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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Saksu Oregon, Wednesday Morning. April 23, v AGE THIRTEEN ; l , ' A . r- w- f , I VV -1 . A VI 1 I 1 fcj I . I . i I ' I I 1 II i I i - 1 1 I l V V 1 If ) 1 i I . I -s . a . . ' a n - n. II I I A a - i - It I ' ft!vv "it-. - if" .1 ' "I r -, "op i : hi .11 H' '''' I f Dr. ' ,1 i ' , Hours f , to 4;3l 1' V- -e-r s 4 4 i Business Directory 7 Cards In this directory run on "a monthly basis wily. Ratal. $L0 pf Un Pr month, AUTO BRAKES Vlk Pmaek. th brtk and shimmy doctor. 7i Sooth Connmorcfa: Strot. BEAUTY PARLORS Miliar Bfuty Shoti. dial Tttl. ; CATERING Burt Crary, tho caterer. Ph. 75. CHIMNEY SWEEP Talopnooo 44S9. R. B. Northwaa. 1 ; CHIROPRACTORS ' DR. a L. ECOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, tit N. HUrh. ToU Ra t57. , DRESSMAKING MRS. BNELGROVB. 415 N. CotUgo. TL 141. UamsUtcbmC Se yard. ivumiMu in your homa. - Exp. ; t.f day. Copy p1ctora Tel. T4. . FLORISTS oral wraatfa decorations C F. Brelt f haupt. florist. Ill Court. TaL 1904. . AZX kinds of floral work. Luts Slor iau Kth Market TeL U92. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL lie. Walter J. Downs, 480 Breya INSURANCE BECKS ll K. Hih HENDRICKS - . Tel. 4J4I COFFBY-FMITH. pen, lna. Tet 438. LAUNDRIES '- THIS MEW SALEM LAUNDRT - TUB WSUDEB LAUNDRT 343 a High - Tel. SHI (1PIT1I. mTT LAUNDRY ! rirst In Quality and Service L Telephone 314& H44 Broadway LAWN MOWERS 4. -s Sharpened, repaired ana - traaea. 1 js-HARRT W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES ' O MaUroaasa 1 from factory 1 to Borlna mattress 33.00. Renovators and wt V fumigatora Rugacieanea. capital tsea- '-f X Atm dm. TeL 40(1. 101A N. CaDitoL Nm mattress made to. order, old romadef carpet cleaning, alxlng ; fluff rug weaving, Salem Fluff .Rag 4s Mat- -ress Factory, a 13U dt WUhur. Tel 444 1 Otto Jr. zwicset. ism, ivij. MUSIC STORES om ct WILL Ptanoa. radios, sew ing machine a, sheet musle and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs aad sewing machlaea, 433 State Street Salem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar aad lessons for J anything I can use. Btorhow, 460 Court MEDICINE Chan Lata Chinese Medicine Co. Tuesday and Friday, 10 JO gjn. 9 p. m. us N. uocnmerciau ff.. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint St Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERT. cards, pampb b lets, programs, books or any kind of t printing, call The Statesman Feinting i f Department 311 & CommerctaL. Tele v.1 phone 910L ' M . . PUBIJC ACCOUNTANT N. D. Clement Income Tax R porta. Auditing. ilOVa .N. ComX Tel 3030 or H47. - REAL ESTATE "BECKS a HENDRICKS, TeL 4447? W It G RABEN HO RST CO. 124 B. Liberty St - TeL $4$$- ! v BOCOLOFSKT a SON - - $04-5 First NafL Bk. Bldg. Tel 7807. STOVES? STOVES .and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt ana repairea. aji kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and tklaln. boa baskets, books, logaa hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 242 Chemeketa. TeL 4774, R. R Fleming. TRANSFER niprril. rTTT - Trsnsfcr Co.t24 rj. State St .TeL TTT2. Distributing, far- Get our rates, FOB local or distant transfer storage, ail 2131, Larmer Transfer Co, Trucks to Portland dally. . . WELL DRILLING r R. A. West 89 years experts ace. RFD 4. Bos 109 B. Tel. 110F6. t Jf V Wheat Lower at 5 Portland: Cash OS 'Cent Mostly PORTLAND, April 25. (AP) Wheat was generally, lower to - ay. On the Portland futures mar- there was a lose ati Ue aaehl .CHILDS miek, Keaira . - - - - new May . and In 3 uly at the finala whUe the old May and the ti " 7B" -- rA 'el. Sales Included 25.0 QO bushels II each old May and September. 1 V r . at.. - At l a ' fjWA me ruriiaua xaercnants ex - A. cnange cast! wheat lost ie with the t exception ef Big Bend blueltem .