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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1933)
. -r .A . - :Thg OREGON STATESMAN,-Sako, .r Oregon, Tuesday MornL-isr, April 23; 1323 A PACE WINE ! i PHPECTS1EF0II !I Cf.;:DY TULIP DAY innniro nnuvunn NAVY COURT PROBES AKRON DISASTER I "OAKLEYS" FOR "FEIST FAT.IILY" I .uUlhLII LLW ll.ilU O II ! , . I H I TEffTftTIVELY SET 1 a. I - UFIKtfiSOUT I l M GOOD FRUIT CROPS Work Starting . 'on ; Turner l " Road Route From Surt nyside District . I SUNNYSIDE. April 24. Farm work is In fall swing irltti trac tor humming on-til sides and dobbins alsofon the job. Orchard ' lata are expecting good crops and from late reports the prune situ ation Is looking upx "-.. tb county roaamasier nas a large force of men .working on the roads . running east and Is now read? for the, Turner road . Work will be done clearing and widening the Toad with possibly new grade located a part of the way. This has been the worst road in the county and . the peo ple living., along it are making vlans tor a . general effort for improvement and construction of new buildings. . .,' - Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Taylor had ;-as Blossom . day dinner . guests -. Her. Guy Drill and his mother. Mrs. Drill of MeMlnnvIlle.-' and Mr. and Mrs. HollIngworth,Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur 'Flint, . Mr. and Mrs. Sol Taylor and. son Wallace . and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Barnett f Corvallis. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Suther land . and daughter, of Eureka Mont., made an, overnight stop ? with - D. 8. Pearson Saturday i night. Mrs. Sutherland Is a niece of Mr. Pearson. Mr. . Sutherland Is a federal officer of the V.' S. Canadian border; and returned to Portland the following morning accompanied by Mrs, Clara, Blair of Portland. . v ; '' . - ; - V;, , Mrs. D. S. Pearson , is more seriously Injured : than ; first " thought, the doctor reporting In jury f three Tibs from the acci dent last week. Mrs. Alice Pear son of Tillamook and -Mrs. Alice Kewby of Portland are guests of Cliff Pearson. - 1 S WEST 1 OF n -CENTRAL HOWELL, April U The Community club met Fri day night with, the largest attend ance of the year. . The following program was ar ranged by Gladys Liechty and Su ste Rutschman; recitation by Car olyn . Kaufman; piano .duet by Irene and Helen Nafzelger; Topsy Turry drill by fourth, fifth and sixth grade pupils; solos by three year old Virginia Gardner accom panied by Mrs." Gardner; Yioiln solo by Albert Liechty with, ac companiment by his son, Howard Liechty; reading by Bealaa Lich- ty; women's double quartet; Mrs W. A. Roth, Mrs. W. Rutschman, Lucille Roth, Susie Rutschman Mrs. Clarence " Simmons, Ellen Steffen. Mrs. Henry Roth, Mrs. Clarence Heir; a skit by E. LO- ganbeil, Robert Bye, Jena Laud erback and Roy Rutschman; comic skit by Mrs. Clarence Sim mons, Mrs. John , Lauderbecs; Mrs. A. E. KuenzL Mrs. Robert vened in the gas cell shop at the Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, N. J to conduct an investigation into the destruction of the U. S. 3. Akron, which resulted fa the loss of TO lives. At upper right are officers of the Bye, Mrs. W. A. Roth;' Mrs. John Tweed, Mrs. MIlo Wilcox, Mrs. R. C, Ramsden, Mrs. A. A. Hall. j S. , Kaufman auctioned the pies .after the program, .getting about-S. '-;i .;S , . , 014 Oregon Feed X Business is Sold To Eugene 'Dealer TURNER, April s 14 The Ore gon Feed and Flour mill which has! been closed for ever a year and! was formerly operated -.: by Thelssen and company, has been sold ; to D. E. Sklrrin, of Eugene, who will soon take possession. His family will Join him at the end of the school year. v STATTON, April 24 Mrs. Alice Denny has traded her fine home near the woolen mills to c. H. Snyder, for bis 25 acre farm, two miles west of Stayton. Mrs. Denny and her daughter. Miss Florence, will continue raising foxes and goats on ' their newly acquired farm. Mr. Ryder is em ployed by the Parts woolen mills. Both families expect soon to oe domiciled in their new quarters. Hayters Sue Efiger As Result Accident DALLAS. April 24 Two com plaints were filed here Saturday against Sol r Eflger. Oscar Hayter la snlng for $234.40 plus costs and disbursements. . The second complaint was filed by Elizabeth Hayter who seeks personal and general damages to the extent of $125.. Both, actions are the result of an automobile accident Decem ber 18, 132, at the corner of Main and Coart streets here, when a car driven by Eflger col lided with, one driven by Robert Hayter, ? TEACHER SUFFERS Milk bottle cot Event Will Likely be Sunday, Hay 14; Uroe