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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1933)
PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Sal Society ews an Olive M. Doak, Society Editor d Clu b Aff airs Oregon, Sunday Morning. ApriT 23, 1933 " . .. - - sssk m w Music Week Plans Oi Interest . Here 1 07 Interest to many Salem per- ion are ths plans now un , der way for National Music week to be observed May 7 to 13. In Salem a great number of the musical organizations together with Indlridaals Interested In far- tnerlng music here will sponsor concerts , , for ; the v benefit of the general public. , The following statement has Veen issued from - the office of Governor Julius K Meier: "It is a pleasure .to remind the dtlsens of Oregon that National Music week will again be obserred this ear, beginning on Sunday, May 7th and continuing through ;,May.lStb.,,,.M-r.:'t -V-v-i -..VThl period Is. set apart an nually as a time of special muii- - eat'entertainment and inspiration. .Its Jnfluencs should - be felt throughout the year In higher mu sical , standards, wider musical participation and finer musical enjoyment, i "Oregon has won national dis tinction, for its National Music week activities during recent years. This year of all years do we need the Joy! of self expression which comes from good music. . 'I hope, therefore, that our elt--. hens will this year again lend their , enthusiastic Interest and support to the observance of this ' nation-wide eyent. Governor Julius L. Jleler. ri The music week is the out growth of a natlbnal week of song held in 1S15, in Daneville, New York. The first! record of a city wide observance is that of Boise, Idaho," In 1919. Later in the same year a music day took place in Dallas, Texas. I Both St. Louis, i Missouri, and Sharon, Pennsylva- j iila,, held music weeks. These are the nioneer cities in the movement and In the same year some 15 oth- ( women. SOCIAL CALENDAR. V Monday, AprU 21 Chapter A. B- P. E. O. with Mrs. William Dillmon Smith, 1865 Center, 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, AprU 2$ Sons of Union Veterans and their auxiliary meet at the home of A. J. Remmicgton. 21 8 Chemeketa, f:IO p. m., for potluck supper. - Wednesday April 26 Westway club at 'home of Mrs. Avis Perrine. Leslie Can-Do class monthly social meeting, 8 p. m. In thn parsonage. Rev. and Mrs. fi. Darlow Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. C. W- Stacy in charge. Technocracy Forum, city library auditorium, Wil lamette debaters on war debts question, public Invited. . .. " - . . Thursday, AprU 27 Town and Gown club, J: SO, Lausanne Halh T Marion County Federation of wbmen's clubs. Union HIM grange hall, opens at fi 80. " -v - South Salem W C. T. TJ. regular monthly business meeting, Leslie halL t p. mV " V - Friday, AprU 28 Women's Auxiliary of Dakota club at Lausanns Hall. 2:30, with Olive M. DahL Past Matron's club of Eastern Star entertaining Woodburn and Jefferson clubs at a 12:30 luncheon. Masonic temple dining room; Addle Mae Petteys, gen eral chairman. Daughter of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Woman's clubhouse, 8 p. m. ORD was received hers Sat urday before the completion of the musle contests spon sored In Portland this week end by the Oregon Federation of Musle Qlubs of the triumph of at least four of Salem's young musicians. Bernlce Rickmna, daughter of Mri and Mrs. J. M. Rlckman. graduate of Salem high school and May . queen-elect of Willamette university, was Friday awarded first place in thejyric soprano di vision of the