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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1933)
X f . A LITTLE MERCHANTS ., WEATHER ' ' ' Unsettled with shoaern to day, probably fair Wednes day; Max. Temp. Monday 69, Kin. S3, river d-S feet, wart able winds. . ; ' All Statesman carriers are l charged for all papers they " deliver. Please notify the of flee when changing address. Telephone 0101. EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR Salem Oregon, Tuesday Morning, April 25, 1933 No. 25 Tydlngs Bolts Leaders and Says Proposal to Mean Isolated America Borah Suggests new Money Be Paid to Depositors : Of Closed Banks v 3,000 Chinese Slain In Bitt er Fi ght Launch New Attack WASHINGTON, April 24. (AP) -A democratic row over the Roosevelt inflationary program brought vast enjoyment to repub lican opponents of the legislation today but left unshaken the gen eral confidence of senate passage by. Wednesday night. Senator Tydlngs, Maryland dem ocrat, bolted his party; leaders to take a determined stand against the Inflation proposal, pending In the senate as a rider to the farm reuei dui. n meant, ne said, a policy of isolation for America. Meanwhile, Senator Borah (R., Ida.), an inflationist, suggested Informally to a group of demo crats that the new money that could be issued under the legisla tlon be used to pay oft 60 per cent or the deposits of closed banks. Constitutionality of , Measure Questioned Earlier, Borah questioned , the constitutionality of that phase of the amendment which is Intended by democratic leaders to tire President Roosevelt an effective weapon In his effort to obtain worldwide currency stability. This la the clause authorizing the chief executive to reduce the gold con tent of the dollar, Chairman .Fletcher of the bank ing committee, who had opposed the gold clause alone with two former democratic secretaries of the treasury. Glass of Virginia. and McAdoo of California, formal ly announced be would eumun-t the entire inflation program be cause m his opinion, sufficient safeguards had been added by the committee, Debtor Classes to Benefit Says Thomas Facing crowded galleries, the tau, silver-haired Thomas official ly started debate with a declara tion his inflation amendment - to me nrm bill Involved possible transrer or two hundred billions of dollars from undeserving cre ditor to deserving debtor classes. Trouble Center Moves Nearer to Peiping and - Tientsin; Proposal That Manchukuo Troops be Admitted Answered TOKYO, April 24 (AP) The Japanese reported today " that nearly 3,000 Chinese were slain in a week-end of bitter fighting which has swung the Japanese war machine to a point five miles southwest of Shangsuntze and fifty miles northeast of Peiping. Kengo dispatches said Japanese losses for the first two .-' ody of fighting totaled 21 hilled and 43 wounded. Shangshuntze, nine miles below Kupelkow, a pass In the great wall was captured yesterday by the Japanese after heavy infantry and air attacks. Troops under Major General Tadashi Kawahara, captor of Jehol City, also were reported to have driven the Chi nese from the strategic strong- SOME H ANGLES GANADA FAVORS CURTUEAT Leaders of Two Big Nations Confer r' V Visit of Premier Bennett Brings up Problem of Accord on Tariff f V X:: To Remove Tires Silvermans are Linked ud how of Nantienmen. By Orders to Garage Japanese war office Issued an an nouncement that Japanese troops had been ordered to halt their oursult of the Chinese unless the PORTLAND, Ore., April 24. latter started a counter-attack. (AP)-What they described as Air bombers were said to have new information was reported to-1 inflicted severe losses on the Chi- day by police Investigating the nese hastening their retreat to slaying of Jimmy Walker, 37, ward Mlyun, 25 'miles northeast and Mrs. Edith McClain, 38, of Peiping. Japanese estimates whose bodies were found Satur- were that 1,500 Chinese were day beside the road at an Isolat ed spot six miles west of Scap- poose. Til burn for this," Walker was credited by police as having said shortly after he had shot and seriously wounded Frank Kodat In the back at Eodat's speakeasy here. Mrs. McClatn, the officers stated, was the woman over whom Kodat and Walker (Turn to page 2, col. 2) (SSIIMJEB