The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Saleo. Oregon. Sunday Mornta?, April 16. 133
' J
, . j
I T .oral News Rriefs EASTHI
Seeks MImIm Signal City At
torney Qhris J, Ko wits has writ
ten to Southern Pacific company
To Attend . Convention Two
huadred and titty high school
boys enrolled In vocational agri-
officials-relative, to erection of a cultural courses in 25 Oregon 1 Fiflht Crates of EflOS Given
crossing signal at 14th and Mia- BCbools will attend the state con-t,9ni uraie3 01 CyUVUlVCll
a f & 1 a V I I at aw !? a 7 .
Neeay r-amuies; rnzes
Are Awarded
slon streets., as petitioned oy me Tention of Future Farmers of
city council two weeks ago, he America to be held at Corvallls
said yesterday. He abut la taking April SO to 21, Tom Willette,
up the Question of whether the Wallowa, announced here yester-
the company, as la the past, or flay. The boys will elect ten of i vin hnnHr von n raters had
the city shall repair the bridge at their number for the degree of a great time yesterday morning at
that crossing. Ever since the 70s, state farmer. Events at the eon- tfc nrA-Eaater matinee siren
the railroad company has kept the ventien will Include a mock live- them br Warner Bros, at the Cap-
bridge Jin repair but now it has 1 stock auction, a hog calling con-l Hoi theatre under the direction ol
informed: tne city tnat me com-(test, radio broadcasts, a, I Carl Porter and with Zollie Vol-
pany does not expect to do -so I a tour of the aehool and a leader- hok handling the distribution of
longer. Major repairs must ve i snip course xor local ollicera ot I awards at the event.
made to the structure soon, ac- future farmers. 1 Admission was gained through
cording to City Engineer Hugh . . . presenting three eggs, one boiled
Rogers. TV. , J. , BOW ,7' nd colored. Nearly eight crates
.. . ' . . ' Wf T"ie.tles- "l5re.t of er. 30 dosens to a crate, were
urease to Mew-ioe Marion aaiem weignts, i Diocr. west wig- obtalned for needy families In the
county Pomona grange will meet gins store. city, while 176 youngsters were
wita cut auTOivuu nn eiousc, i
inrii 19 fnr n il dv mMtinf. Accidents ot ameroas -De-
An open meeting will bo held in ?plt crod"l conditions existing
the evening to include a program.
admitted without' charge, their
school teachers having certified
that they deserved free admission.
The colored eggs were avail-
u.tir. m follow T-oii. v di! . a aay ai Associatea -naniiBB
and three orches- 1?" RJ'rJ qnarters, 21$ Court streeCtor all
resent. to play for "or , "d Eddies whose parent are unable
j L. Houck, Independence, at Court!
and Cirurch streets; Don. Wyatt,
to supply them with Easter eggs.
t li j m-.' -.1m . '1 t ITlxes ior oesi-coiorcu tsi
"u,"u unvsr. ana Uy fnUnwa; lrt
i x j a , i auiH TCHLerunv euu uuui ssvu v
chorus- of Monitor will ?tl''aMT at Associated Charities head
some memoers ana i
tree will be present
dancing later in the evening. Ev
eryono is invited free of charge.
Qo-Plo - License - ZSS?" 7
Louis E. Fowler, 23, Turner car- Commercial streets. smith who received a rabbit and
YfTSSJVSS! Tbompeo-ChimwyBUuecity Marvin Hurley who received a
18, Turner housekeeper, secured f,Tom , LzTTZA baseball mit: Dorothy Johnson
a license to wed at the court-1 fha ..' , , . , won a rabbit for the best colored
house Saturday. Rev. E. J. Gil- ,..ri. .lerir presented by a girl. Other
strap of Turner performed the 1 tiftn ... ' Bla lorixe winners Included Jean Nan
. uvu v.v,.u - r rn.. elnl.
to be ror a chimney fire at the Yt " 1
S. W. Thompson residence, 455 Jias Donald Black. Louis
rhomv- , J' rll Strand. Patience Thompson.
