount of discipline, not strictly military, "After about two weeks la the conditioning camps they will be sent to the forests. Armv men wtn have charge of the establishment of these camps, but the forest service will be in charge while the men are at work la the for ests. . . ':- . .-...r : "Forest service men will take the crews from the camps to the forest jobs, supervise them dar ing the eight hours of work and taea return them to the camp ; where they will again be under : army officers. The men will work five days a week." Oregoa will hare iS eamna A Washington 62. Buck said. Proa- aiy ip more will be established oa oregoa and California grant land In Oregon, two of state land ana eignt or ten en private land. . (Continued from page 1) supreme court held that the emer gency clause was unconstitutional tor tne reason that the- act at tempted to regulate taxation mat ters. ';. ' . Justice Kelly declared in his opinion that Section 14 of the act maae particular reference to tax atlon regulation or demotion. . Tne law under attack author ises the state power commission to use any unappropriated wa ters of the state to develop power. acquire and operate hydro-elee- tne pjants and issue bonds, upon approval by the voters, no te 141.000.000. A similar act which was referred to the voters at ih last general election was annray. d. " W. fl. Tj'Rea, Portland attor- aey. apoa behalf of Wleder aad uaii. asked tor the aundamne writ, whleh was allowed by the j conn, xae piainuris are mtiu l I ears of the Security Ownern imh. CIRUOB etate-wide organisation. r m LOVCrS Of MUSIC mm mm . Herald VlSlt OT Lutheran Choir Unusual ' Interest manifested U appearance here tonight of the acannett ebolr tf riiiseiin OnPETITIDII PadOe Lutheran eellega,- accord- Proprietor, with first degree muring- to fter. p. W. Erickssa nae- dar connectios with the gang tor ef the American Latheraa f 'Im.mrTTa,Vl' church. where the aaered m. . d Mrs. Edytt McClaln, S. eert will be held ai 1 Vlvk- I The Christ Lutheran eaareh here to Joint sponsor ef the vrexraml er this choir from Parkland. wash. Thegreap. popularly called 'Z' r...r: "T rr coast west. - J?3nnfnincr PInnv GOpening ITtcLnS For Bank Talked Keith Powell, conservator of the First National bank here, spent Tuesday In Portland ec ferringr with federal reserve offi cials there. New plans for the reorganisation and complete re opening of the bank here are be ing considered. It is understood. although to date no satisfactory working out of the bank's situa tion has been arrived at. Mean while the bank's assets are being steadily liquidated and manage ment expenses kept below Income from securities and notes held by the local institution. : lXlOB.I.VV00! A X0& PLATI5Q . ' ; Tonlle Is Dime Kite THOSE WE LOVE lfary Aster, LDyaa Tashnaam Jt Kenneth MaeKemm Coming Friday A Saturday - : TWO Bid FEATURES - j KEN MAYNARD "Come on Tarzan" A VHfUrWT T1?l?T?Tll?Ti . Nell Hamilton M ' ' " Slanreen CSuIUvaa Ml UoLK.YVon COMXXQ SUNDAY nVJIBTI!ilDT0t2T t.- uuu ijlji GERTilAN ENVOY Jt HHHHaMHeSaBSMaeMHMMSaeBeiieMHMMMHHeMMMMMWS t , ; ' ' t h ; ; i ' n. i- j r : ' i "'" it i 'i - p . . nnri i i i i iili ' mi nil i i. r. Here are two of the defendants la the seeent sabotare trial at' Moscow, which sensed serious complications between Crsat Britain and Soviet Kuaua. Taey are juaa uoaanoass Vkers Corporation la Russia, and una. i m snaum u n au. were accusea or onoinc Sussians to wreck Soviet power plants, with view to retarding the progress ef the HTv-yw yuw. it recetTea j an "vim aoquieg, i lili (Continued from page 1) Sllvertoa HIUs orchestra, ceutay victor, and the two highest-rank ing club drama teams also will appear in this program. Bemt-finaia la the drama com petition will be held at Taruer high school tonight between troupes from Bethel and Sunny- side community clubs. The win ner tonight will compete with the Hayes vUle cast at the May If pro gram for the county champion ship. Judges of the choral contest last night were Mrs. Walter Zo sel. Miss Helen Prans; aad L J). Davidson. Shannon Hogne. high school publio speaking Instruc tor, was in charge of the speak ing contest. In which Turner and Liberty club speakers participat ed as well as the winners. Silver- ton Hills and Labish Center. E. I Moor, president of the county federation, had charge of hut night's program. Circum stances prevent the final .. pro gram's being- held at the Elsi- acre theatre this year, as ia the east. Mr. Moor aald. SILKil FACES PORTLAND. Ore.. April St (AP) A complaint shargtng Jake Saverman, Portland hotel the justice ! the cu' L Helens, Ore-, L1? .toairk' Joha L. Storta. district attorney of Columbia county. , When informed at the county Jen here, where, he had been held for euestlontn slnee last Satnr- its Today "rr- Friday -r- Saturday TWO FIRST RUN FEATURES . H Cent to Spy V'i . 4 He Stayed to Ccnqatr 'fir- " !tJ'."