The OREGON STATESMAN, Salera,- Ore cm, Torsday Mornlrt-, April 2?, 1933 PAG 2 ELEVEN re -r VCL4 n r 1 i " s. fv It I l.l.l f" Jfl n n . I"N A vCIy rl i t 4 - . t - "J S i i ' i - j Business Directory Cards to this directory run on e monthly - basis ruly. . BiU: IL4I per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike PuMk, the brake and ehtmmy m ITS South Commer-fal Street doctor. ; BEAUTY PARtORS Miller Beauty Shop. dial T1H. CATERING Burt r?ir. the caterer. Ph. 4762. CHIMNEY SWEEP - CniROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. N. High. Tel. Rea' 1572. 1 4 DRESSMAKING " MKS. BNELGROVE. N. Cottms. TU Til. HeauUtchlnc q yard, Dressmaking your ?.. JExp. tl t dy. Cop? pictures. Tel. T&4. . .. FLORISTS CUT tlowers, wsddlxm boueU fun eral wreatna. decoration C. . Bate baupt. OorUU 1T Court. Tot . A t-i. Muds of Horal worfc. LuU ITor tst. Hth dt Market. Tet ' ' GLASS .. . Auto and window class mirrors. Tel. 10. Walter J. Downs. 99 Breys. ! INSURANCE K DEC KB lt N. High -.. HENDRICKS COFFKT-PMITH. gen. Ina Tel. . LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM ULONDRT 212 8. High . MMTAL CITT LAUNDRT f First In Quality and Service Telephone 9145 1244 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired an d trad. m HARRT W. SCOTT. The Cycle Man" f MATTRESSES, ! Hot tresses from factory ' to . home. Spring mattresa 92.00. Renovators and fumlgators. Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed dlas Co. Tel. 4002. 9020 Xi.CapltoL (few mattress made t -'fder.eM remade: carpet cleaning, steins; nutt rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag Mat tress Factory. 8. 13th Wubw TeU 4441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est. 101L J MUSIC STORES GKO. a WILL Pianos, radios, sew- oJlaSet. rST: SaM?VadToV Phonographs a?wS ufflneafui State Street. lng studies. and sewing Salero. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trade guitar and lsons for anything I can use. Storhow. 440 Court r MEDICINE rv. rtin t Am Chinese Medicine CeV Hours Tuesday and. Friday, 10:20 a-m. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. ... PRINTING mo sTinnMitM. eardA nampb- teta, programs, books or any kind of Drtntita. callThe Statesmaa Printing Department, 3X 8. Commercial, phone 010L - ' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT m r income Tax Reports, AmV.tint 110A N. Com'L Tel 3020 j r 6247. REAL ESTATE BECKS A HENDRICKS, Tel. 4047. i W. H GRABENHORST CO. f. 134 a Uoeriy St. ' Tel. . SOCOLOFSKT ; 194-4 fi-i-t Warn. Bk. BIdg. TeL t307. STOYES STOVES and Steve wpalrlng. I Stoves . ..i. r.hntit and repaired. All clnds of woven wire tenos, twrju4 Uln. bop baskets, books, loga hooA . l-Z. ha smve WorkAy. 242 BhemekeUu TeL 477C B & Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT .Transfer Co. 224 iffiaTlUTni DUKributUter. rardias ' and storage -w let our rates. -. Amttnt era nafer atorage. irLaVmarTraMfer Co. Trucks WELL D1ULL1NQ r. A. West. years experience, IFU 4, Box 101 13. TeL 1 1 OF., 1 ' Telephone 4450. R. K. Northneaa, 'J More Sales Close At BotUd&Upon ; I Large Quantities BOSTON, April 24.! (AP) Fnrther salea were closed on else able quantities t d Jlner territory and "1 2-moftths Texas wools at the s end of last eek. French combing and better staple 4s and finer territory wools in rArlrtnal base brought 45-4?C, scoured basis. Average 12-monfhs Texas wool brought 45e, scoured basis and choice lines sold at 47 48c, with some lines now held at . SOc. !; ; Receipts of domestic wool here during the week ending April 22, estimated" by Boston grala'and flour exchange, were 2,b-7,40 pounds, compared with 2.408,566 - pounus ine previous wooa- -.Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 : ClhMifttfS Advertlslag , SingU InsertlOB jejr tlce.lOe Thro lunrttooi jptr ' lint) .' tOd Six toaarUona yr Ua..IOt Ont moBta vr Undi .Sl.Ot MJnlmm caxrfv tit . ;;v Copy for told pat v e cepted QBtil f:J th va lnf . bfore publieattoa tor : clasaifictUoa, Copy rt celred after told tlm will b rnaiodcr tad keadlnt Too Laid to CldJdlfy. - " Ta Gtdteataan uttmn no financial - rMnonaibllltj lor - rrort wnlck may p paar la adTertiaemnta pab liabwl ta Its cola mas, dad ; la cades wbr this paper Id Bt fault "will reprint taat part ot aa adrertUemtot la which the . typofrapalcdl mUtake ocevra. The - Statesmaa V rdderrdd the rlfht to reject objee . tlonat adTertlslns. . It far ther reserves the right to clasalfy all adrertlatBt aa der the proper tUsatnca tioa. HELP ' WANTED FEMALE Wanted r- Exneiieneed hoosekseper tor ramtur or live. Koom. board, smau waves. :. uive - rsierences ana pnone naaaber. Writ Box 3X. Statesman. Wanted middle axed reliable-woman I to help in family with children la - change for home and small wares. Iff 9 HrOOK St. - Experienced working' housekeeper witaoui ncumirance. - Rerereneea re- i quired, write Box 111, Statesman. , SITUATIONS WANTED ' , ,- - -ii-jii-i iinrxw Exn. dressmaklnA' . In wur home. z.ev cay. iopy pictures, xei. 7. Reliable young man wants work store or office. Bo 181,, -Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous - Fresh crabs now at Fldlers stand. Intersection Stive rton-Portland road. Verr good ntrawberrv nlanta. 22.00. C. J. Bartruff. Rt 7. Box 124. Phone 01F2L- - 6heeo fertflbter. red clover aeed. Ura Wright, 4 k ml en Wallace Rd. Fine tnsneeted- Ifarahall atrawherrv I plants, 93.60 per thousand located In Terminal ice Ss Cold Storage Bids. upon cmnoay. Wagon and .some srood milk cows far I saie or trade. 1 can use an electric range, used furniture, or some wood. 5 H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldgv TeL 9902. 2032 KELVTNATOR electric refrls-- orator used t months. Phone 7417 or I . jrronz. ROT 0x12 cost 246. Mil frvr tiO TTwul I i six inonins 210 nortB Htn. Beeman garden tractor and tools. R. f. Box 100 A. H mi west of Salem uetgnu JKhooi. Forced sale 9 acres prunea Bar- STrR7e?,Hct- A - Co,rfr"rH'tL P TRADE Miscellaneous ' FOR TRADE 1 milk cow, I pigs, t Angora goats, 1 portco pup, 1-1027 jTpra touring, ail for a closed car. R. no. pox iia, xaiem. WANTED Miscellaneous " " 1 nnnminnnn wny throw away good money? The hosiery mending deoL at Grand Silver score repairs hose like new. So to 25c i We pick up free of charge dead and wortmess norses, cows and sheep. Tel. 4911. MISCELLANEOUS WWWwwAWMNWWWMWWWWWWWM Best hair cut. Adults 20c. child, 15a i wo oiocaa a. or library, s. winter. - - - -ii"i i-rv-ii'-ii--r-inru-iruuLn.njxn Permanent wave. SOc. Beauty Maid non. ireer Rteusiorr Mkt -Tei. 4484. FOR RENT ROOMS Mwwwwwwwwwi.wwwiWwwwwwt Nurse wm care for semi-lnvalld In strictly modern home. Best jUet and care. Reasonable. Box 127, States man. - - - ROOM AND BOARD , Board end room for ladies. Close to. TeL 67S. 63 Court St. -------i-i- -i r iryvwi n.. . . ii iji Board, room, 120.00, near P. O. S422. JiraTivyvnirnriirnii n si rn CotTtfr Ttna Bort1 optnf. Tel, 7lf. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patron apartments downtown. Call patton-s ttoek store. Fur, S B, ept, 2211 Hazel, TeL 7444.- a,- ..... " .t. ---- Mod. st. heated apta TeL 1400. Apta 110. Sit 191 N. ComX Fura. apartment. 1040 Leslie. 2-R. Apt. Center. - Bustaess district. , SSI Nice furn. PU w Union. - Apta, S mo. up. S5S Bel view. T 1-- ."in-. iiiT.iii -nr. -ini-.rinrj r .i.n ii i.ih.' Nice front apt,, 451 Center. FOR RENTHOUSl-S Furn. and unfurn. house R. Forkaer. 1410 N. Cottage. TeL I02L -Fura. 4 room house. TeL 6010. 8 rooms 110.00. TeL 7204. 7 R. house, oak Or 4J2.60. TeL 1129. . yyi ..i. ,i. . Neat : 4 room house with fireplace, double lot ready for planting; 9.00 per, month, . . . - t room house with garden for l per montn. SEE US for rentsls. - , CHILD8 MILLER. ' Realtors 241 State Street Phono 4702. 1 Small, fura. house, 111.00. 1091 8.1 irtn t.- T1. 47. - - . .. WANTED TO RENT Want to rent or buy email summer casta within se-te miles of Salem. Box is;. Statesman. Wanted small unfurn. idl Private nrun. Ktvn "Sri wee dsrs. FOR SALE Real- Estate .ing o'.Ti It you wui ta buyv ali or Tclrny . . commercial t FOR SALE Real Estate T acres close in. 4 room house, barn. chicken house, el ec trio pump, excellent soil iraae tor uatem residence. 