Snreiay Ahnnfw, April ' Vital Statistic Listed-? Tne ! cuts department ot nealta report tor Marlon county . daring taa - oaarter ending March SI. tiled with the county clerk yesterday, 'shows 61 hlrths and 41 deaths daring that period. Registrars re ported as follows : Louis Nebert, Aurora, a e t e a , birth3, ' seven ' deaths;. Mrs. I..L: Mlnlker, er rata, six hlrths. fonr deaths; Dr. J. O. Van Wlnfcle, Jefferson, rive births, two deaths; J. .T. , Ban man, lit. Angel, lire hlrths. eight deaths; Dr." P. A Loar, Silverton, tire births, seven deaths; Mrs. Margaret Schaefer, Stayton. eight births, : seven deaths; St. Paul, none reported; E. S. Prather, Turner, four births, one death; George Beach, Woodburn; 11 births, fire deaths. K Traff le Hevy - Exceptionally heavy automobile traffic In the city yesterday resulted In numer ous minor accidents. Mishaps re ported to city police were as fol lows i Viola Swarts, Portland, and W. . Hastings. 4J4 l South lth streett at 12th and State; G. H. Jones. 1910 Maple, and Lawrence Dehut, 2180 Maple; Slots Wright, 7SS Stewart, and E. P. Brown.1 Independence, at Front and Center; G. Mathesoa, f41. North Liberty, and Charles Whit man, Corvallis. at Church and Center;' Mrs.-W. Ebernard, 10S0 North Cottage, and Gladys Lynn, Dallas, at Broadway and Gaines. It will be one big city-wide party next Wednesday with the 4 9 'era 85 Lose Licenses Thirty-five Oregon motorists lost their driv ers licenses during the month ot March as the result ot traffic vio lations. In 30 cases the revoca tions were based, on convictions Cor drunken drivinr. while two Vlr OinUedneedw -The r!T0d JAc"s.e.?' ..1-1. 1. .it. Teciiew annse ana genwBi m- wr im vwv Y I competency. In another ase the T.,7 r''Ti," .-'. "cense was revoked because the psnmem win ee. icuuui. u, chest period to be" conducted by Dr, Vernon A. Douglas at : the Salem health center Wednesday afternoon Thursday morning Dr. J. R. Backstrand will conduct his regular preschool clinic and Fri day afternoon mllkhandlers will be examined at the health center. On Saturday will be the usual toxold-vaecinatlon clinie from 3:30 to 10 a.m. at the health center. . driver-had failed to comply with-a previous order of the court. . In March of last year 49 operators licenses were revoked. Prices aro-' going up' but 'thank goodness arrangements were made for Salem's 49'ers before the rise took effect. Save your pennies for next Wednesday. See Tuesday aad Wednesday papers for details. Woodby Piles J. T. Wood by of Brownsville, Linn eounty, Satur- Expert Radio service Finest day filed in the state department equipment in Skewis, 250 N. .Salem. Gohrke- High, Tel. iU$S Too Felka to ' DeVote Tne Toung People's forum of the First Methodist church will jneet at t 'deck Sunday evening. The hour will be spent in tnfomal. debate on tne question Are the Radio and the Press a detriment or a benefit to society ? Arnold Tay lor and Forrest Holladay will de bate. Mr. Utwiller Irill preside. Nua in City-Cj. T. iHaan, ot Maxshfleld. editor ot -the .South, western Oregon News, was here on business -yesterday and visited his mother while 4 itae eity. Nuna's wife accompanied him the trip and the two went on Sat urday night . to Visit; her. " parents in Portland. 1 r;? - -.- - - - Teacher .Visits j Mrs. TVayne Robertson of the Portland 'school system visited friends here Satur day. She Is a graduate ot Willam ette university. Mr. Robertson baa been very ill for the last two years but is now somewhat improved rn health. Power Fined fa .L. G. Pow er ot San Francisco, who gave his name as William Power when city police removed him from n Southern Pacific train early yes terday, pleaded guilty In munici pal court to a charge of being drunk and paid a $2 penalty. His as a delegate to the proposed con stitutional convention to vote on repeal of the 18th amendment to the federal constitution. Woodby favors retention ot the amend ment. The records of the state de partment show that S3 candidates have filed. Nineteen of, these fa vor repeal of the ISth amendment. Don't make any engagements for Stamp Sleeting Monday The Salem Stamp society will hold a spetcal meeting at the Y M. C "A. at 7:30 o'clock . tomorrow night. All members are to bring their collections, and guests who are Interested In philately. The meeting la open U all persons Interested la the stamp bobby. Smith Fined fid Charles G. Smith, arrested by city police in a