!. - :' ;Vi ; 1 1: rMtltitji r GLCND A:FAnttCf t, . A L L KMlTJ EN RIMS 1 "Sand AD f s A Saa of Pony Express Days! AT VHITE HOUSeT director of the Metropolitan Leslie Thornton, an engineer of the sentences, xaree were ocported and placed against him, Sllrermaa said he had nothing to say. The bullet-riddled bodies of Walker and Mrs. McClala were found last Saturday, momiag on a little frequented road' near 8L Helens. Police here expressed the belief they were killed to avenge the shooting of Frank Ko- dat. roosted nronrietor of a speakeasy here. Kodat, lying ser iously wounded in a Portland bos. pltaL told the officers, they said. that walker shot him. Photographers Are Invited to Corvallis Meet The Salem Professional Photo grsphers' assa elation met Tuesday evening: in the J. O. Brown studio on Court street. A business meet ing was held followed by aa In formal discussion of future plans. A letter of greeting from the secretary-of the Photographers' as sociation of America was read eoagratulatiuf this newly organ ised photographic body apoa its alms aad purposes. An invitation was extended the Salexa owned studios to attend the banquet and monthly meeting Of the Willamette Valley Photo graphers assoctatloa ia Corval 11s at the Benson Hotel Saturday evening. It is expected a good represents tie will drive ever for the evening. : The neat meeting of this organisation will be held la the GunneU Bob Studio nest Tuesday evening-. S o'clock; New 50c Size LYDIA TABLETS E. PINKUAiTS FOR "WOMEN They reHfiva And prevent periodic psia and associated disorders. No narcotkn. Ho' just a pain killer but a mod ern medidne which, acts upon the CAUSE of your trouble. Persistent use brings perma nent relief. .-Sold by ail dmf grists.' : i - v HfiW U'UU 44;. ,. . m SOLO JT TOP : OF 31 CEIJTS IIEflE IContlnued frooi pare 1) "" sspplies than .the . growers esti mated, were In their hands this winter. All these factors added to the desire of many growers and bankers to clean up old cblirn gatlons ia preparation for the picking : and- drying season this fall, brought oa the wave of sell ing the last tea days. Growers are optimistic that In creased demands tor beer may send the price on It S3 hops high er, prevailing n rices of 25 to J cents oa hops arequlte profitable and enable - many hop producers to make substantial llauidation on obligations Incurred during past '-years when prices barely meeting. prodacUoa . costs - hare prevailed. . 1 word was received here Wed nesday -that California growers are signing up contracts for their 19!! crop, at 25 cents. - Eight Suspected Slain; Missing Farmer Sought HARRIS. Jtlaa., April 1 (AP) A tragedy revealed by a burned farm - home In which eight persons died led county at torney . S. : B. Wennsrberg today to express the opinion the vic tims had all been slain. - . Wennerberg said he had start ed a two-nation hunt for Albin Johnson, 42, a farmer, husband OO C sv asm Faster than any other sleeper service IJakias; Salem witb Galifornla by a Ummxh, fast, do luxe sleeper service, Greyboand's laxarioasly appointed New Ktto Coaches provide cemfortabla accons- . naodations at astonishingly low coat, Only . . one might is spent em rente aad ave cbaag-. lng of cars is- aevessary. Each KiteCoach contains five - roomy eomparteseats, eack . with" on arge -doable berth aad three . cemsaodleas stagie-Jbertha. Each cwsnpaitt . - meat ceatalas m washbasin, mirror, port- --" able table, aad radio. ' These NiteCoaches hare two lavatories and a special women's lounge. The bertha, made n from the Caytime losmgee, acTose the car ia coattneatal style. These KlteCoacnea preride tioa of low-cost alght trayeL Try then em yoer nert nip. Sesi SYaacieoe Lee Aatjelee LV. Salem !:t2 p. m. Lv. Salens S:tS p. ssT Ar. Los Aagelee 11:SI p. as. Ar. San Fran cisco 1:29 p. m. ; .--"'t "' ipt Hotel Senator Phone) 4181 IT. W. Chadwick Agent - 03 PUT ON YOUR SHOES IMMMM Women's Soles . f , Boy's Soles Children's Soles . , :4., '-.. ' . sccording to size ; We use only Ifce Xineat leathers and there can be - " so finer work produced ia any ghop - aad father. -who has not been found slnee fire destroyed his home April :tU 11 ? : - The victims , were Mrs. John son. 41. and her seven chil dren, ranging in age from four months to IP .years. ., . n inn n 11 ASTORIA,. Ore, April 21 . (AP) Construction ef the. pro posed Paget Sound-Columbia riv er ship canal would be aa im portant factor fa the industrial development of the Pacific north west, .W..H. Abel ef Montesano, Wash, president ot the Washing ton ship canal commission, stated at a meeting here today et the city commission. County, ' port and chamber ef commerce offi cials . and representatives of shipping; interests attended the meeting. ' ' Airplane aad field surreys ot the proposed In land waterway are aearlng completion, the com mission ear said, aad they - will submit their report by June t to Governor Martin, if the governor , decides the project Is practicable, plans ' wlU ' be formulated Imme diately to raise funds ;te band the canal, the visitors explained. Abel said that the proposed canal "would be la three sections: Columbia river to Wills pa Bar- x bor, wniapa 'Harbor to Grays Harbor, , aad . Grays . Harbor to . Paget Sound. The first two sec tions would be with see, leveL The route tor the last section has not been definitely decided on. . . 2ew;Tbrougb: NITECOACH S LEE P E rt SERVI C E TO SOUTHERN .CALIFORNIA Begins MAY 1 a Siasle STA a.00 JSO - ! o0 r nrmifiv hUUiU n 02 A 4 V V V . 'r r ; 3 ' ' 3 A V, -- i fi j 4 ft .1 . .