Th OHEGON ETATTJSSIAIT, Ealea,- Oresrcn, 7edne&fay Kerala?, April 19, isr i I ) A f J I si Society News and Gliill Mf fairs : OLIVE M. DoAK, Society Editor World Wide Guild Conclave Hostess April 21 -22 The Central Willamette asso ciation of the World Wide Guild, holds its annual meeting April 21 -and 22 with Berean chapter of the First Baptist church of Salem as hostess. About a hundred girls are ex pected to attend this rally from Corrallis, Albany, Independence, Monmouth, Newberg, McMlnn vllle, Carlton, and other sur rounding towns as well as the three chapters in Salem. Central Chimes Conclave is the theme of . the rally and the girls have planned an intensive use of bells in decorative motifs as well as in the inspirational addresses, banquet, and social hours which comprise the pro gram. The rally begins on Friday with a 8 o'clock banquet. Regis tration for this banquet may-be made with Irma or Lucille Ben nett. 680 North Liberty street, or Mildred McAdams, 254 North Church street by 4 o'clock Fri day afternoon. An interesting feature of the conclave will be an Auto Cara van to points of interest in or about Salem Saturday morning, starting at 11 o'clock. The rally will close Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The program includes: Friday 5:00-6:00 "Ringing In", Re gistration. 6:00-6:45 "Dinner Bell" Banquet. 6:45-7:30 "Bells of Har mony" Toasts. Bell -Ringer (Toastmaster) La Vlnla Buir gy 1. "Door Bells" Mary Alice Helire, Carlton. 2. "Fire Bells" Frances" Trlplett. Corvallls. 3. "Church Bells" Jnsta Johnson, Monmouth. 4. "Wedding' Bells" Mrs. M.-B. Hodge, Portland. 7:45-8:00 "The Belle's Toll" Roll Call. 8:00-8:15 "Vibrations and Overtones" Annual reports and awards. 8:16-8:30 "Our Set ot Bells" Election of Officers. 8:30-9:30 "Joy Bells" So cial Hour in charge of 1st church, Salein. 9:45 "Curfew" Good Night. Saturday 9:00-9:15 "Keeping in Tune" Devotions, Newberg. 9:15-10:15 "Clappers and Gongs" Discussion Group, Mrs. M. B. Hodge, leader. 10:15-10:30 "Dumbbell Exer cise" Relaxation Period. 10:30-11:00 "Ringing True Inspirational Address. Mrs. 'J. vt Tnrnbnll. Albany. ii-no.12:15 "Ding-Dong AH Aboard Sight Seeing Tour. H-1K-1:30 "Lunch Bell." 1:45-2:00 "Ring out the old. Ring In the new" Installation of officers. . 2:00-2:30 "Sweet Cadence Inspirational message Mrs Ella Matthews, Corvallls. Junior Musicians Meet Th niano and violin Dunning club of which Joy Turner Moses i. frtnnsplnr. met at the home of Marjorie Ann Bergsvik Satur div evening. The business ses sion was presided over by Max- Itia Case. Following this an in formal nrnrnm was en ioyed. A - ..! contest furnished amuse mnt for the vounger pupils and was won by Mary Barker. A def inition contest was also a part of the program and this was won by Maxine Case ana Maxine iio At th refreshment hour Mrs Leif Bergsvik, mother of the hostess, assisted in serv- ine The next meeting will SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, April 19 Past Noble Grands club, mu3ie room at Chemawa; Alma Henderson, chairman of hostess committee. Women's Foreign Missionary society of Leslie Mem orial church, with Mrs. John Kooreman, 1765 South High street. , Technocracy forum, 8 o'clock In city library auditor ium; public meeting. Women's Union, Temple Baptist church, with Mrs. Ed Potter, 842 North Front street, 2 o'clock. 4 East Central Circle of First Methodist church, with Mrs. T. S. Roberts, 505 North Summer street, 2:30 o'clock. Yew Park Circle, First Methodist church, with Mrs. C. G. Doney, 828 South 12th street, Willamette Auxiliary, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 8 o'clock in fraternal temple; regular business meeting. Lucy Anna Lee Circle, with Mrs. A. A. Lee ,1515 State street, 2:30 o'clock.