local restaurant Friday, pleaded guilty in municipal court yesterday to being drunk. Jndge Mark Poulsea Imposed $10 fine upon Smith and released him upon his promise to pay by Tuesday. Seeks Divorce - Myrtle Carson filed suit yesterday for a divorce from L. C. Carson to whom she was married July 22, 1931, In Vancouver, Wash. I She charges desertion and asks that her maid en name of Myrtle Robertson be restored to her. 1 Hunters go to Kelso Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter of the VaBeyview district ! on Silverton ECONOMIST, f ...f ... - V - 7 ) . M. :i- Mrs. Marian Speneer. who will conduct the Safeway - Scores Hocnemaken Bnroaa cooking scboot at the Salens armory this week. Brooks; Emma . MInton, Salem No. 21; A. W. Bagley, Englo- wood: Tom E. Tate, May P. My ers, Salem No. 11; f Albert F. Waller, Fairgrounds; Leona K. Krenz, Vletor Point; : Frank W. Settlen-.ier, West Woodburn; The resa Ruef, Mehama; Alice M. Da vis, Turner; H. W. Nobell, Sa lem N..o. 9; Knight C Pearey, Salem No. 13; Gladys Elliott, Sa lem No. 1; H. W. Hall. East Woodburn; Maud M. Tweed, Cen tral Howell, and W. J. Ramage, Monitor. Red Cross Sends Monthly Letters About Gardening TT"cf farlr m e arf vff J9 AAnare, removal was ordered by next Wednesday. You'll want to route three will move tomorrow 'ton btWee the unemployed re- Mr. Hunter will business in that I trainmen who' said he had cans- he in Salem with the rest of the to Kelso. Wash, ed a disturbance in the coaches. N 9'"- nter the poultry He was given back his ticket to j Tead The nermlt him to resume his soutn-1 ,. , T wif nrunniMi ward Journey upon being reieas- to deadt g beinj, admInutratedJ day to visit are Mrj and Mrs. H ed from Jan. in probate court here. J. D. Har- j Bagley and Gladys 1 Johnson, al areful Preparations Made For Cooking School; Opens Wednesday at Armory Here Two Children Hit Two small children were hit in automobile accidents reported to city police yesterday but neither was serious ly Injured. Riehard Wayne Casey, three, of 1M0 South High, street. was struck br an automoone anv on vr rsa Lienallen. 1040 Hoyt treet. whan he- ran in front of the ear, ahe reported. W H. Cald well, 1135 Madison street, noti fied police, that a child ran Into the side of his machine and re ceived bruises and scratches. The- Brelthaupt Greenhouses, 211 Miller, opea tor inspection Sun day, April S3. No Sales. Plan Doable Wedding Two marriage licenses were issued in the county clerk's office Saturday in anticipation . of a double wed ding service to be held last night. The licenses went to Theodore Sandeen, 27, Molalla. truck driv er, and Freda Holland, 29. 1991 North Church street, housekeep er; and Jess D. Hathaway, so, Seaside, bridgeman, and nee Hes- pack, 28, 1996 North, cnurcn street, housekeeper. Accident Drivers Arrested Both drivers were arreeted by city police esterday as the resnlt ot an automobile collision at Cen ter and Cottage streets. Ted Len gel, 418 North Church street, was charged with not having a driver's license and cited to appear In mu nicipal court next Saturday. Rey nold Snyder, route six, was charg ed with cutting a corner and or dered into court tomorrow. Sale on Sherwin-Williams paints all this week. Big savings. Cobbs Mitchell Lumber Co., 349 S. 12th St. Phone 7443. Want Delegate The Salem chamber of commerce Is working ' with Albany, Eugene and New berg" chambers of commerce,, seek ing to send a representative east to represent the valley at the meeting of the board of engineers May 15. Canalization of the Wil lamette river Is to be talked. Garage Roof Scorched Fire badly .scorched the roof of a gar age at 1305 North Summer street yesterday forenoon. The blaze was quickly extinguished by city firemen. 1 WDilEtDE D IDDN5E eth is administrator and Is trying to file the necessary probate no tices In Broomfiold, Colo. The : estate has escheated to the state I treasurer who holds the money in trust. There are seven heirs, all brothers or sisters of Wolf. Sues on Mortgage Hawkins Roberts, Inc., started suit Satur day in circuit court hero to fore close on a mortgage, naming Ma bel E. Free and several others, as defendants-' Plaintiff alleges that a note eiven in 1930 for S1400 is long since due and asks that interest and costs be added to the face of the Judgment. Dance Mon., TJ Park, 10-1 5c. Mil Estate Closed Final re port in the administration 01 toe estate ot the 11 Don Miles was filed