The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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; All Statesman carriers are
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i Fair, and' warmer today
. after frosty mots fog, Fri
!day clowdj; Max. Trrnp.
iWedaesday Cd, Ilia. sr.
river S ft. 1 N. wind, clear.
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 21, 1933
No. 22
Values Moosted
Back to Steam ! Even Airplanes
i Thus Powered Soar Aloit Now
, mnniin innnnn
, i-annnn mm
i nnnv TMr niinr
i in i nix r, Luii-
'Uini: inii unui.
"i -' -" ' ----- v.- -
State Rebuttal Begins at
9 a. m.; Attack Upon
Purvine Denied "
Grand Jurors . Claim Farlow
-Testimony Reversed;
Doctors Testify '
Max Farrar, on trial for as
sault and battery ob'S. Ellis Pur-
w .1.. jt.nla lata ThnrndtT that
he attacked Purvine and claimed
i vt . AIA waa tn
- inH uuii luuik. " - -
take a telephone receiver and
ji.i frnm Purvln when
the latter started to call police
from the Red Cross office here
January 27.
Farrar testified in his own de
' fense at the conclusion o the
defense's case In Judge L. H. Me
Mahan's court here.
Small, ruddy-faced and red-
. t-. o n n
). fiaireu, f anai ....... "v
ticeable accent although he said
knrn In TTt.CA KV YOfll.
and had spent most of his life
in Seattle, Wash.
f - Farrar is alleged to have in
jured Purrine so severely that
the latter suffered a paralytic
stroke two days later, so affect-
' ing his health that he has not
. "-rv- V
L t "
it,. .
. " ' ' ' "
-1 - -
. - ,. . -
v - r' .j
3.- ,
been away rom his home since j & passenger carrying airplane powered by a steam engine was flows
th iIttia and is now aoie to
speak only with difficulty and
to wa.k but slightly. Purvine did
not attend the trial.
Unemployed Conncil
Delegates Testify
Farrar's testimony followed
that of other members of the
Unemployed Council who accom
panied him to Red Cross head
quarters to seek relief for a
Mrs. Beam and Mrs. Rosalia
Farlow, both of whom he claimed
were not being properly proTid
ed for.
The defendant did not admit
he was a member of the Com
munist party when on the stand
but he did say he thought be was
entitled to get food for these
women and to use fere iifi
cessary. He said if the Red Cross
had not been able to help, he
would have sought relief from a
grocery store.
The Farrar case was heard be
fore a crowded court Toom, many
successfully at Oakland. Calif- the other day. It Is shown aloft la
one of the test flights on which it was piloted by William J. Hee
ler, co-inventor with George Besier. The engine. Installed In an
dlnary training plane, weighs 600 pounds and develops-150 horse
power. A tank containing 40 gallons of fnel oil hooked up with
condensers, are part of the equipment. The engine Is practically
Son of "Jake the Barber"
Back Home, no Detail
Given on Ransom
. 1
CHICAGO, April 21 (AP)
Jerome Factor, 19, kidnaped son
of John "Jake the Barber" Fac-
of the onlookers being members tQe cUy neW8 ,ureatt announced
of the unemployed group of early thj9 mornlng.
which Farrar has been a leader. The youth a 8tudent at North-
Htate's Rebuttal western university, was abduct-
Ktarta This Morning ed trom ln front of ni8 home the
The defense rested its case at .nr1 i officials
4:45 p.m. The state will put on lre not jnformed untn the fol-
rebuttal witnesses ai a.m. iy- n- Saturday.
day and the case is expeciea Jerome ! was living with his
reach the Jury by noon. mother, Mrs. Leonard Marcus,
Penalty for assault and battery I , v0 international
nnder the state law ranges from apeculator mnd Btock promoter
three months to one year in the hnJ- .rtivities enread into three
county Jail or a fine may be
Imposed, running from foO to
The abduction occurred sever
al days before the elder Factor's
Maria Wilson, acting executive tv
wrptarv of the Red Cross, de- Arnifitin? him
scribed the situation in the orrice tQ England to face charges of
on January 27 when the alleged mulctin investors of $7,000.-
assault on Purvine tooK piace. ...