- Knights and Ladies of Maccabees, business meeting. Women's clubhouse, 8 o'clock. Thursday, April 20 Mrs. Kittle Graver, hostess to Prlscllla club at her home, 606 South High street. Faculty Women's club, 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. F. A. El liott hostess at Beta Chi sorority home on State street. Mrs. Joe Teel, hostess to Hayesvllle Women's club, at home of Mrs. Clark Rltchey, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Liberty Women's club social meeting at home of Mrs. H. Lane, 2 o'clock. Keizer Ladies Aid society all-day meeting with Mrs. G. N. Thompson. Chapter G of P. E. O. Sisterhood, tea in compliment to state president at home of Mrs. Alice Fisher. Friday, April 21 Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church with Mrs. Sarah de Lisle, 735 North Church street, 2:30 o'clock. Salem district convention of Women's Home Mis sionary societies, 9:30 o'clock, Leslie Memorial ehurch; noon luncheon; sessions open 9:30 o'clock. Hal Hibbard Auxiliary, Mrs. Carle Abrams, 1547 Chemeketa street, 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. M. Stoddard, hostess to Calvary. Baptist Missionary society, 2:30 o'clock;- cars leave church at 2 o'clock. be with Mary Barker. Members pres ent were Marjorie Ann Bergsvik. Bennle Colbath, Adella Dick mann. Jean Beers, Esther CalH son, Edith Davis, Susanna Haw kins. Georgia Ann Hull, Maxine Goodenough, Violet Perkins, Ger aldlne Peterson, Delores Parker, Annette Lytle, Viola Mills, Wil lie Ralnbolt, Eileen Goodenough, Barbara Jensen, Irene Seeley, Roy Morlhlro, Ruth Seeley, Max ine Case, Maxine Ross, Mary Bar ker Robert Unruh and the coun selor, Joy Turner Moses. nftea rharlotta Eyre entertained for the Four Aces club at her j home Friday night. Easter formed the decorative motif for the guest rooms and the service tables. Mrs. Charles Eyre, mother of the host ess, assisted at the supper hour. Winning scores were held by Miss Ila Mills and Miss Dorothy Judson. Miss Judson was a special guest for the evening. Miss Ha Mills will be hostess to the group in a fortnight Dr. and Mrs. George A. Alden entertained at dinner for the sen ior history majors of Willamette nniYftrrftT Tuesday evening at their home. Covers were placed for Orvin Bowe.Caroyl Braden, Marcelle DeMytt, George Koeh ir. Esther McMinnlmee, Dale Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tetft, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schrei ber, and Dr. and Mrs. Alden. Mrs. Judson Bressler entertain-' ed the Knot A Care club at her homo Thursday afternoon. Sewing occunied the attention of the club members! which include Mrs. Wil liam Thomas, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Del bert Wilson Mrs. Elton Birch and Mrs, Judson Bressler. " Willamette Auxiliary! Frater nal Order of Eagles, will meet to night for the regular business meeting at 8 o'clock. Officers are to bo nominated at this time. The : business meeting will be preced ed by a - seven o'clock potluck snooe. Prominent Lodge Woman Visits Salem Rebekah lodge No. 1 was visited Monday night by the In ternational president of the A. R. A., Mrs. Edythe Florence Keller. An exceptionally large attendance of the local lodge members was swelled by 53 visitors from over the state. Among those visiting were Mrs. Hallie Ingle, grand mar. shal of the A. R. A.; Mrs. Ora Cosper, grand secretary of the as sembly; Miss Ethel Fletcher, past state president; Mr. Watklns, brig adier-general of the Cantons; R. G. Henderson and P. G. Patriarch. The committee on welcome, Grace M. Taylor, Edith McElroy( and Elsie Simeral, introduced the distinguished guests. Miss Eleanor Moore, accompan ied by Miss Virginia Thompson, gave a group of solos; Mrs. Reis- ner presented a group of readings; violin solQs were given by Ruthyn l nomas, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. P. Thomas, and vo cal numbers were given by Mrs. Elsie Simeral accompanied by Eu genia Siegmund. Mrs. Kelley con cluded the program with a much appreciated talk. The program committee included Wilda Seig mund, Elsie Townsend and Vejda Olmstead. Oregon grape, wild currant and daffodils effectively arranged about the lodge rooms made a pretty