In orobate court Saturday br Mvrtle A. Miles, adminlstra- Mr da bonis non. All claims against the estate have been paid, there belnc S12 in preferred claims and $5597 in general claims. Rnrafoe to Sneak C. A. Sprague will speak to the Salem Kiwanls club Tuesday noon. c. . r.hanman. editor of The Oregon Voter in Portland, is to address the club Tuesday, May 9. all of Portland. They! are visiting Mrs. Bagley'a mother. Mrs. Cora Reid, assistant superintendent ot schools In this eounty. Attend Institute Mrs. Mary Fnlkerson, eounty school super intendent, and Wayne D. Harding, 4-H club leader in this county. went to Monmouth! Saturday to attend th annual one-day Insti tute held by that school. sidents ef Marlon county and the relief agencies, the Red Cross has Instituted a plan of sending to each family that has taken free garden seeds a monthly "what to do" letter advising as to time and method of planting gardens and caring for them. The April letter Just being mailed, describes gar den layouts, fertilising and plant ing dates as listed in Oregon State college bulletins given out with seed packets. Persons to whom the letters are sent are addressed as co- operators. Plans are being completed for the cooking school tor the Inter est and benefit or the ladles ot Salem which will open at the ar mory Wednesday afternoon and continue .for three days.. The econ omist tn charge will ho Mrs. Mar ian Spencer, one ot the staff .of tha Safeway Stores Homemakers bureau ot Oakland. CaL. Mrs. Spencer has been giving these schools in various cities of. Ore gon this, spring and her reputa tion as an instructor of unusual ability Is preceding her to this city. 80 tho women ot Salem can look forward to a carefully plan ned and well conducted school. This is tho seeoad sahool to ho put on in Salem under tho aus pices of the Homemakers bureau. Last year was the first, and the sueces of tnt .school is well re membered by those, who Attended. This year , again the advertising aad news concerning tho school appears la the columns of The Statesman, a recognised medium particularly for food advertising in reaching the housewives ot Sa lem. Regarding the school, Mrs. Ju lia Leo Wright, director of the Safeway Homemakers bureau, aad herself a nationally-famed homo economist, has advised This year we hare sought to make onr cooking schools fit squarely Into the type of program which the majority of women will find the most valuable. We hare. we believe, accomplished this end by a careful compilation of all of the thousands ot requests for ree ipe Information received at the bureau during the past year and classifying them in various groups This has given us an accurate cross-section of tho sort of infor mation which women generally desire, and our programs have been planned accordingly. Mrs. Wright points out that equal care has been taken in schooling the eight unirerslty- lem Working on Lawn The Sa- SprWg Building (1 TkBhlfA llhniv muinla villi soon take on a new spring aspect Frank Kluck, city gardener. has been busy tor. several days there preparing tor a new lawn. 1 Committee to Meet Tho G. . R. - convention committee has been asked to meet at the Salem enamoer ot commerce rooms Monday night at Si o'clock. nnuin hi on JUFiV list Continues, But Slow Past Week Activities la the city building Inspector's office continued last week to rive evidence of liven ing spring building busiaeas though permits were fewer than tho previous week. Of seven permits Issued, one was lor erecting a aweuing i cost ot 1 1000 and another ror bnlldlsr a S4S garage. The re mainder were for repair, altera tion and rerooflng Jobs. For the first time since women hare done Jury duty here, panel called for circuit court duty contains the names of more women than men. Out of SI Jur ors-drawn- yesterday, is are women. The new Jury list fol lows: Howard G. Damon, Salem No. 15; Rose Kaufman,; Salem No. 8; RArra N RwVsr Wast Wvnl. ter. 969 North Cottage street, Sat-. burn. -B N Speer Aumsvnie; Obit uary TRUSSES Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal Belts, Shoulder Braces, An kle and Arch Supports FITTED Woolpert & Lege, Drugs Court at Liberty-Phone 8444 Lucas At' the residence of her daugh- r 1 Th Spa , Roast chicken aud roast turkey dinner. 50e and 75c, The Argo I Special Blossom day dinner. 45C Tho Gray Belle, 440 State Special chicken dinner, 50c. Ren's Cafe. 15S S. Commercial Special chicken dinner. 