The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN Saleo, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 213933
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Society N
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ews an
OllVE M. UojLK; Society Editor
Bride - Eect is
Guest ?
Miss Josephine Albert,- bride
elect or Brace Spalding, is being
the center ol much social-attention
before her marriage May ,
In a beautifully planned church
wedding at the First . Presbyterian
church. ...
Wednesday.'-afternoon .Miss Al
bert was guest of honor in New
berg at the home of Mrs. Charles'
Swan, sister, .of the groonv-elect.
A smartly appointed luncheon was
followed by. bridge at four tables.
Guests Invited from Salem includ
ed Miss Albert, Miss Casilda May
otorena. Miss Genevieve " Thayer
and Miss Rosalind Van Winkle. ,
This coming week Miss Albert
will be feted by Mrs. Paul Wal
lace on Tuesday. Mrs. Rosalind
Van Winkle will entertain Wed
nesday for her and Mrs. John
Griffith will' be hostess in her
honor Thursday.
Younger Set Busy
With Plans
One of the younger circles finds
Itself busy with plans for the last
days of the week. Thursday night
this group met at the home of
Miss Lorraine Klnzer and enjoyed
a hilariously funny "dress-up
party with each costume designed
to be as grotesque and amusing as
possible. The results were highly
satisfactory for tne zz maias garn
ered for the informal evening.
Guests inculded Margaret Cor
ey, Margaret Engel, Dorotha Can
non, Hazel Johnson, Frances Mar
tin, Bula Bailley, Cynthia Deiano,
Marie Patton, Frances sanae, Mrs,
Charles Claggett, Barbara Mc
Donald, Phyllis Day, Claudia Bun
tin: Lorraine Kinzer, Helen Weid-
xner. Cleo Ritner. Anita Wagner,
Jeanne Patton, Ruth Hlllman. Is-,
ebel George, Jean Doolittle, Fran
es Jensen. Dorothea Corey. Fran-
es Doolittle, Faye Drlscoll, Mary
Jane Adams, Marine McKiUop and
Margaret Burdette.
Sunday the same group will en
tertain at the home of Miss Marie
end Miss Jeanne Patton with a
formal tea between the hours of
3 and E o'clock. A number of ad
ditional guests are being invited
Cor this smart affair.
Wedding Anniversary
Friday, April 21
: . -Women's Auxiliary of St. Panl'i Episcopal ehurea.
with Mrs.. Sarah de Lisle, 735 North Church street. S:S0 ....
o'clock. . .
. Salem district convention of Women's Home Mis
sionary societies, 9:30 o'clock, Leslie Memorial church;
soon luncheon; sessions open 9:30 o'clock.
: Ilal llibbard Auxiliary, Mrs. Carle Abrams, 1147
Chemeketa street, 2:30 o'clock.
'. Mrs. W. M. Stoddard, hostess to Calvary Baptist
Missionary society, 2:30 o'clock; ears leave church at 2
Executive board of Business and Professional Wom
en's club, 7:30 o'clock. Mips Ruth Moore, 241 North
. High street.
. Court street Christian church, exhibit of quilts and
! hand work, 2 to 4:30 o'clock; in church parlors.
Auxiliary to Salem Dakota club, with Miss Olive M.
Dahl, Lausanne hall. 1
Program presented by students of Lena Belle Tar
tar, lobby of Y. M. C. A., 8 o'clock; open to the public.
, Women's Alliance of Unitarian church, one o'clock
luncheon, followed by program.
West Side Aid of Jason Lee church with Mrs. B.
Benson, 2224 North Liberty street.
Thimble club, Neighbors of Woodcraft, 2 o'clock in
' Fraternal temple.
Wedding Told as Surprise;
Mrs. D. T. Bradford Hostess
Independence Delphians'Meet for Session at
Robinson Home
West Salem. At a delightful
social tea held at the home of Mrs.
Darrel T. ' Bradford Wednesday
afternoon, games and Bocial infor
mality were enjoyed by Mesdames
Dale Lemon, J. E. Thomas, C. L.
