The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morninpr. April 18, 1933" PAGE SEVEN WOT H si 0 '3. y Business Directory Cards In this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rat: $L0 per line per mouth. - s4UTO BRAKES uiir. ianic. tha braka and shimmy j. ,7R Sm,th Comnier?!r: Street inn I ' - BEAUTY PARLORS Miller Beauty Shop, dial 7953. CATERING Bort rrr. the caterer. Ph. 6753. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telenhono 4450. R E- Northncsa CHIROPRACTORS DR. a 1 SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 256 N. High. Tel. Re 8572. Correspondence Instruction N International Correspondence schools. Business, technical course. Bx. 16. C. McOllllvrar. Tel. 4123. DRESSMAKING MRS. SNELQROVE. 465 N. Cottag. Tel. 7466. Hemstitching. 5c yard. Dissmaking la your home. Exp. $2.r.O day. Copy picture Tel. 7984. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun ral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Brett haupl florist. 877 Court. TeL 8904. ALL kinds of floral work. Lut Flor ist. 16th Market Tel 9592. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL 1106. Walter J. uoym, prey. INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS lSf'N. High TeL 4947 noTrfrv.T. SMITH, een. Ins. TeL 8652. 1 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRT Ui 8. High TeL 9185 CAPITAL CITT. LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service v Telephone 3145 1264 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress $3.06. Renovators and fumlgators. Rugs cleaned. .CapltaT Be, ding Co. Tel 4069. 3630 N. CapltoL New mattress mad I to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, slslng; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag A Mat trees Factory, a 13th Wilbur. Tel 6441. Otto F. Zwlcker. E8tI91L MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, shet nroslo and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 43$ Stat Street. Salem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Will trad guitar and " anything lean use. Storhow, 460 Court. MEDICINE rw r)i,n ram Chines Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday snd Friday, 10:30 a-m. to 4:30 p. m. 14 rt. wmimircMi. PRINTING r.r.n cTiTmMEBT. cards, pamph- lets, programs, books or any kind of printing. caU The Statesman Printing Deparunent, i o. phone 910L PUBUC ACCOUNTANT n ra...t Tiikmim Tax Reports. Auditing U X. "Wl. TM 3030 or f.287. REAL ESTATE BECgg HEN PRICKS, TeL 49477 W. H. OBABENHORST CO. TeL 6468. 1J4 3. Uberty St. SOCOLOFSKY SON $04-6 First NatL Bk. Bldg. TeL 7307. STOVES STOVES aad stov repairing. Btovrt . btuvr .-! ranaira All - Llnds? woeTwlrV tenc-. Uncy and . Balem none- .".--- Lq-,,.- Chemeketa, TL sti. N. - TRANSFER plpTA! CITY Transfer Co. 226 Bute 8t TeL 7778. ?l-rlhjnfc r- warding ana storw -- w Get our ratea for local or distant transfer storage, call illtU L-rm" fransfer Ca Trucks to Portland datty. ; WELtT DRILLING T West. SO years expert ac, Rrb 6. Dos" 103 B Tel- H0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS . Koticft hereby is given that the ISOIM.O UVlvyj . ... rsouce icr7 - --- undersigned ha been, by the County Court of Marion County, Oreron, appointeu jv.i - -the 'last wUl of NEWEL W. CLARK, deceased, ana nas qst fied. All persons having claims against the esUte of said decedent hereby are required to present same, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned at saiem, we gon, withia six (6) months from the date hereof. ; ; i Dated II April, 1922. " NELLS HUTCHISON, .-x As uch Executrix. CARSON & CARSON, , i Salem, Oregon, : ' i Attorneys for Executrix. A-18- - ol . Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per Use.lOe Three insertion per line .............. 