hiai aa nn a, " Dr. Carl Emmons represented
' I the Lions club in handling diBtrl-
Easter lilies and other nlanta. bution of the eggs and Mr. and
Lutx Flower Shop. Tel. 592. Mrs. J. H. Ross represented Asso-
Easter Lilies. Choice selection at elated Charities. Ralph H. Kletz
Olson, Florist, 499 Court. lag represented The Statesman
which cooperated with the theatre
Licenses Fewer A number I management In staging the matl
of fishing licenses were issued nee. The theatre received noth-
yesterday at the county clerk's 1 inr for the use of its property,
office here but there has been also donating the film of "Penrod
a noticeable falling off since and Sam" which was greatly en-
1932, deputies at the office re- joyed by the kiddies.
port. Angler's license for the
'Wat I
The Spa
Roast chicken and roast turkay
dinners, 50c and 75c.
The Argc
Especially fine Easter Dinner,
The Gray Belle, 440 State
Special Easter dinner, 50c.
year cost $3 for adults, $1.50 for
Estate Appraised The estate
of the late Byron Denny con
sists of property valued at $6551,
of which $1055 is real property
In Linn county, according to a
report filed- in probate court yes
terday. Alice Denny is adminis-
The undersigned CHERRY! tratrtx of the estate
heretofore adopted and used and Officials Confer Officials of
does hereby adopt and is now the state highway department
iiinr iha fniinwino- trad m.irV. neld a lengthy conference here
and having filed the same fori Saturday with Hal E. Hoss, secre
Comiaz Event
- AprO I TJaJoa Raster
sunrise service at Belcrest ,
Memorial park, 8:M sw m.
Easter services la all local
April 17 Civic Male
chorus, armory.
April IT-IS Capt, 'K. A.
Sallftlmry spewks.
-April 17 Zom Rally of
Xaaarene 700th at First
XasarcBo chuxch here.
April 18-aO Quilt exhi
bit, Kaight Memorial
April 21 Lena Belle aai
tar to preseat saasical pro
gram Y. L C A. lobby.
"May 5-4 Annual May
festivities, Willamette aat
veraity campus.
Mar 7 Music week opens
la Salem. Final phflharmoa.
It concert today.
May 2,27 Oregtm gtato
Aiieelatioa of Master
Plambers, aaaual meeting.
June 1-4 Evangelical
coafereace. First Evangeli
cal cbarch.
Jane 3-4 Foortb Aaaaal
Willamette Valley Flower
Show. ;
. Jane 1 -Wttlametto aai
versify commencement.
J una 21-23 Q. AR-and
afflliatins; bodies aaaaal ea
campmeaU July 24-26 Aaaaal En
campment, Spanish War
Sept. 4-9 Oregoa state
$35,000 for general damages.
Hower claiming to have beaa per
manently Injured in an auto ac
cident on South Commercial street
November 15, 19S2.
The plaintiff asserts that the
oil company's truck was Illegally
parked across the street as he
was driving north and that the
last-named defendants, in at
tempting to awing around the
truck, pulled into his car which
was traveling ahead of them.
Permanent injuries to his spine
resulted, plaintiff claims.
Young People and Others to
Gather, Belcrest Park
For Easter Program .
Sunrise. Xaster morning, which
comes at t:2$ a. ou will nsher m
the second annual sunrise service
sponsored by the youth .religious
orsanisattons of too eitr-at Bel-
erest Memorial park - located
southwest of the city off from the
Liberty road.
Rev. K. E. Burke, pastor of too
Dallas Christian church, will give
the address. The singing will he
led by - Rev. W. Earls Coehran,
and Rev. B. Carlo Parker will giro
the Invocation. Walter Rauhut,
director of music at the Evangeli
cal church, will play "Hoseana"
; a trombone solo, and Helen
Benner ot the First Presbyterian
church will sing "Jerusalem". The
benediction will bo by Rev. Hugh
Traffic at the park will be la
charge of the Boy Scouts of the
Jason Leo ehureh and their lead
er, Don Douria.
