PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN; Salm, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 21, 1883 : - y .. .- v. -mmm-" ' j 7. .: TIE EMI S Informed P. H. Bell, leal adrlaor for the Marion county office. . .From Monday morning until Wednesday night, applications may be made at Mr. Bell s office. 225 Oregon building. These will be wired to the regional ofricee in Minneapolis, in order to be there before- the deadline. "" Fire applications - were . made here yesterday, and each day that number or more Is receired. It is estimated more than 250,000 will be spent In' this county through the medium of these loans. TO ASK SEED LOAN Whil the iced loan office here IH be poiitirely closed Saturday night, Marlon county farmers will hare an additional three days' fraea la which to make applica tion for the federal loans, Ira Hyde of the Portland office has 294 N. Commercial St. 4 De liveries Phone 3527 ' 5 f A j ' " 1 ' i See Master Doughnuts baked In our window Saturday, April 11, by Cherry City Bak ery Co. 'a large Automatic Doughnut Ma chine. Coffee and Doughnuts will b served all day. Everybody welcome to see a hom e product made. "The Store With Cheap Prices Every Day" T. NEPTUNE GAINS ANOTHER VICTIM T 7 ' V? T7 Tr T7 Tyf - IT Q) If S I ' I B I I I (( ? x - " . J . , u r, . " ... - - - - . . - .'..-r-,V.',',7-.','.".' A." 4, . ' r, t - j , .. ft. . .. .i I I 370 STATE ST. Crescent Coffee, per lb 29c FREE Demonstration Saturday . Puritan Hard Wheat U Flour A better flour for less ' 49 Lb. Sack 75c S. & W. Mellow 'd Coffee 2 Lb. Cans Per Lb. 24V2C Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce Delicious . Appetizing "Large Can 1 10c 1 Dozen Lots Less 10 Fancy Oregon Walnuts Sweet, well filled 2 Lb, 19c Extra Fancy Blue Rose i Rice 6 Lbs 25c Red Chili Beans Fancy recleaned 6 Lbs 23 c Fancy Calif. Large Lima Beans 2 Lbs 15c Sweet Juicy Oranges medium size y2 Case ... 79c Per Case $1.49 Armours Milk Tall cans 4 Cans .'. 15C Pineapple Sliced or Crushed Fine for salads or cocktail A spectacular picture of the last moments of a gwod I "Gretarne," which went to the bottom off the coast of ship before she took the final plunge to Davey Jones' I Holland after a collision with the British craft locker. ; The stricken vessel is the Danish motorshlp 1 "Redoes," from which this photo was made. TO IE TONIGHT Tonight the Ad clubs of the Willamette valley will gather at a dinner In the Silver Grille room of the Gray Belle restaurant to greet Walter A. Folger, vice president of the Paclfie Telephone & TelegTavh company, and presi dent of the Pacific Association of Advertising Clubs; and Merriman Holts of Portland, district vice president Mr. Folger will be the speaker of the evening. Clubs to be represented in ad dition to the Salem club are Al bany and Silverton clubs and Al pha Delta Sigma advertising hon orary at the university and state college, and Gamma Alpha Chi, women's honorary, of the univer sity. Prof. W. G. Thatcher of the university and Prof. H. T. Vance of the state college have written they will attend. The dinner will be at 7 o'clock. A musical program has also been planned. Cans 15c We Deliver Your Groceries FREE TELEPHONE 3813 The last cara party in the ser ies of benefit card parties spon sored by the Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters was played last night at the K. P. Hall. High scores went to Isabella Gragg, Charles Kinzer and a special prize to Mrs. Jennie Gould. Grand prizes were won by Mrs. Ella Lantz and Mrs. Harold Burk. Cards were played from 8 to 10 followed by old time dancing un til midnight. Of interest to many Salem peo ple is the announcement of the marriage in Yuma, Ariz., of Bruce Putnam Howe, niece of Miss Elizabeth Putnam and George Putnam of Salem to Kenneth