7 PAGE SIX ; - ....... '....' . : The OREGON STATESMAN, SalenC Oregon, Friday Bfornlng. April 2U 1933 - . j . ' hbibbw Dairy, Farm, Shrub Lands In Call; Queries Coming From Many States JLn onusnally heary correapon iflonce from prospeetire Talley aet tlan la belnj received by the Sa lem chamber of commerce. Among the Hat la as army man who hopes to locate near Salem when he re tires from active service, and the mayor of "Wisconsin town, who wants to Invest in a small farm sear here. The list Is passed on to local persons who may wish to corres pond with one or more of the prospects: John R. Gleason, Headquarters, scMnrsn Double Stamps Saturday This store open every Sunday until 10 p. m. for your convenience REFRESH YOURSELF AT OUR FOUNTAIN Carson Pharmacy We Deliver." No Extra Charge Hotel Senator Bldg. Dial S09 This Store Open Sunday until 10 p. m. WILL Buy Now Before WALNUT GATELEG TABLE Closed 22"x42-. Opea 42" by 6 ft. This table is ideal where a large table is need ed and the space )C Cft Is limited. Price tOV Ladder Back Chairs with rush fibre seats C OC to match QiD OCCASIONAL CHAIR Get that extra chair you have been needing. They are priced o nC 9.85 from . . OtfO 'to IT PAYS TO Fidler's Furniture Store New and Used 255 N. Commercial iy u 1BSME Deep Cut Prices Every Day - Household Needs X lb. Laxseed Of Psyllium White sWC 100 Bayer's Aspirin Tablets.. 1 pint Antiseptic " Solution 1 pint Squibb'a Mineral Oil 1 gallon Water Glass 1 inch by 5 yard 69c 19c 63c 69c 19c Adhesive Tape Toilet Goods 40c Squibb's Dental Cream . $1 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic 50c Santiseptic Lotion . 25c Dr. West's Tooth Paste 2 for ?1 Ever Dry Deodorant L... Remediei 12Q Scotfa Emulsion . $1.20 Vinol Tonic , 1 Nujol . 75c Castoria l ; for children ...., . U Dr. MUes v Remedies , , ' , 33c 59c 33c 37 c 69c 89c 98c 63c 59c 69c f tit? tjgltiitHft first Infantry, Fort- Francis, B. Warren, Wyoming, writes that he intends to locate in. Oregon when he retires front .the amy and is very ranch Interested la acquiring some suburban property near Sa lem. : , . - . 7 A . Martin, Tnlare. California, is interested in coming here and raising log fibre flax. SL T. Goodwin, Ouray, Colo rado, Is very much Interested ' in th dairy business In the Salem district. J.R. Bean, Granger, Washing ton, contemplates on locating on a small tract near Salem to raise shrubs, flowers and vegetables. Mrs. Charlotte Meadows, prin cipal Ralston public schools, Ral ston, Dooglas county, Nebraska, writes they expect to come to Ore gon this summer with the Inten tion of purchasing a home site near Salem. Miss Willa Znmwalt, 403 South Court street, Tuscola, Illinois, Is looking for a farm In the Salem district. Olle Arntzen, 2255 Stout street. i3j m They Advance INNER SPRING MATTRESSES Now Is the time to replace that worn out mattress with one of our new inner spring mattressea. A price to suit every pocket from 7.95 to 32.50 Visit Our Used Furniture DepL For Bargains in ranges, heaters, din ing sets, beds, dressers, springs, ice boxes, etc. PAYCASH Tel. 8425 INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS 115 S. Commercial St. Probably you know several things that will relieve digestive discomfort. But often this relief is too slow. Bisma-Rex is a new and amaring antacid powder that acts four ways to give quick comfort Neutralizes ex cess acid; relieves the stomach of gas; soothes irritated membranes and aids digestion of foods most likely to lermenu Try Jtsisma - ANTACID POWDER I7EEE! FEEE! Chrysanthemum Plants Well Established in Pots One With Bach 49o Purchaco Friday and S turib.y Only (Tobacco sales excepted) ' Your choice of 9 varieties GODDESS OF THE SUN. A golden yellow of tat xa usual spidery type. Jlay be grown 88 tnehe in dr comference with judicious bnddlng. MRS. E. D. GODFREY. A light pink singU of strong growth. One of the beet singles. The very popular long lasting Thanksgiving mum. TITANIC. An exhibition size whits of unusual