-Although the weather last year
was very disagreeable, the attend
ance at the snnrise service was
nearly BOO, and an attendance ot
twice that number la anticipated
this morning.
."To lime or not to lime" is one
of the big questions of lawn ova
I era whose lawns have been more
or less rained
during the past
winter. The an-
war depends
entirely upoi
the basic grass
planted on the
lawn. If it is
clover or Ken
t u e ky Blue
grass, give- it
soma lime; If it
is one of the
creeping bents
do not lime it.
While the
V-,; "
general advice and In most cases
the best advice was to rake the
moss from the lawns, rework the
barest parts and reseed. there are
those who disliked to take off the
little grass still surviving the
winter. Particularly is thU true ot
thoso who save not sufficient
tr tor irrigation during .the dry
summer months. One lawn grow
er of this group mixed a commer
cial rertilixer, creeping beat and a
little sand and spread the mix
ture over his entire lawn. He tells
m that bo believes the experi
ment will prove successful. Al
ready the old creeping bent Is
gaining sufficient headway to
enoao out much of the moss. If
tne grass can be made to rrow
strong enough It will take care of
tka moss. Those who kept their
lawns well fed last year did not
have quite as much bother with
moss as those whose lawns went
hungry. That is something to re
member for this year. You
should fertilize your lawn at least
twice during the growing season
ir ronr lawn Is comlnr alonr
I SI laaita k A a.
LIBERTY. April 1'. A Urge ""UI? " W8U
crow ttirnH out for th rrnlar -e 'ier in me season.
meeUnr of the community club nse lne mmonium sulphate
Fridar nieht. The women enter- Ier"r be sure to soak the
tained at dinner in honor of the .rouna..weU wlta wtcr so that
wo .t.nrf.n.. in rertilixer will not burn.
tirr iu9 new kt&ss has
gemot siira;i
to led in conducting the probe.
Yesterday wasn't April Fools
day by the calendar hut by cir
enmstance it was that for Salem
police. Called to the old Dan
Fry warehouse on Front street,
officers prepared to lnvestigat
th reason for the "mummified
record in the office ot the Secre- Urf,.0' 8tate' fussing equitable bodies of a woman and child" be-
tary ot State, ot the State ot r - mg xouna inere. cnier rTanit janr
Oregon, in compliance with the V V -il-T-
provisions of Sections 70-101 a ad I
70-114, Oregon Code, 1930, and Golden Honored Virril T.
particularly sections 70-105 ana Golden yesterday received two
70-108, does hereby certify: medals, the purple heart and vic-
FIRST The name of the cor- tory, for4he part he played in the
poratlon so filing is the CHER- world war. Golden was in a num-
RY CITY BAKING COMPANY, .ber of major engagements. He
organized under the laws of the served 15 months overseas
Ststa nf Orornn I
SECOND The nlace of busi-1 . " ouppon, Money neater
ness of said Corporation Is lo- ' ena"t Buli
Statewide observance of Oregon
products days during April 21 to
May was urged yesterday by Gov
ernor Julius L. Meier in a formal
statement issued at the capital.