vocal solos contests. Miss Rlckman is thus eligible to represent the state at the division al contests to be held In Seattle early la May. She la a student of Lena Bell Tartar and carried one of thi leading roles in the opera Bohemian Girl," staged recently by Willamette university Light Opera club, under the direction of Cameron Marshall. ' Elisabeth Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Lewis, was awarded first place in the stu dents' piano division of the eon- tests. Miss Lewis, a pupil of Mar Jorle Trotter of Portland, will compete for the northwest cham pionship In her division in Seattle next month. Two years ago Miss Lewis won first place in Class E In piano and has appeared In many concerts ana programs throughout the state. Little Ruthyn Thomas, daugh ter oi Professor and Mrs. T. S, Thomas, was Saturday given first place in Class A (ages eight to 10) violin. Margaret Wonderlick, daughter or Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Wonderlick, won first place in piano. Class A, while David Smith, Jr., was awarded second place. Included among those from Sa- i . . . ENEFITS with still more benefits promised for the S aXSf iSJ-V -i -v.-. , a iv r-i i i - - " coming weeKr nave Deen taxing ine eye oi caiem Tiiison, Miss Frances VirginL n r n i a f. Denent onage Aiternoons In Center of Social Limelight B Salem Musicians Win Honors in Portland Young Set Guests , At Brilliant Tea MEMBERS of the Salem young er set will be gueats this tHaWSAMS at . ss aimssT t SUbCl UWU SB SSI SUISHt for which the Misses Jeanne and Maris Patton will be hostesses at their Court street horns from I to 5 o'clock... Guest will be Miss Margaret Burdetts. Miss Margaret Corey, Miss Phyllis Day. Miss Margaret Engel. Miss Cynthia Delano. Miss Claudia Buntln. . Miss Isobel George. Miss Bar gars MaeDonald. Miss Helen Wledmsr, Miss Fran ces Martin, Miss Jean Doollttls. Miss Frances Jensen, Miss Hasel Johnson, : Miss Dorotha Cannon, Miss Bula Bailey, Miss Cleo Rlt ner. Miss Ruth HUlman, Miss Maxine McKillop, Miss Fas Drls coll. Miss Frances Sands, Miss Lorraine Kinser, Miss Mary Jans Adams. Miss Francess Doollttls and Mrs. Charles Claggett. , Presiding at the urns will bs Mrs. Charles Claggett and Miss Margaret Corey. Miss Barbara MaeDonald, Miss Lorraine Kinser, Miss Cleo Rltaer and Miss Max ine McKillop will assist in serving. Bright spring flowers will be used about the rooms. County Federation Meets Of great interest to women of Salem and surrounding territory is ths meeting of the County Fed' eratlon of Women s Clubs to bs held Thursday. April 27, in ths Union Hill grange building with the Union Hill Woman's club host ess to the group. Reservations for the no-host luncheon are to be sent to Mrs Elsie Tate at Sublimity. P 1 1 are I J J - ... L. I i. onu ar Dnaes - iieci Honored Witll Say Parties YOUNGER circles in Salem are centering much of their Interest in the f etinsrof brides-elect. Josephine Albert, whose marriage to Bruce Spauldine; will be an event oi way 6, has been extensively entertained since the announcement two weeks ao of her wedding date. . Tomorrow night she and a group of her friends will be the guests of Miss Gene vieve Thayer for dinner in her home and xor a ineaire pny following the dinner. Tuesday Mrs. Paul Wallace will en tertain Miss Albert and nine of her close friends at a one o'clock luncheon in her home on the Wallace road. Wednes day noon Miss Albert will be . "V .-4. .a. i.-v.