20c Six Insertion per Use.. 30c One month per line. -.11.01 Ulnimam coarse ......Sic Copy for thia pate ac cepted until 0:30 the even ins before publication tor classification. Copy re celved after this time will be ma under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assame bo financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements yno liahed In its columns, and in cases where this paper is at fanlt will reprint that part at an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occars. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Capable young man at once, to drive to Superior. Wis., for the trip. Will stand expense to there. Best or reference require vvuiiam r rea- rlclc. K. 1, W'oodbum, Ore. SITUATIONS WANTED Exp. dressmaking In your home. 32, 50 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 7984. FOR S A LE Miscellaneous Exclusive product Nationally adver tised, crazy crystals, lis a. tug a. Seed potatoes Earliest of AIL Early Rose, Early Ohio, British Queen. Net ted Gem. Burbank. H. A. Hyde Co., Z38 Portland Road, TeL 9596. Fresh crabs now at Fldler's stand. Intersection Sllverton-Portland road. HAT. ALFALFA, first quality. Guardian Bldg. TeL 8482. 411 Mars nan strawoerry plants ior saie, John Mack, Rt 1, Box 45, Sublimity. FOR SALE Corvallis strawberries No. 12, $2 thousand. P. W. Woelke, Tel. 104F32. Repossessed Melotte Separator. 935. Call 7929. Strawberry plants for sal $3.50. i roone sirai. Marshall strawberry plants. $2.50 and $3.00. Phon 5340 evenings. FOR SALE AH or part of furni ture of room house will be taken i off the market Apr. 27. D. R. De gross. Kt 9, BOX IL Marshall strawberry plants. Good White Leghorn hens. W. G Johnson, K. 4, box ios. Piano bargain. late model piano lo cated her in tha vlclnlrv of Salem. win seu ror balance due on contract. with terms like rent If Interested. write at once to D. C. Durham. 401 iRst aiam at., Mearora. ore. TRADE Miscellaneous 1-ton Federal Knight truck for Cle-1 trac tractor. Good condition, good rub-1 ber. TeL 127F21. WANTED Miscellaneous Why throw awsr rood monevT Tha hosiery mending dept at 5rand Silver store repairs boa like new, 6e to 15c. Wanted used bath room scale. See Kletxlng. statesman office. MISCELLANEOUS m aaa YhVV-V-V'Vy-w-w-w---JxrUJ'1 Best hair cut Adults 20c, chlliL. 16c. Two blocks a of Ubrary. 8. Winter. Permanent wave, 50c, Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steusioff Mkt TeL 4486. ROOM AND BOARD tseseseaesaesaMfSafcaaaia, Board, rm. near P. O. $20. TeL 5482. ,-nnvinr.-nrinnr m n i n n n Board and room for ladles. Close In. Tel. S7. RS nn,irt Rt FOR RENTAPARTMENTS Psttoa partmentt siowutown. Call Patton ttook et8rK Fur. 8 R. apt. 3361 Haxel TeL T6B4. ' 1 Mod St. heated apts. TL 6498. fP.1. f -f. '?! -Nl .C'A Furu. apartment. 1040 LesQa. Cozy S room furn. apt. Ground floor. garage, x. u. Albert, s aui 1st floor furn. TeL 4269. 1st floor. 3 rm. apt, 210 K. 14th. FOR RENT HOUSES Vara, and imfur house R. Forkner. 141 N. Cottag. TeL 303L ' EmaQ hous partly furn. 243 Leslie. 1 House close in, 255 Division. 6 rm. modern home on Piedmont ave $20. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 619 Court Street Furn. 3 room house. TeL 8010. Small bouse, partly furn. 2430 Lee. 6 rooms. Fruit. Tel. 7204. FOR SALE Real Estate 1 acres four miles from Salem, 4 room new modern house, barn, chick en house; 8 acres strawberries, not I injur i vy ,.w ivbau. I fuberts ; 30 large cherry trees, $4800. U4. lnun t1Sn raah fnr inltv wUl talk. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 819 Court Street BARGAINS IN IIOilKS $1000. buys S-R. mod. house, clear. East Sale, with $75 down, and $15 tier mo. lne. Interest. $1250. buys 4-R. housa, soup fruit. North Salem, with $78 down,'$l$ per mo. a 8350. down, vrfce 3250 burs a dan' dy S-R. bD , North Salem, U fin lo cation, liar . strictly nioa. ' VAN M. GREER 214 Ore. Bldg: ' Ph. 7622. HOME AND ! BTJSINES3 WELL LO- CATKll PAUIF1L' HlUtlWAI SiiiMins? S6t8A ft- eaulDDSd lunches and confectionery. 8 room r . klence, S acres of good land. Price $5. 