Crowds , t'-:.;. Are Expected U ' CANBY. April 24 Despite the fact that below sero temperature and frigid winter winds succeed ed In destroying thousands of ta ll -bulbs planted in thla vicinity last fall, nothing can destroy the woaaer and Jeauty of those mil lions of buds now springing into bloom in and near Canby. Na ture, that clever old artist, aided by American etfieleny and expert cultivation, naa 1 nrodaced noon Caaby prairie a traveler's para dise where thousands of neoole pans to admire the grandeur and beauty of the landscape In all its j 1 Trja won. The Caaby chamber ' of . com- meree will sponsor the annaal ta 1I festival early fa May. I The date baa not been definitely de termined, bnt It ia generally con cede by growers that tulipa will not fee at their beat before the i middle of May and It Is Tory -probable that the annual event will be held Sunday, May 14. , Under the bright sunlight of the past week bulbs hare made rapid pro- from' the atation, taking the Mar-1 "dJ ?J""iJ i 0.. court, left to -right. Captain Harry E. Shoemaker, Rear Admiral Henry V, Butler, president, and Com mander Krana, : In left insert is Lt. Comm-Herbert V. Wiley, ene of the three mrvivors, as he used a diagram of the Akron to filustrabi bis testimony. Vn road route- The station is Just at the north city limits. LYONS.7 April 24 Everett Crabtree , was injured Friday while working at Ms 'mill above Mehama. A cable broke and struck him on the ankle cutting a deep gash.' He was taken to Stayton to have the wound dress ed and felt fortunate no bones were broken. Mrs. Vera " Johnson, . principal of the Lyons school, cut her hand very badly Friday while carrying some milk bottles. One of the bottles started to fall and some way in catching It, she broke one. A number of stlches were neces sary to close the gashes. ' The Lyons Parent-Teacher a sociatlon met at the school Friday night. Popcorn balls were sold. About 210 was realised to bene fit the piano fund. The program for the evening consisted of mu sical selections and some enter taining skits. The Johnstons are remodeling the house at their tana and mak ing repairs preparatory to moving here. Masked Men Take 517 From HamiU. Service -Station JEFFERSON, April 24 The second, weekend robbery occurred here Sunday night about t:20 o'clock, when two masked men entered the D. Y. Hamlll filling station and. made their escape with SIT. Hamlll - was alone when the men. one tall and one short, en tered and drew a gun. They ran Queener Group Has Plan for Reunion with tulips In all their colors. shspee and sues. At each annual tails show in Canby thoasanda of people from Portland, Salem and other citl of Oregon visit Canby oa tulip day to view the farms and bay the Of Students Soon meree has made arrangements ror state pouce onicers to airect QUEENER. April 24. T h el "V". a"1B "7 BalIleT n.un.r whnnl nitrnna met I wm o rniamt UJ tow txrj oceni ts.v t f. i,nn,iroope. mm In m tor mil Ktndenta and teaen-l "v" --. t -i v. M w laager, local balb growen. head Sunday following the last day of r"."ir- schooL There will be a short pro- gram and a basket dinner. Tne ooie uommunuy cxua en-1 narftHTKit to m athtwi joyea the xouowing program jti- day night: musical numbers byj SlLVERTOlf, April 11 A Walter Hopkins and the Uiivan I daughter was born to Mr. aad family: "Cannibal Love Affair". Mrs. Mark Matheny at the Silver- shadow play: readings by Frank-ton General hospital Wednesday. lia Hoffman. Vemelle Miller and Carl Titus; "The Supreme Sacri fice. a pantomime; vocal solos by Joe Schrek and a spring style show. ? X i I ' i v ' ; I No matter what the state of the exchequer during the next year. Presi dent and Mrs. Roosevelt are at least sure el being- able to see the ball games. Here are Clark C. Griffith (left), president of the Washington, Senators, and John Heydler, bead of the National League, as they arrived at the White House to present American aad National League passes to the "First Familv Fair ; Booth Plans For Year Outlined , By County Prexy LABISH CENTER, April 24. Mr.