1 A. 1 mi. from Balem. 4 i house, electric lights, bath, lot ex fruit. 12375. Terms, 10 .A. north on eared road, finest ex I soft, all in cultivation, 92009. I5 down. oaiance easy payments. Meivin Johnson W. U. Pennington 275 State Bt. - , Phone 7. JjreaeJawnBassl But home from owner. 1104 baL like rent. room new modern I home. AOdress "A , care Statesmaa. LOOK rOR SALE A KNAP A well furnished A room mad. tinn hardwood floor, full basement, furnaoe. I xirepiace. au xor izsbb. can you Mat uusi see me for other good buys. VAN 1C GRESR. 114 Ore. Bldg. Const crOTertr two rood boneea at Nye Beach, T and rooms, ocean view. ciear, owner wants Baiera Home. alelvin Johnson or W. M. Penoington 27S State Street ' LOOK AT OTJR BARGAINS FARH3 , CITX FRO PERT X ;, 22 acres Howell prairie, choice land,1 some beaver dam land, timber tor own use. f acres in cultivation. Price 97200. ' 21 acres C miles east of aaletn. nm-i nlng water, wood for own use, 14 acres ' under cultivation, electric lights, fam- uy orcnara, a-i land at flits. aay terma Strictly modern ' f room hrmgsTow, ciuao ui. jk. cnoic noma, ton KiOB. Will sell at 980. Good terms. " lid acres, f acres under cultiva tion. Fine running water with gravity water system. Fair farm buildings. All A-l soil, plenty timber fer own se, Bear school, electrio- Ifrhta. A mm stock and grain ranch, conatder some trade. 92000. - I .A subwbaa home, large loL A good buy at 91S0O. Easy terms. . If you have anything te trade why ... Jr. r. ULRICU COMPANT US State Street Tel. IIT2. FOR 8 ALB Well paying trading business, priced right. - Must sell good house, well located for less than insurance. Price 91440.00, uunirea at ieoo.s ; a saennce ; 9200 cash down payment. : For sale one ot the best auto camp grounds, for good cash payment. Gen-1 era! Exchange. S2S N. Commercial St. 'eaaBsnasaejBeaseMnaasa Close to Salem. acres, mod house. 1 garden, fruit, springs. 91000.00. Owner, Don't build sntO you see the two nne lots all In cherries, pears and an ples, full bearing, one block south of xeaiio junior high school, nice view. levet tots, ssxiso each. Sell one or I both cheap, easy paymenta Owner, Tf 5 Aurax J&venue, -pnone ss. 1 Ifi acres near Swegle school, no Im provements, price 9700, nothing down ana f ( a month, no interest, two years. 61 Court Street - S room modern house, 1495 N. 13th priced very reasonable. Tel. 4277. EXCHANGE Real Estate 1- -i -in ii- -in Dallas T R. modern house, dear. Good location for modern sub. Salem property. Box 100, Salem, FOR SALE FARMS GOOD FARM BUT 3 Immediate possession of a choice SO sere tract few miles out oa market road, most all In cultivation, fair set buildings, well, mile of : school, grove of trees about bull din ga Price only 92000, liberal terms. 21 acres S miles out on good road, buildings need some repair, most all In cultivation, 2 welia. Immediate posses sion, price only 9i4o. part terms. - as acres 15 miles out on graveled road, mostly rich bottom, sandy loam soil, IS acres in cultivation, ideal xor d Uttf. tlm". "running waleV. 4 room house, barn.' garage and poultry bewe. Price only 92500, 1-4 cash, bat garden, I acres in alfalfa, bai. pasture easy. SO acres S mnes eat mm marker road. small set of bldga, well, spring water pipea to nouse. zo acres in cultivation), baL pasture and some timber. - Price S2S00. liberal terms, or will accept Bsv lorn home as part. CHILDS U1LLER, REALTORS 144 State Street .Phone 470S - vrunnjxrij-jqruiiLn rru-i. n iTJus-ii TAMRILL CO. KTOTTSC RANCH 1100 acres 250 cultivated. 4 - R modern house, basement, plumbing. gravity water, modern barn 44x40. oth er outbuildings. Former pries $2 per ere, present price sis.vo per acre. jove.uo down, balance 10 years. 0. HAWJ&XNS St KO BERTS For Farm Bargains i , , ,1ril n.ixj-Lfi m 1 1 i -i r mil ilnnj DANDT 4 2-10 ACRES (Clone . In). North Salem. U.A. young cnerries and 2-A. young peach es, (sandy loam). -R. house with pasement, barn, and etc electric iighta. Friced very low at 22S00.00; give terms. 