- ..a -v- . w . per cent and 12 per cent protein. In LX Statesman Classified Ads . Call 9101 CUaalfled AdTertistas Siogl initrtion per Itat.lOd TbrM iaiertioaa pay J Od Six lnsartloaa per Un..S0e One moats per tlae..1.0t Mioimam coarse ...... 2 la t Copy : for tela pace ee eepted ontJl 6:S0 the er ta ins before - pnbUeaUoa tor claaelf Ication. C o p j re celted atter this time will be ran ander the heedlns Too LaU to dawlly, ; ; ' " The . Statesmao usamea no tlaanclat responsibility for errors which may ap pear tn ftlyertlseaents pub lished In. its columns, tad la eases, where this paper Is at fault trUl reprint .that part ot an adTerttsemeni In "which - the typographical mistake oeemrs. The Suteaman reaerree the rlsbt , to reject . objec tions! Advertising, ft . far ther reserves the Tisnt te classify ; ait advertising en der the proper elassltleso tion. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted: ExMrtencad liooaekoeDer for family ot five. Room, board, small wages.. Give references and phono number. Writs Box 033. Statesman. Wanted middle aed reliable woman to help in family with children tn ox- change for home and small waces. 3440 Brooks Bl Experienced working" housekeeper without encumbrance. References l quired. Write Box 189. Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED ' Exp. dressmaking- la your home. 93.50 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 7344. Wanted by nurse, work. Will con sider housekeeping to motherless home. Miss E. Wagner, R. 8, Box 253, Salem. : r ' FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crab sow at Fidter's stand. Intersection Sltverton-Fortland road. Very good strawberry plants, $3.00. C 3. Bartruff, Rt 7, Box 13 1 Phone 91F2t . Sheep fertiliser, red clover seed. Mrs. Wright 4t mL on -Wallace Rd. 1932 KELVMATOR electric refrlg- erator used f months. Phone 7447 r 1970 N. Front. . Rug 9x12 cost $40. sell for $30. Used ' I sxk months lie North 14th. Beemaa garden tractor and toola R.I 2, Box 10 9 A. a nL. vest Ot Salem uejgbxs scaeoi. Forced saloi 9 acres pronea Bar-1 gain. Rosedato .district: H, O. Damon, I -oouMrciai. -t- 1 flat top typewriter desk In fine tmditlon. also a large wicker daven-j ii suv nuur auiutuio Lur ouico or ome, for amis cheap at 2495 24. Com'L Fertiliser for sale. Phone T$3L TRADE Miscellaneous FOR TRADE 1 milk .cow, 2 -pbrs, 2 Angora goata, 1 police pup, 1-1927 Ford touring, all for a closed car. B. Wo. 3, Box lit. Balero. WANTED Miscellaneous I mmmm - - ,-i-i-M-,-rM-iruLriArixrLrxn Why -throw away good money? The hosiery mend! dept at Grand Silver tore repairs boss Ilka new. so to 35c. We pick no free at charm dead and wortniess aorses, cows aad sheep. TeL MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c child.. 15a, Two blocks 8. or library. & winter. Permanent wave, 60c, Beauty Maid Shop.' Over Steusloff Mkt. Tel. 4484. 'ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladles. Close in. TeL 5478. 595 Court 8t l000 Board, room, $30.00, near P. O. 5482. Comfy rms. Board optnL Tel. 4749. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments downtown. Call Pat ton 'a book stsra - Fur. 7444. 2 R. apt, 2341 HaseL TeL Mod, st. heated apta TeL 8490. Apta $10. $12. $91 N.- ComT. Furn. apartment 1940 Leslla r Nice furn. apt, 690 Union. Apts, 15 mo. up. 256 Beivlew. - Klce front apt, $5$ Center. Olympic 730 N. Liberty. , Mod. 21 room, rum, or wnnirn. apta FOR RENT HOUSES Faro., Forkner, onfurn. neoaea R. 1410 N. Cottage. TeL 242L Furn. 4 room bouse. TeL 6010, $ rooms $19.00. Tet 7204. - Small, fura. house, $1L90. 1095 a istn t. Teu gf. " WANTED TO RENT "Wanted small unfum. apt Private heth. Phono 4195 ewt flaya FOR SALE Real Estate If yoa want to buy, sell or exchange 1 anything see General Exchange, S3 8 N. commercial ot. ' $30 per acre. 59 acres bop son. Own sr. 1425 Broadway. : -..' SPECIAL ; ' 14 acres of 18 to 24 year eld m- a . a V3t a Bl TrV d fay f-Aaa 1 ,wYet." ' ' 1 344 etata street . ' - trooam sies. 1 .wiww.