PRESS IS RADIO BE Reciprocity,. Broken off in Civil war Time, may be Instituted Again WASHINGTON April 24: (API Wheat production re strictions on an international scale were projected into the Washing ton. economic discussions today by the arrival here of Premier Rich ard B. Bennett of Canada. Canada, along with the United States, Australia and Argentina, the world's chief wheat growers, is eager that some agreement may be reached to guarantee better world prices for breadstuffs- Premier Bennett went to t'.ie White House for tea with the president Immediately after his arrival. He was accompanied by thA ranadlan minister. William D. Herridge, who hag hsd a number of talks with President Roosevelt on tne economic nrooiems in which the- United States and Can ada are particularly interested. Recriprocal Tariff Policv Considered Canadian and American offic ials have been reviewing together the fields in which they may enter into reciprocal tariff agreements. The Canadian premier will move from the Canadian legation to tbe White House Wednesday for a star of three days during which he and the president are to engage i COBS WITH F.R. ;. Discuss "Everything" Say French Envoy; Roosevelt And MacDonald Pleased mf At Result of Confab Canadian Negotiator Also At Washington, Will not Visit White House Until Wednesday; Debts Eyed StoJrvA- WASHINGTON. April 24 ( AP) Happy over his conversa tions with the British. Presidest Roosevelt turned quickly tonight to a parley with the emissaries France at which he laid down a complete and precise prograa. touching among other things f. i.ii- t- n.n... wuniMtU a CrMt itrifmln u at Washington for a conference with rrwkWt Roosevelt last week, tneir aicu.s.ion eoim ui p,.,, I : . 7 .rw,i7";,"Vi:T.w UUB DnllVW BUVTVVf IIVU " " ' V -" - Roosevelt and Captain Vernon. PAYLESS TEACHERS quarreled. Police expressed the I Members OwninQ Stations I with the experU of the two coun SIH LOOP OK belief that the two were killed by underworld characters to avenge the shooting of Kodat. The investigators uncovered evidence, they said,' that someone had ordered garagemen to re- May Give. Bulletins; Chains get None tries in devising methods by which reciprocal trade may be develop ed. Recriprocal trade relations be tween Canada and the united States existed several years before Demand That Warrants be Cashed; Governor Says Outlook Alarming NEW YORK. April 24. (AP) move a large maroon sedan reg- The membership of the Assoc!- the American .civil war and work- istered to Mrs. Eva Silverman, ated Press, in annual session, to- I satisfactorily, but were broken wife of Jake Silverman, Hotel day adopted a. resolution provia- I off as a result of contensious m proprietor and one of three men Ing no news distributed by the As-J ddents between Great Britain CHICAGO, April 24 (AP) hfiM withont bail for Questioning soeiated Press be given any radio nd this countrv rrowlnr out of mt, thouRand militant teachers. concerning the slaylngs, from its chain, and outlining Its position the civil war. President Tsft and getting near the boiling point narkins olace In front vt the on broadcasting by member pa- I Premier. Sir "Wilfred Larier en- I ? this business of working building In which Kodat was shot I pen. I deavered to reestablish reciproc- I without pay, laid selge to the big THrtuT The man who ordered its I Tha TMolntion stinnlated no I ltv. but Canadian narllament re-lioon banks todsy nnitte aid thev learned. I fused to annrove the arrange- I Wearinar arm bands to show Lad Rescued On Cliff at Rocky Butte PORTLAND. April 14. (AP) After clinging for more than two hours to the Jagged lace oi an almost perpendicular cliff at Rocky butte here. Arthur Hoitz. 