She said she was wording in n Mr- Marcus the
one room, J. D. Black, an em- kldnapera demanded j5o,O0O ran
nlove. ln another, and Mr. Pur- Rowmi other extortion
vine in another. She was not pres- not's raiBing the amount were
ent at the actual iracas oiw- reported to have been received,
Farrar and Purvine but was sum- but nelther Faet0r nor officials
moned when purvine came . would Terlfy this.
room to ass: thai ponce pb
moned. She said Farrar rouowea
MacDowell Club Gains new
Heights; Artistry of
Campbell Delights
Quota to be Recruited From
Existing aid Lists of
County, Red Cross
Employment Bureau Files
Will be Used if More
Workers Desired
The 740 annlicatlona tnr inh
in President Rooseveifa forest Dangerous, say Some; Step
"J tum I i nil .
rorwaro, say uuiers;
ployment bureau here apparently
will come to naught. It was In
dicated here yesterday by mem
bers of the county relief com
mittee who attended a relief
conference conducted by Paul V.
Marls at Corvallis Wednesday
night. D. D. Dotson, assistant
employment agent, was directed
to shelve the many applications.
nied within the past few weeks.
Young men for the
Gold not Lacking
Wheat Soars, Eggs up, hop
And Fruit Prospects
Improve Locally
Opinion of Salem bankers on
for which Marion county's auo- t v.rna innror tn .nnnort the
ta is 126, will be recruited from Ahmad Trid wldelv
ii. . . . I .
"""" " oi me couniy-Kea yesterday as they were interview-
"UM umce, n was siaiea. ir ed concerning tneir reacuons to
then enough qualified men are the inflationary move. The bank
not obtained, the employment era generally expressed a prefer-
bureau s applications mav be ence not to be auoted directly on
turned to. thlr vIbws.
Those Already on Some hold that any move to
Keilef List Favored swing the United States away
i he forest camp regulations from the present gold standard
require that men shall be taken was highly dangerous, smacking
only from the ranks of those of wild-cat currency and unsound
already on direct relief, J. N. money with Inevitably bad results.
Chambers, ehalrman of the coun- One said the news was too scan
ty R. F. C. relief committee, ex- terlng as yet to allow a clear un
plalned. Especially eligible will derstanding of what had happened
be young men whose fathers are and thus made it impossmie ior
employed on county relief pro- person locally to Interpret the
lects. thus relieving famllv hnr. event. -
dens. Older men who are ex- constructive iep.
No Rabbits in Hal;
Inflation to Raise
Raw Material Cost
Wages and Retail Prices not Expected to go
Much Higher, but Jobs Will be Created;
America Aided in Trade Balance
forestry will be
the camp scheme
perienced ln
worked Into
That the camps it Is hoped
to open by mid-May will be but
the forerunners of more exten
sive projects is Indicated In
Savs One Banker
One banker said the release of
the dollar from the present gold
standard should be regarded as
a constructive step which would
result in higher prices for com
modities and stocks and some eas-
sire projects is indicated m a ; , ; vV .t .trov nn
statement by Mr. Maris that the l th ten5,on and tre88 on
forest camp service particularly uolV7"
Cherry, Prune Trees to
: Be in Bloom for Sunday
moned. sne saia rarmr n1 r tv
Purvine and struggled with him BlailkS lOr JODS
(Turn to page 9, col. 6) - . vrrf
in forests win
Two-Shift Flan Reach Here Soon
15 HUluu PORTLAND, Ore. April 20-
r.irtitffffn PhnI(AP) Raymond B. Wilcox,
r uiiiiiuiv 1-hairman of the state relief com
. ,ft , mittee, told county committeemen
nT)TT.ANn. Anril Z0. .Aft I , ... vt k,.rn r roc ATI
a imuhirt work nlan will be l .. . i v.... A(a. that
adopted at the DoernbecherFnrni- reglgtrJltJoll bUnks for the clvil
mm Manufacturing company! , -nnaAi-raUnn corns are exnect-
plant here, 'providing empiomeni ed nere for digtributlon In Oregon
for 6S0 additional men, Harry a. Jth, , tew dayi
- Green, president, announced to-1 gampl6 blanks were distributed
day. ... to members from Wasco, Hood
r.PMn ald the new schedule I r.Ainmhi riataon. Clack-
was decided upon ln anticipation J ma.f Multnomah, Washington
of naUonal adoption i me aBd Yamhill counties
honr week. Nearly oo men were
m the eompany'a active list be
fore the new schedule was adopt-
The furniture business has
" shown marked Improvement dnr
" fng the past two weeks," Green
" ' stated. He said aome of the new
DllwSt U lHLOBl BUI ! . . n,
tOCKS. I av t4 nt
Chief of these is that for the
first time in several seasons, the
10,000 cherry and prune trees
planted on acreage hereabouts
will be in bloom at the same time.