decorative note. The same decorative motif was carried out for the service tables from which refreshments were served at a late hour by the committee, Jo sephine Erickson, Helen McLeod, Jessie Moored, Jessie Beatty-and wiuie wart. The pupils of Mabel S. Powers had their regular monthly play ing class Saturday morning at the studio. At this time the youn? students each played the work which he was studying at the time and following this dis cussion was had concerning each selection as it was presented Addinj to the enthusiasm of the meeting was the talk given by Miss Gretchen Kraemer who dls cussed the meaning of music study and r hat it means to the individual. The May meeting of this group was postponed until fall. Mrs. W. M. Stoddard will be hostess to members of the Cat vary Baptist church at her rural home Friday afternoon beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Cars will leave the church at 2 o'clock. Mrs. J L. McMullen will have charge of the program. Mrs. W. A. Barkus will lead the devotions. China will be. featured in the program, Tea Compliments Distinguished Guest. Mrs. W. A. Cummings enter tained with a smart tea at her home on North Winter street Sun day afternoon between the hoars of 2:30 and 6 o'clock. In honor of Mrs. Edythe Florence Kelley, in ternational president of the Asso ciation of Rebekah Assembly. Mrs. Cummings had her home beautifully decorated with large baskets of daffodils and potted Easter lily. The tea table was ar tistically set with three white swans holding three colored tapers in beds of sweet peas and forget- me-nots. Out-of-town guests bidden by Mrs. Cummings to the tea were Mrs. Kelley of Roseburg, Mrs. El la Lennox, Mrs. Leah Ivie and Mrs. Maude Pickens of the Rose burg lodge; Mrs. Underwood of Portland, Mrs. Ora Cosper, grand secretary of the assembly, of Dal las, Mrs. Fleetwood and Mrs. Mar tin of Turner, Mrs. Knight of Pe- dee, Colo.; Mrs. Elsie Simeral ot Portland, formerly of Salem; Miss Ethel Fletcher, past state presi dent, of Salem. More than one hundred Salem Rebekahs called during the afternoon. Miss Wilda Seigmund Introduc ed to the receiving line, assisted by Miss Eugenia Seigmund. In the line were the honor guest, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Ora Cosper, Mrs. El la Lennox and the hostess, Mrs. Cummings. Miss Lucille Cummings and Mr. Elsie Simeral sang several solos, accompanied by Miss Eugenia Seigmund, during the tea hour. Mrs. Lillian Fleener and Mrs. Grace M. Taylor presided at the tea table assisted by Miss Wilda Fleener and Mrs. Evelyn Hesse- man, for the first hour. Mrs. Luel la Engstrom and Mrs. Alma Hen derson, assisted by Miss Lora Mc- Gee and Miss Hazel McElroy. pre sided the second hour. Mrs. G. B. Campbell Zeta Chi Hostess The Salem Delta Zeta Alumnae met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George B. Campbell. Ar ter the business meeting bridge was played with Mrs. Mark Wald and Mrs. B. L. Bradley holding winning scores. Guests were Miss Clara Mielke Miss Gloria Parker of Monmouth Miss Helen Louise Crosby, Miss Margaret Burroughs, Mrs. Clayton Rernharri. Miss Dorothy Anerder- son and Miss Katherine Engebret- sen of Monmouth, Miss Helen Martin of Independence, Mrs. Mark Wald, Mrs. B. L. Bradley, Mrs. Frances L. Denlson and the hostess, Mrs. George B. Campbell. Portland Contest Ot Interest In Salem Salem music teachers are send ing a group of the winning con testants from the Saturday music contest, to Portland for the state contest that will bo held there during the meeting of the Oregon Music Teachers association this Friday and Saturday at the Ben son hotel. ... The winners from this state contest will be sent to the district contest in Seattle and the artist winners from the contest will be sent on to Minneapolis for the na-. tlonal contest Here at the the na tional contest will be gathered em minent artists from both the con tinent and the United States. This latter meeting is May 21 to 28. George