-ww : .wiF-ffSJ1 tor lake, cabins, store, ooaia, etc apo- I del price. - . -- a;k qi npoot -it.- - -. . CBILM A MILLER. Realtors r" 1344 state 8treet mono eiss. - 1 hafJ;j .-SSt Js5 St hSu-tv I have some real good places with plenty t or milt ana rooa nouses, tgwi acres. I This is the first class . stuff. - Easy FOR SALE Real Estate T acres close to, 4 room house, ban, chicken bouse, alectrio pump, exoeUeat sou. Trade lor Baiem resiaance. . 1 A. 1 ml. from . Salem, 4 room house, electrie lights, bath, . lota of fruit S3375. Terms. . , -IS A. north oa eavad road, finest of soil, all la cultivation. $2000. $5 down, balance easy payments. MeiTin Johnsos w. m. pennmrton Kt State St. - Phone Tt. Buy homo from owner, 3300 cash. baL like rent. room new modern home. Address "A", care Statesman, i Coast nronerty two rood bouses at Nye Beach, T and S rooms, ocean view, clear, owner wants Salem home. Melvia Johnson or W. m. Pennington 275 State Street LOOK AT OUR BARGAINS FARMS at CITT PROPERTT. 82 acres Howell Dralrle. choice land. some bearer dam land, timber for own use. 45 . acres In cultivation.. Price $7200. " ''' 31 acres S miles east ot ttalem. ran- nlnir water, wood tor own use, 14 acres under cultivation, electric lights, fam ily orcnara. a-i tana at f izve. jsasy terma ' " - ' Strictly modern B room mnuralow. cioso in. a. enoice noma, cost stiot. Will seU at $3800. Good terms. 110 acres, 90 acres under cultiva tion. Fine running water with gravity water srstem. Fair farm bulldtnaa. AH A-l soil, plenty timber for asm nsa, near school, electric lbrnta A fine stock and grain ranch, consider some iraae. ssuou. A suburban home, large lot A rood buy at $1500. Eaav terms. If you bare anything to trade why J. F. ULRICH COMPANT -223 State Street TeL 4472. FOR HAI.1B Wan paying trading business, priced right. Must seU rood house, won loeatsd for less than insorance. Piioe $1440.40, insurea ai siooo.uo; a sacrtnee; $300 cash down payment. For sale one of the best auto camp grounds, for good cash payment Gen eral Exchange, szs N. Commercial 8t . . iriri 'inrn"wufuinnjx'io Dont build ttntn -voo. aea thi two zme lots all in c hemes, pears and ap ples, fun bearing, one block south of ivesus junior bigtt scnool, nice view, level lots, (0x130 each. Sell one or Dotn cneap, easy payments. Owner, 745 xtanu Avsnne, pnone ssst. tH acres near Swerlo school, no Im provement price 1700, nothing flown and $7 a month, no Interest, two years. -: $19 Court Street S room modern house, 1495 N. 18th priced very reasoaable. TeL 4277. EXCHANGE Real Estate - yiWYYvnmf nmv nnfi.Bnrm.i- -in. Dallas T R. modern house, clear. Good location for modera sub. Salem property. Box 190, Salem. 140 acre farm for aale or trade for clear Salem residence. Write Box $37, Rosebura, Oregon. " 'TnYnvynr i-innfinnrinnfruvinAAAfi, EXCHANGE 32 acre tract close ta efbr limits. good room bungalow with basement fireplace, large barn, chicken bouse, double garsge, family orchard. Place YJjl "'J.'0 subdivision. For sale at $2000 Wni accept small place as part wuijub at aiUiKtL Realtors 244 State Street Phono $702, FOR SALE FARMS DANDT 3-10 ACRES -f Close In). North Salem. U.A. young cherries aad 2-A. young peach es, (sandy loam). d-R. boose with basement barn, and eta, electrie give terras. lights. - Priced very low at 22509.00: J 5-ACRES fHOWELL PSAmTFrt jruaaing river, lS-A. OUlL, sll Kinds h iruic ana perries, s-K. Douse, oaae ment barn, garage, electrlcty. $4360. Take bouse in Salem as part JAS. IX HEARS, REALTOR 132 South High 8treet ACREAGE RM A T.I. iritRinii! ixrwtv . 22100. Five acres sll la bMriu mh. ra, wnaii nouas located oa main Pacitto highway. 