"Statewide pride in Oregon
products and a stats-wide deter
mination that, price and quality
being equal, we will use the out
The major part of the program
was put on by talent furnished by
Doolittle's service station of Sa-
begun slugs eat it off. others com
plain. Slugs certainly didn't auf-
It developed that the "bodies" -n
were of paper mache and had farmSf wiU do mucn to d
been stored there after a state turn of normal proiperit the
fair SO years ago by a man whose roTM.nor.a t.tftm '
1" T'tJ7 d0C ?0t v,?1; "Oregon products days will give
Fry said the man had exhibited mWTnaBts a cnance to acqualnt
the mummies" at the fair, ad- tb- ntihn wits th. s.ti. ,..m-
lem, with Hobart Smith master of Ie.r ;rom coM eather of the
ceremonies of his broadcasting w.r- Tner r several things
station. Their program included .tt tn mr"t which will kill
guitar quartet numbers, blues Lop?er, "IPQto or blue
singer and yodeler with guitar ac- T"roi Prlnkled around plants
comnanlment: wisecracks, a reci- wn,cn ina. In bother will do
tation bv Mrs. Stevenson etc. All r 7lta tnem- Oregon State
numbers were enthusiastically ap- co"e- fs experimented with the
use ot blue vitrol in pasture landa
were readings by Wilms Sargeat "d. cloTr fleW w.her lts were
and Jacauelino Judd. BCT tuc"T ana ine college re-
Dr. Robert M. Gatke SDOke. ex- l? yami in roi is sue
plaining the political situation in
Germany, stating that economic
conditions were responsible for
ti 1m othnr conntrta in Kklnr & I "priuons ior COnirOUine SI an
I V. f . . . .
ii ta none xoo eany to begin
watching for rust on those ot
your perennials" which ars subject
to It, Particularly the hollyhock
and perennial phlox suffer. Leaves
that show the rust spores should
bo removed aad the plants spray
ed with a solution ot sulphide of
potassium atthe rate of one ounce
to two gaUona ot water. A diluted
Bordeaux mixture la also very ef
fective. Spray the ground well
around the plants also.
A Narcissus grower told me last
Sunday that rust was bothering
the narcissus leaves and it per
mitted to continue would also de
stroy the -bulb. Ska suggested
sprsylag the foliage with a Bor
deaux mixture as sooa aa the
spots appeared on it.
Ed O. Pratt, president of the
Salem branch of the Oregon State
Association of Master Plumbers,
announced yesterday that the
state meeting ot plumbers to be
held In Salem has been advanced
two weeks from the original data
and will be held In Salem May 2
and 27.
Change of date was made due
to the fact that on May 20 and
27, E. B. Kleine. president of the
National Association of Master
Plumbers, will be in Oregon and
has accepted an invitation of local
plumbers to attend the Salem ses
sions. The presence of the national
president of plumbers will add
greater interest to the program to
he presented, and according to
Mr. Pratt, will naturally increase
attendance at the Salem state
Charles A. ressendea. well
known ehureh snd patriotic so- '
ciety member, died it s local hos
pital Wedhesda night at the ag'
ef St years. His death resulted af
ter he underwent a serious opera-.
tion. Funeral services will be be! 1
Monday at 2 p. m. under the di
rection of tbo Terwllliger funeral
borne, from the First Methodist
churel. Interment will be in Bel
crest Memorial park.
Fessenden had for many year
been prominently connected with
the Sons of Union Veterans aad
was serving as commaadar of
Joshaa Smith camp Nov S, Salem.
He was chairman of the general
committee for the G. A. R. en
campment and allied organization
convention to bo hold the latter
part of Jane. He also was identi
fied with the men's Bible class of
the First Met-aodist church. !
DALLAS. April 15 Judge
Arlie G. Walker sentenced Rus
sell Henry, ot North Dallas, to
serve 60 days in the county jail
and to pay a fine of flOO here
Thursday morning, on a charge
of driving a car on the highway
while under the Influence of In
toxicating liquor.
cessful as a slug poison. It also
kills the earthworms and cut
worms. I have found that snarol
Is one of the best commercial
vertlslng them as brought from and faTOrabu f AP '
Egypt, and had done a land office made and 0reron gTQyrn merebAB.
business. - rim n.vii. n .,
The coffin containing tho "bod- le.rn of th nrt. ,.' va
cated at 1186 Broadway street. LbJ,i S0" h1r Htuibaxtd. ye- "fwIeill our n"-nfturing plants in op-
Sal em. Marlon County. Oregon. I "! V , . . .r! w . rY eranon ana maintain our lumber,
THIRD Tho class of mer- ? co.m1 wb" to furnish workers to whom Fry had giren agricultural, fishing and other ln-
. s . wi i f. -,T . . m i. ber 20 monthly for support and permission to salvage some old oustries
Dvd!?. 5222."!! 2! attorney', fees furniture stored In the warehouse. bODe that buver. and
alike will enter wholeheartedly in
tho observance of Oregon products
mark la appropriated la foods
sad ingredients of foods and thel Wagstaff Had tiso - Pron-
particular uwcnpuua ot iuo exty leit by the late Milton B.
goods comprised in such class Is Wagstaff had a value of S150
Breaa- I according to an appraisal filed
f uuttia-ine ixaae mars yesterday In probate court, Lou
consists or ino woras lso L. Wagstaft Is executrix.