siz and form. The blooms arc often 12 inches hi di ameter. HONEY DEW. A beautifully Incurved yellow. Blooms 7 Inches or more in diameter. PINK DOT. An exquisite rose pink pom with a con trasting eye. One of the best of the poms. CLIMAX. An intermediate size pom of rick yeQow 'A very strong grower of unusual proportions. FRANK WILCOX. A beautiful bronze splashed crimson. It may be grown to 4 inches disbudded and Is ei eeedingb bright under artiflcal Bghi. BBATJTT A deep rose pink. A compan ion to Mrs. E. D. Godfrey. TEIXOW BABY. A golden yellow baby pom, growiaj ; tmmenst graceful spray. r:rMim Denver, Colorado, writes he la j planning to come her this sprln j to locate on a farm. sslUble tori raising fruit. A. -Roy Hooro. aat zna street. Pomona, California, Is In terested in stock raistng ana ai versified farming la this district. W. T. Crawford, mayor Albany, Wisconsin, is looking for & small farm of 10 to 29 acres, improved. In the Salem district, suitable tor raising chickens and vegetables. Or would be interested la buying a meat market. M. E. Slbell. 1580 Hayes street. San Francisco, wants to buy some good farm land In this section ot the Willamette valley. Irving Cteskl, 5 SIS East Green Lake Way. Seattle, has residence property la Seattle to trad for a farm In this section of the Wil lamette valley. A. Klversane, 8218 Langley avenue. Chicago, miaols. Is Inter ested in farming In this part of the Willamette valley. Tlieo O. Xunober. 2011 Sites avenue, Chicago, Illinois, la look ing tor a, small farm in this part of Oregon. John I. Ohms, Box S23, New Buffalo, Michigan, Is looking for a medium sited farm In this sec tion of Oregon. Fred W. Rothert, box 182, Max bass, North Dakota, Intends to lo cate on a farm In this district. Harry C. King, 2811 Olive street, Kansas City, Missouri, writes that he wishes to bay a small business or piece of land in the -vicinity of Salem. N. B. Her, box 3 SI, Toledo, Ore gon, wishes to buy small acreage near Salem, suitable for raising poultry. F. C. Christeasen, Route 10, box 162, Fresno, California, wish es to buy about fire acres of land, unimproved, bu I table for raising berries and poultry. A. R. Smith, 3417 Oxford street, Des Maines, la., is interested in farming and fruit growing this part of Willamette valley. Elizabeth Caulkins, 49 East Merrick, Long Island, New York, Intends to come here in the near future and is Interested in a place with plenty of high timber and a high altitude not Interested in commercial value, but in beauty and health. Allen W. Sylia, Box 315, Mo Jar, California, writes he is in terested in purchasing a farm in the Salem district. Mrs. H. Tlemann, 12 Char ter Oak street, South Pasadena, California, want to buy a small country place in the Salem dis trict, to raise chickens, fruit and vegetables. They hare employ ment, but are tired of city life and want to move to the country. April Term of Circuit Court In Polk Begins DALLAS, April 20 The April term of circuit court resumed here yesterday with the first case on schedule that of Ira Drake, arrest ed March 4 near McCoy for driv ing on the highway while intoxi cated. The jury returned a ver- Kex today. 4oz. mrmt tern tirfGii I FROM "JOYSTICK" o ,,s J J5 I ft is quite a change from looming through the clouds to wading throngs! a stream in search of speckled beauties, but Captain Frank Hawks, famous speed flier, seems to enjoy it. He Is shown as he changed th Joystick for the rod and reel at the opening of the trout season at Carmel, N. Yn where he was a gncst of the Gypsy Trail Club, diet of guilty and Judge Walker will sentence nlm Monday. ilamday, April 24, the cItII case will be tried of Rhodella Aunetta Johnson against the atate Indus trial accident commission." -She is suing to collect compensation which she claims la due her as result of an Injury suffered by her husband la an accident. The claim further alleges that her hus band committed suicide by Jump ing off the Ross Island bridge following