1 000, p;rt terma .. " FOR SALE Real Estate Beautiful KIngwood view tracts. city improvements, among active boms building; unusual terms. CI A. Robert son. TeL 1154. - -t-i ,-ii'-i-M-M-irir-i-iru-u-uj-utj'u- S room modern boms with 8 acres land, nice view, lots of fruit and ber ries, garage -and chicken house, 1 mil from Salem. $2406. Is A. fins timber, estimated 3000 cords of wood, $60 per acre. Meivm Johnson W. M. Pennington 275 State Street Phono 6796. FOR SALE AND TRADES 6 room modern house North Siimnur St Completely furnished and will sell cheap, either with or without furni ture. Worth Investigating. wonaenui 4 acres close to Salem for sale at less than half what It Is worth. Will consider a llttls trade. Call on me and I will- try and match your trades. Houes for rent from $10.00 up. CHAS. HUDKINS. Phone 9182 Miller's Store Bldg. If you want to buy, soil or exchange snythlns see General Exchange, 328 N. Commercial St EXCHANGE Real Estate Modern home, all mndarn fences. Illy pond on lot. In mull in $1500, or will trade as first payment on lann or so or 40 acres with creek on place. Must be good land, location not Important General Exchange. 323 fuiiuci tioi Direct. For sale or trade hotel completely furnished, located In Wallowa Co. on highway, basement, steam beat, run ning water. Mortg. $1500 price $10, 0C0 want farm. C. A. Mnfer. Enter prise, Oregon. 7 room strictly modern housa to trade for a smaller house. Will make you a good trad. A good suburban bom. acres with good improvements. A genuine bar gain at $2950. Easy terms. Ask us about this place. 274 acres stock and grain ranch. 80 acres hop land. Balance good deep oil, gently rolling, fine large dairy barn, 2 good houses, 3 large chicken bouses, plenty wood for own use, run ning water. Price only $56 per acre, or what have you to trade T 5 room semi modern house with fruit trees and garage. Lot on paved street. nonse is in gooa condition. Pric only $1200. Very easy terms J. F. TJLRICH COMPANY SSS State Street Tel. 8672. B rm. house, 8 acres of land, trade for city property; tractor or used car as first payment Immediate posses sion. Wanted tractor: trade cows, might put, in some caives. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. COAST RANCH FOR TRADE 9185. a. over br tha coast. 1 art buildings. 56 ' A. everarreen naarnn family orchard, (trout stream), V4 ft saw timber, gravel road. Price $8000.. ks smaiier rancn in Marion or Lmn county. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 133 South High Street FOR SALE FARMS 65 A. W. of Amity, river bottom. room house, good, electricity, water pressure. 8 hen bouses, other out build ings, silo, good hop land. $325. $1000 down, federal loan or will trad equity Including house in Salem for smaller Place, clear. General Exchange, 328 N. Commercial St ACREAGE $35.00 PER ACRE 28S acres near Salem. Ideal for sioca, gram or general zarmins. itu l acres ciear. oaianco timber ana Das-1 ture, running water. Large barn, fair nouse ana outDuuaings. lerms. lOTc a own. oaiance SEE HAWKINS ROBERTS For Farm Bargains " -i-i-, i-i-i-ii-h ii-1 1 iniT jin.n lie acres, excellent soiL nart suit able for clover or alfalfa and can be Irrigated from creek on farm, upper iana rm ror walnuts. ., water piped from spring, some timber, 7 rm. nouse, oarn, siovo. 165 acres. 50 A. In cultivation, soma timber, fair buildings, family orchard, t3fv. oood terms on both rams. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 619 Court Street FOR SALE 140 acres, rtver bot tom, 60 cult, baL Umber and pasture. stream, well. 7 room froii oM fim I near small town. Price $15.09 per i sere. Dmau ami. or caan or some trade. Harley Libby, Jefftrson. R. D. No. 2. DO XT WAIT BUT NOW U-acra fcloaa in. 4 T? Knnu twtV TOecToS T-Sffi o-A. ail cult. 13 bearing cherries and 14 lrfr. walnuts. 4-R. houaa. with ,Ui lights and water system. Price $3750.1 27 -A. family orchard, nfea ll1nB - stream. 