8H miles out $1450. Five acres, good Und. small burninga, good location, 4 miles out. 85S rimrn. Ill n.. fiz&o. one acre with some baarlna- . . . - - iruu. room nouas, located close in on Fairvlew Ave. $50. down, 111 TMP MA a a . . tasvu. aioaern tm to data eountrv home, 4 rooms, an necessary out cioso .in, on good road, I0- ?wn. baL terma ITS A lUiAij HI IT. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST CO REALTORS 134 H. Liberty Street Phone 4448. WANTED REAL ESTATE 'i-ii-M"Miinnn ii.iu Want t bu-r farm of SO a las a located Within 15 mL north ;w DiiTcnun on east aids of WU- uuneue river, sman mvmM Am and terms or will pay cash for bargain. buui(i, szs jn. commercial Business Opportunities For sale or rent ram stsb auto wrecking house on highway. In quire at 285 Chemeketa. "" - -i-iiM-kn nruiru i j Lnwin rrifi -inn Wish te Sell lMM m Mnlw mkm. iron ana living quarters 1 mL a of oaieni, ltl."iIlV, V " " "'iiiryir kmm mm - - - RESTAURANT FULLT - EQUIPPED Heart of Salem, quick sale. 2700. GROCERY stooV nit fWtii-. .l. for quick sam, $750, " I od 4 it mod. house roxi i iur ew zno. - ,- ai you wish to buy or sett, SEB VAN If. OPPlBn . 4 ure. Bldg... ;. Phono 7522. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Custom hatching. 500 ears at lua every Saturday aad Tueadar. TeL aaers ns rcnery. '--""- , - I. - T.1JTJX 'I-L. Poultry wanted. Salam Ponltrv mm. pw?, .us jy. ssuier. BUSOUS BAN CHICKB at ! rtrice prices Tuesday and Friday I only. See oar bargain Custom hatch ing. Hatching egg Phono 131 F2. , utvm uatcnery. saism, oregoa. For sale. Barred Rock and White Leghorn boas, cows, 1680 N. 21st St . POLLY AND HER HOW y'KMOW HES A ALASKAN ) AIRVkLEDEL.!CIA? f-vw-1 1 r 1 i-r- 1 at - bt r a? , - a a-v : v - w as , T -- '-a - 1 ( 1 r . , r MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harnicnx' "-Heard ring out i is really KOD dafly loaa service that really different TOT7 GET THh FUXX. - AMOUNT OF LOAN pi CASH , ONLT LAWFUL TNTERB3P STRICT PRIVACY QTJXCX AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ' Ot LOANS $10 ta $300 . - Beneficial- Loan Society OF SALEM - lteom 219 New Bligh Bide 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATE Bit State Street Tet 2-T-4-S. Borrow aa personal pi ouotty t repay In monthly In stall men ta WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO. Bute Ho. 8-143. $0$ Ouardiaa Bldg. TeL 287L PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN CO MP ANT - 212 Oregon Building, 2nd Floor Office bra 10:04 A. M. to 4U9 P. U. Telephone J78t State Uceass Ka 8-145. - ; , - PERSONAL LOANS tlAD aa faraUara, ears, salaries or other trod aeeortty. Repayable monthly. When ta financial aeed see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Baak Bldg. Plana 22 It , MONET LOANED ON AUTOS . Contracts Refmaaeed Axrangs to redooe yooi paysteats . Tea keep the ear . P. A, EIKEX Cor. Liberty St aad Ferry 9ooo 4T9V 3UUoni. Or. FOR SALE WOOD Greea- 2nd growth fur It In. $3.7$. George Maltster. Marlon. Ore. Wood, 33.50 cord. TeL 941L GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL $0e Salem Fuel Ca Trade Cottage. DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and foal elL Call aa aa for ericea We give areas measure, good quality aad ood aw iluo. LARMER TRANSFER A 8TORAGK Tsleobeas 3131 . Ash. fir aad oak, TeL $44$. No. 1 14 tn. eld fir, $4.00. TeL 4450. Dry oak, 4 ft $4.00. TeL $702. Sixteen Inch second fir $2.2$ Per load at TracVa, Phone 29$$. Old fir dry aad greea $4.44 aad up. pnone seis. Ash and fir, Judd. Pboae 21F14. LOST AND FOUND LOST Large browa aad white springer Spaniel dog. Reward. TeL 7359. A. W. B Barley. PERSONAL X win not be responsible for debts contracted by anyone ether than my- seir. r. a. wik-ot, is&v mtr rt. FOR SALE USED CARS SEB Bin aad Bob Used Car Exchange for your usee ear. sis uismeaeia Terms Trade Opea Evsnmgs and Sundays McKAT8 USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 1929 Ford Coupe $129.40 193T Chrysler Sedaa 1929 Ford Roadstsr 193S Darant Sedaa 13$. 