1 21-ACRES (HOWELL PRAIRIE) ' -gaping river, is-a. cult, all kinds ei iruii ana oernes. b-k. Bouse, base-' ment, barn, garage, electrlcty. $4250. ue nouse m naiera as pert. JAB- U. BtSAKM, KEAX.TOK 132 SmrwrHteh Street WANTED REAL ESTATE h fc -i-vM-irir j'urLiirii-i n n ' Want to birr farm n 0 t 1M .1 I located Within IS ml nnrth SZam ..I xar as siiverton on east side of Wil lamette river., small . payment down. and terms or will MVcsah r t ii. General Exchange. 128 X. CommerelaLJ ..ii........ - - - i-rwywinftiMi . . I 1IAVH BTJrKRa en. e- s.r. t i sou ranging from 6 acres up to 200. wiui unnrovement.- eaasi m.A .... 1 irnae. or.o v- ... VAN M. GREER. 214 Ore. BM. . If Business Opportanities !. ........ - -irirr.njyuvi or sale or rent can sta Hon auto wrecking house on highway. Ia Bulre at 285 Chemeketa. ' WUh ' to Bell Imm as .-1 e ana Jiving quarters 1 ml. B. of I rai m. lei. MZ9. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY ''-- i--iim.-i n Custom hatching, too am at iua every Saturday and Tuaaday. TeL 122F2. Lse's Hatchery. ----- --.- Ci n-i.-ij-inn vn BABT CHICK 3 avarr Wednesday. Hanson strain. White Leghorns from pedigreed stock. R, L Bads, Barred Rocks. White Wyandottea. Reduced pnees. custom hatching of turkey and chicken eggs. Ruby L. Woodward, Rt. I w, axis ss-ia, let tteiJ. . -: - Poultry waated. Salem Poultry pan y. 2(6 XL htUlar.- , POLLY AND HER HOW yXNCW HES A Vxujer;unk? r TMm miM $ mm " '"VxSrT "' -, - -jgryf-jjMJ : --:ia- -:" .JQc ' : " -'Tvi i aims u mi tTc-Pft 17iTt-' "-"r v-- -". Interesting Pacts . TjaKed States war with Bpala SI years go today. ' O . ; The court noate clock:' fooled many people Sunday aad Monday! who have beea depeadiajr a n for the correct' time. The clock was stopped at 1:4$. - o ; ds daw rn Kxlam Wainiiitv. I IW far eu all tnenmlnr huaaMil aetweea and 11 Wednesday mnnffiv - . Cooking school S and 4 Tfed- needay, Thursday and Friday this week. ' LIVESTOCK Uld POULTRY 1 .mwwwh 1 SURPLUS BABI CHICKB at sao rfflea . nrtcea Tuesdav and wvtdar only. See nor bargains, Cm steel hatch ing, tiatenma eggs, none uira. Lee's Hatchery. Salem, Oregon, For sale. Barred Reek aad White jjeeiMrn hens, rows, 1110 X. list W. BIONEY TO LOAN 'bells of Harmony Heard ever KOZZ dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different. TOT7 GET TH FULL . AMOUNT OF LOAN Ot CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTER 1ST STRICT PRTVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE oh iajamu s-it to sign Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bllgh BIdg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATS Sit guts Street Tel. 9-T-4-0 Borrow on personal property repay In monthly tnstallmaata. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO. State Ho, BV140. 404 Guardian BIdg. TeL SI7T. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATB LOAM COM PAN I 212 Oresran Bnlldlnc 2nd Floor Office hrs. 10:00 A. M. to 4:20 P. Hi Telephone 7712. SUte license No. S-145. PhTRSONAL LOANS "252 ty-RerahT. or monthly. When ta financial seed us before Closing e loan. ' - GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Phone gill. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS . Contracts Refinanced Arrange te reduce your payments Ton keep the car P. A. ETKER Car. Liberty Bt. and Ferry ' Fhrme 4722 Be-m. Ore FOR S ALK WOOD Green 2nd growth fir 11 ta. 22.74. George UeiUler. Marlon, ure. -i.Lji.i-Ln.r-ii-ir-ii-ionrir nr ' -i -" i. Wood. 12.60 cord. TeL MIL OITA RANTEED DRT TeL 4000 gAlsm Fuel Co. Cottage. Trade DRT rnt AND OAK WOOD. sd aad Cue! olL Call on us for price We give awMmeBsure, gees euautv maa LARMSR TRANSFER 8TORAOE Teleshen Silt Ash, flr and eafc TeL Hit. No. 1 II in. old fir. f 1.40. TeL 4450. Pry eak. 4 ft. 4.oo. Tel. stbi. Sixteen inch second fir $2.21 load nt Trapy'a Phone 2924. LOST AND FOUND innin mni"irinriiirinrir'i-i'- "i-i - - ' ' - " " - - . LOST Sunday. April 14th. leather bound fish basket on Lackiamute river above Koaklna. Finder plea 9541 or write 1710 N. 17th. rth. Sa reward. LOST Diamond ring. Reward. Call 3BfZ. LOST Largo brown and white springer Spaniel dog. Reward, TeL 7259. A. W. E Bagley. PERSONAL I will not be responsible for' debts contracted by anyone otner tnaa my self. W. A, WUcov. 