4-R. house, electricity, barn. farage. poultry house, priced to selL ssuu.uv terms JAS. D. PBAR3. 132 S. High Street LIV ESTOCR and POULTRY custom hatching. 600 eggs at lUo every Saturday and Tuesday. Tel. i r i- ut i Hatchery. SURPLUS BABY CHICKS at at riric prices Tuesday and Friday oniy. e our bargaina Custoa hatch ing. Hatching ens. Phono 111 FX ue s tiatcnsry. saiem, Oregon. i M i Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry com pany, zaa is. sillier. HORSES. HORSES. HORSE Must sell 8 head good work hnraaa weigh from 115 te 170. Wall broken. genu. Bererai gooa single worsers. ciearwatcr staoioa. Tel. 4844. - 1 1 .r-Lruu-u-Lri n -rm.rtnrxn BABY CHICKS Try Wdn eso y. Hanson strain. White Lcgnoros from pedigreed stock. R. I. Rods. Barred Rocks, White Wyandotte. Reduced I prices. Custom hatching of turky and enjesea eggs. KUDy woodward, xtt. -, X B91S, iBk fl Wanted Barred Rock h-lchlnar em m . tun. MONEY TO LOAN I MsMsIMBaWMsV-MMssMM PERSONAL mSTALL-TENT LOA 8TATB LOAN COMPANY tit fW. mn tnnyf wn, nffw km ia -aa a vr , m -a -a at T.lPone 7T88. State Ikern Ko. a aa ' rr- - -i -inn i ir is Borrow on ps nl m uuat 1 1 1 rat In monthly Installn ata. WILLAH ETTK LOAN CO. Stat He. B-149. 8 Guardlaa Bldg. TeL 3377. POLLY AND HER for I A COW WITH A (VVCTS) ' (CHNO ITj MOSK-H" S NEXTy TUB V (A WDM AM ) AlSXyT .TD "TVC, VrDRSTy (SVVORST?; S WITH A n ijir Ba'll'-J j bb '' M Cmm -" w-S - Interesting Pacts 8ure business la getting bet ter. Last Friday's Statesman car ried more ads than any other pa per so far this year. The States man is the advertising medium of Salem. Read all the ads carefully. O Two salea conducted in Salem last week using- The Statesman as their advertising medium wero very successful. One reports a rec ord sale. O Watch for 49. Its coming to Sa lem next week. O Today is Patriot's Day. O President's day, Sunday, April 30th. 0 Blossom day next Sunday, the rd. O April has five Sunday's. O Today should be 13 hours and 24 minutes between sunrise and sunset. MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different. TOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASn ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $306 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 518 State Street TeL 3-7-4-0. PERSONAL LOANS MADS en furniture, cars, salaries er other good security. Repayable monthly. When tn financial need see us bsxor closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bile. Poos 8551 MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Too keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Vtmre 4Tt Satvm. Or FOR SALE WOOD Green 2nd growth fir 16 in. 33.75 ueorg Meusier, Marion, or. GUARANTEED DRY wood eosU TeL tee Smlem Fnl f Trl. cottage. ox'.wmxmxw Old fir. 2nd growth. TeL 9769. DRY ITS AND OAK WOOD, eal aad fuel c4L CaU en us for prlem W grre gooa measure, good quaiitv sad geod sarvrce. IARMER TRANSFER 8TORAOW Teteebea 8181 Ash, ftr and oak. TeL 8848. No. 1 16 m. old fir, $4.00. TeL 44(6. Otd fir TeL 8932. OM ftr $4.00. Dry 94.60. TeL 3175 LOST AND FOUND FOUND Short string besds. TeL 6780. FOR SALE USED CARS Business is Picking Up I " uu r " - I once. I you want to buy a car see us l Rnrorrn'o Caw TA m elro " 246 No. Liberty Phon 3688 FOR SALE OR TRADE my equity In a 1933 Master Six Chevrolet fou door sedan. Car looks and operate, "k" fwtJIWjU xall at 20 I MaSOnlC BWX., Salem. PhOnO 5844. McKay's used cars with an o. k. that counts 27 Hudson Sedan $ S.OO '27 Chrysler Sedan '29 Ford Roadster . '39 Oakland Coup 115.00 145.00 245.00 '30 Ford coup 250.00 'II cnev. coaca '39 Buick Sedan 365.00 385.00 495.00 '38 Chr. D Lux Coach. . '81 Cbv long wheal baa. truck dual wheel, complete ly rebuilt .. - 495.00 TERMS TRADES Open Bventngs and Fundaya McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 338 Center Phon 8189 48 N. Com'L SEE Bill and Bob Used Car 1 change for