15, was reseued tonignt by re- lnstructed the garagemen to re- ated Press shall be allowed to ment. place the new cord tires with broadcast either its local or As old ones. soclated Press news other than District Attorney John I. Stor- orief bulletins la of Columbia county and Port- The- membership further em- Tvdins-B. aMftrf I. I lanfl oolice detectives said they Dowered the Associated Press from the opposition leader, Reed Uearned f'0111 the garagemen that J board of directors to promulgate (R., Pa.), then contended Amer ica has enjoyed a thirty-six bil lion dollar favorable trade bal ance against the world in the last 30 years, adding: "This Inflation means a policy -- or isolation. This is a policy of America living unto herself. We are saying goodbye to the rest of the world in the face of the fact that In the -last 30 years we sold more by thirty-six billion dollars to the world than it sold to us." Tydlngs estimated inflation vn.i,.,, t thA annual Assocl- would cause direct and indirect ted Press meeting today, Senator unemployment for 22,000,000 peo- Rol)inson Qf Arkansas declared (Turn to page 2, col. 2) HISMIQNTO I DEFAULT OF TUXES FI ICED IN DOUGLAS BE CUTIOUS WORD rules covering such member broadcasts and to fix a schedule of assessment to be paid by the mem ber papers doing such broadcasting. The revenue from these assess- roSEBURQ, April 24. (AP) menu win ne appueu io a pro-rata county Clerk Roy Agee said to- reduction of assessments paid by day tnat if reports that the federal non-broadcasting members. apportionments to land grant The resolution was written by counoes will be delayed are cor- James G. Stahlman, publisher of Tnriam onntr will be torc- vTc-ftr vnnir inrn 24 (AT) Nashville (Tenn.) Banner, and ed to default payment of the first NEW YORKrAprll 24 l&r) presIdent of the Southern News- half of Its state tax totaling about Before hundreds of newspaper p,,,,,,-. BaA,i.HOB half 01 its staje tax, towing a Dui Pie who would have to be support ea oy tne government. 48-CENT BARGAINS OFFEHED TDIVIORROW rhtor authority is given Pres ident Roosevelt by congress -will be employed "with prudence and caution, and, I trust, wnn prompt ness." ' ' ' Tha democratic senate leader said prompt action on the admin I Istration program was necessary POLICE MOID TO OPERATE TONIGHT thev were ten months behind In salaries due from the Chicago school board, they stormed the doors oi tbe banks demanding help toward the resumption of regular paydays. ktter leavine- the banks, sev eral hundred of the marchers shoved into the reception room at the offices of Mayor Edward J. Kelly where Governor Henry Hor ner, city and county oinciais were in conference over tne tax situa Hon. In response to a chant of "We Want Horner!" the governor ap peared. -I can give you pretty nothings, or the truth," he said, "which do on want?" "Thn truth!" shouted the $72,000. . tpachers. He said the county has not yet ..wn thon tha trnth is that been notified officially of delay J e-aryona who knows the situation in payment oi in cmiui wi ij9 extremely concerned," tne sot 000 In lieu of all taxes on Ore- "not only concerned gon and California land grants, Dut aiarmed. The only way that By permission of Stacy W- Nor- but reports were that Congress man Mott of Oregon, bad been notified such claims will not be paid unUl all counties have filed, because of insufficient funds, and then the money may be apportion- we can get money is through tax es and payments are xar over- n." Doors of some banks rolled shut and only customers with naasbooks were allowed access AHEHEUT CAHATES H Officials Elected in Spain Are However Divergent In Affiliations " MADRID, April 24. (AP) Edouard Herrlot, the F rends envoy, as he left the White Host near midnight spoke enthusiasti cally of his opening dlscnssioan with the energetic chief executive, declaring as he spread bis arms in expression that between' thesn they had discussed "everything." The former French premier, standing bareheaded upon ts front portico of the executes mansion, declared a wide program had been placed in tbe hands eff the Franco-American economic experts, who were called into the conference after he had sat ales with Mr. Roosevelt more than an hour. Derision on Debts Cp to Roosevelt Asked If war debts had eoa men. a - Tf Alia at hack, but Holts climbed on. until he encountered a Darner ieet from the top that checked his progress. He was unable to des cend as he could not see neiow himself to obtain safe footing, He called his friends, who ob tained a piece of rope and a length ! day's countrywide : tiona Indicated an overwhelming tide of antl - government public opinion had struck the govern mental parties. Unofficial figures showed about 8500 eoundlmen who belonged to various combinations opposing the present regime had been elected. of