Then, there's the fact that for
the first time ln Cherrlan history,
..n4AAMtnii Vtnv hint ia
; LOS ANGELES. -April 20 - Frank Q.
f (AP) A physicians and two Deckebach. Jr., king blng this
4 heautyf speclallsU were formally -earj Is the son of Frank G. Deck-
v sxeued . of k manslaughter ,, hers ebacn Sr Who was king blng ln
tonight after a coroner's Jury had 1916
iV found that Mrs. Alleen Farnam. Another record ! slithered In
. to died April 11 from "heart mmfcnhin of .-the , Cherrtans:
rouble hastened by shock from this year the organisation ' num
: r tL face f rejuvenation . treatment. I trs an even hundred names, the
Those held are Dr. -1. A. I lsjrrest in history. ' ' "
Wallach. Christmas E. White and I Added to those Items, the Cher
anna. Aeherlln. ; Ti i riana exnect to hanr no a record
Mrs. Farnam 12 -.year - old j attendance for the popular event,
ann- Ttniv Farnam. Jr testified I The Blossom Day route will be
that money he earned tn' motion plainly marked with the wording -work -was used - to pay J "blossom route", and will be the
tor the operation. same as last year:
Salem MacDowell club present
ed an auspicious final concert for
the year with the appearance
Thursday night in the Grand the
atre of its chorus together with
David Campbell, guest artist
The director, Lena Belle Tar
tar, has during the past season
worked out a combination of vole
es, both men's and women's
which give promise of a splendid'
ly superior chorus. A year of
gruelling work, of culling and
training, of combining and unify
ing was plainly evidenced in the
praiseworthy results of the spring
The soprano section appeals to
the reviewer as one of excellence
rarely found in such choruses.
Free and soaring in every part
this section brought a brilliance
to the chorus numbers that
stamped the memory.
The reviewer felt the need of
greater support from the alto sec
tion and with such numbers as
To the Spirit of Music" and
'Come Away Death" this support
seemed to be given with compli
mentary results.
An Innovation with this year s
work of the chorus nnder Miss
Tartar, has been the introduction
of a men's section of basaand
tenor. The wisdom of this de
velopment was plainly evident ln
the final number, "Bridal Cho
rus" from The Rose Maiden by
Cowen. Animated, full throated,
and with harmonious unity the se
lection brought a delightful eve
ning of music to a close.
The male chorus too, added
splendid balance to the program
numbers and gave promise of an
excellent addition to the Mac
Dowell woTk for next year.
wants men who can be trained
as sub-foremen.
Worker Will Get
Little For Serves
Workers in the forest eamps
will themselves receive little over
$5 of the 30 monthly wages, ac
cording to Information obtained
by Mr. Chambers. A major por
tion of the wages must be as
signed to the workman's depen
dents, or If he has no depen
dents, "to other dependents."
Seventeen camps In
This banker declared that the
(Turn to page 7, col. 1)
BEND, Ore., April 20 (AP)
national The selection of a Jury to try
forests and 10 in state forests Charles Kimzey on a charge of
are projected for Oregon, each assault and robbery while armed
with a nt 41 k m.n Tertian with a daneerous weapon was
order am Hnn ih Mnnit'i atated in circuit court here today,
allfttmpnt nf men will h. aanr tn The first BSnel Was exhausted by
the army recruiting office In the mid-afternoon, however, and little
pot office here for examination, progress was made. Spectators
Workers ln the camp? will packed the courtroom and front
tint nrlll . inMltn Maria Seats had tO DO Vacaiea iorciuij
stated, according to Mr. Cham- to make room ror prospecu jur-
bers. ors. Eariy arrivals buiuuk mo
snectators ohjected to me anempi
to make more room for Jurors
and Bailiff Sam Newell was canea
nn to clear the seats.
Klmtey was recently arrested
in Kalispel. Mont., and was re
turned to Oregon on a charge of
first degree murder in connection
with the death of three trappers
at Lava lake near here nine years
PORTLAND. Ore.. April 20 ?? The state eieciea w
riP) TT,- trial nf fitnn m.m- mm. nowerer, vii a b
' . .. L I Ranltlnr W. E. Harrison. Bend
Aurora on charges of using the a- Mniinr his
mails to defraud was concluded I r.. wr
iiauuo eauu -
NEW YORK, April 20 (AP) After scraping the bot
tom of the barrel for three tense years the man in the
street has suddenly come upon three new syllables, inflation,
and today he is wondering what they they mean to him.