BREAD MADE FROM WHITE Will la Court The will ot
AND WHOLE WHEAT FLOURS tho late Newel W. Clark was
SLICED, tho words appearing in admitted to probate in court here
dark blue upon a yellow back- Saturday. Nolle Hutchison la to
ground, with tho words FLUFFY be executrix. Clark died April 12.
WHEAT being diagonally across
the trade mark and tho words
Tho box with tho surprising eon
tents lay under some rafters,
.rcdr."J d that beneficial ef-
way out.
In a short business session the
matter of starting a Girl Scout
or Camp Fire Girls organisation
was brought up and it was voted
to call a special meeting to discuss
the subject further. An authority
on such girls' work is to be
brought before this meeting.
The club will enter the public
speaking contest with. other clubs,
and tryouts will bo held hero Wed-
nesdsy night. April 19. Tho his
tory contest Is also to be entered.
The quilt made for sale to bene
fit the school athletic fund was
won by Mrs. Bruce Cunniagaam.
Over SIS was realized on it.
Ringlet Ends
$2.00 Complete
Waver Co.
S07 1st National Bank Bldg.
TeL 3063
Are You
Suffering From
When your body lacks one
or more of the essential min
erals your energy lags and
more serious condition msy
result. CAL-O-DINE builds
back the proper mineral bal
aaco because It contains ev
ery essential mineral ele
ment in a form easily assimi
lated by the blood.
One half gallon, a month'a
supply, will surprise you
with its results. Send In the
coupon below. For free CAL-O-DINE
health Journal. No
A Natural Mineral Water
226 orth High Street
Selena Oregon, TeL 6726
Pleasej send me your CAL-O-
DINE Health Journal.
woman's breast. Its head reposing
on her shoulder,
Funeral is Held
For Frank Smith
Here on Saturday
fects of this observance will make
tnemseives felt throughout the
year in better business for Oregon
and more work for Oregonians".
Goodrich Akron
Tire Factories
Are Accelerated
Funeral services
yesterday morning
A 49 per cent Increase in tire
MJ U Ml V became .effective April
sw UJ - ioa - Jii ."an'V ."r.rti; Li A"on- P.- stories
i i wcuztsstti w m nrnin w irnn ii
"-ITfiS Counter Claim is ciough-Bamck cbapei tor mnk
"d. J?D I.- , . Smith. 67. resident of this com-
itvnuiiS v wniiai ruuuno Do
ing horizontally across tho trade
mark, and the words SLICED ap
pearing upon both sides of the
trade mark in a vertical position.
In tho center there is a cylin
drical design half of whiah is
in red and tho other half in a
mottled yellow, on the border.
The Flaxland Development com
pany yesterday alleged In court
here that tho Bank ot Stayton,
now in liquidation, received $1600
in Stayton cannery warrants to
his homo 'April 12. Rer. Sterling
Slater officiated. Interment was
in City View cemetery.
