The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tfce'OTlEGQ! STATESMAN. Szlzzx, Orerca. 7enesay Morainr, April 23, 1923'
.1 '
7" Sheriff -File - Btarn-TStaerifl
7? V A. C. Burk yesterday filled with
vJv the county clerk here returns on
execution sales recently; conduct?
v--.ed by his office. Cases In. which
the plaintiffs hid -In the reper
aL ty and the amount hid. including
.-7" interest and costs. ; follow Pau
J Use Kehrberger vsT ' J p. Hart
' ' - well and Milla ; J B. i Kenyori;
' $1002; Travelers Insurance com
. "' cany vs. George H. Bingenbelm
''V r and others, . f 69771 'A. K. X-
Tin vs.; Paul T. Benson and oth
ers, $950;. George Lassns .vs.
Ronald Brush, and others $4471.
Warrant Unclaimed - .Scores
of county warrants," ranging
from . one cent to I , number of
dollars. la : value, are .'as.-yet .un?
called- tor at the . county clerk's
office,? the rarrants having been
. . it.l .1
maae out ,m a paruai .ibiumu wu
m taxea . collected for- high
reboot tuition and transportation.
A suoreme . court decision ' set
aside all taxes paid for that, por
tion of the tuition costs made up
of Interest : on . a .school's:-fixed
Indebtedness. Tax receipts- must
be presented , by j applicants;: for
the- refund.- ; ' f - i
Dance,- Mellow1 Moon," every ed-r"
and Sat, Latest, modern music, -
Federal Funds -Appointed
Two Get Licensee r-' Two mar
riage licenses were Issued a the
county clerk' "offlcef yesterdays
MaxW. Carman, 14, 1240 Che
mekeia 'street, ' received a - per
mit to wed Sarah Josephine Dam-
masch, 24, 342 East 2 2nd street
O i i ' ; ' . J rC
Stadent Loans Ready.' - Loans
from the Methodist" hoard of edo-t
cation, totalling $1065 are now
available tor students at Willam
ette university checks having
' N. S. Savage, business -manager.
. 4 N The; loans '.are made : for ; second
semester expenses " ot the stu-
dents. The "fund has been consld
' jV erably smaller this year ..than
. heretofore. Students are; not re
quired to pay interest on the ad
' vances until 'they finish school
'or. withdraw.'
Smith-Hughes federal funds ag-
rrAP-atln -r: 113 41 ( At . vatrita-v
were pportioned among various fouth, Portland ; -Charles Robert
school districts ot the ftate by O. Ramsden. 2,. 141 .Southt Winter
D; Adams, state director of Toca- 17 relTe nZZ to ,Wtd
tlonal, education. District partlc- PhyUia Day. 22,J4$ Chemcjceta
ipaung in ine .apportionment.' in-i ,;v v ; .,5
eluded Gresham, Halfwayj Sandy; I w r.t.i.' W :!' a!
Canby, Woodburn. Molalla, Rain- Af shrtna conntT Taes-
ler, CoiuilleF Myrtle Point, Bend. J ftied la tnw gUte department
oam, ouiwwu, vunu, www here as a delegate to.xne consu
on.i Cottage , Grove, Grants Pass, mtional convention" to vote on re
Roaeburg, Independence, Union, peax 0t the eighteenth amendment
Imbler, Forest Grove, The Dalles, to the federal constitution; She
Duf ur. Amity, McMinnvllIe, . Cos- favors ' retention of the amend
vallis, Cloverdale and4 Pendleton, ment. Delegates to the convention
This apportionment represents will be chosen at a special .elee
fede'ral funds for the first-half of tion In' Oregon on July 21.'
the fiscal year 1932 and 1933. . 2- r
- ... . Real! President Word .was re-
See "the many .49c values at Me- ceived here yesterday that Hayes
tropolitan 5-10-250 store,' today, BealL-Willamette university grad-
148 N. Liberty. uate who has been attending
school at Yale Divinity school this
Case Continued Hearing for elected nreaiderft. of the
Ray Derochea, accused of thet of j National Student Christian asso
200 bricks from a Gervais home, elation at a meeting held in Col-
wui . . be new - m lusiice court j umbus, O., recently.