-and Mrs. H. F. Haaea. Ray nor Herton, Raymond Blbby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boehm and son. Clyde, Dr. R- DeGrose aad son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Klampe nd family attended the Oak Ridge school program Friday night. Clyde Boehm. Robert De- Grose and Leslie Klampe appear ed on the program, playing guitar numbers. Grace Klampe, or this place, will teach her fourth year at Oak Ridge school, near rrat am. next year. Fred DeVries of Pratam, who la president of the county 8anday local Sanday school Sunday aad gave a brief talk relative to the work and also about the fair booth for thla year. The attend- a see here baa Increased consider ably thla year. Lutheran College Choir Will Appear : At Trinity Church SILVERTON. April 24 "The Choir of the West. from Pacific Lather college will appear la eon- cert at Trinity church at Silver ton April 22- No charge win be made bat a silver offering will be taken. The director Is Joseph O. Edwards. Miss Ann MIkkelson, soloist, has mur friend km school organisation, visited the from former appearances. JEFFERSON. April 24 Henry Hoofer of the Dover district has the. poles all-up In his new 49 acre bop yard aad will soon be putting up the trellis wires. A crew of men are at work hoeing In the Ftaler hop yard, aad work la progressing: rapidly la ati the bop yards. . ' . The women of the Morning Star Home Economics dab . met at .the hall recently and planted shrubs and flowers i aboat the building and grounds. The flow er beds were edged with rocks, adding much, to the appearance of the grounds. . The cast of the Junior high school Is .practicing on "Girl Shy. which will be given at the Masonic hail May 12. - The silver tea and aaflt exhi bition given by the women of the Method 1st church Friday after noon was a , decided saeeeea. There were 2 Quilt on display.. of ' various kinds. Some were pieced, some appliqued aad some embroidered.'. Program numbers were by Mary Louise Fontaine. Mrs. Elmer Redmond, Mrs. C A. pjordan. Mrs. Lincoln Watermaa and Shirley Sheila Roland. Turner Endeavor Society to Send Many Delegates ' , TURNER, April 24. Tht Christian Endeavor society of the Christian church here enjoyed one of Its finest meetings Sunday night, when more than 2t youths took part In songs and lively dis cussion, led by Mrs. Holt. Plans were made for the dele gation which will attend the state convention In Eugene the coming week end. The nine delegates will be accompanied by the pastor, Rer. B. J. Gilstrsp. The, delegate are Helen Wltsel, Kenneth Fow ler. Margaret Gilstrap, Marjoric Fowler, Veima Brittett, Louis Fowler, Mrs. Louis Fowler and Ruth Gilstrap. At the climax of the Sunday night services. Rev. Oliatrap gmve a forceful sermon oa The Blue Prists for a New Ark." Oriental Display Is Arranged for Thursday by Aid SILVERTON. April 24 An Oriental display, showing many curias, will be given Thursday af ternoon at the Methodist church 1 by members of the Ladles Aid, A young woman, dressed ia an- I propriate costume, will be in charge of each booth. Food re presenting the various countries will be served. i Countries to be represented will be China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippine Islands, Sumatra. Java. Palestine. Rev. and Mrs. C J. Hall have spent several years ta the Orient. III II "K.-r -3 r 5' '';( II ...111' J? J U1Y7 IT STARTS TOMORROW fTHH SAFEWAY STORES HOMEMAKERS' BUREAU 0 in. - Just watch their faces beaza with delight when tha treat is waffles or hot-cakes heaped-orer with Has i-mam Syrup. M-m-ml How delidously dilTcrent from any syrup that you may hare used befarW For Max-l-mum is so delicate, to mellowt so rich' in genuine old-time deep-woods Maple, blended with pure cane sugar . . and, best of all you may use it as generously as yon please and still be thrifty! Try Max-i-mum syrup with biscnits...use it in eahesy desserts, and firostings. In so many modern-cook ery. ways you may use it layishly, for the pries b soexti-emdy . - Call at yoar nearest Safeway Store) todavibr crystal erring bottlo of Slax4-mirm Synrp, or tho generous EMNG' Mx-I- ma gyro, I, FutetJ la Bat Pw. tx it, tatiinj ttoem Cm auken BtKH Cookia, SchooL J hai mtmbai lha iloatoMkan n.m I Sea end hza LllSS Llamn SpifflCff direct from the SaFeway Etora Homcmfikcrs' Burcaul-demonstrating over a dozen new and exciting redpes a day for 3 great days of this most unique. COOKING SCHOOL Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-A i ' " '.: r f t ' . - , mdans Kltcknecr. And hercit b, riptwitb redpes and divcrtina discoveries in menu nwllngredyto ddfun toyourcooldns and'iest to your meels and soddl affairs. (twin costyou nothing find pay you well.' WcwstH:tYOuccsc 5 open et ldOO) for wht your husband would cell "a rln$dd seat And come Civcry day br1nin3 ptpa and pendW ;Youll bi wfuOy dad-end so will wc3 ;J 'Aborts coming wfom you t&ottU IftowwoH, To bring KUcheMeTirtg t y0Uf on) . Sh has sQ tKiAftt to firvo end not oa Uua a w sty "Comal satiws lcplKlyoullJoto Tomorrow tfc two b Us tiiM yootKouUb Oa hoJ fust to Csttft to fcei en . T1illmUtattlis!ioyca ' J-ortIt comts (rocs Ut HootneJtaf, DsrtW ' - C -i '.J YO'U'RH' ALL INVITED'; ADMISSION FREE -I jm S A F EVAV' S X OR E S ; HOMEMAKERS'r BUREAU;;' 1 t - . i .