your used ear. 4S CDme-eta Terms Trade Onen gyanlrtgs and Sundays WANTED USED CARS Wanted, Used Trucks Hava Bale for a number of good '- truck- We win buy your true ; ior caan or u r u on Deuer mica ! OV CSLT. OP Sell for VOS1 M COUimlSSlOTI. Be Tern wood tor any truck neeua WOOd-WheatOn MotOf , . ' C f Tee wf aaw 84 C acnakota alMa Phoa 9888 Oregon 43-CC trucks, t and aervlc. PALS CHEESE MARKET IS MPRD1G NOTED Butter, Eggs Firm;' Poultry Prices Steady; Supply Of Radishes Better PORTLAND, April 17 (AP) Improved conditions in the cheese trade were reflected Mon day in a le rise in price at basic points. Carl Haberlach, secretary of the Tillamook County Cream ery association, announced that the association was quoting 14 cents on triplets and 15 cents on loaf, Tillamook basis. The local butter market was unchanged, continuing to rule firm in line with last week's clos ing. More liberal fresh supplies with better feed conditions Were expected later this week. No new developments appeared in the fresh egg market Monday. Prices were unchanged and quot able around steady for the week's initial trade. Poultry was firm all around with prices holding fully steady as the week opened. Heavy color ed broilers were in. good demand and the supply limited thus far. There were plenty of turkeys to meet declining demand. Lambs were somewhat weaker. it was reported. Older stock sold off to 10 and 11 cents and milk stuff down to 12 to 14 cents top. There was no change in the on ion market. There was a better supply of lo cal radishes. The demand was good for the local stuff but warm er weather would give added stim ulus. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Julia Schroeder, deceased, and that ahe has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 21st day of March, 1881. FREDA ENGELHART. Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Julia Schroeder, deeoased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix. Salem, Oregon. M21-2S A4-11-1S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hss filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marlon, her duly verified Final Account, a administratrix of the estate of William H. Troy, deceased, and that aaid Court baa fixed Tues day, the 2nd day of May, 1932 at the hour of ten o'clock A. M of aaid day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marlon County, Oregon, aa the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 23th day of March, 1933. IDA A. Troy, Administratrix of the Estae of William H. Troy, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attor ney for Administratrix, Salem Oregon. M28 A4-11-18-25. Radio Program TTXESDAT, APBTL 18 KOW Portland 620 Ke. 7:00 Organ concert, SBC. 7:20 Organ concert, NBC. 7:30 Happy Jack, NBC. 7:45 Hreen and Do Kose. KB0. 8 :30 Croiscnt From the Log of tit Day. NBC 9:18 Cooking school. 0:30 Martha Meade society. NBC. 9:45 Through the Looking Glass. 10:00 Arioa Trio, KBC 10:30 Woman's Magaiine. NEC 11:80 Rhythm Vendors, NBC. 13:15 Wetter Fan aad Hsm hocc. NBC. 1 :0O Stringwwad Baa able, KBC. 3:0O Al Pearee and Ui Oacg. NBC. 8:13 Melody Mixer. NBC. 8:80 Mid week Federation ITvmn, NBO. 8:46 Friendly Chat. 4:45 Tea Timers, NBC. 5:00 Mahdi. the Magician. 6:10 Book Cast. 8:O0 Ames 's Andy, NBO. 8:15 Memory Lane. NBC. 10:15 Hotel Mark Hopkins orchestra. NEC. 11:00 Hotel Ambassador rckestra, BBC 11:80 Orraa concert. KOAX 550 Ks. CerralHs T:00 Moraiag Meditatiw 4 by Dr. Trank B. Matthews. 6:00 Morning Concert. 10 Nooa Farm Hour. 3:00 Memory Book Music. 