garden hose, skirted the cliff that the government parties ..K iimfci k h ton. rvlne mustered approximately 4000 rope and hose together they low ered the strand to Holti- He doubted the strength of the hose. and his companions ran to a near by rock plant and phoned the fire department. A truck company raced to the scene. Firemen climbed the butte. lowered a strong rope to Holts. and pulled him up over the top of the cliff to safety. "Well, you got to the top, all right." one of the firemen ob served. "Yes," Holts grinned, "but missed my supper." Virginia Leitch To be Queen of May at Normal nad 101 seats. The opposition parties include various elements rsnging from the conservative republicans of Ale jandro Lerroux. former foreign minister, and Miguel Maura, one time minister of the interior, to Catholics, Agrarians, and three branches of the monarchists. The rightist group so far win ning the largest number of seats were the Agrarians, with zs:& ioi lowed by the conservatives of Maura, with 1117. and Lerrous' conservative republicans with 1940. The tabulation tonight showed the socialists, with 1557 seats, were the leaders among the pro government groups. The radical socialists won 1276. and premier Manuel Axana's acdon republic- . t . mi.. MAttt.ftfu ttnlrn I . . . . 111. ji. so mat ----- man, raaio inspector ior mia u- . u bagl have contrinutea so mncn , w- trlct, Salem police department i - - ntlon- AeM stat- IT ,vT Annrn. hnt made litUe et haaitancies of our business world nnt it new transmitter into may be ended, and a great dawn j operation for police work late this of a new day may break on our afternoon, it was announced last MONMOUTH. April 24 (Spe- through the crowd. Police helped clal) Miss Virginia Leitch of enraptured vision.' night. The specUl order will per- I w 4g redempUoil fund Days of '49 when gold flowed freely and times were booming will be revived here Wednesday when the majority of Salem's downtown merchants participate ana reviv- bb u. n v vi .v vllTT tains $240,000, enough to cover In a general 49-cent sale day. The will prove fatal in the long run. tlon. probably will be heard Jn nsc, , ,nd lnterest on all out- r . - . -mm afiMa Tnrlmntl tOAT I nAlliu unln tnr tna rlrt time 1 " V . event replaces ooiiar nays oi ions-1 nuw.c ..i T " " V 1 v I standing bonds r years, many mercnants reeling i may u, " - - - v - h. A-Zrs .rti-ia oiiav 1 I ment is nermltted to pursue a Pol- Changes and adjustments made equivalent in value tqu those of icy-ot spending more revenue than over the week end In the trans- - . Urn A one dollar in recent years. lit receives, and this Is a funda- hnitter at headquarters and w-lfOVCr tteaCL OI Through the cooperation of R. mental principle unaeriyms . ceivers in me w jww -. Lemon and M. A. Reedl own- the policies that are being ad- insure dependable service 007212311166 I Of ed, have not been sufficient to f0rt to force the teachers to move meet its bond payment of $60,- 1 0n; -the police paychecks are in 000 due May 1, the county clerk arrears too. "The measure, intended for the mft nse of the station pending re- SMrnv t reUef of destitution and to guide celpt of the license from Washing- rJJZuSlltin. jf r a DaUnf and revive business and industry ton, D C. KGZR, call of tbe sta- nlrt cover 00 Uet iXeiief Work on Roads; Normal school junior, has been chosen by the student body to rule as uueen Vir ginia I over the annual May day fete. Miss Leitch is an outstand ing student, popular In many ac tivities. She Is secretary of the second floor dormitory group; holds membership In Staff and Patricide Gets Life; Insanity Plea Loses Out Included this subject as he snos of "discussing everything." How ever, Undersecretary Phillips ef the state department who Joined in the general conference of eco nomic experts said he bad net heard this subject mentioned. Apparently Mr. Roosevelt has reserved to himself final Judg ment on the British and French pleas for war debt relief, pattisg up to them In return his program for economic recovery which the experts are working out. At the conclusion of four day of parleys. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister MacDonald ef Great Britain earlier In the eve ning Issued a joint statement ex- pressing "deep satisfaction" in their discussions. Inflation Program Being Pushed Ahead They emphasited definite agreements were reserved for the world economic conference to he held in June but they stated tae explorations which were to map out the program had been "ad mirably served." Even as the International par leys progressed, with Prime Min ister Bennett of Canada already on the scene and prepared to ge to the White House Wednesday, congress pushed ahead toward enactment of inflation legislation, designed by democratic leaders te strengthen Mr. Roosevelt's hand in his discussions. 500 Next Week xxr ivanced." I throughout the city, according to lee, free transportation downtown He said federal economies al- the builders. Salem police have re- wlil ha afforded all shonners from ready "are witnm ugni wukb wiw soua rciw 9 a. m. to 11 a. m- Wednesday. Ne tickets will be required of shoppers, who are urged to board the nearest bus. Values will be prominently ad vertised in today's and. tomorrow's newspapers, and merchants will give prominent display to tbe 49 cent specials in store windows. A crowd Is anticipated tor the 49-eent event. will reduce the federal budget by from Albany, Portland and Orand nearly $1,000,000,000. Ronde.. "Triple Safe Foils Yeggs Kick of Horse Kills Tot Crash at Heppner Fatal Fire Rages in Apartment 8 CATTLE. April 24 (AP) Edwin Evans. 25 year old college sraduate who killed his father. Key; and In the Oregon Normal Timothy Evans,' was convicted of school choir. first degree murder tonight, nut It is of interest too, that her the lurr recommended mercy. sister. Miss Margaret Leitchr was The verdict means sentence of o. v.. jj .....i. man vara aueen of the May here in 1921. I Ufa imprisonment will be Imposed nil UUUUl XTKk wvv.. I - - i - . . . n work on county roads yes- . upon the young man wno snot nis Urday it was reported at the CAR LOADINGS GAIN father last November on tneir . . i iiu.i lurc&A. atai.. api i rancn at Auuurn. auer m uuutv fi A K MfietinP--lLr?:Z. whether the elder man ini K the cmw Jext car loadings of 21.859 for last lege for post graduate work. T0.. 0Qt .wlUl 1116 reW " week, an Increase of 920 cars over The defense pleaded Insanity - I v & & w a n . miiiirmi lrrnnoiuioiuiii I.V. aaM TWrt I vw miwtiwuw mvvrn au " men were placed at common la bor and one on a farm. Today Members of the general com mittee for the state G. A. R. en campment to be held here June 20. 21. and 22 met at the cnam- her of commerce last night and foUf wjn D6 eent t0 nap elected u. n. stover oi tne eons of Union Veterans as enairman. I J CENSED TO WED Mr. Stover succeeds the Ute C. A. l tACOMA. Aprfl 24. (AP) Fessenden. I a ma-Tfas- rna was Issued At the next meeting, to be call- h.r. ndav to Raymond Evans and ed in about two weeks by the new yxAjt Zassenhaus, both of Sa- j LONDON, April 24 (AP) Foreign Secretary Sir John Slaev today summoned the organlihn committee of the world economkr conference for a meeting her Sat urday a move Interpreted hi London as the first big result ef the MacDonald-Roosevelt discis sions in Washington. London hailed the action as meaning the gathering: of the n tlorf to remedy the world's eco nomic ills at last is under way (Turn to page 2, col. 1) Hugh Black Arraigned on Foui Indictments, Dallas Parents Finally Allow Operation TIN BOX YIELDS LITTLE -PORTLAND, Ore., April 24 (AP) The persistent safe crack ers who undertook a "Job" In a .lli.a " Mtiat UDOn VaSCO Uirl have thought someone was play f' r rr rr , 1 1. h i-fa.h!nned Christmas vnvcrp! tst v Anril 24 gift box trick on them. (AP)iSSu Vaslo: ihepar- UrS?eT?id thfouuS eye operation necessary to -save smaller safe. In ner life, wss riven tonight in the l??:.., .tm amaiiev care of Judge George M. Smythe ' explogive merely of the children s court. . ' Iwarped the "baby" strongbox. So The two year old girl, hose. vw. nallv save up and narents. Mr. and Mrs.' John Vascol Aa-ArtetA nicvine un a small once barricaded their Hastings- J Mm of caxrency from a tin box in on-Hudson bom to aeep out ww; i tne 0tnce on their way out, ; ; tare workers, was placed in a hos- J w. ,: .1;; ..i - C I TrtFA IN HOSPITAIi .i. , Judge Smythe said this parents' I j HERMISTON, Ore, April 24 wishes would be learned tomor- (AP) Ruth t h. .AiArtinn