Thursdav afternoon" at 2 o'clock.! -
Hearlnsr was scheduled for Tester-1 Salem Boy Honored Marvin
dv but did Tint ra Ann all jwlt-l Wilbur of Salem, freshman in
nesaea wera not snmmoned. Wit-J business administration at Oregon
iiessea who Yam down from Port-1 State college, has been appointed
land were permitted to leave affl- assistant night editor of the Ba
davited testimony, so ; will . not rometer, daily paper published by
have to be Tecalied; Meanthne. " i ne appoinimem . was
Derochei Is out of jatt on his own Announced by Waldo Taylor, edl-
- itnw. Ar'lba RarAmntai - -" . "
recognixanc,-nvon tnotion or tne iy
district attorney. j l ' c-
Prepares to Pay Tax Marian
county officials are preparing to
pay to the ' state treasurer - the
first half of the $145,000 193f
property tax assessed for state
; expenses against this county. ' If
the sales tax passes, the last half
will not , be collected.. The coun
ty's officials will' pay the first
half from funds on hand, without
making a special levy. The state
. treasurer's office has advised the
county court that such a proced
N. re is perrecuy legau
SOO-ptece Jig-saw puxile, 25c. Me-
k tropolitan 5-10-26C store, 148 N
iv i Lewelllng Here Tomorrow
" v T.... T . n f ...111., will V&timva
tcmorrow from Albany to eonduct
court In the equity, division .of the
eircuit-conrt here. .The Judge is
expected to render . a , decision
shortly in the Injunction proceed
ings brought to test the legality
of beer's sale in Salem. At the
. Endeavorem Elect Dorothy
Gibson has been elected president
of the Christian Endeavor society
of the. First Christian church. Oth-
." Wants $100 Ralph W. Al
len filed a complaint In circuit
court here' Tuesday against Her
man Hansel and Mlnnine Hansel
whom he claims damaged him. to
er new officers are Geraldine Ar-1 the extent of $100 by retaining
nettt vice - president: T h e 1 m a l Illegally land to which ; he, held
Thomson, secretary, and Rex Wirt, I a deed. .
treasurer. Lewis Dunn is in I ...
Mit . dlan work, was a visitor In Salem
, I the past few days at Chemawa In
Wright In JaO--Horace Wright I dian school as one stop on his tour
w&a haled into justice conrt ves-1 oi Indian scnoois ana reservations,
terday on. charge of larceny : by j His headquarters are at Chicago.
bailee, growing out of alleged sale
Regular Meeting Routine hus-
wrtffht l laess will occupy the attention ot
' .-
A At . . I . It ..f
. are restrained by a temporary in
- Junction from enforcing the ehar
. ter amendment and city ordln
; J ance which forbids the sale of
4 ' beer In the city. '.
Thnrstoa Estate at End The
estate ot tne late B. s. Tnurston
M AjlAWAit i- JkliNaAft VASASlfe -twa
probate court here. K. S. Thurs
ton has served as administrator.
Receipts of $7006 were reported
with $811 spent as expense. Grace
L. Thurston, widow, receives $2,
984 eash, while $590 each goes. to
each of the following: Roy S.
Thurston, K. S. Thurston, C. J.
Thurston, ' Henry B .Thurston,
Gladys M. Rhoades. . .,
urana piano, v eiectno . wasners,
furniture, stoves, linoleum, rugs,
v ete. Astonishing low prices.
v, woodry's Auction Market, :110
W. Knmmor Rt ' -
of a car owned by L. R. Wlthee to
Joe Prof itt of Dayton
nlaa A m v em tl A s Vi a. V) wfrsa
hearing in justice court this after
noon at 2 o'clock. He is in Jail, in
lieu of $J50 bail. 1 ,
Rate Complaint Dismissed A
complaint filed by Ralph D.
Moores involving the rater and
service of the Oregon-Washington
Water Serviee company, was dis
missed iaaal order issued hefe
yesterday by Charles M. Thomas,
public utility commissioner. The
company operates in Salem and
other northwest cities.
noon. Tne group meets on tne
fifth floor of the Masonio temple.
Visits Salem John Rudd
northwest . council secretary of
public relations in Y. M. C. A
work was visiting in Salem yester
day. Rudd makes his home In
Seattle. .....
Abstractors Meet A regional
meeting ot western Oregon ab
stractors will be held at the cham
her of commerce here Saturday,
beginning at 10 o'clock . In the
' V'
. r t ?
v i - "
1 .,.,
MADISONWia.. April $$
(AP) Delegates - to Wisconsin's
eonstltutlonal convention,, 14 men
and one woman, today east .Wis
consin's vote. In favor ot repeal ot
the, 18th amendment. .