C. Walkey, Easter Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walkey will make their home in Santa Monica, Cal., where Mr. Mulkey is in business. Mrs. Wal key Is the daughter of Mrs. Grace Storey Putnom of New York city and the late Arthur Putnam. Society Nearly 1,000,000 trees have been provided for 815 North Da kota farms and schools since 1927 in connection with a farm shelter-belt prSect conducted by county agents. Entre Nous Club Feted at Clubhouse A gay evening was enjoyed by Entre Nous club members Wed nesday night at the clubhouse when Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trom Da lits and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gehr ke entertained for their pleasure. Cards were in play for several hours in clubrooms made especial ly lovely with a profusVon of spring flowers. Winning , scores were held by Mr. and Mrs. L. I Sloper, Mrs. Elmer D. Cook, W. G. Cooper, Mrs William E. Moses and Fred Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. John Strand. Wil lamina, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas, Mrs. Dora Magee and Mrs. D. Pugh were special guests for the club evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner were recent hosts for an attractive evening of cards at their home. Winning scores were held by Mrs. Lloyd McDonald, Perry Sanders and Grant Gruchow. Guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mc Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Perry San ders, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Perrlne, Mr. an- Mrs. Henry Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gruchow, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Woelke, Mrs. Otto Wallace, and Clarence Blundell. Leslie Junior high will present Its annual stunt night Friday. Each class will present a stunt which will be Judged on original ity, presentation, properties and entertainment value. The stunts show a wide variety and consid erable originality. Judges chosen for the occasion are Mrs. David Wright, Miss Carlotta Crowley and Miss Lela Johnson. The Swiss Yodelers will jive intermission numbers. ' Mrs. Robert B. Houston of Santa Rosa, California, it a guest at the home of Mrs. B. C. Mlnto. Mrs. Houston is a popular visitor In Salem where she formerly made her home. Ecclesia Club Entertained Members of the Ecclesia club were Introduced to a "backwards party at the home of Miss Char lotte Horning Wednesday evening when they were ushered Into the guest rooms by way of the back door. Miss Emma Dell Scnwab- bauer assisted Miss Horning as hostess. The evening was spent playing "backward" bridge, and working jigsaw pussies which when com pleted were the pictures of the president, vice president and sec retary. A short business meeting concluded the evening. Present were Edna McElhaney, Miss Flora Turnbull, Miss Anu Heisler, Miss Golda Wheeler, Miss Velma Romlnger, Miss Es ther Erickson, Miss Irene de Lisle, Mist Elinor Dorrance, Miss Ruth Cole, Miss Norma Sutherland, and Miss Horning and Miss Schwab bauer. Miss Orilla Horning was an additional guest. Mrs. William Dillmon Smith will entertain members of Chapter G of the P. E. O. Sisterhood at her home, 1865 Center street, Monday evening beginning at 7:45 o'clock. Macaroni, 4 lbs. Rose City curve cut 19c Kitchen Brooms. A real buy 25c Golden West's busts Coffee 1 lb. 17c 3 lbs. Bulk Ro- 45c Crown Kitchen Queen Hard Wheat n A - f 7C Flour 49i Just arrived! Black or Green Tea. A real buy 19c Rice, Broken Head, 4 lbs. 15c SEE OUR FRESH VEGE TABLES, FRUITS, AT PRICES THAT YOU CAN SAVE. N.B.C. Snowflake Salted Small White Beans, OO Crackers-, OO. 6 lbs. for OC 21b. box OC A real value Vegetable Com- oo Feed Department pound, 4 lbs. for ..OC RecIeaned - 100 lbs. . v Aita Villa Tomatoes OQ 2Vfcs, 3 for -JC Mill Run, gQ Kerrs White Eagle Hard Hodgen Brewster Egg pro Wheat Flour. -Q ducer With milk, oil and A real buy, 49s I e7t greens, 1 7Q 100 lbs Ql. I J medfiSm iJn H- Egg Mash, Large size Oranges, OO g. B. Baby Chick Starting 2 dor. for -OC J?,?1 and$? 