-- her wedding which will take place honor guest at a luncheon t. t - d monlaK la the cha pel of St. Paul's by Miss zeima the Spa for which Miss Rosa lind Van Winkle will be host ess and Thursday evening Mrs. J. C. Griffith wUl entertain In her honor. Numerous other events are belag arranged for Miss Albert. Monday' night Miss Frances Sands and. Miss Fas Drlscoll wOl be hostesses in Miss Sands's horns for Miss Phyllis Day, whoss mar riage to Robert Ramsden wUl take plac at high neon, Thurs day, Ajjrii 27. In the home et her parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Day before members of ths two fami lies. Complimenting Miss Reta Clag gett, bride-elect of George Good rich ef Camas, Wash., Mrs. Gall Jones and Mrs. A. E. Ulmaa wars Joint hostesses tor an evening of bridge and a shower at ths horns of Mrs. Jones Wsdnesday. Sat urday night Mrs. Floyd Volksl en tertained for Miss Claggett. MIsa Claggett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Patton. has an nounced shs will be sttended at Busch. Alva Goodrich, of Eu gene, brother of ths groom, will be best man. Salem Folk Attend Reception. Dr. and Mrs. George H. AJden, Dr. Helen Pearee, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fitzgerald and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jsldsrks motored to Corvallls Tharsday svealng where they attended the reception given in ths Memorial Union lounge of ths Oregon 8tate campus honor ing Dr. Raymond Jameson of Pekin. China. Dr. Jameson, son of Dean Kate W. Johnson of Oregon State col lege. Is professor of English in university in Pekin. Following ths reception whleh was tendered to him by ths Corvallls branch of the A. A. U. W.. he spoks on "Basic English.' Many Attracted to: Woman s Club; Program A CLEVERLY preempted stunt program was the -old-fssV , idfit rhvni" afternoon civ- - en befora members of the Salem . Woman's elnb In the clubhouse... Saturday afternoon la addition to. the bnslneas meeting and tea for the reception - of new memnera which drew a large crowd to the regular meeting.?- - 8 pedal reports- rrosa un. i. -C and Mrs. William-Fordyes Fargo on ths third. djatrtet lnstl tuts. held lasUweeavat .Oregon City snd atteaasa;y jsrsv uc-er, Mrs. Fargo. Mrs.-Ivan Martin. Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Miss Eula Me CuUey and Miss Helen Louise Crosby of Salem, were nearu. ra. Ivan Martin presided, sad Mrs. Mark McCalllster led ths singing with Mrs. C. C. Geer nt tse piano. At the tee hour Mrs.- Percy R Kelly and Mrs. Hsnrxl. Bean pre sided at ths table, .beautifully ap pointed In rose and, silver. Wei coated - lata tt membership wers Mrs. Georgs-Aloerbeed. Mrs Victor 8. BoreUa, Mrs, Winiam 8 Levens, Mrs. Berer R Kelly, Mrs. O. W- Emmena, Jm.,E- Llas sey, Mrs. J. T. 'Ryan aad Mrs. Clara Pom troy. - - The clobrooms were lovely with spJng flowers from the gardens of Mrs H- J- Clements. Ths regular moathly business meeting ef ths South Salem W. C. T. U. wIU be held In Leslie hall Thursday afternoon at S o'clock with Dr. B. Earls Parker ef ths First Methodist church speaking There will also be a special mu sical program. . e Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb of Yakima, WastL. were guests Fri day evening in ths home et Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway. er towns followed their examples. By 1923 the number bad increas ed to S6 and lb f 92 4 It was de cided to turn the observance into a national affair land to invite all cities to celebrate music week at the same time. So the music week has - grown from' hundreds into thousands of celebrations. Annually beginning on the first Sunday in May',-! National Music i week is a national movement, for ' the' people and