Wilbur Reed, has charge of the young artist day which Is Friday. Juinor day will be observ ed Saturday and this is In charge of Ted Bacon. The program for the two days includes: Friday Toung artist, piano 9 o'clock; student musician to lee, 10 o'clock; student musician compo sition, 11 o'clock. Lunch. Young artist, violin 1:30 p. m.; young artist, voice 12.30 p. m.; student musician, piano 3.30 p. m. Saturday Piano, class A 9 a. m.; piano, class B 10 a. m.; piano, class C 11 a. m. Violin and string ensemble 10 a. m.; yolce 11 a. m. Lunch. Piano ensemble, hymn class B 1 p. m.; hymn class A 2 p. m.; piano class D, Junior composition 3 p. m.; piano class E, 4 p. m. Mrs. Roosevelt's Remarks Protested Salem W. C. T. "U. listened to a letter of protest to Mrs. Roose velt concerning her remarks in regard to the attitude of young girls toward liquor at the Tues day meeting. Mrs. Alice Goodrich read the letter. Delegates to the county conven tion to be held April 26 In Jason Lee church Include Miss Jessie Martin, Mrs. E. T. Preecott. Mrs. J. J. Nunn, Mrs. Ratliff. Alter nates are Mrs. H. F. Shanks, Mrs. Minnie Stoltxheise, Mrs. Lamber son and Mrs Nellie Lamb. Special music was given by John Smith accompanied by Miss LiOis Piummer. It was announced by Mrs. Alice Goodrich, director of the T. P. B-, that each Friday between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock at ber home, a special meeting will be held of this group. This coming Friday a hike Is planned. Announcement was also made that Mrs. Fred Tooie Is away on speaking tour with Mrs. Ada Jolly, state president of the W. C T. U. Mrs. Mary Charlton, form erly an active member ot the Sa len nnlon, and now ot Portland, was a visitor for the Tuesday afternoon meeting. MiacDdwdLSpring "Progranris Toldi For Thursday1 K Thursday night at 8:16 o'clock In the Grand theatre Salem Mac Dowell chorus will present Its annual spring concert and will present ' as guest artist David Campbell. The program is varied and promises- to bo light and brilliant in keeping with the Idea of spring. ' The program includes: 1. Spring, Lovely Spring ....Grieg Autumn Storms Grieg 2. Shakespearean Songs: Sigh No More, Ladles. .. .Lester Come Away, Death Lester Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred? Hodge Under the Green-wood Tree Lester Mixed Chorus S. Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue ? . Bach Preludes, Op. 28, No. S and No. 22 Chopin Etudes, Op. 10, No. 3, Op. 25, No. 10 Chopin Mr. Campbell 4. Summer Night Herman To the Spirit of Music .Stephens April Buchanan 5. Held en grab Ganz Etude In D Flat Scriabln La Fllle aux Chereau de Lin DeBussy La Chasse Paganini-Liszt La Campanella . . Paganinl-LIszt Mr. Campbell 6. A" Song of Steel Spross The Caravanserai (Omar Khayyam) Forsyth The Builder Cadman Male Chorus 7. Bridal Chorus (From "The Rose Maiden") Cowen Mixed Chorus The personnel of the chorus for this performance includes: Tint Soprano Tint Alto I I Mm. Ruth If. Anngtronj VUt Roth Otn Mill Eteljn Bond Mil Ixrofia Briatike Mra. Tyler Brown Hilt Hargaret Heltiel Ifra. William fiachtr Mra. O. N. Ktn Mra. Harry Harma Miia Dorothy Kelloft Mr, frank Lllbnrn Mr. Harris A. Ut Mra, Kraal Mnndinger Mra. Charier Sherm Miaa Clandlaa Roland Mri.Charlaa Socman Mra. Erael Mnndinrer II n Mia TxmUe Bryan Mra. Tom Drynan Miaa Zelda DeSart Miia Doria Howard Miia Lola Millard Miia Elisabeth Johnaon Mira Mildred Moier Mra. H. J. Hjort Mra. Sephna Starr Miia Margaret 8imnu Mra. Mario Robertson Mri. Elaa Erini Thomaa Second Soprano Second Alto I I Min Hilda Amiler Mra. Mark MeCallirter Mra. Dennii Bowo Mini Jean McElhniny Miia Billle Capper Mra. W. 8. Lorena Miaa Mary Capper Mr. E. O. Riekette Miaa Helen Pranc Min Roberta Vannice Mn. Marraret Roieerana Mri. Walter H. Zoael II Mra. Kick Brinkley Miia Marian Bretx Mrs. Ellis L. Hoffheo Mrs. Richard Krieael Misa Lois Prammer Mini Yronne Smith Tenora Bauos Mr. Loren Daridion Rer. Karle Cochran Mr. Frank Doolittle Mr. Harold