Ho was born in 1815 at Ger
man, N. Y. He lived with his par
ents on their farm until IS 8 S. at
which time be was united In mar
riage with Alice Cbatfield. Two
innlv nn a unfa nnrnsul ft v f fi.
there are various designs in the yiaxland firm and that the bank I on wr bo' RoT M- nd Ar
luuuniut iiiua. u-i. ..-. flia not appiy tne moneys as
bine, and red, according to the agreed upon. Tae company asks
specimens on file in tho Secre- for - aportuntlnsr ft" At n it
tary of State's office. Applicant ciaim as a COUnter one to the note
claims tne exeiusive ngnt 10 tne owed to the bank, which toUls
use of this trade mark by prior
ity ot adoption and employment.
men on file, is applied to the THKWSTRICT COURT OF
goods by fixing a label, bearing
the trade mark, to the wrapper
in which said loaves of bread
are contained or by Imprinting
or stamping the trade mark np-
on other containers for the said
No. B 18032
In the Matter of W. C. Heise.
To the creditors ot W. C. Heise,
thur, both of whom survive, the
mother having died In It 15.
Smith had been in ill health for
the past five years.
d B. F. Goodrich rnmnanr it
announced here. Saturday h
Walter Zosel, distributor of the
uoooncn itne In. this territory
oseis saiem storO is at 198
boutn commercial street.
The Increased production, is at
tributed to improved bnaln
ditlons, introduction in March of
a new safety tire and the usual
seasonal upturn.
ine new production schedule
provides for a substantial increase
in working hours of the factory's
Moore Dressed in
At Penitentiary
William James Moore, commit
ted to the state penitentiary tor
life for the murder ot Harold
O'Connor near Hood River last
fall, was dressed in at the peni
tentiary Saturday at 1 p. m. Ht
was fingerprinted, photographed
and then interviewed by prison
officials. Deputy .Warden Halley
said Moore was gloomy when he
arrived. He came to Salem ander
custody of Deputy Sheriffs Shad
rake and Sloat of Hood River. A
Hood River Jury found Moors
guilty of first degree murder and
recommended life Imprisonment
but without the privilege ot a
a Cm wn ot Salem. in th County ot Marion
goods. The trade mark hks been and af0resaid. a bankrupt-
in continuous use by the appli- NOXICE Is HEREBY GIVEN
cant since the 1st day of March. that 0Q tne 1Qtn day of ApfU
19"- Bitrivn 1933. the said W. C. Heise was
MaSS? B.Cw T MOliS? duly Jed bankrupt and
COMPANY. By W. T. MOLLOY, tnat Ue fIrst meetlns of h,g ered.
Vice President. ltor8 wiU held at room s01 ltt
STATE OF OREGON) tho Tjmted States NaUonal Bank
Building in the City of Salem,
COUNTY OF MARION) Oregon, on the 27th day of April,
Personally appeared before me 1933f at 2:30 o'clock in the aft-
thta 6th day of April. 1933, ernoon, at which time the said
WALTER T. MOLLOY, tho Vice- croditors may attend, prove their
President fit tho CHERRY CITY claims, appoint a trustee, examine
BAKING COMPANY, a corpora- the bankrupt and transact such
tion,, of Salem, Marlon County, other business as may properly
Oregon, who first being duly come before said meeting.
sworn according to law, doth de-l WILLARD L. MARKS,
pose 'and say: A.-1& Referee in Bankruptcy.
That tho statements contained
Hower Asks ior
$36JS00 Damages, Viola Early to be
Three Defendants Buried on Monday
Damages of $3 6,500 sre asked SILVERTON. April 15 Funer-
hy Bert R. Hower In an action J al services for Viola Marie Early,
filed Saturday in circuit court I four, will be held from Ekman fu
agalnst the Gllmoro Oil company taeral horns Monday at 9:15 a. m.