Dark, Arthur Hathaway, J. L. Mil
ler, P. L. Clark. Arthur Akers, I.
W. Thomas, Rex Swigart, Elmer
Rierson, Lyle Thomas. Emmett A.
Dickson, S. Pfeifauf, George.
Lathrop, D. H. Gillliand, Phil
Hathaway, F. M. Moore, Ed Brock,
J. G. Minton. Bertha K. Engle-
horn, E. D. Cochran, W. D. Phil
lips, Martha Rierson, Robert Pat-
tison, L.- T. Wallace, Nicholas
Brinkley, J. R. Bedford, Eugene
Krebs, E. Lloyd Miller, W. L. La
Due, Guy C. Newgent, S. P. Wise,
W. L. Doran and the hostesses.
Mesdames Bradford, Fred Kuhn,
James M. Fisher, John Evans, Ar
thur Hathaway and Miss Lottie
The wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harrison,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Phillips, and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rierson was
observed with a delightful even
ing at the Homer Harrison home
with members of the Jolly Time
Quilting club as special guests.
Cards and Jigsaw pnzcles were
enjoyed during the evening hours
In guest rooms made delightfully
gay with a profusion of daffodils.
At the late supper hour the long
table at which the guests were
seated was centered with three
attractively decorated anniversary
Covert were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Rierson, Mr. and Mrs. Ho
sier , Harrison, honor guests, and
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Coates, Mr. and
Mrs. Emmett Dickson, Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs.
George Lathrop, Mr. and Mrs.
William Sexton. Mrs. Rex Swigart,
Mrs. Martha Rierson, Mabel Har
rison, Delpha Savage, Velma May,
Estalyne Rierson, Virginia Coates,
Vivian . Noth, Shirley Dickson,
Bonnie Dickson, Delores Hatha
way, Shirley Swigart, Josephine
Sexton, Joe Rierson, Bobbie Dlck
on, Kenneth Lathrop, Wayne La
throp, and Billle Swigart.
Prof. Tillson Directs
Piano Ensemble
Prof. Edward W. - Tillson re
turned Thursday from Portland
where on Wednesday night he
conducted the piano ensemble of
the Allied Arts club in a concert
which attracted a large audience,
Including many of Portland's
leading musicians. Eighteen pi
anos were nsed. There were two
ensemble numbers and one piano
concerto, Mendelssohn's "G Minor
Mrs. Maude Ross Sardam was
the solo pianist, and -the orches
tral parts were taken by the en
semble pianos. This substitution
f pianos for the orchestra was
something new in Portland and
- was . enthusiastically received.
Vocal numbers were given by
, the choms and a double trio of
' ' u the organization, under the dlrec
' tion of Rose Coursen Reed. v
-VC - prof. Tillson will conduct the
piano ensemble on May 10 at the
- s't Meier and Frank auditorium. This
concert - will be broadcast over
Independence. The Delphians
met Monday at the Robinson home
with the lesson topic, "German
Opera," being directed by Mrs.
James H. Hart. Program numbers.
were contributed by Mrs. M. J.
Butler and Mrs. R. D. Elliott.
2588 L
7 VC7twXm.f
Pringle Coming as a complete
surprise to their many friends was
the announcement of the marri
age of Miss Alice Greer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Greer of
Pringle to Mr. Leland Scott, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott of
The marriage which took nlace
last November 19th, and kept se
cret was very cleverly revealed at
a birthday party given In the
Greer home, when at the refresh
men nour a large case bearing a
miniature bride and groom and
the date of the wedding was pass
ed among the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott will take no
ineir new aDoae at Liberty.
Tnose invited for the evening
were ine nonored guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Leiand Scott. Mr. and Mn
A. B. Allm, Irene and Jack AHm.
ir. ana Mrs. o. T. Sealey, Mr. and
Mrs. Cnaries Grabenhnrnt ami
lamuy, Mr. and Mrs. George Ad
ams. Miss Margaret Wilcox. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Scott, Miss Pearl
scott, Miss Elsie Davis. Hurt
Greer, Chester Seeger, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Sweet and family, Mr.
ana Mrs. Robert Greer n
nosts, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Greer.