8:80 Mrs. Sara Watt Preatls - "Budding: GRAIN LOCAL Lower Prices Result;! Losses Fractional, Mart Unsettled CHICAGO. April 17. (AP) Lower prices for wheat and corn today accompanied an abrupt cur tailment of general speculative demand. Wheat traders in particular were wary on account of indica tions that purchasing of late had been overdone, and that uncer tainties of foreign exchange rates might become acute with reopen ing of overseas grain markets tomorrow following the Easter yvuuu i ling today underwent a point l tumble. I Wheat closed unsettled, 1 S under Saturday a finish, corn V. -XL. down, oats U off tn XL HA. I Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 04-; July C214-H; September Corn May Jnly S4-H; September Oats May 21; July 11; September 21-. Genera! Markets PEODTJCE EXCHAHQB PORTLAND, Ore.. April 17 (AP) Produce excaatira, set prieei: Batter, ex tras 21; itsnctardt 20 V4; prime first 20; lirtti 19; i(f, fresh extras 14; freah siediome IZ. PORTLAKD. Or April 17 (AP) Wheat Opes High Low Close Mar. sow 53 68 53 SI Ma7, old 54 54 54 54 July 55 55 53 55 Seot. 56 66 56 56 Cash wheat No. 1: Big Baad blua- ttem 63; dark hard wister 12 pet 61. 11 pet 57; toft white, 55; western white, northern 53; hard winter. 54 weitera rod 53. Oats: No. 3 wkito $22.00. Cora: So. 8 E. Y.. 819.25. Hillraa standard 115.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or. April 17 (AP) Cattle Receipt 000. eaWe 15; itroag te 25e higher in ipots. Steers 550-900 lb., food 5- 5.5Q, dina 94 85.00. common i J 64.00; 900 1100 lb, good S5-35.50, medio 84- 86.00. common $3.-84.00; 1100-1300 lbs. good $4.25-15, medium $3-84.35; heifer 550-750 lb., cood 31.50-J5.00. common- medium 32.50-94.60: 750-900 lb, goad- rhoic $4-94.75. eommoB-saedioni $2.50- 82.50. low cutter and cotter. 31-83.50. Bulla, yearling ateladed. goo4 scat 82.50-33. cntter-madium si. so - sx.30. Vealara, good-choice 85-89.00, medium $4.35-95. eoll-eosuBoa 82.50-f4.96. Calre 250-500 lb., rood-cboiee $4-35.00, com mo n -medium $3-64. Uosa 3500. about steady. 140-160 lb., rood eaoie 33.50-64.Si; 160-10 lbs, 94.35-f4.S5; 180-200 lbs.. S4.23-S4.33 : 200-120 lb; 220-35O lbs. 98.60-S4.3S; 250-200 lb., S8.3a-S4.15: 290 3SO 11, s.a-B4.uu ; packing iows 275-350 lb., good $3.23- SS.Bs; 8J--i IBS,; a- 660 nj 93.25-93.75; 275-550 lbs, a 83-8350. Fooler ssd atoekar pigs 70-130 lbs. rood-eholce 32.73 13.75. Sheep sad Urns Beeeipts sou: a. early traaiac. Barias Uuaba. choice 30.40. cooa m- 86.50. median 84-96: lambs 00 lbs. down. ceoe-ehoic 84-94.90. com-ioB-meoram 64.00: to-es ibs gooekoi ..3: yearUog weisers 90-110 lbs- good-choice 83-83.50. medium 12. -S3: ewes so no Ib, good-choice 32.25-82.50; 120-150 lb.. 82 82.60; aU woighto common-me dium 31-8. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, April 17 (AP) Butter nrints. score or Dot tor lie Donad. itandard 22 He. Eck Pseifi Pesltry Producers' saU lag prioc: freak extras 14c. Ua4rd I.e. me am a 13. Baying price t wholesalers: Fresh current receipts. 86 lb a aad bp Stt-lOtte aotoa. Couatrr masts aellias rrte to retail or: Coaatry killed hoga. boat hutahara. ander 150 pounds 5e; Toslor 80 to 100 poand. 7 8c: lambs 13-13 c prints 14-16; yearliBgs 6s, hoary owe 4 5e, canner eow 2 3e, bull 4-4 Nut Oregon walnut 16-18 aoaad. peanut 10c. Braxu 12-14c. almond 19- 10& filbert 20 71c sees ns 20e. Casesra bark Buying price 1932 seel 3-3 o pound. Hop Nominol. 1932. 27 29e. Battortat Portland delivery, "A' trade 31s Dound. Lira soultry Bujibc trie: He hen, colored. 4 possds 13 ; do modi' ibi lis; lights lis; spriags light 14c, heavy 14e: old rooatars so. cue a. ra king broilers 19-17: old 13a. colored 10c. Omont Selling price to retailors: Or son 81.25-1.85 cental. Xskima Spinlib 75-90e: 81.35 crate. .New onions Tax Bermuda $2.25 lor 50-pound crt. Potato lxeal. Ss-Tae orang box Deechote Pa 81.60-1.60; do Bakers $1.60-1.75. Yakima Goma $1.25 1.45. New potato Texas, 2 He. 8trawbrrieo California. 91.69 aor 19- bos erat: Loaiana. $3-3.33 pr 84 baakat erst-. Wool 1983 clip. Bomlaal; WinBtU rauay IVls on-. astars urcgoa 113. Har Barlas sole fras proda Alfalfa $14-14.50. elr $11. eaters Ore gon timothy $14.50-15. oat aad rate 914. Growing TTp Phyically." 