The, vote was unanimous, a for
mal , ratification of the .will ' of
Wisconsin cltlxens wbo -o - April
4, elected a solid; repealut delega
tion to the convention; (50,000 to
i Tne convention -met 4a: the as
sembly, chamber, legislators Clear
ing three rows, of seats -in .front
or delegates. The chamber was
crowded .' with ', law makers - and
spectators, : soma of .whom : sang
How Dry I Am, as delegates en
tered.-. . ,: .'. ' .-: .,-...'
Gov. A. G. Schmedeman. In an
address, termed the gathering "a
happy occasion giving partial ful-
luiment to the wishes ot the peo
ple ot .Wisconsin., .: .
This scene Is typical of many which took place throughout Germany dur- :-
Ing the recent one-day boycott of Jewish storesv Storm troopers ot Chan
eeilor Adolf Hitler's Nazi organisation are shown as they picketed a
closed Jewish-owned shop in Berlin. They are carrying placards setting
forth the reasons for the boycott, which, they said, was. adopted as a
means ef reprisal for the atrocity stories spread throughout the world, 1
Engineer Warned, Says Re
porting collision of his ; sedan
with . a Southern - Pacific switch
engine on Soqth 12th- street
Monday night, L. B. GilbertsOn,
1909 Bouth High street, yester
day informed police that H. M.
King, : engine foreman, admitted
having warned, the engineer that
an approaching car might strike
the engine. Gilbertson states that
no bell - was ringing on the en
gine and its lights were too high
to be seen. Gilbertson suffered
Injuries to one hsnd and knee.
Firemen Listen la Firemen
at central station last -night di
verted themselves by listening In
to the city's new police radio
station. The set used was built
by one ef the firemen.
Chimney Afire The day shift
citv firemen answered one call
yesterday, that for a minor chim
ney blase at 1189 Court street at
5:4$ p. m.
Morris Car Molea Kenneth
Morris, 2015 State street, yester
day notified city police that his
automobile had been stolen from
the alley between High and Ll
berty near State street.
Health Board Meets TV exec-
utive board of the Marion county
health department .Is scheduled to
hold Its postponed April meeting
at the health center at 5 p. m. to
morrow. It Is expected the depart
ment budget will be discussed ln-
the light of reductions proposed
by the Salem school board.
Theft Suspects Held Three
young men were being held in city
jail yesterday on suspicion of
theft. They are Charles Grimes,
James Fuller and Garner E. Me
Bride, booked for Investigation.
Police suspect them of having sto
len a robe from an automobile.
Support Radio Station Salem
chapter, Oregon building congress.
has gone on record In favor ot
establishment here of a radio
broadcasting station, it was an
nounced yesterday. It Is being pro
posed to put a 500-watt atatlon
into operation here.
Brief One Stolen A brief
case was stolen from an auto
mobile belonging to "Archie Are-
hart, 522 North Church street,
the owner informed city police
Reports est Ehtate D. B.
'.Wli W
Hand Pupils
r'rrV s.arr t.-s -i.-. - . -4- - - ...
CHICAGO.. Apr!! 25 (AP)
The affliction ef Chicago's school
(Titem tor '.many,' months .threat
ened today to develop into a case
of - complete paralysis- unless a
stimulant , In the form . ot . eash
were immediately provided.
'. The fine question pondered by
city and school officials was: -';
Should the city halt its mount
ing debt to the long unpaid teach
ers : by closing ' the ' schools for
three months, thereby relieving
them ef working' for nothing? -'.
. "Prodded to. activity by the In
creasing anger of the pedagogues
over payless paydays which yes
terday led them to invade; loop
banks -with a. demand for imme
diate eash offlcialj conferred re
garding the proposal to declare a
moratorium on educational 'facil
OrvUle J. , Taylor, president ot
the beard of education, announced
after a conference with Superin
tendent of Schools William J. Bo-
; WASHINGTON.. April 2$.
(AP) Five more Roosevelt nom
lnatlons received senate confirm
ation today, including that of
Danlet W. MacCormack ot New
York, as .commissioner general of
Rear Admiral Christian J. Peo
ples wss confirmed for a four
year term, beginning April 29, as
paymaster general and chief of
the bureau ot supplies and ac
counts of the navy. Others ap
proved were:
Theodore A. Walters of Idaho.
to succeed Joseph M. Dixon at
first assistant secretary of the in-
terlor; Thomas F. Thomas of
Utah, register of the land office
at Salt Lake City, and James B.