30c nrday. April 22, WUttiinwna t.u run. aeed 86 rears.1 Beloved mo ther of Mrs. Charles Finzel of Stafford. Ore.. -Mrs. William Youngman of Portland, Mrs. Ar nold Raethlin of Salem, Rev. John Lucas of North Dakota, Mrs. j Das. Mrs. H. Hllverin, wiiuam. Rvron and Henry Lucas, all ot Salem. Also leaves 40 grandchil dren and 11 ereat-grandehildren. Funeral services will bo conducted Tuesday. April 25, at 2 p. m. from the chapel of tho Salem Mortuary, 545 North Capitol street. Rev, u W. Rutch and Rev. Britton Ross officiattne. Interment Belcrest Memorial paj.k. Ladowitz At the residence, 250 North 23rd street, April 21, John Lud owltz, aged 80 years. Survived by daughter, Mrs. E. A. Lilly of Sa lem; three sons, Joseph Ludowitz of Brooklyn. N. Y.. J. B. Ludowitz of Everett, Wash., and George Ludowitz ot Bend; two brothers, one In Montana and one in North Dakota. Funeral services from the Catholie church In Silverton, Mon day, April 24, at 9 a. m. under the direction of the Clough-Bar- rick company. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery at Eugene. O . o i Births I O , .m O Jory To Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Jory, route three, a boy, Jackie Dwaine, born March 30 at the residence. Edith R. Phllippi, Mehama; Alice F. Neptune, Salem ;No. 22; -Myr tle Beckner, .Qutnaoy; Nellie M. Haynes. Soctts MHIb; G. J. Gra ham, Salem No. 23; Alois Ke- ber, East Mt. Angel; Pearl Har ris, Brooks; Isabell Highberger, Aumsvllle; H. F. Butterfleld. Mc Kee; Marietta R. Davis, Salem No. 20; Edna M. McKay, Cham- poeg; Charles Cof flndaff er, Coming Events May 5-0 Annual May festivities, Willamette ni versity campus. J May 23 Masic week opens in Salem. Slay 2-27 Oregon State Association of Master plumber,- annual meeting. Jane 1-4 JEvangeUcnl conference. First, Evangeli cal church. ' - -';r--Jane 2-4- Fourth Annual Willamette Valley Flower Show. ' ' ;- ' J one 19 Willamette uni versity commencement. ' , June 21-23 G. A. R. And affiliating bodies annual en campment. July 24-20 Annual En campment r Spanish War Veterans. Sept.4-9 Oregon ;v state fair.;.. .-- CARD OF THANKS We wish to express onr deep rratitude to our friends and neighbors' for their kindness dur ing the Illness and death of our beloved husband and xatner ana for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. W..M. Coburn Family. PILES CURED ' Wlikoal Op ratios r LoM of Tta 4 DR. MARSHALL S29 Otto BUr. "- ' Poa M CHINESE HERBS for - constipation, rheumatism, appendicitis, colitis, and blood, gland, stomach disorders. -s CHARLIE CHAN . Chinese Medicine Co. 122 N. Com! St, Hours. Daflv ,.g, Snftdart-12" for NEW VIGOR get these essential minerals CAL-O-DINE contains all ot the twelve mineral salts es sential to good health. In a form easily assimilated by the blood. You will be surprised at the new energy and vitali ty which comes from using this natural mineral water regularly. One half-gallon, a month's supply, will convince you. Get your first bottle to day. I Ol-Odine A Natural Mineral Water FREE Health Journal Get this Health Journal for full Information on CAL-O-DINE, diet lists and other health (lata. FREE, no obligation. i LOCAL DISTKD3UTOB X. A. Unruh. 22C N. High St Salem Phone 6728 Mother's Day Special 1 CROQUI N OLE PUSH WAVE Ringlet Ends $1.00 Complete Castle Permanent Wavtra Co. 307 1st National Bank Bldg." Tel. 3663 Mid Few Tourists on ' Road Yet; Ciitfi I Camp Open Soon i 1 ' . Tho spring taflux of tourista has not yet appeared at the mu- preaent the Safeway Stores pro gram throughout the west. - - "Not only are our Instructors experienced and more than ordin arily well-versed In tho ways to make a cooking school most in ter es ting," Mrs. Wright states, but each one ot them undergoes a rigorous training course -at--the Homemakers' bureau headquar ters before she is sent out to bring tho bureau's helpful message - te thousands of women. The In structors, before taking their de parture, help to plan each pro gram and each must take her tarn at 'dross rehearsals until her part Is perfect to tho last point. "Of equal interest." Mrs. Wright - continue, "la the tact that each home economist goes on tho tour of her territory amazing ly well equipped from a mechan ical standpoint. It ts really rather like a theatrical tour la tho re hearsals which precede the actual performances and in the propi' which each Instructor carries. Each ot them Is furnished with a huge metal