Does the word spell a job, or higher wages, or better
ririces for his Droducts or will it cost him more to live? If
inflation, merely a catch word up
to now, is iunaamentauy a neai
thy tonic, why wasn t it pre
scribed before?
The answers to these questions
lead into a maze of national and
international economic matters
hlch are in turn complicated by
political considerations. Even rec
ognized experts are at wide var
iance on manv of the principles
Retention of Music Sought involved, but the fundamentals
i emerge less uubiuic.
BY UraaniZea UrOUP. International bankers who have
n nu.:Mr maae a iiie-ioog siuay 01 iuo
Boescn cnairman and . effecu of inflation
point out there is no rabblt-pull-
SILERTON. April 20 (Spe- ing magic about the process.
cial) Two petitions, one or They assert, to understand Its
which seeks removal of Robert rammcations, it is necessary to
nntx as superintendent of the recall first that prices of raw ma
Silverton schools, were In clr- terials were severely deflated here
cnlation here today. The second (Turn to page 2, eol. 5)
petition seeks retention of study
of music in the schools, lnciua
Inr the band and orchestra, with
continuance of Hal Campbell as
The petitions, signers for
which were many today, came
out as result of a gathering of
citizens Tuesday night, when or
ganization was perfected ln be
half of keeping the music classes gjyg. White
ana instructor, truwi
wi. AiAetM chairman of this
Th netltlon relative to the
superintendent states In part:
"We believe it for tne nest in- a brilliant meteor variously de
terests of the school district that scribe as "balloon-shaped." "blue"
a new superintendent be employ- and "bright white" streaked
ed; and petition that the present across the sky southeast of 8a
KtiTiftrintendent be reuevea iromi im at o'ciock last night. It
duties for the year 1933-34 ana appeared to explode near tne nori
tbat the new superintendent be I son. Many citizens declared it the
nald not to exceed 12000 ana largest and most brilliant meteor
also act as principal of the high they had ever seen
Ball Descried
In Southeast; Explodes
As Horizon Neared
school without additional com
flnetx was rehired last week
for one year at a salary of 12700.
a reduction of 1900 over this
year. He has been superinten
dent here 10 years, and it is cer-
W. C. Franklin was the first to
report the phenomenon to The
Statesman. From his bulb farm
above Wallace road, he said, the
meteor. " a bright white light
shaped like a balloon," shot from
northwest to southeast, and broke
Rallies at Close of day; v
Stocks, Bonds up but
. Loans arc Heavy
Belgium, Holland and Even
France may Take Same
Step, is Rumored
(By the Associated Press)
Billions of dollars had beea
added to quoted values of Amer
ican stocks and commodities to
day as expectations of "controlled
Inflation" brought out huge bay
in: orders. 1
The dollar, no longer tied to
Told, extended Its discount la
terms of European gold monies,
but rallied before the ajose.
On the New York stock ex
change, where trading Thursday '
was the busiest since May 5, 1920.
shares closed with net gains of $1
to nearly $12. The market was
wildly excited and sales totaled
Speculative bonds rose with
stocks, but high grade loans, in
cluding U. S. governments, were
Wheat, Cotton and
Metals are Higher
Chicago wheat closed 2 ceets to
2 cents a bushel hljrher. ex
treme gains of 3 cents or more be
ing reduced by profit-taking. Corn
was up 1H to 1 cents.
New York cotton, after rirfnr
about 22. SO a bale, reduced its
rise to 90 to $1.15.
Metal markets were strong. Do
mestic copper sold at cents a
pound, up , cent. Bar silver
jumped i cents an ounce to
25 cents and Futures rose 3
cents. Lead and tine also strengthened.
Confusion, wide fluctnatlana In
dollar quotations, and rumors
Beveral other nations might aaan-
aon gold as a monetary standard
attended receipt of news th
United States had left cold.
Downward Plunge
Of Dollar Stopped
London The British financial
and economic world was stagger-
(Turn to page 2, eol. 3)
tain that strong support for his P near the horizon.
continuance will develop.