00 146.00 146.04 245.04 1934 Ford Coupe 1931 Ford Pickup 296.04 246.44 344.44 1991 Chevrolet Coach 192S Buieat Sedaa 1933 Chevrolet Da Luxe Coach 436.44 TERas TRADES Open evenlnre aad Sundaya McKAT rJUEVKOLGT OOl 332 Onter Phowe 3189 434 N. Oftit WANTED USED CARS Wanted, Used Cars If you have a ear ta selL see us at once. We have customers waiting: BORRKGO'S CAR MARKET 244 No. Liberty Phone 288$. TAX SCANNED Hi A pillar f the DemocraUe Party add a Chicago ward committeeman. Hoe Rosenberg (above) has come ander the searching eye of Uncle Sam. Action was recently started It IT. S. District Attorney Dwignt i r. tjreea to examine soeenberg'a 18S1-1923 . Income tax, returns. Startling; revelations were prone- PALS S -J - i 1 y-i n 1 s . ,. "I I '? 1AV1 ? AkIV IPSTIM r- I 1 ' irvi O VYrUzXC- J.M 1 1 BIHTEB TIKET IS its Egg Undertone is Improved; Demand is Keen for .Spring Ducks PORTLAND, April 2S (AP). Strength was sUU gen r ally ap parent la the market tor batter. Locally end alonr the coast gen erally prices were well maintain ed as a . mis with s good call in all scores. There was ' no chanra In the price on cubes bat the'tnarket was reported as stronger In spots. In facf on the op nmarket sales were occasionally reported e pound higher than quotations tor all scores. There has been little change recently In the total ontpat of the district and surpluses have dis appeared from practically all sec tions. Butterfst market remains firm with premiums nxaJn reported in spots. Most buyers however were naming the quotations listed bv the Journal. General betterment In the un dertone ot the erx trade was sag tested by various marketing in terests. Much poor stuff was finding; sale on the local market. creating; an adverse sentiment not at all justified by supply and de- manq ot quality goods. There was very keen demand at the moment tor the few snrtnr ducks arriving-. Some 4H Pound ers sold at 18c General market for live chick ens was reported firm along; the wholesale way with a -similar trend on the eoast. Prices were firmly held for practically all of- iermgs. There was no change in tne turkey situation. Market for country killed carves shows a ellghtry easier trend here with sales . mostly around 7-te lb. Hogs, mutton and lambs continue In very rood call with prices sustained With little California stock of even rair quality remaining-, a lightly better feeling; Is apparent for Pacifle northwest as Parana In spots the market is a trifle ad vanced. General top is 1.59 for pyramids. Both radishes and rreen onions were higher with a ahortare. uia onions were neglected at tne source. Cabbage was firmer at 3-lc lb. for beet. -Lettuce continues xtn the down course. 30-Hour Week is Getting Support In Rural Places SCOTTS MILLS. April IS A petition te Oregon congressmen Is belnt circulated here. It asks their support of the St hear week, and that It be made to in clude farms, roads and trucks. It calls their attention, to the fact that the prosperity of the farmer depends or the prosperity ef ltd est customer, the wage earner. Radio Program IVESKSSDAT, APUn, t4 XQW PerUaad 420 Se, T:00 Orgaa coacert, BBC. 2:20 Orgaa ess cert. HBO. 7:45 Sissing Striags, MBO. 4;00 SsloiaC Ba 4 : 1 6 Ceekiag seheoL 0:45 Orgaa eeaeerk. NEC. 10:90 W omaa's Magaaiaa ef the Ala. KBC 11:90 WastaUaator Choir, XBO. 12:15 Weatara Tares aad Heats hear, NBC. 1:00 atid-week Mnairale, XBO. 2:05 Al Fearee aad Bis Ganr. NBO. 2:00 B4ttar Ksglith talk, Mrs. Orsee - BKeels. 3:45 IVieadly Chat. 4:90 Elvia AH-taa, NBO. . 4:45 Barbara Sale, XBO. 6:16 etring Sratphony. 