181 Baker Ft. FOR SALE USED CARE V SE.B Bin and Bob Used Car Exchange tor ymr os-4 car. 't; saw i 'nameu-TM - - Terms - - Trade ': Cioa Rveamgs and, Sundaye -foTTA-ra TISED CARS . WITH AM fl. K. THAT COUNTS f0S ford lamuT " , 192T Chrr-er lis. 1029 Ford Roads 106.00 2(1.00 291.00 1921 Durant Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe ltll Ford Ftckup ,1U JTl&Zr 04.09 184.00 1922 Chevrolet De Lux Coach 491.00 . . TaX3. . . TRAX )3 .. Open evealnge and Sunday a McKAT CUhTVROLKT CO. 121 Center Phone 2180 490 N. CoraX WANTEDUSED CARS Wanted, Used Cars It you have a ear to sen. see us at once. We have customers watting. - BORREGO'S CAR MARKET tie No. Liberty Phone I IIS. PALS nWPwa-Wi a 41 I slsa-MIWM----aW----- I P-B-ah---- I I . . ) , (GOOD NICSHt NURSE J f Jl 1 !" . . .... II - . I T I mm iifjss m.Dias Egg ilart Unicrtcria Better; Country Heats In Good Demand at Portland POBTLAKD. Asm 14 (AJ) Continued ' strenrth la the market tor cheeee tnroaxioat the eoaatiT aa tested eBerally de creaised oatoat compered with the seasonable. Oa the coast aad la the east there was equal teellsg ot strength at late price adraaees. Keceat evaTaacee Of xe at T1UB- - proaaw ( Juxaas nars iu ui wvra sta markets were generally He higher for tao week. Considerable strength was dis played , for hatter la the local trade arlta, eeesoaahto lnereas ot churning generally lacklag ao. ceraiag to leaaiag operators. CJeaauns-are showa dafly. Batter fat was Craw ,. Market for eggs Blows a some what better aadertoae hat ee raach poor e.nallty was ketag of fered that general sales coatlaaed somewhat below aaoted flgares. ' Demaad tor chlckeas was hold ing p the buytng ptico locally as well as generally along the coast. Small broilers coatlaaed the a ceptJoa with westera Washlagtoa still Gooding the trade with peepers.' There was a generally good de jaaad for -country killed meats. beef sloao being aa exception, la spots this market was weak. Cleaaap Teal aad hogs were gen erally reported last week. JfOTTCK TO CREDITORS Notice hereby Is glvea that the undersigned has been, by the County Court of Marioa Coaaty, Oregon, appointed executrix ot the last will of- NEWEL W. CLARK, deceased, and has Quali fied.' All persons having claims against the estate of said decedent hereby are; reoulred to present same, with proper Touchers, to the undersigned at Salem, Ore gon, witaia six () months from the data hereof. Pated IS April, 1123. NELLE HUTCHISON, As sueh Execatriz. CARSON CARSON. . Oregon. aiwiani lor Executrix. A-l 2- 2S-M-2-t-lC. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEBIENT Notice is hereby given that the andersigned has tiled la the Coaaty Court of tie State ot Ore goa. lor . the County, et Marlon. her duly verified Final Account, aa administratrix of the estate of William H. Trey, deeeased. aad that said Court ass fixed Tues day, the 2nd day of May. II 22 at the hour of tea o'clock A. M ot said day, as the time, aad the County Court ' Room la the Couaty Court House at Salem, la Marioa Coaaty, . Oregon, as the place tor haartag said final ac count aad all objectless thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 28th day ot March. 1122. IDA A. Troy, Administratrix ot too Esta'e et William H. Troy. Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attor ney for AdAiautratrtx. Salem, Oregon. M28A4-11-18-2S. Radio Prograiri TTTXSDAT, AFXIX SS . SOW rorUand 420 Ea. 7:00 Orgaa concert, KBO. 7:20 Orgsa oncrt, KBO. T;80 Komiag Psrsde. si BO. 0:00 Tear ChUd, KBC 0:16 Oseklag sehoeL 0:10 Msrtha KeaOe Secietr. KBO. 10:16 Arioa Trie. KBO. 10 ISO Woessa'a Msgatiaa. STBC 12 :16 Wettsra Term aad Hesse hear. - KBC 1:15 kteredith WUltea. FBC 1:46 Lady Kext Deer, KBC. te Al Praree aad His Osng, KB a 0:10 htld-Wsek Pederstten Hyssa, BBS 1:45 Friendly Chst. 4:44 Barbara IhUe, KBC 6:00 Mahai, The Magieisa. SflSR-sail thm War id Clsh. KBO. ' ' 4:14 Balladettes. KBO. 7:00- Daatresch Bympsesv usee art mm 0:00 Ames 'a' Andy. KBO. 10:10 Hotel Mark Bopkiaa ershestfa, t ' KBO. .. . 