a state of despondency caused by his Injury. OREGON'S GENERAL FUND DEFICIT CUT Oregon's general fund deficit has been reduced materially dur ing the past month, Fred Paului, deputy state treasurer, announced yesterday after he had repaid $724,000 of a loan of 911,024, 000 obtained from the Portland banks. The state treasurer pre- riously paid $250,000 oa this loan, leering a balance of $30, 000 due the banks at the pres ent time. This money was borrowed last October for the purpose of tid ing over a financial emergency, and was to be repaid within a period ot six months. Paulus said the treasury de partment also had wiped ont a loan of $700,000 recelred from the state highway commission and had repaid $$70,000 on a loan of $1,000,000 obtained from the world war veterana state aid commission. The remainder of the latter loan will be repaid as fast as funds are arallable. Pau lus indicated. Reduction of the state deficit was made possible through re ceipts of personal income. In tangibles and corporate excise taxes in excess ot $1,000,000. Other revenues recelred by the state treasurer recently Include $700,000 of license fees from the state Insurance commission, and approximately $200,000 of In heritance taxes. An additional $1,500,000 will be recelred shortly after June 1, when the first-half property taxes for 115$ become due and 'payable. In'iured in Home Canning, Seeks $29 SO Damages Hugh C. Hart helped his wife with some canning last January and severely injured a finger on his right hand. Yesterday he filed suit against the state accident commission asking $29.90 dsmsges for the $3 days he was unable to do his regular work. Plaintiff alleges that the com mission has twice denied his claim which he contends Is filly Justified. Georgia's crop of pimento pep pers took on new importance with the revelation by a food expert that they are rich in vitamin A. RECOVERING 11 in ? (-! X ' V s Still weak from the effects of an ep Jsndldtlj operation, U. 8. Senator ames J. Davis, of Pennsylvania, Is supported by bis nurse aa he leaves the South Side Hospital, Pitts burgh. The Senator was to haws gone oa trial recently fa connection with the interstate shipment of lot tery tickets, but the trial wan post ponad sndaflnitely ewing to bis TO TROUT ROD 'frst 3.'jj-. ttTA Holman Demurs To Complaint in Moore Will Case State Treasurer Holman yes terday filed a demurrer to plain tiff's complaint In the oase of Grace Rebecca Taylor and others against Ennls D. Walt, adminis trator ot the estate of the late George J. Moore, and others. The treasurer's demurrer was based on claims that the plaintiff's pe tition was Insufficient to Justify an action and that the court lacked Jurisdiction orer the case. The plaintiffs are seeking In their case to hare all the assets or ine estate, raised at more than $10,000, paid OTer to them by Walt. B5 150 N. Commercial, Phone 5563 NOT A CHAIN STORE Economy Grocery is owned solely by W. G. Walker and Son not in the combine trusts. We patronize home in dustries and Buy Farm Products Open Front store with the Big Vegetable Display. .Friday and Saturday We Offer ORANGES Fancy - Sweet Nice size f Each IC PEAS Well filled pods Pound 5c SPINACH Preferred Stock. No grit, no. 2V4, 07 2 cans fcil t MAYONNAISE Packed in fancy qt Pan- 29c FLOUR Harvest Maid Hard wheat Sack 79c Crown Best Patent Sack 1.29 COFFEE Maxwell House, 8. & W. Golden West 07 lib. tin. HZ Connected with TeL 5563 EIIFIFIta'S I QUALITY MEATS AT LOWEST POSSXBUI PRICES Roaat.. 8& IOC OUR OWN MAKE SUGAR CURED Sirloin ot: 10- Hams and ij Bib Steaks IC Bacon ! 14C Steaks i2y2c Backs 10c I 8c 5&-llc f& 10c o3t?20c Pork 1 Ol Strict? frosk dressed and Chopt . 