4:80 Josef Lheviaas, pisnlit, KBO. 4:ee Aaaes 'a Asdy, KBO." 9:80 One Mas 'a Family. NBO. 4:15 Adveatares st Sherlock Eolaes, NBO. 10:16 Hetet Mark Bepktas eresertra, . T , ABU. 11:00 Phil Harris, MO. 11 tSO Orgaa eeaesrt. KBC . 1 X0TJ4 Partlaaa 444 Xe. 4:80 KOIH Xloek. - 4:90 Betty Ci ether. 10:00 Maria, Little Preach Priaeess, CBS. 11:90 AsMrieaa Seaeel ef Us Ah-, CBS. i:so ueoa ef im. 3:00- Peilalee raaeles. DLBS. 0:16 DDaaasUs Ba easier, CBS. T:90 Blaek Bias, K.T. 4 :00 RWdiaff Whita. teaer. 10:O0 nsritsra ercsssMm, PLBg. 19:90 Do H assy's scehestra. " 11:30 Cafe de Farla. DLBS. -. XOAO OervaUU 454 Xe. TlOO Mersisg UsdluUeaa, lad by Xe. reef r. ratusora. 4)0 Hernia r ssaeart. 0:00 Hssmi geeaeaiss Ob 13:00 Farm hear. 9:94 Da, DsWatt Paras Waialag 01 T - --- . 9:00 Varw atarkst teperts. 'Another ST geh in spq .s kApji ( HE SAVS THSTTO SHIPPW US A k mm A . ,a . . Aw A . . , . m 1 irKvAJu r-x vo7 uy. GRAIN TRADERS l EYmG : t ' . . . HOPS RISE, Wheat Closes Weak at Yic Down; Public Enters Exchange CHICAGO. April , 28 ( API- Rapid loss of effervescence de veloped In the grain markets to day and Washington reports that France was balklnr received more notice from traders than inflation Subsiding of inflation fever be came Increasingly a factor, with resultant price tumbles totaling; at least 1U cents s. bushel tar wheat Participation of the puhlie in the market rallied wheat prices at one time to eaual with the hirb point attained during; yesterday's late rush to purchase, but baying of this character was not sustain- ed, with the majority of prof ee- slonal traders watihinv whs sional traders watching what they I mu a aaAoxat raacuou iron tne I reeeat sharp advance. I Wheat closed weak at the day's ooiiom ngurea, cents nn- aer yestsrdars nnlah. corn 1-1 H down, oats -l off. Today's doalnx quotations: Wheat May. $7H-i: Jalr. CS-68U; Sept. 69-44: Dml. aa ess " Corn May. 1 1 U - A . j-iy s. SSH; Sept, 40-44 W. oatsMay, 4; July, 14-14- sept, 2i4. General FMets RODTTCn KZCTlASai POBTLAKD. Ore April 25. (AP) Predaeo oxeasare. aet prices: Battw, oa 75, esaards 81 Vie; prUas firsts urate xoe. xega, freak extras ass; zreaa saeaiaats lea. Portland Grain POBTLAJTD, Ora, April 35. (AP) SSSt: Oaea TBlm T na ay.aew st n 6T 6T May,oi e t 60 Jalr 60 ax eox se ee Bepteasker SS Sl 41 Cask aksst Ms. 1 Bis iui !..- 4T; dark bard wfatav. 13 par esat ea. 11 per caat S3; asft white, hard viatac "si -anaera sprtag; westers red 47. vsstera valte. Ooaat Xe. 3 white $23. vera: aa I S I X yellow $30.50. aUUraa aUai ears 914.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore- April 25. (AP extras sea, ruadsrss. Batterfat Fertlaad delivery. "A" ra Fsetlis Fssltrv Pra-aer.' . lag priaee: Oversiss 14a. sztras 16a. aria ed solera lee, sMjiaaa 14a, Beyiag pries - wmiimsih si-aa carreas seiaipt SS Paa-aa aad ap 12-12 s deaoa. Oeaaa-y eaaats Biuisg prise cs raOOK SSSl CoaaanNfeUls4 kra kts .. eadee 164 peaaaa 6-4ai vealats SO Z 100 peaade TSa-fta: so Has 1a-he 14-lSs. yearUags 10-1 le, heavy owes 4-5. saa- aer sews 2-Se, balls 4-4 He. Mats Orarea -aataeta la-lOe soaad, paaasta 10s, BraaUs 19-la, ahaaads IS 14a, fUserta 30 81s. pseass poe. Casesra Varh Baying prise. 1933 seel. s-sjse posaa. . xteps aoaaaal, ISIS. 37-SOe. UTS SOBitrV MBT1SS Bnssl Bsv kese, eelered. 4 peaade lSe: do atseV aaaa lis; Bghts 10-11 ; apriags Ugat 14a, heavy 14ei aid reeeters as, daeka. Pe- aiag sretans at -, old IXs. eelered toe. ' Osieea laities Sefee to retails rat OW foa seed L14 eeataL Xakia Spaaiak T4 45s erata. New osleas, Texas Beraaaeas ss.ow sv-poaaa creae. Potateea Leesi. 45-f5s eraace east Desehatas Psoas $1.60-1.40; do Bakers fl.oo-l.T6. XaUsta eeau 41.26-L45. iv potatoes Tease -&. Btraa-berriaa CaUfarsls. S140 rvar IB- bos erste. woet 1033 slip, seminal; Willamette vauey ll-lae eoaad. ess ten orecoa 14-13a Mohair Ksaiiaal bayiag price. 