11 :00 Hotel Ambausder ercaettra. KBC. 11:10 Orgta eosotrt, RBU. , ' KOIK Pest his S tie ate. . ' . 0:90 KOm Kleek. 10. -OS Maris, Little Frsach Priaeesa. 11 tS0 Aatsrieaa Bekaal ot tto Air, CBS. 1 40 Book el Life, S:00 remlaiao Tssdss. DLB8. 0:10 California Maladies, CBS. 7:00 Edwin C. HiU. CBS. 1:00 Beddiag Whits, teaer. 10 :00 Tierltoli ereherlra, TJLBS. ' 11:90 Cafe do rsria, OLBS. ' Tfllfli nertsTlH Hfl9 Ka. Te hfeeaiar Ifedhstions, kd by Dr. Jesses S. Mdliraa. t:tO Seaaatag tsa Heedliaes. 0:44 Msrsiag eeaoert. lSe Pann beejr. tiKii lMmmm Tnrilani. 3:90 eCrs. ties Watt Prentiss "The Asulssssat sad Bis coaipaaieai.' 9:00- ram marksO reperta. Kn GRAIN PRICE RECORDS TOPPED LETTUCE MARKET FALLS FLAT Inflation is Said Chief I Factor in Zigzags;. At Chicago . CmCAGO, April 24 (AP) Like zigzag lightning, grain mar kets Hashed Irregularly bp ward today aad pierced an obstacles ta- elndiag huge speculative offerings . I immense sales . to realise profits. Wheat, corn, eats aad rye over topped season high price records, aad closed at or avear the day's peak. News ot Inflation develop ments at washlagtoa dominated the trading pits, aad virtually ex cluded every ether factor. ; . . A seasstloBsl treeh. outburst of 1 buying swept over the wheat soar-; ket la the . final moments, sad Dtiees closed buoyant, 1 1-8 to 2 cents above . Saturdaye ' IInlah ' corn H to 1 14 an. oats 1-4 to s-4 advanced. Today's closing eaotatloas: Wheat: May ft f-S te S-4; Xly. 1-1 10 1-8: Sep. TI 1-2 U S-4. Cora: May 21 l- to 7-t: Jly. St 1-4 to 1-2; Sep. 41 1-9 to 1-4. Oats; May S4 S-4: Jly. 2S; Sep. 1-4. General Llarkets rrorruca xxcozAvoa POBTLABD. Ore- ArU 14 (API Prslaes oaesaage. aet prieett Batter. ea tree 22s: s4saasds llHil prlsse firsts SI He; firsts SOe. Ergs, fresh ISs; fxesk sMdiams 14s. Portland Grain POBTLABD, Ore, April 24 (AP) ! beat: Open High Lew Close xayaew B4 ST. it, ST. hlsy old 4744 SO 0T? 40 July 60 614. 60 60 sept. . so ez fo ea Cash wheat Bo. 1: Big BnS blaesteai OTnt; OsrK sard wister 12 pet oOc: 11 pet. 02e: seft white, ksrd wiatcr SOKe: Northern sariac westera white, wsateg. rea Sic Osts: Ke. 1 white 122.00. Com Me. 2 B yellow 410.50. . Miliraa sUsdsrl f 10.50. Portland Produce POBTLAXD. Ore- Anril 24 (API oansr rrau. ezwas see. siaaaaraa. .as. ester4 PerUsad delivery. "A' grade 22s poaad. arr 1" tills fealtrv Fredaceia' aaU- iag prises t Oversiss lee, oeSrae 14a, aUa 4 eoters 14s, maiaa 14a. Bayisg pries et waeiesaiers: arose carreat receipts, peaaas aaft ap sl-llHS aesea. Ueaatry meets SeiUag prsee to retaiV srs: Ceaatry-ktlled hogs, best sauht ander ISO ponads 4-4s: vealera SO 100 peaads TH-Se: toaibs 10-10 Hs. spnsgs lee. yssrtiars ee, aesvy ewes e-oe. - . www -. rm fltu ur.roa walaats l-lss pesss. peasats ats 10s. Brsiils 1214a, slates ds 1- lOs. filberts 10-22. seoans 20a. Caasara bark Bsriag Briee. 1022 peaL iii posse. Hons hosussL 1022. 270e. Live peeltry Bayisf ones: Heavy hsaa, eelored. lli peaaas lie t de stedi- assa lie; lights lie; spriagt UgU lee, heavy 14c ; eld roosters 6s. dscks, Fs kUg broilers 14-17e; eld 12s. eolered 10s. Oaioaa Belliac pries te retsilers: Ore- gea SOe-SLie ceatsi, akie Spssith 76 S6e csate. New aaioaa. Texts Berxtaeat 2.SO SO aoaad ersta. Petatosa 4oeal. SS-T&e erases boa: Deaehates Oests ILSO-LSO; de Bskert Tssiauk Oasts Sl.15-1.45. Kew petatees Texas 4-S. Strawberriee Califeraia $L40 per 12 boa rrstew West 4022 cOp. aamlaelt WUWbuOs valley tl-lSe poaad, eastern Oregon 10 120. Keaatr Ksalasl bayiag prise. 1020 cBp, Be. Hay Baylag price treat predaeer Alfalfa $14-16, eUver 111. eestera Ors- gea Mttsthy S1AAO-1X sets ss 4 vetch 91. Portland Livestock POBTLAKD. Ore. April 24 (AP) Cattle receipts 2000; salves, 400: slew, stsady. Utters. S69-POO HM- seed. 15.0O .50: Mtiant, : eessauta, 1.00- A00; SO 0-1100 lbs, gsed. 95.00-6.50; idiant. 44-UO t.OO: ctaaot, is.oo-t.- 00; 1104-1100 ise-, geod. 41.85-5.25; a4hn. SS.OO-4.16 -heUars. 