ef the people. It has passed its experimental stage. Melton and Miss Alic Brown. audi, designed to be the festival 1 1 wUh ich t ChemekeTa of the people. It is influencing the i a n,,,tr f tho musical life of our nation. Each American Revolution entertained year the celebration has been Xtiesdav afternoon in the homo of more wide spread, thousands of MrB Hal Patton. Some 70 promi jeople taking part in this week nent matrons and maids played throughout the United States. Its during the afternoon, under ylng principal Is for the Members of the Junior Guild of participation during a specified stTPSurs Episcopal church spon week, of the public as a whole in ged a bridge benefit at the all forms of music, whether as home of Mrs. A. C. F. Perry performers or ss listeners. The Thursday afternoon. Assisting Influence, of music must reach Mrs. Perry as hostesses were Mrs. those vast circles of -the people w. E. Chandler, Mrs. F. D. Eason, who have not yet come under its Mrs. E. B. Gabriel, Mrs. E. H. benlficent power, and Its blessings Kennedy, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, and . extended to every man, woman or Mrs. U. G. Shipley. The rooms j child whatever be their age. or and serving table were lovely with their station in life If music is to daffodils and spirea. Prizes went fulfill its mission as a servant to to Mrs. -Rov Hurst. Mrs. R. F. Watson and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton. Present were: The Mesdames E. G. Sanders, Lynn F. Cronemil ler, R. H. Robertson, R. D. Paris, John Brophy. Tom Galloway, The jsocial afternoon club of Eastern Star is sponsor ing a benefit-bridge tea at the Masonic Temple Tuesday aft- jurt! p AL ernoon. Both contract and auction bridge will be in play. :irs V Drams 13 Reservations are being made with Ellen Gabriel, telephone Auxiliary Hostess 9306, or Mable McDonald, telephone 4095. Harriet Mercer is Mr8 Carle AbramB entertained general chairman. in her homeFriday afternoon for , A benefit card party sponsored by the W. R.. C. will be the members of Hal Hibbard held in Miller's hall on Thurs-O- auxiliary. Bowls of daffodils and day afternoon. Bridge and I Recent Bride spirea made effective decoration -ua-a .; K ,'r, lov I , . , aout th rooms. iivc liuuiucu m HnnnroH A short nrnram f was given after which the af- Honoring Mrs. Paul Schaefer 'ernoon was spent in conversa (Deena Shephard), former Salem tion and sewing, One . of the largest and j smartest of these events was The hostess was assisted In serving by her daughter. Miss Betty and the assisting hostess, Mrs. F. M. Alley. Members enjoying the after noon were Mrs. Chas. Brant, Mrs, Adoline Lanktree, Mrs. Orel Gar- all. girl who has of late years made her home in Kansas City, Mo.. and whose wedding was an event of the past- week in Portland, Kathryn Row' entertained a group of her intimate friends in her home Thursday night. Bridge was in play during the ner, Mrs. Fred Kuhn, Mrs. Sher- evening with high score going to man Nelson, Mrs. Chas. McKln Mrs. Hannah Dorks. At the re- ley, Mrs. Jno. Seymour, Mrs. freshment hours Miss Row was Fred Th.mpson, Mrs. R. A. Weis- assisted In serving by her mo- er, Mrs. Emma D. Vesper. Miss ther and by Roberta Varley. Gla- Betty Jean Weiser. Mrs. W. B, dys Hughey and Delores Mills. , Bane, Mrs. Lulu Humphrey, Mrs. Apple and cherry blossoms A. T. Woolpert, Mrs. Henry Mill- were used in profusion about the er, Mrs. Arthur Welch, Mrs. E. rooms. I K. Buckles, Mrs. J. Woodard. Guests for the evening were I Mrs. Arthur Glrod, Mrs. Geo. Mary Lou Frank, Gladys Hughey, I