Colran Mr. Norral Edwards Mr. Nell Fleming Mr. Bex Hartley Mr. Kenneta Fleming Mr. W. T. Jenks Mr. Fred Krnae Mr. John Schmidt Mr. Earl Noal Mr. Harold WiUraft Vr. Marrin Roth Mr. Willian Skawia Mr. Roswell Wright w 9 m Mrs. H. G. Carl will be assist ing hostess for the East Central circle meeting this afternoon at the homo of Mrs. T. 8. Roberts. Benefits-Bridge ' list Excellent; : Success The benefit. bridge for which Chemeketa chapter of the Daugh ters of the 'American. Revolution were hostesses Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hal Patton. proved delightful success. A pro fusion of spring flowers added much to the beauty of the dis tinguished guest rooms of the Patton home. Th tea table at which Mrs. H. I. Lovo and Mrs. W. F. Fargo pre sided following the bridge after noon was especially beautiful with a centerpiece of flower In a bril liant mixture of colors. Winning scores for the after noon were beld tor contract by Mrs. Frank Deckebach and for auction by Mrs. H. A. Wood of Dallas. Present for the afternoon were Mrs. William McGllchrist. Jr.. Mrs. Romeo Gonlet, Miss Hattie Ramp,' Miss Kayo Goulet. Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., Mrs. Homer Goulet. Mrs. George A. White, Miss Margaret Wilson. Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Herbert Ostllnd, Mrs. V. E. Newcomb, Mrs. Glen Seeley, Mrs. A. L. Llndbeek, Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, Mrs. W. C Conner. Mrs. E. A. Brow. Mrs. H. K. Stock well. Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Mrs. A. C. Haas, Mrs. F. C. Rltner, Mrs. R. T. Morrison, Mrs. A. R. Hartman. Mrs. F.'A. Jackson, Mrs. Oscar Hay ter. all of Dallas: Mrs. M. P. Adams, Mrs. Paul V. Johnson, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. W. H uaroy, sirs. Dan MeLellan. Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Jr., Mrs. Wallace Car son, Mrs. M. H. Allen of La Grande, Mrs. W. L. Allen, Mrs. C. D. Ralney of Chemawa, Mrs. Clif ton Mndd, Mrs. Maurice Dalton, Mrs. John Allgood, Mrs. C. B. Sundberg, Mrs. H. A. Woods, Dal las; Mrs. R, T. Boals, Mrs. Walter Robinson, Mrs. James Jennings, Mrs. John Harbison, Mrs. George Vehrs, Mrs. R. H. Balock. Mrs. W. W. Ridehalgb, Mrs. J. H. Galleg her, Mrs. Hal Patton, Mrs. Kate Bell, Mrs. Carl Porter, Mrs. Sey mour Jones, Mrs. L. L. Laws, Mrs. W. R. Speck, Mrs. Ray A. Yocum, Mrs. A. F. Marcus. Mrs. A. R. Hunter. Mrs. W. E. Chandler. Mrs. H. G. Smith and Mrs. H. I. Lore. Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. Sey mour Jones, Mrs, Lester McCloud, Mrs. John Harbison, Mrs. C. C. Best, Mrs. J. E. Sibley. Mrs. Car rey Martin and Mrs. John Carkln assisted in serving at the tea hour. Chapter G to Honor State President Chapter G of the P. E. 0. Sisterhood will compliment Mrs. C. A. Sprague, state president. Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alice Fisher. The afternoon has been planned for a tea. Additional guests for the smart affair will Include all state officers, presi dents of the several valley chap ters, and members of Chapter A. B. of Salem. o o o The regular meeting of the Faculty Women's club will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Beta Chi sorority home. 1445 State street. Mrs. F. A. Elliott. Mrs. Max Page, Mrs. A. , A. Vaxakas and Mrs. Roy Keene will bo hostesses tor the afterjioon. Miss Newhouse Scio Hostess; Mrs. H. Lane to be Hostess Vancouver Guests Entertained at Brougher Home in Scotts Mills Sclo. Miss Bernice Newhouse, Junior advisor, entertained that class at an Easter pany jTiaay ai the home ot Mr. and Mrs. P. h. MaeDonald. Elvln Gallegly won high scores and Richard Qnarry was second at a contest. Guests Included the Misses La Vaun Gardner, Maxine Arnold, Frances Combs, Vivian Lamplot, Vivian Marin, Elsie Hetsendorf, Charlotte Asp, Geraldlne Rodgers, Sylvia Bartu, Marjorie Moses and Elvln Gallegly, Richard Quarry, Marley Sims, Eldon Todd, Leonard Laken bach, Donald Davenport and Lyle Jackson. ' Hazel Green