1999 slip, 6a. Hay Bayiag price free, pred fslfe $14-15, alever $11. eaaters Ore goa timothy $1440-19. seta aad vetek le. Portland Livestock P0BTLA5D. Ore- April 25. f AP) came tteosipts so, calves 10; l6-26e lower la appor gradaa, Steeta, 66O-P00 loa, good, $4.85-5.25; ediaa. $4-4.85: eeauMa, $3-4; vOO 1100 lbs. good $4.35-6.36; medlam. $4 4.85; cosmos. $3-4; 1100-1300 lbs. rood. 94.36-6; medium, $3-4.35. Hellers, 650 764 lbs- good. $4.25-4.50; commoa-msdl- am, 4340-4.35; 750-000 lbs., good-cholee, j S4-4.80; eemmoa-suaiaam, S340-4. Cost a, toed, $9.50-8.75; eoauaoa-aaediaaa $2.50 $3.60; low. ssitar aad eaatec, $1 3.60. Bolls, yearllags excluded, geed, (beef), $240-440; eattar-eiediaat. $140 244; v as leva, geod-eholee, $5.00-0.00; mediasa. $4.35-5.00; eall-eemmoa, $3.50 4.25; sslvea, 250-600 lbs- geed-cheies, .oa-a.oe; nsnmia-mesuam 2.00-4.00. Hete Steady te firm. - LigbJ fight, 140-100 lbs. good-eholoe.; brMwetght, 100-laO lbs- 9w-96-446; 144-900 lb a. $4.36-4.35; SMdi am weight. 300-330 Us $3.75-4.85; 330 264 Iba $940-446; heavyweight. 250 994 Ibs $9 36-4.16; 390-450 lba, $1.36 4.00 r psektag sews, 375-850 lba- rosd, 43.35-8.85; 950-415- lbe $9.95-9.76; J 1 1 It A 1 . SS SK.S SC. iTK.K KA IVa r-m mw , ..-.,, ,-wvw Saedhraa, $940-340; feeder sad stacker pigs. 70-190 lbs- geed-aheiee, $3.75-9.76, Baeep eaa mmoa avscsipts eo; s aallv ataadv. Qaetatio,. 'aled We. Byrig sees-aoeieet oa.w-e.svi semmes iw. 9S.oe-4.eO: 40-98 lbs- goad easier. $4.00 4.86; yearUag wethers, 90-110 lbs- geed beise.' 93.00-9.60: mediasa $244-840: eea. 90-110 Tbs geed-sholeo, $2.26-t 60; I3e-160 las- SX4O-S.50; su weiga S14O-S.0O. Tree I. W. L. Power CVsmlesI - Caaaetar4etles of BeUs." T:30 OsrrsiUa high sshool prsfrsaa. Cold RirsV -;. PRUNE MART BETTER Salem Markets Grada B raw 4 ee-ey pool price, S1.20 per hasdred. - Sarplas 9Sc Oflih Italy Sattaetaa sversga.) Battsrf a t Top 91c, Prtate S2Kct cwbes SO He rrlest'saU ta growers ey seism Bayers Asm la . (The prises aetsw, sepp&sd sy a steal gre sea, ere todlesUvo t the dally sssrke4 Sat are see tusis4 by TVs etstasstaal rtUIt UD RatTAILIl . nS.w'ilr' wfc- aUduaosTiseaL desT eassngas 1 k'eL des, Jl e JOS .19 03 44 J5 -08 te oalbagt lT Oreea Mesui, OaUt. IK Peas, viJtl Osbsssa, Is. , Oaieaa. eea. saaeseo. Fetateee, Takuaa Ke. 3 J.00 beeai .76 te toe A Fleclea, aew , aotateee. sxsto . uettaee, Uslit. to S.1S ,, 46 45 1.60 , .02 08 e , 9.04 Oeleea. Walla Walla , labia. ewt Paraaipa, haadred R-eVarh, Weal - - uaat, ax Celerr. Csllf U crsts aisxMaa Te Apole Wiaassps, taaey . . SO a.40 . 44 . 39. JLti axtra laaey .. , .. Vewtswaa, 0 grade raaey Eatra faaev CaaUflswea. Calif- crate . -1.2S Orsares. S.S. 0.64 ta LT6 .8.00 ta 4.00 , .60 340 1.00 .05 raaey Beets. Calif- ssx. Tararpe, CaUL. crsts Bplaaefe, CalU crate . Bananas. Is. ea stock Haass .05 Strawserrlee, 12-sex crats, ah. Celery hearts. Sea. .so .90 Maatara areeas - 40 Caensibers 90 to 1.44 HOPS Top. 1989, lb. .39 te .80 -3 Tap, 1S31. Is. sooa Ssytng rrioas Kxteaa .13 .11 JO teaaaraa Medhuas - rOUXTXT OM reeeters - 44 Jl .09 44 .14 Colored heas Mediasu heas Light hast. Bpriags . , MEAT 1022 rprlag leaks Leaks, tea .4.04 J.oe .Aie S45 Hera, top , yirst cats Biases .04 to 44 H 41 to 42 .03 to 48 42 ta 42 4T Oews. ! Heifees Baas Brass, 4 veal, tap prase i a aege . 44 eBJLQI AXD HAT Wheat, weatara red , 43 Walts. 31a 1 45 Beater, tan, tea ! 