7.00 U R. Braitkaapt "Oeaaral Ag- rienltural Situation. ' 7:15 Dr. Victor P. Morris "The World ia Beriaw." T:SS Address by Dr. Nora I. Colo- msa. sreddeat t Bead cIIeg. 7:45 Maad Pratt Satrtk dram tie reader. 8:15 Pacifie college program. XOIB 4 a. 1 tlaad 4:20 KOIN KWsk. 10:00 Marie. Little FraSc Prlsees. 11 :80 Amerieaa 8 tool f taa An; CBS. 1:80 Hook f Ute. 8:00 Feminine Fancies, DLBS. :S0 Oahfernis Melodio. CBS. T:SO Edwin C. Hill. CBS. : 4-xlding Wbi U, teaor. 10:00 Fio Bits' ere -a n a. DLBS. G ( mUBtNT DAMES AtNT A3 VQl-iVw vv in liTVNtJ r I COULD v - a . . m a SPECULATION CURTAILED WOOL RISES TO 13 CENTS Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk. co-op pool price, f 1JSO per hundred. Surplus 05c (Ullk based sesUsioatkly OatUrtftt STtrsge.) Butterfat Top 19c Prints 21 He, cubes 19 He cubes 19 He. Pries paid ta growers by Salssi bo jars April 17 (The price beie. sspplieS r a local sal are aot gnsraat by Tba 8tatsas) ranrr ajtd VEagTABXsa 8tri beass. lb, wk. Jt h"jT"" iJli 1 Atpsrsgss .o u .os Vrrot. t.ur, erst X.7S t S.OV Ortel peppers, Cilit. IV. Pess, CaHt, lb. Cabbsre. lb. Onioat, dos. binctit .16 47 034 -SS 1.00 .73 to 1.00 .05 K roUtoet, Ytkiaa e. 3 Leesl Florida, new lb. Sweet potatoes, crate J .50 Letuea, CUf. .8.35 t 4.25 .85 .66 1.50 .08 .65 Onion. Walla Wall Lebiik, ewt Partaipt. handred Bbsbarb. local Calif, ib Celery, Calif.. crate a.2S -8.50 Mexiesa Tomatoes Italian Broccoli. Ib. .07 to .06 Apples Wi ineiaps, fancy .00 1.40 .50 .90 1.35 1.05 .1.00 to 1.36 .1.50 to 1.78 -8.00 to 4.00 .70 2.50 2.25 .05 Extra finer Xewtowaa, 0 grade Extra fancy . , - Cialiflowor, Calif., era to Rutabaga, handred Orantes, p.p. , fancy Beat. Calif., dos. Turnip. Calif., crate Spinach. Calif, erat Banana. Ib. os (tock Hand .05 Strawberries. 12-box erste. wh LOO .00 .60 Celery heart, do. .... Martard greens Cucumber 90 to 1.40 HOPS Top. 1032. Ib. .38 .23 Top, 1931. lb. EOOS Boyla g PTieo Extra Standard odiums . .10 . .0 . .08 . .04 . .11 . .09 . .08 . 09 -6.00 .6.00 PODXTBY Old rooster - Colored hens Med in at hens Lithi hens. Bakers htXAT 1083 spring lamb Lambs, top Hog, top .4.10 .8.S5 rust cuts Rieers .04 te .04 .01 ta .02 .03 to .03 .03 to .02 Cow Heifer Bull Dretied Teal. top . .06 Orected kog . 06 O-AXU AJTO HAY Whet. weitern rod .60 .60 White, No. 1 Barley, ton. toa 16.00 430.00 Oat a, toa 20.00 te 25.00 Hay. Seytat Sri Oats and retch, ton 14.00 Alfalfa, -alley, lit ant. 15.00 -astora Onto ' Clover -y 11 00 t 14.00 WOOL Vadium .. .13 .10 .05 s. Coarse Mohair Green. TV. CASCABA BASK .01 Dry. Ib. .04 Stocks and Bonds (Copyright, 133, Standard Sutistlcs Ow) April 17 STOCX AVBRAOE 50 20 20 90 Ind'l RB's Ct's Total Today 53.9 23.6 S7.0 61. Free, day 5-5.1 26.5 67.9 5241 Weak age 68.7 26.6 67. 51.9 Tear ag 8.T 32.8 si.l fto.s 8 years ag 301.3 136.2 370.1 501.5 High 10J8 65.3 30.0 95.8 6S.8 Low 1938 42.8 28.S 61.6 43.9 High 1932 02.9 39.8 111.0 73. Low 1932 85.1 13.3 51. 35.0 BOND AVERAGES 20 20 20 60 Ind'l RR' li'i Total Today CO. 8 57.9 74.8 64.3 Pro-, day 61.0 53 2 74.7 64.6 Week ago 60.1 57.9 74.5 64.1 Year ago 00.9 64.1 79.0 69.0 9 year are 94.0 103.5 9S.8 99.4 High 1938 66.1 63.7 85.2 72.0 LOW 1938 5$.S 5T.0 74.1 83.0 llirh 1932 JAt 78.0 .2 78.1 Low 1922 53.2 47.4 70.9 57.8 Hop Sales Past Week Amount to 422 Bales, Said Last week's hop salea in this seetiOB totaled 422 hales, includ ing a purchase of 125 bales from Seavey at Engene by Bishop, with all galea except one at the 27 aad 28-cent figure. One lot. 47 bales. brought 29 cents. Sales late In the week Included (C bales from Mld- dleton of Rlckreall to Ray and 14T from Ross Wood at Dayton, to Ray, both at 28 cents. - SPECIAL SERVICE HELD FRUITAND. April IT Spe cial Easter service were observed la the church Sunday morning. Rev. O. T. Lining, Jr., la pastor. Mr. Lean and two sons, Syl vester and Bwen Honkola, ware weekend visitors here. They re port grain was water killed ta Wsshiagten and baslnes condi- 1 U on much the earn e as In Oregon. IM TTl sPJL Xtks infants, - ?