1&L2C draw, chlcko- CEI1T1FIED POTATO SEED USE ADVISED Virus Diseases not Evident From Surface; Extra Cost Worth While "No one on eartn can look at two piles of potatoes and say wits certainty which one Is better than the other." K. R. Eekmaa, extension spe cialist in farm crops, who knows the Oregon potato business from both ends, is author of that cnai lenge. Ot coarse, he says, some thlnra like soft rot. scab, ana rhrxoctonln can bo detached by looking at the "spuds", but the mala disasters of potato erop- the virus diseases may lark in the finest looking pUe ot potatoes to bo found. A nloa smootk potato is not likely to differ In seed value from the rough on beside it." says Jackman In arcing the advantages of certified seed. "Frequently the rough one may be muck better, as three of the commonest types ot virus diseases tend to make the tubers smooth that do develop." "Certified seed Is that which Is tarred with the official tag sealed on the bag by a representative of the state college. Growers pay for this Inspection and certification, hence the little extra charge for this type of seed Is fully Justified snd the seed Is well worth the difference. One growing his own seed can do what the certified seed growers do maintain a seed plot, learn the diseases and rogue them out. Varieties Are Described Speaking of the various varie ties ot potatoes to plant for the early or mid-season crop, Q. R. Hyslop, head of the farm crops de partment, gives these brief des criptlons ot the leading sorts for this state: Bliss Triumph An oval, pink potato with white flesh, suitable for most any section of the state, gaining special favor in Malheur county. Good flavor and cooking quality and yields better than some a trifle earlier. Irish Cobbler A white early potato that sets fewer tubers than some but reaches market also ear ly. Favored In some lower eleva tions in eastern Oregon. Early Ohio Pink oval potato New Potatoes Fresh Daily Pound 5c ASPARAGUS Fresh, green Full pound .. 3y2c RAISINS Seedless 49 lb. bag . 17c MACARONI Made in Oregon Beat Grade 1A 4 lbs le7C BEANS Large White, Reds Small White f -l 3 lbs IlC RICE Fancy Broken 5 lbs 12c Blue Rose 19c 5 lbs. WHEATALON pkg 15c Economy Grocery 150 N. Com! Essssb witk white flesk favored is dry land sactions where the growing Season Is very short. Earliest ot All or uuno saru .a wait Aral ftotato. Terr pro ductive, setting a Urge nnmber ot Pennies He Dollars! By trading with this market the pennies you save win make those extra dollars. You pay no middle man profit. We buy all our stock direct from the farm; do our own killing and packing. Every dollar stays In the trading area of Salem. Nothing but the very best of quality used. Pork Roast 8 and 10c Spare Ribs . 8c Back Bones 3c Pig Feet -..2c Fresh Pig: Hock 5c Pure Pork Sausage 10c No water, no cereal Hamburger 10c No water, no cereal, no suet You can buy this hamburger and feel safe to Invite jour best friends in to eat it. Beef Roast 8 and 10c Loin Beef Steak 10c Prime Rib Roll 13c Beef to Boil 6c This beef is of the very best quality Breakfast Bacon 12c Bacon Backs 9c Bacon Square, 10-lb limit 5c Boston Butts 8c Pure Lard, 4 lbs 25c Sugar Cured Hams 13c Our hams and bacon are sugar cured; smoked with oak wood made from top quality only. Veal Stew 5c Veal Roast 10c Mc CDWEDiL MAtDCKEEir Where a Dollar Does its Duty 173 So. Com'L Phone 8757 WE CLOSE 8 O'CLOCK SAT. EVE THE BEST Sugar, 10 pounds . . . 41c FINE GRANULATED KELLOGG SPECIAL 1 Pkg. KeD Corn Flakes 1 Pkg. KeU W. W. Flakes 1 Plrcr TT.T1 P ) U. S. MALT Sperry's BISQUICK 2 Pound 27C C aCD C Package TEAM MATES GaL zlGv OLEO Wesson Oil tl7C . 0 . 73c 1 4 Pound 24c 1SS- QaaK'' o 52 1 Pound Can j j j Fancy Yellow Bantam CRAB MEAT CORN In Large 10 2s size Tb. 19c 3 e,m Norwegian Sardines LESLIE'S SALT In Olive Oil r Iodized Imported, can DC O r Pound Package oC Liberty White Soap TOILET TISSUE For laundry 1000 Sheets 10 Cakes 17c O Rolls 10c FLOUR IS RAISING IN PRICE vtan Floor 49' sc 1.21149' WM KESSBYW THE RIGHT TO LOUT QUAXTTTrES Caplan's Cash Grocery m So. John D. Rockefeller enco pedal led about hie Forest Hills estate ta .Cleveland on a. bleyele. atpllaims 3. OmairrHal TeL 4010 FOR LESS FREES ) T r i p. KeU hole WfcMtt 5 IUwult I Etrh.ii Onn 77c Sack CosiX St. V 1 1