Toung of Pennsylvania, as a con
sul general in the foreign serviee.
of the late Sadie E. Chance, re
ported outgo of-$82 5 In ad minis
terlng the property, when he fil
ed his statement in probate court
here Tuesday. '
Ceremony Performed Russell
Mlfford. 23. 1265 North 19th
street, this week received a 11
cense to wed Marvelle E. Ed
wards, 11 6 C Waller street. Rev,
Darlow Johnson performed theJ
Hill, administrator of the estate ceremony Monday.
that he was la favor of closing tie
schools from May 12 to October I.
The proposal, already contain
ed Iji i "resolution offered - by
SehoolTrUitee. J. - Wallace Cald
welL' will be debated at the eoa-
catioaal board's, meeting tomor
row, Taylor said. "-" ,
.-There were; however, legal as-,
pects, which' would .have to be
clarified. said '- Taylor, namely :
whether the school hoard could
disregard the state statute requir
ing the' city to furnish its root
with a nine month school term.
Eugene Woman v v-:-Beneciary
: in
Will of Moore
NEW YORK.-April 25 (AP)
Eight ehOdren share equally la
the-: estate- of' George G. Moore,
firearms manufacturer who dtfd
April 5 at the age of 94, under tie
terms of a will tiled today. .The
estate is ; valued - at. over $20.-
oto." -. - ;
An outright bequest of '$S,0'
is made to Tu senium college st
Greenville, Tens. - .
One of the children who share
the estate is Mrs. Stella M. Thar-"
gaa and' Mayor, Ed ward J. Kelly er of Eugene. Ore. r
PRINTED LAWNS, good variety of
, patterns, fast. color. Yard, ..
PERCALES. Guaranteed -fast
color. Yard
HOSE, Ladies' pure aflk,
full fashioned. Pair.
... 7V2C
curtains. Rose, blue, green, orchid. Yard 1 2C
Yellow, rose, green, blue, orchid, only..l . 0?C
170 N. liberty St.
Esrclla Patteras 10-13 a ad 23c
Charles A. Worm died at the
Veterans' hospital in Walla Wal
la, Wash., April 24, aged 45 j
years. He was a late resident of :
West Salem. Leaves widow, Ed
ith , of West Salem; daughter,
Thelma Warm; son, Carl Wurm;
father, Adam Wurm, all ot West
Salem. Funeral services Thurs
day, April 27 at 3 p. m., from the
chapel of W. T. Rlgdon Son. In
terment City View cemetery.
Thomas Sullivan passed away
In this city Sunday, April 28. Fun
eral services will be held from the
chapel of the W. T. Rlgdon and I
Son mortuary Wednesday, April
20. at 10:30 a. m. interment in
I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Case Before Jadge Trial of the
suit of the Woodbnrn Odd Fel
lows lodge against George Wilson
and wife was conducted Tuesday
f" before Judge L. H. MeMahan
here, both sides agreeing to dis
pense with a Jury. The court took
.;. V-t"
i Teter
Reuben D. Teter at the resi
dence. R. F. D. No. 4, Salem, Mon
day. April 24 at the age of : SS
years. Survived y widow Mrs.
M. A. Teter, Salem; . sister. Miss
Sin a Teter of LeRoy,. IU.; daughr
ter, Mrs. Fanny Bullock of Mon-
mouth two step-daughters, Mrs.
, ...:'.,..;:.'...:.:1.
the ease under - advisement after l Mary Lupien of Salem and Mrs.
hearing all the evidence. Circuit Grace Wolf of Shaiton, wasn.;
' - - -v-
v' court - sessions will ' he ' resumed
Thursday before Judge MeMahan. I
r Mack Estate Closed Final
account in the estate of the late
Arthur L. Mack was filed In pro
bate court yesterday.' Herschel L.
Mack was administrator. Real
property valued at; $3200 -was
left by the deceased along with
personal property valued at $204.