-- Green Peas, Potatoesl Cheaper, Mustard Greens Received Slight increase la wool prices, to top of IS cents on median and 10 cents on coarse, were) bright lights of the local mar ket yesterday. Except for vege tables, other price were stead to begin the week. Green peas, California offer ings, are cheaper at seven cents a pouad, and new potatoes from Florida are down a half cent. Cab bage is suffer, at $3.25 a hand red. Celery hearts are coming la at 90 cents a doxen, and mustard greens from California are ouote4 at 0 cents per dosen bunch Cucumber carry a range of prices from 90 cents to $1.40. REACTIONS 111 ON FINANCIAL MART NEW YORK. Aoril 17. (API Reactions were rather general in financial markets todsy. Sales to'w ed 1,005,418 shares. Kat losses ranged up to 2 and t joints or more. American tele phone had another day of heavy going and was down 2tt net. Al lied chemical's loss was 3j, while Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Cora Products yielded about 2 to 3. Several rails and a number of in dustrials lost a point or there abonts; steel issues, however, at tained mild firmness as word was received that U. S. Steel's current operations had risen to 21 per cent of capacity, the best level since March, 1932. A few com modity shares, including metals, foods and oils, likewise finished higher. Wool is Selling Moe Freely at Boston This Week BOSTON. April 17. (AP Wool la selling a little more free ly than a week ago, with price range unchanged to firm. Re cent sales have comprised largely (4s and finer western grown wools. Receipt of domestic wool here daring the week (-ndtng April IB are estimated by tho grain and flour exchange at .- 06.500 pounds compared with 620,400 the previous week. x. 101 Synopsis of Aaaaal gia temtnt of th Potomac laiuranc Company at Ifistrict of Columbia, ea the thirty-first day of December, 1932. made to the iasaraae Comuuaiioaer at th Ststs of Oreroa. punuaat to law: CAPITA Amount of capital itock paid up, S000.- OOO.VV. IN COMB Nat pro iumt receiTed darias toe 3 far. $L335.T2.15. later, diridanli aad reat received daring the year. $143,551.08. . lacoma fro otaor aouxcre receirrd o.a ing the rear, $9,310.41. Total income. 81,480.59.64. D13EBLaSt.atI.NT Ket loaaoe paid daria g the jeer inclad- iag adjaatmeat expense. S'JSa.Ufci.-U. DiTid end paid oa capital stock danag ta year, BiL Comtnisaioa ana sala rie paiu carina the year, $573,932.19. Taxes, teense snd tees paiu Uunng Ua year, $5L16.Z0. AjBosnt of all other expea turei. itf, 19.8L Total expeaditaros, 91.709,904.40. ASSLT3 Values of real sstata owned (ir. irkeh value), NiL Iae of stocks aad noad oaacJ iaar ket yalee). 32,87 4,050.00. Loan oa mor tract aad to!4kii. ete $C47,t04.77. Cash la beak and on Band. 10-,- HS.7a. Premiums la couras of collection ri3- tan ainco fcertember 30. 194Z. f!.- 448.6. latere! and rents due aad accrued, $70,304.06. Ko-Ina. recoTersble en paid losses SV SO .-. Total admit tod aeta. $3,464,839.34. LIAB ILTTIEii Gross claims far loss napaid, $226.- 074.6L Amooat of aaearaed premium ca al oautaadiag risks. 3 L29 1.1 .. Lhes for eommisuoa aad broker xe. in timated Caatiagest Ca miioa, 417, 500.00. All Ur liabiUUe. $433,065)3. Estimated Taxes, Salartoa, etc de e are rood. 816,O.0. Total I ailiti, except capital. $V 00 4,28 8.35. CaplUl paid an, $300,000.00. Surplus rr aU lis bill tios. 60.543.1. .Surplus as regards policyholder, $ 1.460. 549.1. Total. $3,464,630.54. BUSISBSS IK OREGON FOB TBB YBAB Not preauams rtd daria g the yeac, $27095. Losooa paid dsriaf the year. $10,143.54. Ls iacartsd s-riag th year, 31L 591J4. Has a f Coapas y, Poloma Iataraa eempaay. Hast f ProoUst. Frodarick Birkar. f Sisnlarr. Akas. C. Pki!H. Stattssr tsei deal at am soy for aeieie. W. B. MsDoaald y. til xa Bldg.. Perttaad. Orf a. w. hUjaiiM. 6161. Ma 1 Bldg. Sals. Oiw. By CLIFF STERRETT CHILD S -II 1. 1 .KB, HOT, 84 Ktara Srrt Pbona 4708