and Dean A. schomaker and Jerry wipn Mrs. w. O. Livingston offl
Cabbra. Fifteen hundred dollars elating. Interment will be at
Is sought for specific damages and Woodburn. The child was the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
A. Early who reside at 801 North
First street. Five brothers and
sisters, besides the parents, sur
In tho foregoing "tl0601 NOTIClT OF EXECUTOR'S SALE
tton, has filed such trade-mark that s M EndIcott as exeCntor of
wun mo secretary w ow tne laat wIU aQd testament of Cor
Oregon and has the Tight to nse nella A- DaTi8 deceased, will sell
tho-same, and that no other per- at pnDuc anction for cash in hand
son or persons, iirm or corpora-1 on Saturday the 22nd day ot
tion has the right to anctt use, abHI. H23. at Turner. Marion
and that tho specimens .tiled In j County, Oregon, at tho hour of
tho Secretary of State's1 office are! 1:0o o'clock P. M., all the person-
true and correct, " lal nronertv. eauioment. naraDher-
Snhscrihed and sworn to before aaila and household furniture to
me the day and year first above cated In the residence of said de
written. " j ' cedent and not otherwise disposed
M. CLIFFORD MOYNIHAK. of - by the last will and testament
Notary Public for Oregon. My ot said decedent, said property
commission expires August 21, consisting of miscellaneous items
1920. ot beds( bed-clothing, tables,
(SEAL) chairs, carpets, rugs, pictures.
Date, of first, publication. April t stores, clocks, mirrors, organ,
11.133. bric-a-brac and other household
Date of laat publication. May furniture and paraphernalia.
14 1933 ' . S. M. ENDICOTT.
MOYXTHAN THOMPSOV, Executor of the last will and tes
210 Oregon Building. Attorneys tament of Cornelia A. Davis,
for Claimant. Al-23-t0-M7-14. 1 Deceased. A-l-lft0-21
Oscar F. Taylor at a local hos
pital. Friday, April 14, at tho age
of 79 years. A la to resident of
960 Jefferson avenue. Survived by
State Hospital
Inmate Drowns
a brother, Ben Taylor ot Salem; mate of the atat. hoT.Ttkl cX
danrhter. Mrs. Kthel Glover. Port- 0Ine. tU..noslt.a
iVi.7. r T!r enaea nis lire, evidently by
land; five sons, Ralph C. Taylor '
oi roruiBa, a., a. lajior wi ou- , tti. w. t i
Taylor, Portland. Frank O. Tay- ts at the farm yesterday. Jun
ior of Astoria;, six grandchildren keQ w comnItted to the Btate
and one great-grandchild Funeral h08pItal from Multnomah county
services from the chapel of !a 1SI1 A DrotlMH. ho l9 jB.
Clough-Barrlck company Monday, ken.g re8ides ln Port.
Ayrit xi fc y. in. niiu VST I land,
H. o. uumpnreys onictaung. in
terment family plot at I. O. O. F.
. Jankea - .
Cornelius Juaken. route I, Frl-I
day,' April 14, aged 49 years. Snr-
rived by brother, Bert S. Junken
of Portland. Private services later j
under the direction of the Clough
Barrlck company.-
Dr. B. H. White
No' Charge for Consultation
Night and Day Calls
. Osteopathic Physician aad
Office: 355 North Capitol SL
Telephone 5036, Salem, Oregon
Why Not?
Easter dinner at
Today W & 75c
Bear in mind this impor
tant fact: The filling of
prescriptions is the . most
important part of our busi
ness. Supplementary to this
are our drugs and supplies
at cut rate prices always.
Drug; Store
1S5 Jf. Commercial - Dial S107
The Origiaal Yellow Front
Candy Special St or of Salem
O Unless you have seen and ridden
oo Jumbos you cannot realize what
a big difference they make In ap
pearance and performance of a car.
O Streamlined like the new auto
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add the finishing touch of style to
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O This streamline design is th
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not enough air to blow out too
much soft rubber to skid. It means
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roadsand a big saving in car up
keep cost.
WHfcest Qpcratloe' er Lots Tlate
129 Ortroa Bide v Pbn SSS
for constipation, rheumatism,
appendicitis, colitis, and blood,
gland, stomach disorders.
Chinese Medicine Co.
Ill N. Court St.
Hours Dally Sunday 9-11
Vacuum Cleaners
and Floor Waxers
To Rent:
Call 60 to, Used . Foralturo
. Departaaeat "
151 Northmen
Let us put a ut on jour car for free trial If you decide to
keep them, our special change-over terms will make it easy
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Only Locction
We win go long way to make friends