Pemberton, Mrs. L. Mlckelson, Fay Thompson, Garnet Larkins, Mrs. Chas. M. Greene. Roberta Varley, Jessie Cooper, Delores Mills, Loretta Fish. T01nr D T A Mf ' Claud D.'Bnsick. and Hannah J01" IVieet Walter Spaulding, Harry Wled- Dorks, and the honor guest, Mrs. I Scheduled mer. Roy Hurst, La werence Im- Schaefer. ' . Among ths events of the com- lah. Reed Rowland. Howard Hul- At th close of the ' evening A Joint meetina of the Par ing week of interest to manv 8a- ly, Z. D. Brown, Karl Heimem. Mrs. scnaeier was preseniea wun ent-Teachers' Association of the lflm women H1 fia ho. .nnnai ai Hlie), uyuu aj. auiucwi, "l cuy Will DO -Reia ai 8 O CIOCK iem women win be tbe annual ! T,, T ,.,1aw t nrrmn Da- I I -f ,v vi convention of the Mariorcounty Tld Eason, Arthur Knox, W. L. Oregon Normal Grads f L8" Jn,' M enool. Flv W. C. T. U. to be held Wednesday Phillips. L. V. Benson, C. H. cguu ixornmi vjrdUS mInote talkg by pre8,denU In the Jason Le Memorial church Townsetto, k. r . vvaison, , . vt. UeStS Charles McElhinney. V. A. Doug las and F. J. A. Boehringer will ne o. N. 8. club was ae- b features of th -evening, lightfully entertained Thursday The main address will be de- evening at home of Mrs. Mil- lirered by President J. A. df ed Wyatt with Miss Grace Churchill of Oregon Normal TT J!-t 1 i A. . 1 . necuncbon as HBBistaai nosiess. I scnooi, WOO will speak on During tbe evening a great deal "Changing Standards In Oregon enjoyment was aerivea irom Education." working Jig-saw puixles. The May Ther will be music by Mrs. party win be held at the conn-1 Harry Harms, Mrs. Wayne try home of Mrs. Ermine Fawk. Greenwood, and th high school Later in the evening dainty re- girls' quartet composed of Ha County W; C T. U. Meet Slated Here- T-i T 1 rmh-oW r W T. building. Mrs. Neci. Buck of Sa-rJ-" m' L.' G. Iem, acting president, will pre- Gilbe'rtson, Frank Halik, Emil side; Mrs. G. L. Buland, state di- Halik, A. S. Johnson, George rector S. T. I. will be guest of White, L. R. Lerurgy, nomer honor. Smith, Jr., Hdmer Smith, Sr.. Ben A full program has been arran- Pound. Floyd Miller, Elmer Woot- ged wlth the. group convening in e. Elmer Scellars. A. R. Hunter. consecration service at 10 o'clock I 'omim, n. i. v. r- In the morning , and the conven- nanaier, a., c. . err v tion proper opening at 10:30. Fol- Kuhn, U. G. Shipley, E. H. Ken- lowinr renort. from nninn neay, a. uaonei, tiaipn naiu- . -"w- iitnn rinVafpr and H;5 Ruth I 1 c,rulus "ui.jr o- sirjs vusnei composea or US T- Ter fY? bJ the Hosferd. Eva Cochran. Joyce hostesses assisted by Miss Bertha Englehorn. Guests were Mrs. Bernice Dun can, Mrs, ' Dorothy Dougherty, Miss Berta Burch, Miss Dorothy Taylor, Miss Sylvia Paulson, Miss the organization will h nrfc Barber ana jjuss wen coppocK l ' .uuu,e, uutin . Baker, Jessie Martin and the Mes- Acapelia ChOrilS uames crauy rreacott, Margaret r ' . ' Q 1 Martin, Lena Robins. Jennie Mc- vuuiea tu iJaicm Clellan, Jennie Presnall. Sarah Salem lovers of sacred music Oliver, J. J. Nunn and C. P. Bi-lhav an unusual treat In store Sallv Dorner. Mrs. Ruth Lear. shop, will speak on "My Depart- for them this week when the Miss Helen Fletcher, Miss Lois mem vs. Beer." Acapella cnorus or 40 voices need. Miss Merl Dimlck. Mrs. Following a memorial hour and from th Pacific Lutheran col- charlotte Toth. Miss Marie West devotions the group will meet lege in Parkland, Wasn., is beard hoff. Mrs. Ermine Fawk, Miss around tbe, luncheon table. Rev. here April 27 under th auspices Bertha Englehorn, Miss Frances h. u. Humphrey will greet them, of th American Lutneran ana .Other speakers will b Mrs. Jes- the Christ Lutheran churches si Gies, Mrs. George Cole and The choir is widely heralded Mrs. Jennie Nunn. v las oneof the finest singing or- 'The afternoon's program will ganiiatlons In the west and is Phelps and Jean McElhinney, ac companied by Rachel Pemberton The meeting will be open to the interested public I 1 i- jjM 1 -price rmamwujr VilIDi MATERIAL COSTS GO UP Must Also Go Up! MRS. HELEN BATTERSON, Kelvinator home economiit, will be on duty in our store, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 26, 27 and 28th. All users or prospective purchasers of Kelvinator, are invited to bring: their problems to her. &ManiNa 340 COURT STREET Comeini and See it Now Graham and Miss Mable Dotson. ; .. - Beginners and primary Sunday j school teachers guild will meet Monday. April 24, in the First include the report of the creden- one of the most widely traveled I Evangelical church at 8:30 p. m. tlal committee, election of of fi-l of coll ge glee, clubs. cers, reports-of local unions' and '-- V ; an address by Mrs. G. L. Buland. I '. The , Rebekahs A will meet for ? . Mrs. John Cox, 1 Mrs. Cecil Ash- their regular, business meeting bauh,!. Mrs. Lydia Lehman and Monday evening at 7:30. All vls- .nn. jessie uoie will discuss the iting Kehekahs in tbe city are ; relation of beer. to child welfare, most cordially invited to attend. . .health,. Christian- citizenship, and The degree team captain requests social morality. - that all members of th team be ; In the evening members of the I present for drill and. initiation and , saiera x v. B. will present a play- dress .in white. - -;; let under the' direction of Mrs. . i yuvo, uooarich and the matrons' 1 Mrs. Le Douglas of Dallas will goia medal contest will b staged. I he hostess at ths home of . Mrs. r Considerable added attraction I Carroll Ford for a smart bridge will be found in the music Inter-1 te Tuesday afternoon. Bidden tor C spersed throughout the day's! afternoon are: " - ; ,1. program. Solos by Mrs. Arthur I --M"' -Edwin Ebr Mrs. Mervin - Utley and Mrs. Georr nrti- I Fidler. Tdrs- Robert Drlscoll. Jr.. , eral piano " numbers and arnnt, I MlBS FT Drlscoll, Miss . Maeyl ; "'s uwu arraugea. Teachers from all churches are invited to attend the meeting which. wiU,. be: of. special interest .to. cradle' roll workers, Fish and. Mrs. Edgar Morris. Mother's Day ; ' f May; 14 " . The "gift that will please r " her most YOUR PHOTOGRAPH "CYN" CRONISE . " A Saleni Owned Stadio ' . Conrt end Commercial Sts. . Don' Neglect Your 3f- Eyes To DqSo : May Mean Trouble Ws will test your eyes and fit ths proper- prescription Into smart looking frames for an extremely moderate cost Con sult with us today It will pay you. - . ' - . - DON'T THROW YOUR ' s ; WATCH AWAY , We . repair them v wheni others - can't. ; Guaranteed . Watch Repairing or. money . .; , ; bacit - , m, mmmm, ,' (mm:: . II : Watch, for) 'Special I l' ; . ' V ' Annonncements In JJ , . I -Next Tues. & Wed ; V J ; M a mi . . . .j. . Children Love It; The Angel Cak of Dread The proper balance of wholesome ingredients in Hillnian'fl HlOStCT Bread keeps them healthy, active and --mentally alert .J a perfect food which ;:.-,. insures energy and the necessary health . building, elements, jv --r ":v - .-. 'I comes; ip : you In a Jock-seal '-package " that retains that jnyitingaromd and paP citable flavor. . .. ft - iV -- --- v-v -'. '-.i , r C H E R R Y, Let ta cAdncn jourJi' t&outTrtt Birthday CaXei J also bakers of inilman1 Cnowtlalic Ercad v ' . - i G l T Y; vB A K hN G C O MiR A :N! Y A t ; r i- A t1