Hazel Green Mrs. B. a. zui-
insai was hostess to Sunshine
Sewing club Wednesday after
noon. The winners in contest will
be feted at Hazel Green Park May
lit. m M....
4, wua Mrs. nuton Clemens
hostess. It was voted to have
qnilt display. Committees annolnt-
ea are Mrs. Ben Clemens. Mrs.
Ralph Gilbert, Mrs. B. C. Zlelln
Committees for the nlcnle for
tne Husbands and children of
members are: arrangement, Mrs.
virgil Perrlne, Mrs. Rudolph
wacxen. Mrs. Charles Zlellnskl;
reiresnments, Mrs. Lloyd McDon
ald, Mrs. Herman Waeken Jr.
Hazel Green Mrs. B. C. Zielin-
skl entertained with a party Wed
nesday honoring her daughter,
Helen on her birthday. Guests
were: honor guest, Helen Marion
Wampler, Avis Wood, Mildred
and Charlotte Zlellnskl. Beulah
Cook, Bernlce Lehrman, Gertrude
Zlellnskl, Irene, Lois, and Rosalie
Wacken, Delmore and Barbara
Kobow, George Smith, Charlotte
and Mary Massie. Mrs. Robert
Massle and Mrs. Joseph Zlellnskl
Reception Fitting
Concert Finale
For Club
The Thursday night concert giv
en as the annual spring offering
of the Salem MacDowell chorus
was given a delightful social fi
nale at the- home cf Mrs. C. S.
Hamilton following the evening's
The guest artist David Camp
bell of Portland, and members of
the chorus were special guests.
Additional guests Included special
friends of Mr. CampbelL
The rooms of the. Hamilton
home were brilliantly decorated
with a profusion of spring blos
soms. Presiding at the service
table were Mrs. W. T. Jenks and
Mrs. Percy Kelley.
Assisting In the serving were
Miss Billle Cupper, Miss Margaret
Heltzel, Miss Margaret Sims, Miss
Dorothy Kelloge, Miss Louise Bry
an and Miss Loujene Breitzke.
Officers of the MacDowell clnb,
president of which is Mrs. W. S.
Levens, and Mrs. Hamilton assist
ed as hostesses about the rooms.
Mrs. Alice Fisher entertained
with an attractive guest day tea
at her home for members of the
Etokta club and their friends
Tuesday. Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton
and Mrs. P. E. Graber presided at
the tea tables. Musical numbers
presented by Miss Bernlce Rlck
man and Miss Marcia Brown add
ed beauty to the program. Mrs.
Lynds of the Marlon county health
unit spoke concerning the work of
that organization.
Baclcto Honie Trend Gets
Cooking School Wednesday
The modern tread Is back to
the aome for games, eonversa-
tloa and -good coo'klng.
With this belief firmly la mind.
Mrs. Marias Spencer, home econ
omist of the Safeway Stores
Homemakers' bureau Is preparing
for . the modernised cooking
school, "Klteheneering-, which
will be conducted In Salem for
three days beginning Wednesday.
Apru zs.
These sessions will be held for
the benefit' of Salem bomemakers
at the armory each day from 2
until 4 o. m. Doors will be ann at
1 o'clock each day to accommo
date early arrivals. Mrs. Spencer,
as she ehats to the class, actn&liv
produce 19 varied dishes of del
icacies by means of the range or
mecnanicai refrigerator In the
two-hour session each day..
'Wholesome, economical foods
and Inexpensive bat luscious des
serts will be stressed this year,"
says Mrs. Spencer, "for these will
be In accord with present times.
In other words, old-fashioned
ideas will be new- Ideas en
hanced by modern efficiency." .