Claims of : $2555 have all been
, Mishaps Reported Two auto
mobile accidents, both ot minor
eonseauence. were : reported to
eltv nolice yesterday as follows:
M. E. Bixel, route two, and C H.
Brown, route bIx; . Rot. Frederick
Bueermann, .745 - North Cottage
street, and M. J. Ryan, 124
North Capitol, at Cottage end E
three sons Grant Teter ot Warm
Springs, Ore., Frank Teter of Sa
lem and . Marshall Teter of Mon
mouth; nine grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren. Fun
eral services will he held from the
chapel of ; Clough-Barrlck - com
pany Wednesday, April 28 at 2
p. m. Interment Cityview ceme
tery.- Rev. S. Darlow Johnson of
ficiating. ' , v - '
" 1 '
Coming Events
t - - '. ' '':
May S Miss Gladrs Row-
en, society editor ef Port-:,
lasd. Oregon!, speak and
show pictures of life of Cms.
ter and ot Yellowstone na
tional park; T.M-d lobby. '
. May 6-0 Annual May
festivities, Willamette tvK
.versity canapes. ', . .
May 7 Music week opens
ta Salem. - , ; ; .
May 1 Stadeats Of
Mary Schults la program at
X. M. C A. . '':. ' - ;
May 20-27 Oregon State
Association of Master
Plumbers, annual meeting;
May 28 Dr. .D.- B. Mill,
notion pictures .of special
taterest to children and par."
eatst Y. )L C A. lobby. ' ''
; v June 1, Evangelical
conference, First Evangeli
cal church; '??.?.1':1
' June 2-4 Fourth Annaal
Willamette - Valley Flower
' Show. , . t:v:Cy:''
. 1 Jane 10 Willamette uni
versity commencement.
-; June 21-23 G. A; R. and
affiliating bodies annual en.
campment.. . ' ' - .
: July . 21-20 Aanoal En
campment. Spanish War
' Sept. 4-9 Oregon ' state
- Armstrong . , , t , -
Horace E. Armstrong, a reel-
dent of Canby, died Monday, April
24, aged 69 years. Survived by
widow, Emma W. Armstrong 'of
Canby; sons, Herbert of Salem,
Russell of Portland, Dwight of
Canby; daughter, Mrs; Mary Id-
mundson of Portland; brother,
Frank Armstrong of Dee Moines,
Iowa; six grandchildren. Funeral
services Thursday, April 27 at 2
p. m., from the Highland Friends
church under the direction of the
Clough-Barrlck company, . with
Rev. Calvin R. Choate and Rev.
8. A. Oberg officiaUng. - '- '
.O o
' ! : '
.a- :
5 Births
Wldman To Mr. .and. Mrs.
Frank wiaman ; or Jefferson, a
seven ' pound son, born yesterday
at the Bungalow Maternity home.
Elastic Hosiery, -Abdominal :
. Belts, Shoulder Braees, An-.
' kle' - and t Arch v Supports ;
:4 FTaTTEB; ;-: .-.,--;" ' .
. .Woolpert & Leggr Drugs
Court at Liberty-Phoria 3444
Hospital Beds
to Rent
1 5 -
Call rJ10. Uiied Varnitare
.v. Departmeat . - V
iai North nigh X .-;
- u
'.. . Si I
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"s;':; . X-Wherever yoaVuyX A - . ..- . ; .
il ' " ; ICaesterfkldajren retl "- .'' ;-':,-;
t-i.t ,. ' . ; factory doer c.-..- . ..'"v-
iT'-'S -C'-. "' "r.-1."-': 'I''l "i v;"- ;- r vV iVrTJfav'''-':-
V- ': ,j End-on, this trvyJuU mffrnJt mod ClitrjUU looks Lis m l-- 'v ', - vrSSSBr-. .-..v;,-' '"-1
- . "1 Ag honeycomb. Intpocton, mxpert from king prmctUn rem w- y -.--1- " - . 4
teita tweassrs cktorn or tmperfott agantf.iS ZiZ7Z "' I J,rrZT :SrVT i-lCC "l-TC V. -V'-C-:"V
rV-'-"- jV J'",wv"'T-irt,sTii,ii isw i-whs;i fir 'Oik sin ririw i. . n sunnier u"trin in nisT . ... t ' .. J "- ' " 0 )5 &JQBsTTT
Each tray of CHESTERFIELD S from the
cigarette-malting machines passes under the
watchful eyes of inspectors, trained by long
practice to see flaws such as an end of torn paper
or a poorly filled cigarette.
And there's still another safeguard ' two
electric detecUyeaon each packaging machine.
Electric lingers "feel" each end of every dga
rette, and throw out every imperfect package.
Open your pack of Chesterfields, and look
St them. It's no accident that every cigarette Is
round, firm and fulL Somebody's been on the
job erery minute to give you what you want .
a cigarette that's made right in every way and
that's milder and tastes better.' ; '
Mrsu Toatcos Co. '
v . -.
M lO-'
1 -.-is