440 ta 80.00 .20.00 to 3949 I M. eayhag aHui . ead vetah.M .15.00 as. oe J 440 I alfaKs. -eaSey, iat cat. Xs stars Onaaa Clever hey .11.04 te 14.00 WOC4, stadias. .12 JO 45 41 44 OAaOABd BABX Ovees, Ik. Dry. ta. - Stocks and Bonds (Copyright, 1933, Standard StaUltUs Co.) arsiii as ITOCX AVaBAOBS se te e so lad 'la BU's Ut's Tetal Teday 45.1 904 T9.4 41.9 Prsvie-s4sv SS 8 S14 14.T 694 weekaae ss.i se4 ea sz.s Tear as : 4S.S 32.9 T9.6 4T4 9 years eea iss.i ii. zso.s sou His. ItSS SS.S ILI S4 ei.s LOW 19SS 434 3S4 Sl.S SS.S Hlsb 132 Tt.9 994 1114 T9.9 Lew 1S33 Sa.1 1U Sl.S SS.O BOKl'AVXxAOrS to to so e I Today tad'U UK's Ut's Total 41.1 41.4 T3.1 44.4 Previoee day - t. 00.4 1SS 454 Week ago 40.7 4T.4 74.2 S44 Tearaae O0.0 S4.9 78.5 07.5 S years ace r 44 1054 98.9 99.4 Hixhl9BS . OS ! a.T Sl.l Tt.9 Irnvmr ISIS ss.s st.o 7.i es.s High 19SS 71.9 794 44.9 74.1 LOW 1933 UJ Tt T04 OI.S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned by an order ot the County Court ot Marlon County. State ot Oregon, duly made ana entered on the 6 In day ot April. Ill), was appointed administrator ot the estate of Mary C. Walts. deceased, aad that he haa duly qualified as such. All persons hav ing claims a rains t said estate are notified te present the same, duly verified as required by law, at my office In the United Statee National Bank Buuamg. Baiem, Oregon, or at the office ef my attorney. Otto K. Paulus. 4M first National Sank Building., in tl city ef Salem, Marion County, 1 wsv va - ., APril It. 1111 Dr. say at. waits Kxecutor ef the Last Will and Testament of Mary a Walts, de- ised. . , Otto K. Paulus. Attorney for Executor. A. II- I4-M. I-14-1T. ? RAN CE sal- 3 1 c Paid on Hons at Portland; England Buying Prunes PORTLAND. April 25 (AP)V Another rise ta the local hop market was reported today by lo cal dealers. The price rise came when lie pound was offered and reported paid during; the past SI hours. , ; - A great deal of aetrtity is now seen in the market as buying; and soiling was becoming more evi dent. . There has been' around lSOf balee sold since Saturday. Prom 1109 te 1401 f these balee were sold at See, which was stm being freely,. ottered.-far good choice hops. ' It was rumored that dealers were asking as high aa SSe sound tor spot hope. In the' contract market numerous deals were mov ing ' with prices for S-year con tract ruling around 20c - Downy dew was reported to be very serious in the Buenav VUta and Eugene districts, althougk the government reports that a let of progress hag been made dur ing the last few years against this disease. PORTLAND. April 25 (AP). y-ne Improvement la the Ore gon prune market as a result ef lesetcrment In . foreign exchange situation, ha . been noted here. Prices are- reported at least stea dy. Estimates of unsold holdings In Oregon are generally, around fire million pounds, with practic ally everything la the hands of distributors who are unwilling te shade values to force even a higher volume of business. England is the best buyer abroad and her purchases are at tributed directly to the advance In sterling. Domestic sslee are shown more generally, but mostly in small lots. Oregon prices are 25-SSs. 4 3-8c; 30-40s, 4 1-Sc; 40-SOs, 3 tie a pound. SIDE wm ts QUDTATiaifS RECEDE NKW YORK. April 15. (AP) -Financial markets calmed con siderably today as jauotatlons re ceded from the advanced positions taken during the Inflation furor. TJ. S. Steel. Bethlehem, Ameri can Can, Sears Roebuck, American Telephone, Pennsylvania, Santa Fa, New York Central. Union Pa cific, Harvester. American Smelt- tas- TTntfAfl llrmft TT. Or-att lng. Standard Oil ci New Jersey, Union Carbide, Soeony-Yacuum and Ohio on were down 1 te Itt net. Case lost 2 and Allied Chemi cal S. National steel was np S points, while Chrysler, Loews. Werner Bros.. General Electrie end Radio firmed. Sales totaled S.S09.S99 shares. the smallest volume tn a week. O O j NET CHAMP j v't'"- r1 Aa xeel!ent action picture ef 11-yaar-cOd Prankie Parker, New Os leans tennis tnarvtl. who deneei stated coocluaively thag ke has reached man's estate by defeating the veteran Caorr Lett, of CW cage, to win the Houston, Tax, t vUatosi ehsTflpienahip. Parker had ' beaten CiT Sutter, the country third rankinw player, in the pre vie 1 retmd. . By CLIFF ST1RRETT Ba at-. -arA - l . . . . . . . . wiuBiaua caau wneai was 011 zc ao ot the cay. - - - 'CwegoaBldav TsL $9$A