The cooking school, nnder the
direct supervision of Julia Lee
Wright, national director- of the
Safeway 8tores Homemakers bu
reau will bring to the women of
Salem the results of expert, y ear
around food research and recipe
experimentation at the bureau
testing kitchen at the headquar
ters of the organisation In Oak
recipes are, revamped. new. dlah-
es devised, and the bureau's seal
of approval placed upon products
which meet Mrs. Wrigh t's rigid
and uncompromising tests.,'; j
T I Mrs. Julia Lee Wright national
director of the. Safeway Stores
Homemakers bureau ,will tbrln
to the women of Salem the results
of expert, year-around food. re
search and . recipe experimenta
tion at the bureau testing 'kitchen
at the headquarters of the organization-
In Oakland. 1
There, In that modernised -t--oratory
of - "kiteheneerisg, J
recipes are revamped, new dishes
devised, and the. bureau's seal of
approval placed) upon ' products
which meet Mr. Wright's rigid
and uncompromising tests.
- Mrs. Julia Lee Wright, national
director of the Safeway Stores
Homemakers' bureau, who attend
ed the University of Washington.
la well known to western women
for her radio talks, newspaper ar
ticles, authorship of a new cook
book. "Recipe TouH Enjoy", and
I direction of cooking schools. Her
There, In that modernized lab-1 staff of eight expert home econ
oratory of "klteheneering, old omlsts is composed of young wom
en. with university training and'
practical experience. - - -
: Mrs. Spencer urges women who -wish
to qualify as kiteheneers"
to come; early each day of the
class "and bring a pencil and a
friend. Kltcheneering,' she ex
plained, is more than mere cook
ery. It Is the art of preparing and
serving .well-balanced and econ-.
omleal meals with a minimum of
time and energy.
As an added Attraction to the
Salem women planning to attend
the three sessions of the "kltchen
eering school, arrangements have
been made to distribute special
awards. Eaeh day IX market bas
kets of groceries will be given
free to members of the class. Ar
ticles of food actually produced at
the sessions by cooking or refrig
eration will also be distributed.
Mrs. C. C. Clark entertained
Tuesdsy night In compliment to
Mrs. Edgar Moorman of M liner.
Idaho, a guest in th city. Covers
were placed for Mrs. Moorman.
Mrs. Almira Hale. Miss Laura
Hale. Miss May Hale. Miss Ola
Clark and Mrs. Clark.
Beef Given Push
In Selling Drive
A grower - consumer campaign
intended to stimulate the sale of
beef for the purpose of benefiting
the great cattle-growing industry
of the west. Is being launched
April 21 to May I, Inclusive, by
the Safeway stores and Its affiliat
ed retail companies, according to
an announcement made by R. W.
Doe, vice-president of that organ
ization. Two thousand seven hun
dred twenty-six stores operating in
Washington, Montana, Idaho, Wy
oming, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri,
Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada,
Oregon, California, Arizona, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and
Texas will participate In this
event. This Is the first time a
selling and advertising program
on beef alone has ever been held.
covering this much territory at
one time.
ij2ts Doubh Actio f
,1 !
W. L. Lewis Home
Scene of .Dinner Party
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lewis en
tertained at - dinner Wednesday
evening. The dinner table was at
tractive with its center piece of
daffodils In a blue and crystal
bowl flanked by yellow tapers In
blue and crystal holders.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. H. Q. Humphrey, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Gles, Miss Kathryn
Gles. Miss Elizabeth Lewis and
the host and hostess, Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Lewis.
Announcement baa reached Sa
lem of the marriage in The Dalles
Wednesday afternoon of Mrs. Mil
dred K. Waters, for many years a
member of the staff of the secre
tary of state, and 1 8. Barns,
capitalist of Beverly Hills.' They
left shortly after the wedding
ceremony by motor for .California
where they will be at home after
- May 1 in Beverly Hills, fr '
Additional Society
on Page 8
Gay. spring-like, feminine and
young. . . is it any wonaer so
many smart women are making
this lovely model? Fashioned of
one of those dainty prints. . . pur
chased by the yard for almost a
song. . . it would be charming. ;
The ruffled collar of white or
gandie perhaps you've a rem
nant at home joins the pointed
seaming of the- bodice and lends a
soft touch to the face. Very perky
puffed sleeves and slender skirt
seaming create the popular wide
st-the-top silhouette.