Mrs. Donnique La Rosa will be hostess to the Nenia Servings club Wednesday afternoon. - Mrs. B. C. Zielinskl will be hostess to ' the Sunshine Sewing club Wednesday afternoon. r Waconda Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Collins entertained at their borne recently in observance of their 35th wedding annlversary-and his birthday. . yi 1 Oxfords for Comfort Dressy Models in Oxfords For Street Wear These novelty ties are considered proper and take their place for good looks on display. several "such styles $q95 Now . . qJ)) Scotts Mills. Mr. and .Mrs. A. L." Brougher entertained at dinner Sunday Dr. and Mrs. John Brough er of Vancouver, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brougher and son of Clatskanle, Mr. and Mrs. C c. Mulvihlll and daughter ot Port land, Gaylord and Geneva Ramsby ot Molalla, Mr. and Mrs. E. w. Coulson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brougher of Scotts Mills. . Liberty. On account ot the ill ness ot Mrs. Ed Decer's mother, the social meeting of the Women's club will not bo held at the Dencer home. The club will meet at the homo ot Mrs. Harold Lane Thurs day at S p. m. Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Dal las and Mrs. Fair will bo hostesses. Fairfield Mr. and Mrs. Mlcheal W. Mahoney were hosts Saturday night at a t 0 0" party. High score was won by Mrs. S. Ray Jones and 8. Ray Jones received eonsolatlon. Four tables were tn play. Assisting hostess was Miss Nurse Oxfords A featured model for solid comfort . . . leather and construction con form to specifications for durabil ity, fit, Tread-Straight model as suring comfort. $395 Now.. Qj) New Price - New Spring Styles in Tread Straight CHILDREN'S SHOES $ NOW H)95 2nd Floor Busier Br own Shoe Store - Bring Us Your Shoes for Fine Repairing Johirisoitf9 s I I l 7 n ' mm Crowds - Crowds Always at Johnson9 si Johnson's For COATS Over 400 coats to choose from, all conveniently grouped and at prices that make you wonder how we do it One group of polo coats and sport coats, values to $16.75 $95 Special 1 New swagger coats, as well as belted models, in tweeds, white and plain shades. Full silk crepe CO QC lined $JwUO JI1L Hats - Hats Choose yours now from Salem's largest hat stock. Over 200 new spring hats In 3 groups Groun 1 values to $3.50. now Group 2 Values to $3.95. iow .... Group 3 Values to $5.95, now .... $1.95 $2.49 Values to $2.95 Extra Special I Look! Look! One group of felts and straws while S? 10c Wash Frocks Johnson's Balcony Depart ment, 5 large racks of wash frocks in all materials and pat terns, sleeveless, puff sleeves, long sleeves, in reg- OQ ular values to $2.95 D1jOO 50 dozen guaranteed color-fast all new styles and patterns. Regular 95c value, OO. at e)C-C FOR QUICK DISPOSAL 4 large racks of dresses, sizes 14 to 46, in our regular values to $16.75. Materials are triple sheers, printed chiffons, geor. gette, krinkle (Yfl crepes. Special vDoUU All $18.75 values suecial at Entire stock of trinle ahecrs. w taffetas, flat crepes, washable crepes, etc YOU CAN'T BEAT JOHNSON'S FOR VALUES! $14.95 HOSIERY Another 100 doz en of our famous pure silk hose, full fashioned all new spring g'.'.?... 48c GLOVES! One group ot kid gloves In assort e d colors and sizes Regular values to $3.95. Special at ... . New pigskins in white, natural and gray. :... $L95 $1.48 Dresses Every dress in the store is re duced for this celling event. Two packed racks plain and printed crepes, krinkle crepes, etc. Values to $5.95, at $049 Underwear The newi glove silk "Hug Me Tight" panties, dancettes and combinations, QQ New shipment silk crepe and rayon crepe pan ties and slips, all sixes. Regular ?Q $1.00 values, at U3C Guaranteed pure silk slips, both tailored and lace trimmed styles, adjustable 1 1Q shoulder straps, $1.95 values at .. v! BLOUSES Just unpacked, 10 dozen new organdy blouses in the newest and cleverest patterns a ft and styles, at 3iUU OHNSON Qj The Store For Ladles 464-468 State " -,