Both petitions were addressed
to the school board.
court jury ui n j
had heard the case was ordered anOOtin( P OUnU.
failed to reach a verdict late to
night. Judge C. C. Cavanah of
Boise, Idaho, who presided over
a.m. tomorrow If It should reach
a decision during the night.
The four men. Dr. B. F. Gelsy.
Just Back -Fire
a sealed verdict at s.ib . .. .titt r uiuinn and
South Commercial streets last
night. Reports of shooting going
David Campbell, guest artist. nre8ident of the company. Zeno I ? L .V. " m " . J i
tt4ffi 2n ? SMEK of a back-firing an-
- . 1 aii, miainr uu uoibuu nmnMU
i v.j i.j vi. ..a unu n I 0 . I lomoour.
puijiut usu m uuiii w aitorney, were cnargea oy u
(Torn to page 2, eol. 2)
government with having trans
mitted through the malls worth-
less mortgage certificates as sub-
; stltutes for good ones.
Late Sports
not discussed the situation with
Governor Meier. He admitted he
would appreciate a tender of the
ob and would like to try his band
at It.
iVo New Scarlet
Fever Cases in
Indict Trio for
Asserted Fatal
Face Treatment
PORTLAND, Ore, April 20
(AP) All titles In the Oregon
State amateur boxing tournament
which was concluded at the Mult-
f Q :. nomah ciuo nere wniui ,w.
LlfV IS DOT t won frr Portland flshters.
r Nona of the fighters from the
Va i a w jsii rP v1J fav Salem T. M. C. A. survived the
1 W w n vauivn v m rx. m ww wwa l
rM Mr-.--41 K ttiA Ut avtAVi 1 SeDll-IinaiS.
county healthy department yea-. ?ntm
7" ' . 7 - 1 wruir ana iuui nurm . . ... - , , , v .
on to Rosedale, east past the checking aU children la Salem Uoon JfelVr' '
eases. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas,
Cross . the bridge Into Polk
county, north on the Wallace
road to cherry blossoms and tu
lips; returning to Salem, : travel
south on Commercial street
through the Liberty district, then
and return to
Pacific highway
Those who desire may round
out the trip by visits to the two
linen mills, . which will be open
for Inspection, the -state institu
tions and homes with gardens of
especial attraction. The Infer gar
den. Mornlngslde road, will also
be open. Tulips will be in bloom
county health officer,. said "he be-1
PORTLAND. Ore., April 20
(AP) Ed (Strangler) Lewis or
lleved the four case, which have calif; defeated Ira
appeared recently. developed r""1!' tv. Citv. Uklnr
from a mild ease that went un
recognized. .
Parents of . school children
two falls out of three ln the main
vent ot tonight's wrestling
maiiliM tiara fwla wairhftd 240
nave,resnonaa. weu w ne oe-1 nounds. 21 more than Denu
partment's plea that pupils sof-l fth TTrnse. 210. Oswego. Ore..
on the Franklin tract, on the Wal- l tCTln 'ron throats be kept wm trom Bob Stone. 211. Chl
ma . . , . i . - I at home. Bore throat may be an leas, wnen stone was nnable to
Tha nrrin win establish I UUUM siw ww ' - i return alter tne lourcn rouna m
headauarters at the chamber of I I . I the ! scheduled five-round semi-
msw mim a tm. . winaup. &acn naa zaaen m iui.
ALAMEDA, CallC.? Aprtl 20 i pte Aximan. , 149, : Portland.
commerce, and - from nere those
who need transportation win be
given same.
. A special Cherrlan issue ot the
Oregon Magazine, . published by
Murray Wade, and wide radio
publicity are Included ln the caer
riau program to ci.
XAP) Two children were bitten I defeated Joe Gardiner, 150, Port-
and a third lost the seat or nisi land, on a. fouL Waiter sirois.
trousers as an enraged collie dog, 1 175, New Westminster, B. C. and
a few minutes before befriended I Heinle Olson.. 174, Portland,
as a pet. charged " through a 1 wrestled three rounds to a draw
grammar school here today.- in the opener.
Another observer said the me
teor passed over Salem airport.
Last nignt was the maximum
period for the annual display of
meteors from the constellation
Lyra, according to the meteorolo
gical observer at , the airport.
These meteors are especially ac
tive between April 17 and 22.