Pattern 2588 may be ordered
only In sizes IS, 14, 16, II, SO,
30, 82, 34, 38, 38, and 40. Size It
requires 34 yards 39-Inch fabric I
and yard contrasting. Illus
trated step-by-step sewing Instruc
tions included with this pattern.
Women's Soles C5(3
Men's Soles
Boys Soles
Sa4 ttftMa Mate (15e) la soIds
or itmp (Mint prafrrd), lor
this patura. Writ lUly yoar
mbm, addrea tmi "style aambor.
Bo io ro state also wasted. ,
fo Aaao Adau fa-
Mas took. It ceatalna SS olorfnl
paca of ovoiy Parit-iatpircd od
la for avary aoirtaf seed, and
ahowa bow to b ehlt at ovary boar
of tbo day. Brtry atyla ia practic
al, and oaay to auka. Tboro are
atodala-for the tarter Mgoro and
pace of delizatfo) jam! or ad kid
die atylaa. Lovely Unferie, a ad ao
eetaory pattoraa, too."Prioo of a ta
le?, fifteen cento, oatalof sad pat
tern . to fat bar, tweaty-liTO ante.
Addreaa all Ball orders to Tae
Orecoa Stateeatao Fetter DoparV
aot, 848 W. ITta street. Wow
.Totk...olty..vvS' -..---;:,..
Children's Soles
according to size
We use ovlr the finest leathers and there caa be
no finer, work produced in any ahop
Prices Are Advancing Rapidly Buy Now and Save
Buy Oregon Products . . . . Help Oregon Payrolls
These Price Good Friday, Saturday and Monday April 21, 22, 24
Airway Coffee
Fresh Milk
AU Oregon
Product, lb.
22 c Bread
Baked Loaf
From Oregon T
Kitchen Brooms
Household Brooms
Kraut Juice
Tomato Juice
White Wonder Soap
Dairies, qC
Maraecj Oregon O lbe.
Strawberry made a) Jar
Ootumbln Oregon
wee Nnbbins made, at.
Made Each
Llbb7s Ke. S
Oregon made Can
Iibbjr's No. 1 q
n UW
Oregon sonde
lOiur. 23c
Whe-ta-lon Oregon
Potato Chips
Camel Cigarettes
Libby Beets
Rye, Cracked
wheat, etc
Golden Krn4 16 ox.
SUced, Oregon made Loaf
DoUy Tardea
Oregon Made
Special O Pkga. OC.
own health food iO.
Bine BeU oa.
Oregon Made Bag
Best Foods, pis.
10c. 15c
Oregon. Prod.
Bottle 7c
if. ft-
String Beans, Santiam No. 9 cans S for 25c
Highway Catsnp, Lge. Bot. lSe
Cocoa, Our Mothers, a lb. Can .18c
Baby Foods, Gerbers, AM es.. ..... . .10c
Formay, S lb. Can 4Ac
Batter Kernel Corn S No. 9 Cans. . . .89c
Bakers Cocoannt, No. 94 aise 12c
Crnz Oleo, 9 lbs. 15c
Swans Down Cake Flour, Pkg 22 He
Blue Seal
An Oregon 49 Lb.
Product Sack
Nice fresh bunches
fresh at ft best
Long Not n bunch but n fall
tender green
4 lbs.
Ccc Zonall
The blend In seasoning will be demonstrat
ed all day Saturday at your PAT. stores.
4oz.can ES
Max4-muM Brand
S Tall
limit 6 Cam
A guest ticket to the Chemeketa players will be given
free with grocery purchase. See and bear Salem's own
play producers presenting The Black Shadow, April
26-27. Treat yourself to an evening of splendid en
tr rtatnnie.ii t.
Shred. Wheat
,Vj " r T" 22e
Ve'ave feelevSet eO eeto
I aweSly keel e eef ee
kota tkis wW-eed.
Aak eer aMiket aea efoa
siff ereet cuts el keef
eo)d kew to preyere ike.
Sirioxn Rib Open Kettle
T Bon Rendered
BecS Elooctt .
Choicn Arm and Shoulder cuts, lb.
er braising, lb.
loin Pcrfi ricaot
Veal Elcaott
Choice saOc fed
t "..'v.
r .