1 f) milk, 100 lbs. .... IU Fresh Extra Candled or Dev. Mash, milk, oil, greens Eggs, 2 doz. for DC A real developer, A A 100 lbs. Q-.UU HELP THE FARMER BY White Seed Oats. Re- USING MORE EGGS AND cleaned. t( BUTTER. Per 100 pi.UU We Are Your Friends and Neighbors LQ.ipitoini Yellow Label Vz-th tins 33c 1-lb tins 63c A Red Hot SPECIAL Ghirardelli's Sweet Ground Chocolate lb " cans 2c Phone 4018 We Deliver Orders of $1.00 or Over FREE 245 No. Commercial MATCHES MILK f"11" SUGAR CLOROX CRISCO All Brands Winner Brand Golden Key IJmit Fine granulated Leads them all For Better Crton . . 17C 4 Can, . . 15C Pkg 10c 10 Lb. 42c 2 Pint, 15c O Limit Carton 08c Limit " O Lb. Can tJC Cocoanut , Sweetened Shred 1 Lb. Pkg 19C Flour Dependable Brand Hardwheat Guaranteed. A 49 Lb. Sack tuC Jigwig Jig Saw Puzzles 340to3S0 1A Pieces. Special AUC Cornmeal . Albers Sunrise White only, 1 9 Lb. Bag ....... 1C Asparagus -'Fresh long green- 3 Lta..10c Garden Sticks, a saving worth while, 2 dozen 29c Coffee, Hills Red Can, 1 Pound 31c; 2 Pound Cans ...60c Calumet Baking Powder, 1 Pound Can 25c Grapenuts, the health food for breakfast, Pkg ! 15c Bottle Caps, Bulldog, 1 gross carton, Each 15c Jello, complete assortment of all flavors, 3 Pkgs 1 19c Salt, Mortons, when it rains it pours, 2 Cartons ..15c Sardines, North Star, Fancy Norwegian, 2 Cans 15c Catsup, Ritters, in the large bottles, Each 10c Water Tumblers, tall, clear. Stock up now, 5 for 19c Malt, Sterling Brand, Three Pound Cans, Each 39c Raisins, Fancy Seedless, in Cello Bags, 3 Lbs 17c Yellow Split Peas, makes wonderful soup, 2 Lbs. 13c Peaches, Sliced, in No. 10 Cans, a bargain, Can 39c Soap, Swifts Classic White Laundry, 10 Bars...... 19c Prunes, Large Fancy Italians, 3 Pounds 14c Bottle Cappers, Regular 95c seller, special for 63c Pals Dog Food, tall cans, Each . . 5C FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Onion Sets med. size 3 Lbs 10c Cukes Fancy 2 for 15c Carrots, Onions Radi- o 1 A 1UC Oranges Another Sale of 1 1C each 1 free with 12 Coffee Maxwell House 1 Lb. Can 27 C Margarine Nut Spread Lb. Limit 6c Cedar Polish New 50c size ar1 for 39c Beans Small Whites 5 lbs 14c 10 lbs 26c Potatoes Yakimas, Selected U. S. No. 2 50 Bara 55C Snil IPflotsDe Sugar Cured as1- lb. Well streaked with lean Young Steer Beef POT -rrss-flrw Fresh Bulk ggss. .aai2 pt 1 ,W J r W M IK EARLV mm iff Here's the year's big op portunity in new cookery ideas! SAFEWAY STORES HOMEMAKERS' BUREAU' ENEERING Three Glorious Days of the Most Unique COOKING SCHOOL Monotony prevention! Breakfast, lunch eons, dinners and parties that are differ ent, new, exa'tino,! That's what all of us want and that's what the Safeway Stores Homcrnalcers" Bureau, under the direction of Julia Lee Wrisht, is striving for every day in the year. Mrs. Julia Lee Wright, Director of the Safeway Stores Homemakers Bureau, brings you new discoveries in Kitchen eering over the air each week. Now Mrs. Marian Spencer comes to this very city as her personal representative to demonstrate at least 1 5 recipes a day for three days .... ideas rresh trom the Bureau s own ' busy kitchen. Wednesday A2f - Thursday - Friday There n mott important tecrtts jW art rtdy to unfold; Very interesting ttcrtts, you'll grt Things wcV Upt quite uixlf com, Not a person havt we told, Now we grve them to you bsokitety free You'll want to be present not one day or two, but every day. The Course start April 26 and admission is free . . . just twice as free if you bring a friend. April (V: 28 "J ! i-j; s J THE SAFEWAY STORES HOMEMAKERS BUREAU COURSE IN IQTCHElSnSERINCi Kettle Rendered Tenderloin Cut ROASTS 1