A few nights ago the airport
observer saw a meteor which he
estimated was 30 to 40 thousand
feet above the earth, 100 miles
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
Gehlhar Ouster
Rumors Scouted
At Capitol Here
Rnmors that Max Gehlhar
might be displaced as state di
rector ot agriculture and that
Senator H. C. Wheeler of Lane
county might succeed him were
treated lightly at the governors
office here Thursday. It was
pointed out that Senator Wheeler
was a member of the 1931 legis
lature which created the post dt
state director of agriculture and DALLAS, April 20 The coun
was thus disqualified to take the I ty court this morning made for
appointment. It was also stated I mal demand npon a representa-
at the office that there was no tive of the surety company, which
known move on the governors I carried bond of the former conn
part to oust Gehlhar. ty clerk here, U. G. Black, for the
Wheeler. Interviewed at Eugene sum of $2111.27.
on Wednesday, said the matter ot This sum was the amount , fl
ucceedinr Gehlhar bad been I nally determined on as the short'
brought to his attention at the I age ln the special account that
1933 session but declared he had I was carried in the Danes city
Polk Court Asks
Sureties to Pay
Black's Shortage
FLORENCE. Arix.. April 20
(AP) The state of Arizona cli
maxed today Its contest of Win
nie Ruth Judd's effort to escape
the gallows. In the sanctuary ot
the asylum, with testimony be
fore a lunacy Jury by psychia
trists who declared her not In
sane in the legal sense.
Dr. Paul Bowers, Los Angeles,
declared the blonde young wom
an, who Is under sentence to
be banged a week from tomorrow
for murder of Agnes Anne Lero!
Is neurotic depressed, "seared
to death almost." but Is "mal'a-gering-feignlng
the aspects ot ia
sanlty." Dr. Joseph Catton, San Frast
clsco, testified the 28-year-oM
condemned woman Is suf ferine:
from "neurosis of the condemn
ed." consisting In part ef "con
sciously simulated symptom a"
and In part ot "mechanics beyond
the control ot Mrs. Judd" which 4
"relatively promptly would be
ameliorated" should the death
penalty be commuted. - .
bank by Black during his office
term. The total shortage had
been revealed as $2552.01 of
which $440.74 had been returned
to the county.
Monetary Control Bill
Diops in Senate Hopper
(AP) President Roosevelt
moved Into the broadest phase ot
his new deal program tonight
with an unprecedented congres
sional proposal to give him power
over money Ho bring about a eon-
trolled new price level and an
expansion of credit.
Again backed by the over
whelming democratic majority on
Capitol Hill, the president took up
this most troublesome ot prob
lems ln the same confident spirit
of success that has marked his
other moves for management ot
national affairs. '
Some congressional opposition
Is in prospect to his latest pro
nosal to guide the United States
to what he believes are better
days, bat Mr. Roosevelt already
Is prepared to put the plan into
Never In the history ot the gov
eminent has such power been pro
posed foe a president as that ad
vanced at the capltol to give him
authority to issue new currency.
to devaluate the dollar and to ac
cent silver payments on war
But It was Insisted npon by
him that limitations be fixed and
It was emphasized by his Inti
mates that definite objectives
were in mind to improve Amer
ica's position at home and abroad.
The legislation dropped into
the senate hopper v late today
would give him power to issue
$3,000,000,000 in new currency;
to lower the gold percentage ot
the dollar by as much as titty per
cent, and to accept np to a total
of $100,000,900 in stiver ra pay
ment ot war debts, with a maxi
mum price on silver ot 50 cents
as ounce.
Control ef the banks has been
passed on to Mr. Roosevelt and
put into force; congress is near
ing completion ot a bill to extend
.V tTnm to page s, cou. t j
The Day in
(By the Associated Press)
Legislation to give PreaioVrnt
Roosevelt credit ef anremci
erpmnsiom and other saewetary
powers was introduced la ees
ate and referred to bankksc
8euate neared completion of
farm relief bill consideration with
vote expected to be delayed ay
fight on administration inflatleB,
nronosaL submitted an ai
President Roosevelt i
ted i-depewdeat offices swpply
bill to eoBgress enttizuc
' ss administration funds neertf
im half.-
President Roosevelt nominated
Breekenrldge Long of Missouri, as
ambassador to Italy and Captain
Ernest 7. King, as chief of navy
bureau of aeronautics. '
' Honse petted bill coa-awing
one-ceat gasoline tax aad gr-ing-
president power to . revise
poetage rates, with sanewdmewt
', for prodncer to pnr electrie en
, ersar tax.... . -