5 SO-7 30 lbs. teed. S4.IO-S.eO; cesmaMa-esediam. $2.50 A50; fSO-OOe Ibe, a-ebatcs, $A00 4.76: ussiiea sniisi. OaAO-4.00: eswa, seed. eSA0-A4e; eeanaen-eBediaas, fte-SAO; lew saUer aad carter fl.OO- Ul ll. - . ...laJ 1 . , w.H f - u... . mrwm (beef). $2.60-S0: cattarHaedisat. 91.60- SA; veelan, geed-caaiea, 9a.0o-n.0o: ssediam. OAli-S.OO: eall-eecsmea. 42.50- 4.16 : -ealvea, Sae-oe lbs, geed-esaiee. $4.oe-$J0ei eessasea- sdiast 42.00-4JH). Usee receipts sooei stsaay. Liaht Bcht. 140-190 Tbs reod-shsUe. S.o-4A5: Brhtweight, 14O-1S0 Iba. $4.. X5-A15: 180-200 the, $4.25-4.25; di sss weight. SOe-220 lbA. $2.75-4.16; S20- toe rr 11 A&-A.11 : xo-i5o ihs S8J5 - 4.00: paskiag sews. ST6-840 lbs., geod. (JJMMi SJ- 111 - lS I . f 426-sse tsa. $2.15-$ 9; $75-650 Jba, msdiam: SAOe-SAO: feede and starker pigs. 10-110 lbs. geed-ssatee, 92.75-8.T5. Sheep aad states i-tsipts U00; steady. - : Qaeatfeas ea wealed basis). Barfa. ! Ismsa. aheiee. $0.40: seed. S6.oe-C.e0: mesiast, $4.00-4.00; htaea 00 UMWdowa. ass4 sht sa. 14.00-4.60: esauaea-nieai; SO-SO Pm geedheiee, $4.00 4 AS; pearUag wethers, 00-110 lbs-- food choice. $1.00-9.50; media $2.00-1.00; ewes. 0O-120 Iba. reed-ebeice. SXXS-X.- 60; 120-150 Tbs, 92-00-2.50; sH weights eoewon-steaia-i, ft.Bw-a.uv. T.-OO-L. 7 Brsitsaapt eaoral Af- . rleaktml Bitaatiea. v T:I6 lv. Vleter p. Harris The World la Keview." T:20 TUx Pstaaati "After Blgb School. t Whatt" - T:45 Xsed Pratt ahattb. . drawatie 9K Or-rra Sute callage aissiesle i i cataerlae ceaaow, soprsaa. AboUcaUsw Salea Llarbets Grade B raw 44 aaCk, e-ow peel price f 1-S per hsndred. " Sewplas SSc - ' (Milk " Used en sad meattly eeltertaO average.) '. Bat tort atTot Sic, Print 23Kct cubes SOMe. Frleea paid te grower y beyers Artl Z4 (TVs iritis betew, oaopQod oy guess, -are istsleaMve of she Sally smrtst Sat are rsess eteed by Tto etausatss) rSVOTT ASZ rzajIAIUI Stria beaaa. ts, wb, Jl ArtfeUkaa. dea. ' jOe Ka4tsW. Ucsl, dea. - laaragas es te .os Leeal dea TO Csaaega. al Xlfeon peopara, 4 rose. CeU, is. OabX. lb. .Jit m J04K . jo1a . J -Loe Cbssaen, Ok,. Oaleaa, dea. sieitu rseale . Takhna Be. t .14 s 1AO 4.TS llevida. i ae UMhl Osiif. JJS te B2S jn M LAO .OS SS S.VS Oaloae. wesla Waua . LahUa. ewt. Pars alee, boadred .ret local UaMX, es. Celery, Calif, crate Meslese TesaeteeS aay . je J-40 . Jf . -SO .134 XJUra faaey aTewtsw as. 0 gtade rsary Estra (aaey Caaiillowec. Calif, crate . .Ui Orsagas, - .LAO te LIS te .ee aa rsacy Beets, CsUf das.' Tmraips. Cauf. srsU Bpack, CabL, erste . Bseasss. Is. ea stock .00 . .es - .es . Je Dsada Strawberries. 12-boa srate. ws. Celery keert. dea. -. Mastara grseat Ca to 1.40 Kora Top, 1022, IV. Tea, 1031. Is. JO .to BOOS Baring rrioas Estras Stsae-rds Kediaat a . .12 . .11 . as . U4 . .12 . .ee . .ee . xo .soe .4.00 4.10 a.45 rOOXTBT Old naestera Celered heas Ifsdlots heas Lirht hema. rSakars stXAT 102S sprlag faaVs Lehe, top .. Bora, top first eU Steers .04 te X4H J1 te .02 .02H to jothk JD1 te J0lk -OT Oowa Betters BaUs ., , - - Dressed veal, ten Presses begs SS eBALB ABO SAT gTbeet. wtstern red ,. .ss VaMa. Me. 1 .46 sdey. tap, tea ustsv ten - " se I 14 mm ...fa. ...... 1 f: "t Tr. T. .15.00 .140 lase 1 iT7:,.C ..n-i- . Alfalfa, valley. 1st est. casters Oregon .. Clever bay WOOL. Mediam Csaiao stair . .It .10 as .01 OrssS, II ry. Is. Is. Stocks and Bonds (OepyrighL 19SS. Stsadsrl utisUes Co.) April 24 stock ars .uu 60 TO M 00 Tad'ls Bit's Ct'e Tesal Tedsv Sd.S ll.e 7A7 6S.S rvee. day , .- 9um 11.1 Wesk sge 4S.S IAS STS 6 US Tsar ago . s.5.5 SX.S TS.1 STA S years are 104.S 116.1 2T0.S 201 A Hirs, 1011 e.S S1.S 5A X-S Lowk at j - - u Hlxk. 1021 72.9 S0.S 11LS 72.S Lew, 10S2 16.1 11.2 51.8 Sia "Sew ivji ugs. bto aVxxagbs SO 20 TO CO Isl'U KK'f Oft Totsl Tsdsv 62.0 O.B 75.1 45.0 Prov. day OUT 0.4 7A4 46.2 Week ere 40.0 57.9 V4.S A1 Tsar age SO.S S4.6 TA7 47.S 9 ysers are 04.1 106A 0S.S PSA High, 10SS 44.1 65.7 S6S 72.0 Lew? 10SS SA9 B7.0 7A1 SS.S Hirk, 1021 , --. Tl.s ts.o es.s tb.x Lew? 1081 61S 47.4 70 J 57 I PORTLAND. April 24 (AP) j All bat the old July Optloa hit I &. ..w sfia aaaenw - r" . v t-.i . TV- I aunng toaar w iw w - tares market. New May $$ ap me st the deslag with old ap lVie, Jaly 1 1-4 and September lUe basheL . A