nf an eve soe-1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. uugn :r:;.:r .1,1 m0 ta nhpi t this citv. died m a hospi remove a tumor from the left eye tar here Saturday .Jjg that is gradually pressing against I suffered "hn he.was kicked by nresldent. the committee will elect a secretary. Mrs. C. A. Fes senden resigned from that office last night. VERNON SALTER VICTIM HEPPNER, Ore April 24 (AP) Vernon Dwight Salter, a ranch hand, was killed near here Sunday .when an automobile in wmcn ne was riaing isit tne ugn- i j . way and overturned several times. I iViailOn 1 11111 Lester Gemmeii, who was driv ing the car, was brought to a hos pital here for treatment to an in jured back. Ed Craig escaped in jury but Mrs. Craig sustained bruises. They were passengers in Gemmell car. " . Sid TENANTS ESCAPE PORTLAND. Ore.. April 24 (AP) A fire which firemen said lem. Ore. And Affiliates Report : Prptit Late Sports PORTLAND, Ore, April 24 (AP) Otis Klingman of Okla homa Citv defeated Billy Powers lot Denver, taking two straight falls In the main event ot to night's - wrestling - card here. Kltnrmen welshed 1(0 pounds. CHICAGO. April 24 (AP) tanr mare than Powers. Klingman For the first time since ix was or-1 won the first tall in 12 minutes ganlsed. the aviation corporation i -.v .eries of reverse chin locks. and Its subsidiaries last month I and clinched tha match 'ten mln- originated in an unoccupied base-I made a profit, In the amount of ttt uter by tt same "d.- uicui, ireuiwu 7 ' I . ..u - xi . , I . ,IV. .11. age estimated at $3,000 to a Port- 1 '"i a - ina, we., won ww ti.Mat. l dav. Ita. take the semi-wlndap from ened tbe lives of 26 tenanU. AH 1 uosses lor tne wn ww bum, " the to the made ill by Inhaling the dense I comparea DALLAS, April 24. (Special) Four true bills aalnst Hugh G. Black,, ex-county clerk of Polk county, were returned by the grand Jury here in a report made public this morning. The Jury met Friday and returned the re port Saturday, but it was Held secret until today in order to investlrate discrepancies brought forth in a recent audit of tne county hooks. The first Indictment charged Black with .larceny of publle money on January 20. 1931, la the sum of $1(14.21. He was re leased on his own recognisance on that eharxe. Indictment no, was a charge ot the violation of action 27-605 of the Oregon lawa of 1930 In, that Black had in his nossesslon the sum ot M nrVtaM ga'torV salTne ZSTtSU Smi. pre- i(0. Lo. Angeles, two falls out of 1 loss wis covered by insurance. - I vlous. : , ; - Ithree in the opener. - The Jhird Indictment ehargea. larceny of public money on Sep tember. 15. 1931. to the sum of 1(94.66. the amount of money realised . from a gas ' refund to the county from the state of Ore gon. He was again released on his own recognizance. Indictment No. 4 -charged Buck with larceny ot public money on December 31. 1932, when he took nossesslon of $2211.21 which he received and collected as eounty clerk, and which he allegedly converted to his own nse. Bona In this ease was set at $1800. Black was arraigned la circuit court this morning before Judge Arlle O. Walker and given .until 1:30 p. so. Thursday to enter pie. Judge Walker disqualified htmaelf from taklnc the case and Judge R. R Bagley of Hlllsboro win continue Thursday. . Black's bond of $2000 , was furnished by Eugene Hayter and He appeared before tbe gran a Jury, at his own request. The Day ia Washington By the Associated Press - PreaideBt RooeeveU ed economic dlssurmamcmt f ereatcea with foreign state tnclndina Prime Minister Domald of Great Britain. Edaa ard Herriott of France, and Prime Minister Bennett of Caa da, tho latest arrival. Difference hetween President Roosevelt and senate drafters of banking legislation including de posits Insurance, largely were re moved at a White Bouse coauer- ence. - Senator Tydiags (D. Md. posed adntimlstratiom lnflsHsss ary program ia swaato deteta but deaaocratlc leaders expertod passage by Wednesday night. American Red Cross received la general session a message from President Roosevelt saying it might be asked to aid la national relief program. . New Ena-land f Lshermea to ask relief for their in4aary were afternoon sets at Whit Hoase. "', " . ' : r i - . the brain. " , " t uhuku