trunk, tho contents of, which would be enough to equip as fine a kltehen as the most ambitious housewife could ever hope to have and equip tt completely except tor the stove. table, chairs, cupboards and re frigerator. And so carefully are these things arranged that one of our home economists could move into any kitchen In the country and set up housekeeping la a very few minutes. aad ball game at the school oa the last day of the season. Mrs. J. C. Larson will be la charge ot arrangements tor this. alefpal unto camp aero, ffuporia teadent Henry S. Ppisaa reported yesterday. Ho said ho expected tho start ot the tourist tram aft er said-May, when various schools will bo dismissing for the summer vacation. To date only three tour ing motorists have shown up at the camp. . Work ot reflnlshlng tho ' 12 Cabins at tho camp will so com pleted by the middle ef this week, according to tho superintendent. $5X0 THRIFT; COUPON J 5.00' . ) 7 1 a I ll l Beautif u Vt Indestructible . Hecdlitei 3 o o c r ; DR. HIGGIHS . THE PEOPLE'S DEXTIST 20 Tears la Practice plate,light weight fJOo Hcsovin 030. plate, odorless, tasteless, ; easily mended er relined ' Sped! Prices on Extractions with Plate and Bridge work Daring March this coapoa tm wortik SXVO at asy office to apply on any two plates or S2JM oa any single plate. Boosters of Brush Creek Meet May 12 BRUSH CREEK, April 22. The Booster club voted at Its Fri day night meeting to hold one more meeting this year, on May 12. At this timo the women of the dab will furnish the program and the men the refreshments. Tbe trained home economists who will club also voted to hold a picnic Lifelike Plate Teeth, Natural as Tour Originals Perfect fitting., lifelike . . . will allow you to eat whatever you wish with com fort . . . adding greatly to your physical fitness. $12.50 MY PLATES REALLY STICK Double Hoctioo Plate Permitting Ton to Forget Tour Former Plate Trouble. A splendid plate with life like teeth aad all pink base ma teriaL o O 2J CM LOW PRICES Plate Repair ...S1.SO SUver Filling .50c. $1 Extraction 50c Force Ula FiliinglUlO Clean Teeth . . .f LOO Reliao Plato ...f4JM IDR. C S. IHIIIGGI1WS Orer J. C. Pennej's Store telephone 6S31 ,$3.00 THRIFT COUPON 35X0. COM it CO Cooking School - BUT iVs THAT and MORE, its tho o SAFEWAY STORES HOMEMAKERS' BUREAU HENEEMING . . . and it starts Wednesday, April 26 Three Glorious Days of the Most Unique COOKING SCHOOL Dr. B. H. White No Charge for Consultation Night and Day Calls Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office: 355 North Capitol St. Telephone 5030, Salem, Oregon ooooooocoooo R 'SUB -013 o o o o o o m 9TTTV o o o o C) Watch for Special Q Announcements m ( wexi Tues. neu. - q odoooooooooo DRUGS For the accurate filling of your prescription bring it to Schaefer's. We use the utmost care in compound ing. ' . You'll find our service prompt, our charge rea sonable. Schaefer's Drug Store 1 Prescriptions i 1S5 N. Commercial - Dial B19T The Original Yellow - Front Candy Special Store of Salens Think of it! Three afternoon (doors open at 1:00 and sessions start at 2:00) with Mrs. Marian Spencer, direct from the Homemakers' Bu reau of the Safeway Stores, at mix ing table and stove, armed for the teeth (of your family and friends) with what's what in the newest knowledge of food preparation. Three days like this, 1st day: Kccipcs that involve no Kevious preparation... .Parties... evv Salads.. ..and how to broil, 2nddoy.CdVe Making (eaturins Ansel Food and Butter Cake Party Luncheon and Supper Dishes 3rd doy:The meal complete,featur ing Meat and Fowl in the most up todatrway..Vegetab!e Cookery. Card Tables aid Chairs to' Rent Call CO 10. Used furniture Department "151 North High ff Recipes! Breakfast, luncheon, dinner and party ideas! Table settinss. They all come under the head of Kitchcneerins. And all you need is pencil and paper, eyes and ears. It doesn't cost a cent. Come! Brina a friend-two friends...all the friends you have, and theyll be better friends because, of it. And so will your family. Wednesday, April 26, Thursday, 'April 27, and Friday, April 28 This is tho way wt do our tricks, Pour, sb'r, beat and mix, A teaspoon of this and a cup of that, And X marks tha spotwfwra tha family tat Pot theVra on thair fatt with a rousing chaar, Sinca Mothor bacama a Kitchanaar! Sane nun Ar.: 'ma THE SAFEWAY COURSE STORES IN homemakers; BUREAU : I XSJ. JL i;nPill Es&KLIM vx M a;