aUgkt reactloB from, the blgb -of the day was showa la the finals for Jaly and September. Sales iacladed 1004 baahel Hay. 7441 bushel Jaly aad 4400 buahel September. " " Oa the merchants exchange lo cal cash wheat advanced la bushel while Mostaaa spring aad winter were each ap Is basheU The local cask market eras aet . following east era asarkets so closely oa ac eoaat of the lack of oatsl do Mar ket at proeoBt, The spread there tore was Ucreaatag. ? : - That there has beea UtUo ia- POMI FUTURES, B VJHEAT Gil Asparagus Slumps Hut ' Cabbage SuScr, Eggs up Ic v " The bottom dropped from the letluee market at the beglaalag et this week, with prices dewa TS cents a hundred . la one lunge. New gootatloas en California " stock range frem 2.2I to 11.15 a crate. Local asparagus s slumped oTer the weekend also, with Moadaya eaotatiOBB dowa nearly half, to 19 cents per dosea bunches. Local . asparagus opened oa the market here last week at SLXS per dos ea. California competition was a downward force. The Calif oru la grass was caoted - yesterday st three to tire cents a poaad. ' - Cabbage is stirrer, at S2.7S a hundred ea -California. Eggs went ca a coat Sat a rd ay.' te hold that basis yesterday, with . the new offer ranging from 14 to 12 cents a dosea. Batterfat climb-" ad a eeat Saturday also, to keep that Cgare tor the Moaday trade. Top aow Is 21 coats. Prints are Quoted at 22 coats. - SET, Hi STREET NEW TORK. April 14 (AP) ; The tsra Into a aew week found financial markets strong and active today. Buying la stocks swung from group to group. Oils, motors, air. craft, utilities aad rails had their turns at market-leadiag aad aew highs for the year were numer ous. Steels were inclined to reet a little, or did fresh buoyancy Ja silver offer moch attraetioB for shares related to that metaL Ket. gains for several favorite were fractional, though others dosed 1 to 2 higher. Sales totaled 4.S 45.244 shares. Alld Chemical. Case, Harvest er, xauonal Biscuit, westera Un ion. Geaeral Motors, Chrysler, . Continental - Can. Bendlx. Rey nolds "B Liggett A Myers -B". Da Pont aad Uaioa Carbide were up a point er two. American Tele phone held 1 of a 2 point rise. Onion Plantlnsr at LablsK Completed Two Weeks Earlier LABI3H CENTER.. April 14 With Tew exceptions, onion plant ing in this district is completed and hundreds of acres et the yel low Daarers will be op within a short time. Planting has beea ceanpleted al most two weeks earlier this year than last, There has beea bo re duction in acreage devoted to the crop. crease in - of flour to the At lantic eeast as a result ef the sharp advances ia wheat, was re ported by leading millers. SYXOPOU OP ANhiiAlj BXAI-Jdvl of ttf Phystefs and. eVtiseo 1 Baa prtal AmodaUoa ei Salem. Martoa) Coaaty. la ttte State o Orsgost. on tha thlrty-Ctrst day of Psnaihtr. 1BXA atade to the Insoreaee Cvaam rtooej of the State a Oregon. pauat ts UW: C4P7TAL Amount ef aapital stock said wg $$700. ' IXCOMX Ktt premiums received during the year 979 SOS 00 Income from other sources recelveej during the year 445 05. .Total income 02JJMS5. , Ilaat'B-MX9iTS f STet loasea paid during she rear In cluding aajuatnt- e-psnsse $lS.e 427 es. - XUvldwade paid aa aapital stoctj during the year $1410. cxaoons ana stinnss paia aux Ins; the year S4A57.TS, 11 ot nssn aad fees paid darted) u Mar aaa. Amount ot an other expenditure 1 liseeja, Total eapeadltoree aaAJ2SlAMX ASSETS Cash ha banks aad ea bead. $T 180.78. Premiums In coarse 4T eeneettoe , wrtttcn eiace " Peptambsr $0, 1$$ . 442 71 AS. - Interest and teats due aad accrued ; Total edmitmd aaevta $UTi.Tl. '. UtBOLlXlgS Asoraaht $ir4SL, ! Total HtblUtwe, eeaapS eapttal $lTddSL . Caxntal paid 9 $4709, Surplus ever ea rt-h ;tts$ 12479 41. sorptue ee legarde pocihoMa(d ;glL17e.40. TTotal 411971 TL - 1 Set premiums iwmtved er-T . the year ....... t.l r1 rt i paid durtat the rear lt.ei7jt i tacurree oarg yvar jas9m or eotrraBT. rsyeioaae ea KOiua Aasnotstu, .sa f President. ZL J. C f urn ed aocmary. F. X ! BMtutory ras la-t asapracy tar -toe Cwater Bl liooa. J HWHC ' By CLIFF STEKPJcTT